Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Threads executing in sequence instead of parallel

2006-10-02 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys

On 29/09/06, Vincent Snijders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I thought in your initial mail your were talking about having a console test app
with threads. Synchronize is harder then, because you have to call 


Below is a text (console) thread demo. The one thread counts from 0 to
1k and the other thread counts down from 1k to 0.  Again, under Linux,
one thread executes and teminates, then the next thread executes and
terminates.  Under windows, both threads run at the same time (output
is mixed as expected). No sychronize() is used in this demo.  See
attached screenshots for my output.

 - Graeme  -

program demo1;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

 {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}
 Classes, SysUtils;

 // counts up till 1k
 TIncrementer = class(TThread)
   procedure Execute; override;

 // counts down from 1k
 TDecrementer = class(TThread)
   procedure Execute; override;

 TRunThreads = class(TObject)
   procedure ThreadTerminated(Sender: TObject);
   t1, t2: TThread;
   FThreadCount: integer;
   constructor Create;
   procedure RunNow;

{ TRunThreads }

procedure TRunThreads.ThreadTerminated(Sender: TObject);

constructor TRunThreads.Create;
 FThreadCount := 2;

 t1 := TIncrementer.Create(True);
 t1.OnTerminate := @ThreadTerminated;
 t1.Priority := tpLower;
 t1.FreeOnTerminate := True;

 t2 := TDecrementer.Create(True);
 t2.OnTerminate := @ThreadTerminated;
 t2.Priority := tpLower;
 t2.FreeOnTerminate := True;

procedure TRunThreads.RunNow;
 until FThreadCount = 0;
 WriteLn('All threads completed!');

{ TIncrementer }

procedure TIncrementer.Execute;
 i: integer;
 for i := 0 to 1000 do
   Writeln(Classname + ': ' + IntToStr(i));

{ TDecrementer }

procedure TDecrementer.Execute;
 i: integer;
 for i := 1000 downto 0 do
   Writeln(Classname + ': ' + IntToStr(i));

 lRunThreads: TRunThreads;

 lRunThreads := TRunThreads.Create;


There's no place like

Description: PNG image

Description: PNG image
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Threads executing in sequence instead of parallel

2006-10-02 Thread Pete Cervasio
On Friday 29 September 2006 04:57, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

 Below is a text (console) thread demo. The one thread counts from 0 to
 1k and the other thread counts down from 1k to 0.  Again, under Linux,
 one thread executes and teminates, then the next thread executes and

Greetings, Graeme.

I think I see the problem.  On today's fast machines, a count of 1000 just 
isn't enough processing for a meaningful test, at least not under Linux.  I 
really don't know much about Windows, but my conjecture is that perhaps under 
that system the function calls to write the output cause the other thread to 
receive processing time.

The following modified version of your program shows that threads work under 
Linux.  The execute loops have been modified to continually count up/down (as 
appropriate) until terminated.  The RunNow procedure was modified to let the 
threads run for three seconds before terminating them itself, and the 
FThreadCount thing was taken out (along with the OnTerminate handlers).

To properly see the output, you should redirect it to a file, unless you 
really have a LOT of scrollback buffer set up.  :-)  On my Athlon XP 2200 I 
get a file 35.5 megabytes in size!

~/tmp $./demo1  demo1.txt
~/tmp $ls -l demo1.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 pcervasio users 39566886 2006-10-02 12:31 demo1.txt

After looking at the contents of demo1.txt, I can see that the increment 
thread actually got to its eleventh count up before the decrement thread got 
its first share of time.  This should help explain why in your original 
program it appeared that one thread was executing to completion before the 
other... it WAS, but only because there wasn't enough to do.

The above was done using version 2.04 of the compiler on a Slackware 10.1 
machine with a 2.4.32 kernel.  I appear to get similar results on my 
box after copying the executable over (running an Athlon 2600).  The 
decrementor first shows up after incrementor loop 15.  The redirected output 
file is 53 megabytes, though... much bigger than I expected from the machine 
speed difference alone.

I hope this is helpful.

Best regards,
Pete C.


program demo1a;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

  {$IFDEF UseCThreads}
  Classes, SysUtils;

  // counts up till 1k until terminated
  TIncrementer = class(TThread)
procedure Execute; override;

  // counts down from 1k until terminated
  TDecrementer = class(TThread)
procedure Execute; override;

  TRunThreads = class(TObject)
t1, t2: TThread;
constructor Create;
procedure RunNow;

{ TRunThreads }

constructor TRunThreads.Create;

  t1 := TIncrementer.Create(True);
  t1.Priority := tpLower;
  t1.FreeOnTerminate := True;

  t2 := TDecrementer.Create(True);
  t2.Priority := tpLower;
  t2.FreeOnTerminate := True;

procedure TRunThreads.RunNow;
  donetime: TDateTime;
  { run for 3 seconds }
  donetime := now + encodetime(0, 0, 3, 0);
sleep (100);
  until now  donetime;
  sleep (10); { give threads a chance to end }
  WriteLn('All threads completed!');

{ TIncrementer }

procedure TIncrementer.Execute;
  i, j: integer;
  j := 0;
  while not terminated do
writeln (ClassName, ': --- Loop ', j);
for i := 0 to 1000 do
  if terminated then break;
  Writeln(Classname, ': ', i);

{ TDecrementer }

procedure TDecrementer.Execute;
  i, j: integer;
  j := 0;
  while not terminated do
writeln (ClassName, ': --- Loop ', j);
for i := 1000 downto 0 do
  if terminated then break;
  Writeln(Classname, ': ', i);

  lRunThreads: TRunThreads;

  lRunThreads := TRunThreads.Create;

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Threads executing in sequence instead of parallel

2006-09-29 Thread Vincent Snijders

Graeme Geldenhuys schreef:

On 28/09/06, Vincent Snijders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I know about this report:

Threading related, but not the same, as you are not using synchronize,
are you?


Do you mean like below - which then means, I do use synchronize.  I
use synchronize to draw on the main form (running in the main thread).
I don't get any lockups as that bug report says, but then I am
running under Ubuntu that uses Gnome desktop. Again, no such issues
under Windows.

TSortThread is the base class for my three different Sorting threads,
so they all use this function.

procedure TSortThread.VisualSwap(A, B, I, J: Integer);
 FA := A;
 FB := B;
 FI := I;
 FJ := J;

They never attached a sample application, so I can't try it on my
system to see if I get the same issues as they do, but as I stated, I
don't get lockups, only that the threads run in sequence - one after
the other.

What platform are you running on, Windows?

All gui stuff I run on windows. Non visual test apps, I can run on linux too.

If I really want I could do GUI in linux too, but I don't know too much about gtk 
and I rather spent time on improving things on the windows platform.

I thought in your initial mail your were talking about having a console test app 
with threads. Synchronize is harder then, because you have to call CheckSynchronize 

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] RE: Threads executing in sequence instead of parallel

2006-09-29 Thread Jason P Sage
Hi - I read enough of this topic to compel me to respond. 

I have been working with Multi-threading in Free Pascal for a only a month
or so now and I learned a great deal - and I have resigned to accepting
there are design considerations I have had to adopt to get the results I
wanted - that some times seem a bit less than ideal - but the pay offs have
been wonderful. Let me digress a little...

First of all - THREADS running in a SERIAL fashion... Yup... 

I had that problem and I resorted to the SAMPLE tthreads.pp I think its
called, as a starting point. It is an extremely simple example of
multi-threading working that comes with either FPC or the FPC source

I was fighting the serial execution - and then I ran that little tiny test
program - and it worked. I tried to fix my code some more - same problem -
but the little test program worked... so I finally (this is what I mean when
I say I resigned to design changes) adopted that EXACT example as the
foundation for how I would implement my THREADS.

I create my threads like a thread pool, I create them all suspended.
(Because that parts works pretty easy)... 

I set up the EXECUTE MY THREAD... as a loop... BUT - Each iteration calls
its own SUSPEND method So it does a cycle and all I have to do is re
initialize the parameters it works with BEFORE I resume it So its...
as I call it ready to fire again, and then I just resume from the main
program that is handling all these threads.

Basically the test program has a working example of two threads looping at
the same time and the simple output shows they are truly multi-tasking... I
built my app into this same idea - with the addition that I suspend the loop
each go round the suspended threads in turn become my ready to do
something ones. If they aren't idle - they are either busy or trying to
find the meaning of life.

One of the biggest issues which is hard to debug if you aren't looking for
it ... is WHY does a thread stay working when it should have finished the
loop? It COULD be a bug in some dumb routine - but in many of my own cases -

- it is accessing data that I wanted SHARED by all the threads... I know
there is this critical section stuff and all that... but I found it simpler
to make a RECORD STRUCTURE INSIDE the Threaded class that has all the DATA
relevant to that INSTANCE - and then write shared routines that PASS this
structure by value - so there is less need to worry about sharing data
across the threads.

I follow two rules - if it MUST be shared - treat it read only. 
If it can be copied to the thread's instance and does NOT really need to
actively traded between the threads, I put it in this record structure - I
refer to as Thread CONTEXT.

Now - to handle the ABSOLUTELY MUST allow main app to talk with thread etc.

I keep it simple... each thread has a structure in the main program's
space allocated - and the main program can read an write to it, and the
thread can also... I try to keep the data simple - and less consequential to
synchronization isn't a big deal - like an IDLE FLAG - or sending a message
to the main program. I may write something out there, to a round robin like
queue, and manage the pointers, and set up a way for the main program to
read the info - when it can in a manner that doesn't interfere with the
thread and vice versa.

The moral of this story is four fold in my experience so far.

1: ITS Definitely worth it - the speed attained from multi threading, and in
many cases the simplicity of having specific tasks go away and work and
return when finished - well... I enjoy it.

2: Debugging a shared memory thing or one thread stomping another somehow -
is a REAL pain to debug... have a great error logging system you can include
or exclude with a compiler switch - they are priceless - never too big a log
file when debugging -- speaking for myself. My favorite thing is a NEST
COUNTER.. and my logs indent the nest level as periods . so I can see when
routines are entered and exited. (I don't use the integrated environment
cause I can never get it configured right... I'm a command line junkie)

3: Keep it simple Silly Principle. Advanced methods not working? Resort to
something you KNOW works (like the little demo) and build from there. It's
often better to go around a mountain than climb the thing. Even though I'm
always up for challenges - sometimes ya just need to (Maybe you've heard the
famous comedian Larry the Cable Guy say this now famous slang term: 
Git-R-Dun (Get it Done ;)

4: Threading IS NOT always the best solution. This has been mentioned in a
Lazarus WIKI I read. I'm building multi-user web applications and database
stuff etc. So its great for me. If I was making a FTP server like FileZilla
- I would do it also - even for the client - separate threads downloading
different files at once... But frankly - as many know - sometimes
alternatives can actually be faster - like multiplexing - or well managed
messaging systems - where 

Re: [fpc-pascal] RE: Threads executing in sequence instead of parallel

2006-09-29 Thread memsom

Some rambling observations:

 I was fighting the serial execution - and then I ran that little tiny test
 program - and it worked. I tried to fix my code some more - same problem -
 but the little test program worked... so I finally (this is what I mean
 I say I resigned to design changes) adopted that EXACT example as the
 foundation for how I would implement my THREADS.

I think your issue was possibly related to misuse of API. Certainly, on
the WIN32 platform, unless you use the WaitForX or Sleep functions,
you'll end up with serial processing because your task is too processor
intensive and will starve the other process of any time slices. The
scheduler can't context switch as easily if there is a contiguous task
taking up processor time, and if you're doing things that can't be
interrupted (e.g. copying large chanks of data from one file to another)
it can't always (ever?) interrupt the task safely.

As mentioned before, use Events, Sepahores and such to create a state
machine alike. This will then break the work up into chunks, hopefully.

Multithreaded programming is a completely different paragdim to standard
single threaded programming.

 I create my threads like a thread pool, I create them all suspended.
 (Because that parts works pretty easy)...

Okay, that will work.

 I set up the EXECUTE MY THREAD... as a loop... BUT - Each iteration calls
 its own SUSPEND method So it does a cycle and all I have to do is re
 initialize the parameters it works with BEFORE I resume it So its...
 as I call it ready to fire again, and then I just resume from the main
 program that is handling all these threads.

Eeek!! Suspending and resuming threads on Win32 is extremely unreliable
IMO. Far better to have an event (as in win32 API, not Delphi Event),
have the thread wait on it being signalled (e.g. WaitForSingleObject) and
then restart the thread at that point!!

Suspending a running thread is a great way to cause a Deadlock too.

 Basically the test program has a working example of two threads looping at
 the same time and the simple output shows they are truly multi-tasking...
 built my app into this same idea - with the addition that I suspend the
 each go round the suspended threads in turn become my ready to do
 something ones. If they aren't idle - they are either busy or trying to
 find the meaning of life.

Creating threads suspended is a very good idea. This way you can start
them in a specific sequence. If you create them as the thread object is
created, there is a chance you'll create a race condition because of the
potential lag of the data initialization with in your TThread descendent.

 One of the biggest issues which is hard to debug if you aren't looking
 it ... is WHY does a thread stay working when it should have finished the
 loop? It COULD be a bug in some dumb routine - but in many of my own cases

 - it is accessing data that I wanted SHARED by all the threads... I know
 there is this critical section stuff and all that... but I found it
 to make a RECORD STRUCTURE INSIDE the Threaded class that has all the DATA
 relevant to that INSTANCE - and then write shared routines that PASS
 structure by value - so there is less need to worry about sharing data
 across the threads.

Stay away from Critical Sections. They are a complete hack IMO. They breed
logic races. You'll end up debugging weird deadlocks because one thread is
waiting to enter a piece of code in a critical section whilst another is
in the critical section waiting on the first to complete the task it is
waiting on the second to exit the critical section on. And that is just
with two threads ;-) Use PostThreadMessage for comms, and don't share non
essential data between threads. Create a multiread single write mechanism
for your stored shared data.

 Now - to handle the ABSOLUTELY MUST allow main app to talk with thread

Use a locking mechanism... Create two methods:

function Lock(const timeout: cardinal): boolean;
procedure Unlock;

make Unlock only Unlock the locker if the lock is owned by the calling
process. Make the Lock attempt to lock for up to the timeout (miliseconds)
and if the lock fails handle that. You then can gain exclusive access tot
he thread.

All you then do is make the thread use the locker whenever it accessed the
shared data.

I suggest using a Semaphone in win32, though I guess a Mutex would
potentially work too. Using a semaphore you can extend at a later date to
allow mutiple locks.



fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] RE: Threads executing in sequence instead of parallel

2006-09-29 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys

Thanks Jason - I don't recall you mentioning what platform you are
working on, but I gather in is some *nix platform.  The only thing you
just proofed with your post is - threading is not working correctly!

There shouldn't be a need for workarounds like suspending threads to
get others to work. The whole point of threads, is let them run all at
once in parallel.  Delphi does it, Kylix does it, FPC under win32 does
it!  Linux doesn't!  Instead of figuring out a workaround, rather
submit a bug report with an example.

My apps follow the fire and forget method and it works 100% under
Delphi and Kylix, but since I moved to FPC, this is causing more and
more headaches.  Take on of my apps as an example.  I start my app,
and get to the login prompt.  While I am logging in, the app fires off
a thread to populate the lookup tables from a database, another thread
loads the application/system settings.  I also have another thread
that does logging - to file, to console, to a log window or any
combination of the three.  Each logging type is another thread, and
letting them run is serial is not a solution. Neither is playing
round-robin with all those threads to suspend one, to get the next one
in the queue to run.  How does that take advantage of multiprocessor
pc's or hyper threading or the new Core 2 Due processors? It doesn't.

Make no mistake, I love Free Pascal too and it offers a lot for a
great price.  All my previous posts, was just me trying to debug the
threading and pinpoint the problem. All to make it easier for the
person that knows the internals of FPC to fix something like that. I
am not a Compiler developer, I'm a Application developer.  ;-)   After
all my tests, I now know it is a bug, and submitted a report on Mantis
with two demos.

Now the interesting part is how did I get started with all this
threading business under FPC.? :-)
I needed to port a Kylix app to FPC and wanted to take advantage of
threads as the app lends itself perfectly for threading.  I thought to
test the qualify of FPC threading support, I would first port one or
two of the top 10 threading applications that was submitted to Borland
in a Threading Contest which Borland held in 2002. Search Borland's
CodeCentral or I could post the link.  There are some good threading
examples available.  :-)

On 29/09/06, Jason P Sage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi - I read enough of this topic to compel me to respond.

I have been working with Multi-threading in Free Pascal for a only a month
or so now and I learned a great deal - and I have resigned to accepting
there are design considerations I have had to adopt to get the results I
wanted - that some times seem a bit less than ideal - but the pay offs have
been wonderful. Let me digress a little...

First of all - THREADS running in a SERIAL fashion... Yup...

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] RE: Threads executing in sequence instead of parallel

2006-09-29 Thread Marc Santhoff
Am Freitag, den 29.09.2006, 19:00 +0200 schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
 Thanks Jason - I don't recall you mentioning what platform you are
 working on, but I gather in is some *nix platform.  The only thing you
 just proofed with your post is - threading is not working correctly!
 There shouldn't be a need for workarounds like suspending threads to
 get others to work. The whole point of threads, is let them run all at
 once in parallel.  Delphi does it, Kylix does it, FPC under win32 does
 it!  Linux doesn't!  Instead of figuring out a workaround, rather
 submit a bug report with an example.

FWIW, maybe only to take the general suspicion from unix-like systems:

On FreebBSD 4.11 I ran the GUI-threading demo posted by you without any
problem in the expected quasi-parallel manner.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] RE: Threads executing in sequence instead of parallel

2006-09-29 Thread Пётр Косаревский
 I would first port one or
 two of the top 10 threading applications that was submitted to Borland
 in a Threading Contest which Borland held in 2002. Search Borland's
 CodeCentral or I could post the link.  There are some good threading
 examples available.  :-)

I have troubles searching. Please, post the link (to the list of rated 
submissions or something).
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: Re[2]: [fpc-pascal] RE: Threads executing in sequence instead of parallel

2006-09-29 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys

On 29/09/06, Пётр Косаревский [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would first port one or
 two of the top 10 threading applications that was submitted to Borland
 in a Threading Contest which Borland held in 2002. Search Borland's
 CodeCentral or I could post the link.  There are some good threading
 examples available.  :-)

I have troubles searching. Please, post the link (to the list of rated 
submissions or something).

Try the following:

Aboute the Contest

Fun with Threads

The winners,1410,29786,00.html

 - Graeme -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Re: Threads executing in sequence instead of parallel

2006-09-28 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys

Ok, I have tried this under Windows and Linux, with FPC 2.0.2, 2.0.4 and 2.1.1.

This seems to only be a problem under Linux. Threading works fine
under Windows (via WINE or native), but is screwed under Linux native!
Under Linux, it has been tested with 2.0.4 and 2.1.1 (I saw no point
testing it with 2.0.2 as I don't use that version anymore under
Linux).  Threading runs sequential (one thread, after the other) in
Linux, instead of in parallel which totally defeats the point of
threads.  I take this as a critical bug with FPC - unless someone can
proof otherwise.  More testing under Linux revealed that I have quite
a few apps, that are affected by this.

I have tested this on 4 different machines all with the same outcome.
Is any body else using threading in their applications?  Are you
experiencing the same issues under Linux? If so, I will submit a bug
report with a sample app showing the issue tomorrow.

This is the output of 'uname -a' to show my kernel version.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ uname -a
Linux graemeg-laptop 2.6.15-27-386 #1 PREEMPT Sat Sep 16 01:51:59 UTC
2006 i686 GNU/Linux

 - Graeme -

On 28/09/06, Graeme Geldenhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We have a problem!!!

The test project /fcl/tests/threads.pp as well as a Sort Demo (Bubble,
Section and Quick Sort) all execute the threads in sequence, waiting
for the previous thread to complete, before the next one executes.
Kind of defeats the point of using threads.

The Sort Demo, which is a port of the Threads demo included with
Delphi 7, shows this clearly.  I can archive and post the source, but
you would need Lazarus LCL to run it as it is visual. The sort demo
has three columns with identical random data.  The three sort methods
are applied to each column respectively and gives visual feedback as
it sorts the data (horizontal lines of different lengths).

The threads.pp test project in fcl, shown a lot of a's on the screen
and after a while, starts displaying b's on the screen.  Looking at
the source, I gather the a's and b's are supposed to be mixed as each
thread gets processor time.

I am using FPC 2.1.1 (svn version from a week ago) and running it
under Ubuntu Linux 6.10 on x86 CPU  (Pentium 4).

  - Graeme -

There's no place like
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Threads executing in sequence instead of parallel

2006-09-28 Thread Vincent Snijders

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
Ok, I have tried this under Windows and Linux, with FPC 2.0.2, 2.0.4 and 

I have tested this on 4 different machines all with the same outcome.
Is any body else using threading in their applications?  Are you
experiencing the same issues under Linux? If so, I will submit a bug
report with a sample app showing the issue tomorrow.

I know about this report:

Threading related, but not the same, as you are not using synchronize, 
are you?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Threads executing in sequence instead of parallel

2006-09-28 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys

What is also very interresting, which I thought I would share.  I
added three more Bubble Sort columns to my test app (total of 6 sort
threads - knowing bubble sort is the slowest).

I then created all 6 threads suspended (t1 thru t6 in order).  I then
resumed the threads in the order t1, t6, t2 thu t5.   They still
executed in the *creation order* ( t1 thru t6.) and not the resumed
order. Meaning t1 started and completed, t2 started and complete, etc.

Not sure if this might help the debug process...

 - Graeme -

On 28/09/06, Graeme Geldenhuys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 28/09/06, Vincent Snijders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know about this report:

 Threading related, but not the same, as you are not using synchronize,
 are you?


Do you mean like below - which then means, I do use synchronize.  I
use synchronize to draw on the main form (running in the main thread).
 I don't get any lockups as that bug report says, but then I am
running under Ubuntu that uses Gnome desktop. Again, no such issues
under Windows.

TSortThread is the base class for my three different Sorting threads,
so they all use this function.

procedure TSortThread.VisualSwap(A, B, I, J: Integer);
  FA := A;
  FB := B;
  FI := I;
  FJ := J;

They never attached a sample application, so I can't try it on my
system to see if I get the same issues as they do, but as I stated, I
don't get lockups, only that the threads run in sequence - one after
the other.

What platform are you running on, Windows?

  - Graeme -

There's no place like

There's no place like
fpc-pascal maillist  -