Re: [fpc-pascal] error compiling lazarus

2011-01-09 Thread Jonas Maebe

On 09 Jan 2011, at 11:26, Benedikt Schindler wrote:

>> What did you do to fix the linking of 32 bit programs on your system? (since 
>> in the previous message you showed that this did not work)
> sorry, here is what i have done to solve the linking problems:
> i chnaged the positions in: /etc/
> so there is always the lib32 directory before the lib64 directory.
> now it looks like this:
> /lib
> /lib64
> /usr/lib
> /usr/lib64
> [...]
> i thought this shouldn't make any differnce ... but it did.

It's a very bad idea to mess around with standard settings in that file unless 
you really know what you are doing (and for the record, I don't know the 
details about that either).

> After that i just created a few missing symlinks for gtk and gdk libs.
> For example: ln -s /usr/lib/
> /usr/lib/
> or is that not allowed?

It is "allowed", but unless you know the low level details of how your 
distribution is designed you are very likely to mess things up. If you don't 
have those symlinks, it's much better to install the "development" variants of 
the relevant packages. Amongst other things, they will create those syminks.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] error compiling lazarus

2011-01-09 Thread Benedikt Schindler
On 01/09/11 00:45, Jonas Maebe wrote:
> On 09 Jan 2011, at 00:32, Benedikt Schindler wrote:
>> I think this is a problem with the 64Bit compiler.
>> In 32Bit this problem doesn't exist.
> What did you do to fix the linking of 32 bit programs on your system? (since 
> in the previous message you showed that this did not work)

sorry, here is what i have done to solve the linking problems:

i chnaged the positions in: /etc/

so there is always the lib32 directory before the lib64 directory.

now it looks like this:


i thought this shouldn't make any differnce ... but it did.

After that i just created a few missing symlinks for gtk and gdk libs.
For example: ln -s /usr/lib/

or is that not allowed?
>> If i compile a 32bit programm wih lclproc.pas in the
>> uses class everything looks fine.
>> If i try to run the compiled programm then it sayed:
>>> execvp:  : Permission denied.
>> if i compile the same programm without lclproc.pas in the uses class
>> everthing works fine, and i could run the programm.
>> Does someone know, what bash command lclproc.pas tryes to use in the
>> initialization ?
> That error message has nothing to do with bash commands. It usually means 
> that an invalid dynamic linker is used. You can see the specified dynamic 
> linker by looking for the entry containing "" in the output of 
> "ldd programname" (if you don't use any units, then the program won't be 
> linked dynamically and hence you cannot have this problem).
> Make sure the dynamic linker exists and is for the same architecture as the 
> program itself. In case you solved the 32 bit compilation problem by changing 
> some symlinks or copying some files, then that is probably the reason for 
> this problem.

i have to look into that.
with "ldd ./lazarus" it also sayed Permission denied.
i will look if i find something with a wrong dynamic linker.

thanks so far
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] error compiling lazarus

2011-01-08 Thread Jonas Maebe

On 09 Jan 2011, at 00:32, Benedikt Schindler wrote:

> I think this is a problem with the 64Bit compiler.
> In 32Bit this problem doesn't exist.

What did you do to fix the linking of 32 bit programs on your system? (since in 
the previous message you showed that this did not work)

> If i compile a 32bit programm wih lclproc.pas in the
> uses class everything looks fine.
> If i try to run the compiled programm then it sayed:
>> execvp:  : Permission denied.
> if i compile the same programm without lclproc.pas in the uses class
> everthing works fine, and i could run the programm.
> Does someone know, what bash command lclproc.pas tryes to use in the
> initialization ?

That error message has nothing to do with bash commands. It usually means that 
an invalid dynamic linker is used. You can see the specified dynamic linker by 
looking for the entry containing "" in the output of "ldd 
programname" (if you don't use any units, then the program won't be linked 
dynamically and hence you cannot have this problem).

Make sure the dynamic linker exists and is for the same architecture as the 
program itself. In case you solved the 32 bit compilation problem by changing 
some symlinks or copying some files, then that is probably the reason for this 

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] error compiling lazarus

2011-01-08 Thread Benedikt Schindler

here is a upate on my problems with the actual svn version of fpc and

In 64Bit my fpc has still the problem to compile svn2revisioninc.
It rais an exception on the following line:

Application := TSvn2RevisionApplication.Create(nil);

I think this is a problem with the 64Bit compiler.
In 32Bit this problem doesn't exist.
But there is an other interesting behaviour.

If i compile a 32bit programm wih lclproc.pas in the
uses class everything looks fine.
If i try to run the compiled programm then it sayed:

> execvp:  : Permission denied.

if i compile the same programm without lclproc.pas in the uses class
everthing works fine, and i could run the programm.

Does someone know, what bash command lclproc.pas tryes to use in the
initialization ?

thanks & best regards
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] error compiling lazarus

2011-01-03 Thread Benedikt Schindler
I was wrong.
It is not the same error with 32Bit.
I didn't make sure that he recompiles the svn2revisioninc.
In 32Bit i get a linking problem on crti.o.

But i have the package installed and the 32Bit crti.o is pressent in

> linux-t613:/# ls /usr/lib/crt*
> /usr/lib/crt1.o  /usr/lib/crti.o  /usr/lib/crtn.o

Also the i386 section  in "/etc/fpc.conf" is set correctly
And "-Fl/usr/lib/" also shows up in the compiler line.
But it still didn't get found.

Target OS: Linux for i386
Compiling svn2revisioninc.pas
Assembling svn2revisioninc
Linking ./svn2revisioninc
/usr/bin/ld: warning: ./link.res contains output sections; did you
forget -T?
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib64/crti.o when searching for
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find /usr/lib64/crti.o
Error: Error while linking
Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted

has someone an idea what i could do to try if the 32bit version would
work on my computer?

best regards

On 01/03/11 12:45, Benedikt Schindler wrote:
> On 01/02/11 22:45, Benedikt Schindler wrote:
>> On 01/02/11 20:17, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
>>> Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> i compiled it with the svn version of fpc and of lazarus.
> still the same error.

 I've been having problems on one particular machine over the last few
 days which I suspect are down to inadequate RAM+swap- I think I've
 only got around 512Mb total.
>>> This was on a SPARC/Linux system, it's not the same as the slow Solaris
>>> compilation I've been ranting about. A system with around 512Mb RAM+swap
>>> is having problems usually during linkage, while one with around 768Mb
>>> RAM+swap is OK.
>> I don't think i have a RAM problem.
>> I am running this on a
>> Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9900  @ 3.06GHz
>> 8GB RAM
>> ppcx64
>> i can reproduce the error with this little programm.
>> The programm still prints the "test1" and "test2".
>> And when he tryes to set the var Application it crashed in Line47.
>> [programm listing]
> today i tested the 32bit version.
> same error.
> i am using:
> OpenSuSe 11.3
> latest online updates installed
> i tried to compile with fpc-2.4.2-1   32Bit and 64Bit
> so far it sounds like i am the only one who experienced this error.
> i will make some more tests to see if i could get more details on that
> error.
> have a nice day
> Benedikt
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] error compiling lazarus

2011-01-03 Thread Benedikt Schindler
On 01/02/11 22:45, Benedikt Schindler wrote:
> On 01/02/11 20:17, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
>> Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
 i compiled it with the svn version of fpc and of lazarus.
 still the same error.
>>> I've been having problems on one particular machine over the last few
>>> days which I suspect are down to inadequate RAM+swap- I think I've
>>> only got around 512Mb total.
>> This was on a SPARC/Linux system, it's not the same as the slow Solaris
>> compilation I've been ranting about. A system with around 512Mb RAM+swap
>> is having problems usually during linkage, while one with around 768Mb
>> RAM+swap is OK.
> I don't think i have a RAM problem.
> I am running this on a
> Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9900  @ 3.06GHz
> ppcx64
> i can reproduce the error with this little programm.
> The programm still prints the "test1" and "test2".
> And when he tryes to set the var Application it crashed in Line47.
> [programm listing]

today i tested the 32bit version.
same error.

i am using:
OpenSuSe 11.3
latest online updates installed
i tried to compile with fpc-2.4.2-1   32Bit and 64Bit

so far it sounds like i am the only one who experienced this error.
i will make some more tests to see if i could get more details on that

have a nice day
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] error compiling lazarus

2011-01-02 Thread Benedikt Schindler
On 01/02/11 20:17, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
>>> i compiled it with the svn version of fpc and of lazarus.
>>> still the same error.
>> I've been having problems on one particular machine over the last few
>> days which I suspect are down to inadequate RAM+swap- I think I've
>> only got around 512Mb total.
> This was on a SPARC/Linux system, it's not the same as the slow Solaris
> compilation I've been ranting about. A system with around 512Mb RAM+swap
> is having problems usually during linkage, while one with around 768Mb
> RAM+swap is OK.

I don't think i have a RAM problem.
I am running this on a

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9900  @ 3.06GHz

i can reproduce the error with this little programm.
The programm still prints the "test1" and "test2".
And when he tryes to set the var Application it crashed in Line47.

<<<  test svn2revisioninc.pas >>>

program Svn2RevisionInc;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

  Classes, CustApp;


  { TSvn2RevisionApplication }

  TSvn2RevisionApplication = class(TCustomApplication)
test : string;
constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;

procedure Run;

  Application: TSvn2RevisionApplication = nil;

constructor TSvn2RevisionApplication.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
  inherited Create(TheOwner);
  test := 'test1';
  test := 'test2';

destructor TSvn2RevisionApplication.Destroy;
  inherited Destroy;

procedure TSvn2RevisionApplication.Run;

  Application := TSvn2RevisionApplication.Create(nil);

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] error compiling lazarus

2011-01-02 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

i compiled it with the svn version of fpc and of lazarus.
still the same error.

I've been having problems on one particular machine over the last few 
days which I suspect are down to inadequate RAM+swap- I think I've only 
got around 512Mb total.

This was on a SPARC/Linux system, it's not the same as the slow Solaris 
compilation I've been ranting about. A system with around 512Mb RAM+swap 
is having problems usually during linkage, while one with around 768Mb 
RAM+swap is OK.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] error compiling lazarus

2011-01-02 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

Benedikt Schindler wrote:

On 01/02/11 17:09, Paul Ishenin wrote:

02.01.2011 22:57, Benedikt Schindler wrote:


when i try to compile lazarus i get following error:
[compiler crash]

has anyone an idea what this could be?

If the compiler version is from older than today please try to update
and rebuild the compiler.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin

i compiled it with the svn version of fpc and of lazarus.
still the same error.

I've been having problems on one particular machine over the last few 
days which I suspect are down to inadequate RAM+swap- I think I've only 
got around 512Mb total.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] error compiling lazarus

2011-01-02 Thread Benedikt Schindler
On 01/02/11 17:09, Paul Ishenin wrote:
> 02.01.2011 22:57, Benedikt Schindler wrote:
>> hello,
>> when i try to compile lazarus i get following error:
>> [compiler crash]
>> has anyone an idea what this could be?
> If the compiler version is from older than today please try to update
> and rebuild the compiler.
> Best regards,
> Paul Ishenin

i compiled it with the svn version of fpc and of lazarus.
still the same error.

best regards,
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] error compiling lazarus

2011-01-02 Thread Paul Ishenin

02.01.2011 22:57, Benedikt Schindler wrote:


when i try to compile lazarus i get following error:
[compiler crash]

has anyone an idea what this could be?
If the compiler version is from older than today please try to update 
and rebuild the compiler.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin
fpc-pascal maillist  -