RE: MIF File Import

2010-05-07 Thread Reng, Dr. Winfried
Hi Grace,

Actually you can start with a MIF file which was saved from
FrameMaker. However, you must delete _everything_ which is
not relevant to the formats which you want to change.
Use a regular text editor for this.

You must import such a MIF snippet (that's the term which is
used for such parts of a MIF file; you can search for this
via any search engine) by File | Import | File. Then select 
the MIF snippet and select Copy into Document. Then import 
the changed formats via File | Import | Formats into the 
other files of your book.

Here is a sample, which updates some of my system variables
and cross-reference definitions after translation (as Trados 
presents only those variables to the translator which are
actually in use; those which are defined but not used, will
not be translated). (I deleted most of the formats to
keep it short for this e-mail.)

MIFFile 7.00 # Generated by FrameMaker 7.1p116
  VariableName `Table Continuation'
  VariableDef ` (Forts.)'
  # end of VariableFormat
  VariableName `Table Sheet'
  VariableDef ` (Abschnitt $tblsheetnum\ von $tblsheetcount\)'
  # end of VariableFormat
 # end of VariableFormats
  XRefName `figure: number, page'
  XRefDef `$paranumonly\ auf Seite $pagenum\'
  # end of XRefFormat
  XRefName `heading: number, text, page'
  XRefDef `$paranum\ \xe3 $paratext\\xd3  auf Seite $pagenum\'
  # end of XRefFormat
  XRefName `table: number, page'
  XRefDef `$paranumonly\ auf Seite $pagenum\'
  # end of XRefFormat
# End of MIFFile

Best regards


 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of 
 KChebe Grace
 Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 10:40 PM
 Subject: MIF File Import
 I am currently using a MIF file to make changes to a book.  I 
 want the file to change some of my paragraph styles to small 
 font and the color to white.  At a later point I want to have 
 the mif file change some of my variable settings.  This would 
 allow me to make one set of files work for multiple locations 
 by importing a different mif file.  
 The problem that I have is that when I import the mif file, 
 which now only contains the code to change paragraph styles 
 is overwriting the existing variables in the book.  
 It is my understanding that I should be able to keep the mif 
 file as small as possible and use it to only have code to 
 change the things that I want to change without having to 
 account for parameters that are not being changed.  
 Can someone provide some assistance as to why this mif file 
 is behaving this way?

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RE: Frame's File Comparison Feature

2010-05-07 Thread Reng, Dr. Winfried
Hi Steve,

I do not use XML yet. Therefore I may be wrong. Please
correct me, if this is not correct! My understanding is 

o Of course the translation memory system can import
  XML as easily as FrameMaker. Some systems charge
  additionally for a FrameMaker filter. Or XML (depending
  on the EDD/DTT) might need a special definition in the
  translation memory system to identify the part which
  needs to be translated (e.g. attributes).

o When you give XML files to a translation agency, the
  resulting translation memory could be re-used with
  other translation memory systems (via TMX) better
  than when you use FrameMaker files. FrameMaker files
  contains lots of information which is handled differently
  than XML.
  Therefore the number of pretranslated segments and fuzzy-
  matches would increase, _if_ you switch the system.
  (That's just an assumption. This could be wrong.)

o Translation cost saving calculations with XML are mostly 
  based on chunking.
  That means only those chunks are translated which are
  actually changed. As DITA is supposed to split a FrameMaker
  file into more XML files as compared to a regular FM file,
  the files to be translated are smaller. This might save 
  However, I could also use FrameMaker insets to have
  smaller files.
  Additionally, make sure that you will be notified of
  terminology changes. Such changes must also be done
  in already translated files.

o When you use XML as your primary storage format, infos
  like table column widths or graphics scaling get lost.
  I want to have this information present after translation.
  Therefore I would prefer to use structured FrameMaker and 
  not XML. But that's my oppinion.
  (Possibly FrameMaker does store such information in
  processing instructions. Or someone wrote a plug-in
  for this. I do not know.)

Best regards


 -Original Message-
 From: Steve Johnson [] 
 Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 4:27 AM
 To: Reng, Dr. Winfried
 Cc: FrameMaker Forum
 Subject: Re: Frame's File Comparison Feature
 Can't translation vendors do memory diffs just as easily on Frame
 files vs. XML files?
 I don't see the advantage there.
 On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 3:04 AM, Reng, Dr. Winfried wrote:
  What you're considering is (or should be) neither necessary
  nor desirable. Your translation vendor should be using a
  translation memory (and you should request a copy of it,
  since you've paid for it, so that you're not locked into this
  vendor because it's holding your translation memory hostage).
  When you send an updated set of files for a book that's
  already been translated once, the unchanged paragraphs will
  match the translation memory. Only the portions that are new
  or changed need to be translated.
  If your vendor isn't using translation memory, find a new
  one. If it is using translation memory, there's no point in
  you trying to dissect files and reassemble them -- you'd gain
  nothing and risk all kinds of problems.
  Of course almost all translation agencies use a translation memory
  system nowadays.
  If the vendor uses a translation memory system, such a system can
  easily check the number of non-translated segments (a segment is a
  translation unit) and segments which can be pretranslated or
  translated with the help of fuzzy-matches.
  However, the vendor will still charge for pretranslated segments.
  The reason is that often the terminology must be changed with
  new text. Or references to a previous segment will not be correct
  any longer, because e.g. you inserted another segment. The reference
  may still be correct in English but not in a foreign language.
  The costs per pretranslated segment depend on your vendor, mostly
  around 25 % of non-translated segments.
  Best regards

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RE: Frame's File Comparison Feature

2010-05-07 Thread Kevin Farwell

Hi Dr. Reng,

You're right in some of the things you said, but other things need a 
little tuning. I've salted some responses and corrections in below.


Hi Steve,

I do not use XML yet. Therefore I may be wrong. Please
correct me, if this is not correct! My understanding is

o Of course the translation memory system can import
  XML as easily as FrameMaker. Some systems charge
  additionally for a FrameMaker filter. Or XML (depending
  on the EDD/DTT) might need a special definition in the
  translation memory system to identify the part which
  needs to be translated (e.g. attributes).

All TM tools I've used come with a filter for FrameMaker. I don't 
know of any that charge extra for filters, but none should. My 
opinion is translation memory technology is still in version 1.0, 
with only filters to differentiate tools.  (Okay, maybe some 
segmenting is better, but really, the process is just comparing 
bytes, and the bytes have been pretty standard since, well, computers 
were invented. No flames, please) All TM tools will also handle XML, 
but you're right that it is more difficult because XML is random as 
an input. Even standards like DITA can be used in wildly different 
ways. Users must define their own filters, which might result in a 
setup fee at the beginning of a project. However, once the filter is 
built, a word of FrameMaker should cost the same to translate as a 
word of XML.

It's worth mentioning structured FrameMaker filters just like 
unstructured FrameMaker. The structure parts are outside the text 
definition parts of the file, so any filter that works on one will 
work on the other. If you want to move to structure within 
FrameMaker, it shouldn't alarm your translation vendor much. The one 
exception, when last I looked, was Alchemy Publisher, but that was 
over six months ago.

o When you give XML files to a translation agency, the
  resulting translation memory could be re-used with
  other translation memory systems (via TMX) better
  than when you use FrameMaker files. FrameMaker files
  contains lots of information which is handled differently
  than XML.
  Therefore the number of pretranslated segments and fuzzy-
  matches would increase, _if_ you switch the system.
  (That's just an assumption. This could be wrong.)

TMX is a bit of a sham, actually. True, it is a standard interchange, 
but tools don't necessarily have the same internal markup. A TM 
created in one tool might be unusable in another. TMX would make the 
TM legible to the second tool, but the database itself would not be. 
A six millimeter square peg would not fit a six millimeter round 
hole, even if a team of physicists agreed the standard millimeter was 

You are right FrameMaker has a lot of information that is handled 
differently or not at all in XML, but the same is true going the 
other way. No DTP format compares well with any other, and none 
compares well with XML. Any sentence with no internal markup will be 
the same, but toss an an index marker, cross-reference, etc., and 
fuzzy match rates start climbing. OpenTag, and subsequently XLIFF, 
made an effort to address this, but they suffer the same weakness as 
TMX. A standardized way of capturing disparate information doesn't 
help humans move the information around.

I have had much better luck fixing TMs outside of TM tools. Changing 
formats is not easy, but removing index markers from FrameMaker 
segments, for example, will make them match XML segments, which don't 
have markers of any kind. This is a through-the-looking-glass kind of 
process, but it results in better TM matching. The minimum gain has 
been10% and my record is 28%. With moderate word and language counts, 
the process pays for itself many times over.

o Translation cost saving calculations with XML are mostly
  based on chunking.
  That means only those chunks are translated which are
  actually changed. As DITA is supposed to split a FrameMaker
  file into more XML files as compared to a regular FM file,
  the files to be translated are smaller. This might save
  However, I could also use FrameMaker insets to have
  smaller files.
  Additionally, make sure that you will be notified of
  terminology changes. Such changes must also be done
  in already translated files.

Insets, absolutely! I wouldn't move to another format until the one 
you're in is exhausted. The drill these days is a rote prescription 
of DITA plus a content management system to solve all problems, but a 
few shared chapter files and a few insets and a variable here and 
there might solve the problems just as well with no additional 

I'm all for XML, and mostly for content management, but neither 
should be used without a good reason. FrameMaker actually comes out 
of the box with a lot of good reasons not to move to XML.

Translation cost is the main part of localization, but keep 
formatting in mind. Automated formatting with XML tools also 

RE: MIF File Import

2010-05-07 Thread Rick Quatro
I may have missed something in this thread, but if you are using
FrameScript, it makes the MIF snippet technique obsolete.

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing Inc.

*** Frame Automation blog at

You're going to have to script it. A MIF file is a text representation
of a Frame file.

Instead of importing the MIF file you'll probably need to write a
script that will remove the formatting in the MIF file with your
content and replace the formatting as desired. Someone can probably
point you to a utility that will do this.

I've started to do something similar in FrameScript, not too easy.

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 3:40 PM, KChebe Grace wrote:
 I am currently using a MIF file to make changes to a book.  I want the
file to change some of my paragraph styles to small font and the color to
white.  At a later point I want to have the mif file change some of my
variable settings.  This would allow me to make one set of files work for
multiple locations by importing a different mif file.

 The problem that I have is that when I import the mif file, which now only
contains the code to change paragraph styles is overwriting the existing
variables in the book.

 It is my understanding that I should be able to keep the mif file as small
as possible and use it to only have code to change the things that I want to
change without having to account for parameters that are not being changed.

 Can someone provide some assistance as to why this mif file is behaving
this way?


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RE: FrameMaker 3 files

2010-05-07 Thread Rick Quatro
Wow! It is interesting to see the Release Notes from FrameMaker 3. This is
the first version of FrameMaker that I used.

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing Inc.

*** Frame Automation blog at

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Shlomo Perets
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 6:34 PM
Subject: re: FrameMaker 3 files

I was able to open FM3 files (from 1992...) in FM9, without any 
problems/messages, so it may indeed (unfortunately) indicate that something 
is wrong with the files themselves.

Here is a sample FM3 file, in case you want to try opening it in your

Shlomo Perets,
FrameMaker training  consulting


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FrameMaker 3 files

2010-05-07 Thread subscribe
Thanks to everyone for their help. You've all been generous with it!

to: Jeremy H. Griffith

Thanks for the tip about file length. As it happens, all five files have sizes 
evenly divisible by 1024 bytes. I also examined a couple of files to see if 
they ended (or even began) with a spurious 0D 0A (or either, singly), and 
that's not the case either. Good thought, though. I'm going to add this tip to 
my toolbox.

to: Frank Stearns

I'm betting you're right; the files are corrupt. At least I have been able to 
resurrect some of the information, even if I haven't been able to fully recover 
the files.

I asked the developer who supplied the files how the files were stored, and he 
told me that the files were stored on hard drives (no further information; see 
next paragraph), in a CVS repository. There's more--the CVS repository was 
imported from an older revision history system. The history for the older 
system notes that the files were added to the system in 1993, but doesn't have 
information on modifications. (Which could mean either no modifications or no 
tracking.) The files were checked in to the older system by someone other than 
the original authors. The files have not been modified since they were added to 

Given all that, our developer notes that it is perfectly possible that the 
files were corrupted before they were introduced to the older system, with the 
usual caveat about CVS's habit of messing with CRs and LFs. (I did try altering 
the files to compensate for this, with no result.) One additional complicating 
factor is that several of our file servers used to be on-site, and that quite a 
lot of them are now networked drives in distant cities.

Sorry if this isn't quite the information you were hoping for.

to: Shlomo Perets

Thanks for the FM3 file. It opened easily enough without my having even to 
resort to heroic open. As far as I'm concerned, this is the final nail in the 
coffin--the files are corrupted.

The good news is that the preliminary work I put into resurrecting data from 
the files hasn't been wasted. In the end, only the diagrams have been lost, and 
some of the context of the largest file is a little tricky to reconstruct. 
That's not too hard to bear at all.

to: all those who wrote me off-list

Thanks! I will reply soon if I haven't already. (I'm temporarily separated from 
my mail client, and am relying on webmail.)



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Ann: MIF File Import and save in fm or mif

2010-05-07 Thread Georg Eck
Make changes in your fm files (or mif files) and save your one or more
documents or books in mif or re-save it in fm again:
Take TOOLBOX for FrameMaker:  Save FM-MIF or Document/Book Transfer
This plug-in transfers FrameMaker documents (including cross-referenced
graphics and text inserts) 
to another directory and convert to MIF or back to fm.



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Survey: Considerations for Using DITA

2010-05-07 Thread Lynne A. Price

titleDITA Survey/title
h3Survey: Considerations for Using DITA/h3
pTo help potential
users decide whether to use DITA and how much effort doing so would involve,
Text Structure Consulting, Inc. is conducting a survey to better
understand the documentation projects for which DITA is appropriate.
If you are using or considering DITA (or have done so), please take
the time to share your experience by completing the survey. Partial
and anonymous responses are welcome. You can send your response (embedded
in an email message, in Microsoft Word, RTF, Adobe FrameMaker, or
PDF) to a; If you 
prefer to answer by phone,

you can write to the same address to schedule an interview./p
forward the survey to other documentation professionals you know
who might like to participate. If you are involved in multiple relevant
projects or would like to add to an earlier response, feel free
to complete the survey multiple times. Answers from different people
working on the same project will gladly be received./p
the survey is being distributed largely by forwarded email, statistically
significant results are not expected. Nevertheless, survey responses
should help existing users re-evaluate their projects and possibly
learn about new tools,
potential users evaluate the relevance of DITA, and consultants decide
when to recommend it. If an interesting
number of responses are received, the results will be summarized
on and submitted for possible presentation at Balisage:
The Markup Conference in early August, 2010 (see
If at all possible, please respond by June 15 so that information
can be prepared for the conference./p
pThe survey questions are available at
a href=; and are repeated here:
h4Personal Identification/h4
li style=margin-top: 6ptWhat is your name, affiliation, and name of 
your project?/li
li style=margin-top: 6ptWhat is your personal role in your project 
(e.g., author, editor,

li style=margin-top: 6ptAre you an end user, consultant, or tool 
li style=margin-top: 6ptIs this a new survey response or a replacement 
for an earlier

li style=margin-top: 6ptDo you give permission for your responses to be 
quoted in a

summary of the results of this survey? Do you want such quotations
to be anonymous or attributed to you?
h4Project Identification/h4
ol start = 6
li style=margin-top: 6ptWhat industry does your documentation 
li style=margin-top: 6ptWhat type of processing does your project 
involve (authoring,

publishing, translating, indexing, analyzing, etc.)?/li
li style=margin-top: 6ptHow many documents or pages do you process 
annually? How much

of this material is new and how much revised?/li
li style=margin-top: 6ptHow do you publish documents (paper, PDF, Web, 
CD, etc.)?/li

li style=margin-top: 6ptHow many document tool users do you have?/li
li style=margin-top: 6ptHow many people use your finished documents?/li
li style=margin-top: 6ptAre your documents translated to multiple 
languages or localized

in any other form? Are all documents localized or only some? How
many languages do you support? /li
li style=margin-top: 6ptAre your documents revised and republished?/li
h4General software considerations/h4
ol start = 14li style=margin-top: 6ptWhat documentation
software does your project use:? Consider DITA-specific tools, XML
tools, content management, word processing, desktop publishing,
text editors, database management, project management, spreadsheets,
and any other relevant tools./li
li style=margin-top: 6ptDo you have software that enforces that writers 
follow your

organization's conventions?/li
li style=margin-top: 6ptDo all groups within your organization use the 
same tools?

All people in your group?/li
li style=margin-top: 6ptIs authoring geographically distributed?/li
li style=margin-top: 6ptHow are editing tasks assigned to individual 
writers or editors?

For example, is a writer responsible for a document or document
component through multiple revisions, or is an available writer
assigned whenever a change is needed? Do writers need specific expertise,
such as knowledge of a documented product, to maintain particular
pieces of content?/li
li style=margin-top: 6ptDo you reuse all or parts or your documents? 
What size units

do you reuse? In how many documents does a typical reusable component
occur? What percentage of a typical document is comprised of reusable
h4DITA Considerations/h4
ol start = 20
li style=margin-top: 6ptFor what types of documents (user manuals, 
online help, test plans,

requirement specifications, journal articles, technical books, technical
reports, interdepartmental memos, etc.)
ol type=a
li style=margin-top: 6ptDoes your project use DITA?/li

Re: FrameMaker 3 files

2010-05-07 Thread Klaus Daube
On 6 May 2010 at 11:10, wrote:

 I tried opening the v3 files in FM5.1.1, and no joy. That far back, the
 heroic open doesn't even exist. I tried opening the v3 files in FM5.5.6,
 and the heroic open fails just as it does for FM7.1.

I have some FM3 files from a demo diskette - which open well (File  Open) in 
both FM 7.2 and 
FM 8.0 slthough they do not have a .fm extension (Activities, Financial, Intro 

Of course I get messages about old version and missing fonts.

Klaus Daube
Docu + Design Daube; Schäracher 11; CH-8053 Zürich
Technical documentation  consultancy; On-line and paper
F: +41-44-422 86 25  E:  W:


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FrameMaker 3 files--SOLVED

2010-05-07 Thread subscribe
With the help of Simon BUCH, I have recovered all the files. Mr Buch 
successfully converted the first of the files. With his sample, and the 
knowledge that it was possible, I converted the remaining files.

The core of the problem is to replace CR/LF (0D 0A) with LF (0A). That much I 
had already tried.

But apparently it's crucial to reinstate the CR/LF after the MakerFile 3.0F 
line at the start of the line. That much I missed!

Thanks to you all for your help, plus an extra doff of my cap to Simon Buch.

Final score: all 5 files recovered, including diagrams



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Re: FrameMaker 3 files

2010-05-07 Thread LW White

Doug, you didn't mention and it would probably be too good to be true, but if 
you have PDFs of these files, you can export those PDFs as HTML, which will not 
only give you your text but also create separate files of each image. This has 
probably already crossed your mind :)


Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 12:05:53 -0700
Subject: Re: FrameMaker 3 files

Hi Doug...
Got your files, but unfortunately I've been unable to open them in FM4. 
When I try I'm told that they are damaged. I tried using a heroic open, 
but that doesn't seem to have existed in FM4 (when I use it I end up 
with a H in the current document, which indicates that the Esc o H key 
sequence isn't defined).
I suppose that it *is* possible that these files are in fact corrupt. 
When I open them in a text editor, they have the basic chunks of stuff 
that you'd expect, but there could be some extra binary bits at the end 
that may be causing the problem. FM4 doesn't have a SaveAs FM3 option 
so I can't compare a good file against yours. You can open them in a 
text editor and pick out some of the words in plain text, but that's 
probably not terribly useful.
Perhaps someone else actually has a copy of FM3 .. or if you're lucky 
you could find one for sale on eBay.
Sorry I wasn't able to help!
Scott Prentice
Leximation, Inc.
subscr...@... wrote:
 Just for those who might someday have to tread this path:

 I tried opening the v3 files in FM5.1.1, and no joy. That far back, the 
 heroic open doesn't even exist.
 I tried opening the v3 files in FM5.5.6, and the heroic open fails just as 
 it does for FM7.1.

 Since Scott Prentice of Leximation  
The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with 

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Question about flow and background text frames

2010-05-07 Thread Andy Kass
Hi everyone,

I have unstructured FM 8, fully patched, on Vista.

I'm working on templates and having an issue with background text frames. What 
I'd like is for the Glossary and Index template files to have permanent 
headings, that is cannot be edited on the body pages.

After reading the help, it sounds like I need to put the heading in a 
background text frame on a First master page. But to make a background text 
frame, it must be untagged and unconnected, which means the heading it contains 
no longer shows up in my Table of Contents.

Does anyone know a workaround or another way to achieve this?



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RE: Question about flow and background text frames

2010-05-07 Thread Combs, Richard
Andy Kass wrote:
 I'm working on templates and having an issue with background text frames.
 What I'd like is for the Glossary and Index template files to have
 permanent headings, that is cannot be edited on the body pages.
 After reading the help, it sounds like I need to put the heading in a
 background text frame on a First master page. But to make a background text
 frame, it must be untagged and unconnected, which means the heading it
 contains no longer shows up in my Table of Contents.
 Does anyone know a workaround or another way to achieve this?

The primary purpose of background text frames is to hold text that repeats on 
multiple pages -- yes, you may have a First master page that occurs only once 
per file, but it's the exception that proves the rule. :-) 

The functionality you'd like really can't be made to exist without significant 
change in how FM works. 

A TOC consists of hypertext links (go to markers) to specific points in the 
flow (destination markers). If the destination marker were on the master page, 
how would the link work? FM would have to somehow replicate that destination 
marker on each body page (floating on the page somewhere, since there's no text 
location for it) where the background text appeared. 

If there were more than one such body page, which one would the link in the TOC 
point to? FM would then have to make each replicated marker unique so that each 
link pointed to a unique destination. 

The workaround is to put the heading in the main flow at the top of the first 
body page. And then don't edit it. It's only going to change if someone 
consciously edits the text. Is it really that hard for you and/or your 
co-workers to refrain from doing that? :-) 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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Re: Question about flow and background text frames

2010-05-07 Thread Andy Kass
Thanks, Richard, for confirming that that's just how FM works.

I still don't see the technical limitation. Master pages are applied
to the body pages, which in my mind implies being copied into the
relevant body page. So it would be possible to compute the page that
the text frame appears on and link to it in the TOC. If a text frame
is used repeatedly, it should just get several TOC entries (indexing
would work similarly).

To me, it just seems that disconnecting a text frame is overloaded
with the meaning of making it background as well. I'm thinking it
should work just like a text inset, just stored on the Master pages
instead of in a separate file (because it will never be shared with
another file). But I'm new to working with Body/Master/Reference
pages, so maybe I am misunderstanding them.


- Richard Combs wrote:
 The primary purpose of background text frames is to hold text that
 repeats on multiple pages -- yes, you may have a First master page
 that occurs only once per file, but it's the exception that proves the
 rule. :-) 
 The functionality you'd like really can't be made to exist without
 significant change in how FM works. 
 A TOC consists of hypertext links (go to markers) to specific points
 in the flow (destination markers). If the destination marker were on
 the master page, how would the link work? FM would have to somehow
 replicate that destination marker on each body page (floating on the
 page somewhere, since there's no text location for it) where the
 background text appeared. 
 If there were more than one such body page, which one would the link
 in the TOC point to? FM would then have to make each replicated marker
 unique so that each link pointed to a unique destination. 
 The workaround is to put the heading in the main flow at the top of
 the first body page. And then don't edit it. It's only going to change
 if someone consciously edits the text. Is it really that hard for you
 and/or your co-workers to refrain from doing that? :-) 

 Andy Kass wrote:
  I'm working on templates and having an issue with background text
  frames. What I'd like is for the Glossary and Index template files
  to have permanent headings, that is cannot be edited on the body
  After reading the help, it sounds like I need to put the heading in
  a background text frame on a First master page. But to make a
  background text frame, it must be untagged and unconnected, which
  means the heading it contains no longer shows up in my Table of
  Does anyone know a workaround or another way to achieve this?

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Re: eBooks

2010-05-07 Thread Scott Prentice

Hi Diana...

This may not be exactly what you're looking for .. but I've been 
successful at using the dita4publishers DITA-OT plugin to convert  
DITA content (authored in FM or other XML editors) to the ePub format. 
If you'd like more info on this, let me know.



Scott Prentice
Leximation, Inc.

Diana Stock wrote:

Wondering if anyone within the list has attempted to repurpose one of their FM 
manuals to an eBook format (Smartphone) with success.

Would like to contact off list for techniques and software recommendations.

Diana Stock

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RE: Question about flow and background text frames

2010-05-07 Thread Combs, Richard
Andy Kass wrote:
 Thanks, Richard, for confirming that that's just how FM works.
 I still don't see the technical limitation. Master pages are applied
 to the body pages, which in my mind implies being copied into the
 relevant body page. So it would be possible to compute the page that
 the text frame appears on and link to it in the TOC. If a text frame
 is used repeatedly, it should just get several TOC entries (indexing
 would work similarly).
 To me, it just seems that disconnecting a text frame is overloaded
 with the meaning of making it background as well. I'm thinking it
 should work just like a text inset, just stored on the Master pages
 instead of in a separate file (because it will never be shared with
 another file). But I'm new to working with Body/Master/Reference
 pages, so maybe I am misunderstanding them.

I suppose the app could be coded to work in a way somewhat analogous to text 
insets, but with complete frames instead of flows. But I suspect that if each 
body page contained a frame inset for each instance of every background text 
frame (header, footer, etc.), it would add considerable overhead and 
complexity. And the frame inset management/UI issues -- I shudder to think. 

Besides, a text-inset-like implementation still wouldn't solve the unique 
destination problem. Since each occurrence of the frame inset would be an 
exact copy of the master page source, the hypertext destination marker in the 
source would still be replicated in each frame inset, and there would still 
be the disambiguation problem. 

I'm not sure what you're getting at with disconnecting a text frame is 
overloaded with the meaning of making it background as well. But there are 
completely legitimate reasons for using disconnected text frames and/or 
multiple flows in the body pages of the doc -- newsletters are one example. 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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RE: Question about flow and background text frames

2010-05-07 Thread Matt Sullivan
To add to Richard's excellent summary of why you can't do what you want the
way you want...

I recommend the following to students and template dev clients to ensure
ease of use and consistency in headings like TOC and IX:

Set the autonumbering of your TOC_Title paragraph tag to display the phrase
Table of Contents. Do the same for any other generated TOC or IX. 

You'll still have to add it manually, but it'll be consistent, and will show
in your TOC (as long as you define the TOC so that you display the
$paranum instead of the $paratext building block.


Matt Sullivan
GRAFIX Training

714 960-6840
714 585-2335 cell /txt/sms
skype: mattrsullivan

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Combs, Richard
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 12:35 PM
To: 'Andy Kass';
Subject: RE: Question about flow and background text frames

Andy Kass wrote:
 I'm working on templates and having an issue with background text frames.
 What I'd like is for the Glossary and Index template files to have 
 permanent headings, that is cannot be edited on the body pages.
 After reading the help, it sounds like I need to put the heading in a 
 background text frame on a First master page. But to make a background 
 text frame, it must be untagged and unconnected, which means the 
 heading it contains no longer shows up in my Table of Contents.
 Does anyone know a workaround or another way to achieve this?

The primary purpose of background text frames is to hold text that repeats
on multiple pages -- yes, you may have a First master page that occurs only
once per file, but it's the exception that proves the rule. :-) 

The functionality you'd like really can't be made to exist without
significant change in how FM works. 

A TOC consists of hypertext links (go to markers) to specific points in the
flow (destination markers). If the destination marker were on the master
page, how would the link work? FM would have to somehow replicate that
destination marker on each body page (floating on the page somewhere, since
there's no text location for it) where the background text appeared. 

If there were more than one such body page, which one would the link in the
TOC point to? FM would then have to make each replicated marker unique so
that each link pointed to a unique destination. 

The workaround is to put the heading in the main flow at the top of the
first body page. And then don't edit it. It's only going to change if
someone consciously edits the text. Is it really that hard for you and/or
your co-workers to refrain from doing that? :-) 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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Re: Question about flow and background text frames

2010-05-07 Thread Andy Kass
That is a nice workaround, unfortunately, my paragraph tag is named Heading 
GlossaryIndex and I use it in both files. I might try it out though. One extra 
step you didn't mention: tweaking the Running H/F variable to use $paranum as 

For maintenance reasons, I want my template files to differ in the least number 
of ways, and unfortunately, that's seems to be an unobtainable ideal.



- Matt Sullivan wrote:

 To add to Richard's excellent summary of why you can't do what you
 want the way you want...
 I recommend the following to students and template dev clients to
 ensure ease of use and consistency in headings like TOC and IX:
 Set the autonumbering of your TOC_Title paragraph tag to display the
 phrase Table of Contents. Do the same for any other generated TOC
 or IX. 
 You'll still have to add it manually, but it'll be consistent, and
 will show in your TOC (as long as you define the TOC so that you
 display the $paranum instead of the $paratext building block.

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FrameMaker 3 files

2010-05-07 Thread Shlomo Perets
I was able to open FM3 files (from 1992...) in FM9, without any 
problems/messages, so it may indeed (unfortunately) indicate that something 
is wrong with the files themselves.

Here is a sample FM3 file, in case you want to try opening it in your system:

Shlomo Perets,
FrameMaker training & consulting

MIF File Import

2010-05-07 Thread Reng, Dr. Winfried
Hi Grace,

Actually you can start with a MIF file which was saved from
FrameMaker. However, you must delete _everything_ which is
not relevant to the formats which you want to change.
Use a regular text editor for this.

You must import such a MIF snippet (that's the term which is
used for such parts of a MIF file; you can search for this
via any search engine) by "File | Import | File". Then select 
the MIF snippet and select "Copy into Document". Then import 
the changed formats via "File | Import | Formats" into the 
other files of your book.

Here is a sample, which updates some of my system variables
and cross-reference definitions after translation (as Trados 
presents only those variables to the translator which are
actually in use; those which are defined but not used, will
not be translated). (I deleted most of the formats to
keep it short for this e-mail.)

 # Generated by FrameMaker 7.1p116

 > # end of VariableFormat
   von <$tblsheetcount\>)'>
 > # end of VariableFormat
> # end of VariableFormats

   auf Seite <$pagenum\>'>
 > # end of XRefFormat
   \xe3 <$paratext\>\xd3  auf Seite <$pagenum\>'>
 > # end of XRefFormat
   auf Seite <$pagenum\>'>
 > # end of XRefFormat
# End of MIFFile

Best regards


> -Original Message-
> From: framers-bounces at 
> [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of 
> KChebe Grace
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 10:40 PM
> To: framers at
> Subject: MIF File Import
> I am currently using a MIF file to make changes to a book.  I 
> want the file to change some of my paragraph styles to small 
> font and the color to white.  At a later point I want to have 
> the mif file change some of my variable settings.  This would 
> allow me to make one set of files work for multiple locations 
> by importing a different mif file.  
> The problem that I have is that when I import the mif file, 
> which now only contains the code to change paragraph styles 
> is overwriting the existing variables in the book.  
> It is my understanding that I should be able to keep the mif 
> file as small as possible and use it to only have code to 
> change the things that I want to change without having to 
> account for parameters that are not being changed.  
> Can someone provide some assistance as to why this mif file 
> is behaving this way?

Frame's File Comparison Feature

2010-05-07 Thread Reng, Dr. Winfried
Hi Steve,

I do not use XML yet. Therefore I may be wrong. Please
correct me, if this is not correct! My understanding is 

o Of course the translation memory system can import
  XML as easily as FrameMaker. Some systems charge
  additionally for a FrameMaker filter. Or XML (depending
  on the EDD/DTT) might need a special definition in the
  translation memory system to identify the part which
  needs to be translated (e.g. attributes).

o When you give XML files to a translation agency, the
  resulting translation memory could be re-used with
  other translation memory systems (via TMX) better
  than when you use FrameMaker files. FrameMaker files
  contains lots of information which is handled differently
  than XML.
  Therefore the number of pretranslated segments and fuzzy-
  matches would increase, _if_ you switch the system.
  (That's just an assumption. This could be wrong.)

o Translation cost saving calculations with XML are mostly 
  based on chunking.
  That means only those chunks are translated which are
  actually changed. As DITA is supposed to split a FrameMaker
  file into more XML files as compared to a regular FM file,
  the files to be translated are smaller. This might save 
  However, I could also use FrameMaker insets to have
  smaller files.
  Additionally, make sure that you will be notified of
  terminology changes. Such changes must also be done
  in already translated files.

o When you use XML as your primary storage format, infos
  like table column widths or graphics scaling get lost.
  I want to have this information present after translation.
  Therefore I would prefer to use structured FrameMaker and 
  not XML. But that's my oppinion.
  (Possibly FrameMaker does store such information in
  processing instructions. Or someone wrote a plug-in
  for this. I do not know.)

Best regards


> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Johnson [mailto:chinaski69 at] 
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 4:27 AM
> To: Reng, Dr. Winfried
> Cc: FrameMaker Forum
> Subject: Re: Frame's File Comparison Feature
> Can't translation vendors do memory diffs just as easily on Frame
> files vs. XML files?
> I don't see the advantage there.
> On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 3:04 AM, Reng, Dr. Winfried 
>  wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >> What you're considering is (or should be) neither necessary
> >> nor desirable. Your translation vendor should be using a
> >> translation memory (and you should request a copy of it,
> >> since you've paid for it, so that you're not locked into this
> >> vendor because it's holding your translation memory hostage).
> >>
> >> When you send an updated set of files for a book that's
> >> already been translated once, the unchanged paragraphs will
> >> match the translation memory. Only the portions that are new
> >> or changed need to be translated.
> >>
> >> If your vendor isn't using translation memory, find a new
> >> one. If it is using translation memory, there's no point in
> >> you trying to dissect files and reassemble them -- you'd gain
> >> nothing and risk all kinds of problems.
> >
> > Of course almost all translation agencies use a translation memory
> > system nowadays.
> >
> > If the vendor uses a translation memory system, such a system can
> > easily check the number of non-translated segments (a segment is a
> > translation unit) and segments which can be pretranslated or
> > translated with the help of fuzzy-matches.
> > However, the vendor will still charge for pretranslated segments.
> > The reason is that often the terminology must be changed with
> > new text. Or references to a previous segment will not be correct
> > any longer, because e.g. you inserted another segment. The reference
> > may still be correct in English but not in a foreign language.
> > The costs per pretranslated segment depend on your vendor, mostly
> > around 25 % of non-translated segments.
> >
> > Best regards
> >
> > Winfried

Frame's File Comparison Feature

2010-05-07 Thread Kevin Farwell
Hi Dr. Reng,

You're right in some of the things you said, but other things need a 
little tuning. I've salted some responses and corrections in below.


>Hi Steve,
>I do not use XML yet. Therefore I may be wrong. Please
>correct me, if this is not correct! My understanding is
>o Of course the translation memory system can import
>   XML as easily as FrameMaker. Some systems charge
>   additionally for a FrameMaker filter. Or XML (depending
>   on the EDD/DTT) might need a special definition in the
>   translation memory system to identify the part which
>   needs to be translated (e.g. attributes).

All TM tools I've used come with a filter for FrameMaker. I don't 
know of any that charge extra for filters, but none should. My 
opinion is translation memory technology is still in version 1.0, 
with only filters to differentiate tools.  (Okay, maybe some 
segmenting is better, but really, the process is just comparing 
bytes, and the bytes have been pretty standard since, well, computers 
were invented. No flames, please) All TM tools will also handle XML, 
but you're right that it is more difficult because XML is random as 
an input. Even standards like DITA can be used in wildly different 
ways. Users must define their own filters, which might result in a 
setup fee at the beginning of a project. However, once the filter is 
built, a word of FrameMaker should cost the same to translate as a 
word of XML.

It's worth mentioning structured FrameMaker filters just like 
unstructured FrameMaker. The structure parts are outside the text 
definition parts of the file, so any filter that works on one will 
work on the other. If you want to move to structure within 
FrameMaker, it shouldn't alarm your translation vendor much. The one 
exception, when last I looked, was Alchemy Publisher, but that was 
over six months ago.

>o When you give XML files to a translation agency, the
>   resulting translation memory could be re-used with
>   other translation memory systems (via TMX) better
>   than when you use FrameMaker files. FrameMaker files
>   contains lots of information which is handled differently
>   than XML.
>   Therefore the number of pretranslated segments and fuzzy-
>   matches would increase, _if_ you switch the system.
>   (That's just an assumption. This could be wrong.)

TMX is a bit of a sham, actually. True, it is a standard interchange, 
but tools don't necessarily have the same internal markup. A TM 
created in one tool might be unusable in another. TMX would make the 
TM legible to the second tool, but the database itself would not be. 
A six millimeter square peg would not fit a six millimeter round 
hole, even if a team of physicists agreed the standard millimeter was 

You are right FrameMaker has a lot of information that is handled 
differently or not at all in XML, but the same is true going the 
other way. No DTP format compares well with any other, and none 
compares well with XML. Any sentence with no internal markup will be 
the same, but toss an an index marker, cross-reference, etc., and 
fuzzy match rates start climbing. OpenTag, and subsequently XLIFF, 
made an effort to address this, but they suffer the same weakness as 
TMX. A standardized way of capturing disparate information doesn't 
help humans move the information around.

I have had much better luck fixing TMs outside of TM tools. Changing 
formats is not easy, but removing index markers from FrameMaker 
segments, for example, will make them match XML segments, which don't 
have markers of any kind. This is a through-the-looking-glass kind of 
process, but it results in better TM matching. The minimum gain has 
been10% and my record is 28%. With moderate word and language counts, 
the process pays for itself many times over.

>o Translation cost saving calculations with XML are mostly
>   based on chunking.
>   That means only those chunks are translated which are
>   actually changed. As DITA is supposed to split a FrameMaker
>   file into more XML files as compared to a regular FM file,
>   the files to be translated are smaller. This might save
>   money.
>   However, I could also use FrameMaker insets to have
>   smaller files.
>   Additionally, make sure that you will be notified of
>   terminology changes. Such changes must also be done
>   in already translated files.

Insets, absolutely! I wouldn't move to another format until the one 
you're in is exhausted. The drill these days is a rote prescription 
of DITA plus a content management system to solve all problems, but a 
few shared chapter files and a few insets and a variable here and 
there might solve the problems just as well with no additional 

I'm all for XML, and mostly for content management, but neither 
should be used without a good reason. FrameMaker actually comes out 
of the box with a lot of good reasons not to move to XML.

Translation cost is the main part of localization, but keep 
formatting in mind. 

MIF File Import

2010-05-07 Thread Rick Quatro
I may have missed something in this thread, but if you are using
FrameScript, it makes the MIF snippet technique obsolete.

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing Inc.
rick at

*** Frame Automation blog at

You're going to have to script it. A MIF file is a text representation
of a Frame file.

Instead of importing the MIF file you'll probably need to write a
script that will remove the formatting in the MIF file with your
content and replace the formatting as desired. Someone can probably
point you to a utility that will do this.

I've started to do something similar in FrameScript, not too easy.

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 3:40 PM, KChebe Grace  wrote:
> I am currently using a MIF file to make changes to a book. ?I want the
file to change some of my paragraph styles to small font and the color to
white. ?At a later point I want to have the mif file change some of my
variable settings. ?This would allow me to make one set of files work for
multiple locations by importing a different mif file.
> The problem that I have is that when I import the mif file, which now only
contains the code to change paragraph styles is overwriting the existing
variables in the book.
> It is my understanding that I should be able to keep the mif file as small
as possible and use it to only have code to change the things that I want to
change without having to account for parameters that are not being changed.
> Can someone provide some assistance as to why this mif file is behaving
this way?

FrameMaker 3 files

2010-05-07 Thread Rick Quatro
Wow! It is interesting to see the Release Notes from FrameMaker 3. This is
the first version of FrameMaker that I used.

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing Inc.
rick at

*** Frame Automation blog at

-Original Message-
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Shlomo Perets
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 6:34 PM
To: subscribe at
Cc: framers at
Subject: re: FrameMaker 3 files

I was able to open FM3 files (from 1992...) in FM9, without any 
problems/messages, so it may indeed (unfortunately) indicate that something 
is wrong with the files themselves.

Here is a sample FM3 file, in case you want to try opening it in your

Shlomo Perets,
FrameMaker training & consulting


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FrameMaker 3 files

2010-05-07 Thread
Thanks to everyone for their help. You've all been generous with it!

to: Jeremy H. Griffith

Thanks for the tip about file length. As it happens, all five files have sizes 
evenly divisible by 1024 bytes. I also examined a couple of files to see if 
they ended (or even began) with a spurious "0D 0A" (or either, singly), and 
that's not the case either. Good thought, though. I'm going to add this tip to 
my toolbox.

to: Frank Stearns

I'm betting you're right; the files are corrupt. At least I have been able to 
resurrect some of the information, even if I haven't been able to fully recover 
the files.

I asked the developer who supplied the files how the files were stored, and he 
told me that the files were stored on hard drives (no further information; see 
next paragraph), in a CVS repository. There's more--the CVS repository was 
imported from an older revision history system. The history for the older 
system notes that the files were added to the system in 1993, but doesn't have 
information on modifications. (Which could mean either no modifications or no 
tracking.) The files were checked in to the older system by someone other than 
the original authors. The files have not been modified since they were added to 

Given all that, our developer notes that it is perfectly possible that the 
files were corrupted before they were introduced to the older system, with the 
usual caveat about CVS's habit of messing with CRs and LFs. (I did try altering 
the files to compensate for this, with no result.) One additional complicating 
factor is that several of our file servers used to be on-site, and that quite a 
lot of them are now networked drives in distant cities.

Sorry if this isn't quite the information you were hoping for.

to: Shlomo Perets

Thanks for the FM3 file. It opened easily enough without my having even to 
resort to "heroic open." As far as I'm concerned, this is the final nail in the 
coffin--the files are corrupted.

The good news is that the preliminary work I put into resurrecting data from 
the files hasn't been wasted. In the end, only the diagrams have been lost, and 
some of the context of the largest file is a little tricky to reconstruct. 
That's not too hard to bear at all.

to: all those who wrote me off-list

Thanks! I will reply soon if I haven't already. (I'm temporarily separated from 
my mail client, and am relying on webmail.)


Ann: MIF File Import and save in fm or mif

2010-05-07 Thread Georg Eck
Make changes in your fm files (or mif files) and save your one or more
documents or books in mif or re-save it in fm again:
Take TOOLBOX for FrameMaker:  Save FM<->MIF or Document/Book Transfer
FM<->MIF (
This plug-in transfers FrameMaker documents (including cross-referenced
graphics and text inserts) 
to another directory and convert to MIF or back to fm.


Survey: Considerations for Using DITA

2010-05-07 Thread Lynne A. Price

DITA Survey

Survey: Considerations for Using DITA
To help potential
users decide whether to use DITA and how much effort doing so would involve,
Text Structure Consulting, Inc. is conducting a survey to better
understand the documentation projects for which DITA is appropriate.
If you are using or considering DITA (or have done so), please take
the time to share your experience by completing the survey. Partial
and anonymous responses are welcome. You can send your response (embedded
in an email message, in Microsoft Word, RTF, Adobe FrameMaker, or
PDF) to mailto:dita.survey at">dita.survey at If 
prefer to answer by phone,
you can write to the same address to schedule an interview.
forward the survey to other documentation professionals you know
who might like to participate. If you are involved in multiple relevant
projects or would like to add to an earlier response, feel free
to complete the survey multiple times. Answers from different people
working on the same project will gladly be received.
the survey is being distributed largely by forwarded email, statistically
significant results are not expected. Nevertheless, survey responses
should help existing users re-evaluate their projects and possibly
learn about new tools,
potential users evaluate the relevance of DITA, and consultants decide
when to recommend it. If an interesting
number of responses are received, the results will be summarized
on and submitted for possible presentation at Balisage:
The Markup Conference in early August, 2010 (see
If at all possible, please respond by June 15 so that information
can be prepared for the conference.
The survey questions are available at;> and are repeated here:

Personal Identification

What is your name, affiliation, and name of 
your project?
What is your personal role in your project 
(e.g., author, editor,
Are you an end user, consultant, or tool 
Is this a new survey response or a replacement 
for an earlier
Do you give permission for your responses to be 
quoted in a
summary of the results of this survey? Do you want such quotations
to be anonymous or attributed to you?

Project Identification

What industry does your documentation 
What type of processing does your project 
involve (authoring,
publishing, translating, indexing, analyzing, etc.)?
How many documents or pages do you process 
annually? How much
of this material is new and how much revised?
How do you publish documents (paper, PDF, Web, 
CD, etc.)?
How many document tool users do you have?
How many people use your finished documents?
Are your documents translated to multiple 
languages or localized
in any other form? Are all documents localized or only some? How
many languages do you support? 
Are your documents revised and republished?

General software considerations
What documentation
software does your project use:? Consider DITA-specific tools, XML
tools, content management, word processing, desktop publishing,
text editors, database management, project management, spreadsheets,
and any other relevant tools.
Do you have software that enforces that writers 
follow your
organization's conventions?
Do all groups within your organization use the 
same tools?
All people in your group?
Is authoring geographically distributed?
How are editing tasks assigned to individual 
writers or editors?
For example, is a writer responsible for a document or document
component through multiple revisions, or is an available writer
assigned whenever a change is needed? Do writers need specific expertise,
such as knowledge of a documented product, to maintain particular
pieces of content?
Do you reuse all or parts or your documents? 
What size units
do you reuse? In how many documents does a typical reusable component
occur? What percentage of a typical document is comprised of reusable

DITA Considerations

For what types of documents (user manuals, 
online help, test plans,
requirement specifications, journal articles, technical books, technical
reports, interdepartmental memos, etc.)

Does your project use DITA?
Have you considered using DITA but decided not 
Have you never considered using DITA?

Do you use DITA-inspired naming of element and 
attribute types
when you do not use DITA itself?
Do you use DITA maps?
Do you specialize (modify) the DITA tagging 
scheme? How extensive
are your changes? Which of the following do they involve:

Rename existing element and attribute types
Change the definitions of existing element and 
attribute types
Add new element and attribute types.

How many of the DITA element and attribute 
types do you use?
What were the primary factors in deciding 
whether to use DITA (for example, eliminates
need to define a tagging scheme, availability of DITA open toolkit,

FrameMaker 3 files

2010-05-07 Thread Klaus Daube
On 6 May 2010 at 11:10, subscribe at wrote:

> I tried opening the v3 files in FM5.1.1, and no joy. That far back, the
> "heroic open" doesn't even exist. I tried opening the v3 files in FM5.5.6,
> and the "heroic open" fails just as it does for FM7.1.

I have some FM3 files from a demo diskette - which open well (File > Open) in 
both FM 7.2 and 
FM 8.0 slthough they do not have a .fm extension (Activities, Financial, Intro 

Of course I get messages about old version and missing fonts.

Klaus Daube
Docu + Design Daube; Sch?racher 11; CH-8053 Z?rich
Technical documentation & consultancy; On-line and paper
F: +41-44-422 86 25  E: ddd at  W:

FrameMaker 3 files--SOLVED

2010-05-07 Thread
With the help of Simon BUCH, I have recovered all the files. Mr Buch 
successfully converted the first of the files. With his sample, and the 
knowledge that it was possible, I converted the remaining files.

The core of the problem is to replace CR/LF (0D 0A) with LF (0A). That much I 
had already tried.

But apparently it's crucial to reinstate the CR/LF after the  
line at the start of the line. That much I missed!

Thanks to you all for your help, plus an extra doff of my cap to Simon Buch.

Final score: all 5 files recovered, including diagrams


FrameMaker 3 files

2010-05-07 Thread LW White

Doug, you didn't mention and it would probably be too good to be true, but if 
you have PDFs of these files, you can export those PDFs as HTML, which will not 
only give you your text but also create separate files of each image. This has 
probably already crossed your mind :)


CC: framers at
To: subscribe at
Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 12:05:53 -0700
Subject: Re: FrameMaker 3 files

Hi Doug...

Got your files, but unfortunately I've been unable to open them in FM4. 
When I try I'm told that they are damaged. I tried using a heroic open, 
but that doesn't seem to have existed in FM4 (when I use it I end up 
with a "H" in the current document, which indicates that the Esc o H key 
sequence isn't defined).

I suppose that it *is* possible that these files are in fact corrupt. 
When I open them in a text editor, they have the basic chunks of stuff 
that you'd expect, but there could be some extra binary bits at the end 
that may be causing the problem. FM4 doesn't have a "SaveAs FM3" option 
so I can't compare a "good" file against yours. You can open them in a 
text editor and pick out some of the words in plain text, but that's 
probably not terribly useful.

Perhaps someone else actually has a copy of FM3 .. or if you're lucky 
you could find one for sale on eBay.

Sorry I wasn't able to help!


Scott Prentice
Leximation, Inc.

subscribe at ... wrote:
> Just for those who might someday have to tread this path:
> I tried opening the v3 files in FM5.1.1, and no joy. That far back, the 
> "heroic open" doesn't even exist.
> I tried opening the v3 files in FM5.5.6, and the "heroic open" fails just as 
> it does for FM7.1.
> Since Scott Prentice of Leximation  
The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with 

Question about flow and background text frames

2010-05-07 Thread Andy Kass
Hi everyone,

I have unstructured FM 8, fully patched, on Vista.

I'm working on templates and having an issue with background text frames. What 
I'd like is for the Glossary and Index template files to have permanent 
headings, that is cannot be edited on the body pages.

After reading the help, it sounds like I need to put the heading in a 
background text frame on a First master page. But to make a background text 
frame, it must be untagged and unconnected, which means the heading it contains 
no longer shows up in my Table of Contents.

Does anyone know a workaround or another way to achieve this?



Question about flow and background text frames

2010-05-07 Thread Combs, Richard
Andy Kass wrote:

> I'm working on templates and having an issue with background text frames.
> What I'd like is for the Glossary and Index template files to have
> permanent headings, that is cannot be edited on the body pages.
> After reading the help, it sounds like I need to put the heading in a
> background text frame on a First master page. But to make a background text
> frame, it must be untagged and unconnected, which means the heading it
> contains no longer shows up in my Table of Contents.
> Does anyone know a workaround or another way to achieve this?

The primary purpose of background text frames is to hold text that repeats on 
multiple pages -- yes, you may have a First master page that occurs only once 
per file, but it's the exception that proves the rule. :-) 

The functionality you'd like really can't be made to exist without significant 
change in how FM works. 

A TOC consists of hypertext links (go to markers) to specific points in the 
flow (destination markers). If the destination marker were on the master page, 
how would the link work? FM would have to somehow replicate that destination 
marker on each body page (floating on the page somewhere, since there's no text 
location for it) where the background text appeared. 

If there were more than one such body page, which one would the link in the TOC 
point to? FM would then have to make each replicated marker unique so that each 
link pointed to a unique destination. 

The "workaround" is to put the heading in the main flow at the top of the first 
body page. And then don't edit it. It's only going to change if someone 
consciously edits the text. Is it really that hard for you and/or your 
co-workers to refrain from doing that? :-) 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


2010-05-07 Thread Diana Stock
Wondering if anyone within the list has attempted to repurpose one of their FM 
manuals to an eBook format (Smartphone) with success.

Would like to contact off list for techniques and software recommendations.

Diana Stock

NOTICE: This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted with it may contain 
legally privileged and confidential information intended solely for the use of 
the addressee. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you 
are hereby notified that any reading, dissemination, distribution, copying, or 
other use of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited. If you 
have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and 
delete this message from your system. Thank you.

Question about flow and background text frames

2010-05-07 Thread Andy Kass
Thanks, Richard, for confirming that that's just how FM works.

I still don't see the technical limitation. Master pages are applied
to the body pages, which in my mind implies being copied into the
relevant body page. So it would be possible to compute the page that
the text frame appears on and link to it in the TOC. If a text frame
is used repeatedly, it should just get several TOC entries (indexing
would work similarly).

To me, it just seems that disconnecting a text frame is overloaded
with the meaning of making it background as well. I'm thinking it
should work just like a text inset, just stored on the Master pages
instead of in a separate file (because it will never be shared with
another file). But I'm new to working with Body/Master/Reference
pages, so maybe I am misunderstanding them.


- "Richard Combs"  wrote:
> The primary purpose of background text frames is to hold text that
> repeats on multiple pages -- yes, you may have a First master page
> that occurs only once per file, but it's the exception that proves the
> rule. :-) 
> The functionality you'd like really can't be made to exist without
> significant change in how FM works. 
> A TOC consists of hypertext links (go to markers) to specific points
> in the flow (destination markers). If the destination marker were on
> the master page, how would the link work? FM would have to somehow
> replicate that destination marker on each body page (floating on the
> page somewhere, since there's no text location for it) where the
> background text appeared. 
> If there were more than one such body page, which one would the link
> in the TOC point to? FM would then have to make each replicated marker
> unique so that each link pointed to a unique destination. 
> The "workaround" is to put the heading in the main flow at the top of
> the first body page. And then don't edit it. It's only going to change
> if someone consciously edits the text. Is it really that hard for you
> and/or your co-workers to refrain from doing that? :-) 
> Andy Kass wrote:
> > I'm working on templates and having an issue with background text
> > frames. What I'd like is for the Glossary and Index template files
> > to have permanent headings, that is cannot be edited on the body
> > pages.
> > 
> > After reading the help, it sounds like I need to put the heading in
> > a background text frame on a First master page. But to make a
> > background text frame, it must be untagged and unconnected, which
> > means the heading it contains no longer shows up in my Table of
> > Contents.
> > 
> > Does anyone know a workaround or another way to achieve this?


2010-05-07 Thread Scott Prentice
Hi Diana...

This may not be exactly what you're looking for .. but I've been 
successful at using the "dita4publishers" DITA-OT plugin to convert  
DITA content (authored in FM or other XML editors) to the ePub format. 
If you'd like more info on this, let me know.



Scott Prentice
Leximation, Inc.

Diana Stock wrote:
> Wondering if anyone within the list has attempted to repurpose one of their 
> FM manuals to an eBook format (Smartphone) with success.
> Would like to contact off list for techniques and software recommendations.
> Diana Stock
> 214-792-2744
> NOTICE: This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted with it may 
> contain legally privileged and confidential information intended solely for 
> the use of the addressee. If the reader of this message is not the intended 
> recipient, you are hereby notified that any reading, dissemination, 
> distribution, copying, or other use of this message or its attachments is 
> strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please 
> notify the sender immediately and delete this message from your system. Thank 
> you.

Question about flow and background text frames

2010-05-07 Thread Combs, Richard
Andy Kass wrote:

> Thanks, Richard, for confirming that that's just how FM works.
> I still don't see the technical limitation. Master pages are applied
> to the body pages, which in my mind implies being copied into the
> relevant body page. So it would be possible to compute the page that
> the text frame appears on and link to it in the TOC. If a text frame
> is used repeatedly, it should just get several TOC entries (indexing
> would work similarly).
> To me, it just seems that disconnecting a text frame is overloaded
> with the meaning of making it background as well. I'm thinking it
> should work just like a text inset, just stored on the Master pages
> instead of in a separate file (because it will never be shared with
> another file). But I'm new to working with Body/Master/Reference
> pages, so maybe I am misunderstanding them.

I suppose the app could be coded to work in a way somewhat analogous to text 
insets, but with complete frames instead of flows. But I suspect that if each 
body page contained a "frame inset" for each instance of every background text 
frame (header, footer, etc.), it would add considerable overhead and 
complexity. And the "frame inset" management/UI issues -- I shudder to think. 

Besides, a text-inset-like implementation still wouldn't solve the unique 
destination problem. Since each occurrence of the "frame inset" would be an 
exact copy of the master page source, the hypertext destination marker in the 
source would still be replicated in each "frame inset," and there would still 
be the disambiguation problem. 

I'm not sure what you're getting at with "disconnecting a text frame is 
overloaded with the meaning of making it background as well." But there are 
completely legitimate reasons for using disconnected text frames and/or 
multiple flows in the body pages of the doc -- newsletters are one example. 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


2010-05-07 Thread Matt Sullivan
Hi Diana, 

We were discussing this very thing at the Adobe booth at STC this week...

The consensus was that you will want a tool that converts your FM content
into XHTML (I recommend using the TCS2 workflow to link FM docs into
RoboHelp for XHTML output)

You'll then use a tool like Calibre (OpenSource) to convert into an ePub


Matt Sullivan
GRAFIX Training

714 960-6840
714 585-2335 cell /txt/sms
skype: mattrsullivan

-Original Message-
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Scott Prentice
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 1:21 PM
To: Diana Stock
Cc: 'Framers'
Subject: Re: eBooks

Hi Diana...

This may not be exactly what you're looking for .. but I've been successful
at using the "dita4publishers" DITA-OT plugin to convert DITA content
(authored in FM or other XML editors) to the ePub format. 
If you'd like more info on this, let me know.



Scott Prentice
Leximation, Inc.

Diana Stock wrote:
> Wondering if anyone within the list has attempted to repurpose one of
their FM manuals to an eBook format (Smartphone) with success.
> Would like to contact off list for techniques and software
> Diana Stock
> 214-792-2744
> NOTICE: This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted with it may
contain legally privileged and confidential information intended solely for
the use of the addressee. If the reader of this message is not the intended
recipient, you are hereby notified that any reading, dissemination,
distribution, copying, or other use of this message or its attachments is
strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please
notify the sender immediately and delete this message from your system.
Thank you.

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Send list messages to framers at

To unsubscribe send a blank email to
framers-unsubscribe at
or visit

Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit for more resources and info.

Question about flow and background text frames

2010-05-07 Thread Matt Sullivan
To add to Richard's excellent summary of why you can't do what you want the
way you want...

I recommend the following to students and template dev clients to ensure
ease of use and consistency in headings like TOC and IX:

Set the autonumbering of your TOC_Title paragraph tag to display the phrase
Table of Contents. Do the same for any other generated TOC or IX. 

You'll still have to add it manually, but it'll be consistent, and will show
in your TOC (as long as you define the TOC so that you display the
<$paranum> instead of the <$paratext> building block.


Matt Sullivan
GRAFIX Training

714 960-6840
714 585-2335 cell /txt/sms
skype: mattrsullivan

-Original Message-
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Combs, Richard
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 12:35 PM
To: 'Andy Kass'; framers at
Subject: RE: Question about flow and background text frames

Andy Kass wrote:

> I'm working on templates and having an issue with background text frames.
> What I'd like is for the Glossary and Index template files to have 
> permanent headings, that is cannot be edited on the body pages.
> After reading the help, it sounds like I need to put the heading in a 
> background text frame on a First master page. But to make a background 
> text frame, it must be untagged and unconnected, which means the 
> heading it contains no longer shows up in my Table of Contents.
> Does anyone know a workaround or another way to achieve this?

The primary purpose of background text frames is to hold text that repeats
on multiple pages -- yes, you may have a First master page that occurs only
once per file, but it's the exception that proves the rule. :-) 

The functionality you'd like really can't be made to exist without
significant change in how FM works. 

A TOC consists of hypertext links (go to markers) to specific points in the
flow (destination markers). If the destination marker were on the master
page, how would the link work? FM would have to somehow replicate that
destination marker on each body page (floating on the page somewhere, since
there's no text location for it) where the background text appeared. 

If there were more than one such body page, which one would the link in the
TOC point to? FM would then have to make each replicated marker unique so
that each link pointed to a unique destination. 

The "workaround" is to put the heading in the main flow at the top of the
first body page. And then don't edit it. It's only going to change if
someone consciously edits the text. Is it really that hard for you and/or
your co-workers to refrain from doing that? :-) 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


You are currently subscribed to framers as matt at

Send list messages to framers at

To unsubscribe send a blank email to
framers-unsubscribe at
or visit

Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit for more resources and info.

Question about flow and background text frames

2010-05-07 Thread Andy Kass
That is a nice workaround, unfortunately, my paragraph tag is named "Heading 
GlossaryIndex" and I use it in both files. I might try it out though. One extra 
step you didn't mention: tweaking the Running H/F variable to use <$paranum> as 

For maintenance reasons, I want my template files to differ in the least number 
of ways, and unfortunately, that's seems to be an unobtainable ideal.



- "Matt Sullivan"  wrote:

> To add to Richard's excellent summary of why you can't do what you
> want the way you want...
> I recommend the following to students and template dev clients to
> ensure ease of use and consistency in headings like TOC and IX:
> Set the autonumbering of your TOC_Title paragraph tag to display the
> phrase Table of Contents. Do the same for any other generated TOC
> or IX. 
> You'll still have to add it manually, but it'll be consistent, and
> will show in your TOC (as long as you define the TOC so that you
> display the <$paranum> instead of the <$paratext> building block.