Adding a version number to PDF file property

2012-10-17 Thread Richard Doll

IF you really want/need a version "ident" as part of a file name . . . (and I 
do understand its need) . . . ??
Then you probably have need to be able to follow it back to the source.
I accomplish this by adding an "alphanairy" number after a hyphen behind and as 
part-of the "logical" file name.

?alphanairy? . . . my own system to enable l-a-r-g-e numbers with fewer 
character positions.

to whit . . .  as the 1st column a = 1 and z = 26, one can count/define a 
version for 26 different iterations in any single thing with only one letter.
   using the 2nd column aa= 27 and ab = 28 as above
such that . . 676 versions can be accomplished with 2 "alphas" when going to 
"zz ( = ing 26 squared).

a quirky solution . . . but I know of no "auto-click" to enable 
"sys-versioning" accountability'

best to all,

dick doll 
sgmlindy at

- Original Message - 
  From: jon.harvey at 
  To: framers at 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 10:32 AM
  Subject: Re: Adding a version number to PDF file property

  {This is my first posting from this email address and I'm not sure it went 
through the first time. As a result, I'm reposting}



  Is there a way to incorporate a version number into the properties of a PDF 
file so that it appears in Window explorer properties? To see what I mean, do 

  1. In Windows Explorer, right-click any PDF file and select Properties.
  2. Select the Details tab.

  The details for the PDF include the file name, type, folder path, size, etc. 
but not a file version. However, if you view the details of an application 
file, its file version appears.

  How can I add the file version properties for a PDF file?

  ... Jon



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Re: Adding a version number to PDF file property

2012-10-17 Thread Richard Doll

IF you really want/need a version "ident" as part of a file name . . . (and I 
do understand its need) . . . ??
Then you probably have need to be able to follow it back to the source.
I accomplish this by adding an "alphanairy" number after a hyphen behind and as 
part-of the "logical" file name.

¿alphanairy? . . . my own system to enable l-a-r-g-e numbers with fewer 
character positions.

to whit . . .  as the 1st column a = 1 and z = 26, one can count/define a 
version for 26 different iterations in any single thing with only one letter.
   using the 2nd column aa= 27 and ab = 28 as above
such that . . 676 versions can be accomplished with 2 "alphas" when going to 
"zz ( = ing 26 squared).

a quirky solution . . . but I know of no "auto-click" to enable 
"sys-versioning" accountability'

best to all,

dick doll

- Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 10:32 AM
  Subject: Re: Adding a version number to PDF file property

  {This is my first posting from this email address and I'm not sure it went 
through the first time. As a result, I'm reposting}



  Is there a way to incorporate a version number into the properties of a PDF 
file so that it appears in Window explorer properties? To see what I mean, do 

  1. In Windows Explorer, right-click any PDF file and select Properties.
  2. Select the Details tab.

  The details for the PDF include the file name, type, folder path, size, etc. 
but not a file version. However, if you view the details of an application 
file, its file version appears.

  How can I add the file version properties for a PDF file?

  ... Jon



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Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Lief Erickson

...and where I work, that never happens, so it means that I have to manually 
merge the comments.


From: framers-bounces at 
[] On Behalf Of Jeff Coatsworth
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 2:12 PM
To: framers at
Subject: RE: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

The one proviso is that the originating FM doc can't change in any way after 
the review PDF is created if you hope to merge comments back into it later.

From: framers-bounces at<mailto:framers-bounces at> [] On Behalf 
Of Matt Sullivan
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 3:04 PM
To: Deanna Korth
Cc: framers at<mailto:framers at>
Subject: Re: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?
Hi Deanna
First, they released Acrobat XI today or yesterday, so you'll likely be doing 
your work with XI instead of X.

Next, you'll need Acrobat Pro on the machine producing the PDF, and from there 
you can initiate reviews with your team using anything from Reader (9 or above) 
to Acrobat Pro (9 or above). If I recall correctly, this has been true since 
Acrobat 5 or so.

I have successfully run reviews with this setup and then  migrated comments 
back into the FM document (FM 10 and 11) with the supplied workflow, which is a 
fraction of the effort required to manually apply changes to the original FM 


On Oct 17, 2012, at 11:47 AM, Deanna Korth mailto:deanna.korth at>> wrote:


We are migrating from FrameMaker 7.2 to FrameMaker 11. In our current workflow, 
we create a PDF file and use Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional to enable 
commenting in it so that reviewers who don't have FrameMaker can electronically 
review and comment on our FrameMaker documents. We then merge the electronic 
comments into the PDF file and manually change the FrameMaker files accordingly.

For FrameMaker 11, Adobe advertises, "Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip 
reviews." I've searched, but I can't find how these types of reviews are 
implemented. Can you briefly explain how this feature works? Mainly I want to 
know if we need to purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional X to retain our ability 
to solicit electronic reviews from reviewers who don't have FrameMaker or if 
the need for Acrobat Professional is eliminated by this feature in FrameMaker 



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at>. Visit for more resources and info.

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Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Gillian Flato

In Frame 11 you can do what's called a Shared Revew. You host the doc on the 
Acrobat server and each reviewer can make comments and see everyone else's 
comments. This works very well so you don't get 5 people making the same 
comment. You're supposed to be able to import the comments and the changes made 
in the PDF back into your Frame file, but honestly, I've never gotten that to 
work well in Frame 10. Perhaps it works better in Frame 11.


From: framers-bounces at 
[] On Behalf Of Deanna Korth
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 11:48 AM
To: framers at
Subject: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?


We are migrating from FrameMaker 7.2 to FrameMaker 11. In our current workflow, 
we create a PDF file and use Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional to enable 
commenting in it so that reviewers who don't have FrameMaker can electronically 
review and comment on our FrameMaker documents. We then merge the electronic 
comments into the PDF file and manually change the FrameMaker files accordingly.

For FrameMaker 11, Adobe advertises, "Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip 
reviews." I've searched, but I can't find how these types of reviews are 
implemented. Can you briefly explain how this feature works? Mainly I want to 
know if we need to purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional X to retain our ability 
to solicit electronic reviews from reviewers who don't have FrameMaker or if 
the need for Acrobat Professional is eliminated by this feature in FrameMaker 


-- next part --
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RE: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Harpreet Singh Seehra

If you want to avoid manual merging, you have to have Tech Comm  Suite.

[] On Behalf Of Lief Erickson
Sent: 18 October 2012 00:51
Subject: RE: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?


...and where I work, that never happens, so it means that I have to manually 
merge the comments.


 [] On Behalf Of Jeff Coatsworth
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 2:12 PM
Subject: RE: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

The one proviso is that the originating FM doc can't change in any way after 
the review PDF is created if you hope to merge comments back into it later.

 [] On Behalf Of Matt Sullivan
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 3:04 PM
To: Deanna Korth
Subject: Re: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?
Hi Deanna
First, they released Acrobat XI today or yesterday, so you'll likely be doing 
your work with XI instead of X.

Next, you'll need Acrobat Pro on the machine producing the PDF, and from there 
you can initiate reviews with your team using anything from Reader (9 or above) 
to Acrobat Pro (9 or above). If I recall correctly, this has been true since 
Acrobat 5 or so.

I have successfully run reviews with this setup and then  migrated comments 
back into the FM document (FM 10 and 11) with the supplied workflow, which is a 
fraction of the effort required to manually apply changes to the original FM 


On Oct 17, 2012, at 11:47 AM, Deanna Korth>> wrote:


We are migrating from FrameMaker 7.2 to FrameMaker 11. In our current workflow, 
we create a PDF file and use Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional to enable 
commenting in it so that reviewers who don't have FrameMaker can electronically 
review and comment on our FrameMaker documents. We then merge the electronic 
comments into the PDF file and manually change the FrameMaker files accordingly.

For FrameMaker 11, Adobe advertises, "Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip 
reviews." I've searched, but I can't find how these types of reviews are 
implemented. Can you briefly explain how this feature works? Mainly I want to 
know if we need to purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional X to retain our ability 
to solicit electronic reviews from reviewers who don't have FrameMaker or if 
the need for Acrobat Professional is eliminated by this feature in FrameMaker 



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RE: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Harpreet Singh Seehra

You can import comments from a tagged PDF directly into the source FrameMaker 
document and reduce the time taken to fix comments. You can incorporate 
suggestions and edits from multiple reviewers participating in a shared PDF 
review much faster into the source document.However, for comments to import 
correctly, it is important that you generate a tagged PDF and after generating 
the PDF you do not modify the source FrameMaker document. If you make changes 
in the source FrameMaker document, and then import PDF comments, the comments 
may not be imported at the correct location. When saving a FrameMaker file as a 
PDF, ensure that you select the Generate For Review option in the PDF Setup For 
Selected File dialog box. Selecting this option creates a tagged PDF. You can 
import comments only from PDFs created using FrameMaker 9 or above and that's 
too it should be part of Technical Communication Suite.

If you don't have TCS and you only have Framemaker 11 then you have to follow 
the same workflow that you are following with Frame 7.2

Adobe Support

[] On Behalf Of Deanna Korth
Sent: 18 October 2012 00:18
Subject: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?


We are migrating from FrameMaker 7.2 to FrameMaker 11. In our current workflow, 
we create a PDF file and use Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional to enable 
commenting in it so that reviewers who don't have FrameMaker can electronically 
review and comment on our FrameMaker documents. We then merge the electronic 
comments into the PDF file and manually change the FrameMaker files accordingly.

For FrameMaker 11, Adobe advertises, "Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip 
reviews." I've searched, but I can't find how these types of reviews are 
implemented. Can you briefly explain how this feature works? Mainly I want to 
know if we need to purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional X to retain our ability 
to solicit electronic reviews from reviewers who don't have FrameMaker or if 
the need for Acrobat Professional is eliminated by this feature in FrameMaker 



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Re: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Robert Lauriston
Importing PDF comments was added in FM9.

If your reviewers write content that's usable or needs only a minor
polish, it might be useful, but otherwise I think it's more work than
the manual process.

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RE: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Gillian Flato

In Frame 11 you can do what's called a Shared Revew. You host the doc on the 
Acrobat server and each reviewer can make comments and see everyone else's 
comments. This works very well so you don't get 5 people making the same 
comment. You're supposed to be able to import the comments and the changes made 
in the PDF back into your Frame file, but honestly, I've never gotten that to 
work well in Frame 10. Perhaps it works better in Frame 11.


[] On Behalf Of Deanna Korth
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 11:48 AM
Subject: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?


We are migrating from FrameMaker 7.2 to FrameMaker 11. In our current workflow, 
we create a PDF file and use Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional to enable 
commenting in it so that reviewers who don't have FrameMaker can electronically 
review and comment on our FrameMaker documents. We then merge the electronic 
comments into the PDF file and manually change the FrameMaker files accordingly.

For FrameMaker 11, Adobe advertises, "Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip 
reviews." I've searched, but I can't find how these types of reviews are 
implemented. Can you briefly explain how this feature works? Mainly I want to 
know if we need to purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional X to retain our ability 
to solicit electronic reviews from reviewers who don't have FrameMaker or if 
the need for Acrobat Professional is eliminated by this feature in FrameMaker 



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Re: Adding a version number to PDF file property

2012-10-17 Thread jon . harvey

{This is my first posting from this email address and I'm not sure it went
through the first time. As a result, I'm reposting}


Is there a way to incorporate a version number into the properties of a PDF
file so that it appears in Window explorer properties? To see what I mean,
do this:

1. In Windows Explorer, right-click any PDF file and select Properties.
2. Select the Details tab.

The details for the PDF include the file name, type, folder path, size,
etc. but not a file version. However, if you view the details of an
application file, its file version appears.

How can I add the file version properties for a PDF file?

... Jon___

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Re: Can Frame's default color definitions be changed? - a solution

2012-10-17 Thread rebecca officer
Hi Carol
You can use FM's Find/Change for this. 
First, back up your document. 
Then, in your document:
Define your new colour. 
Then click outside the text frame on any page, so you don't have a cursor in 
any text.
Then open Find/Change dialog and select Find >Character Format.
The Find Character Format dialog opens and should have everything set to As Is. 
Change the colour to Green and click Set.
Then select Change > To Character Format, make sure everything is set to As Is, 
select the new colour, and click Set. 
Then click the Change All button. All instances of Green will magically change 
to your new colour.
As long as everything is As Is apart from the colour, this'll leave all other 
formatting alone. If everything isn't set to As Is, it'll screw up other 
formatting. Back up first!

>>> "Carol J. Elkins"  17/10/12 08:07 >>>
Nope, defining my own colors isn't an option in this case. Working in 
Frame9, I'm importing (not by reference but by creating a copy) an 
Excel file containing Excel's red strikeout and green colors to 
distinguish new and deleted text, so all resulting text is formatted 
as an override to Frame's Body tag. Tagging changed/deleted text in 
hundreds of pages of table rows isn't an option either, so I can't 
use a custom color definition. As Rick pointed out, it looks like 
Frame won't budge on its idea of what "green" is. Thanks everyone for 
your help.


At 12:14 PM 10/16/2012, you wrote:
>Forgive me for stating the obvious, but won't merely defining the 
>green you want as a custom color work for you?

Carol J. Elkins---A Written Word LLC
Making Information Understandable
Phone: 719-948-3773


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Changes in Dictonaries in FM 10/11

2012-10-17 Thread Georg Eck
Hello everybody.

That's not a question - that's a little story about changes with
Dictionaries in FM 10/11:
Perhaps, that is useful for users they want to update from FM 8 to
Somebody did successful worked with user.dct and site.dct in the past,
but what is new in FM 10 or 11?

At first save your user.dct and site.dct (or other dictionaries)!

Default maker.ini in $fmhome:

; Files
; If it is not an absolute path, then it is relative to the FMHome

If there is no link to a path/file for an UserDictionary, you can find
the default directory in: 
\Dictionaries (FM10)
\UserDictionaries (Fm 11)
   \ FMUserDictionary 
\alladded.txt  >  for the added words/phrases
  excluded.txt >  for the excluded words/phrases 
\de_DE   etc. >  devided for every Langauge

More: Soon in our (currently in German only)

You can find the SiteDictionary (see maker.ini) at $fmhome\dict with
but it should be in \FMSiteDictionary in AppData or it would be better
for a workgroup 
it should be on a shared/server disk.

Question: Where are saved the Standard Language Dictionaries?
Since FrameMaker 9 there is a central path: 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Linguistics

Note: There is an additional maker.ini for every user, you can find it
All settings in user maker.ini are winning about the central maker.ini
in $fmhome.

You can delete the user maker.ini, at next start of FrameMaker, 
FrameMaker will create a new maker.ini for the user (Please save the
user maker.ini at first!) 

- Georg (Adobe Certified Expert since 1999)

We would be glad to meet you at tekom/tcworld October 23rd - 25th in
SQUIDDS Booth 807 in Hall 8: "TechComm goes mobile"

Ann: Adobe TS4.01 available

2012-10-17 Thread Georg Eck
Adobe Acrobat XI Pro Part of @AdobeTCS TS4, now! 
US Adobe Blog:
German Blog:

- GEorg

Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Art Campbell
Deanna, the marketing blurb just means that you can run an electronic
review using PDFs (that come out of Frame) and Acrobat Comment/Tracking
tools, and then pull those comments back into the Frame
environment/documents -- if you haven't modified the source files. That's
the round trip -- FM to Acrobat to FM.

Art Campbell
  art.campbell at
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent and
a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
  No disclaimers apply.
   DoD 358

I support, hyperlocal news for Groton MA.

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 2:47 PM, Deanna Korth wrote:

> Hi,
> We are migrating from FrameMaker 7.2 to FrameMaker 11. In our current
> workflow, we create a PDF file and use Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional to
> enable commenting in it so that reviewers who don't have FrameMaker can
> electronically review and comment on our FrameMaker documents. We then
> merge the electronic comments into the PDF file and manually change the
> FrameMaker files accordingly.
> For FrameMaker 11, Adobe advertises, "Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip
> reviews." I've searched, but I can't find how these types of reviews are
> implemented. Can you briefly explain how this feature works? Mainly I want
> to know if we need to purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional X to retain our
> ability to solicit electronic reviews from reviewers who don't have
> FrameMaker or if the need for Acrobat Professional is eliminated by this
> feature in FrameMaker 11.
> Thanks,
> Deanna.
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to framers as art.campbell at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
> or visit
> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
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Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Jeff Coatsworth
com<mailto:framers at>.

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Can Frame's default color definitions be changed? - a solution

2012-10-17 Thread rebecca officer
Hi Carol

You can use FM's Find/Change for this. 

First, back up your document. 

Then, in your document:
Define your new colour. 
Then click outside the text frame on any page, so you don't have a cursor in 
any text.
Then open Find/Change dialog and select Find >Character Format.
The Find Character Format dialog opens and should have everything set to As Is. 
Change the colour to Green and click Set.
Then select Change > To Character Format, make sure everything is set to As Is, 
select the new colour, and click Set. 
Then click the Change All button. All instances of Green will magically change 
to your new colour.

As long as everything is As Is apart from the colour, this'll leave all other 
formatting alone. If everything isn't set to As Is, it'll screw up other 
formatting. Back up first!


>>> "Carol J. Elkins"  17/10/12 08:07 >>>
Nope, defining my own colors isn't an option in this case. Working in 
Frame9, I'm importing (not by reference but by creating a copy) an 
Excel file containing Excel's red strikeout and green colors to 
distinguish new and deleted text, so all resulting text is formatted 
as an override to Frame's Body tag. Tagging changed/deleted text in 
hundreds of pages of table rows isn't an option either, so I can't 
use a custom color definition. As Rick pointed out, it looks like 
Frame won't budge on its idea of what "green" is. Thanks everyone for 
your help.


At 12:14 PM 10/16/2012, you wrote:
>Forgive me for stating the obvious, but won't merely defining the 
>green you want as a custom color work for you?

Carol J. Elkins---A Written Word LLC
Making Information Understandable
Phone: 719-948-3773
mailto:celkins at


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authority to issue and specifically states them to
be the views of Allied Telesis Labs.
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Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Jeff Coatsworth
The one proviso is that the originating FM doc can't change in any way after 
the review PDF is created if you hope to merge comments back into it later.

From: framers-bounces at 
[] On Behalf Of Matt Sullivan
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 3:04 PM
To: Deanna Korth
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

Hi Deanna
First, they released Acrobat XI today or yesterday, so you'll likely be doing 
your work with XI instead of X.

Next, you'll need Acrobat Pro on the machine producing the PDF, and from there 
you can initiate reviews with your team using anything from Reader (9 or above) 
to Acrobat Pro (9 or above). If I recall correctly, this has been true since 
Acrobat 5 or so.

I have successfully run reviews with this setup and then  migrated comments 
back into the FM document (FM 10 and 11) with the supplied workflow, which is a 
fraction of the effort required to manually apply changes to the original FM 


On Oct 17, 2012, at 11:47 AM, Deanna Korth mailto:deanna.korth at>> wrote:


We are migrating from FrameMaker 7.2 to FrameMaker 11. In our current workflow, 
we create a PDF file and use Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional to enable 
commenting in it so that reviewers who don't have FrameMaker can electronically 
review and comment on our FrameMaker documents. We then merge the electronic 
comments into the PDF file and manually change the FrameMaker files accordingly.

For FrameMaker 11, Adobe advertises, "Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip 
reviews." I've searched, but I can't find how these types of reviews are 
implemented. Can you briefly explain how this feature works? Mainly I want to 
know if we need to purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional X to retain our ability 
to solicit electronic reviews from reviewers who don't have FrameMaker or if 
the need for Acrobat Professional is eliminated by this feature in FrameMaker 



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Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Nancy Allison
Matt and Deanna,

When you say "roundtrip," do you mean that everyone on your team edits the same 
.pdf, so all comments are captured in one file?

If so, are you able to select only some changes to port back to the FM source 

Also, I'd say my company's review process is a little too frisky for that 
degree of cooperation. Is there a way to combine comments from separate, 
identical PDFs into one PDF?

Thanks very much.


Can Frame's default color definitions be changed?

2012-10-17 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
On Wed, 17 Oct 2012 09:08:10 +0100, Steve Rickaby 

>At 20:32 -0500 16/10/12, Jeremy H. Griffith wrote:
>>...because it was invented by IBM for the MTST 
>(Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter)...
>You mean there was an *automatic* Selectric? Why 
>didn't I know about this?? Why didn't I have one??? ;-)

They were kinda expensive, I think in the $20K range.
My company at the time leased four of them, plus
the MTSC, Magnetic Tape Selectric Composer, which
did fine proportional spacing.  It used different
type balls from the regular Selectric.  There was
also an MCST, Magnetic Card Selectric Typewriter,
but it didn't catch on as well as the MTST.  I 
think I still have a few MTST tape cartridges; 
they held about seven pages each...  ;-)

About five years later I worked on the first
"affordable" dedicated word processor, the Artec
Display 2000, with a 37-character LED display,
only $9,995, plus options like more memory (16K
to start) and a second 8" floppy drive.  It ran
CP/M internally.  I still have one in storage,
the developers' model with 64K, two 8" drives,
an RS-232 port for a terminal (not monitor),
and a ROM that allowed copying disks (not for
customers; blanks were $10, program disks $50).
The company was later purchased by Dictaphone,
which was swallowed by Pitney-Bowes, and the
next version, the $15K Dual Display with a CRT,
never made it out.

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Deanna Korth

We are migrating from FrameMaker 7.2 to FrameMaker 11. In our current
workflow, we create a PDF file and use Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional to
enable commenting in it so that reviewers who don't have FrameMaker can
electronically review and comment on our FrameMaker documents. We then
merge the electronic comments into the PDF file and manually change the
FrameMaker files accordingly.

For FrameMaker 11, Adobe advertises, "Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip
reviews." I've searched, but I can't find how these types of reviews are
implemented. Can you briefly explain how this feature works? Mainly I want
to know if we need to purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional X to retain our
ability to solicit electronic reviews from reviewers who don't have
FrameMaker or if the need for Acrobat Professional is eliminated by this
feature in FrameMaker 11.


-- next part --
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Re: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Art Campbell
Deanna, the marketing blurb just means that you can run an electronic
review using PDFs (that come out of Frame) and Acrobat Comment/Tracking
tools, and then pull those comments back into the Frame
environment/documents -- if you haven't modified the source files. That's
the round trip -- FM to Acrobat to FM.

Art Campbell
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent and
a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
  No disclaimers apply.
   DoD 358

I support, hyperlocal news for Groton MA.

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 2:47 PM, Deanna Korth wrote:

> Hi,
> We are migrating from FrameMaker 7.2 to FrameMaker 11. In our current
> workflow, we create a PDF file and use Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional to
> enable commenting in it so that reviewers who don't have FrameMaker can
> electronically review and comment on our FrameMaker documents. We then
> merge the electronic comments into the PDF file and manually change the
> FrameMaker files accordingly.
> For FrameMaker 11, Adobe advertises, "Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip
> reviews." I've searched, but I can't find how these types of reviews are
> implemented. Can you briefly explain how this feature works? Mainly I want
> to know if we need to purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional X to retain our
> ability to solicit electronic reviews from reviewers who don't have
> FrameMaker or if the need for Acrobat Professional is eliminated by this
> feature in FrameMaker 11.
> Thanks,
> Deanna.
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Re: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Matt Sullivan
Yes to all…but I have a deadline to meet. Check out your FM and Acrobat PDF 
menu items for more info.


On Oct 17, 2012, at 12:51 PM, Nancy Allison  wrote:

> Matt and Deanna,
> When you say "roundtrip," do you mean that everyone on your team edits the 
> same .pdf, so all comments are captured in one file?
> If so, are you able to select only some changes to port back to the FM source 
> files?
> Also, I'd say my company's review process is a little too frisky for that 
> degree of cooperation. Is there a way to combine comments from separate, 
> identical PDFs into one PDF?
> Thanks very much.
> --Nancy
> ___
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Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Matt Sullivan
Yes to all?but I have a deadline to meet. Check out your FM and Acrobat PDF 
menu items for more info.


On Oct 17, 2012, at 12:51 PM, Nancy Allison  wrote:

> Matt and Deanna,
> When you say "roundtrip," do you mean that everyone on your team edits the 
> same .pdf, so all comments are captured in one file?
> If so, are you able to select only some changes to port back to the FM source 
> files?
> Also, I'd say my company's review process is a little too frisky for that 
> degree of cooperation. Is there a way to combine comments from separate, 
> identical PDFs into one PDF?
> Thanks very much.
> --Nancy
> ___
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Re: Re: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Nancy Allison
Matt and Deanna,

When you say "roundtrip," do you mean that everyone on your team edits the same 
.pdf, so all comments are captured in one file?

If so, are you able to select only some changes to port back to the FM source 

Also, I'd say my company's review process is a little too frisky for that 
degree of cooperation. Is there a way to combine comments from separate, 
identical PDFs into one PDF?

Thanks very much.


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RE: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Jeff Coatsworth
Not personally - I've just used the review feature to get comments - never 
tried merging them back in.

I recall lots of posts on the Adobe FM forum about failure to merge comments 
back in. An Adobe employee piped up and said that to make it work, you can't 
make any changes after generating the review PDF if you want to merge them back 
in. I can see how it would be tough for FM to figure out where a comment fits 
back in if the originating section got moved around or deleted after the review 
PDF was created.

Maybe this has been improved since it seems an obvious flaw in people's 

[] On Behalf Of Matt Sullivan
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 3:38 PM
To: Lief Erickson
Subject: Re: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

I dunno...there are lots of scary messages about the document changing, but 
I've had total success in saving the docs first, then importing and merging the 

Even if it fails, it's worth a few minutes of experimenting, as this feature 
has saved me *many* hours of tedious updating.

Jeff, have you had different results?


On Oct 17, 2012, at 12:21 PM, Lief Erickson>> wrote:


...and where I work, that never happens, so it means that I have to manually 
merge the comments.


 On Behalf Of Jeff Coatsworth
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 2:12 PM
Subject: RE: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?
The one proviso is that the originating FM doc can't change in any way after 
the review PDF is created if you hope to merge comments back into it later.

 [] On Behalf Of Matt Sullivan
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 3:04 PM
To: Deanna Korth
Subject: Re: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?
Hi Deanna
First, they released Acrobat XI today or yesterday, so you'll likely be doing 
your work with XI instead of X.
Next, you'll need Acrobat Pro on the machine producing the PDF, and from there 
you can initiate reviews with your team using anything from Reader (9 or above) 
to Acrobat Pro (9 or above). If I recall correctly, this has been true since 
Acrobat 5 or so.
I have successfully run reviews with this setup and then  migrated comments 
back into the FM document (FM 10 and 11) with the supplied workflow, which is a 
fraction of the effort required to manually apply changes to the original FM 
On Oct 17, 2012, at 11:47 AM, Deanna Korth>> wrote:


We are migrating from FrameMaker 7.2 to FrameMaker 11. In our current workflow, 
we create a PDF file and use Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional to enable 
commenting in it so that reviewers who don't have FrameMaker can electronically 
review and comment on our FrameMaker documents. We then merge the electronic 
comments into the PDF file and manually change the FrameMaker files accordingly.

For FrameMaker 11, Adobe advertises, "Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip 
reviews." I've searched, but I can't find how these types of reviews are 
implemented. Can you briefly explain how this feature works? Mainly I want to 
know if we need to purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional X to retain our ability 
to solicit electronic reviews from reviewers who don't have FrameMaker or if 
the need for Acrobat Professional is eliminated by this feature in FrameMaker 



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Re: Can Frame's default color definitions be changed?

2012-10-17 Thread Jeremy H. Griffith
On Wed, 17 Oct 2012 09:08:10 +0100, Steve Rickaby 

>At 20:32 -0500 16/10/12, Jeremy H. Griffith wrote:
>>...because it was invented by IBM for the MTST 
>(Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter)...
>You mean there was an *automatic* Selectric? Why 
>didn't I know about this?? Why didn't I have one??? ;-)

They were kinda expensive, I think in the $20K range.
My company at the time leased four of them, plus
the MTSC, Magnetic Tape Selectric Composer, which
did fine proportional spacing.  It used different
type balls from the regular Selectric.  There was
also an MCST, Magnetic Card Selectric Typewriter,
but it didn't catch on as well as the MTST.  I 
think I still have a few MTST tape cartridges; 
they held about seven pages each...  ;-)

About five years later I worked on the first
"affordable" dedicated word processor, the Artec
Display 2000, with a 37-character LED display,
only $9,995, plus options like more memory (16K
to start) and a second 8" floppy drive.  It ran
CP/M internally.  I still have one in storage,
the developers' model with 64K, two 8" drives,
an RS-232 port for a terminal (not monitor),
and a ROM that allowed copying disks (not for
customers; blanks were $10, program disks $50).
The company was later purchased by Dictaphone,
which was swallowed by Pitney-Bowes, and the
next version, the $15K Dual Display with a CRT,
never made it out.

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

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Re: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Matt Sullivan
I dunno…there are lots of scary messages about the document changing, but I've 
had total success in saving the docs first, then importing and merging the 

Even if it fails, it's worth a few minutes of experimenting, as this feature 
has saved me *many* hours of tedious updating.

Jeff, have you had different results?


On Oct 17, 2012, at 12:21 PM, Lief Erickson  wrote:

> +1
> …and where I work, that never happens, so it means that I have to manually 
> merge the comments.
> -Lief
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Jeff Coatsworth
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 2:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?
> The one proviso is that the originating FM doc can't change in any way after 
> the review PDF is created if you hope to merge comments back into it later.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Matt Sullivan
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 3:04 PM
> To: Deanna Korth
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?
> Hi Deanna
> First, they released Acrobat XI today or yesterday, so you'll likely be doing 
> your work with XI instead of X.
> Next, you'll need Acrobat Pro on the machine producing the PDF, and from 
> there you can initiate reviews with your team using anything from Reader (9 
> or above) to Acrobat Pro (9 or above). If I recall correctly, this has been 
> true since Acrobat 5 or so. 
> I have successfully run reviews with this setup and then  migrated comments 
> back into the FM document (FM 10 and 11) with the supplied workflow, which is 
> a fraction of the effort required to manually apply changes to the original 
> FM document.
> -Matt
> @mattrsullivan
> On Oct 17, 2012, at 11:47 AM, Deanna Korth  wrote:
> Hi,
> We are migrating from FrameMaker 7.2 to FrameMaker 11. In our current 
> workflow, we create a PDF file and use Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional to 
> enable commenting in it so that reviewers who don't have FrameMaker can 
> electronically review and comment on our FrameMaker documents. We then merge 
> the electronic comments into the PDF file and manually change the FrameMaker 
> files accordingly.
> For FrameMaker 11, Adobe advertises, "Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip 
> reviews." I've searched, but I can't find how these types of reviews are 
> implemented. Can you briefly explain how this feature works? Mainly I want to 
> know if we need to purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional X to retain our 
> ability to solicit electronic reviews from reviewers who don't have 
> FrameMaker or if the need for Acrobat Professional is eliminated by this 
> feature in FrameMaker 11.
> Thanks,
> Deanna.
> ___
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> ___
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Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Matt Sullivan
I dunno?there are lots of scary messages about the document changing, but I've 
had total success in saving the docs first, then importing and merging the 

Even if it fails, it's worth a few minutes of experimenting, as this feature 
has saved me *many* hours of tedious updating.

Jeff, have you had different results?


On Oct 17, 2012, at 12:21 PM, Lief Erickson  

> +1
> ?and where I work, that never happens, so it means that I have to manually 
> merge the comments.
> -Lief
> From: framers-bounces at [mailto:framers-bounces at 
>] On Behalf Of Jeff Coatsworth
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 2:12 PM
> To: framers at
> Subject: RE: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?
> The one proviso is that the originating FM doc can't change in any way after 
> the review PDF is created if you hope to merge comments back into it later.
> From: framers-bounces at [mailto:framers-bounces at 
>] On Behalf Of Matt Sullivan
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 3:04 PM
> To: Deanna Korth
> Cc: framers at
> Subject: Re: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?
> Hi Deanna
> First, they released Acrobat XI today or yesterday, so you'll likely be doing 
> your work with XI instead of X.
> Next, you'll need Acrobat Pro on the machine producing the PDF, and from 
> there you can initiate reviews with your team using anything from Reader (9 
> or above) to Acrobat Pro (9 or above). If I recall correctly, this has been 
> true since Acrobat 5 or so. 
> I have successfully run reviews with this setup and then  migrated comments 
> back into the FM document (FM 10 and 11) with the supplied workflow, which is 
> a fraction of the effort required to manually apply changes to the original 
> FM document.
> -Matt
> @mattrsullivan
> On Oct 17, 2012, at 11:47 AM, Deanna Korth  wrote:
> Hi,
> We are migrating from FrameMaker 7.2 to FrameMaker 11. In our current 
> workflow, we create a PDF file and use Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional to 
> enable commenting in it so that reviewers who don't have FrameMaker can 
> electronically review and comment on our FrameMaker documents. We then merge 
> the electronic comments into the PDF file and manually change the FrameMaker 
> files accordingly.
> For FrameMaker 11, Adobe advertises, "Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip 
> reviews." I've searched, but I can't find how these types of reviews are 
> implemented. Can you briefly explain how this feature works? Mainly I want to 
> know if we need to purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional X to retain our 
> ability to solicit electronic reviews from reviewers who don't have 
> FrameMaker or if the need for Acrobat Professional is eliminated by this 
> feature in FrameMaker 11.
> Thanks,
> Deanna.
> ___
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-- next part --
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RE: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Lief Erickson

...and where I work, that never happens, so it means that I have to manually 
merge the comments.


[] On Behalf Of Jeff Coatsworth
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 2:12 PM
Subject: RE: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

The one proviso is that the originating FM doc can't change in any way after 
the review PDF is created if you hope to merge comments back into it later.

 [] On Behalf Of Matt Sullivan
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 3:04 PM
To: Deanna Korth
Subject: Re: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?
Hi Deanna
First, they released Acrobat XI today or yesterday, so you'll likely be doing 
your work with XI instead of X.

Next, you'll need Acrobat Pro on the machine producing the PDF, and from there 
you can initiate reviews with your team using anything from Reader (9 or above) 
to Acrobat Pro (9 or above). If I recall correctly, this has been true since 
Acrobat 5 or so.

I have successfully run reviews with this setup and then  migrated comments 
back into the FM document (FM 10 and 11) with the supplied workflow, which is a 
fraction of the effort required to manually apply changes to the original FM 


On Oct 17, 2012, at 11:47 AM, Deanna Korth>> wrote:


We are migrating from FrameMaker 7.2 to FrameMaker 11. In our current workflow, 
we create a PDF file and use Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional to enable 
commenting in it so that reviewers who don't have FrameMaker can electronically 
review and comment on our FrameMaker documents. We then merge the electronic 
comments into the PDF file and manually change the FrameMaker files accordingly.

For FrameMaker 11, Adobe advertises, "Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip 
reviews." I've searched, but I can't find how these types of reviews are 
implemented. Can you briefly explain how this feature works? Mainly I want to 
know if we need to purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional X to retain our ability 
to solicit electronic reviews from reviewers who don't have FrameMaker or if 
the need for Acrobat Professional is eliminated by this feature in FrameMaker 



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RE: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Jeff Coatsworth
The one proviso is that the originating FM doc can't change in any way after 
the review PDF is created if you hope to merge comments back into it later.

[] On Behalf Of Matt Sullivan
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 3:04 PM
To: Deanna Korth
Subject: Re: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

Hi Deanna
First, they released Acrobat XI today or yesterday, so you'll likely be doing 
your work with XI instead of X.

Next, you'll need Acrobat Pro on the machine producing the PDF, and from there 
you can initiate reviews with your team using anything from Reader (9 or above) 
to Acrobat Pro (9 or above). If I recall correctly, this has been true since 
Acrobat 5 or so.

I have successfully run reviews with this setup and then  migrated comments 
back into the FM document (FM 10 and 11) with the supplied workflow, which is a 
fraction of the effort required to manually apply changes to the original FM 


On Oct 17, 2012, at 11:47 AM, Deanna Korth>> wrote:


We are migrating from FrameMaker 7.2 to FrameMaker 11. In our current workflow, 
we create a PDF file and use Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional to enable 
commenting in it so that reviewers who don't have FrameMaker can electronically 
review and comment on our FrameMaker documents. We then merge the electronic 
comments into the PDF file and manually change the FrameMaker files accordingly.

For FrameMaker 11, Adobe advertises, "Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip 
reviews." I've searched, but I can't find how these types of reviews are 
implemented. Can you briefly explain how this feature works? Mainly I want to 
know if we need to purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional X to retain our ability 
to solicit electronic reviews from reviewers who don't have FrameMaker or if 
the need for Acrobat Professional is eliminated by this feature in FrameMaker 



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Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Robert Lauriston
Importing PDF comments was added in FM9.

If your reviewers write content that's usable or needs only a minor
polish, it might be useful, but otherwise I think it's more work than
the manual process.

Re: Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Matt Sullivan
Hi Deanna
First, they released Acrobat XI today or yesterday, so you'll likely be doing 
your work with XI instead of X.

Next, you'll need Acrobat Pro on the machine producing the PDF, and from there 
you can initiate reviews with your team using anything from Reader (9 or above) 
to Acrobat Pro (9 or above). If I recall correctly, this has been true since 
Acrobat 5 or so. 

I have successfully run reviews with this setup and then  migrated comments 
back into the FM document (FM 10 and 11) with the supplied workflow, which is a 
fraction of the effort required to manually apply changes to the original FM 


On Oct 17, 2012, at 11:47 AM, Deanna Korth  wrote:

> Hi,
> We are migrating from FrameMaker 7.2 to FrameMaker 11. In our current 
> workflow, we create a PDF file and use Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional to 
> enable commenting in it so that reviewers who don't have FrameMaker can 
> electronically review and comment on our FrameMaker documents. We then merge 
> the electronic comments into the PDF file and manually change the FrameMaker 
> files accordingly.
> For FrameMaker 11, Adobe advertises, "Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip 
> reviews." I've searched, but I can't find how these types of reviews are 
> implemented. Can you briefly explain how this feature works? Mainly I want to 
> know if we need to purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional X to retain our 
> ability to solicit electronic reviews from reviewers who don't have 
> FrameMaker or if the need for Acrobat Professional is eliminated by this 
> feature in FrameMaker 11.
> Thanks,
> Deanna.
> ___
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Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Matt Sullivan
Hi Deanna
First, they released Acrobat XI today or yesterday, so you'll likely be doing 
your work with XI instead of X.

Next, you'll need Acrobat Pro on the machine producing the PDF, and from there 
you can initiate reviews with your team using anything from Reader (9 or above) 
to Acrobat Pro (9 or above). If I recall correctly, this has been true since 
Acrobat 5 or so. 

I have successfully run reviews with this setup and then  migrated comments 
back into the FM document (FM 10 and 11) with the supplied workflow, which is a 
fraction of the effort required to manually apply changes to the original FM 


On Oct 17, 2012, at 11:47 AM, Deanna Korth  wrote:

> Hi,
> We are migrating from FrameMaker 7.2 to FrameMaker 11. In our current 
> workflow, we create a PDF file and use Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional to 
> enable commenting in it so that reviewers who don't have FrameMaker can 
> electronically review and comment on our FrameMaker documents. We then merge 
> the electronic comments into the PDF file and manually change the FrameMaker 
> files accordingly.
> For FrameMaker 11, Adobe advertises, "Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip 
> reviews." I've searched, but I can't find how these types of reviews are 
> implemented. Can you briefly explain how this feature works? Mainly I want to 
> know if we need to purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional X to retain our 
> ability to solicit electronic reviews from reviewers who don't have 
> FrameMaker or if the need for Acrobat Professional is eliminated by this 
> feature in FrameMaker 11.
> Thanks,
> Deanna.
> ___
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------ next part --
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Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip reviews?

2012-10-17 Thread Deanna Korth

We are migrating from FrameMaker 7.2 to FrameMaker 11. In our current
workflow, we create a PDF file and use Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional to
enable commenting in it so that reviewers who don't have FrameMaker can
electronically review and comment on our FrameMaker documents. We then
merge the electronic comments into the PDF file and manually change the
FrameMaker files accordingly.

For FrameMaker 11, Adobe advertises, "Collaborate with PDF-based roundtrip
reviews." I've searched, but I can't find how these types of reviews are
implemented. Can you briefly explain how this feature works? Mainly I want
to know if we need to purchase Adobe Acrobat Professional X to retain our
ability to solicit electronic reviews from reviewers who don't have
FrameMaker or if the need for Acrobat Professional is eliminated by this
feature in FrameMaker 11.



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Adding a version number to PDF file property

2012-10-17 Thread

{This is my first posting from this email address and I'm not sure it went
through the first time. As a result, I'm reposting}


Is there a way to incorporate a version number into the properties of a PDF
file so that it appears in Window explorer properties? To see what I mean,
do this:

1. In Windows Explorer, right-click any PDF file and select Properties.
2. Select the Details tab.

The details for the PDF include the file name, type, folder path, size,
etc. but not a file version. However, if you view the details of an
application file, its file version appears.

How can I add the file version properties for a PDF file?

... Jon
-- next part --
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Can Frame's default color definitions be changed?

2012-10-17 Thread Alan T Litchfield
I don't think this is what Carol was asking.

Yes, you can/should define a new colour if you want something different 
from the default, as a couple have said.

No, you cannot redefine the default colours and there is no reason to, 
because you can create new colours.

I suggest you read up on green, red and blue to see why they are default 
colours. Similarly with cyan, magenta, yellow, black and white.


On 17/10/12 7:23 AM, Harpreet Singh Seehra wrote:
> You can do this, make a new color definition and give it whatever  definition 
> you want it to be(less florescent green) and use it.
> -Original Message-
> From: framers-bounces at [mailto:framers-bounces at 
>] On Behalf Of Carol J. Elkins
> Sent: 16 October 2012 23:33
> To: framers at; framers at
> Subject: Can Frame's default color definitions be changed?
> Does anyone know if it is possible to change the values of one of 
> Framemaker's default color definitions? I'd like to make the Green less 
> florescent by darkening it a bit. But when I select Green in the Color 
> Definitions list and select a darker color, the Change button is dimmed (this 
> only happens for the default colors). So changing any of the default colors 
> from the UI doesn't seem to be an option. Any other way?
> Carol
> **
> Carol J. Elkins---A Written Word LLC
> Making Information Understandable
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PO Box 1941, Auckland

Can Frame's default color definitions be changed? - a solution

2012-10-17 Thread Carol J. Elkins
Rebecca, you are brilliant! I had assumed that because the imported 
colors were overrides to the paratag, I wouldn't be able to do 
anything to them. It didn't even occur to me that I could search for 
them. I was looking for a much harder solution. Thanks so much for the "push."


At 08:39 PM 10/16/2012, rebecca officer wrote:
>You can use FM's Find/Change for this.
>Then, in your document:
>Define your new colour.
>Then click outside the text frame on any page, so you don't have a 
>cursor in any text.
>Then open Find/Change dialog and select Find >Character Format.
>The Find Character Format dialog opens and should have everything 
>set to As Is. Change the colour to Green and click Set.
>Then select Change > To Character Format, make sure everything is 
>set to As Is, select the new colour, and click Set.
>Then click the Change All button. All instances of Green will 
>magically change to your new colour.

Carol J. Elkins---A Written Word LLC
Making Information Understandable
Phone: 719-948-3773
mailto:celkins at

Re: Changes in Dictonaries in FM 10/11

2012-10-17 Thread Matt Sullivan
FM11 provides support for HunSpell dictionaries in addition to previous 
dictionary support


On Oct 17, 2012, at 8:50 AM, "Georg Eck"  wrote:

> Somebody did successful worked with user.dct and site.dct in the past,
> but what is new in FM 10 or 11?


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Changes in Dictonaries in FM 10/11

2012-10-17 Thread Matt Sullivan
FM11 provides support for HunSpell dictionaries in addition to previous 
dictionary support


On Oct 17, 2012, at 8:50 AM, "Georg Eck"  wrote:

> Somebody did successful worked with user.dct and site.dct in the past,
> but what is new in FM 10 or 11?

-- next part --
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Can Frame's default color definitions be changed?

2012-10-17 Thread Steve Rickaby
At 20:32 -0500 16/10/12, Jeremy H. Griffith wrote:

>...because it was invented by IBM for the MTST (Magnetic Tape Selectric 

You mean there was an *automatic* Selectric? Why didn't I know about this?? Why 
didn't I have one??? ;-)

Steve [Trim e-mails: use less disk, use less power, use less planet]

Changes in Dictonaries in FM 10/11

2012-10-17 Thread Georg Eck
Hello everybody.

That's not a question - that's a little story about changes with
Dictionaries in FM 10/11:
Perhaps, that is useful for users they want to update from FM 8 to
Somebody did successful worked with user.dct and site.dct in the past,
but what is new in FM 10 or 11?

At first save your user.dct and site.dct (or other dictionaries)!

Default maker.ini in $fmhome:

; Files
; If it is not an absolute path, then it is relative to the FMHome

If there is no link to a path/file for an UserDictionary, you can find
the default directory in: 
\Dictionaries (FM10)
\UserDictionaries (Fm 11)
   \ FMUserDictionary 
\alladded.txt  >  for the added words/phrases
  excluded.txt >  for the excluded words/phrases 
\de_DE   etc. >  devided for every Langauge

More: Soon in our (currently in German only)

You can find the SiteDictionary (see maker.ini) at $fmhome\dict with
but it should be in \FMSiteDictionary in AppData or it would be better
for a workgroup 
it should be on a shared/server disk.

Question: Where are saved the Standard Language Dictionaries?
Since FrameMaker 9 there is a central path: 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Linguistics

Note: There is an additional maker.ini for every user, you can find it
All settings in user maker.ini are winning about the central maker.ini
in $fmhome.

You can delete the user maker.ini, at next start of FrameMaker, 
FrameMaker will create a new maker.ini for the user (Please save the
user maker.ini at first!) 

- Georg (Adobe Certified Expert since 1999)

We would be glad to meet you at tekom/tcworld October 23rd - 25th in
SQUIDDS Booth 807 in Hall 8: "TechComm goes mobile"


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Re: Can Frame's default color definitions be changed? - a solution

2012-10-17 Thread Carol J. Elkins
Rebecca, you are brilliant! I had assumed that because the imported 
colors were overrides to the paratag, I wouldn't be able to do 
anything to them. It didn't even occur to me that I could search for 
them. I was looking for a much harder solution. Thanks so much for the "push."


At 08:39 PM 10/16/2012, rebecca officer wrote:

You can use FM's Find/Change for this.
Then, in your document:
Define your new colour.
Then click outside the text frame on any page, so you don't have a 
cursor in any text.

Then open Find/Change dialog and select Find >Character Format.
The Find Character Format dialog opens and should have everything 
set to As Is. Change the colour to Green and click Set.
Then select Change > To Character Format, make sure everything is 
set to As Is, select the new colour, and click Set.
Then click the Change All button. All instances of Green will 
magically change to your new colour.

Carol J. Elkins---A Written Word LLC
Making Information Understandable
Phone: 719-948-3773


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Ann: Adobe TS4.01 available

2012-10-17 Thread Georg Eck
Adobe Acrobat XI Pro Part of @AdobeTCS TS4, now! 
US Adobe Blog:
German Blog:

- GEorg

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Re: *****SPAM***** Re: Can Frame's default color definitions be changed?

2012-10-17 Thread Frank Stearns

On Wed, 17 Oct 2012, Steve Rickaby wrote:

At 20:32 -0500 16/10/12, Jeremy H. Griffith wrote:

...because it was invented by IBM for the MTST (Magnetic Tape Selectric 

You mean there was an *automatic* Selectric? Why didn't I know about 
this?? Why didn't I have one??? ;-)

"Automatic" in one sense that the machine had been designed to be an 
output device -- a printer -- with the correct hardware added inside.

In the mid-70s I purchased an interface kit from a third party that 
installed inside the Seletric. Selonoids and linkages; wires 
snaking through the guts. (7 selonoids could select any character on 
the type ball.)

Took many months to get it adjusted just right, but it was glorious to 
have the results of work done with the primitive word processor 
(hosted in a 60 pound S-100 system with a whopping 32K of memory) spit 
out text at nearly twice the rate I could type.

Interesting times. :)

Frank Stearns Associates | makers of IXgen(tm) for FrameMaker(r)
*** IXGEN 7-10 for FRAMEMAKER 10 IS HERE! *** 
TOLL FREE Voice (USA and Canada):  800-567-6421
USA Voice: 360-892-3970

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*****SPAM***** Re: Can Frame's default color definitions be changed?

2012-10-17 Thread Frank Stearns
On Wed, 17 Oct 2012, Steve Rickaby wrote:

> At 20:32 -0500 16/10/12, Jeremy H. Griffith wrote:
>> ...because it was invented by IBM for the MTST (Magnetic Tape Selectric 
>> Typewriter)...
> You mean there was an *automatic* Selectric? Why didn't I know about 
> this?? Why didn't I have one??? ;-)

"Automatic" in one sense that the machine had been designed to be an 
output device -- a printer -- with the correct hardware added inside.

In the mid-70s I purchased an interface kit from a third party that 
installed inside the Seletric. Selonoids and linkages; wires 
snaking through the guts. (7 selonoids could select any character on 
the type ball.)

Took many months to get it adjusted just right, but it was glorious to 
have the results of work done with the primitive word processor 
(hosted in a 60 pound S-100 system with a whopping 32K of memory) spit 
out text at nearly twice the rate I could type.

Interesting times. :)

Frank Stearns Associates | makers of IXgen(tm) for FrameMaker(r)
*** IXGEN 7-10 for FRAMEMAKER 10 IS HERE! ***
franks at 
TOLL FREE Voice (USA and Canada):  800-567-6421
USA Voice: 360-892-3970

Re: Can Frame's default color definitions be changed?

2012-10-17 Thread Steve Rickaby
At 20:32 -0500 16/10/12, Jeremy H. Griffith wrote:

>...because it was invented by IBM for the MTST (Magnetic Tape Selectric 

You mean there was an *automatic* Selectric? Why didn't I know about this?? Why 
didn't I have one??? ;-)

Steve [Trim e-mails: use less disk, use less power, use less planet]

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