links in Frame converting to PDF

2006-07-26 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi all,

One other thing I have discovered (the hard way): If you want links to
work, you must select the 'Generate Acrobat Data' check box in the
'Print Book' dialog box before you print. 

I also wonder with Surbhi whether you just have a few bad links or are
none of them working?


-Original Message-
Subject: Re: links in Frame converting to PDF

Hi Gillian

I make hypertext links in a similar fashion as you mentioned but they
work all fine. I guess, it has something to do with the way you convert
your fm file to pdf. As Denise has mentioned, 'print' your fm file/book
to pdf by opting for 'Adobe PDF' as the printer selection.

This should work. Just for information, do you have one or two bad links
OR are none of them working??


Decompiling chm Help to Frame 7.2

2006-07-26 Thread Beck, Charles
Just a word of caution about the WebWorks Import Utility: While I agree
that it is generally a very nice tool, it does not handle tables well at
all. So, if you have tables, pay special attention to how they get
imported into Frame. However, Rick Quatro (on this list) has an
excellent Table Cleaner plug-in for Frame that will save you lots of
time cleaning up and formatting tables. 

I've been looking for a long time for a tool that will convert from HTML
(in various flavors) to Frame. The WW Import Utility is the only one
I've found. If there are others, I would like to know about them as

Chuck Beck

-Original Message-
Subject: RE: Decompiling chm Help to Frame 7.2


WebWorks does make a tool called the Import Utility that will import a
.chm file and convert the content to FM. You then need to apply styles
and break the content into chapters (it all goes into one FM file). I've
used it on some RoboHelp projects, and it worked quite well. All
graphics came in and links were good, but links had to be redone after
setting up the individual chapter files.

Disclaimer: I'm a WWP reseller.

There may be other decompilers, but I suspect they won't put the content
directly into an FM doc. Please contact me offlist if you want more

RE: links in Frame converting to PDF

2006-07-26 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi all,

One other thing I have discovered (the hard way): If you want links to
work, you must select the 'Generate Acrobat Data' check box in the
'Print Book' dialog box before you print. 

I also wonder with Surbhi whether you just have a few bad links or are
none of them working?


-Original Message-
Subject: Re: links in Frame converting to PDF

Hi Gillian

I make hypertext links in a similar fashion as you mentioned but they
work all fine. I guess, it has something to do with the way you convert
your fm file to pdf. As Denise has mentioned, 'print' your fm file/book
to pdf by opting for 'Adobe PDF' as the printer selection.

This should work. Just for information, do you have one or two bad links
OR are none of them working??



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RE: Decompiling chm Help to Frame 7.2

2006-07-26 Thread Beck, Charles
Just a word of caution about the WebWorks Import Utility: While I agree
that it is generally a very nice tool, it does not handle tables well at
all. So, if you have tables, pay special attention to how they get
imported into Frame. However, Rick Quatro (on this list) has an
excellent Table Cleaner plug-in for Frame that will save you lots of
time cleaning up and formatting tables. 

I've been looking for a long time for a tool that will convert from HTML
(in various flavors) to Frame. The WW Import Utility is the only one
I've found. If there are others, I would like to know about them as

Chuck Beck

-Original Message-
Subject: RE: Decompiling chm Help to Frame 7.2


WebWorks does make a tool called the Import Utility that will import a
.chm file and convert the content to FM. You then need to apply styles
and break the content into chapters (it all goes into one FM file). I've
used it on some RoboHelp projects, and it worked quite well. All
graphics came in and links were good, but links had to be redone after
setting up the individual chapter files.

Disclaimer: I'm a WWP reseller.

There may be other decompilers, but I suspect they won't put the content
directly into an FM doc. Please contact me offlist if you want more


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DITA and FrameMaker

2006-07-25 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi David,

Many of the members of our group recently attended an STC telephone
seminar conducted by one of the guys who works with XMetaL. (I was,
unfortunately, unable to attend.) I believe they talked about this tool
as part of the seminar. You might check; I don't know for sure whether
it was recorded. 

I did recently attend an Adobe "webinar" for *their* Frame 7.2 DITA
plug-in. It was excellent and it *was* recorded. If you are interested
in another alternative, you might want to check that one out as well.
The URL for the webinar is:
minar&loc=en_us (Go clear down near the bottom and look for the
"FrameMaker and DITA" link. You will need to create a login, I believe,
but then you should be able to view the presentation. 

Chuck Beck

-Original Message-
Subject: DITA and FrameMaker

Has anyone seen, or looked at, the Mekon/XMetal DITA FrameMaker plug-in?

There was an announcement on July 18th (

 David Spreadbury

RE: DITA and FrameMaker

2006-07-25 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi David,

Many of the members of our group recently attended an STC telephone
seminar conducted by one of the guys who works with XMetaL. (I was,
unfortunately, unable to attend.) I believe they talked about this tool
as part of the seminar. You might check; I don't know for sure whether
it was recorded. 

I did recently attend an Adobe "webinar" for *their* Frame 7.2 DITA
plug-in. It was excellent and it *was* recorded. If you are interested
in another alternative, you might want to check that one out as well.
The URL for the webinar is:
minar&loc=en_us (Go clear down near the bottom and look for the
"FrameMaker and DITA" link. You will need to create a login, I believe,
but then you should be able to view the presentation. 

Chuck Beck

-Original Message-
Subject: DITA and FrameMaker

Has anyone seen, or looked at, the Mekon/XMetal DITA FrameMaker plug-in?

There was an announcement on July 18th (

 David Spreadbury

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Using SAVE AS PDF in FrameMaker 6.0

2006-07-17 Thread Beck, Charles
You don't even need to "Print to file" if you use an Adobe printer
driver when printing to PDF. In versions 7.x, the printer driver is
"Adobe PDF." (I forget just now which one it is in version 6.x--"Acrobat
Distiller", maybe?) 

When you do it this way (making sure to *clear* the "Print to file"
check box), you don't have to later look up the file and distill it. The
print process prompts you for a PDF file name, and then proceeds to
print and distill to PDF wherever you tell it to put the output. 

I've never had a problem doing it this way in Frame 6 or 7--though I
*have* had problems "saving as PDF".


Chuck Beck | Sr. Information Developer | Infor Global Solutions, Inc. |
Office: 614-523-7302 | Charles.Beck at 

-Original Message-
To: Paul Grigg; framers at; framers at
Subject: RE: Using SAVE AS PDF in FrameMaker 6.0

But, in a nutshell, Save As PDF is problematic in all versions of
FrameMaker. You may, or may not, experience problems. Using Print to
File and then Distilling eliminates all of these problems.

-Original Message-
To: framers at; framers at
Subject: RE: Using SAVE AS PDF in FrameMaker 6.0


Are there any advantages/disadvantages to using the SAVE AS PDF function
over printing to a postscript file and then distilling?

Thanks, Paul

RE: Using SAVE AS PDF in FrameMaker 6.0

2006-07-17 Thread Beck, Charles
You don't even need to "Print to file" if you use an Adobe printer
driver when printing to PDF. In versions 7.x, the printer driver is
"Adobe PDF." (I forget just now which one it is in version 6.x--"Acrobat
Distiller", maybe?) 

When you do it this way (making sure to *clear* the "Print to file"
check box), you don't have to later look up the file and distill it. The
print process prompts you for a PDF file name, and then proceeds to
print and distill to PDF wherever you tell it to put the output. 

I've never had a problem doing it this way in Frame 6 or 7--though I
*have* had problems "saving as PDF".


Chuck Beck | Sr. Information Developer | Infor Global Solutions, Inc. |
Office: 614-523-7302 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

-Original Message-
To: Paul Grigg; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject: RE: Using SAVE AS PDF in FrameMaker 6.0

But, in a nutshell, Save As PDF is problematic in all versions of
FrameMaker. You may, or may not, experience problems. Using Print to
File and then Distilling eliminates all of these problems.

-Original Message-
Subject: RE: Using SAVE AS PDF in FrameMaker 6.0


Are there any advantages/disadvantages to using the SAVE AS PDF function
over printing to a postscript file and then distilling?

Thanks, Paul


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Syntax for if/then statement

2006-06-29 Thread Beck, Charles
Right-o, Bill. I had neglected to notice the full context of the
construct, and issued my first response too hastily. My bad. 

However, in the case of a conditional construct, I stand by my statement
and conviction that most readers could not care less whether we say, "If
such-and-such is true, then do this," or "If such-and-such is true, do


-Original Message-
From: Bill Swallow [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 2:09 PM
To: Beck, Charles
Cc: Tammy.VanBoening at; framers at
Subject: Re: Syntax for if/then statement

> Bad news: At least one major style guide and my own experience are on 
> your new editor's side on this one. In fact, the _Microsoft Manual of 
> Style for Technical Publications, Third Edition_ takes it even
> That style guide states that you should avoid the "if...then"
> construction altogether and not use the word "then" at all in such 
> situations. That is, you should simply say something like "If 
> such-and-such is true, do this."

Right, but the recommended construct is "if A, do B" not "if A, and do

> Somewhat ironically, the only people who care passionately enough 
> about such matters to discuss, debate, and defend them vehemently and 
> endlessly are the documentation folks, typically. Our readers could 
> probably not care less.

Actually, in the case of a "if/and then" construction, I'll bet the
readers would care and be just a tad bit confused.

Bill Swallow
HATT List Owner
WWP-Users List Owner
Senior Member STC, TechValley Chapter

OT: Syntax for if/then statement

2006-06-29 Thread Beck, Charles
One additional thought: Despite what I said in my previous post, I agree
with Jeremy. Your editor's construction is also not correct. You should
not be using either "and" OR "then" with conditional construct
statements. In this case, your editor's position (on reading closer) is
worse than the one you have been using. But it may turn out that neither
is really grammatically correct. 

BTW, I can't say what the Chicago Manual of Style says about such
things, because I do not have one handy, but it might be interesting to
see what that style guide says about this...

Chuck Beck

-Original Message-
Subject: Re: OT: Syntax for if/then statement

On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 11:22:20 -0600, Tammy.VanBoening at

>Our new editor wants to add the word "and" to such statements - if 
>, AND then . Both I and the other writer 
>disagree with the editor on this one - it should be just if/then - no 

Yikes.  You don't have to look for specific refs for geekspeak, this is
just plain bad grammar.  Look at a grammar reference.  You don't use
"and" to separate a conditional clause from the rest of its sentence!

I'd seriously wonder if this person were qualified to edit *anything*.

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc. 

Syntax for if/then statement

2006-06-29 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi Tammy, 

Bad news: At least one major style guide and my own experience are on
your new editor's side on this one. In fact, the _Microsoft Manual of
Style for Technical Publications, Third Edition_ takes it even further:
That style guide states that you should avoid the "if...then"
construction altogether and not use the word "then" at all in such
situations. That is, you should simply say something like "If
such-and-such is true, do this." 

This has also been the policy/practice with my past and present
employers and clients. I formerly also used "if...then" constructions
almost exclusively, so it was a challenge for me to adhere to this
standard when I first encountered it. But after thinking it through, I
eventually agreed that it is cleaner and more succinct. 

However, YMMV. In the end, it may come down to what your
company/organization decides to use as the standard. If that is the
case, it will come down to a question of who has the final authority to
make such decisions on behalf of the organization. Hopefully, that will
not be done willy-nilly, with no regard for the preferences of all
parties involved; but in the end, if you all just cannot agree,
*some*one has to be the final arbiter. If that is not you, you may have
to just be prepared to bite the bullet and go along with it.

Somewhat ironically, the only people who care passionately enough about
such matters to discuss, debate, and defend them vehemently and
endlessly are the documentation folks, typically. Our readers could
probably not care less.

Chuck Beck

-Original Message-
[ at] On
Behalf Of Tammy.VanBoening at
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 1:22 PM
To: framers at
Subject: OT: Syntax for if/then statement


I am hoping the fellow writers on this list can provide some information
for this request. Another writer here at Jeppesen and I have always used
the following syntax for a conditional/causal statement: If , then . We have a new editor that just joined who is
in the process of defining our styles and standards. Obviously, everyone
has an opinion about what is "right" and what is "wrong" in editing . .
.in many cases,  it's so subjective. That said, when we have our
editorial meetings about defining our styles and standards, you need to
be prepared with some factual support for a certain type of style or
standard - not just the emotional "because we've always done it this
way." Years ago, I had such a reference for writing if/then statements
this way - I don't remember which manual I referenced. Our new editor
wants to add the word "and" to such statements - if , AND
then . Both I and the other writer disagree with the editor
on this one - it should be just if/then - no "and." I have tried for the
life of me to find a documentation reference that would support this
syntax (something like Sun's Read Me First guide, etc), and although I
know I had one in the past, I can't find it now. Googling only leads me
to programming references - the thin thread here would be since we are
writing software documentation, if/then, would make sense, since that's
where the  if/then statement syntax was developed, but. . . . 

Any and all references/advice would be much appreciated.



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at

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RE: Syntax for if/then statement

2006-06-29 Thread Beck, Charles
Right-o, Bill. I had neglected to notice the full context of the
construct, and issued my first response too hastily. My bad. 

However, in the case of a conditional construct, I stand by my statement
and conviction that most readers could not care less whether we say, "If
such-and-such is true, then do this," or "If such-and-such is true, do


-Original Message-
From: Bill Swallow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 2:09 PM
To: Beck, Charles
Subject: Re: Syntax for if/then statement

> Bad news: At least one major style guide and my own experience are on 
> your new editor's side on this one. In fact, the _Microsoft Manual of 
> Style for Technical Publications, Third Edition_ takes it even
> That style guide states that you should avoid the "if...then"
> construction altogether and not use the word "then" at all in such 
> situations. That is, you should simply say something like "If 
> such-and-such is true, do this."

Right, but the recommended construct is "if A, do B" not "if A, and do

> Somewhat ironically, the only people who care passionately enough 
> about such matters to discuss, debate, and defend them vehemently and 
> endlessly are the documentation folks, typically. Our readers could 
> probably not care less.

Actually, in the case of a "if/and then" construction, I'll bet the
readers would care and be just a tad bit confused.

Bill Swallow
HATT List Owner
WWP-Users List Owner
Senior Member STC, TechValley Chapter

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RE: OT: Syntax for if/then statement

2006-06-29 Thread Beck, Charles
One additional thought: Despite what I said in my previous post, I agree
with Jeremy. Your editor's construction is also not correct. You should
not be using either "and" OR "then" with conditional construct
statements. In this case, your editor's position (on reading closer) is
worse than the one you have been using. But it may turn out that neither
is really grammatically correct. 

BTW, I can't say what the Chicago Manual of Style says about such
things, because I do not have one handy, but it might be interesting to
see what that style guide says about this...

Chuck Beck


-Original Message-
Subject: Re: OT: Syntax for if/then statement

On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 11:22:20 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Our new editor wants to add the word "and" to such statements - if 
>, AND then . Both I and the other writer 
>disagree with the editor on this one - it should be just if/then - no 

Yikes.  You don't have to look for specific refs for geekspeak, this is
just plain bad grammar.  Look at a grammar reference.  You don't use
"and" to separate a conditional clause from the rest of its sentence!

I'd seriously wonder if this person were qualified to edit *anything*.

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

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RE: Syntax for if/then statement

2006-06-29 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi Tammy, 

Bad news: At least one major style guide and my own experience are on
your new editor's side on this one. In fact, the _Microsoft Manual of
Style for Technical Publications, Third Edition_ takes it even further:
That style guide states that you should avoid the "if...then"
construction altogether and not use the word "then" at all in such
situations. That is, you should simply say something like "If
such-and-such is true, do this." 

This has also been the policy/practice with my past and present
employers and clients. I formerly also used "if...then" constructions
almost exclusively, so it was a challenge for me to adhere to this
standard when I first encountered it. But after thinking it through, I
eventually agreed that it is cleaner and more succinct. 

However, YMMV. In the end, it may come down to what your
company/organization decides to use as the standard. If that is the
case, it will come down to a question of who has the final authority to
make such decisions on behalf of the organization. Hopefully, that will
not be done willy-nilly, with no regard for the preferences of all
parties involved; but in the end, if you all just cannot agree,
*some*one has to be the final arbiter. If that is not you, you may have
to just be prepared to bite the bullet and go along with it.

Somewhat ironically, the only people who care passionately enough about
such matters to discuss, debate, and defend them vehemently and
endlessly are the documentation folks, typically. Our readers could
probably not care less.

Chuck Beck

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 1:22 PM
Subject: OT: Syntax for if/then statement


I am hoping the fellow writers on this list can provide some information
for this request. Another writer here at Jeppesen and I have always used
the following syntax for a conditional/causal statement: If , then . We have a new editor that just joined who is
in the process of defining our styles and standards. Obviously, everyone
has an opinion about what is "right" and what is "wrong" in editing . .
.in many cases,  it's so subjective. That said, when we have our
editorial meetings about defining our styles and standards, you need to
be prepared with some factual support for a certain type of style or
standard - not just the emotional "because we've always done it this
way." Years ago, I had such a reference for writing if/then statements
this way - I don't remember which manual I referenced. Our new editor
wants to add the word "and" to such statements - if , AND
then . Both I and the other writer disagree with the editor
on this one - it should be just if/then - no "and." I have tried for the
life of me to find a documentation reference that would support this
syntax (something like Sun's Read Me First guide, etc), and although I
know I had one in the past, I can't find it now. Googling only leads me
to programming references - the thin thread here would be since we are
writing software documentation, if/then, would make sense, since that's
where the  if/then statement syntax was developed, but. . . . 

Any and all references/advice would be much appreciated.



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.

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WebWorks forum?

2006-06-15 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi all,

I know this is a little OT for Frame, maybe, but I have not been able to
find what I'm looking for elsewhere, and certainly not from the
Quadralay website: Do any of you know of any Quadralay/WebWorks online
forums like this group, where you can ask and get answers to questions
about WebWorks products? 


Chuck Beck | Sr. Information Developer | Infor | office: 614-523-7302 |
Charles.Beck at 

WebWorks forum?

2006-06-15 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi all,
I know this is a little OT for Frame, maybe, but I have not been able to
find what I'm looking for elsewhere, and certainly not from the
Quadralay website: Do any of you know of any Quadralay/WebWorks online
forums like this group, where you can ask and get answers to questions
about WebWorks products? 


Chuck Beck | Sr. Information Developer | Infor | office: 614-523-7302 |


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Converting to Frame from HTML

2006-06-14 Thread Beck, Charles
Hello fellow Framers,

A couple months ago, I believe, I submitted a question about the
WebWorks Import Utility that takes HTML files and converts them to Frame
(MIF) format. We have been using that tool fairly successfully, but we
have found that it has several fairly serious shortcomings.
Particularly, it doesn't handle tables well at all (including the

So I thought I would turn to this group once again and ask: Does anyone
out there know of other import utilities that convert HTML to Frame
formats? Cheap is wonderful and free is even better!   ;o)


Chuck Beck | Sr. Information Developer | Infor | office: 614-523-7302 |
Charles.Beck at 

Converting to Frame from HTML

2006-06-14 Thread Beck, Charles
Hello fellow Framers,
A couple months ago, I believe, I submitted a question about the
WebWorks Import Utility that takes HTML files and converts them to Frame
(MIF) format. We have been using that tool fairly successfully, but we
have found that it has several fairly serious shortcomings.
Particularly, it doesn't handle tables well at all (including the
So I thought I would turn to this group once again and ask: Does anyone
out there know of other import utilities that convert HTML to Frame
formats? Cheap is wonderful and free is even better!   ;o)


Chuck Beck | Sr. Information Developer | Infor | office: 614-523-7302 |


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2006-06-13 Thread Beck, Charles
Maybe both of you could take this offline?  

-Original Message-
To: framers; Jeremy H. Griffith
Subject: Re: mif2go

Public bullying?  Huh?

RE: mif2go

2006-06-13 Thread Beck, Charles
Maybe both of you could take this offline?  

-Original Message-
To: framers; Jeremy H. Griffith
Subject: Re: mif2go

Public bullying?  Huh?


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Hiding Pages?

2006-06-09 Thread Beck, Charles
Actually, where I have worked in the past, we used a combination of both
variables *and* conditional text for multiple versions of a product. 

Chuck Beck

-Original Message-
Subject: RE: Hiding Pages?

In a situation where only the name changes, I find that it is *much*
more maintainable to use a variable for the product name because you
only have to make a change in one place (the variable's value
definition) when one of the names changes or when a new variant is added
to the list. If you use conditional text for product names, you have to
use Find/Change to locate and update every instance of any name that
changes and you have to add a new condition and explicitly add new
conditionalized content in each appropriate location when a new product
name is added to the list. It's *much* more time consuming and *much*
more prone to errors (particularly considering the shortcomings of
FrameMaker's Find/Change command).

My opinions only; I don't speak for Intel.
Fred Ridder (fred dot ridder at intel dot com) Intel Parsippany, NJ

RE: Hiding Pages?

2006-06-09 Thread Beck, Charles
Actually, where I have worked in the past, we used a combination of both
variables *and* conditional text for multiple versions of a product. 

Chuck Beck

-Original Message-
Subject: RE: Hiding Pages?

In a situation where only the name changes, I find that it is *much*
more maintainable to use a variable for the product name because you
only have to make a change in one place (the variable's value
definition) when one of the names changes or when a new variant is added
to the list. If you use conditional text for product names, you have to
use Find/Change to locate and update every instance of any name that
changes and you have to add a new condition and explicitly add new
conditionalized content in each appropriate location when a new product
name is added to the list. It's *much* more time consuming and *much*
more prone to errors (particularly considering the shortcomings of
FrameMaker's Find/Change command).

My opinions only; I don't speak for Intel.
Fred Ridder (fred dot ridder at intel dot com) Intel Parsippany, NJ

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Organization Charts

2006-06-05 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi Eduardo,

I don't know if anyone else replied to your query offline, but I haven't
seen any replies to the list, so I thought I'd just toss in my bit:

I don't know of any Adobe-native tools that do what you want to do. But
then, I am not familiar with the entire Adobe CS family either, so I
could easily miss something. 

If I were you, however, I would use Visio and import it into Frame.
Visio docs import very nicely into Frame, in my experience. 

FWIW, which may not be a whole heckuva lot... Anyone, please feel free
to correct me!


-Original Message-
[ at] On
Behalf Of Eduardo F. Cidade, Sr.
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 11:54 PM
To: framers at
Subject: Organization Charts

Good evening from the USA

As we fast approach yet another World Cup (my pick is the USA,
naturally), I wanted to do a personal project involving Organization
Charts in FrameMaker to outline the teams leading up to who will be the
eventual winner (okay, it's a test to see if I can pull this off).

Amazingly, I can't seem to find a software tool native to FrameMaker
that creats these types of charts.  Looked in quite a few spots but it's
getting late (near midnight) and I'm a bit tired.

Can anyone point me in a good direction.  I have MS Org Chart on my
system but would rather stay within the Adobe line (consistency).

Thanks and regards to all.



Eduardo F. Cidade, Sr.

"Heroes:  Ordinary people...doing extraordinary
extraordinary times."

RE: Organization Charts

2006-06-05 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi Eduardo,

I don't know if anyone else replied to your query offline, but I haven't
seen any replies to the list, so I thought I'd just toss in my bit:

I don't know of any Adobe-native tools that do what you want to do. But
then, I am not familiar with the entire Adobe CS family either, so I
could easily miss something. 

If I were you, however, I would use Visio and import it into Frame.
Visio docs import very nicely into Frame, in my experience. 

FWIW, which may not be a whole heckuva lot... Anyone, please feel free
to correct me!


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Eduardo F. Cidade, Sr.
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 11:54 PM
Subject: Organization Charts

Good evening from the USA

As we fast approach yet another World Cup (my pick is the USA,
naturally), I wanted to do a personal project involving Organization
Charts in FrameMaker to outline the teams leading up to who will be the
eventual winner (okay, it's a test to see if I can pull this off).

Amazingly, I can't seem to find a software tool native to FrameMaker
that creats these types of charts.  Looked in quite a few spots but it's
getting late (near midnight) and I'm a bit tired.

Can anyone point me in a good direction.  I have MS Org Chart on my
system but would rather stay within the Adobe line (consistency).

Thanks and regards to all.



Eduardo F. Cidade, Sr.

"Heroes:  Ordinary people...doing extraordinary
extraordinary times."


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Question about Frame to PDF start pages

2006-05-30 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi Doug,

I started to email you back to say that this is exactly what I've been
doing to no avail, when I noticed one little thing that was *not*
exactly what I've been doing. In step 2, I have been choosing Print >
PDF Setup. 

The interesting thing is that the PDF Setup dialog box looks exactly
like the dialog box that opens when selecting the path you indicated. My
path does not produce the desired results; yours (and Steve's) does.

Seems there is a disconnect here somewhere. You would think that the two
dialog boxes would do exactly the same thing, but apparently, they
don't. I'm sure that someone out there knows the reason why, but I sure

Thanks for the tip!

-Original Message-
From: Doug [] 
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 3:51 PM
To: Beck, Charles
Subject: Re: Question about Frame to PDF start pages

Steve's advice worked for me, when I discovered today that certain books
of mine opened on the first page of the last chapter, even though I
Saved them as PDF.


1. Open the FrameMaker book file, and select the first line (the book),
as shown in the following illustration.

2. Choose Format >> Document >> PDF Setup. The PDF Setup for Selected
Files window opens.

3. On the Settings tab, enter 1 in the Open PDF Document On Page field,
then click Set.

RE: Question about Frame to PDF start pages

2006-05-30 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi Doug,

I started to email you back to say that this is exactly what I've been
doing to no avail, when I noticed one little thing that was *not*
exactly what I've been doing. In step 2, I have been choosing Print >
PDF Setup. 

The interesting thing is that the PDF Setup dialog box looks exactly
like the dialog box that opens when selecting the path you indicated. My
path does not produce the desired results; yours (and Steve's) does.

Seems there is a disconnect here somewhere. You would think that the two
dialog boxes would do exactly the same thing, but apparently, they
don't. I'm sure that someone out there knows the reason why, but I sure

Thanks for the tip!

-Original Message-
From: Doug [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 3:51 PM
To: Beck, Charles
Subject: Re: Question about Frame to PDF start pages

Steve's advice worked for me, when I discovered today that certain books
of mine opened on the first page of the last chapter, even though I
Saved them as PDF.


1. Open the FrameMaker book file, and select the first line (the book),
as shown in the following illustration.

2. Choose Format >> Document >> PDF Setup. The PDF Setup for Selected
Files window opens.

3. On the Settings tab, enter 1 in the Open PDF Document On Page field,
then click Set.

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Question about Frame to PDF start pages

2006-05-26 Thread Beck, Charles
Fellow Framers,

I am turning to this group once again, because I agree with what others
have said about this group being one of the absolute best resources for
people who work with FrameMaker. I am sure one of you Frame whiz kids
will be able to help me with this one.

My question of the day concerns printing a book to PDF. First, the
setup. I am:

*   Using Frame 7.0 and Acrobat Professional 7.0.
*   Using the Adobe PDF printer driver in Frame.
*   (In the PDF Setup... dialog box) Setting the Open PDF Document
on Page option to 1.
*   NOT printing to file. (Frame prompts me for the PDF file name.)

Now, no matter what I do, when the PDF file opens in Acrobat, it
invariably opens to page 1, not of the book, but of the last *file* in
the book. This is annoying because I must then instruct Acrobat that I
really do want the book to open to page 1 of the BOOK and save it again.

What is the magic secret to get Frame to instruct Acrobat properly to
open the PDF to page 1 of the entire book? This is not urgent, but it is
a nuisance to have to do that every time. 

I get the posts in digest form, so if you have suggestions, please reply
directly to me (as well as to the list, if applicable). 

Chuck Beck

Chuck Beck | Sr. Information Developer | Infor | office: 614-523-7302 |
Charles.Beck at 

Question about Frame to PDF start pages

2006-05-26 Thread Beck, Charles
Fellow Framers,

I am turning to this group once again, because I agree with what others
have said about this group being one of the absolute best resources for
people who work with FrameMaker. I am sure one of you Frame whiz kids
will be able to help me with this one.

My question of the day concerns printing a book to PDF. First, the
setup. I am:

*   Using Frame 7.0 and Acrobat Professional 7.0.
*   Using the Adobe PDF printer driver in Frame.
*   (In the PDF Setup... dialog box) Setting the Open PDF Document
on Page option to 1.
*   NOT printing to file. (Frame prompts me for the PDF file name.)

Now, no matter what I do, when the PDF file opens in Acrobat, it
invariably opens to page 1, not of the book, but of the last *file* in
the book. This is annoying because I must then instruct Acrobat that I
really do want the book to open to page 1 of the BOOK and save it again.

What is the magic secret to get Frame to instruct Acrobat properly to
open the PDF to page 1 of the entire book? This is not urgent, but it is
a nuisance to have to do that every time. 
I get the posts in digest form, so if you have suggestions, please reply
directly to me (as well as to the list, if applicable). 
Chuck Beck


Chuck Beck | Sr. Information Developer | Infor | office: 614-523-7302 |


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Find not finding

2006-05-22 Thread Beck, Charles
Thanks, Shmuel, but I don't see a PureText option in the Paste Special
dialog box. The closest I can find is one labeled Text-but as I said,
that one is *not* the equivalent as pasting into Notepad and then
copying and pasting from there. That-the Text option-was the option we
were using that introduced the problem. 

Am I missing something here? 


From: Shmuel Wolfson [] 
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2006 10:04 AM
To: Beck, Charles
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: Find not finding

You can use PureText to paste the text in without formatting. It's
faster than pasting into Notepad, and is the equivalent.

Shmuel Wolfson

Beck, Charles wrote: 

Hi Guy, 

OK, I checked with the writer in question, and he reported that
what he
did was a copy-and-paste operation. But, to avoid the selection
in as an embedded Word object, he selected "Paste as Special"
and then
selected the "Text" option. He was under the impression that
that would
bring it in as plain (ASCII) text, but apparently not so. 

We are using Frame 7.0, so I can't say whether this same kind of
still exists in later versions. I rather suspect it does,

Because we have a site license for Mif2Go, our writer is
downloading and
trying Jeremy's "Wash Via MIF" plugin, even as we e-speak.

Personally, I have always just copied from Word, pasted into a
Notepad doc, and then copied-and-pasted from there. That ensures
that I
get clean text, though it does necessitate retagging the text
copied in.
(However, since copying-and-pasting directly from Word usually
necessitates paragraph retagging anyway, this does not add that
more to the process...) More time consuming, but safer, in my
experience. I haven't tried Jeremy's plugin yet.


-Original Message-
From: Guy K. Haas [mailto:guy at] 
    Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 3:48 PM
To: Beck, Charles
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: Find not finding


Might I ask how the original Word material was brought into
  That is, was it opened with File>Open and thus filtered in
FrameMaker's own mechanisms?

And was this all in the context of FrameMaker 7.2, or was an
version involved?

Some of our team will be facing the Word->Frame conversion soon,
when I shared your info with them, they asked.

     Guy K. Haas
 Software Exegete in Silicon Valley

Beck, Charles wrote:

Hi again all,

Just wanted to let you all know that I received several
including one with the correct remedy. Thought it might
be of general 
interest to the rest of the group.

The tip of the hat goes to Alan Houser who asked whether
there was any

imported MS Word content in the file. Apparently, Word
content can 
include hidden control characters that can interfere
with the Find 
function. That was the case with our problem. Saving as
MIF and then 
reopening and saving as *.fm resolved the problem.




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What do you use for PDF generation?

2006-05-22 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi Z,

You wrote: 

"One other product I found while googling is! This has a
pretty outstanding price for the Enterprise license. Has anybody used
their stuff?"

I have not used the enterprise version, but I used to use the regular
version of pdf995, and I loved it! It does a great job of producing
PDFs, and, as you say, the price is hard to beat. 


Find not finding

2006-05-22 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi Guy, 

OK, I checked with the writer in question, and he reported that what he
did was a copy-and-paste operation. But, to avoid the selection coming
in as an embedded Word object, he selected "Paste as Special" and then
selected the "Text" option. He was under the impression that that would
bring it in as plain (ASCII) text, but apparently not so. 

We are using Frame 7.0, so I can't say whether this same kind of problem
still exists in later versions. I rather suspect it does, though. 

Because we have a site license for Mif2Go, our writer is downloading and
trying Jeremy's "Wash Via MIF" plugin, even as we e-speak.

Personally, I have always just copied from Word, pasted into a temporary
Notepad doc, and then copied-and-pasted from there. That ensures that I
get clean text, though it does necessitate retagging the text copied in.
(However, since copying-and-pasting directly from Word usually
necessitates paragraph retagging anyway, this does not add that much
more to the process...) More time consuming, but safer, in my
experience. I haven't tried Jeremy's plugin yet.


-Original Message-
From: Guy K. Haas [] 
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 3:48 PM
To: Beck, Charles
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: Find not finding


Might I ask how the original Word material was brought into FrameMaker? 
  That is, was it opened with File>Open and thus filtered in through
FrameMaker's own mechanisms?

And was this all in the context of FrameMaker 7.2, or was an older
version involved?

Some of our team will be facing the Word->Frame conversion soon, and
when I shared your info with them, they asked.

     Guy K. Haas
 Software Exegete in Silicon Valley

Beck, Charles wrote:
> Hi again all,
> Just wanted to let you all know that I received several replies, 
> including one with the correct remedy. Thought it might be of general 
> interest to the rest of the group.
> The tip of the hat goes to Alan Houser who asked whether there was any

> imported MS Word content in the file. Apparently, Word content can 
> include hidden control characters that can interfere with the Find 
> function. That was the case with our problem. Saving as MIF and then 
> reopening and saving as *.fm resolved the problem.
> Chuck

RE: Find not finding

2006-05-22 Thread Beck, Charles
Thanks, Shmuel, but I don't see a PureText option in the Paste Special
dialog box. The closest I can find is one labeled Text-but as I said,
that one is *not* the equivalent as pasting into Notepad and then
copying and pasting from there. That-the Text option-was the option we
were using that introduced the problem. 
Am I missing something here? 

From: Shmuel Wolfson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2006 10:04 AM
To: Beck, Charles
Subject: Re: Find not finding

You can use PureText to paste the text in without formatting. It's
faster than pasting into Notepad, and is the equivalent.

Shmuel Wolfson

Beck, Charles wrote: 

Hi Guy, 

OK, I checked with the writer in question, and he reported that
what he
did was a copy-and-paste operation. But, to avoid the selection
in as an embedded Word object, he selected "Paste as Special"
and then
selected the "Text" option. He was under the impression that
that would
bring it in as plain (ASCII) text, but apparently not so. 

We are using Frame 7.0, so I can't say whether this same kind of
still exists in later versions. I rather suspect it does,

Because we have a site license for Mif2Go, our writer is
downloading and
trying Jeremy's "Wash Via MIF" plugin, even as we e-speak.

Personally, I have always just copied from Word, pasted into a
Notepad doc, and then copied-and-pasted from there. That ensures
that I
get clean text, though it does necessitate retagging the text
copied in.
(However, since copying-and-pasting directly from Word usually
necessitates paragraph retagging anyway, this does not add that
more to the process...) More time consuming, but safer, in my
experience. I haven't tried Jeremy's plugin yet.


-Original Message-
From: Guy K. Haas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
    Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 3:48 PM
To: Beck, Charles
Subject: Re: Find not finding


Might I ask how the original Word material was brought into
  That is, was it opened with File>Open and thus filtered in
FrameMaker's own mechanisms?

And was this all in the context of FrameMaker 7.2, or was an
version involved?

Some of our team will be facing the Word->Frame conversion soon,
when I shared your info with them, they asked.

 Guy K. Haas
     Software Exegete in Silicon Valley

Beck, Charles wrote:

Hi again all,
Just wanted to let you all know that I received several
including one with the correct remedy. Thought it might
be of general 
interest to the rest of the group.
The tip of the hat goes to Alan Houser who asked whether
there was any


imported MS Word content in the file. Apparently, Word
content can 
include hidden control characters that can interfere
with the Find 
function. That was the case with our problem. Saving as
MIF and then 
reopening and saving as *.fm resolved the problem.




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RE: What do you use for PDF generation?

2006-05-22 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi Z,

You wrote: 

"One other product I found while googling is! This has a
pretty outstanding price for the Enterprise license. Has anybody used
their stuff?"

I have not used the enterprise version, but I used to use the regular
version of pdf995, and I loved it! It does a great job of producing
PDFs, and, as you say, the price is hard to beat. 


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RE: Find not finding

2006-05-22 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi Guy, 

OK, I checked with the writer in question, and he reported that what he
did was a copy-and-paste operation. But, to avoid the selection coming
in as an embedded Word object, he selected "Paste as Special" and then
selected the "Text" option. He was under the impression that that would
bring it in as plain (ASCII) text, but apparently not so. 

We are using Frame 7.0, so I can't say whether this same kind of problem
still exists in later versions. I rather suspect it does, though. 

Because we have a site license for Mif2Go, our writer is downloading and
trying Jeremy's "Wash Via MIF" plugin, even as we e-speak.

Personally, I have always just copied from Word, pasted into a temporary
Notepad doc, and then copied-and-pasted from there. That ensures that I
get clean text, though it does necessitate retagging the text copied in.
(However, since copying-and-pasting directly from Word usually
necessitates paragraph retagging anyway, this does not add that much
more to the process...) More time consuming, but safer, in my
experience. I haven't tried Jeremy's plugin yet.


-Original Message-
From: Guy K. Haas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 3:48 PM
To: Beck, Charles
Subject: Re: Find not finding


Might I ask how the original Word material was brought into FrameMaker? 
  That is, was it opened with File>Open and thus filtered in through
FrameMaker's own mechanisms?

And was this all in the context of FrameMaker 7.2, or was an older
version involved?

Some of our team will be facing the Word->Frame conversion soon, and
when I shared your info with them, they asked.

     Guy K. Haas
 Software Exegete in Silicon Valley

Beck, Charles wrote:
> Hi again all,
> Just wanted to let you all know that I received several replies, 
> including one with the correct remedy. Thought it might be of general 
> interest to the rest of the group.
> The tip of the hat goes to Alan Houser who asked whether there was any

> imported MS Word content in the file. Apparently, Word content can 
> include hidden control characters that can interfere with the Find 
> function. That was the case with our problem. Saving as MIF and then 
> reopening and saving as *.fm resolved the problem.
> Chuck


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Find not finding

2006-05-19 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi again all, 

Just wanted to let you all know that I received several replies,
including one with the correct remedy. Thought it might be of general
interest to the rest of the group. 

The tip of the hat goes to Alan Houser who asked whether there was any
imported MS Word content in the file. Apparently, Word content can
include hidden control characters that can interfere with the Find
function. That was the case with our problem. Saving as MIF and then
reopening and saving as *.fm resolved the problem. 

Others suggested that the problem might lie with multiple text flows,
but that was not our problem, as we do not have multiple text flows. I
*had* thought of that already, but hadn't checked it out until a couple
people suggested it. It was not our problem, but I understand how it
could cause this type of problem. 

Somebody else suggested that it might be because the string was in a
text inset or variable, in which case Frame won't find it either. But
that was also not the case here. 

Thanks to all who responded. My colleague was *most* impressed with the
speed and quality of the replies.

You're a great group!


Chuck Beck | Sr. Information Developer | Infor | office: 614-523-7302 |
Charles.Beck at 

Find not finding

2006-05-19 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi fellow Framers,

Got a new one I've never seen before: One of my local colleagues is
working with a Frame file he inherited somewhere along the line. He did
a search for a string that he *knows* is in the file. If the cursor is
in the particular section where the string is when he starts the search,
Find can locate it. However, if the cursor is anywhere *outside* that
section, Find cannot locate it, acts as if it isn't even there. 

After experimenting with it, we have come to the conclusion that there
must be something in one of the section headers or something that is
blocking attempts to search that section if the cursor is outside the
section when the search is done. But we're really not certain. 

The problem *seems* to be restricted to that one section, but there is
no way to be absolutely sure, and that is our concern. What if there are
other sections in this file or other files in this book that are doing
the same thing? We often use strings of question marks to identify
troublespots in the text that we need to fix and then search on them
later. However, if the search engine does not find them, we run the risk
of leaving such relics in the text. Even in "normal" usage, we run the
risk of not finding strings that we are trying to fix. 

We're using Frame 7.0 on Windows machines. 

Has anyone else ever seen a problem like this? Can anyone give us any
idea what might be going on here? 

Please reply to me directly (even if replying to the list as well),
because I get the posts in digest format. We'd like to address the
problem today, if possible. 


Chuck Beck | Sr. Information Developer | Infor | office: 614-523-7302 |
Charles.Beck at 

RE: Find not finding

2006-05-19 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi again all, 
Just wanted to let you all know that I received several replies,
including one with the correct remedy. Thought it might be of general
interest to the rest of the group. 
The tip of the hat goes to Alan Houser who asked whether there was any
imported MS Word content in the file. Apparently, Word content can
include hidden control characters that can interfere with the Find
function. That was the case with our problem. Saving as MIF and then
reopening and saving as *.fm resolved the problem. 
Others suggested that the problem might lie with multiple text flows,
but that was not our problem, as we do not have multiple text flows. I
*had* thought of that already, but hadn't checked it out until a couple
people suggested it. It was not our problem, but I understand how it
could cause this type of problem. 
Somebody else suggested that it might be because the string was in a
text inset or variable, in which case Frame won't find it either. But
that was also not the case here. 
Thanks to all who responded. My colleague was *most* impressed with the
speed and quality of the replies.
You're a great group!


Chuck Beck | Sr. Information Developer | Infor | office: 614-523-7302 |


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Find not finding

2006-05-19 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi fellow Framers,
Got a new one I've never seen before: One of my local colleagues is
working with a Frame file he inherited somewhere along the line. He did
a search for a string that he *knows* is in the file. If the cursor is
in the particular section where the string is when he starts the search,
Find can locate it. However, if the cursor is anywhere *outside* that
section, Find cannot locate it, acts as if it isn't even there. 
After experimenting with it, we have come to the conclusion that there
must be something in one of the section headers or something that is
blocking attempts to search that section if the cursor is outside the
section when the search is done. But we're really not certain. 
The problem *seems* to be restricted to that one section, but there is
no way to be absolutely sure, and that is our concern. What if there are
other sections in this file or other files in this book that are doing
the same thing? We often use strings of question marks to identify
troublespots in the text that we need to fix and then search on them
later. However, if the search engine does not find them, we run the risk
of leaving such relics in the text. Even in "normal" usage, we run the
risk of not finding strings that we are trying to fix. 
We're using Frame 7.0 on Windows machines. 
Has anyone else ever seen a problem like this? Can anyone give us any
idea what might be going on here? 
Please reply to me directly (even if replying to the list as well),
because I get the posts in digest format. We'd like to address the
problem today, if possible. 


Chuck Beck | Sr. Information Developer | Infor | office: 614-523-7302 |


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A couple (digest) items

2006-04-26 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi all,

Once again, I'm responding today to yesterday's posts, because I get
them by digest. I'd like to comment on a couple items:

Subject: FrameMaker Keyboard Shortcuts

I have a list of the shortcuts that I have found to be the most useful
(some of which I have not seen in the official FrameMaker documentation,
though they might be there somewhere). I am more than happy to share my
list with anyone who wants it. It is by no means an exhaustive list,
though, so user beware. If interested, let me know offline and I'll send
it to you. 

I would also be interested in seeing a complete list, so if anyone has
one, it might be nice to share it with the whole list--but in any case,
if you have one, please let me know.


Subject: A Technical Writing Suite From Adobe?

At the risk of being accused of jumping on the bandwagon, I have to
confess that I too am less than underwhelmed by the prospect of a
technical writing suite from Adobe. While I am a fairly devoted and
loyal FrameMaker user, I have always been very unimpressed with
RoboHelp. I never could understand why it won in the marketplace over
products like ForeHelp (anyone remember *that* one? --Great product and
the best tech support I've ever encountered!). I have little use for
Acrobat 3D or Captivate, and most of the technical communicators I know
are the same, so I really have to question how realistically Scott
Abel's crystal ball sees.

FWIW, I agree with Daniel Emory's suggestions. They make excellent sense
to me. Is anyone at Adobe listening?


That's it for now.
Chuck Beck
Charles.Beck at

RE: A couple (digest) items

2006-04-26 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi all,

Once again, I'm responding today to yesterday's posts, because I get
them by digest. I'd like to comment on a couple items:

Subject: FrameMaker Keyboard Shortcuts

I have a list of the shortcuts that I have found to be the most useful
(some of which I have not seen in the official FrameMaker documentation,
though they might be there somewhere). I am more than happy to share my
list with anyone who wants it. It is by no means an exhaustive list,
though, so user beware. If interested, let me know offline and I'll send
it to you. 

I would also be interested in seeing a complete list, so if anyone has
one, it might be nice to share it with the whole list--but in any case,
if you have one, please let me know.


Subject: A Technical Writing Suite From Adobe?

At the risk of being accused of jumping on the bandwagon, I have to
confess that I too am less than underwhelmed by the prospect of a
technical writing suite from Adobe. While I am a fairly devoted and
loyal FrameMaker user, I have always been very unimpressed with
RoboHelp. I never could understand why it won in the marketplace over
products like ForeHelp (anyone remember *that* one? --Great product and
the best tech support I've ever encountered!). I have little use for
Acrobat 3D or Captivate, and most of the technical communicators I know
are the same, so I really have to question how realistically Scott
Abel's crystal ball sees.

FWIW, I agree with Daniel Emory's suggestions. They make excellent sense
to me. Is anyone at Adobe listening?


That's it for now.
Chuck Beck


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Scroll wheel update

2006-04-10 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi fellow Framers,

I just wanted to send you all a quick update (if anybody cares) on my
scroll wheel problem, just on the off-chance that someone else is still
struggling with this and resigned (as I was) to just living with it not
working in Frame. Don't give up! There is hope!

Thanks, first, to those who responded with attempts to help, especially
Mike Wickham and Scott Prentice. In the end, it was one of Scott's
suggestions that did the trick: FlyWheel. 

Just to clarify the situation, I am using Frame 7.0, and updating to 7.2
at this point is not an option. I use Windows XP, with SP2. I use both a
standard MS-type mouse and a Logitech Trackman trackball. I had tried
installing a plethora of mouse drivers, according to archive and other
suggestions. I had tried FreeWheel several times. All to no avail.

However, FlyWheel, a no-longer-supported-thus-now-freebie utility has
done the trick! 

FWIW, with thanks again to all those who responded with attempts to help

Chuck Beck

Scroll wheel update

2006-04-10 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi fellow Framers,

I just wanted to send you all a quick update (if anybody cares) on my
scroll wheel problem, just on the off-chance that someone else is still
struggling with this and resigned (as I was) to just living with it not
working in Frame. Don't give up! There is hope!

Thanks, first, to those who responded with attempts to help, especially
Mike Wickham and Scott Prentice. In the end, it was one of Scott's
suggestions that did the trick: FlyWheel. 

Just to clarify the situation, I am using Frame 7.0, and updating to 7.2
at this point is not an option. I use Windows XP, with SP2. I use both a
standard MS-type mouse and a Logitech Trackman trackball. I had tried
installing a plethora of mouse drivers, according to archive and other
suggestions. I had tried FreeWheel several times. All to no avail.

However, FlyWheel, a no-longer-supported-thus-now-freebie utility has
done the trick! 

FWIW, with thanks again to all those who responded with attempts to help

Chuck Beck

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Welcome, RJ

2006-04-06 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi all (& especially RJ),

I get the listserve posts by digest, so I have to respond to everything
a day or so later. 

I don't know you, RJ, but I'd like to add my voice to the chorus
welcoming you. And to show you just how much I appreciate and value you,
I'm going to start right in with a request:

When are the Adobe folks going to do something about FrameMaker's
ability to respond to the scroll wheel? I have followed previous posts
and searched the archives, and I have tried everything-recommended
Logitech drivers (I use a both standard MS-type mouse and a Logitech
Trackman trackball), FreeWheel, everything I can find that is supposed
to work. 

On my systems, it doesn't work. Neither here at the office nor on my
home computer. It doesn't seem like it would be that big a deal for
Adobe to build in the scroll wheel functionality, so what is the
problem? This is a major shortcoming in FrameMaker, as far as I am

Your thoughts?

Chuck Beck | Sr. Information Developer | Infor | office: 614-523-7302 |
Charles.Beck at

Welcome, RJ

2006-04-06 Thread Beck, Charles
Hi all (& especially RJ),
I get the listserve posts by digest, so I have to respond to everything
a day or so later. 
I don't know you, RJ, but I'd like to add my voice to the chorus
welcoming you. And to show you just how much I appreciate and value you,
I'm going to start right in with a request:
When are the Adobe folks going to do something about FrameMaker's
ability to respond to the scroll wheel? I have followed previous posts
and searched the archives, and I have tried everything-recommended
Logitech drivers (I use a both standard MS-type mouse and a Logitech
Trackman trackball), FreeWheel, everything I can find that is supposed
to work. 
On my systems, it doesn't work. Neither here at the office nor on my
home computer. It doesn't seem like it would be that big a deal for
Adobe to build in the scroll wheel functionality, so what is the
problem? This is a major shortcoming in FrameMaker, as far as I am
Your thoughts?


Chuck Beck | Sr. Information Developer | Infor | office: 614-523-7302 |


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WebWorks Publisher Import Utility anybody?

2006-03-23 Thread Beck, Charles
Does anybody on this list have experience working with the WebWorks
Publisher Import Utility? I am working on a project where I must convert
a batch of HTML files to FrameMaker, but the ordered lists do not always
behave as expected. If anybody out there could give me some pointers,
I'd be ever so grateful!

When replying, please email me directly, as I get the digest form.
'Course you can always copy the list, but I'm hoping to get some
responses today...


Chuck Beck | Sr. Information Developer | Infor | Charles.Beck at 

WebWorks Publisher Import Utility anybody?

2006-03-23 Thread Beck, Charles
Does anybody on this list have experience working with the WebWorks
Publisher Import Utility? I am working on a project where I must convert
a batch of HTML files to FrameMaker, but the ordered lists do not always
behave as expected. If anybody out there could give me some pointers,
I'd be ever so grateful!
When replying, please email me directly, as I get the digest form.
'Course you can always copy the list, but I'm hoping to get some
responses today...


Chuck Beck | Sr. Information Developer | Infor | [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


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