Conditional Text Question

2007-07-10 Thread Ellen Lebelle
<<  I have a document that uses conditional text to delineate between two
different versions of the same basic product. Before I started this,
there were two separate books for each manual, even though there is a
LOT of cross-over text between them that is the same. I combined them
into a single set of master files and am marking the conditional text,
hiding what I don't want to see, and saving the resulting file for the
two separate books. Now, I have three files for each chapter of the
book: Master, Version 1, and Version 2. All well and good. However, I
also have ALL of the text in all three files, albeit Version 1's text is
hidden in Version 2, and vice-versa. Is there a way to permanently
remove the text for Version 1 from Version 2, and vice-versa, while
maintaining the master file? One of the reasons I need to do this is to
remove the borders around cells in a table that are conditionalized.
Currently, there are large colored borders around any table cells that
are marked as conditional.

Hello Samuel,
I get the digest, so perhaps someone else has already answered this.

There's no need to maintain 3 versions of the chapters.

1. Create your book "A", add the chapters, and cover material. I keep a
different cover for each version and my cover has the conditional text
settings and variables I want for it's version.

2. Make sure you "turn off" the conditional text indicators, so the text and
tables appear "normal" (no colored lines around the table cells or colored

3. Import the conditional text settings and variables to the chapters in the
book. Check to make sure everything is ok.

4. Now, create the TOC and IX and finish the book.

For Book B - you'll have the other conditional settings and variables in the
cover, so when you create book B, with the same chapters, just remember that
you have to import the settings from cover "B".

Ellen Lebelle
Technical Writer
elebelle at

Conditional Text Question

2007-07-10 Thread Ellen Lebelle
<< If these documents were for a new product line, we
MIGHT be able to get away with putting them into a single number.
However, they are for two separate but similar product lines. The first
one is 1950 while the second one is 2158.

OK, Sam.

How about using smaller text insets that you import into your chapters. So
your chapter is a shell - not quite empty - you can have most of your
generic text there, but when you get to a topic that is product A, you
import the text inset for product A and make it "conditional" and do the
same for product B. When you import your conditional settings from the book
cover, only the relevant text insets will appear.

Use Bruce Foster's Archiver to make an archive of the A book and label it
with the date and number. Do the same for Book B and these archives remain
archives, and your source files can be updated without fouling up the
archived books.

Another solution is to use Structured FM and use Russ Ward's, Inset Plus
(which allows you to inset text insets, update them and save the updates to
them with no fuss) and ABCM (which allows you to use attributes and assign
them colors - like conditional text - but better!). When you filter a book
with the attributes you want, it creates new files that you can save for
your archives. Your source files still contain everything. And you only need
to update your source files.


Framers Digest, Vol 1, Issue 2

2005-11-21 Thread Ellen Lebelle
Hi Lisa,

  << If in the future, you want to change your email address, switch from
regular mail to digest, stop your mail when you go on vacation, or
change any of your other options, you can do so here: .

  Hmm, I clicked on the link, and I could subscribe (unnecessay as I am already 
a subscriber), but the next form was for administrators. I did not see where I 
could suspend mail for a vacation. I'd like to do that for Thanksgiving break.

  Elleb Lebelle
  Le Plessis-Robinson, France

Ellen Lebelle

new personal e-mail address:
elebelle at
-- next part --
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

Another spellchecker query

2006-04-10 Thread Ellen Lebelle

A couple of months ago there was a similar query to mine, but I didn't find an 
answer in my file. The question was about the German dictionary and mine is 
about the French, but might apply to others - I haven't checked.

I recently upgraded to 7.2. The installation is in English.
I installed all the foreign dictionaries that I might need - right now French 
is the only one. 
I made sure the language value for all the paragraph tags is set to "fran?ais".
I spell-checked a short document and the spell-checker was in US English, so of 
course, it kept coming up with errors that were not - quite useless.

I couldn't find any help in the Adobe trouble-shooting questions. 

What did I miss? I don't remember having this problem in 7.0 or 6.

Ellen Lebelle

Structured FM - TOC and IX

2006-07-24 Thread Ellen Lebelle

FM 7.2

Our chapters are all structured and have been for some time.

We are trying to finally bring structure to the TOC and IX. It looks like
the TOC is going to work, but each time we regenerate a TOC we have to run
it through a conversion table, so if anyone has a better solution, please
share it.

And now, for the index, there are whitespaces that seem to interfere with
the structure. The more pages there are references to, the more "untagged
text" tags we get. Is there anyone out there who has dealt with this before?
Or is thre a ready-made solution that we just don't know about?

Thanks for any help,
*Ellen Lebelle* (mailto: elebelle at
Documentation Manager
Centre d'Affaires La Boursidi?re -- BP160
92357 Le Plessis Robinson -- France

Structured FM - TOC and IX

2006-07-25 Thread Ellen Lebelle
Hello all,
Just want to thank everyone for their answers. It appears we were trying to
do something that just isn't worth the effort -overkill.


FrameMaker7.2 and Acrobat

2006-03-28 Thread Ellen Lebelle
Hello all, 

I've just updated to 7.2 from 7.0.. So now I've got Acrobat Distiller 7 and 
Acrobat Reader 7.07. According to Adobe, I don't have what they call "Acrobat" 
Standard or Professional. 
So, in FrameMaker I can set the security when I create a pdf to allow comments, 
but when the pdf opens in the Reader, it is impossible to add comments. Is this 
correct behavior?  According to the Adobe technician I spoke to, it is. But in 
that case, it's a serious regression from version 5.05. Do we really have to 
purchase more?

I tried looking through old digests to find this topic and tried searching from 
the frameusers site - but got bogged down.

Ellen Lebelle
Le Plessis-Robinson

Docbook versus Home-Grown

2006-10-09 Thread Ellen Lebelle
Hi Joe,

I work for a small company and I did my own EDD - with the help of
many members on this list. I also "keep structure and presentation
completely separate, the first in the EDD  (i.e. 'if list level 2, set
para tag X') and the second in the template."

I did this as the DITA thing was gaining importance, but since I
started before, I created my own tags in terms that I understand.
(Wasn't that one of the selling points of xml - that you didn't have
to comply with standardized tags?) In the end I think my structure is
very DITA-like (because my mind just happens to work in the same way),
but the tags are not. And, many of the more complex things that go
into the DITA application are missing, so to convert into DITA would
be a challenge. Also, because I was learning as I was doing, there are
probably things that should be cleaned up in my EDD or made simpler.
But it works for us.

If you're just starting out with this now, you might want to take that
into consideration.

Ellen Lebelle (mailto: elebelle at
Documentation Manager
Centre d'Affaires La Boursidi?re -- BP160
92357 Le Plessis Robinson -- France

data reuse in structured FM...

2006-09-08 Thread Ellen Lebelle
Hi Elisa,

First of all, Lynne's answer is good and I have only one thing to add: Inset
Plus (
It's been a great plug in.
That and the Sourcerer (, to filter attributes
are great and get away from Frame's conditional text limitations, have been
wonder tools.

If there are enough frameusers in France who would like Russ to come over
and speak or do a workshop, I bet we could twist his arm - answer me
off-list. (secretary at

Russ, if you are reading this, tell me how much twisting it would take ;-)

Ellen Lebelle

-- Forwarded message --
From: "Elisabeth SABOT" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 16:14:26 +0200
Subject: data reuse in structured FM...
Hi all,

Am on FM 7.1, structured (more or less coz I haven't defined a proper
template/EDD yet).


I have never been very familiar with text insets but I thought this
could be the right solution for this...But I am unable to import a
specific part of a data flow from one section to another in the same FM
file... anyone can help me on this?

Maybe the text inset option isn't the right solution for this, as it is
structured document?

I hope my question isn't to messy.

Many thanks in advance,


-- Forwarded message --
From: "Lynne A. Price" <>
To: "Elisabeth SABOT" ,
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2006 09:40:48 -0700
Subject: Re: data reuse in structured FM...
At 07:14 AM 9/7/2006, Elisabeth SABOT wrote:
>But I am unable to import a
>specific part of a data flow from one section to another in the same FM

  A text inset cannot consist of part of a flow. Instead, create a new
flow containing only the reusable portion and import it into both sections.
This flow can be the main flow of a new document, a body flow of a new
document, or a reference flow in the document you are editing or another
one. Since you can create multiple body flows or reference flows in one
document, you have the option of storing all text insets in one document.
Just remember that if you use reference flows of the containing document,
you'll need to save it before importing the text insets.
  A structured text inset must have a root element. You might therefore
want your EDD to define an element that can contain part of a section. For
example, suppose you want a Section to contain a Title and then four
Paragraph elements of which the three last ones are to be in a text inset.
You might define an element called TextInset that can contain all of the
children of a Section (except possibly the Title). You would then create a
flow containing a TextInset element with the three reusable Paragraphs, and
the section with the text inset would consist of the Title, the first
Paragraph, and the imported TextInset.


Lynne A. Price
Text Structure Consulting, Inc.
Specializing in structured FrameMaker consulting, application development,
and training
lprice at
voice/fax: (510) 583-1505  cell phone: (510) 421-2284

data reuse in structured FM...

2006-09-08 Thread Ellen Lebelle
Hi Elisa,

First of all, Lynne's answer is good and I have only one thing to add: Inset
Plus (
It's been a great plug in.
That and the Sourcerer (, to filter attributes
are great and get away from Frame's conditional text limitations, have been
wonder tools.

If there are enough frameusers in France who would like Russ to come over
and speak or do a workshop, I bet we could twist his arm - answer me
off-list. (secretary at )

Russ, if you are reading this, tell me how much twisting it would take ;-)

Ellen Lebelle

-- Forwarded message --
From: "Elisabeth SABOT" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 16:14:26 +0200
Subject: data reuse in structured FM...
Hi all,

Am on FM 7.1, structured (more or less coz I haven't defined a proper
template/EDD yet).


I have never been very familiar with text insets but I thought this
could be the right solution for this...But I am unable to import a
specific part of a data flow from one section to another in the same FM
file... anyone can help me on this?

Maybe the text inset option isn't the right solution for this, as it is
structured document?

I hope my question isn't to messy.

Many thanks in advance,


-- Forwarded message --
From: "Lynne A. Price" <>
To: "Elisabeth SABOT" ,< framers at>
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2006 09:40:48 -0700
Subject: Re: data reuse in structured FM...
At 07:14 AM 9/7/2006, Elisabeth SABOT wrote:
>But I am unable to import a
>specific part of a data flow from one section to another in the same FM

  A text inset cannot consist of part of a flow. Instead, create a new
flow containing only the reusable portion and import it into both sections.
This flow can be the main flow of a new document, a body flow of a new
document, or a reference flow in the document you are editing or another
one. Since you can create multiple body flows or reference flows in one
document, you have the option of storing all text insets in one document.
Just remember that if you use reference flows of the containing document,
you'll need to save it before importing the text insets.
  A structured text inset must have a root element. You might therefore
want your EDD to define an element that can contain part of a section. For
example, suppose you want a Section to contain a Title and then four
Paragraph elements of which the three last ones are to be in a text inset.
You might define an element called TextInset that can contain all of the
children of a Section (except possibly the Title). You would then create a
flow containing a TextInset element with the three reusable Paragraphs, and
the section with the text inset would consist of the Title, the first
Paragraph, and the imported TextInset.


Lynne A. Price
Text Structure Consulting, Inc.
Specializing in structured FrameMaker consulting, application development,
and training
lprice at
voice/fax: (510) 583-1505  cell phone: (510) 421-2284

Was Paste Special

2007-02-05 Thread Ellen Lebelle

Thanks for the reminder about paste special. Is there something similar to
change for shrink-wrapped images?

When I use ESC + m + p and get a shrink-wrapped image in my anchored frame
the anchored frame settings are "At Insertion Point" and I have to manually
set it for "Below current line, center".

Thanks for any suggestions. I may not thank you immediately; I get the

Ellen Lebelle
elebelle at

re: Conditional Text Question

2007-07-10 Thread Ellen Lebelle

<<  I have a document that uses conditional text to delineate between two
different versions of the same basic product. Before I started this,
there were two separate books for each manual, even though there is a
LOT of cross-over text between them that is the same. I combined them
into a single set of master files and am marking the conditional text,
hiding what I don't want to see, and saving the resulting file for the
two separate books. Now, I have three files for each chapter of the
book: Master, Version 1, and Version 2. All well and good. However, I
also have ALL of the text in all three files, albeit Version 1's text is
hidden in Version 2, and vice-versa. Is there a way to permanently
remove the text for Version 1 from Version 2, and vice-versa, while
maintaining the master file? One of the reasons I need to do this is to
remove the borders around cells in a table that are conditionalized.
Currently, there are large colored borders around any table cells that
are marked as conditional.

Hello Samuel,
I get the digest, so perhaps someone else has already answered this.

There's no need to maintain 3 versions of the chapters.

1. Create your book "A", add the chapters, and cover material. I keep a
different cover for each version and my cover has the conditional text
settings and variables I want for it's version.

2. Make sure you "turn off" the conditional text indicators, so the text and
tables appear "normal" (no colored lines around the table cells or colored

3. Import the conditional text settings and variables to the chapters in the
book. Check to make sure everything is ok.

4. Now, create the TOC and IX and finish the book.

For Book B - you'll have the other conditional settings and variables in the
cover, so when you create book B, with the same chapters, just remember that
you have to import the settings from cover "B".

Ellen Lebelle
Technical Writer

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Re: Conditional Text Question

2007-07-10 Thread Ellen Lebelle

<< If these documents were for a new product line, we
MIGHT be able to get away with putting them into a single number.
However, they are for two separate but similar product lines. The first
one is 1950 while the second one is 2158.

OK, Sam.

How about using smaller text insets that you import into your chapters. So
your chapter is a shell - not quite empty - you can have most of your
generic text there, but when you get to a topic that is product A, you
import the text inset for product A and make it "conditional" and do the
same for product B. When you import your conditional settings from the book
cover, only the relevant text insets will appear.

Use Bruce Foster's Archiver to make an archive of the A book and label it
with the date and number. Do the same for Book B and these archives remain
archives, and your source files can be updated without fouling up the
archived books.

Another solution is to use Structured FM and use Russ Ward's, Inset Plus
(which allows you to inset text insets, update them and save the updates to
them with no fuss) and ABCM (which allows you to use attributes and assign
them colors - like conditional text - but better!). When you filter a book
with the attributes you want, it creates new files that you can save for
your archives. Your source files still contain everything. And you only need
to update your source files.


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Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit for more resources and info.

Re: Framers Digest, Vol 1, Issue 2

2005-11-21 Thread Ellen Lebelle
Hi Lisa,     << If in the future, you want to change your email address, switch fromregular mail to digest, stop your mail when you go on vacation, orchange any of your other options, you can do so here: .     Hmm, I clicked on the link, and I could subscribe (unnecessay as I am already a subscriber), but the next form was for administrators. I did not see where I could suspend mail for a vacation. I'd like to do that for Thanksgiving break.     Elleb Lebelle  KDS  Le Plessis-Robinson, FranceEllen Lebelle
new personal e-mail address:

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or visit

Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit for more resources and info.

FrameMaker7.2 and Acrobat

2006-03-28 Thread Ellen Lebelle
Hello all, 

I've just updated to 7.2 from 7.0.. So now I've got Acrobat Distiller 7 and 
Acrobat Reader 7.07. According to Adobe, I don't have what they call "Acrobat" 
Standard or Professional. 
So, in FrameMaker I can set the security when I create a pdf to allow comments, 
but when the pdf opens in the Reader, it is impossible to add comments. Is this 
correct behavior?  According to the Adobe technician I spoke to, it is. But in 
that case, it's a serious regression from version 5.05. Do we really have to 
purchase more?

I tried looking through old digests to find this topic and tried searching from 
the frameusers site - but got bogged down.

Ellen Lebelle
Le Plessis-Robinson

You are currently subscribed to Framers as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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or visit

Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit for more resources and info.

Another spellchecker query

2006-04-10 Thread Ellen Lebelle
A couple of months ago there was a similar query to mine, but I didn't find an 
answer in my file. The question was about the German dictionary and mine is 
about the French, but might apply to others - I haven't checked.
I recently upgraded to 7.2. The installation is in English.
I installed all the foreign dictionaries that I might need - right now French 
is the only one. 
I made sure the language value for all the paragraph tags is set to "français".
I spell-checked a short document and the spell-checker was in US English, so of 
course, it kept coming up with errors that were not - quite useless.
I couldn't find any help in the Adobe trouble-shooting questions. 
What did I miss? I don't remember having this problem in 7.0 or 6.
Ellen Lebelle


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Structured FM - TOC and IX

2006-07-24 Thread Ellen Lebelle


FM 7.2

Our chapters are all structured and have been for some time.

We are trying to finally bring structure to the TOC and IX. It looks like
the TOC is going to work, but each time we regenerate a TOC we have to run
it through a conversion table, so if anyone has a better solution, please
share it.

And now, for the index, there are whitespaces that seem to interfere with
the structure. The more pages there are references to, the more "untagged
text" tags we get. Is there anyone out there who has dealt with this before?
Or is thre a ready-made solution that we just don't know about?

Thanks for any help,
*Ellen Lebelle* (mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Documentation Manager
Centre d'Affaires La Boursidière -- BP160
92357 Le Plessis Robinson -- France

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or visit

Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit for more resources and info.

RE: Structured FM - TOC and IX

2006-07-25 Thread Ellen Lebelle

Hello all,
Just want to thank everyone for their answers. It appears we were trying to
do something that just isn't worth the effort -overkill.


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or visit

Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit for more resources and info.

data reuse in structured FM...

2006-09-08 Thread Ellen Lebelle

Hi Elisa,

First of all, Lynne's answer is good and I have only one thing to add: Inset
Plus (
It's been a great plug in.
That and the Sourcerer (, to filter attributes
are great and get away from Frame's conditional text limitations, have been
wonder tools.

If there are enough frameusers in France who would like Russ to come over
and speak or do a workshop, I bet we could twist his arm - answer me
off-list. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Russ, if you are reading this, tell me how much twisting it would take ;-)

Ellen Lebelle

-- Forwarded message --
From: "Elisabeth SABOT" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 16:14:26 +0200
Subject: data reuse in structured FM...
Hi all,

Am on FM 7.1, structured (more or less coz I haven't defined a proper
template/EDD yet).


I have never been very familiar with text insets but I thought this
could be the right solution for this...But I am unable to import a
specific part of a data flow from one section to another in the same FM
file... anyone can help me on this?

Maybe the text inset option isn't the right solution for this, as it is
structured document?

I hope my question isn't to messy.

Many thanks in advance,


-- Forwarded message --
From: "Lynne A. Price" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Elisabeth SABOT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2006 09:40:48 -0700
Subject: Re: data reuse in structured FM...
At 07:14 AM 9/7/2006, Elisabeth SABOT wrote:

But I am unable to import a
specific part of a data flow from one section to another in the same FM

 A text inset cannot consist of part of a flow. Instead, create a new
flow containing only the reusable portion and import it into both sections.
This flow can be the main flow of a new document, a body flow of a new
document, or a reference flow in the document you are editing or another
one. Since you can create multiple body flows or reference flows in one
document, you have the option of storing all text insets in one document.
Just remember that if you use reference flows of the containing document,
you'll need to save it before importing the text insets.
 A structured text inset must have a root element. You might therefore
want your EDD to define an element that can contain part of a section. For
example, suppose you want a Section to contain a Title and then four
Paragraph elements of which the three last ones are to be in a text inset.
You might define an element called TextInset that can contain all of the
children of a Section (except possibly the Title). You would then create a
flow containing a TextInset element with the three reusable Paragraphs, and
the section with the text inset would consist of the Title, the first
Paragraph, and the imported TextInset.


Lynne A. Price
Text Structure Consulting, Inc.
Specializing in structured FrameMaker consulting, application development,
and training
voice/fax: (510) 583-1505  cell phone: (510) 421-2284

You are currently subscribed to Framers as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Send list messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe send a blank email to 

or visit

Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit for more resources and info.

data reuse in structured FM...

2006-09-08 Thread Ellen Lebelle

Hi Elisa,

First of all, Lynne's answer is good and I have only one thing to add: Inset
Plus (
It's been a great plug in.
That and the Sourcerer (, to filter attributes
are great and get away from Frame's conditional text limitations, have been
wonder tools.

If there are enough frameusers in France who would like Russ to come over
and speak or do a workshop, I bet we could twist his arm - answer me
off-list. ([EMAIL PROTECTED] )

Russ, if you are reading this, tell me how much twisting it would take ;-)

Ellen Lebelle

-- Forwarded message --
From: "Elisabeth SABOT" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 16:14:26 +0200
Subject: data reuse in structured FM...
Hi all,

Am on FM 7.1, structured (more or less coz I haven't defined a proper
template/EDD yet).


I have never been very familiar with text insets but I thought this
could be the right solution for this...But I am unable to import a
specific part of a data flow from one section to another in the same FM
file... anyone can help me on this?

Maybe the text inset option isn't the right solution for this, as it is
structured document?

I hope my question isn't to messy.

Many thanks in advance,


-- Forwarded message --
From: "Lynne A. Price" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Elisabeth SABOT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<>
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2006 09:40:48 -0700
Subject: Re: data reuse in structured FM...
At 07:14 AM 9/7/2006, Elisabeth SABOT wrote:

But I am unable to import a
specific part of a data flow from one section to another in the same FM

 A text inset cannot consist of part of a flow. Instead, create a new
flow containing only the reusable portion and import it into both sections.
This flow can be the main flow of a new document, a body flow of a new
document, or a reference flow in the document you are editing or another
one. Since you can create multiple body flows or reference flows in one
document, you have the option of storing all text insets in one document.
Just remember that if you use reference flows of the containing document,
you'll need to save it before importing the text insets.
 A structured text inset must have a root element. You might therefore
want your EDD to define an element that can contain part of a section. For
example, suppose you want a Section to contain a Title and then four
Paragraph elements of which the three last ones are to be in a text inset.
You might define an element called TextInset that can contain all of the
children of a Section (except possibly the Title). You would then create a
flow containing a TextInset element with the three reusable Paragraphs, and
the section with the text inset would consist of the Title, the first
Paragraph, and the imported TextInset.


Lynne A. Price
Text Structure Consulting, Inc.
Specializing in structured FrameMaker consulting, application development,
and training
voice/fax: (510) 583-1505  cell phone: (510) 421-2284

You are currently subscribed to Framers as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Send list messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe send a blank email to 

or visit

Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit for more resources and info.

Re: Docbook versus Home-Grown

2006-10-09 Thread Ellen Lebelle

Hi Joe,

I work for a small company and I did my own EDD - with the help of
many members on this list. I also "keep structure and presentation
completely separate, the first in the EDD  (i.e. 'if list level 2, set
para tag X') and the second in the template."

I did this as the DITA thing was gaining importance, but since I
started before, I created my own tags in terms that I understand.
(Wasn't that one of the selling points of xml - that you didn't have
to comply with standardized tags?) In the end I think my structure is
very DITA-like (because my mind just happens to work in the same way),
but the tags are not. And, many of the more complex things that go
into the DITA application are missing, so to convert into DITA would
be a challenge. Also, because I was learning as I was doing, there are
probably things that should be cleaned up in my EDD or made simpler.
But it works for us.

If you're just starting out with this now, you might want to take that
into consideration.

Ellen Lebelle (mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Documentation Manager
Centre d'Affaires La Boursidière -- BP160
92357 Le Plessis Robinson -- France

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Was Paste Special

2007-02-05 Thread Ellen Lebelle


Thanks for the reminder about paste special. Is there something similar to
change for shrink-wrapped images?

When I use ESC + m + p and get a shrink-wrapped image in my anchored frame
the anchored frame settings are "At Insertion Point" and I have to manually
set it for "Below current line, center".

Thanks for any suggestions. I may not thank you immediately; I get the

Ellen Lebelle

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