Re: utility to check that all heading names are unique?

2012-05-16 Thread srogers

On 2012-05-15 16:29, Robert Lauriston wrote:

Is there a utility that will check a FrameMaker book and report
duplicate heading names?

You could use Special > List Of > Paragraphs (Alphabetical) for all 
your headings (or repeated Lists, one heading at a time), and then scan 
through them looking for duplicates.


Stuart Rogers
Phoenix Geophysics Ltd.

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Re: linking to large unsorted para lists

2011-12-10 Thread srogers

On 08.12.2011 17:20, Robert Carel wrote:

I am creating links to a reference that contains about 600 unsorted
heading 1s (my potential link targets). In FrameMaker, I have to
scroll through the para list of unsorted heading 1s for each link I
want to create. I have many links to create and it is difficult to
scroll through the para list for each link. Any ideas on how to do
this more effectively? Can I use a search to find the link target?

ROBERT CAREL | Technical Publications Manager | Accela, Inc. | (925)

It would be helpful to have a little more information describing 
exactly what you are trying to achieve, and how.

Are you just talking about cross-references?  Or are you creating 
hyperlink markers for some different purpose?

Would you be able to create a stand-alone List of Paragraphs 
(Alphabetical) (specifying tag 'heading 1' and creating hypertext links) 
and then flesh that document out with whatever other content you want?

More info, please!

Stuart Rogers

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Re: table of contents loses formatting....

2011-04-29 Thread srogers
On Tue, 26 Apr 2011 20:23:14 +0530, Prithvi Diwanji 


yes, i can confirm that i did not do any hand formatting.

i created the appropriate tab stops using the para designer etc. i
followed the correct steps to format the TOC entries on the reference

what i am talking about when i say lose formatting is a total loss of
all changes made on the reference pages, incl changes to
ChapterTitleTOC, Heading1TOC styles ( done through the para 

the next time i generate the toc i get the images and layouts and
everything else on the title page file, which precedes the TOC file 

the book. i can see this because i can see a logo image there which
was not present earlier.
 the toc entries become plain text.

 in short, the first time the changes made to the reference pages
stick, the next time (next update of book) they disappear and take on
the formats of the preceding file.

This may sound too basic, but, you *are* saving the TOC file after 
making your formatting changes and before updating the book, aren't you?


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Re: TOC listing mix-up

2011-04-29 Thread srogers
On Fri, 29 Apr 2011 15:16:02 +0530, Prithvi Diwanji 

hello all

thanks for your inputs so far. i have managed most of the TOC design
and troubleshooting.

but here is a curious thing:

in the TOC, after some chapters, suddenly the FIRSTĀ  heading 1 of
chapter n+1 gets listed as the LAST heading of chapter n.

 all chapters are based on the same template.

how do i fix this?

Framemaker assembles TOC entries in the order it finds them in the text 
flow of the chapters. It is likely not the case that your heading 1 of 
chapter n+1 is being listed as part of chapter n, but that the chapter 
title of n+1 is in a frame that follows the frame containing the first 
heading 1.  This can happen if the chapter title is in a separate text 
frame that is either not connected to the flow, or is connected in the 
wrong order, i.e., that frame follows the main text frame on the page 
(logically, not necessarily in appearance).  I suggest you read the Help 
topics on Connecting Text Frames and on Tables of Contents and Indexes.

Best regards,
Stuart Rogers

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Re: Need Help to open the FM files

2011-01-31 Thread srogers
On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 14:38:59 +0530, "Venkan" 

Dear Sir,

I need your help to open the FM file in FrameMaker 9.0 Version which 
is in
the attached ZIP file. In the attached ZIP we also included FrameLog 

your reference. Please help.

I tried to open your file but received the same error message; even the 
"heroic open command" (Esc o H with a new document open) does not 
succeed. I would say the file is corrupted and likely unrecoverable.

Best regards,
Stuart Rogers


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Re: Consecutive Figure and Table Numbering

2006-12-27 Thread srogers

David Spreadbury wrote:

our documents don't use Paragraph Numbering

Oh yes they do :-)

Remember, in FM, everything that ends with either a pilcrow (the backwards P
symbol) or an end-of-flow symbol is a "paragraph".  Your Figure captions are
paragraphs. Your Table titles are paragraphs. Your Table cells are paragraphs.
When Frame refers to "Paragraph Numbering", it is talking about the
Autonumbering variables -- and you set those variables in the *Paragraph*
Designer, right?  Doesn't matter if they're captions, headings, table 
cells, or
otherwise empty placeholders for anchored frames -- they're all 
paragraphs, and

if they have any kind of variable in the Autonumber box, they use Paragraph

If you can get hold of the white papers mentioned by others, it's well 
worth the

time to study them and get a good understanding of how numbering works in FM.
(If you can't get hold of them, write me off list and I'll zip them up for you
when I'm back in the office next week.)

Best wishes to all for 2007,
Stuart Rogers
Phoenix Geophysics Ltd.


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