Rational SODA Tool

2006-09-06 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Dov, Steve, Steve, Joe, John, et. al - 

Thanks for the responses. I have what I need to help my colleague format 
an articulate, succinct discussion about why Framemaker should stay.

Thanks again,


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

"Stephen C. Gillespie Sr"  
09/06/2006 09:53 AM

framers at lists.frameusers.com
Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com
Rational SODA Tool


Joe Malin, Steve Rickaby, et al. are correct about the Rational SODA tool 
? it is not an authoring tool, but rather more of a collaboration tool.

I worked in a sw dev team a few years ago, where Rational Suite was the 
standard. The Rational SODA piece is supposed to take content from the 
other Rational Suite artifacts such as requirements docs, and 
?auto-generate? your document artifacts for you. BTW, Rational is supposed 
to work with Frame, but I never tried it.

We didn?t use it (since our authoring tool was MS Word, it was way too 
labor-intensive and error-prone).

Steve Gillespie, PMP
Sr Information Development Analyst
FedEx Express
Memphis, TN 38125

OT: Question about Rational SODA tool

2006-09-05 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
My bad - as a technical writer, I should have been much more clear - she 
is being told that Framemaker is going bye-bye at her organization because 
the powers that be insist Rational Soda will do the same thing - not 
Framemaker overall going bye-bye.

Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Steve Rickaby  
09/05/2006 12:42 PM

framers at FrameUsers.com
Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com, "Joe Malin" 
Re: OT: Question about Rational SODA tool

At 08:46 -0600 5/9/06, Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com wrote:

>I have a colleague who is being told that Framemaker is to go bye-bye 
>soon and that she will be needing to use Rational SODA to develop her

And could we have some informed comment on this, please? I know folks like 
Bernard get sick of refuting 'FrameMaker is dead' rumors, but they scare 
the living wossnames out of the rest of us for whom FrameMaker is an 
essential part of our professional lives.


OT: Question about Rational SODA tool

2006-09-05 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com

I have a colleague who is being told that Framemaker is to go bye-bye very 
soon and that she will be needing to use Rational SODA to develop her 
documentation. I have googled this tool (as has she) and if they (as in 
her powers-that-be) want a developer who likes to write, then this would 
appear to be the tool of choice; however, for "classic" end-user 
deliverables such as Sys Admin guides, User Guides, OLH, etc. is does not 
appear to be the tool to use. She is desperately needing some supporting 
arguments/input to validate why Framemaker needs to stay.

Has anybody used this tool? Does anybody know anything about it? Arguments 
for/against using it as a classic TW tool? This list has so many 
literate, articulate and knowledgable folks, I am sure somebody has 
experience with this or can explain the for/against tool arguments and 
help her along - Fred, John, Shlomo, Steve, Peter, Lynn, Kay, Bernard, 
etc. . . . Calling all to arms!



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Format A Auto-numbering

2006-08-14 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Do you have another paragraph tag with autonumbering properties that also 
use the Series Label of "T" and that is being used BEFORE you insert the 
first table?

Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

OT: Writing/editing style

2006-08-10 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Thanks for all of the responses. They were all over the board, from 
keeping the wording to getting rid of it, to changing the whole layout of 
the intro. to each procedure. Ultimately, the sugesstion I liked best was 

1. Open  application by double-clicking the  icon in the System
2. On the Fleeglemeister tab, do ...

That way, for your second step (which was the original question...), it
doesn't matter which tab is displayed. The user is cued to GET to that
tab, if they're not already on it so they can perform whatever's in the
rest of step 2.

Thanks again for all of the replies. It gave me alot to chew on and in the 
process, I learned some really nifty stuff and garnered some great ideas 
how to address other issues in this and other guides.

Thanks again,


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

OT: Writing/editing style

2006-08-10 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Well Richard, as you stated: 

Unless you're writing for complete computer

You hit the nail right on the head - in some cases we are, in other cases 
we aren't. The crux of the matter is that both audiences will have to use 
this same guide. Plus, they will so infrequently use these background 
applications, that their learning curve would be just for the day that 
they are using the program and then it would be a fresh start all over 

So . . . . I dunno' at this point. I think waiting for customer feedback 
on the guide is what I need to do.


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

"Combs, Richard"  
Sent by: 
framers-bounces+tammy.vanboening=jeppesen.com at lists.frameusers.com
08/10/2006 12:09 PM



RE: OT: Writing/editing style

Fred Ridder wrote: 

> Focus on essential steps (accomplishing the task at hand).
> Assume automatic actions (like basic navigation).
> Eliminate unnecessary words.

I'm with Art and Fred. Unless you're writing for complete computer
novices, don't describe _how_ to switch to another application or
window. The reader may not even like the method you describe, preferring
to use Alt-Tab. Just say, "In the Foo program's Bar tab, do X." 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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Send administrative questions to lisa at frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

OT: Writing/editing style

2006-08-10 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Again, since there are so many veteran writers on this and who have 
learned through the years to maneuver their way through the editing 

I am writing to a major application, that when launched, results in three 
other applications being launched and running continuously in the 
background. Icons for these three applications are present in the user's 
System Tray.   If a user double-clicks on one of these icons, the main 
window for the background application opens. The first time that a user 
opens the main window for one of these background applications, they open 
to a default tab. Then, let's say the user opens another tab on the main 
window, completes the actions that he/she needs to on the tab, then 
minimizes the main window, (remember, these applications cannot be closed 
while the main application is running. The user must always just minimize 
the main window for the background application), then re-opens the main 
window. Well, the last tab that user had open is now the tab that the user 
sees. This may or may not be the tab that the user needs, so in my 
instructions for procedures that are written for after the first time the 
user opens the window, I have this:

1.) In your system tray, double-click the [background application] icon.
The [background application] window opens. 
2.) If necessary, open the [tab].

I have added the if necessary because the tab may or may not be the right 
one that is open for the user.

My editor has removed the "if necessary" phrase saying that they are extra 
words and that the user will eventually figure out that sometimes they 
don't need to open the tab - that it is already open. This seems 
counter-productive to me. We don't want the user to "eventually figure 
something out" in a User's guide - isn't the whole purpose of the guide to 
figure stuff out for the user?

Believe me, there are some things worth falling on your sword for and 
others, not so much or not all, and I have let the not so much/not all go, 
but his statement that "the user will eventually figure it out" really 
irked me as it seems to be so very against the basic purpose of a User's 

Any thoughts, comments, etc. are appreciated. I will summarize the 
responses and go with the majority to make my decision as to whether I let 
this go or leave it in.

Thanks so much, 

Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Going nutso' with a "phantom" cross-reference

2006-07-14 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Thank you Fred.  Your very articulate statement at the end about 

If that's not possible, your SQA rules will just 
have to be modified to accept a list of exceptions for 
cross-references that are reported as unresolved for a particular
set of show/hide condition settings. Checking for unresolved
x-refs with all conditions showing establishes that all the x-refs
are good, and you should then be able to document that the 
"bad" ones that are reported in the Book Errors windows when 
you publish any given conditionalized version are due only to
hidden x-refs

is just what I need to put into writing for my SQA folks.  Solutions 
always come so fast on this list.

Thanks again,


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Going nutso' with a "phantom" cross-reference

2006-07-14 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Framemaker 7.1, all patches, Windows XP.

I have a 12 file book that whenever generated gives the same single error 
message - unresolved cross-reference in a particular file in the book. 
When I click on the error message in the Book Error Log, however, I don't 
"jump" to the same location all of the time - sometimes it's page 1, 
sometimes page 10, etc. and sometimes, I get that unable to find the error 
in the file message. I have spent 4 hours trouble-shooting this guide to 
no avail! Since this is a container file for text insets and I use 
conditional text, I have done the following:

I have manually checked each and every crosss-reference in the container 
file itself with all conditions turned on and no unresolved x-refs are 
I have manually checked each and every text inset in the container file 
with all conditions turned on and have found no unresolved x-refs.
I have generated a PDF of the file and checked each and every x-ref for 
the 'dead link' syndrome and all links work as expected.
I have used search and find on the container file with all conditions 
turned on and I get the message that no unresolved x-refs are found.
I have used search and find on the text inset book and have even opned the 
text insets themselves in the container file and used search and find and 
I get the message that no unresolved x-refs are found.
In frustration and desparation, I even searched for all x-ref markers in 
the file and found no errant markers.

At this point, I am stumped and at a complete loss. The only reason that I 
am being so anal about this is that SQA rules dictate that the final 
version of any document checked in must be error-free and right now, I 
can't say that because I keep getting this single blasted error message.

Any and all advice, thoughts, suggestions (virtual sledgehammers) are 



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

OT: Syntax for if/then statement

2006-06-29 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Donald, Christine, Jeremy, et. al.

LOL!  This list makes my day. Believe you me, I would like to be blunt as 
some of you were in your emails (the responses were hysterical!), but I 
can summarize the responses (in a politically correct format, mind you!) 
and go from there.

Thanks for all of the replies, support and knowledge. We'll see how it 
ends up.


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

OT: Syntax for if/then statement

2006-06-29 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com

I am hoping the fellow writers on this list can provide some information 
for this request. Another writer here at Jeppesen and I have always used 
the following syntax for a conditional/causal statement: If , 
then . We have a new editor that just joined who is in the 
process of defining our styles and standards. Obviously, everyone has an 
opinion about what is "right" and what is "wrong" in editing . . .in many 
cases,  it's so subjective. That said, when we have our editorial meetings 
about defining our styles and standards, you need to be prepared with some 
factual support for a certain type of style or standard - not just the 
emotional "because we've always done it this way." Years ago, I had such a 
reference for writing if/then statements this way - I don't remember which 
manual I referenced. Our new editor wants to add the word "and" to such 
statements - if , AND then . Both I and the other 
writer disagree with the editor on this one - it should be just if/then - 
no "and." I have tried for the life of me to find a documentation 
reference that would support this syntax (something like Sun's Read Me 
First guide, etc), and although I know I had one in the past, I can't find 
it now. Googling only leads me to programming references - the thin thread 
here would be since we are writing software documentation, if/then, would 
make sense, since that's where the  if/then statement syntax was 
developed, but. . . . 

Any and all references/advice would be much appreciated.



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Maximum length of GoToLink command?

2006-06-02 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
For a variety of reasons, I have three instances of a Jump To hyperlink 
that must reference a file in a book, but the file is being pulled from a 
different directory than all other files in the book.

Twice, I use this path: H:\EFB\Jepp EFB\UGs\AppManager\v1.1\Container 
Files\EFB_Use.fm:Set up flight information and the link works just fine. 
Once, I must use this path: H:\EFB\Jepp EFB\TSGs\AppManager\v1.1\Container 
Files\Maintenance.fm:Set up flight

In the path that is used twice, the total number of characters including 
spaces is 88. In the path that is used once, the number is less - it's 81.

Whenever I enter the path that is used once after the gotolink prompt and 
select  Enter new hypertext marker, it gets converted to this garbage:

H:\EFB\Jepp EFBSGs\AppManager\v1.1\Container Files\smaintenance.fm:Set up 

You can see that EFB\TSGs is now EFBSGs and Maintenance.fm is 

Of course the link doesn't work and I give - I can enter the first path 
H:\EFB\Jepp EFB\UGs\AppManager\v1.1\Container Files\EFB_Use.fm:Set up 
flight information and this saves just fine and it even has more 
characters in it, so I am assuming that it can't be the number of 
characters, but I am at a loss to figure out why this second path is 
getting saved as this garbage when I select Enter new Hypertext marker.



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

PDF Generation question

2006-05-24 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Terry, David, Lin, Fred, Harro, Darrel, Daniel, et. al. (too many names to 
mention) -

Thanks for all of your replies and input and suggestions. Sorry Steve, 
squinting and looking sideways at the bookmarks didn't help~ Two issues - 

1.) One was the flow in Chapter 7 - which was weird because I simply 
imported the page layout/paragraph tags from my template into Chapter 7 
(like I did for all other chapters), but somehow, the flow was 
disconnected in Chapter 7.
2.) However, since the generated TOC was working just fine (which would 
indicate that there was NOT a problem with the flow), I also received 
advice about optimizing the framemaker file for PDF Generation (Format > 
Document > Optimize PDF Size) and work with both options there - kinda' 
like miffing a source file except your miffing for PDF generation.

Now, all is right in my PDF world and I get the bookmarks as expected.

Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com 
Sent by: 
framers-bounces+tammy.vanboening=jeppesen.com at lists.frameusers.com
05/23/2006 09:55 AM

frame2acrobat at yahoogroups.com, framers at frameusers.com

PDF Generation question

Framemaker 7.1, Windows XP, Adobe Acrobat 7.0.

In my Framemaker source files, I have the following tags set to appear in 
my TOC: ChapTitle, SecTitle, Head1, Head2, Head3, and Head4. All tags 
appear as expected with the proper indentations, in the proper order,  and 

with all links working in the TOC. Only one chapter (Chapter 7) uses the 
SecTitle tag; however, as noted, it appears as expected in the TOC with 
the proper numbering (SecID), in the proper order, and the links from 
SecTitleTOC work just fine.  When I generate my PDF from this file, 
however, this is a different story.

I do have the following:

Printer: Adobe PDF
Under PDF Setup, I have Generate Bookmarks checked. In the Include 
Paragraphs, I do have these tags:  ChapTitle, SecTitle, Head1, Head2, 
Head3, and Head4 and I have Include Paragraphs Tags in bookmark text 
selected (for troublshooting purposes). I also have Create Named 
Destinations Set under Links and I have confirmed that the chapter-level 
PDF settings are the same as the book.

When I generate the PDF from the FM source file, I get the bookmark for 
ChapTitle for Chap 7 appearing; however, the other bookmarks that should 
appear underneath (SecTitle, Head1, etc.) are appearing underneath Chapter 

6  - In other words, the top level SecTitles (with all of the Head1, Head2 

below collapsed) are appearing in order, but as the last tags beneath 
Chapter 6. 

Like I said, Chap 7 is the chapter that uses the SecTitle paragraph, so 
why are these bookmarks being placed under Chapter 6?



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

You are currently subscribed to Framers as tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com.

Send list messages to framers at lists.frameusers.com.

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Send administrative questions to lisa at frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

PDF Generation question

2006-05-23 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
And one more thing - if I leave my SecTitle out of my bookmarks list, all 
of my bookmarks for Chapter 7 are still being placed under Chapter 6. Now 
I really give.


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com 
Sent by: 
framers-bounces+tammy.vanboening=jeppesen.com at lists.frameusers.com
05/23/2006 10:51 AM

Steve Rickaby 
framers at FrameUsers.com
Re: PDF Generation question

LOL! I will try squinting. To answer several questions:

1.) Nope, SecTitle is not in a separate text flow.
2.) Yep, the TOC in my Framemaker source book generates just as expected 
with the SecTitles in the proper order under Chapter 7.
3.) Yep, I have tried regenerating my book after solving the numbering 
problem and nope, same results - the tags are stuck as the last tags under 

Chapter 6.
4.) Yep, I have tried the suggestion of nested numbering with zero-ing out 

placeholders and nope, still doesn't put the SecTitle bookmarks under 
Chapter 7 in the PDF.

I give!



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Steve Rickaby  
05/23/2006 10:35 AM

framers at FrameUsers.com
Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com
Re: PDF Generation question

At 09:55 -0600 23/5/06, Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com wrote:

>When I generate the PDF from the FM source file, I get the bookmark for
>ChapTitle for Chap 7 appearing; however, the other bookmarks that should
>appear underneath (SecTitle, Head1, etc.) are appearing underneath 
>6  - In other words, the top level SecTitles (with all of the Head1, 
>below collapsed) are appearing in order, but as the last tags beneath
>Chapter 6.

This has long been a problem with bookmarks generated from FrameMaker 
(since v 5.0 at least). I have long since given up trying to diagnose it, 
and just edit the bookmarks in Acrobat.

I think if you look at it sideways with eyes narrowed, you'd see that it's 

the top level bookmark that is misplaced, not the lower level ones ;-)

I'd also be interested in illumination.


You are currently subscribed to Framers as tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com.

Send list messages to framers at lists.frameusers.com.

To unsubscribe send a blank email to 
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or visit 

Send administrative questions to lisa at frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

PDF Generation question

2006-05-23 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
LOL! I will try squinting. To answer several questions:

1.) Nope, SecTitle is not in a separate text flow.
2.) Yep, the TOC in my Framemaker source book generates just as expected 
with the SecTitles in the proper order under Chapter 7.
3.) Yep, I have tried regenerating my book after solving the numbering 
problem and nope, same results - the tags are stuck as the last tags under 
Chapter 6.
4.) Yep, I have tried the suggestion of nested numbering with zero-ing out 
placeholders and nope, still doesn't put the SecTitle bookmarks under 
Chapter 7 in the PDF.

I give!



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Steve Rickaby  
05/23/2006 10:35 AM

framers at FrameUsers.com
Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com
Re: PDF Generation question

At 09:55 -0600 23/5/06, Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com wrote:

>When I generate the PDF from the FM source file, I get the bookmark for
>ChapTitle for Chap 7 appearing; however, the other bookmarks that should
>appear underneath (SecTitle, Head1, etc.) are appearing underneath 
>6  - In other words, the top level SecTitles (with all of the Head1, 
>below collapsed) are appearing in order, but as the last tags beneath
>Chapter 6.

This has long been a problem with bookmarks generated from FrameMaker 
(since v 5.0 at least). I have long since given up trying to diagnose it, 
and just edit the bookmarks in Acrobat.

I think if you look at it sideways with eyes narrowed, you'd see that it's 
the top level bookmark that is misplaced, not the lower level ones ;-)

I'd also be interested in illumination.

PDF Generation question

2006-05-23 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Framemaker 7.1, Windows XP, Adobe Acrobat 7.0.

In my Framemaker source files, I have the following tags set to appear in 
my TOC: ChapTitle, SecTitle, Head1, Head2, Head3, and Head4. All tags 
appear as expected with the proper indentations, in the proper order,  and 
with all links working in the TOC. Only one chapter (Chapter 7) uses the 
SecTitle tag; however, as noted, it appears as expected in the TOC with 
the proper numbering (SecID), in the proper order, and the links from 
SecTitleTOC work just fine.  When I generate my PDF from this file, 
however, this is a different story.

I do have the following:

Printer: Adobe PDF
Under PDF Setup, I have Generate Bookmarks checked. In the Include 
Paragraphs, I do have these tags:  ChapTitle, SecTitle, Head1, Head2, 
Head3, and Head4 and I have Include Paragraphs Tags in bookmark text 
selected (for troublshooting purposes). I also have Create Named 
Destinations Set under Links and I have confirmed that the chapter-level 
PDF settings are the same as the book.

When I generate the PDF from the FM source file, I get the bookmark for 
ChapTitle for Chap 7 appearing; however, the other bookmarks that should 
appear underneath (SecTitle, Head1, etc.) are appearing underneath Chapter 
6  - In other words, the top level SecTitles (with all of the Head1, Head2 
below collapsed) are appearing in order, but as the last tags beneath 
Chapter 6. 

Like I said, Chap 7 is the chapter that uses the SecTitle paragraph, so 
why are these bookmarks being placed under Chapter 6?



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

numbering conundrum

2006-05-23 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Harro, Steve, Lester, Darrel, Fred, Daniel, et. al, 

Thanks for all of the responses. The cut and paste method ultimately 
worked - a table seemed to be the offender, but for the life of me, I 
can't figure out why - I did not use any autonumbering in any of the table 
cells and I couldn't find any weird/buried tags in it - so, I deleted the 
table and recreated it from scratch and now I get Sec numbering reset as 
expected after the table. Like I said, there was no rhyme nor reason to 
it, but the solution worked.

Again, thanks for all of the questions, input and offers to troubleshoot 
the doc.


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

"Harro de Jong"  
Sent by: 
framers-bounces+tammy.vanboening=jeppesen.com at lists.frameusers.com
05/23/2006 08:32 AM



RE: numbering conundrum

 Nope, no overrides (thanks for prompting me to check 
this) and
it's all in a single file. I have just back-tracked and cut out
everything between the "good" Sec 7.3 and the "bad"  Sec 7.1, then
inserted a Sec ID tag after the good Sec 7.3 and voila, I get a Sec 7.4,
so it's something in this stretch of documentation, altho' for the life
of me, I can't figure it out. Anyway, in between the 7.3 and 7.4, I am
pasting, one paragraph at a time, the cut material and seeing when I get
the 7.4 to flip back to 7.1 - then I know which paragraph, for whatever
reason, is causing me fits. I can't think of anything else to do. 

One more suggestion: check your text flows. The numbering may restart
because the text flows aren't connected, or because you're using two

Harro de Jong

You are currently subscribed to Framers as tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com.

Send list messages to framers at lists.frameusers.com.

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numbering conundrum

2006-05-23 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Nope, no overrides (thanks for prompting me to check this) and it's all in 
a single file. I have just back-tracked and cut out everything between the 
"good" Sec 7.3 and the "bad"  Sec 7.1, then inserted a Sec ID tag after 
the good Sec 7.3 and voila, I get a Sec 7.4, so it's something in this 
stretch of documentation, altho' for the life of me, I can't figure it 
out. Anyway, in between the 7.3 and 7.4, I am pasting, one paragraph at a 
time, the cut material and seeing when I get the 7.4 to flip back to 7.1 - 
then I know which paragraph, for whatever reason, is causing me fits. I 
can't think of anything else to do.

Thanks everyone for all of your suggestions. 


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

"Harro de Jong"  
Sent by: 
framers-bounces+tammy.vanboening=jeppesen.com at lists.frameusers.com
05/23/2006 08:19 AM


RE: numbering conundrum

Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com wrote:

> Good question - I forgot to mention this.  When I insert
> another one after
> the second 7.1 (the incorrect one), I get a 7.2. I have
> turned on all my
> conditions and have looked for any special/weird tag before
> the incorrect
> 7.1 tag and none are present. Also, I don't have any other
> tags that are
> numbered with a series beginning with "s". , If I insert a second
> SecID after the correct 7.1 or 7.2, the numbering is just fine.
> It's only after
> I insert this secID tag after the 7.3 that renumbering
> starts. I am going
> nutso' with this.

Do any SecID tags have overrides? I've had a similar problem once, and
was able to solve it by reapplying the paragraph format. 

This is all in a single file? If multiple files are involved, check the
Numbering properties in the bookfile. 

Harro de Jong

You are currently subscribed to Framers as tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com.

Send list messages to framers at lists.frameusers.com.

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http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

numbering conundrum

2006-05-23 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Good question - I forgot to mention this.  When I insert another one after 
the second 7.1 (the incorrect one), I get a 7.2. I have turned on all my 
conditions and have looked for any special/weird tag before the incorrect 
7.1 tag and none are present. Also, I don't have any other tags that are 
numbered with a series beginning with "s". , If I insert a second SecID 
after the correct 7.1 or 7.2, the numbering is just fine. It's only after 
I insert this secID tag after the 7.3 that renumbering starts. I am going 
nutso' with this.


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

"Fred Ridder"  
05/22/2006 04:59 PM

Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com

RE: numbering conundrum

What happens wne you insert another one after the second 7.1 (the
incorrect one)?  Do you get 7.2 or yet another 7.1?

Make doubly, triply sure that the numbering formula used for the offending
paragraph(s) uses the same series label--a capital S.  Series labels are 
sentitive, and if you inadvertently start a new series (say a lower-case s
instead of a capital) it will naturally and correctly start again at 7.1.

-Fred Ridder

>From: Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com
>To: framers at frameusers.com, "STC List" 
>Subject: numbering conundrum
>Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 16:23:22 -0600
>I have created a tag named SecID to identify sections in my book 
>It is set to autonumber according to the following format: S:Section
><$chapnum>\=\sm. I have this tag set to start at the top of page and 
>auto-apply a Custom Master Page to the page that uses this Section ID.
>This page is named SectionDivider. For sections 1 through 3, it is 
>just beautifully - I get a page with Section 7-1, a page with section 7-2
>and page with Section 7-3.  Now, all of a sudden, when I go to apply this
>tag to a page, the numbering is being reset to 7-1 and it won't change.
>After counting beautifully to 7-3, all I get no matter where I apply this
>tag after Section 7-3 is Section 7-1. I don't get 7-4, 7-5, etc. and I am
>beyond stumped. If I had messed with the paragraph numbering to restart,
>then ALL the tags should be appearing as Section 7-1, but like I said, 
>through 7-3 is working as expected.
>Help  - I am stumped and I don't know how to begin to troubleshoot this. 
>swear I am working with Word numbering!
>Tammy Van Boening
>Senior Technical Writer
>Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
>tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com
>You are currently subscribed to Framers as DocuDoc at hotmail.com.
>Send list messages to framers at lists.frameusers.com.
>To unsubscribe send a blank email to
>framers-unsubscribe at lists.frameusers.com
>or visit 
>Send administrative questions to lisa at frameusers.com. Visit
>http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Don?t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search! 

numbering conundrum

2006-05-22 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
I have created a tag named SecID to identify sections in my book chapters. 
It is set to autonumber according to the following format: S:Section 
<$chapnum>\=\sm. I have this tag set to start at the top of page and I 
auto-apply a Custom Master Page to the page that uses this Section ID. 
This page is named SectionDivider. For sections 1 through 3, it is working 
just beautifully - I get a page with Section 7-1, a page with section 7-2 
and page with Section 7-3.  Now, all of a sudden, when I go to apply this 
tag to a page, the numbering is being reset to 7-1 and it won't change. 
After counting beautifully to 7-3, all I get no matter where I apply this 
tag after Section 7-3 is Section 7-1. I don't get 7-4, 7-5, etc. and I am 
beyond stumped. If I had messed with the paragraph numbering to restart, 
then ALL the tags should be appearing as Section 7-1, but like I said, 7-1 
through 7-3 is working as expected.

Help  - I am stumped and I don't know how to begin to troubleshoot this. I 
swear I am working with Word numbering!



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

OT: autonumbering in Word

2006-05-22 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
This has saved me much hell in auto-numbering and bullets in Word - 
http://www.tech-tav.com/macro.htm. They are free macros from tech-tav 
(authorIT producers) that automate autonumbering, bullets, etc. in Word. 
They work like a charm and they are based on Framemaker principles. All my 
developers here use Word and I have had all of them load these macros and 
we have been trouble-free in autonumbering, etc. for months now - no more 
frantic phone calls to come fix numbering when someone's document craps 
out or when, a simple edit or copy from one developer's document hoses 
another's! Once loaded, maintenance/interaction is darn near non-existent 
and for situations when you have no choice but to use Word, it has made 
life s much easier. I highly recommend them!


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Table Continuation Variable?

2006-05-19 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Bingo - you're like the 10th response along these lines and nope, it's not 
in the style guide (it's under development), so it's with this type of 
"argument" that I will submit my request to put this in the style guide.

Thanks Peter, et. al.


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Peter Gold  
05/19/2006 10:29 AM

Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com, framers at frameusers.com

Re: Table Continuation Variable?

Hi, Tammy:

If it's not specified in the corporate style guide (if there is one) 
or the industry style guide, the next line of defense is "how does it 
help the user not to know whether the visible portion of the table on 
the current page or spread is the beginning or in the middle?"

At 10:13 AM -0600 5/19/06, Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com wrote:
>If I have a table that spans more than one page, I naturally use this
>variable in the Table Title. Well, we have a new editor on board that 
>from a journalism background, not software documentation background, and
>her mantra is "nice, tight copy" . . .So, no it's not copy - it's
>technical procedures and although I don't believe any extra verbiage
>either, table continuation seems to be a critical one to me. I have
>actually had some reviewers not recognize that a table continues (they
>thought one table was multiple tables) until I used this variable. I am
>digging my heels in on this one (I have given to a few others just so 
>I can hold my ground on what I feel is really important).
>Generic thoughts - do you use or not use this variable for tables that
>span multiple pages and why or why not?

Citing your reviewers' confusion is a good approach - it's about 
usability and clarity, not page layout or personal preference.

You might have a good alternate tool in the Table Sheet variable, 
which identifies each table sheet (page), even the first.


Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices

Table Continuation Variable?

2006-05-19 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com

If I have a table that spans more than one page, I naturally use this 
variable in the Table Title. Well, we have a new editor on board that came 
from a journalism background, not software documentation background, and 
her mantra is "nice, tight copy" . . .So, no it's not copy - it's 
technical procedures and although I don't believe any extra verbiage 
either, table continuation seems to be a critical one to me. I have 
actually had some reviewers not recognize that a table continues (they 
thought one table was multiple tables) until I used this variable. I am 
digging my heels in on this one (I have given to a few others just so that 
I can hold my ground on what I feel is really important).

Generic thoughts - do you use or not use this variable for tables that 
span multiple pages and why or why not?



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Index Formatting Question

2006-04-25 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Rick and Sarah and Fred, 

Thanks! I made the hyphen a nonbreaking one (had to get the search term 
right though in Framemaker to figure out how - nonbreaking, not 
non-breaking! :-) And yep, Fred, as per comment,

And you might also decrease the space between the entry text 
and the page number; in your little example it seems kind of excessive 
(although I know the example is not realistic...) so you're more likely
to get breaking lines.

it was not realistic, Just wanted to make sure that I visually got my 
point across in an email - sometimes, unless you exaggerate spaces in an 
email, they're not the obvious.

Thanks again - just implemented the change and it works like a charm.


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Index Formatting Question

2006-04-25 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
I have a three-column index with three entry levels. (I cannot use only 
two levels - I have gone over this with an indexing guru - sigh!) Anyway, 
The first level is not indented, the second level is only slightly 
indented beneath the first and the third level is slightly indented 
beneath the second - pretty standard stuff. Based on the indentations, 
however, sometimes, a page number for the second level and third levels 
breaks across a line:

Level 1   1-1
 Level 22-
Level 3   3-

Ok, my editor does not like this and I really don't either, but short of 
manually adjusting this everytime I generate an Index, is there a 
plug-in/what else can I do to make this happen automatically (something 
like TOCBreaker is ringing a bell, but. . .) and unfortunately, the option 
to change the template is not one - it's an in-house/approved template and 
I just can't go willy-nilly changing it.



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Framemaker and Visual Source Safe and Templates

2006-03-24 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
I don't know if this is a VSS quirk, a Framemaker quirk, or a combo of the 
two, so I will do my best to explain the issue and see if some 
guidance/answers can be provided cuz this problem is driving me batty!

We use VSS for version control for our Framemaker files. We use Framemaker 
7.1p116 on Windows XP with all hotfixes, etc.   As the keeper of our 
departmental templates, I must create the necessary templates and update 
them as needed and I want to make sure that template files do not get 
overwritten, etc..  For all of the templates, I have two imported graphics 
- one in a referenve frame on a reference page that is used in a paragraph 
tag and one that is used in an anchored frame in the headers on the right 
and left hand master pages. This is how we currently are working (or 
should I say trying to work):

I set up a template folder structure in VSS. 
I duplicate this exact  folder structure on my hard drive as do all the 
other writers in the group.
I make sure the templates are current/correct as needed, then I check them 
out and the imported graphics from VSS so no one else can.
When someone wants to grab a copy of the very latest template, they open 
Scroll to the VSS folder that contains the imported graphics for the 
Double-click on a graphic and select "View Source Safe's copy of this 
file." This places a copy of the graphic in a VSS temp folder.
The user then does a "Save As" and saves the file with the correct name in 
the correct folder on their hard drive. 
Scroll to the VSS folder that contains the correct template file.
Double-click the file and select "View Source Safe's copy of this file." 
This places a copy of the graphic in a VSS temp folder. At this point, the 
user is prompted that the   imported graphics must be located. They 
scroll to the correct folder on their hard drive that contains the saved 
graphics and update the graphics path.
The user then does a "Save As" and saves the template file with the 
correct name in the correct folder on their hard drive. This gives the 
user an editable copy of the template file with imported graphics without 
screwing up the source template file.

here's the rub:

Three outta' every four times this approach works, then for no rhyme nor 
reason, when the user attempts to do a Save As on the template file after 
updating the graphics path, the file is saved, but an error message opens, 
stating that the file was saved, but the internal image data was lost and 
to contact Adobe Technical Support for assistance. If you open up the 
directory in which the file was saved, it is saved as the 
filename.fm.[some weird number extension], for example, 
ChapterTemplate.fm.079. If I right click on this weird file, and rename it 
as simply a .fm file, I can double click and open the file and all is OK - 
the graphics appear just fine and if I select one and then File > Import > 
file, the correct path name for the imported graphic comes up. 

This is just a pain because when my users get this weird message, it locks 
their system for a while, we have to close Framemaker, rename the file, 
then reopen Framemaker to open the file - it doesn't make pulling the 
latest copy of the template files that convenient. 

Does anyone use VSS with Framemaker? Has anyone seen this message with 
Framemaker whether you are using VSS? 

Just any thoughts, comments, help or suggestions would be appreciated.



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Paragraph tag with Frame below

2006-03-22 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Ok, if I had expanded on the very way that reference frames work on a page 
- oh well, thanks Mark - this works beautifully - (and thanks everyone 
else for responding as well . . . it's been a long couple of days 
reworking templates and my hard drive/working environment at the same 


Make the graphic that contains "...left blank..." large enough to fill the
entire page (excluding header/footer room), with the text placed in the
middle of the graphic.
  You might need to set the paragraph style property to "Top of Left 

Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Paragraph tag with Frame below

2006-03-22 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com

Got both of my first two questions answered quickly, so let me continue on 
question #2.  I am required by the FAA on any documentation that I produce 
to mark the blank page at the end of the chapter with the phrase 
"INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK". Right now, the writers simply manually hit 
return a couple of times and use a paragraph tag called Blank Page that 
aligns the tag in the center of the page and sets the font to uppercase, 
bold, arial, 10 point. The problem is that not all writers place the 
phrase consistently in the same location on a blank page either within 
their own documents or across their documents and I want to make this 

I have started this process with making a graphic called Blank Page - it 
contains the words intentionally left blank - that's all.  I have used 
this graphic on a reference page and set it up so that when I apply it as 
a Frame Below a paragraph tag called Blank Page, it is centered beneath 
the paragraph tag, which is also centered on the page. The only thing - 
when I place this tag on a blank page, I want to place it so that the tag 
is centered top/bottom on the blank page - otherwise, we just run into the 
same problem we had before - consistently moving the graphic now (instead 
of free text) to the same vertical alignment on a blank page.

Right now, I have it kinda' kludged  - it's a two-step process where the 
users manually place a BlankPage_Step1 tag at the top of the blank page 
(which is always a left hand page), then press return and the next 
paragraph tag is automatically the BlankPage tag which has a space above 
set to 120 pts and the graphic centered.  I want to do this in one step 
(if I am making any sense and if it is even possible). When a user clicks 
at the top of the blank page, I want them to be able to click BlankPage 
and have the tag automatically be placed in the center of the page, but 
other than working with space above a tag (which means having another tag 
first), I cant' figure out a way to do this.



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Two questions

2006-03-22 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
1.) The URL to the Frameusers archives/search feature - I had this saved 
as a favorite, but had a nuclear meltdown on my hard drive and an in the 
frustrating process of rebuilding my working environment.

2.) I know this has been asked (by me) and answered (generously by quite a 
few on the list before), but I have lost my notes on this. I am creating a 
paragraph tag with a frame below property (a single line). I want this 
single line (SingleLine) to be right-justified beneath the paragraph tag. 
On the reference page, how do I set up my reference frame/what properties 
do I modify so that this single line is indeed right-aligned? I faintly 
remember it has something to do with the location of the reference frame 
and the graphic inside of the frame, but. . . for the life of me, right 
now, no matter what, the line is coming out left aligned beneath the 
paragraph tag.



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Fw: Very OT, but this is freakin' incredible: Cool commercial

2006-03-22 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com

I am sure I am breaking list rules by posting this, but. . . this list has 
provided so much to me, I thought adding a bit of enjoyment to say thanks 
- and with as analytical and precise as a writer's mind is, I am sure that 
all of us will deeply appreciate the precision and accuracy that had to go 
into making this commercial - it's beyond cool!!


Read the story before watching! 

There are no computer graphics or digital tricks in the film you are about 
to see. Everything you see happened in real time, exactly as you will see 
it. The film required 606 takes. On the first 605 takes, something, 
usually very minor, didn't work. They would then have to set the whole 
thing up again. The crew spent weeks shooting night and day. By the time 
it was over, they were ready to change professions. The film cost six 
million dollars, and it took three months to complete, including full 
engineering of the sequence. In addition, its two minutes long, so every 
time Honda airs the film on British television, they're shelling out 
enough dough to keep any one of us in clover for a lifetime; however, it 
is fast becoming the most downloaded advertisement in Internet history. 
Honda executives figure the ad will soon pay for itself simply in "free 
viewings." (Honda isn't paying a dime to have you watch this commercial). 
When the ad was pitched to senior executives, they signed off on it 
immediately without hesitation - including the costs. There are only six 
hand-made Accords in the world. To the horror of Honda engineers, the 
filmmakers disassembled two of them to make the film. Everything you see 
in the film (aside from the walls, floor, ramp, and complete Honda Accord) 
is parts from those two cars. 

The voiceover is Garrison Keillor. When the ad was shown to Honda 
executives, they liked it and commented on how amazing computer graphics 
have gotten. They fell off their chairs when they found out it was for 
real. Oh, and about those funky windshield wipers -- on the new Accords, 
the windshield wipers have water sensors and are designed to start doing 
their thing automatically as soon as they become wet. It looks a bit weird 
in the commercial. 


- Message from Richard.Mooney at kraft.com on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 12:32:38 
-0500 - 
sarsmom at aol.com 
FW: Cool commercial

Richard Mooney 
Kraft Foods 
Kroger Region 
303-784-7557 Work 
303-784-7521 Fax 
richard.mooney at kraft.com 
-Original Message-
From: Calhoun, James 
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 4:36 PM
To: 'Jonas Aristondo (E-mail)'; 'Tom Coates (E-mail)'; 'Rob Dungan 
(E-mail)'; 'John Enger (E-mail)'; 'Kevin Fitzgerald (E-mail)'; 'Nelson 
Gary (E-mail)'; Hanrahan, Peter F. ; 'Don Hill (E-mail)'; 'Yungner Jimy 
(E-mail)'; Mooney, Richard ; 'Dennis Ohara (E-mail)'; Owens, Jim P. ; 
'Peter Perry (E-mail)'; 'Bosselman Fred (E-mail)'
Subject: FW: Cool commercial

-Original Message-
From: Stewart, Jeff W 
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 3:30 PM
To: Tracy, Tom X. ; Ralph (E-mail); Calhoun, James 
Subject: FW: Cool commercial

-Original Message-
From: Larry Hansen [mailto:lhan...@pinnpointe.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 4:11 PM
To: mikehasslinger; Mark Murray; ebedford at wavecable.com; 
jstewart at kraft.com; phil.richardson at saralee.com; lori_hansen at 
Subject: Cool commercial

Read the story before watching! 

There are no computer graphics or digital tricks in the film you are about 
to see. Everything you see happened in real time, exactly as you will see 
it. The film required 606 takes. On the first 605 takes, something, 
usually very minor, didn't work. They would then have to set the whole 
thing up again. The crew spent weeks shooting night and day. By the time 
it was over, they were ready to change professions. The film cost six 
million dollars, and it took three months to complete, including full 
engineering of the sequence. In addition, its two minutes long, so every 
time Honda airs the film on British television, they're shelling out 
enough dough to keep any one of us in clover for a lifetime; however, it 
is fast becoming the most downloaded advertisement in Internet history. 
Honda executives figure the ad will soon pay for itself simply in "free 
viewings." (Honda isn't paying a dime to have you watch this commercial). 
When the ad was pitched to senior executives, they signed off on it 
immediately without hesitation - including the costs. There are only six 
hand-made Accords in the world. To the horror of Honda engineers, the 
filmmakers disassembled two of them to make the film. Everything you see 
in the film (aside from the walls, floor, ramp, and complete Honda Accord) 
is parts from those two cars. 

The voiceover is Garrison Keillor. When the ad was shown to Honda 
executives, they liked it and commented on how amazing computer graphics 
have gotten. They fell off their chairs when they found ou

Weird, sudden problem distilling postscript files

2006-03-22 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Fred, Karen, et al.

Thanks for all of the responses. sorry I didn't respond earlier, but just 
after I posted this message, my IT guy came down to see if he could 
troubleshoot  - and at least I was able to reproduce the problem.

Long story short -

I will be humming along making PDFs no problem and then boom, all of a 
sudden, the PDF is either gi-normous (like over 2000%) or I get a series 
of really small pages all stacked vertically. Sometimes, it will "reset" 
itself without any rebooting, etc. and other times, I have to either:

1.) Just shut down Framemaker, Distiller and PDF and then re-open all the 
2) Reboot the whole PC.

I can't find a rhyme or reason to why it happens, when it is going to 
happen, etc. There's no magic number of generating PDFs or one PDF in 
particular that causes it. When my IT guys were here, the saw exactly the 
same thing - he generated the PDF six times in a row with problems, then 
boom, on the 7th time, it generated just fine without any shut down of 
apps, rebooting,etc., but then the next go-round, we had to reboot to get 
a PDF to generate.

Very annoying problem, and very time consuming and hunting all over the 
place (googling, Adobe, etc.), I have found the exact same 
comments/problems but no apparent resolution either than to grit your 
teeth, take a deep breath and reboot. 

I wonder if Adobe will have any comments about this eventually.

Thanks for all the responses - at least what I was seeing was validated by 


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

"Karen Mardahl"  
03/22/2006 08:02 AM

"Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com" , 
framers at frameusers.com

Re: Weird, sudden problem distilling postscript files

Hi Tammy

Possible solution: Try the simple trick of just shutting down Frame
and Acrobat and Distiller, and then start over.

This happened to me about 1 year ago, but I could not find my internal
correspondance with colleagues about it. Freakily enough, the same
thing happened to me just yesterday. Exact same environment as yours.
(Previous disaster was with FM 6.0, Acrobat 5.0.5, and Win2K.)

My PDF was set to 1496%!!!

I duplicated the problem 4 times. 2 days previous, my PDF was fine.
Only difference was producing a PDF from a Word file earlier that day.
Couldn't understand how that affected it. Went home in disgust. Shut
down apps but did not shut down machine. Came in today, looked in vain
for possible solution in PDF Hacks. Tried once more - and it was
perfect! "Normal" size.

Conclusion: This is why I say just shut down all apps, take a deep
breath, and start over. WHY this happened, I don't know. Unless
somehow, while on the Print dialog in Frame, focus went to the
percentage field and I hit a few keys without noticing before I hit
Print??? Don't think so..

Hope this helps.

regards, Karen Mardahl

On 3/21/06, Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com  
> Framemaker 7.1p116, Windows XP (with all patches), Adobe distiller 
> Adobe Acrobat Professional 7.0.7
> I have been using this setup to successfully create post-script files 
> Framemaker source files and then distilling the postscript files into 
> for quite a while now. When I create postscript files, I use watched
> folders, the Adobe PDF printer, and my job options are standard with the
> first page to open at the Default Zoom level, page size 8.5 x 11. All of 
> sudden, any and every PDF I create this way is beyond hosed.  Each PDF
> opens at some gi-normous magnification (like 2000%) and the graphics are
> completely non-readable. If I set the magnification in Adobe Acrobat to
> 125%, then I get a string of really tiny pages.  So . . .. I had two
> colleagues take the same source files and create a PS file and then
> distill it into a PDF using Acrobat distiller/Acrobat Professional 6.0 
> their PDFs are fine -
> and if I use their postscript files on my system, I have no problems
> creating a PDF - so obviously something has gone violently and suddenly
> wrong with my Framemaker installation/Adobe PDF printer, right but what,
> and how?
> I am stumped.
> Thanks,
> Tammy Van Boening
> Senior Technical Writer
> Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
> 303-328-4420
> tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Fw: Weird, sudden problem distilling postscript files

2006-03-21 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com
- Forwarded by Tammy VanBoening/Jeppesen/TMC on 03/21/2006 03:43 PM 

Tammy VanBoening/Jeppesen/TMC 
03/21/2006 03:43 PM

Framers, frame_2_Acrobat List

Weird, sudden problem distilling postscript files

Framemaker 7.1p116, Windows XP (with all patches), Adobe distiller 7.0.7, 
Adobe Acrobat Professional 7.0.7

I have been using this setup to successfully create post-script files from 
Framemaker source files and then distilling the postscript files into pdfs 
for quite a while now. When I create postscript files, I use watched 
folders, the Adobe PDF printer, and my job options are standard with the 
first page to open at the Default Zoom level, page size 8.5 x 11. All of a 
sudden, any and every PDF I create this way is beyond hosed.  Each PDF 
opens at some gi-normous magnification (like 2000%) and the graphics are 
completely non-readable. If I set the magnification in Adobe Acrobat to 
125%, then I get a string of really tiny pages.  So . . .. I had two 
colleagues take the same source files and create a PS file and then 
distill it into a PDF using Acrobat distiller/Acrobat Professional 6.0 and 
their PDFs are fine - 

and if I use their postscript files on my system, I have no problems 
creating a PDF - so obviously something has gone violently and suddenly 
wrong with my Framemaker installation/Adobe PDF printer, right but what, 
and how?

I am stumped.



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Weird, sudden problem distilling postscript files

2006-03-21 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Framemaker 7.1p116, Windows XP (with all patches), Adobe distiller 7.0.7, 
Adobe Acrobat Professional 7.0.7

I have been using this setup to successfully create post-script files from 
Framemaker source files and then distilling the postscript files into pdfs 
for quite a while now. When I create postscript files, I use watched 
folders, the Adobe PDF printer, and my job options are standard with the 
first page to open at the Default Zoom level, page size 8.5 x 11. All of a 
sudden, any and every PDF I create this way is beyond hosed.  Each PDF 
opens at some gi-normous magnification (like 2000%) and the graphics are 
completely non-readable. If I set the magnification in Adobe Acrobat to 
125%, then I get a string of really tiny pages.  So . . .. I had two 
colleagues take the same source files and create a PS file and then 
distill it into a PDF using Acrobat distiller/Acrobat Professional 6.0 and 
their PDFs are fine - 

and if I use their postscript files on my system, I have no problems 
creating a PDF - so obviously something has gone violently and suddenly 
wrong with my Framemaker installation/Adobe PDF printer, right but what, 
and how?

I am stumped.



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Esc m p for anchored frames?

2006-02-08 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com

I have tried searching the archives for this, but the searchable messages 
don't go back far enough in time. I distinctly remember a discussion about 
what the m and p represented in the Esc m p command for anchored frames. 
Fred Ridder also supplied a succinct description of why this functions the 
way that it does - basically, when I place my anchored frame at a certain 
location, then use Esc m p, the frame is shrunk to the size of the 
graphic, but the whole frame with the graphic is shifted upwards - it does 
not remain in its original location - if this description makes sense. 

Any information on this subject is appreciated.


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
EFB Product Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Fw: OT: Framemaker for UNIX User's Guide, Release 5

2006-01-25 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com
- Forwarded by Tammy VanBoening/Jeppesen/TMC on 01/25/2006 12:08 PM 

Tammy VanBoening/Jeppesen/TMC 
01/25/2006 12:07 PM

Framers, STC List

OT: Framemaker for UNIX User's Guide, Release 5


I have this guide in my possession from my days of using FM on UNIX. For a 
long time and for the forseeable future, it will be FM on Windows only for 
me, and as we all know, all of the User Guides for previous versions of FM 
are still enormously helpful and applicable. (Even tho' I am on 7.1, I 
found just what I needed in a FM for 6.0 guide). If anybody wants this, 
it's free for the taking - all you need to do is to make arrangements to 
pick it up or if you're too far away, pay for the postage. That's it. Just 
let me know and it's yours.


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Automatically applying master pages

2006-01-12 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Thanks all! Got it working!

Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Automatically applying master pages

2006-01-12 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Windows XP, Framemaker 7.1.

In an appendix, I have a tag named Head1. After Head1, I have some 
introductory text tagged as Body or ListBullet. After these tags, I insert 
a table identifed in the Table Designer as Symbology_Table. Because of the 
massive volume of information that is required for this table, I have 
created landscape page. The table flows across several pages. I then 
repeat this setup for a new round of information - Head1, Body, 
ListBullet, Symbology Table, etc. I would like all of the pages (save the 
first) in this appendix to use the Landscape page, therefore, on the 
MasterPageMaps Reference page, I have set the  Paragraph tag name to be 
Head1, the Single-sided Master page to be Landscape, but what do I set for 
Range Indicator - until changed or span pages? No matter what I select, 
the page that on which you find the Head1 does indeed use the Landscape 
page, but once the table flows over to the next page, it uses portrait. 



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

OT: Word to PDF

2006-01-11 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com

The error message in it's entirety:

%%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%%
%%[ Error: rangecheck; OffendingCommand: pdfmark; ErrorInfo: View 
--nostringval-- ]%%


%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%

Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com 
Sent by: 
framers-bounces+tammy.vanboening=jeppesen.com at lists.frameusers.com
01/11/2006 12:29 PM

framers at frameusers.com

OT: Word to PDF

Since we are blessed to have so many acrobat gurus on this list:

Windows XP
Adobe Acrobat Professional 6.0
MS Word 2002

Inherited a Word doc with 143 pages, 2.99 MB that I need to convert to 
PDF. I have done a Save As and renamed to preserve the original and ensure 

that I know it is a Word 2002 doc that I am working with. I have done 
everything I know in my power to get this sucker to convert to a PDF 
-Wwithin Word using both PDFMaker and the Adobe PDF Printer. I have also 
tried from within Adobe Acrobat and no matter what I do, barf, crash, bang 

. ..  I cannot get this document to convert. I get the classic error 
message about flushing offending stack and not producing the PDF.

What should I be looking for/troubleshooting in this otherwise fruitless 



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

You are currently subscribed to Framers as tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com.

To unsubscribe send a blank email to 
framers-unsubscribe at lists.frameusers.com
or visit 

Send administrative questions to lisa at frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

OT: Word to PDF

2006-01-11 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Since we are blessed to have so many acrobat gurus on this list:

Windows XP
Adobe Acrobat Professional 6.0
MS Word 2002

Inherited a Word doc with 143 pages, 2.99 MB that I need to convert to 
PDF. I have done a Save As and renamed to preserve the original and ensure 
that I know it is a Word 2002 doc that I am working with. I have done 
everything I know in my power to get this sucker to convert to a PDF 
-Wwithin Word using both PDFMaker and the Adobe PDF Printer. I have also 
tried from within Adobe Acrobat and no matter what I do, barf, crash, bang 
. ..  I cannot get this document to convert. I get the classic error 
message about flushing offending stack and not producing the PDF.

What should I be looking for/troubleshooting in this otherwise fruitless 



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Graphic on a Reference Page

2005-12-29 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Yep, that would be necessary for a slow-witted one today anyway :- and 
thanks Jeremy, Martha, and Lester. I appreciate the quick responses and 


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

"Jeremy H. Griffith"  
12/29/2005 12:39 PM

Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com
framers at frameusers.com
Re: Graphic on a Reference Page

On Thu, 29 Dec 2005 12:19:06 -0700, Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com wrote:

>Yea, I thought so too, and I truly have tried this and no go. I have made 

>the graphic frame right-aligned on the Reference page and then added the 
>graphic and no matter what I do, it still appears as left-aligned on the 
>body page beneath the paragraph tag. I am stumped.

Sorry, I wasn't clear enough.  The graphic needs to be right-aligned
inside a frame that starts at the left edge of the body text frame.
But I see Lester just described it nicely!

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Graphic on a Reference Page

2005-12-29 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Thank you Lester!!

Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

"Lester C. Smalley"  
Sent by: 
framers-bounces+tammy.vanboening=jeppesen.com at lists.frameusers.com
12/29/2005 12:23 PM

, "STC List" , 


RE: Graphic on a Reference Page

FrameMaker always sets the left edge of the reference frame (that box
holding the image on the Ref page) to align with the left edge of the
text column, so the apparent placement of an image is based on its
offset from the left edge of the ref frame.

To get a right-aligned image, you need to make the reference frame the
same width as the text frame on the body pages and then right-align the
image within it.

If you have occasions where you want the SectionLine to be left aligned,
and others for right aligned, you will have to have two different frames
on the reference page.

On Thursday, December 29, 2005 02:07 PM, Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com

| I have a graphic that I created on a Reference page called 
| SectionLine. I selected this graphic as the Frame Below Pgf 
| for a tag named SectionHeading. The paragraph tag itself is 
| right-aligned on the page. I would therefore like this 
| graphic to be right-aligned also. Right now, when I select 
| SectionLine as the graphic for the Frame Below Pgf, it is 
| showing up as a left-aligned graphic. How do I get this 
| graphic to right-align for the paragraph?
| TIA,
| Tammy Van Boening
| Senior Technical Writer
| Aviation Courseware Development
| Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
| 303-328-4420
| tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

- Lester 
Lester C. Smalley  Email: lsmalley AT infocon DOT com  
Information Consultants, Inc.  Phone: 302-239-2942 FAX: 302-239-1712  
Yorklyn, DE  19736   Web: www.infocon.com 


You are currently subscribed to Framers as tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com.

To unsubscribe send a blank email to 
framers-unsubscribe at lists.frameusers.com
or visit 

Send administrative questions to lisa at frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Graphic on a Reference Page

2005-12-29 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Yea, I thought so too, and I truly have tried this and no go. I have made 
the graphic frame right-aligned on the Reference page and then added the 
graphic and no matter what I do, it still appears as left-aligned on the 
body page beneath the paragraph tag. I am stumped.

Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

"Jeremy H. Griffith"  
12/29/2005 12:14 PM

framers at frameusers.com
Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com
Re: Graphic on a Reference Page

On Thu, 29 Dec 2005 12:06:57 -0700, Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com wrote:

>I have a graphic that I created on a Reference page called SectionLine. I 

>selected this graphic as the Frame Below Pgf for a tag named 
>SectionHeading. The paragraph tag itself is right-aligned on the page. I 
>would therefore like this graphic to be right-aligned also. Right now, 
>when I select SectionLine as the graphic for the Frame Below Pgf, it is 
>showing up as a left-aligned graphic. How do I get this graphic to 
>right-align for the paragraph?

AFAIK, the only way is to make a right-aligned version of it on
the reference page and use that one for Frame Below.


-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.

Graphic on a Reference Page

2005-12-29 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
I have a graphic that I created on a Reference page called SectionLine. I 
selected this graphic as the Frame Below Pgf for a tag named 
SectionHeading. The paragraph tag itself is right-aligned on the page. I 
would therefore like this graphic to be right-aligned also. Right now, 
when I select SectionLine as the graphic for the Frame Below Pgf, it is 
showing up as a left-aligned graphic. How do I get this graphic to 
right-align for the paragraph?



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Weird problem with PDF

2005-12-27 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
What a lovely undocumented "feature" - but thanks Fred, you nailed the 


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Weird problem with PDF

2005-12-27 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
No, thanks for asking. I do not have GlossaryTitleTOC selected for the 
PDF. I have checked three times now - it's GlossaryTitle only.

Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Tammy.VanBoening at jeppesen.com 
Sent by: 
framers-bounces+tammy.vanboening=jeppesen.com at lists.frameusers.com
12/27/2005 01:15 PM

"STC List" , framers at frameusers.com, 
frame2acrobat at yahoogroups.com

Weird problem with PDF

Framemaker 7.1 on Windows XP, Adobe Acrobat Professional

In my Framemaker maker book, I have the following tags in my TOC  that I 
want as bookmarks in my Adobe PDF:

TableTitle (this is auto-numbered with "List of Tables")
FigureTitle (this is auto-numbered with "List of Figures")
ChapterTitle (this is auto-numbered with "Chapter" and $chapnum)
GlossaryTitle (this is auto-numbered with "Glossary")
IndexTitle (this is auto-numbered with "Index")

When I generate the Framemaker book, the TOC generates just fine with the 
tags appearing where expected and as formatted on the reference page of 
the TOC. When I generate the PDF from this book, all bookmarks generate as 

expected with one exception - the GlossaryTitle tag. Instead of appearing 
where expected (the next to the last tag), it is always appearing first in 

the list of bookmarks and it shows not only the word "Glossary" but also, 
the page number (G-1) for the first page of the glossary. When I click on 
this bookmark, it moves me to the entry for the Glossary in the TOC, not 
to the first page of the Glossary. I am stumped as this is the only tag 
that is giving me fits in the PDF and I have checked everything I can 
think of . . . Any and all advice is appreciated.


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

You are currently subscribed to Framers as tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com.

To unsubscribe send a blank email to 
framers-unsubscribe at lists.frameusers.com
or visit 

Send administrative questions to lisa at frameusers.com. Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Weird problem with PDF

2005-12-27 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Framemaker 7.1 on Windows XP, Adobe Acrobat Professional

In my Framemaker maker book, I have the following tags in my TOC  that I 
want as bookmarks in my Adobe PDF:

TableTitle (this is auto-numbered with "List of Tables")
FigureTitle (this is auto-numbered with "List of Figures")
ChapterTitle (this is auto-numbered with "Chapter" and $chapnum)
GlossaryTitle (this is auto-numbered with "Glossary")
IndexTitle (this is auto-numbered with "Index")

When I generate the Framemaker book, the TOC generates just fine with the 
tags appearing where expected and as formatted on the reference page of 
the TOC. When I generate the PDF from this book, all bookmarks generate as 
expected with one exception - the GlossaryTitle tag. Instead of appearing 
where expected (the next to the last tag), it is always appearing first in 
the list of bookmarks and it shows not only the word "Glossary" but also, 
the page number (G-1) for the first page of the glossary. When I click on 
this bookmark, it moves me to the entry for the Glossary in the TOC, not 
to the first page of the Glossary. I am stumped as this is the only tag 
that is giving me fits in the PDF and I have checked everything I can 
think of . . . Any and all advice is appreciated.


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

OT:Trouble posting

2005-12-07 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Sorry all for the triplicate, but Ray, Lisa and their crew and my IT guys 
are trying to help me figure out why my account has gone belly up on its 
own, so again, I have been asked to try another post. Sorry for the 


Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

Fw: OT: Posting problems

2005-12-07 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com
- Forwarded by Tammy VanBoening/Jeppesen/TMC on 12/07/2005 01:59 PM 

Tammy VanBoening/Jeppesen/TMC 
12/07/2005 01:57 PM


OT: Posting problems

Hi all,

Trying to see if I can post to the list, so I apologize in advance for the 
bandwith. Up until 11/29, I was able to post messages to the list and 
receive messages from the list and then boom, nada, nothing, zip. Lisa B 
and her crew at her end are trying to figure out what is going on and my 
IT guys from this side are trying to do the same, so I have been asked by 
both sides to see if I can post a message to the list from this address. 
Carrier pigeon anyone?



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com

OT: Posting problems

2005-12-07 Thread tammy.vanboen...@jeppesen.com
Hi all,

Trying to see if I can post to the list, so I apologize in advance for the 
bandwith. Up until 11/29, I was able to post messages to the list and 
receive messages from the list and then boom, nada, nothing, zip. Lisa B 
and her crew at her end are trying to figure out what is going on and my 
IT guys from this side are trying to do the same, so I have been asked by 
both sides to see if I can post a message to the list from this address. 
Carrier pigeon anyone?



Tammy Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Aviation Courseware Development
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
tammy.vanboening at jeppesen.com
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