As stated by Ian, to control sort order of files added to books, do not use the 
Frame "Add" Menu. Drag them from a Windows folder instead. Some more points: 

1. Make sure that the files are sorted in the folder as you wish them to be in 
the book. 

2. In the folder, click and shift-click to select a continuous set of files. 

3. With your mouse pointer over the TOP FILE (this is important), drag (hold 
down left mouse button) the files into your book and position the pointer 
exactly where you wish the file to add, if you have existing files in the book. 

If you wish to add a contiguous set of files, or omit some from the selected 
group, just control-click to deselect before you drag. You can also 
contiguously select files by just using control-click to select/deselect as you 
wish. You could use shift-click to select a group and control-click to deselect 
some in the group and control-click to add strays outside the group. 

If you do not position the pointer on the top file of the selection before you 
drag, the drag will sort the file under the pointer to the top, followed by 
those under the pointer, followed by those above the pointer from the top down. 
This is usually not what what you want, but who knows. 

Also, in the folde r, first sort by name, then sort by type. This gets you an 
alphabetical list of Frame files (.fm) all grouped together for convenience. 

If you wish a sub-set of Frame files that meet a certain criteria, you can use 
the Windows Search function to generate a result of the desired files. This is 
another way to filter out all but Frame files (search for .fm). One caveat; all 
selected files from the search must be in the same folder, not sub-folders, or 
the sort w ill fail. You can sort the Search window by "In Folder" to 
accomplish this. 

You can also drag files from one Frame book to another Frame book. Use 
control-drag to copy the files. A straight drag will move them from one book to 
the other. Sort order will be retained. 

I have added hundreds of files in one swoop using this technique, with perfect 

This technique works for all versions of Frame from 6 through 9 on Windows XP 
machines. Don't know about VISTA. 

Oran Petersen 

From: Ian Hawkins <> 
Subject: Re: Adding files to book results in reverse order 
To: Dustin Wilcox <dustin at> 
Cc: framers at 
Message-ID: <4A689EB4.1000002 at> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed 

Instead of using Add > Files, just drag them from a Windows explorer 
window onto the book. This way the order stays the same. 


Dustin Wilcox wrote: 
> Hopefully this is an easy one. 
> I had this problem in 7.2 and now 9 and wonder what exactly is causing it 
> and if there is a fix. I'm creating a book and adding 50 or so files to it 
> (through the add file button). Even though the files are sequentially 
> numbered, Frame adds them in reverse order. It's time consuming to go back 
> and reorder them. Is this just a quirk, am I doing something wrong, or is 
> there a patch? 
> Many thanks 
> Dustin 

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