The topic "Working with group titles in indexes" in the FrameMaker User Guide 
(accessible from the FrameMaker Help menu) should answer most of your 

-Fred Ridder
> Subject: Setting the structure of the alphabatized list
> Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 10:47:43 -0700
> From:
> To:;
> CC:
> Hi All,
> Thank you all for your help with the alpha sort. Now, I have an alphabetized 
> list of my Work Instructions (WI) in an appendix, that's great. 
> However, how do I make a separation with A, B, C and so on to break up this 
> long list and make it a bit more user friendly? 
> I have entered A, B, C with and without tags, but when I generate the book, 
> it naturally sorts these letters and they all jump to the top of the page. I 
> realize that's because that would be the alphabetical order - so what is the 
> magic key to make these introductory letters stay in place? Does it have 
> anything to do with using the ignore symbols function? However, these are not 
> "symbols" but the introductory letters to a new section that I want to hold 
> in place. 
> A
> Add a File
> B
> Build a Book
> C
> Complete the Manual 
> It turns out like this:
> A
> B
> C
> Add a File
> Build a Book
> Complete the Manual
> ----
> Thanks again for your help
> Sue 
> ________________________________
> From: on behalf of Combs, Richard
> Sent: Tue 5/19/2009 3:34 PM
> To:
> Subject: Lists of figures and tables in alpha order (was FW: Exporting 
> thepaths of graphics used)
> You'd think that after gently chiding Susan for having "changed the
> subject completely," I'd remember to change the subject line of my
> reply, wouldn't you? Sorry! Here it is for the archives.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Combs,
> Richard
> Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 4:10 PM
> To: Susan Curtzwiler;
> Subject: RE: Exporting the paths of graphics used
> Susan Curtzwiler wrote:
> > I followed the directions below and all I got was a blank FMKR page.
> Then the FM file or book for which you generated the list or index
> doesn't contain any graphics imported by reference. FM doesn't know the
> file path and name of graphics copied into the document (there's no
> point). 
> > Then I went to just make a list of figures as a stand alone file, not
> part
> > of the book file.
> Do you mean that within a single FM file, not a book, you selected
> Special > List of > Figures? OK, then in the Set Up List of Figures
> dialog, you had to select the paragraphs to include (your figure
> captions).
> But now you've changed the subject completely. Lists of figures, tables,
> etc., are lists of paragraphs in FM. That's very different from a list
> of imported graphics, fonts, text insets, or other references.
> > That worked great, I got the list.
> > 1. Now, how do I alphabatize them.
> Select Special > List of > Paragraphs (Alphabetical) -- or for a book,
> Add > List of > Paragraphs (Alphabetical) -- and select the paragraphs
> to include.
> > 2. Isn't there a simple sort feature like Word? Seems like then I
> could
> > make the sorted list as a template and work thru the entire book.
> I don't understand.
> > 3. Is their an easier way to work within the complete book file to
> get a
> > full list of figures at one time?
> What is it that you can't do with (from the book window) Add > List of >
> Figures or Add > List of > Paragraphs (Alphabetical)?
> > 4. Also, make a list of tables.
> What is it that you can't do with (from the book window) Add > List of >
> Tables or Add > List of > Paragraphs (Alphabetical)?
> > I want to use this same technique to make a list of the titles from my
> TOC,
> > and arrange them either by WI number or alpha to create a quick
> hyperlink
> > file for users easy reference.
> I don't understand. But again, List of > Paragraphs (Alphabetical) will
> give you alpha lists of whatever paragraph format(s) you want (like
> Head1, Head2, ...).
> I don't know what a WI number is, but maybe if you spend some quality
> time with the generated lists topics in the help or user manual, you can
> figure out how to do something with that, too. FM's generated lists
> functionality is pretty robust and versatile.
> HTH!
> Richard
> Richard G. Combs
> Senior Technical Writer
> Polycom, Inc.
> richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
> 303-223-5111
> ------
> rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom
> 303-777-0436
> ------
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