Hi Anirae!
If I read your message corrrectly, you want to have the figure numbers (and
possibly also table numbers) increment from 1 within each major section of the
chapter containing them, and not interfere with or be altered by possible
multiple levels of sub-sections. The major section does reset them to start at
one again.
For this to work, the figures, tables and headings will have to be in the same
numbered series (e.g. F: or H:) but you also need to use placeholders - the
empty building block < > (which does not alter, nor show the value) - for
counters that should not be affected.
One suggestion is to create a grid of your numbering needs, so you can more
easily see where you need to use the various types of numbering building block
- display only (e.g. ), incrementing (e.g. ) or ignoring (< > and note
the space between the less-than and greater-than symbols)
Here is how I would setup your formats, assuming only three levels of headings
(as per your example). I've added a counter for tables as well, so there are 5
total numbering positions.
H: 1 Heading (increment 1st level heading, reset all
lower-level numbers: figures,
tables and sub-headings)
H:-< >< >< > Figure 1-1 (show current heading #, increment figure #,
don't change table or
H:< >< >. 1.1 Heading (display current heading #, don't change
figure or table #,
increment 1st subhead and reset lower
H:-< >< >< > Figure 1-2
H: 2 Heading
H:-< >< >< > Figure 2-1
H:.< >< >< > Table 2.1 (show current heading #, don't change figure
#, increment table #,
don't change sub-headings)
H:-< >< >< > Figure 2-2
H:< >< >. 2.1 Heading
H:-< >< >< > Figure 2-3
H:< >< >.. 2.1.1 Heading(display current heading #, don't change
figure or table,
show 1st subhead and increment lower
H:-< >< >< > Figure 2-4
and so forth. As I'm not completely clear on how you are using either the
$VolNum or $ChapNum variables (or corresponding numbering building blocks,) I
have not shown those, and trust that this example will get you on the right
path fairly quickly.
– Les
From: "ani...@comcast.net"
To: framers@lists.frameusers.com
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 4:22 PM
Subject: Typicla auto numbering problem, Frame10 Unstructured
Back on Frame after several years of being forced to use inferior products. The
hang of it is returning, but I have a strange auto numbering issue. Hope you
can help.
The figure numbering for the chapter breaks when I add auto numbered figures
and tables.
Several files in the book. Each file is actually its own manual, and I want the
book to see each as a volume (Vol 1, 2, 3, etc.). That's working OK. I want
each file to start with chapter t after the preliminary pages (Title page and
TOC). The Book is set up as follows:
1st file :
Volume: #1
Chapter: #1 (If I make this Read from File it doesn't change anything)
All other files:
Volume: Continue numbering from previous file in book.
Chapter: Read from File
Headings are H:Heading1, H:Heading2, etc.
If figure format is H:Figure\t, I get:
2 Heading
2.1 Heading
Figure 1-5
Figure 1-6
1.6 Heading
Figure 1-7
really messed up
If figure format is F:Figure\t, I get:
It does not recognize Heading 1 as but Heading numbers are not influenced
by inserting numbers, but the figures do not adopt the section number:
2.3 heading
Figure 1-3
Figure 1-4
2.3.1 Heading
Figure 1-6
If figure format is H:Figure\t<>.\t (as suggested by a post from some
sight), I get:
1 Heading
Figure 0-1
Figure 0-2
2 Heading
Figure 0-3
2.3 Heading
Figure 0-4
2.3.1 Heading
Figure 0-5
What should I do to get:
1 Heading
Figure 1-1
1.1 Heading
Figure 1-2
2 Heading
Figure 2-1
Figure 2-2
2.1 Heading
Figure 2-3
2.1.1 Heading
Figure 2-4
and so forth
Thank you!
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