Strange effect in UI of FM-9

2009-09-15 Thread Klaus Daube
Dear all,

On  24 Jul 2009 I reported about the following effect:

> After working on toolbars, the utilities Character Palette and Hex Input
> are not executing any more. Clicking on the menu item does nothing.

By chance I have found the reason for this behaviour when I noticed 
that everything worked correctly when starting FM-9 from a shortcut and 
the problem occurs when starting FM-9 from my launch bar RipBar.

It turns out that the effect appears only, if FM-9 is invoked with DOS-
names like H:\Adobe\FRAMEM~1.9EN\FRAMEM~1.EXE. Everything works fine 
when using long Windows names (H:\Adobe\framemaker.9en\FrameMaker.exe).

It seems that the utilities are called from the main program with a 
special mechanism where this difference counts.

Don't ask me how I got the DOS names, but I have noticed that even 
standard Windows shortcuts may get these.

Klaus Daube

Docu + Design Daube; Sch?racher 11; CH-8053 Z?rich
Technical documentation & consultancy; On-line and paper
F: +41-44-422 86 25  E: ddd at  W:

Re: Strange effect in UI of FM-9

2009-09-15 Thread Klaus Daube
Dear all,

On  24 Jul 2009 I reported about the following effect:

> After working on toolbars, the utilities Character Palette and Hex Input
> are not executing any more. Clicking on the menu item does nothing.

By chance I have found the reason for this behaviour when I noticed 
that everything worked correctly when starting FM-9 from a shortcut and 
the problem occurs when starting FM-9 from my launch bar RipBar.

It turns out that the effect appears only, if FM-9 is invoked with DOS-
names like H:\Adobe\FRAMEM~1.9EN\FRAMEM~1.EXE. Everything works fine 
when using long Windows names (H:\Adobe\framemaker.9en\FrameMaker.exe).

It seems that the utilities are called from the main program with a 
special mechanism where this difference counts.

Don't ask me how I got the DOS names, but I have noticed that even 
standard Windows shortcuts may get these.

Klaus Daube

Docu + Design Daube; Schäracher 11; CH-8053 Zürich
Technical documentation & consultancy; On-line and paper
F: +41-44-422 86 25  E:  W:

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Strange effect in UI of FM-9

2009-07-24 Thread Klaus Daube
Dear all,

In my experiments to change the dull gray toolbar buttons to colour I 
have noticed a very strange side effect:

- To get the buttons coloured, in the xml files of the toolbars I have 
exchanged the
  names of the icons.
- I have also introduced acomment in  to mention this fact

Things work fine (see - not yet 
'released'), but the two utilities Character Palette and Hex Input are 
not executing any more. Clicking on the menu item does nothing.

Even removing everything from %appdata%\Adobe\FrameMaker\9 to force FM-
9 to copy the original settings from $HOME$ does not cure the 

Of course, when deactivating, uninstalling, re-installing and 
activating FM-9 everything works fine again.

Is %APPDATA%\Adobe\FrameMaker\9 a folder watched from outer space ?

Any ideas are welcome
Klaus Daube

Docu + Design Daube; Sch?racher 11; CH-8053 Z?rich
Technical documentation & consultancy; On-line and paper
F: +41-44-422 86 25  E: ddd at  W:

Strange effect in UI of FM-9

2009-07-24 Thread Klaus Daube
Dear all,

In my experiments to change the dull gray toolbar buttons to colour I 
have noticed a very strange side effect:

- To get the buttons coloured, in the xml files of the toolbars I have 
exchanged the
  names of the icons.
- I have also introduced acomment in  to mention this fact

Things work fine (see - not yet 
'released'), but the two utilities Character Palette and Hex Input are 
not executing any more. Clicking on the menu item does nothing.

Even removing everything from %appdata%\Adobe\FrameMaker\9 to force FM-
9 to copy the original settings from $HOME$ does not cure the 

Of course, when deactivating, uninstalling, re-installing and 
activating FM-9 everything works fine again.

Is %APPDATA%\Adobe\FrameMaker\9 a folder watched from outer space ?

Any ideas are welcome
Klaus Daube

Docu + Design Daube; Schäracher 11; CH-8053 Zürich
Technical documentation & consultancy; On-line and paper
F: +41-44-422 86 25  E:  W:


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