Who cares? [was gmane.org ad naseum]

2006-01-26 Thread Bernard Aschwanden


I think that's all the characters I can type. Now that I've typed them, put it 
into an email and sent it to the list, please do not ever use these characters 
or I will come after you in court, at your office and maybe even on the way to 
your appointment at 3:45 with the guy trying to help you with that issue 
related to your golf game.


Google for this:
"John Posada" frameusers
675 hits

147 hits

Ask Jeeves


3 pages worth


Hopefully they all have permission :)

I seriously think that this topic has gotten way goofy, even by my standards. 
If you don't want people to use what you write on the list either just send 
questions or send your answers directly to a person with the legal blather that 
says it's confidential. However, don't post to the group if you don't want them 
to use it. The whole purpose of this list is to make the life of Frame users 
better and this discussion doesn't do so.

If it's in the public domain (which this list really is and so is the web at 
large) then it's likely tough to claim ownership. There are exceptions to the 
rule, but if someone links to a URL that is available to the public and wants 
to make it a reference point to go to for help, so be it.

I think that most, if not all documentation carries the standard "if it works 
right, great, and if not then don't blame us" that legal wants. Relax people. 
It's just a link. It's just content that helps out people. If someone wants to 
connect to the list via a tool that is used internally or externally let them.

I suggest that anyone who does not want to have content used by others stop 
sending suggestions to the list. Nice and easy.

There's no point in posting the forum elsewhere as I get the results in a 
google search. (h, they have money, can we sue?) If people need to link to 
a valuable resource (read into that "postings on the list") then let them do 
so. That's what it is here for.

Now, can we get back to doing real work?


Who cares? [was gmane.org ad naseum]

2006-01-26 Thread John Posada
I do. 

I'm sure I can find issues that you feel are important, to be
trivial. However, I'll be refraining from from saying so because I
also believe that people are allowed to express their concerns even
if I'm not concerned about it.

John Posada
Senior Technical Writer

"So long and thanks for all the fish."

Who cares? [was gmane.org ad naseum]

2006-01-26 Thread Art Campbell
Bernard, I think John's point (and mine, anyway) is that information
on the forum is freely given. Some/most of us are professional writers
who get paid for words; if we choose to give some away in this or
other forumns, that's up to us. But they're still our words and we
want them to be under our control as much as possible.

I/we get upset when a site or individual steals, masssages, and
presents the freely-given information to make a profit. Especially
without letting me/us know.

I don't have a problem accepting that you are willing to have others
make a profit off your knowledge without $haring. But not all of us
are that care free.


On 1/26/06, Bernard Aschwanden  wrote:
> U,
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
> `1234567890-=
> ~!@#$%^&*()_+
> []\
> {}|
> ;'
> :"
> ,./
> <>?

Art Campbell art.campbell at 
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
   and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
 No disclaimers apply.
 DoD 358

Who cares? [was gmane.org ad naseum]

2006-01-26 Thread Bernard Aschwanden
I'm totally self employed and count on the list, the users and Framers across 
the planet to pay me for what I do. If they don't I can't pay the bills. This 
list is one way to promote myself. Again, if you don't want your words used by 
others, then don't post to the list. It's really not that tough. Instead of 
sending to, cc'ing to or bcc'ing to the list, just send to, cc or bcc the 
people with the question. Or don't offer your input.

Thanks by the way to the wide range of people who already pitched in to let me 
know "thanks for saying what we are thinking".

For the record, I post a lot to this group. So do a lot of people who make 
their living selling the same support and services we offer here for free. To 
say that we don't get paid for it isn't totally true. It's good press.

If you don't think that others should quote you it's really simple. Don't send 
to the list. Send to the individual. If your thoughts are worth that much, then 
hoard them and bottle it. Me, I post where and when I can and hope that the 
goodwill results in business. Generally it has.

I guess that mean that I don't have a problem accepting that others make a 
profit (and I lose money) by posting here. If you aren't that care free then 
stop sending answers and just post your questions.


-Original Message-
From: Art Campbell [mailto:art.campb...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:51 PM
To: bernard at publishingsmarter.com
Cc: Framers List
Subject: Re: Who cares? [was gmane.org ad naseum]

Bernard, I think John's point (and mine, anyway) is that information on the 
forum is freely given. Some/most of us are professional writers who get paid 
for words; if we choose to give some away in this or other forumns, that's up 
to us. But they're still our words and we want them to be under our control as 
much as possible.

I/we get upset when a site or individual steals, masssages, and presents the 
freely-given information to make a profit. Especially without letting me/us 

I don't have a problem accepting that you are willing to have others make a 
profit off your knowledge without $haring. But not all of us are that care free.


On 1/26/06, Bernard Aschwanden  wrote:
> U,
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
> `1234567890-=
> ~!@#$%^&*()_+
> []\
> {}|
> ;'
> :"
> ,./
> <>?

Art Campbell art.campbell at 
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
   and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
 No disclaimers apply.
 DoD 358

Who cares? [was gmane.org ad naseum]

2006-01-26 Thread Bernard Aschwanden
Agreed. Freely given. Hence, if you get a penny it's a huge return on the 

Besides, if people stay from others on a list like this it's pretty quickly 
known. There are several people on the list that I don't bother to reply to 
because off list others have mentioned issue that develop. By and large I trust 
to the 'good' in people and let it be at that.


-Original Message-
From: Art Campbell [mailto:art.campb...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:51 PM
To: bernard at publishingsmarter.com
Cc: Framers List
Subject: Re: Who cares? [was gmane.org ad naseum]

Bernard, I think John's point (and mine, anyway) is that information on the 
forum is freely given. Some/most of us are professional writers who get paid 
for words; if we choose to give some away in this or other forumns, that's up 
to us. But they're still our words and we want them to be under our control as 
much as possible.

I/we get upset when a site or individual steals, masssages, and presents the 
freely-given information to make a profit. Especially without letting me/us 

I don't have a problem accepting that you are willing to have others make a 
profit off your knowledge without $haring. But not all of us are that care free.


On 1/26/06, Bernard Aschwanden  wrote:
> U,
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
> `1234567890-=
> ~!@#$%^&*()_+
> []\
> {}|
> ;'
> :"
> ,./
> <>?

Art Campbell art.campbell at 
  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
   and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
 No disclaimers apply.
 DoD 358

Who cares? [was gmane.org ad naseum]

2006-01-27 Thread jposada
>if you don't want your words used by others, then don't post
>to the list. It's really not that tough. Instead of sending to, cc'ing
>to or bcc'ing to the list, just send to, cc or bcc the people with the
>question. Or don't offer your input.

You make it sound like the purpose of the list is to create content that can
be repurposed for any reason anyone may want. Where does it stop. I thought
the purpose of the list was for the benefit of the people subscribing to the

>Thanks by the way to the wide range of people who already pitched
>in to let me know "thanks for saying what we are thinking".

Yeah, yeah, I know...we both got them (BTW...what would a narrow range of
people be in this context?)

>For the record, I post a lot to this group. So do a lot of people who
>make their living selling the same support and services we offer here
>for free. To say that we don't get paid for it isn't totally true. It's
>good press.

Actually, while agree with Art, that wasn't my primary initial concern. My
concern was having my name attributed to a solution when it might not have
been the correct or best solution to the problem, which I've said several
time during this discussion since yesterday. I'd find it unusual if a list
member's problem to which you post a solution is the exact problem that his
corporate user is experiencing and documenting. To be honest, I'd mind less
if the original poster snipped my response, pasted it in his documentation,
and reworked the content to better apply the solution to the specific
problem. In a case of applying a solution to a problem I know nothing about,
I'd rather NOT be attributed to the solution. OTOH,  if credit is to be
applied, it can be selectively. What I'd like is Jakob contacting you or me
or anyone on the list, saying he's like to use one of our solutions in
internal documentation. 1) Is it OK? and 2) do you want credit? At that
point, it is up to any of us to set the condition. You may very well want
the credit and with what you do, I understand you would. That's fine...I'd
never miss an opportunity to market myself. However, I don't and I'd say use
the solution but don't use my name. That should be fine too. A direct link
removes that option as well as being the lazy way out.

However, for a reader of his documentation to see my post verbatim along
with whatever email address and user I was responding too, along with
misspellings and grammar errors, as a solution in a corporate document that
might only partially state the solution is not something with which I'm

It kinda reminds me a situation when I was growing up. Our backyard property 
line ended at a certain point. It faced a dirt road and about 2/3 of the 
width of the dirt road was on our property, At a certain point, my parents 
wanted to add a built-in pool and wanted to reclaim the property that had 
for several years been public access. Know what? We couldn't because by not 
restricting access on it ever, it had pretty much reverted to the public 
domain. If OTOH, once a year we had closed it off, even for a day, we could 
have closed it off permanently. Now, this was when I was 10 years old, so 
there may have been more to this or I'm getting it wrong, or somneone was 
paying off the town to enforce a rule that didn't exist. However, it did 
teach me that if you don't practice some type of ownership as a normal 
course of business, at a certain point, you loose all claim. I think this 
also affects trademark law,

In this case, you don't object to how any of our content is repurposed in
Jakob's internal documentation. The next time may come a situation to which
you do object. Maybe someone will come along who is writing a book that will
be commercially published and he wants to include a link to your post that
will end up appearing on a Borders or B&N bookshelf. However, you won't know
it until one of your clients brings your attention to it. Wouldn't it just
be better to retain just a little control over who sees what you are saying
in your posts?

Who cares? [was gmane.org ad naseum]

2006-01-27 Thread Bill Swallow
Folks, anything posted to a public e-mail list is public domain. If
you don't like it, then be careful about what you post. It's that

I'm on a ton of lists. I post a lot of information. If you notice,
none of what I post is either a trade secret or anything particularly
valuable. I sometimes follow up off-list with folks to answer
questions that go a bit more in-depth. Still, the info I share isn't
particularly sensitive, as I'm not making money off the conversation.
Anything of value is presented in the context of a private contract
(if/when I have time... which I haven't had in a few years).

All it takes is a bit of common sense. If you're concerned about the
info you're sharing, don't share it publicly.

Bill Swallow
HATT List Owner
WWP-Users List Owner

I support Char James-Tanny for STC Secretary.

Who cares? [was gmane.org ad naseum]

2006-01-26 Thread Bernard Aschwanden


I think that's all the characters I can type. Now that I've typed them, put it 
into an email and sent it to the list, please do not ever use these characters 
or I will come after you in court, at your office and maybe even on the way to 
your appointment at 3:45 with the guy trying to help you with that issue 
related to your golf game.


Google for this:
"John Posada" frameusers
675 hits

147 hits

Ask Jeeves


3 pages worth


Hopefully they all have permission :)

I seriously think that this topic has gotten way goofy, even by my standards. 
If you don't want people to use what you write on the list either just send 
questions or send your answers directly to a person with the legal blather that 
says it's confidential. However, don't post to the group if you don't want them 
to use it. The whole purpose of this list is to make the life of Frame users 
better and this discussion doesn't do so.

If it's in the public domain (which this list really is and so is the web at 
large) then it's likely tough to claim ownership. There are exceptions to the 
rule, but if someone links to a URL that is available to the public and wants 
to make it a reference point to go to for help, so be it.

I think that most, if not all documentation carries the standard "if it works 
right, great, and if not then don't blame us" that legal wants. Relax people. 
It's just a link. It's just content that helps out people. If someone wants to 
connect to the list via a tool that is used internally or externally let them.

I suggest that anyone who does not want to have content used by others stop 
sending suggestions to the list. Nice and easy.

There's no point in posting the forum elsewhere as I get the results in a 
google search. (h, they have money, can we sue?) If people need to link to 
a valuable resource (read into that "postings on the list") then let them do 
so. That's what it is here for.

Now, can we get back to doing real work?



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http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Re: Who cares? [was gmane.org ad naseum]

2006-01-26 Thread John Posada
I do. 

I'm sure I can find issues that you feel are important, to be
trivial. However, I'll be refraining from from saying so because I
also believe that people are allowed to express their concerns even
if I'm not concerned about it.

John Posada
Senior Technical Writer

"So long and thanks for all the fish."

You are currently subscribed to Framers as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe send a blank email to 
or visit 

Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Re: Who cares? [was gmane.org ad naseum]

2006-01-26 Thread Art Campbell
Bernard, I think John's point (and mine, anyway) is that information
on the forum is freely given. Some/most of us are professional writers
who get paid for words; if we choose to give some away in this or
other forumns, that's up to us. But they're still our words and we
want them to be under our control as much as possible.

I/we get upset when a site or individual steals, masssages, and
presents the freely-given information to make a profit. Especially
without letting me/us know.

I don't have a problem accepting that you are willing to have others
make a profit off your knowledge without $haring. But not all of us
are that care free.


On 1/26/06, Bernard Aschwanden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> U,
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
> `1234567890-=
> []\
> {}|
> ;'
> :"
> ,./
> <>?

  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
   and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
 No disclaimers apply.
 DoD 358

You are currently subscribed to Framers as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe send a blank email to
or visit 

Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

RE: Who cares? [was gmane.org ad naseum]

2006-01-26 Thread Bernard Aschwanden
I'm totally self employed and count on the list, the users and Framers across 
the planet to pay me for what I do. If they don't I can't pay the bills. This 
list is one way to promote myself. Again, if you don't want your words used by 
others, then don't post to the list. It's really not that tough. Instead of 
sending to, cc'ing to or bcc'ing to the list, just send to, cc or bcc the 
people with the question. Or don't offer your input.

Thanks by the way to the wide range of people who already pitched in to let me 
know "thanks for saying what we are thinking".

For the record, I post a lot to this group. So do a lot of people who make 
their living selling the same support and services we offer here for free. To 
say that we don't get paid for it isn't totally true. It's good press.

If you don't think that others should quote you it's really simple. Don't send 
to the list. Send to the individual. If your thoughts are worth that much, then 
hoard them and bottle it. Me, I post where and when I can and hope that the 
goodwill results in business. Generally it has.

I guess that mean that I don't have a problem accepting that others make a 
profit (and I lose money) by posting here. If you aren't that care free then 
stop sending answers and just post your questions.



-Original Message-
From: Art Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:51 PM
Cc: Framers List
Subject: Re: Who cares? [was gmane.org ad naseum]

Bernard, I think John's point (and mine, anyway) is that information on the 
forum is freely given. Some/most of us are professional writers who get paid 
for words; if we choose to give some away in this or other forumns, that's up 
to us. But they're still our words and we want them to be under our control as 
much as possible.

I/we get upset when a site or individual steals, masssages, and presents the 
freely-given information to make a profit. Especially without letting me/us 

I don't have a problem accepting that you are willing to have others make a 
profit off your knowledge without $haring. But not all of us are that care free.


On 1/26/06, Bernard Aschwanden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> U,
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
> `1234567890-=
> []\
> {}|
> ;'
> :"
> ,./
> <>?

  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
   and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
 No disclaimers apply.
 DoD 358


You are currently subscribed to Framers as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe send a blank email to
or visit 

Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

RE: Who cares? [was gmane.org ad naseum]

2006-01-26 Thread Bernard Aschwanden
Agreed. Freely given. Hence, if you get a penny it's a huge return on the 

Besides, if people stay from others on a list like this it's pretty quickly 
known. There are several people on the list that I don't bother to reply to 
because off list others have mentioned issue that develop. By and large I trust 
to the 'good' in people and let it be at that.


-Original Message-
From: Art Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:51 PM
Cc: Framers List
Subject: Re: Who cares? [was gmane.org ad naseum]

Bernard, I think John's point (and mine, anyway) is that information on the 
forum is freely given. Some/most of us are professional writers who get paid 
for words; if we choose to give some away in this or other forumns, that's up 
to us. But they're still our words and we want them to be under our control as 
much as possible.

I/we get upset when a site or individual steals, masssages, and presents the 
freely-given information to make a profit. Especially without letting me/us 

I don't have a problem accepting that you are willing to have others make a 
profit off your knowledge without $haring. But not all of us are that care free.


On 1/26/06, Bernard Aschwanden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> U,
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
> `1234567890-=
> []\
> {}|
> ;'
> :"
> ,./
> <>?

  "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent
   and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
 No disclaimers apply.
 DoD 358


You are currently subscribed to Framers as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe send a blank email to
or visit 

Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Re: Who cares? [was gmane.org ad naseum]

2006-01-27 Thread jposada

if you don't want your words used by others, then don't post
to the list. It's really not that tough. Instead of sending to, cc'ing
to or bcc'ing to the list, just send to, cc or bcc the people with the
question. Or don't offer your input.

You make it sound like the purpose of the list is to create content that can
be repurposed for any reason anyone may want. Where does it stop. I thought
the purpose of the list was for the benefit of the people subscribing to the

Thanks by the way to the wide range of people who already pitched
in to let me know "thanks for saying what we are thinking".

Yeah, yeah, I know...we both got them (BTW...what would a narrow range of
people be in this context?)

For the record, I post a lot to this group. So do a lot of people who
make their living selling the same support and services we offer here
for free. To say that we don't get paid for it isn't totally true. It's
good press.

Actually, while agree with Art, that wasn't my primary initial concern. My
concern was having my name attributed to a solution when it might not have
been the correct or best solution to the problem, which I've said several
time during this discussion since yesterday. I'd find it unusual if a list
member's problem to which you post a solution is the exact problem that his
corporate user is experiencing and documenting. To be honest, I'd mind less
if the original poster snipped my response, pasted it in his documentation,
and reworked the content to better apply the solution to the specific
problem. In a case of applying a solution to a problem I know nothing about,
I'd rather NOT be attributed to the solution. OTOH,  if credit is to be
applied, it can be selectively. What I'd like is Jakob contacting you or me
or anyone on the list, saying he's like to use one of our solutions in
internal documentation. 1) Is it OK? and 2) do you want credit? At that
point, it is up to any of us to set the condition. You may very well want
the credit and with what you do, I understand you would. That's fine...I'd
never miss an opportunity to market myself. However, I don't and I'd say use
the solution but don't use my name. That should be fine too. A direct link
removes that option as well as being the lazy way out.

However, for a reader of his documentation to see my post verbatim along
with whatever email address and user I was responding too, along with
misspellings and grammar errors, as a solution in a corporate document that
might only partially state the solution is not something with which I'm

It kinda reminds me a situation when I was growing up. Our backyard property 
line ended at a certain point. It faced a dirt road and about 2/3 of the 
width of the dirt road was on our property, At a certain point, my parents 
wanted to add a built-in pool and wanted to reclaim the property that had 
for several years been public access. Know what? We couldn't because by not 
restricting access on it ever, it had pretty much reverted to the public 
domain. If OTOH, once a year we had closed it off, even for a day, we could 
have closed it off permanently. Now, this was when I was 10 years old, so 
there may have been more to this or I'm getting it wrong, or somneone was 
paying off the town to enforce a rule that didn't exist. However, it did 
teach me that if you don't practice some type of ownership as a normal 
course of business, at a certain point, you loose all claim. I think this 
also affects trademark law,

In this case, you don't object to how any of our content is repurposed in
Jakob's internal documentation. The next time may come a situation to which
you do object. Maybe someone will come along who is writing a book that will
be commercially published and he wants to include a link to your post that
will end up appearing on a Borders or B&N bookshelf. However, you won't know
it until one of your clients brings your attention to it. Wouldn't it just
be better to retain just a little control over who sees what you are saying
in your posts?


You are currently subscribed to Framers as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe send a blank email to 

or visit 

Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.

Re: Who cares? [was gmane.org ad naseum]

2006-01-27 Thread Bill Swallow
Folks, anything posted to a public e-mail list is public domain. If
you don't like it, then be careful about what you post. It's that

I'm on a ton of lists. I post a lot of information. If you notice,
none of what I post is either a trade secret or anything particularly
valuable. I sometimes follow up off-list with folks to answer
questions that go a bit more in-depth. Still, the info I share isn't
particularly sensitive, as I'm not making money off the conversation.
Anything of value is presented in the context of a private contract
(if/when I have time... which I haven't had in a few years).

All it takes is a bit of common sense. If you're concerned about the
info you're sharing, don't share it publicly.

Bill Swallow
HATT List Owner
WWP-Users List Owner

I support Char James-Tanny for STC Secretary.

You are currently subscribed to Framers as [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe send a blank email to
or visit 

Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit
http://www.frameusers.com/ for more resources and info.