Widow Word on Widow Line . . .

2008-06-06 Thread Richard Doll
The System: Dell Precision 490 WorkStation, WinXP SP2, 2G mem, Dual 20-in 
Monitors, FM-7.2-w/upgrades, 2 80G SATA drives.

Project: 600pp SGML Catalog w/2-indicies.

Issue: After 10+ years of production, customer wishes to no longer need to 
mark proofs for *widowed widows*.

Widows are currently satisfactorily controlled with the Format> Paragraph> 
Pagination >Widow/Orphan Lines quantity.

The "Widowed Widow" is the last 2 lines of a paragraph in which the 
widowed/last  "line" contains only, a single word.

How can I control this occurance in FM.

Using VisualBasic, I can/have searched the SGML data file for the end of an 
Element "

Widow Word on Widow Line . . .

2008-06-06 Thread Lynne A. Price
At 02:41 PM 6/6/2008, Richard Doll wrote:
>...replace this "found" space with the character entity  as defined in
>the ISOnum file.
>What results is text of "\x11" which is exactly what the 7.2 Quick Reference
>p3.4 says to use in Standard Character Set Input.
>Page 1.12 - Finding and Changing Special Characters says . . . to find
>NoBreakSpace . . . type \[space].
>Is there something missing in my "SGML/Open" process or, is this a bug
>Should I just Search for the text \x11 and replace each occurrence with
>\[space] or Esc[space]h or Cntrl[space].

   Have you opened the SGML document with the  entity references? Are 
there error messages? Do the non-breaking spaces import into the document? 
How do they look?
   There are different ways to represent the non-breaking space character. 
Internally, FrameMaker uses character code 0x11 (which is sometimes written 
\x11). To enter the character into a FrameMaker document, you can type the 
sequence Esc space h or Ctrl-space. To enter the character into a dialog 
box (such as the Find/Change dialog box), type \ followed by a space. To 
see non-breaking spaces in the FrameMaker document, turn on text symbols 
(View > Text Symbols). The non-breaking space looks like the bottom half of 
a little square.

Lynne A. Price
Text Structure Consulting, Inc.
Specializing in structured FrameMaker consulting, application development, 
and training
lprice at txstruct.comhttp://www.txstruct.com
voice/fax: (510) 583-1505  cell phone: (510) 421-2284