Re: [Framework-Team] Re: PLIP Community Imapacts

2009-03-13 Thread Matthew Wilkes

On 14 Mar 2009, at 00:13, Jon Stahl wrote:

East coast is significantly easier for the Europeans, both in travel
time and intensity of jetlag.  But all is open to discussion.  They
rallied to CA for the PSPS.  :-)

To be honest, the travel time isn't a massive factor, it only adds a  
few hours, going to the US is a commitment regardless of the coast.   
Also, I can adjust to the timezone to quite a decent margin of error  
by sleeping on flights, although I'm aware many people find that  
difficult.  For me the only issue is flight costs, as I'm still a  
student I can only work part time, and that doesn't leave me much  
spreadin' around money; best case scenario for flight costs leaves the  
east-coast about $100 cheaper, but often they're a lot closer.

So, my criterion is "near a large international airport" for the  
getting of cheap flights, rather than blanket east-coast.


Framework-Team mailing list

[Framework-Team] Re: PLIP Community Imapacts

2009-03-13 Thread Ross Patterson
"Jon Stahl"  writes:

>> East coast... summer... Ugh.  :)
> East coast is significantly easier for the Europeans, both in travel
> time and intensity of jetlag.  But all is open to discussion.  They
> rallied to CA for the PSPS.  :-)

Just to be clear that was an utterly petty response about the location
and should in no way be taken as feedback or comment.  I won't even
comment on the general European lack of fortitude.  :)


Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] Re: PLIP Community Imapacts

2009-03-13 Thread Steve McMahon
I think this is a fantastic idea! Count me in for helping.

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 5:13 PM, Jon Stahl  wrote:
>> East coast... summer... Ugh.  :)
> East coast is significantly easier for the Europeans, both in travel
> time and intensity of jetlag.  But all is open to discussion.  They
> rallied to CA for the PSPS.  :-)
> :jon


Steve McMahon
Reid-McMahon, LLC

Framework-Team mailing list

RE: [Framework-Team] Re: PLIP Community Imapacts

2009-03-13 Thread Jon Stahl
> East coast... summer... Ugh.  :)

East coast is significantly easier for the Europeans, both in travel
time and intensity of jetlag.  But all is open to discussion.  They
rallied to CA for the PSPS.  :-)


Framework-Team mailing list

[Framework-Team] Re: PLIP Community Imapacts

2009-03-13 Thread Ross Patterson
"Jon Stahl"  writes:

>> Ross Patterson  writes:
>> > So far, much of the Plone 4 work has happened in narrower circles to
>> > free it up for prototyping, visioning, and imagining new approaches.
>> > This has been in part to isolate such a process from the paralysis
>> > that can come from discussion of edge cases or disagreements which
> are
>> > more proper and valuable at a later stage.  I raised a concern that
> as
>> > we start presenting this work more publicly, we should think about
>> > communicating and setting expectations for the impact of the
> backwards
>> > incompatible changes
> FWIW, Joel Burton raised some concerns along these lines as well when I
> spoke to him a couple of weeks ago. 
> We hashed around the idea (which I've also spoken of with Alex) of
> actually doing some sort of in-person "focus group" style event, where
> the P4 FWT could present some of the work-in-progress on Plone 4 (e.g.
> deliverance, dexterity, deco) to a small panel of selected community
> members (e.g. trusted "typical integrator" types) to get feedback not
> only on what we need to improve/document better but also how we should
> go about best explaining/framing the changes so they don't cause undue
> alarm.

I like that idea.  We, as developers, may be liable to miss the target
when trying to address community impact without such direction.

> I would be willing to do some work to help organize such an event, and
> I would not at all be surprised if the Foundation were willing to
> provide some underwriting (e.g. buy some plane tickets) but of course
> it is the participation/leadership of the FWT that would be the key to
> making it happen.

I'd like to hear about how wide interest in this might be.  Anyone?

> I could imagine this event, with fewer than 20 people, happening on
> the east coast USA sometime this summer (much depends on code
> readiness, I suppose).  One might potentially define this as a
> spiritual successor to the 2008 PSPS event, but I would avoid using
> the terms "strategic" "planning" or "summit" to describe it.  Maybe a
> "Plone 4 Framing Workshop." ;-)

East coast... summer... Ugh.  :)

The Californian,

Framework-Team mailing list

RE: [Framework-Team] PLIP Community Imapacts

2009-03-13 Thread Jon Stahl

> Ross Patterson  writes:
> > So far, much of the Plone 4 work has happened in narrower circles to
> > free it up for prototyping, visioning, and imagining new approaches.
> > This has been in part to isolate such a process from the paralysis
> > that can come from discussion of edge cases or disagreements which
> > more proper and valuable at a later stage.  I raised a concern that
> > we start presenting this work more publicly, we should think about
> > communicating and setting expectations for the impact of the
> > incompatible changes

FWIW, Joel Burton raised some concerns along these lines as well when I
spoke to him a couple of weeks ago. 

We hashed around the idea (which I've also spoken of with Alex) of
actually doing some sort of in-person "focus group" style event, where
the P4 FWT could present some of the work-in-progress on Plone 4 (e.g.
deliverance, dexterity, deco) to a small panel of selected community
members (e.g. trusted "typical integrator" types) to get feedback not
only on what we need to improve/document better but also how we should
go about best explaining/framing the changes so they don't cause undue

I would be willing to do some work to help organize such an event, and I
would not at all be surprised if the Foundation were willing to provide
some underwriting (e.g. buy some plane tickets) but of course it is the
participation/leadership of the FWT that would be the key to making it

I could imagine this event, with fewer than 20 people, happening on the
east coast USA sometime this summer (much depends on code readiness, I
suppose).  One might potentially define this as a spiritual successor to
the 2008 PSPS event, but I would avoid using the terms "strategic"
"planning" or "summit" to describe it.  Maybe a "Plone 4 Framing
Workshop." ;-)


Framework-Team mailing list

[Framework-Team] Re: Fwd: Doodle: Link for poll "Framework Team Meeting"

2009-03-13 Thread Hanno Schlichting
Matthew Wilkes wrote:
> On 13 Mar 2009, at 19:30, Hanno Schlichting wrote:
>> Matthew Wilkes wrote:
>>> I've tried to include all the relevant possible times in this, let me
>>> know if there's another I should add.
>> I'll be at PyCon in that week and have no idea what my time schedule is
>> going to be. I'll try to join on whatever time others agree.
> To be clear, that week was chosen as it's around the right time and is
> after DST starts in Europe so it is repeatable.  Please sign up when
> you're USUALLY available, even if you're not on that particular day.

Ah ok, others please follow this advice :)

As noted in my other comments, I have no idea yet what my availability
will be after that week. Anything "usual" ends for me again next Tuesday
and I'll yet have to find out what my "new usual" will be. Once I'm in
Copenhagen after Easter and things have settled a bit I can update this :)


Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] Re: Fwd: Doodle: Link for poll "Framework Team Meeting"

2009-03-13 Thread Matthew Wilkes

On 13 Mar 2009, at 19:30, Hanno Schlichting wrote:

Matthew Wilkes wrote:

I've tried to include all the relevant possible times in this, let me
know if there's another I should add.

I'll be at PyCon in that week and have no idea what my time schedule  

going to be. I'll try to join on whatever time others agree.

To be clear, that week was chosen as it's around the right time and is  
after DST starts in Europe so it is repeatable.  Please sign up when  
you're USUALLY available, even if you're not on that particular day.


Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] Re: Fwd: Doodle: Link for poll "Framework Team Meeting"

2009-03-13 Thread Calvin Hendryx-Parker

On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:34 PM, Ross Patterson wrote:

Hanno Schlichting 

Matthew Wilkes wrote:
I've tried to include all the relevant possible times in this, let  

know if there's another I should add.

I'll be at PyCon in that week and have no idea what my time  
schedule is

going to be. I'll try to join on whatever time others agree.

In general I'll be on vacation from April 1st until April 13th with
limited internet access. From April 14th until end of June I'm  
going to

work on-site at a customer in Copenhagen. My internet access and
availability might be reduced at the start and exact work times are
still a bit unclear. I won't be available on IRC or for immediate
comments through-out the workday in those months.

I think this is just meant as a *sample* week to be used to set the
recurring meeting time for widest possible attendance so don't worry  

you're gone *that particular* week.


That is what I had in mind.

S i x  F e e t  U p ,  I n c .  |
Phone: +1 (317) 861-5948 x602
ANNOUNCING the first Plone Immersive Training Experience | Sept.  
10-11-12, 2009

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] Re: Fwd: Doodle: Link for poll "Framework Team Meeting"

2009-03-13 Thread Calvin Hendryx-Parker

I'll also be at PyCon,  we can have a real face to face meeting  :-)


On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:30 PM, Hanno Schlichting wrote:

Matthew Wilkes wrote:

I've tried to include all the relevant possible times in this, let me
know if there's another I should add.

I'll be at PyCon in that week and have no idea what my time schedule  

going to be. I'll try to join on whatever time others agree.

In general I'll be on vacation from April 1st until April 13th with
limited internet access. From April 14th until end of June I'm going  

work on-site at a customer in Copenhagen. My internet access and
availability might be reduced at the start and exact work times are
still a bit unclear. I won't be available on IRC or for immediate
comments through-out the workday in those months.


Framework-Team mailing list

S i x  F e e t  U p ,  I n c .  |
Phone: +1 (317) 861-5948 x602
ANNOUNCING the first Plone Immersive Training Experience | Sept.  
10-11-12, 2009

Framework-Team mailing list

[Framework-Team] Re: Fwd: Doodle: Link for poll "Framework Team Meeting"

2009-03-13 Thread Ross Patterson
Hanno Schlichting 

> Matthew Wilkes wrote:
>> I've tried to include all the relevant possible times in this, let me
>> know if there's another I should add.
> I'll be at PyCon in that week and have no idea what my time schedule is
> going to be. I'll try to join on whatever time others agree.
> In general I'll be on vacation from April 1st until April 13th with
> limited internet access. From April 14th until end of June I'm going to
> work on-site at a customer in Copenhagen. My internet access and
> availability might be reduced at the start and exact work times are
> still a bit unclear. I won't be available on IRC or for immediate
> comments through-out the workday in those months.

I think this is just meant as a *sample* week to be used to set the
recurring meeting time for widest possible attendance so don't worry if
you're gone *that particular* week.


Framework-Team mailing list

[Framework-Team] Re: Quick team meeting

2009-03-13 Thread Ross Patterson
Hanno Schlichting 

>> So far, much of the Plone 4 work has happened in narrower circles to
>> free it up for prototyping, visioning, and imagining new approaches.
>> This has been in part to isolate such a process from the paralysis that
>> can come from discussion of edge cases or disagreements which are more
>> proper and valuable at a later stage.  I raised a concern that as we
>> start presenting this work more publicly, we should think about
>> communicating and setting expectations for the impact of the backwards
>> incompatible changes.  I proposed adding an explicit, formalized part of
>> the PLIP procedure for community impact assessments.  I'd love a better
>> name, but the idea is a place to communicate to the various parts of
>> Plone communities (developers, integrators, themers, users, etc.),
>> "Here's what you need to know to update your code/skills.  Here's where
>> to find documentation."  I offered to take the lead on this.
> Sounds good. I think this is a logical extension of the "Documentation
> Impact" section we added to the 3.3 PLIP process.

Yeah, I'm now finding myself rethinking "documentation".  It might help
focus to think of it as "communication", where the problem being solved
is communicating to the wider community.

> One of the things I'd like to have a more important role in the PLIP
> process is the "upgrade guide" we have on I think taking the
> "What's New" documentation from Python
> ( as an example could be
> valuable here. I tried to introduce this to Zope2 at
> with the chapters
> written about Acquisition and IContainer changes.

That's an excellent point to tie into.  If we do most of the work as a
part of the PLIP, then that'll increase the likelihood of effective
documentation making it into such an "upgrade guide".

> This kind of information is probably best written by a combination of
> the documentation team as we've done it for Plone 3.3 with more
> involvement of the PLIP authors themselves.

Yeah, I just want to make sure that it's *structurally* a part of the
PLIP process.


Framework-Team mailing list

[Framework-Team] Re: Fwd: Doodle: Link for poll "Framework Team Meeting"

2009-03-13 Thread Hanno Schlichting
Matthew Wilkes wrote:
> I've tried to include all the relevant possible times in this, let me
> know if there's another I should add.

I'll be at PyCon in that week and have no idea what my time schedule is
going to be. I'll try to join on whatever time others agree.

In general I'll be on vacation from April 1st until April 13th with
limited internet access. From April 14th until end of June I'm going to
work on-site at a customer in Copenhagen. My internet access and
availability might be reduced at the start and exact work times are
still a bit unclear. I won't be available on IRC or for immediate
comments through-out the workday in those months.


Framework-Team mailing list

[Framework-Team] Re: Quick team meeting

2009-03-13 Thread Hanno Schlichting
Ross Patterson wrote:
> Hanno Schlichting 
> writes:
> Four of us (calvinhp, ErikRose, ErikRose, zenwryly) made it to the
> meeting and came up with a few things to act on.  I'll briefly describe
> them here so we can discuss.


> Some of the discussion centered around possible changes or
> clarifications to the PLIP process.  This begged the question, where is
> PLIP procedure documented?

The two current main sources of written documentation are:

and hidden in

it would be good if the relevant bits from the latter could be
incorporated into the wiki. The general idea is to have all "development
of" type information inside the Trac wiki.

> As hanno said:
>> I tried to take the initiative back in January to incorporate the
>> changed process from the Plone 3.x framework team and required
>> adjustments for the 4.0 process into our official process
>> documentation.  The discussion hasn't been very fruitful and ended
>> without a clear result.
> So we need to determine the official home for the PLIP process
> documentation and evaluate the status of that which calvinhp said he'd
> take the lead on.

See above. I think the process for the 3.x release and 4.0 release
should be somewhat different. 4.0 is supposed to make many more
interconnected and radical changes, as we ever do in a single 3.x
release. The process needs to reflect this in some way. But I would
appreciate it if Calvin could indeed take the lead on this and I'll be
happy to comment and give my feedback.

> Since the Americans refused to distinguish themselves with clearly
> recognizable accents :) , I'm not sure whether it was calvinhp or
> ErikRose who suggested that we start sort of public presentation of
> changes happening in Plone 4.  The main goal is to reduce surprises.  We
> agreed that an informal process of blogging in more widely accessible
> language about what makes it into the ChangeLog would be good.  This
> could also be a way to collect feedback as well.  Discussion through
> blog comments may become a problem but we'll tackle that if it comes to
> Pass.  ErikRose said he'd take the lead on this.

This sounds like an excellent idea. I tried to write up something in
less technical terms inside those "Trac PLIP's" which hopefully go into
the direction of this. They haven't seen too widespread exposure yet,
from what I know. Is this the kind of information you are looking for?

There is even some more high-level roadmap information that isn't
written down at any point but has only been communicated in informal
conversations. I'd be happy to try to bring some of those to the public
in form of blog posts or any other form people find valuable.

> So far, much of the Plone 4 work has happened in narrower circles to
> free it up for prototyping, visioning, and imagining new approaches.
> This has been in part to isolate such a process from the paralysis that
> can come from discussion of edge cases or disagreements which are more
> proper and valuable at a later stage.  I raised a concern that as we
> start presenting this work more publicly, we should think about
> communicating and setting expectations for the impact of the backwards
> incompatible changes.  I proposed adding an explicit, formalized part of
> the PLIP procedure for community impact assessments.  I'd love a better
> name, but the idea is a place to communicate to the various parts of
> Plone communities (developers, integrators, themers, users, etc.),
> "Here's what you need to know to update your code/skills.  Here's where
> to find documentation."  I offered to take the lead on this.

Sounds good. I think this is a logical extension of the "Documentation
Impact" section we added to the 3.3 PLIP process.

One of the things I'd like to have a more important role in the PLIP
process is the "upgrade guide" we have on I think taking the
"What's New" documentation from Python
( as an example could be
valuable here. I tried to introduce this to Zope2 at with the chapters
written about Acquisition and IContainer changes.

This kind of information is probably best written by a combination of
the documentation team as we've done it for Plone 3.3 with more
involvement of the PLIP authors themselves.


Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] Scheduling 4.0 FWT Meetings (was: Quick team meeting)

2009-03-13 Thread Calvin Hendryx-Parker
Looks like Matthew Wilkes already set one up.  Let's go with his since  
he used some of the additional features in his version.


On Mar 13, 2009, at 2:48 PM, Calvin Hendryx-Parker wrote:

On Mar 13, 2009, at 2:21 PM, Calvin Hendryx-Parker wrote:

Mr. Wilkes,  can you post the link to that scheduling software that  
you mentioned on the call?  We can setup a mock week and basically  
vote on which days/times work best.

Chris Calloway pointed me to this,  let's give it a try:

Please note that we are attempting to setup a standing meeting.  I'm  
thinking once every 2 weeks, but please provide feedback.


S i x  F e e t  U p ,  I n c .  |
Phone: +1 (317) 861-5948 x602
ANNOUNCING the first Plone Immersive Training Experience | Sept.  
10-11-12, 2009

Framework-Team mailing list

S i x  F e e t  U p ,  I n c .  |
Phone: +1 (317) 861-5948 x602
ANNOUNCING the first Plone Immersive Training Experience | Sept.  
10-11-12, 2009

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] Scheduling 4.0 FWT Meetings (was: Quick team meeting)

2009-03-13 Thread Matthew Wilkes

On Mar 13, 2009, at 2:21 PM, Calvin Hendryx-Parker wrote:

Mr. Wilkes,  can you post the link to that scheduling software that  
you mentioned on the call?  We can setup a mock week and basically  
vote on which days/times work best.

Sorry, sent from the wrong address and it didn't get through sharpish,  
resent now.


Framework-Team mailing list

[Framework-Team] Fwd: Doodle: Link for poll "Framework Team Meeting"

2009-03-13 Thread Matthew Wilkes

Hi all,

I've tried to include all the relevant possible times in this, let me  
know if there's another I should add.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Doodle Mailer 
Date: 13 March 2009 18:27:28 GMT
Subject: Doodle: Link for poll "Framework Team Meeting"

You have initiated a poll "Framework Team Meeting" at Doodle. The  
link to your poll is:

Share this link with all those who should cast their votes. Do not  
forget to cast your vote, too.

(If you did not initiate this poll, somebody must accidentally have  
used your e-mail address; simply ignore this e-mail, please.)

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] Scheduling 4.0 FWT Meetings (was: Quick team meeting)

2009-03-13 Thread Calvin Hendryx-Parker

On Mar 13, 2009, at 2:21 PM, Calvin Hendryx-Parker wrote:

Mr. Wilkes,  can you post the link to that scheduling software that  
you mentioned on the call?  We can setup a mock week and basically  
vote on which days/times work best.

Chris Calloway pointed me to this,  let's give it a try:

Please note that we are attempting to setup a standing meeting.  I'm  
thinking once every 2 weeks, but please provide feedback.


S i x  F e e t  U p ,  I n c .  |
Phone: +1 (317) 861-5948 x602
ANNOUNCING the first Plone Immersive Training Experience | Sept.  
10-11-12, 2009

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] Re: Quick team meeting

2009-03-13 Thread Wichert Akkerman
Thanks for the excellent summary!

Previously Ross Patterson wrote:
> The last item concerned future meetings.  When should we do this meeting
> in the future?  Every other week or every third work?  Thursday?
> Friday?  Would all of the FWT members weigh in with both preferences and
> outright scheduling conflicts for future meetings.  Then we can
> reconcile that information and schedule a regular meeting.

Workdays do not work for me. Mornings in the weekend are probably best.


Wichert Akkerman It is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] Scheduling 4.0 FWT Meetings (was: Quick team meeting)

2009-03-13 Thread Calvin Hendryx-Parker

On Mar 13, 2009, at 2:19 PM, Ross Patterson wrote:

Ross Patterson  writes:

The last item concerned future meetings.  When should we do this
meeting in the future?  Every other week or every third work?
Thursday?  Friday?  Would all of the FWT members weigh in with both
preferences and outright scheduling conflicts for future meetings.
Then we can reconcile that information and schedule a regular  

I prefer any day in the middle of the week, Tues-Thurs, since I'm much
more likely to have to miss meetings on Fridays or Mondays.  calvinhp
also raised a good point that people doing their 10% Plone on Fridays
could use a Thursday meeting to inform their work on Friday.   

I think later in the week is better than earlier in the week, such as
Tuesday or Wednesday, because it can help inform work done over the

My only preference for time is that it be after 10AM Pacific time.  :)

Mr. Wilkes,  can you post the link to that scheduling software that  
you mentioned on the call?  We can setup a mock week and basically  
vote on which days/times work best.


S i x  F e e t  U p ,  I n c .  |
Phone: +1 (317) 861-5948 x602
ANNOUNCING the first Plone Immersive Training Experience | Sept.  
10-11-12, 2009

Framework-Team mailing list

[Framework-Team] Scheduling 4.0 FWT Meetings (was: Quick team meeting)

2009-03-13 Thread Ross Patterson
Ross Patterson  writes:

> The last item concerned future meetings.  When should we do this
> meeting in the future?  Every other week or every third work?
> Thursday?  Friday?  Would all of the FWT members weigh in with both
> preferences and outright scheduling conflicts for future meetings.
> Then we can reconcile that information and schedule a regular meeting.

I prefer any day in the middle of the week, Tues-Thurs, since I'm much
more likely to have to miss meetings on Fridays or Mondays.  calvinhp
also raised a good point that people doing their 10% Plone on Fridays
could use a Thursday meeting to inform their work on Friday.  Similarly,
I think later in the week is better than earlier in the week, such as
Tuesday or Wednesday, because it can help inform work done over the

My only preference for time is that it be after 10AM Pacific time.  :)


Framework-Team mailing list

[Framework-Team] PLIP Community Imapacts (was: Quick team meeting)

2009-03-13 Thread Ross Patterson
Ross Patterson  writes:

> So far, much of the Plone 4 work has happened in narrower circles to
> free it up for prototyping, visioning, and imagining new approaches.
> This has been in part to isolate such a process from the paralysis
> that can come from discussion of edge cases or disagreements which are
> more proper and valuable at a later stage.  I raised a concern that as
> we start presenting this work more publicly, we should think about
> communicating and setting expectations for the impact of the backwards
> incompatible changes.  I proposed adding an explicit, formalized part
> of the PLIP procedure for community impact assessments.  I'd love a
> better name, but the idea is a place to communicate to the various
> parts of Plone communities (developers, integrators, themers, users,
> etc.), "Here's what you need to know to update your code/skills.
> Here's where to find documentation."  I offered to take the lead on
> this.

One of the hopes I have for this is that many times when a PLIP
contributor goes to say "Here's where to find documentation", they'll
discover it doesn't yet exist and that these discoveries might be a part
of substantially improving Plone documentation.

At any rate, I'd like to open this up for discussion on this thread.

Chime in!

Framework-Team mailing list

[Framework-Team] Re: Quick team meeting

2009-03-13 Thread Ross Patterson
Hanno Schlichting 

> Thanks for taking the initiative here.
> I'll not gonna make it to todays tune-up nor the conf call, though :(

Four of us (calvinhp, ErikRose, ErikRose, zenwryly) made it to the
meeting and came up with a few things to act on.  I'll briefly describe
them here so we can discuss.

Some of the discussion centered around possible changes or
clarifications to the PLIP process.  This begged the question, where is
PLIP procedure documented?

As hanno said:

> I tried to take the initiative back in January to incorporate the
> changed process from the Plone 3.x framework team and required
> adjustments for the 4.0 process into our official process
> documentation.  The discussion hasn't been very fruitful and ended
> without a clear result.

So we need to determine the official home for the PLIP process
documentation and evaluate the status of that which calvinhp said he'd
take the lead on.

Since the Americans refused to distinguish themselves with clearly
recognizable accents :) , I'm not sure whether it was calvinhp or
ErikRose who suggested that we start sort of public presentation of
changes happening in Plone 4.  The main goal is to reduce surprises.  We
agreed that an informal process of blogging in more widely accessible
language about what makes it into the ChangeLog would be good.  This
could also be a way to collect feedback as well.  Discussion through
blog comments may become a problem but we'll tackle that if it comes to
Pass.  ErikRose said he'd take the lead on this.

So far, much of the Plone 4 work has happened in narrower circles to
free it up for prototyping, visioning, and imagining new approaches.
This has been in part to isolate such a process from the paralysis that
can come from discussion of edge cases or disagreements which are more
proper and valuable at a later stage.  I raised a concern that as we
start presenting this work more publicly, we should think about
communicating and setting expectations for the impact of the backwards
incompatible changes.  I proposed adding an explicit, formalized part of
the PLIP procedure for community impact assessments.  I'd love a better
name, but the idea is a place to communicate to the various parts of
Plone communities (developers, integrators, themers, users, etc.),
"Here's what you need to know to update your code/skills.  Here's where
to find documentation."  I offered to take the lead on this.

The last item concerned future meetings.  When should we do this meeting
in the future?  Every other week or every third work?  Thursday?
Friday?  Would all of the FWT members weigh in with both preferences and
outright scheduling conflicts for future meetings.  Then we can
reconcile that information and schedule a regular meeting.

Those present on the call can add details in response to this message
and discussions can start from there.


Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] Re: Quick team meeting

2009-03-13 Thread Raphael Ritz

Hanno Schlichting wrote:

Hi Calvin.

Thanks for taking the initiative here.

I'll not gonna make it to todays tune-up nor the conf call, though :(

Same for me :-(
But I'm delighted to see this happening.

In my dual role of release manager and major code contributer I have

payed too little attention on communicating the changes and ideas for
the 4.0 release. I'd welcome suggestions on how to improve this
situation and ways of turning "Hanno's playground called trunk" back
into a managed collaborative environment.

Maybe by morphing Hanno into Plone? ;-)
(sorry, couldn't resist)



Framework-Team mailing list

Framework-Team mailing list

[Framework-Team] Re: Quick team meeting

2009-03-13 Thread Hanno Schlichting
Hi Calvin.

Thanks for taking the initiative here.

I'll not gonna make it to todays tune-up nor the conf call, though :(

Calvin Hendryx-Parker wrote:
> The next one is this Friday and I'd suggest that we meet at 17:00 GMT.  
> I'll send out Yugma conference info so we can share desktops if needed. 
> Their service supports skype so make sure to download the Yugma SE
> plugin for skype if you want to skype into the call.
> For the first meeting I'd like to suggest:
>  * That everyone checkout Plone 4 locally so we can talk at a very high
> level about the roadmap for this release
>  * Better documentation for developers and the PLIP process and how it
> has changed

What we have in terms of documentation for the release so far is:

1. A mailing list discussion about the high-level goals and process:
of which various parts are outdated already.

2. A number of PLIP's at which
are reasonably up-to-date.

I tried to take the initiative back in January to incorporate the
changed process from the Plone 3.x framework team and required
adjustments for the 4.0 process into our official process documentation.
The discussion hasn't been very fruitful and ended without a clear result.

I'd welcome it if the 4.0 framework team would take the lead in this
matter and started clarifying the PLIP process for 4.0 as required from
the framework teams point of view.

In my dual role of release manager and major code contributer I have
payed too little attention on communicating the changes and ideas for
the 4.0 release. I'd welcome suggestions on how to improve this
situation and ways of turning "Hanno's playground called trunk" back
into a managed collaborative environment.


Framework-Team mailing list

[Framework-Team] Today's Framework Team Call

2009-03-13 Thread Calvin Hendryx-Parker
Here are the details for the conf call today.  Let's skip the Skype  
version unless everyone agrees to use it and go for the call in number  
listed below.


Plone Framework Team Meeting Meeting Details:

Meeting Description: Plone 4 is well on its way out of the gate and  
I'd like to see some regular *short* meetings by the current and new  
framework team so we can keep the project on the same page with one  

Conference Bridge Number: +1-605-475-4261.
Conference Access Code: 307011262.
Meeting / Session ID: 307011262.

Date: 13-March-2009
Time: 05:00 pm  Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon,  
London  (GMT)

Duration: 1 Hours 0 Minutes


At the meeting start time, click the following link to join  


	* You have been invited to join a Yugma meeting to fully interact,  
share and collaborate.
	* Before joining this meeting, ensure that your system is Yugma  
compatible by visiting
	* Next, on the Yugma homepage (, click the  
Download button in the
	  header  to download the version of Yugma you need (Windows, Mac or  
	* Select the file you want to download. After downloading, run the  

* Once the installation is complete, Yugma will launch automatically.
	* When it is time for the session to begin, click the meeting link  
above to join your meeting.


If you are using the teleconferencing service provided by Yugma, dial  
Next, on your phone, enter the Meeting or Session ID: 307011262 and  
then press the # (pound) key.

To get more detailed information about the teleconference bridge  
controls visit our teleconference reference page:
S i x  F e e t  U p ,  I n c .  |
Phone: +1 (317) 861-5948 x602
ANNOUNCING the first Plone Immersive Training Experience | Sept.  
10-11-12, 2009

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