[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9329: Manage actions through-the-plone

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9329: Manage actions through-the-plone
 Reporter:  igbun  |Owner:  igbun
 Type:  PLIP   |   Status:  new  
 Priority:  minor  |Milestone:  4.0  
Component:  Infrastructure |   Resolution:   
 Keywords:  actions, controlpanel  |  

Comment(by erikrose):

 * In regard to Hanno's planned Plone 5 UI, I see no problem providing a
 configlet now and a direct-manipulation UI later. Sounds like a continual
 path forward to me.
  * Editing actions in a common reason to need the ZMI, and I'm all about
 getting most site admins out of there. Besides, the portal_actions UI is
 awful. I look forward to seeing what the implementors come up with.
  * I disagree that editing portal_actions should be a scary thing confined
 to the Zope developers' interface. They're just links half the time. I
 have plenty of users who edit TAL and wouldn't have any trouble with a few
 CMF Expressions, though navigating the ZMI (which is organized according
 to implementation, not anything that makes sense to the user) confuses

 As long as no new actions API (to remove in 5) is introduced with this
 implementation (and I don't see any reason why there would be), my FWT
 vote is +1.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9329#comment:19
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9283: A more lightweight backend for collections

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9283: A more lightweight backend for collections
 Reporter:  elvix   |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor   |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by erikrose):

 * How much do products currently depend on Collections API that would
 change? How popular are custom criteria in the wild? These could hurt
 hands-free migration, so I like Calvin's idea of a manual, optional
  * I'd encourage the implementors to work closely with Hanno on this to
 make sure any API changes change once: not now and then again in 5. It
 sounds like they already have this in mind.
  * If we're going to do this in 4.x, my guts tell me it should be in 4.0;
 from a site manager's point of view, it seems a scary change for a .x
  * Can we get a UI (''any'' UI) for reordering Subfolders along with this?
 I've had that request and personally done the crazy ZMI manual-bubble-sort
 workarounds for it.

 As others point out, this PLIP is light on detail, so I'll be light on my
 opinion. FWT vote +1 so we can see what comes of it. We can always take a
 step back during reviews if it doesn't work out. (My ulterior motive is
 that I want the [ticket:9295 better Collections UI] that depends on this!)

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9283#comment:23
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9320: Add global status bar for site notifications

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9320: Add global status bar for site notifications
 Reporter:  limi|Owner:  mj 
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  new
 Priority:  n/a |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by erikrose):

 * The Site configlet is just where I expected this would be—right next to
 the throw your JS in here field—so color one user unastonished. :-)
  * What happens in Plone 5? It sounds like this should become a tile in a
 layout, editable through whatever the tile-editing UI ends up being.

 I haven't run into this use case among our clients, and Joel's experience
 of a lack of demand for this carries a lot of weight with me—he sees a lot
 of folks. I'm on the make-it-a-plugin side of the fence, so my FWT vote is
 -1. Can't wait to recommend the plugin to people, though!

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9320#comment:15
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9323: Ship with Vice for syndication

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9323: Ship with Vice for syndication
 Reporter:  MatthewWilkes  |Owner:  MatthewWilkes
 Type:  PLIP   |   Status:  new  
 Priority:  minor  |Milestone:  4.0  
Component:  Unknown|   Resolution:   
 Keywords: |  

Comment(by erikrose):

 I read Vice's PyPI page but don't have time to play-test it extensively.
 I'll hang out at +0 but could be moved if some specific wins it would give
 us were enumerated.

 FWT Vote: +0

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9323#comment:10
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9250: Add jQuery Tools to base install

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9250: Add jQuery Tools to base install
 Reporter:  limi|Owner:  smcmahon
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  new 
 Priority:  minor   |Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Javascript  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by erikrose):

 FWT Vote: +1 iff we actually make use of it. And when you're making the
 shiny new login popup whatchamajiggit, please don't forget that some of us
 don't use form-based login. :-) (I.e., make sure it's hide-able like the
 current login portlet.)

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9250#comment:19
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Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] Re: [Plone 4] Zope 2.12 status

2009-07-02 Thread Hanno Schlichting
On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 12:25 AM, Andreas Zeidlera...@zitc.de wrote:
 On Jul 1, 2009, at 9:22 PM, David Glick wrote:

 On Jul 1, 2009, at 12:13 PM, Hanno Schlichting wrote:

 - sort out image traversal stuff / linkintegrity (image scales are now
 via an IPublishTraverse adapter rather than __bobo_traverse__, which
 work during non-publish traversal, so linkintegrity fails to detect that
 images are linked in a document)

 Huh? I thought that change was only part of Archetypes trunk and not
 in the scope of Plone 4.

This should have read: Not in the scope of David's PLIP.

 I haven't given a lot of attention to Archetypes yet.  We can (and
 probably should) exclude that change.

 otoh, `plone.app.imaging` also introduces that adapter, and as it was mainly
 created as a support package for adding image support to `plone.app.blob`
 (did you think anyone wanted those configurable image scales? :)).  that's
 because the latter overrides the original adapter with an implementation
 based on zodb blobs.

 so i'm gonna argue for it's inclusion into plone 4, thereby bringing back
 the `IPublishTraverse` adapter.  of course, limi simply converted that old
 PSPS ticket (#7822) into a PLIP and i didn't think of adding a reference to
 that dependency, so the fwt will have a point in turning this down.  i
 should mention, though, that not being able to rely on `plone.app.imaging`
 would set back image support quite a bit and thereby reduce the chances of
 wrapping up blob support in time.  also, i think the configurable image
 scales have been a popular request by some (b1 had 500+ downloads in 1.5
 month ;)).

 anyway, and stopping the shameless advertising here, i think back-porting
 the traversal adapter might make sense, and since both `plone.app.imaging`
 (being a potential candidate needing this) and `plone.app.linkintegrity`
 happen to be packages i'm familiar with, i'd volunteer to help fixing the
 issue.  how's that? :)

Sounds good.

I'm just trying to stop David from doing too much, so he actually has
a chance of finishing the main big task of getting Plone 4 onto Zope
2.12 ;-)


Framework-Team mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9324: Use Amberjack to offer guided help for first-time users

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9324: Use Amberjack to offer guided help for first-time users
 Reporter:  limi   |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP   |   Status:  new
 Priority:  n/a|Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Documentation  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords: |  

Comment(by erikrose):

 Saw Nate's lightning talk and think AJ has a lot of potential! Reminds me
 Apple Guide] a lot. If we ever end up with any kind of online help system
 (e.g. you're in the middle of a task and get confused, so you hit some
 Help icon someplace), I could see a context-sensitive selection of AJ
 tours being offered.

 That said, I like the AJ-on-demo.plone.org idea. We can link to it from
 the default front page and see whether people find it useful. If they do,
 I could see AJ becoming the engine that drives the context-sensitive help
 I fantasize about above. But until then, I don't see a gain from
 installing this on people's local machines (though I'm always open to

 My FWT vote is -1 for shipping it with Plone, but I would love to see it
 done on demo.plone.org and linked from the default front page.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9324#comment:20
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9283: A more lightweight backend for collections

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9283: A more lightweight backend for collections
 Reporter:  elvix   |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor   |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by elvix):

 Replying to [comment:23 erikrose]:
   * How much do products currently depend on Collections API that would
 change? How popular are custom criteria in the wild? These could hurt
 hands-free migration, so I like Calvin's idea of a manual, optional

 I don't know about others but : We (Jarn) commonly add criteria
 registrations for new indexes. We almost never write custom criteria
 types. I think the latter is very uncommon.

   * I'd encourage the implementors to work closely with Hanno on this to
 make sure any API changes change once: not now and then again in 5. It
 sounds like they already have this in mind.

 We share offices with Hanno, and would never do this without consulting

   * Can we get a UI (''any'' UI) for reordering Subfolders along with
 this? I've had that request and personally done the crazy ZMI manual-
 bubble-sort workarounds for it.

 What is reordering subfolders and how does this relate to collections?
 Subfolders in collections? Shouldn't they use the same ui as other
 subfolders do? I don't think this PLIP will supply any such UI.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9283#comment:24
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by erikrose):

 FWT vote: +1. Go ahead and have a shot. Here's what will determine my vote
 on the implementation:
  * As optilude said, if you're going to workflow things, figure out a way
 to use the existing workflow framework.
  * We seem to have member data spread all over the place at the moment.
 Showing a good understanding of which way we're moving and moving with it
 will make me really happy. :-)

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:15
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:   |  
Description changed by dokter:

Old description:

 '''Proposer:''' Duco Dokter [[BR]]
 '''Seconder:''' Alexander Limi, David Convent [[BR]]
 == Motivation ==
 Registration of new users in Plone is very restricted in
 functionality: there is the choice between unsupervised registration
 or no registration at all. For registration that should go through
 approval, one needs to install Membrane/Remember.

 When registration '''is''' allowed, the registration fields are a fixed
 set. Adding extra fields to the form implies manually changing the
 HTML of the form, and customizing the registration_form template and

 == Assumptions ==
 There is a need for at least two registration policies:

  1. unsupervised registration
  2. registration with approval

 There is a need for more flexibility in the registration fields: one
 would like to be able to ask for a phonenumber, or company name, for

 == Proposal  Implementation ==
 Add configlet for registration fields and a registration policy to the
 site configuration options. Allow admin users to decide upon a
 registration policy, and to determine what fields need to be filled in
 upon registration. These fields will be required on the registration
 Change the join form into a dynamic form that will use the configuration
 settings to display the fields to the user to be able to register.
 Add a portlet for registrations that need approval. These users need to
 be stored in a utility, and will be created upon approval.

 == Deliverables ==
  * New configlet in site setup for registration providing two settings:
   - join policy
   - join fields
  * Dynamic form for join process
  * Utility for storing non-approved users
  * Portlet for join policy with approval, showing pending registrations
  * Unit tests
  * Localization
  * Documentation

 == Risks ==
 Default behavior will be same as current situation. No risk assessed.

 == Participants ==
  * Duco Dokter, dokter
  * Kim Chee Leong, kcleong
  * Kees Hink, khink
  * David Convent, davconvent

 == Progress ==
 Some of the work has been done at the Baarn 2009 sprint.

New description:

 '''Proposer:''' Duco Dokter [[BR]]
 '''Seconder:''' Alexander Limi, David Convent [[BR]]
 == Motivation ==
 Registration of new users in Plone is very restricted in
 functionality: the registration fields are a fixed
 set. Adding extra fields to the form implies manually changing the
 HTML of the form, and customizing the registration_form template and

 == Assumptions ==
 There is a need for more flexibility in the registration fields: one
 would like to be able to ask for a phonenumber, or company name, for

 == Proposal  Implementation ==
 Add configlet for registration fields. Allow admin users to determine what
 fields need to be filled in upon registration. These fields will be
 required on the registration
 Change the join form into a dynamic form that will use the configuration
 settings to display the fields to the user to be able to register.

 == Deliverables ==
  * New configlet in site setup for registration providing two settings:
   - join fields
  * Dynamic form for join process
  * Unit tests
  * Localization
  * Documentation

 == Risks ==
 Default behavior will be same as current situation. When migration from an
 older Plone version si performed, the issue with join_form adaptations
 needs to be addressed. Most probably a warning is enough for a detected
 join_form customization.

 == Participants ==
  * Duco Dokter, dokter
  * Kim Chee Leong, kcleong
  * Kees Hink, khink
  * David Convent, davconvent

 == Progress ==
 Some of the work has been done at the Baarn 2009 sprint.


Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:16
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9347: registration policy

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9347: registration policy
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  new   
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0   
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:
 Keywords:   |  
Changes (by raphael):

 * cc: plip-advisor...@lists.plone.org (added)
  * owner:  = dokter

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9347#comment:1
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PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[Framework-Team] #9310 got a baby (#9347)

2009-07-02 Thread Raphael Ritz


responding to our comments Duco has just broken
out the user registration policy part from PLIP #9310
into #9347. So we have now

User registration process more flexible
only covering flexible member data and

Registration policy

to cover the other aspect.

The new PLIP shows up on
and on our spread sheet where we keep
track of the voting (first one currently).
I've also added our plip-advisory list to the
cc of the ticket and assigned it to Duco.

Hope that's it. Now we can start considering
these two proposals separately.

Thanks for the prompt action Duco!


Framework-Team mailing list

[Framework-Team] Combining Search Results PLIPs

2009-07-02 Thread Alec Mitchell
Hello Geir and Laurens:

Both of your search results PLIPs (9271, 9282) were approved by the
Framework Team for inclusion in Plone 4.0.  However, all voters
expressed a strong preference that the two PLIPs and the effort to
implement them be merged.  It would not be acceptable to have two
competing implementations of the same feature(s) submitted for code
review.  It is essential that you open a discussion and work together
to merge your efforts.  Please keep the Framework Team apprised of the
results of your discussion by re-submitting a single combined PLIP

Thank you,
Alec Mitchell

Framework-Team mailing list

[Framework-Team] Re: Combining Search Results PLIPs

2009-07-02 Thread Geir Bækholt · Jarn
I am on my way to vacation with my family, and cannot do anything  
until Monday at the earliest.
I have discussed the search results improvements with Laurens before  
he submitted his, and the two plips are accidental. They are 95% the  
same plip. I'll coordinate and make sure there will not be 2  
implementations. - but if the plips have to be merged before Monday,  
someone else needs to do it.   (feel free). Sorry abut the delay.

Geir Bækholt

On 2. juli 2009, at 18.52, Alec Mitchell ap...@columbia.edu wrote:

Hello Geir and Laurens:

Both of your search results PLIPs (9271, 9282) were approved by the
Framework Team for inclusion in Plone 4.0.  However, all voters
expressed a strong preference that the two PLIPs and the effort to
implement them be merged.  It would not be acceptable to have two
competing implementations of the same feature(s) submitted for code
review.  It is essential that you open a discussion and work together
to merge your efforts.  Please keep the Framework Team apprised of the
results of your discussion by re-submitting a single combined PLIP

Thank you,
Alec Mitchell

Framework-Team mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #7822: Make standard file content types use ZODB BLOB support

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#7822: Make standard file content types use ZODB BLOB support
 Reporter:  limi|Owner:  witsch  
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major   |Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:  focusarea   |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/7822#comment:38
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9316: Unify folder implementations

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9316: Unify folder implementations
 Reporter:  smcmahon|Owner:  witsch  
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  n/a |Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9316#comment:18
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9315: New theme for Plone 4

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9315: New theme for Plone 4
 Reporter:  limi   |Owner:  limi
 Type:  PLIP   |   Status:  new 
 Priority:  n/a|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Templates/CSS  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords: |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9315#comment:18
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9330: Add ability to choose role when adding new site members

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9330: Add ability to choose role when adding new site members
 Reporter:  aclark   |Owner:  aclark
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  new   
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0   
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9330#comment:20
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9328: content im-/export

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9328: content im-/export
 Reporter:  csenger  |Owner:  csenger
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9328#comment:21
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9327: unified interface for lists of content

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9327: unified interface for lists of content
 Reporter:  elvix   |Owner:  elvix
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  new  
 Priority:  minor   |Milestone:  4.0  
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:   
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9327#comment:16
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9314: Plone Developer Pack option for installers

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9314: Plone Developer Pack option for installers
 Reporter:  smcmahon|Owner:  smcmahon
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  new 
 Priority:  minor   |Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Installers  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9314#comment:20
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9309: Better search for East Asian (multi-byte) languages.

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9309: Better search for East Asian (multi-byte) languages.
 Reporter:  terapyon |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:  search splitter CJK  |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9309#comment:11
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9305: Use real names instead of usernames

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9305: Use real names instead of usernames
 Reporter:  laurenskling  |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP  |   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown   |   Resolution: 

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9305#comment:12
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9302: Improving the event type with recurrence, etc.

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9302: Improving the event type with recurrence, etc.
 Reporter:  regebro   |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP  |   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Infrastructure|   Resolution: 
 Keywords:  calendar, recurrence  |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9302#comment:23
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9292: Group management delegation

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9292: Group management delegation
 Reporter:  glenfant|Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor   |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9292#comment:13
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9288: Improved commenting infrastructure

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9288: Improved commenting infrastructure
 Reporter:  timo|Owner:  timo
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  new 
 Priority:  minor   |Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9288#comment:18
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9286: Allow to show/hide portlets

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9286: Allow to show/hide portlets
 Reporter:  igbun   |Owner:  igbun
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  new  
 Priority:  minor   |Milestone:  4.0  
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:   
 Keywords:  portlets|  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9286#comment:18
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9271: Improving the search results page

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9271: Improving the search results page
 Reporter:  laurenskling  |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP  |   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown   |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:  search, listings  |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote (pending merge).

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9271#comment:10
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9249: Add TinyMCE as the default visual editor

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9249: Add TinyMCE as the default visual editor
 Reporter:  limi  |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP  |   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Visual Editor (Kupu)  |   Resolution: 

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9249#comment:14
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #8808: Require Python 2.5 or 2.6, Zope 2.12, and CMF 2.2 for Plone 4.0

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#8808: Require Python 2.5 or 2.6, Zope 2.12, and CMF 2.2 for Plone 4.0
 Reporter:  hannosch|Owner:  davisagli
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  new  
 Priority:  major   |Milestone:  4.0  
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:   
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/8808#comment:21
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9259: Group dashboards

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9259: Group dashboards
 Reporter:  optilude|Owner:  optilude
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major   |Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9259#comment:13
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9300: Well formed, valid XHTML

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9300: Well formed, valid XHTML
 Reporter:  benglynn  |Owner:  benglynn
 Type:  PLIP  |   Status:  new 
 Priority:  minor |Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown   |   Resolution:  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9300#comment:14
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9284: Allow views to override skin layer elements easily

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9284: Allow views to override skin layer elements easily
 Reporter:  MatthewWilkes  |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP   |   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor  |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown|   Resolution: 
 Keywords: |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9284#comment:16
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9256: Expand variable substitution in mailing action of plone.app.contentrules

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9256: Expand variable substitution in mailing action of plone.app.contentrules
 Reporter:  smcmahon   |Owner:  smcmahon
 Type:  PLIP   |   Status:  new 
 Priority:  minor  |Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Content Rules  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords: |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9256#comment:15
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9214: support logins using e-mail address instead of user id

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9214: support logins using e-mail address instead of user id
 Reporter:  davisagli  |Owner:  maurits
 Type:  PLIP   |   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor  |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown|   Resolution: 
 Keywords: |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9214#comment:25
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9322: Ensure that Plone 4 can upgrade Zope on Windows and Mac OS X via binary eggs

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9322: Ensure that Plone 4 can upgrade Zope on Windows and Mac OS X via binary
 Reporter:  limi|Owner:  smcmahon
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  new 
 Priority:  n/a |Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Installers  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9322#comment:12
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #8814: Replace SecureMailHost with a standard Zope mailhost

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#8814: Replace SecureMailHost with a standard Zope mailhost
 Reporter:  hannosch|Owner:  alecm
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  new  
 Priority:  n/a |Milestone:  4.0  
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:   
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/8814#comment:20
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9321: Reimplement the search form with an eye on usability

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9321: Reimplement the search form with an eye on usability
 Reporter:  csenger  |Owner:  csenger
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9321#comment:15
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9311: Clean up of user related actions UI

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9311: Clean up of user related actions UI
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9311#comment:10
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #8802: Move our upgrade / migration infrastructure to GenericSetup

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#8802: Move our upgrade / migration infrastructure to GenericSetup
 Reporter:  hannosch   |Owner:  davisagli
 Type:  PLIP   |   Status:  new  
 Priority:  minor  |Milestone:  4.0  
Component:  Upgrade/Migration  |   Resolution:   
 Keywords: |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/8802#comment:16
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #8801: Move action icon support into actions, remove CMFActionIcons

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#8801: Move action icon support into actions, remove CMFActionIcons
 Reporter:  hannosch|Owner:  davisagli
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  new  
 Priority:  minor   |Milestone:  4.0  
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:   
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/8801#comment:16
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9329: Manage actions through-the-plone

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9329: Manage actions through-the-plone
 Reporter:  igbun  |Owner:  igbun
 Type:  PLIP   |   Status:  new  
 Priority:  minor  |Milestone:  4.0  
Component:  Infrastructure |   Resolution:   
 Keywords:  actions, controlpanel  |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9329#comment:20
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9295: Improved UI for collections

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9295: Improved UI for collections
 Reporter:  elvix|Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9295#comment:18
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9186: Set Image IDs from Title field

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9186: Set Image IDs from Title field
 Reporter:  erikrose|Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor   |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Archetypes  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9186#comment:27
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9283: A more lightweight backend for collections

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9283: A more lightweight backend for collections
 Reporter:  elvix   |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor   |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9283#comment:25
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9250: Add jQuery Tools to base install

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9250: Add jQuery Tools to base install
 Reporter:  limi|Owner:  smcmahon
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  new 
 Priority:  minor   |Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Javascript  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:  |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Approved by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9250#comment:20
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Marked Approved

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:18
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #8809: Make KSS optional

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#8809: Make KSS optional
 Reporter:  hannosch|Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor   |Milestone:  5.0
Component:  KSS (Ajax)  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:  |  
Changes (by esteele):

  * milestone:  4.0 = 5.0


 Rejected for Plone 4.0 by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/8809#comment:25
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9279: Making document actions optional

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9279: Making document actions optional
 Reporter:  laurenskling  |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP  |   Status:  closed 
 Priority:  minor |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown   |   Resolution:  wontfix
 Keywords:  document actions  |  
Changes (by esteele):

  * status:  new = closed
  * resolution:  = wontfix


 Rejected for Plone 4.0 by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9279#comment:18
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9281: Use dashboard as social networking tool

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9281: Use dashboard as social networking tool
 Reporter:  laurenskling   |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP   |   Status:  closed 
 Priority:  minor  |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown|   Resolution:  wontfix
 Keywords:  social network, dashboard, web2.0  |  
Changes (by esteele):

  * status:  new = closed
  * resolution:  = wontfix


 Rejected for Plone 4.0 by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9281#comment:12
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9313: Mobile View with Mobile Image selection options

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9313: Mobile View with Mobile Image selection options
 Reporter:  pigeonflight  |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP  |   Status:  closed 
 Priority:  minor |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown   |   Resolution:  wontfix
Changes (by esteele):

  * status:  new = closed
  * resolution:  = wontfix


 Rejected for Plone 4.0 by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9313#comment:10
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9210: Folderish pages

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9210: Folderish pages
 Reporter:  laurenskling  |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP  |   Status:  closed 
 Priority:  minor |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Infrastructure|   Resolution:  wontfix
 Keywords:  folder, page, folderish page  |  
Changes (by esteele):

  * status:  new = closed
  * resolution:  = wontfix


 Rejected for Plone 4.0 by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9210#comment:24
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9274: Remove actions tab from folder_contents

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9274: Remove actions tab from folder_contents
 Reporter:  laurenskling  |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP  |   Status:  closed 
 Priority:  minor |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown   |   Resolution:  wontfix
Changes (by esteele):

  * status:  new = closed
  * resolution:  = wontfix


 Rejected for Plone 4.0 by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9274#comment:10
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9331: Invite to share

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9331: Invite to share
 Reporter:  djay |Owner:  djay   
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  closed 
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  wontfix
 Keywords:   |  
Changes (by esteele):

  * status:  new = closed
  * resolution:  = wontfix


 Rejected for Plone 4.0 by FWT vote, though we'd love to see this as an add

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9331#comment:13
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9236: Include CachableRedirects or equivalent functionality so that 301 redirects don't pound Zope

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9236: Include CachableRedirects or equivalent functionality so that 301
redirects don't pound Zope
 Reporter:  jonstahl|Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  closed 
 Priority:  minor   |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:  wontfix
 Keywords:  |  
Changes (by esteele):

  * status:  reopened = closed
  * resolution:  = wontfix


 Rejected for Plone 4.0 by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9236#comment:17
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9312: New roles : Webmaster/site administrator and novice users

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9312: New roles : Webmaster/site administrator and novice users
 Reporter:  glenfant  |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP  |   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor |Milestone:  5.0
Component:  Unknown   |   Resolution: 
Changes (by esteele):

  * milestone:  4.0 = 5.0


 Rejected for Plone 4.0 by FWT vote. Bumping to 5.0, since there seems to
 be general support for the idea, but no implementer.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9312#comment:14
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9319: Merging archetypes.fieldtraverser into Product.Archetypes

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9319: Merging archetypes.fieldtraverser into Product.Archetypes
 Reporter:  thet  |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP  |   Status:  closed 
 Priority:  minor |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Archetypes|   Resolution:  wontfix
 Keywords:  Archetypes, traverse  |  
Changes (by esteele):

  * status:  new = closed
  * resolution:  = wontfix


 Rejected for Plone 4.0 by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9319#comment:14
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9323: Ship with Vice for syndication

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9323: Ship with Vice for syndication
 Reporter:  MatthewWilkes  |Owner:  MatthewWilkes
 Type:  PLIP   |   Status:  closed   
 Priority:  minor  |Milestone:  4.0  
Component:  Unknown|   Resolution:  wontfix  
 Keywords: |  
Changes (by esteele):

  * status:  new = closed
  * resolution:  = wontfix


 Rejected for Plone 4.0 by FWT vote.

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9323#comment:11
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9320: Add global status bar for site notifications

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9320: Add global status bar for site notifications
 Reporter:  limi|Owner:  mj 
 Type:  PLIP|   Status:  closed 
 Priority:  n/a |Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Infrastructure  |   Resolution:  wontfix
 Keywords:  |  
Changes (by esteele):

  * status:  new = closed
  * resolution:  = wontfix


 Rejected for Plone 4.0 by FWT vote. We'd like to see this as an add-on

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9320#comment:16
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list