[Framework-Team] Plone 4.x Framework Team

2010-06-03 Thread Craig A. Haynal
I would like to volunteer for the Plone 4.x Framework Team.

I am Craig Haynal and I currently work for the Chemistry Department at 
Penn State.  I am responsible for running departmental Plone instances 
and developing products that suit our needs.  I have been heavily using, 
deploying, and developing with Plone for over three years now.

I have developed a number of in-house Plone products, contributed code 
and fixes to Plone 4, and collaborated with Weblion on several of their 
products such as FacultyStaffDirectory.  Besides software development I 
have a strong interest in developing documentation and have been working 
with Rose Pruyne on a series of tutorials for developing Plone products 
from scratch.  I also have experience in systems administration which 
has been helpful in understanding Plone deployment and tuning issues.

I did a guest review of the group dashboards PLIP for Plone 4.0, which 
piqued my interest in the Framework Team and the PLIP process.  I would 
be grateful for the opportunity to serve on the Framework Team and 
contribute my time and expertise toward the continued improvement of Plone.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best wishes,
Craig A. Haynal
Department of Chemistry
The Pennsylvania State University

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] Time for a Plone 3.3.6 release?

2010-06-03 Thread Dorneles Treméa

>> Plone 3.3.6 will also benefits from a plone.app.portlets
>> 1.2.2 release and possibly other packages, but that's a
>> Wichert's call!... :-)
> Remember the established procedure...if you want a new release of some
> package to be included in the next Plone 3.3.x, ask someone who has
> rights to it on pypi to make a release and notify Wichert.

right, in this case, optilude, wichert, hannosch, esteele
or maurits, one step forward, please! :-)

Or grant me the Maintainer role on PyPI and I'll take care
of it.

Dorneles Treméa
Enfold Systems
Fax +1 832 201 8856
Office +1 713 942 2377 Ext 211
Skype dtremea

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] Time for a Plone 3.3.6 release?

2010-06-03 Thread David Glick
On 6/3/10 7:41 AM, Dorneles Treméa wrote:
> Hello,
>> There's quite a lot piling up in the changelog already, I think we're
>> ready for a release.
>> Tests pass, excepting the errors with PlonePAS (see other mail).
> Plone 3.3.6 will also benefits from a plone.app.portlets
> 1.2.2 release and possibly other packages, but that's a
> Wichert's call!... :-)
Remember the established procedure...if you want a new release of some
package to be included in the next Plone 3.3.x, ask someone who has
rights to it on pypi to make a release and notify Wichert.

David Glick
Web Developer

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Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] Time for a Plone 3.3.6 release?

2010-06-03 Thread Dorneles Treméa

> There's quite a lot piling up in the changelog already, I think we're
> ready for a release.
> Tests pass, excepting the errors with PlonePAS (see other mail).

Plone 3.3.6 will also benefits from a plone.app.portlets
1.2.2 release and possibly other packages, but that's a
Wichert's call!... :-)

Dorneles Treméa
Enfold Systems
Fax +1 832 201 8856
Office +1 713 942 2377 Ext 211
Skype dtremea

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] [Plone-developers] PlonePAS 3.x errors

2010-06-03 Thread Wichert Akkerman
On 6/3/10 03:11 , Laurence Rowe wrote:
> http://dev.plone.org/collective/changeset/118407 – plone pas cookies
> path set for /plone_site instead of always root - ticket #5665 –
> introduced a couple of test failures in Plone:

I've reverted that change.

Framework-Team mailing list