[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-10-19 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  closed
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0   
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  fixed 
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by maurits):

 I get several failures like the next because home page and location are
 not on the join form by default anymore.  Perhaps this worked on the
 branch but not after merging to trunk?   Could this have something to do
 with the new Plone theme?

 $ bin/instance test -s plone.app.users
 File /home/maurits/buildout/plone-
 line 10, in flexible_user_registration.txt
 Failed example:
 Exception raised:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/maurits/shared-
 eggs/zope.testing-3.7.7-py2.6.egg/zope/testing/doctest.py, line 1361, in
 compileflags, 1) in test.globs
   File doctest flexible_user_registration.txt[line 10, example 3],
 line 1, in module
   File /home/maurits/shared-
 eggs/zope.testbrowser-3.6.0a2-py2.6.egg/zope/testbrowser/browser.py, line
 755, in getControl
 control, form = disambiguate(intermediate, msg, index)
   File /home/maurits/shared-
 eggs/zope.testbrowser-3.6.0a2-py2.6.egg/zope/testbrowser/browser.py, line
 54, in disambiguate
 raise LookupError(msg)
 LookupError: name 'form.location'


 I am trying to integrate this plip with plip #9214 (see ticket #9643) and
 having successful tests before I start would be nice.
 This is with r30654.  I did some test and pep8/pyflakes fixes after that
 which did not result in extra test failures.  And I have begun integrating
 that plip anyway.  Sorry if I step on anyone's foot. :)

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:48
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-10-19 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  closed
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0   
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  fixed 
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by maurits):

 (In [30720]) Integrated the 'email as login' plip (#9214).
 Made the email field and widget ascii-only, otherwise you get
 validation errors or unicode errors when trying to log in.
 Always show the email field.
 Made the code more robust against input errors, at least for the
 username and email fields.
 Fixes #9643, refs #9310 and refs#9214.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:49
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-10-19 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  closed
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0   
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  fixed 
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by maurits):

 Okay, I made the changes necessary for proper handling of the email login
 plip in the new @@join_form.  See r30720 for details.

 Some remarks for clarity follow.

 I made sure the email widget is always displayed, as this field has always
 been required.  If wanted I could do this only when the email address is
 used as login (#9214), but there are more cases, like for the 'mail_me'

 The email field is now an ASCIIField and uses an ASCIIWidget, as non-ascii
 emails are not accepted by the email regular expression in the
 registration tool, and even if you have only ascii the input value is
 still unicode and when using such an email address as login you run into a
 unicode error when hashing the username in plone.protect.

 I protected the code against a few InputErrors (WidgetInputError,
 ValidationError, ConversionError).  For instance, adding accented
 characters in the username resulted in a traceback instead of a friendly
 widget error shown in the form.

 Oh, and a ConflictError was caught and turned into a status message, but I
 have changed that to raise the Exception so Zope can handle it, which is
 how those ConflictErrors should be handled AFAIK.

 In CMFPlone I changed tests/emaillogin.txt to use the new @@join_form;
 tests are passing; changeset is r30721. The same may need to be done for
 csrf.txt, but I am already getting errors on the unchanged file, so I am
 trying not to get side tracked there. :-)

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:50
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-10-13 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by khink):

 Changes have been merged into Plone 4.0 branch.


 * Merge the used branches:

 * merge https://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/Plone/branches/plip9310
   into https://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/Plone/branches/4.0/

   A merge in two parts, [28069:28274] and [28275:30488], because
 r28275 was a merge of
   the current 4.0 branch unwise back into the plip-branch. (Unwise, in

 * merge
 into https://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/plone.app.users/trunk/

   Also done:

   * use z3c.autoinclude (r30493)

   * modify rendering so it looks like other user/group configlets

   * fix import of PloneMessageFactory (r30492)

 * merge
 into https://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/plone.app.controlpanel/trunk/

   (Merge not needed (trunk has 'utils' module), so not done.)

 * merge
 into https://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/plone.app.form/trunk/

   (No real merge, just added 'metal:block define-
 slot=authenticator' to pageform.pt.)

 * Merge buildout:

 * Added plone.app.users to sources.cfg (r30490)

 * Added plone.app.users to Plone 4.0's egg dependencies (r30491)

 * Made sure buildout uses trunk version of plone.app.form

 * Checkout and run new version of buildout

 * Delete PLIP9310-branches (r30503, r30504, r30505, r30506)


Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:46
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-10-13 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  closed
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0   
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  fixed 
 Keywords:   |  
Changes (by esteele):

  * status:  assigned = closed
  * resolution:  = fixed

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:47
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-10-09 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Please assist the doc team in creating/updating documentation relating to
 this PLIP. See #9614.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:45
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-10-07 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by rossp):

 With r30254 I've fixed the last of my remaining concerns.  I also removed
 the fieldset box in r30253.

 FWT vote: +1 for merge

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:43
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-09-20 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by khink):

 The Error: REQUEST happens after the new user is created. This happens
 finally in
 'Products.PlonePAS.plugins.role.getRolesForPrincipal', which assumes it
 has a 'REQUEST' on it. It doesn't. Also, the method takes an optional
 'request' argument, which doesn't seem to be used.

 I'm not sure what the idea behind this is. The attached patch fixes the
 Error: REQUEST. It simply tests if 'self' has a 'REQUEST' attr, before
 trying to fetch it. As this may have consequences, i would like a second
 opinion on this.

 Index: Products.PlonePAS/Products/PlonePAS/plugins/role.py
 --- Products.PlonePAS/Products/PlonePAS/plugins/role.py (revision 97735)
 +++ Products.PlonePAS/Products/PlonePAS/plugins/role.py (working copy)
 @@ -112,8 +112,9 @@
  # the ones he got through his groups. In this case, the
  # '__ignore_group_roles__'= True should be previously pushed
  # in the request.
 -if not self.REQUEST.get('__ignore_group_roles__', False) and
 hasattr(principal, 'getGroups'):
 -principal_ids.extend( principal.getGroups() )
 +if hasattr(self, 'REQUEST'):
 +if not self.REQUEST.get('__ignore_group_roles__', False) and
 hasattr(principal, 'getGroups'):
 +principal_ids.extend( principal.getGroups() )
  for pid in principal_ids:
  roles.extend( self._principal_roles.get( pid, () ) )
  return tuple( unique( roles ) )

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:37
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-09-19 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by khink):

 Replying to [comment:34 rossp]:
  Replying to [comment:33 rossp]:
   Replying to [comment:32 rossp]:
  From khink's email:
   The error you mentioned should be fixed now.
  I still get the Error: REQUEST error on the new @@join_form.  I double
 checked that I had the latest SVN versions of everything including your
 branches.  Please confirm that the plone-coredev/plips/plip9310-flexible-
 user-registration.cfg works in a fresh environment before reporting it
 fixed again so I can re-run the load tests against it.
  Also, please document the rest of your work here in the ticket.
  Finally, can you address the rest of the feedback in my review?

 I'll test better the next time. I'll get back before the end of the
 weekend with an update.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:36
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-09-17 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  
Changes (by rossp):

 * cc: khink (added)


 Replying to [comment:33 rossp]:
  Replying to [comment:32 rossp]:

 From khink's email:

  The error you mentioned should be fixed now.

 I still get the Error: REQUEST error on the new @@join_form.  I double
 checked that I had the latest SVN versions of everything including your
 branches.  Please confirm that the plone-coredev/plips/plip9310-flexible-
 user-registration.cfg works in a fresh environment before reporting it
 fixed again so I can re-run the load tests against it.

 Also, please document the rest of your work here in the ticket.

 Finally, can you address the rest of the feedback in my review?

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:34
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-09-17 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Your PLIP has passed the Framework team's initial review. Feel free to
 discuss any suggested changes either here in the PLIP ticket or on the
 mailing lists. Final deadline for this PLIP is set for September 30.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:35
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-09-09 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by rossp):

 Review added in r29614, doesn't work for me, hope it can be fixed but -1
 until it can be

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:32
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-08-18 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Old description:

 '''Proposer:''' Duco Dokter [[BR]]
 '''Seconder:''' Alexander Limi, David Convent [[BR]]
 == Motivation ==
 Registration of new users in Plone is very restricted in
 functionality: the registration fields are a fixed
 set. Adding extra fields to the form implies manually changing the
 HTML of the form, and customizing the registration_form template and

 == Assumptions ==
 There is a need for more flexibility in the registration fields: one
 would like to be able to ask for a phonenumber, or company name, for

 == Proposal  Implementation ==
 Add configlet for registration fields. Allow admin users to determine
 what fields need to be filled in upon registration. These fields will be
 required on the registration
 Change the join form into a dynamic form that will use the configuration
 settings to display the fields to the user to be able to register.

 == Deliverables ==
  * New configlet in site setup for registration providing two settings:
   - join fields
  * Dynamic form for join process
  * Unit tests
  * Localization
  * Documentation

 == Risks ==
 Default behavior will be same as current situation. When migration from
 an older Plone version si performed, the issue with join_form adaptations
 needs to be addressed. Most probably a warning is enough for a detected
 join_form customization.

 == Participants ==
  * Duco Dokter, dokter
  * Kees Hink, khink
  * David Convent, davconvent

 == Progress ==
 Some of the work has been done at the Baarn 2009 sprint.

New description:

 '''Proposer:''' Duco Dokter [[BR]]
 '''Seconder:''' Alexander Limi, David Convent [[BR]]
 == Motivation ==
 Registration of new users in Plone is very restricted in
 functionality: the registration fields are a fixed
 set. Adding extra fields to the form implies manually changing the
 HTML of the form, and customizing the registration_form template and

 == Assumptions ==
 There is a need for more flexibility in the registration fields: one
 would like to be able to ask for a phonenumber, or company name, for

 == Proposal  Implementation ==
 Add configlet for registration fields. Allow admin users to determine what
 fields need to be filled in upon registration. These fields will be
 required on the registration
 Change the join form into a dynamic form that will use the configuration
 settings to display the fields to the user to be able to register.

 == Deliverables ==
  * New configlet in site setup for registration providing two settings:
   - join fields
  * Dynamic form for join process
  * Unit tests
  * Localization
  * Documentation

 == Risks ==
 Default behavior will be same as current situation. When migration from an
 older Plone version si performed, the issue with join_form adaptations
 needs to be addressed. Most probably a warning is enough for a detected
 join_form customization.

 == Participants ==
  * Duco Dokter, dokter
  * Kees Hink, khink
  * Huub Bouma, huub_bouma
  * David Convent, davconvent

 == Progress ==
 Some of the work has been done at the Baarn 2009 sprint.


Comment(by dokter):

 Ready for review.

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:31
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-07-31 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by khink):

 (In [28271]) refs #9310: Creating a branch for plip 9310, which requires
 plone.app.controlpanel to have a 'utils' module

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:28
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-07-31 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by khink):

 (In [28272]) refs #9310: backport __init__ (PloneMessageFactory) and utils
 from trunk

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:29
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-07-31 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Per email to Dev list, implementer will not be able to complete this PLIP
 before the deadline: http://n2.nabble.com/work-on-PLIP-9310-stalled-

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:30
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-07-14 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  
Description changed by dokter:

Old description:

 '''Proposer:''' Duco Dokter [[BR]]
 '''Seconder:''' Alexander Limi, David Convent [[BR]]
 == Motivation ==
 Registration of new users in Plone is very restricted in
 functionality: the registration fields are a fixed
 set. Adding extra fields to the form implies manually changing the
 HTML of the form, and customizing the registration_form template and

 == Assumptions ==
 There is a need for more flexibility in the registration fields: one
 would like to be able to ask for a phonenumber, or company name, for

 == Proposal  Implementation ==
 Add configlet for registration fields. Allow admin users to determine
 what fields need to be filled in upon registration. These fields will be
 required on the registration
 Change the join form into a dynamic form that will use the configuration
 settings to display the fields to the user to be able to register.

 == Deliverables ==
  * New configlet in site setup for registration providing two settings:
   - join fields
  * Dynamic form for join process
  * Unit tests
  * Localization
  * Documentation

 == Risks ==
 Default behavior will be same as current situation. When migration from
 an older Plone version si performed, the issue with join_form adaptations
 needs to be addressed. Most probably a warning is enough for a detected
 join_form customization.

 == Participants ==
  * Duco Dokter, dokter
  * Kim Chee Leong, kcleong
  * Kees Hink, khink
  * David Convent, davconvent

 == Progress ==
 Some of the work has been done at the Baarn 2009 sprint.

New description:

 '''Proposer:''' Duco Dokter [[BR]]
 '''Seconder:''' Alexander Limi, David Convent [[BR]]
 == Motivation ==
 Registration of new users in Plone is very restricted in
 functionality: the registration fields are a fixed
 set. Adding extra fields to the form implies manually changing the
 HTML of the form, and customizing the registration_form template and

 == Assumptions ==
 There is a need for more flexibility in the registration fields: one
 would like to be able to ask for a phonenumber, or company name, for

 == Proposal  Implementation ==
 Add configlet for registration fields. Allow admin users to determine what
 fields need to be filled in upon registration. These fields will be
 required on the registration
 Change the join form into a dynamic form that will use the configuration
 settings to display the fields to the user to be able to register.

 == Deliverables ==
  * New configlet in site setup for registration providing two settings:
   - join fields
  * Dynamic form for join process
  * Unit tests
  * Localization
  * Documentation

 == Risks ==
 Default behavior will be same as current situation. When migration from an
 older Plone version si performed, the issue with join_form adaptations
 needs to be addressed. Most probably a warning is enough for a detected
 join_form customization.

 == Participants ==
  * Duco Dokter, dokter
  * Kees Hink, khink
  * David Convent, davconvent

 == Progress ==
 Some of the work has been done at the Baarn 2009 sprint.


Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:21
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-07-14 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by khink):

 (In [28069]) Create a branch of CMFPlone for work on PLIP #9310.
 refs #9310

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:22
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-07-14 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by khink):

 (In [28070]) Added plip config for #9310, refs #9310

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:23
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-07-14 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by khink):

 (In [28072]) refs #9310: PLIP work on plone.app.user for flexible member

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:24
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-07-14 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by dokter):

 (In [28073]) Added plone.app.users to source for this config
 refs #9310

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:25
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-07-14 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by dokter):

 (In [28081]) Added configlet for registration
 refs #9310

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:26
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-07-14 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by dokter):

 (In [28083]) Added registration configlet
 refs #9310

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:27
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-07-13 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter  
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0 
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:  
 Keywords:   |  
Changes (by dokter):

  * status:  new = assigned

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:20
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-07-06 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner:  dokter
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  new   
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0   
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution:
 Keywords:   |  
Changes (by esteele):

  * owner:  = dokter

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:19
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by erikrose):

 FWT vote: +1. Go ahead and have a shot. Here's what will determine my vote
 on the implementation:
  * As optilude said, if you're going to workflow things, figure out a way
 to use the existing workflow framework.
  * We seem to have member data spread all over the place at the moment.
 Showing a good understanding of which way we're moving and moving with it
 will make me really happy. :-)

Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:15
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:   |  
Description changed by dokter:

Old description:

 '''Proposer:''' Duco Dokter [[BR]]
 '''Seconder:''' Alexander Limi, David Convent [[BR]]
 == Motivation ==
 Registration of new users in Plone is very restricted in
 functionality: there is the choice between unsupervised registration
 or no registration at all. For registration that should go through
 approval, one needs to install Membrane/Remember.

 When registration '''is''' allowed, the registration fields are a fixed
 set. Adding extra fields to the form implies manually changing the
 HTML of the form, and customizing the registration_form template and

 == Assumptions ==
 There is a need for at least two registration policies:

  1. unsupervised registration
  2. registration with approval

 There is a need for more flexibility in the registration fields: one
 would like to be able to ask for a phonenumber, or company name, for

 == Proposal  Implementation ==
 Add configlet for registration fields and a registration policy to the
 site configuration options. Allow admin users to decide upon a
 registration policy, and to determine what fields need to be filled in
 upon registration. These fields will be required on the registration
 Change the join form into a dynamic form that will use the configuration
 settings to display the fields to the user to be able to register.
 Add a portlet for registrations that need approval. These users need to
 be stored in a utility, and will be created upon approval.

 == Deliverables ==
  * New configlet in site setup for registration providing two settings:
   - join policy
   - join fields
  * Dynamic form for join process
  * Utility for storing non-approved users
  * Portlet for join policy with approval, showing pending registrations
  * Unit tests
  * Localization
  * Documentation

 == Risks ==
 Default behavior will be same as current situation. No risk assessed.

 == Participants ==
  * Duco Dokter, dokter
  * Kim Chee Leong, kcleong
  * Kees Hink, khink
  * David Convent, davconvent

 == Progress ==
 Some of the work has been done at the Baarn 2009 sprint.

New description:

 '''Proposer:''' Duco Dokter [[BR]]
 '''Seconder:''' Alexander Limi, David Convent [[BR]]
 == Motivation ==
 Registration of new users in Plone is very restricted in
 functionality: the registration fields are a fixed
 set. Adding extra fields to the form implies manually changing the
 HTML of the form, and customizing the registration_form template and

 == Assumptions ==
 There is a need for more flexibility in the registration fields: one
 would like to be able to ask for a phonenumber, or company name, for

 == Proposal  Implementation ==
 Add configlet for registration fields. Allow admin users to determine what
 fields need to be filled in upon registration. These fields will be
 required on the registration
 Change the join form into a dynamic form that will use the configuration
 settings to display the fields to the user to be able to register.

 == Deliverables ==
  * New configlet in site setup for registration providing two settings:
   - join fields
  * Dynamic form for join process
  * Unit tests
  * Localization
  * Documentation

 == Risks ==
 Default behavior will be same as current situation. When migration from an
 older Plone version si performed, the issue with join_form adaptations
 needs to be addressed. Most probably a warning is enough for a detected
 join_form customization.

 == Participants ==
  * Duco Dokter, dokter
  * Kim Chee Leong, kcleong
  * Kees Hink, khink
  * David Convent, davconvent

 == Progress ==
 Some of the work has been done at the Baarn 2009 sprint.


Ticket URL: https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:16
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list

[PLIP-Advisories] Re: [Plone] #9310: User registration process more flexible

2009-07-02 Thread plip-advisories
#9310: User registration process more flexible
 Reporter:  dokter   |Owner: 
 Type:  PLIP |   Status:  new
 Priority:  minor|Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Unknown  |   Resolution: 
 Keywords:   |  

Comment(by esteele):

 Marked Approved

Ticket URL: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9310#comment:18
Plone http://plone.org
Plone Content Management System
PLIP-Advisories mailing list