Re: Surviving yahoo's frontage and App Store featured listing

2014-08-14 Thread Matt Olander
On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 7:24 AM, Seo Townsend  wrote:
> I am a developer at fittr, we make a fitness app that was recently featured 
> on the yahoo homepage and app store top featured listings.
> We are a very small company with a small budget.  We were not prepared for 
> the onslaught of traffic we recieved from the iStore and yahoo homepage out 
> of the blue; fortunately, FreeBSD was.  We
> have two low costs FreeBSD servers (4GB 4 core, $60/mo) from rackspace which 
> are both running relatively complicated dynamic web applications along with a 
> redis database.  During the peak of our traffic,
> both FreeBSD servers were serving all web pages within 15ms and all services 
> within 3ms without a hitch, load peaked at 23%.  Stack consisting of nginx, 
> rails (web), sinatra (services), redis (database).
> There’s a reason FreeBSD runs 1/3 of the internet.

It looks like you guys made some great choices all the way across the stack ;)

Thanks for sharing, I'll definitely try out the app!

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Re: Leaving the Desktop Market

2014-04-02 Thread Matt Olander
On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 5:24 AM, Jordan Hubbard  wrote:
> On Apr 1, 2014, at 10:11 PM, Matt Olander  wrote:
>> This is like trying to predict automobile technology and dominant
>> car-makers by 1905. There's always room for competition. Take a look
>> at what's happening right now in the auto-industry. Tesla came out of
>> nowhere 125 years after the invention of the automobile and is doing
>> pretty well.
> I think you're kind of making my point for me, Matt. :-)
> Tesla benefitted entirely from deep pockets on the part of its investors.  
> Over $160M went into starting the company, of which $70M came from the 
> personal checking account of Elon Musk, the current visionary and CEO, and to 
> quote the wikipedia page:  "Tesla Motors is a public company that trades on 
> the NASDAQ stock exchange under the symbol TSLA.[5] In the first quarter of 
> 2013, Tesla posted profits for the first time in its ten year history."
> Yep, in other words, Tesla has been losing money for over 10 years and only 
> just started turning a profit, after raising a "mere" $187M in investment and 
> $485M in loans from the US DOE.  Your tax dollars at work!   On top of all 
> that Tesla has only managed to make money at all by focusing exclusively the 
> highest end of the luxury car market, where profit margins are also the 
> highest (the first car, the roadster, would set you back $110,000).
> Getting back to computer operating systems, it would make most readers of 
> these lists choke on their Doritos to know how much Apple had to invest in 
> Mac OS X before it became a viable desktop operating system and of course 
> you've already seen folks screaming about how Apple gear is too expensive and 
> they'll never buy it.
> You just don't get a consumer-grade desktop Unix OS, or a practical 
> all-electric sedan, without serious monetary investment and a luxury marquee 
> to match, assuming you'd like to actually make any of that money *back*.
> So, back to BSD on the desktop.   Anyone got a spare $200M they'd like to 
> just throw away?  That's what it's going to take! :)
> Don't believe me?  Go ask someone who knows first-hand then.  Ask Mark 
> Shuttleworth:  

Yeah, no doubt it will cost a bit of money to compete on that level.
However, have you ever heard the phrase pioneers suffer where settlers
prosper? Meaning it may (or may not!) take significantly less to
compete once a lot of the harder problems are solved.

If we take the fact that PCs are on the decline but device adoption is
on the rise, perhaps we could focus on an Android competitor (*cough*
Cyb0rg *cough).

Wouldn't it be possible to run Android apps on *BSD via a java vm? I
will get you an Ubuntu phone for Christmas and we can try it :P


P.S., I do not have 200 million but I'm good for 10k :P
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Re: Leaving the Desktop Market

2014-04-01 Thread Matt Olander
On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 12:11 AM, Jordan Hubbard  wrote:
> On Apr 1, 2014, at 10:46 AM, Eitan Adler  wrote:
>> That is why on this date I propose that we cease competing on the
>> desktop market.  FreeBSD should declare 2014 to be "year of the Linux
>> desktop" and start to rip out the pieces of the OS not needed for
>> server or embedded use.
>> Some of you may point to PCBSD and say that we have a chance, but I
>> must ask you: how does one flavor stand up to the thousands in the
>> Linux world?
> The fact that this posting comes out on April 1st makes me wonder if it's 
> just an elaborate April Fool's joke, but then the notion of *BSD (or Linux, 
> for that matter) on the Desktop is just another long-running April fool's 
> joke, so I'm willing to postulate that two April Fools jokes would simply 
> cancel each other out and make this posting a serious one again. :-)
> I'll choose to be serious and say what I'm about to say in spite of the fact 
> that I work for the primary sponsor of PC-BSD and actually like the fact that 
> it has created some interesting technologies like PBIs, the Jail Warden, 
> Life-preserver and a ZFS boot environment menu.
> There is no such thing as a desktop market for *BSD or Linux.  There never 
> has been and there never will be.   Why do you think we chose "the power to 
> serve" as FreeBSD's first marketing slogan?  It makes a fine server OS and 
> it's easy to defend its role in the server room.  It's also becoming easier 
> to defend its role as an embedded OS, which is another excellent niche to 
> pursue and I am happy to see all the recent developments there.
> A desktop?  Unless you consider Mac OS X to be "BSD on the desktop" (and 
> while they share some common technologies, it's increasingly a stretch to say 
> that), it's just never going to happen for (at least) the following reasons:

As you may imagine, I completely disagree! The Internet just had it's
20th birthday (it can't even drink yet!) and it's anyone's game.

This is like trying to predict automobile technology and dominant
car-makers by 1905. There's always room for competition. Take a look
at what's happening right now in the auto-industry. Tesla came out of
nowhere 125 years after the invention of the automobile and is doing
pretty well.

I bet there were a lot of people at Apple saying they couldn't compete
in the music-player market, or the mobile-phone market, etc.

In fact, if I look at the stats on, we have about 350k
visitors each month, with nearly 2% of them running FreeBSD and
clearly using it to surf the internet. Sounds like a market to me!

Long live the FreeBSD desktop, long live PC-BSD :P

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FreeBSD Wallpaper with widescreen resolutions

2011-11-21 Thread Matt Olander
Hey folks,

We ended up making a few new wallpapers here at work for the next
release for resolutions that are a bit more modern. Here's a link:

Feel free to spread the word, host the files elsewhere, etc.

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Re: FreeBSD gear (Clothes, machines)

2009-09-25 Thread Matt Olander
Sorry for the top post but I only have some quick comments ;-)

Great post, Allen. I'm glad you had a good experience with the mall,
Allen. In fact, you are correct, we also host the Slackware site/store
for Patrick and handle all the production details and shipping
logistics. It's better for everyone if Patrick can focus on what he
does best, which is continuing to develop one of the few linux distros
that we'll recommend and support for linux users.

The mall is a division of iXsystems and we try and contribute back to
FreeBSD in a variety of ways. You can see from the Foundation sponsors
page that not only does the FreeBSD Mall contribute but iXsystems
contributes separately as well (and some of the employees
individually, too!):

We also do other things like establish a FreeBSD presence at
tradeshows, sponsor specific development projects, employ a few people
to work on FreeBSD, etc.

Keep enjoying the best operating system on the planet and spreading
the word like you have been!


PS - I love my BSD boxers :-D

On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 1:23 PM, Allen  wrote:
> I'm wondering how many people here buy FreeBSD stuff. Like for example, I
> have a FreeBSD teeshirt, a pair of FreeBSD boxers (very comfy by the way)
> and I also purchase a lot of the things I find about FreeBSD because, quite
> frankly, the quality of products are very high, and I think Patrick
> Volkerding of Slackware Linux said it best when he said "If you're trying to
> learn Linux / Unix, just read the BSD stuff, it doesn't have the PR crap
> most Linux tech stuff has and gets to the point". I think he's mostly right
> about that. If you've ever tried reading over some of the Linux stuff other
> than Slackware, Debian, and some of the SUSE stuff, you've probably noticed
> it's mostly PR and not very technically and leaves you wondering sometimes
> why there aren't as many answers. You read FreeBSD, and they have the PR
> stuff in the PR section, and the tech stuff in the part it should be.
> I think Slackware and FreeBSD must be pretty close; when I made an order of
> a Slackware 4 CD-ROM set and a Slackware Mouse Pad, I also the same day
> ordered a FreeBSD mouse pad, a FreeBSD CD-set, and a copy of EACH of the
> FreeBSD books you can get on the FreeBSDMall page (It was a big order, I got
> one of every book they sell except for the third edition of "The Complete
> FreeBSD because I already had it, so I bought the newer one available) and
> for the FreeBSD stuff I paid for overnight shipping. I hate waiting a week
> to get stuff and I really wanted to see what was in the books and see what
> the CDs were like, so I decided I'd try overnights.
> I was also not planning on waiting forever for my Slackware Store order
> either and got second day shipping. I was shocked to see that 17 hours later
> a huge package was on the porch with not only my FreeBSD stuff, but the
> Slackware stuff too, in the same box. I only paid overnight on BSD, but got
> Slackware too. It's like it came from the same place and they noticed I had
> two orders and paid more for faster shipping.
> I also noticed that the Slackware CDs and FreeBSD CDs look a lot alike, and
> that the Slackware Book is a lot like a FreeBSD book (Font and all that are
> very similar). Are the Slackware store and BSD Mall in the same place?
> Anyway, I love the books I got. I've read a lot of BSD stuff like NetBSD and
> OpenBSD, but I've always been very partial to FreeBSD which is in my eyes
> the better choice. That's why I'm on the Advocacy Mailing List, I like
> spreading the word.
> I actually got a phone call the day after my order came from a woman asking
> of my order arrived OK, because she said one order had come back and they
> were checking to see if it was mine, so I went over what I ordered with her
> and she was actually shocked to see how much money I spent and I almost
> chuckled because it's no where near the first time. I basically said "Hey,
> as long as some of this gets back to the people who make FreeBSD and it
> helps them in some way I'll keep making orders of this size. Of course
> you'll need new products, but I don't mind helping financially when I can".
> I'm sort of wondering how much of any given order gets back to the people
> who make FreeBSD, and spend their time doing it. I read somewhere it was a
> certain percent, so I'm Hoping they do get something back.
> I'm a persona who stands by what I like. I take crap for it sometimes, we
> all do or will when we believe in something. When I was in college a few
> years ago and my Professor was teaching Linux, I made sure my class saw how
> neat my SUSE, Slackware, and FreeBSD installs looked and how easy they were
> to make things happen.
> I also got my teacher to talk about BSD a little more to show everyone there
> were choices. I also made a card on the board that showed how to do things
> in BSD VS Linux since there are a few

SAVED!! (was Re: Save BSD magazine)

2009-07-07 Thread Matt Olander
2009/7/1 Matt Olander :
> We are in contact with them in an attempt to save the magazine. Not
> having the ability to order and pay for a subscription online really
> hurt them, I think. This is why we started offering it through the
> FreeBSD Mall.
> The BSD magazine is available at Borders and Barnes & Noble. We'll be
> doing our best to help increase sales figures this week so that
> hopefully the mag gets a longer lease on life. If that does happen, we
> will help them sign up advertisers, increase subscriptions, and find
> more authors to create a viable longer term plan for keeping the
> magazine in production.
> This may be your last chance to run out and grab a copy :'(

Great job everyone! We did it! Sales increased over the last week and
they have decided to keep publishing BSD Mag. Woohoo!!! Thank you to
everyone that bought a copy, subscribed to the electronic edition, and
helped to spread the word.

We have offered to assist in editing, promotion, etc., so that the
magazine hopefully enjoys a long life.

If you're interested in contributing to BSD Mag, especially articles,
please email melanie (at) pcbsd (dot) org. If you know any companies
that would be interested in advertising, email raquel (at) iXsystems
(dot) com. If you know a retailer that may be interested in carrying
the magazine or if you went out to Barnes & Noble or Borders and could
not find it (that's what happened to me), email mark (at) iXsystems
(dot) com.

Thanks again and job well done. We live to fight another day  :-)


> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Karolina Lesińska 
> Date: 2009/7/1
> Subject: Save BSD magazine
> To:
> Dear Authors,
> I am sure most of you already heard that BSD magazine is going to be closed,
> due to much lower benefits than expected and the economy in general...
> There is one last chance thought - if I somehow manage to increase the sales
> figures in stores the magazine will be published. I was given only one week
> (till Monday). Not much, but better than nothing. I think it is worth trying!
> I can't do it alone -so I am asking you for your help and support. I know most
> of you are already helping and I am really thankful for that.
> If you could help me to promote the magazine on all forums, portals, blogs or
> anywhere else I would be really grateful.
> I have attached the cover of the most current issue of BSD magazine if you
> would like to use it.
> Please spread the word about BSD magazine!
> Also, I would like thank you for all great articles, support, precious
> comments and helping hand whenever we need it!
> best regards
> Karolina
> --
> Linux+ DVD
> BSD magazine
> Karolina Lesińska
> Product Manager
> ///
> Software Press Sp.z.o.o SK
> Bokserska 1
> 02-682 Warszawa
> Poland
> phone number: 1-917-338 - 3631
> fax: +48 22 244 24 59
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Re: Save BSD magazine

2009-07-02 Thread Matt Olander
On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 12:18 PM, Dru Lavigne wrote:
>> > Does FreeBSD Mall ship internationally? If so, should we suggest that
>> > people
>> > interested in saving the mag can order there?
>> Absolutely. If you can't find the mag locally, order from the Mall and
>> we'll report final sales figures to the publisher on Monday. Not the
>> best weekend for a big sales push but not much else we can do.
> Okay, I'm tweeting with hashtag #savebsdmag

Great, if everyone can keep the same hashtag on re-tweets, that helps.

It seems we are having an effect! I received an email from Karolina,
the Chief Editor, last night. She says that there has been a
noticeable increase and the publisher is willing to consider keeping
it going, especially in electronic form. It's still up in the air
until after this weekend.

If they decide to keep publishing, I am going to pitch them on letting
iX takeover the print & distribution in the US so we can try to keep
it at Barnes & Noble and Borders while getting it into Fry's and
Microcenter as well.

FreeBSD Mall reduced the new issue 20% so it's now $12 USD for the
print version at If you'd already
purchased at the regular price yesterday, forward me your order
confirmation and address and I'll have marketing send along something
worth the extra few dollars ;-)

You can also sign up for the electronic subscription on the BSD Mag

Great job everyone!! Spread the word!

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Re: Save BSD magazine

2009-07-01 Thread Matt Olander
On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Dru Lavigne wrote:
>> >> On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 10:39:34AM -0700, Matt Olander wrote:
>> >> > We are in contact with them in an attempt to save the magazine. Not
>> >> > having the ability to order and pay for a subscription online really
>> >> > hurt them, I think. This is why we started offering it through the
>> >> > FreeBSD Mall.
>> >>
>> >> I have a hard time finding it here in San Diego, I will spread the word
>> >> lets
>> >> hope it stays above water.
> Does FreeBSD Mall ship internationally? If so, should we suggest that people
> interested in saving the mag can order there?

Absolutely. If you can't find the mag locally, order from the Mall and
we'll report final sales figures to the publisher on Monday. Not the
best weekend for a big sales push but not much else we can do.

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Re: Fwd: Save BSD magazine

2009-07-01 Thread Matt Olander
On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Randi Harper wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Guillermo Antonio Amaral Bastidas
>  wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 10:39:34AM -0700, Matt Olander wrote:
>> > We are in contact with them in an attempt to save the magazine. Not
>> > having the ability to order and pay for a subscription online really
>> > hurt them, I think. This is why we started offering it through the
>> > FreeBSD Mall.
>> >
>> > The BSD magazine is available at Borders and Barnes & Noble. We'll be
>> > doing our best to help increase sales figures this week so that
>> > hopefully the mag gets a longer lease on life. If that does happen, we
>> > will help them sign up advertisers, increase subscriptions, and find
>> > more authors to create a viable longer term plan for keeping the
>> > magazine in production.
>> >
>> > This may be your last chance to run out and grab a copy :'(
>> >
>>  I have a hard time finding it here in San Diego, I will spread the word
>> lets
>> hope it stays above water.
>> --
>> gamaral
> I'm spreading the word to my 400+ twitter followers, but I've not been able
> to find it in any of my local B&N stores.

Good call. At the very least, if we can't find them locally, we should
have everyone that is willing send email to that we tried!

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Fwd: Save BSD magazine

2009-07-01 Thread Matt Olander
We are in contact with them in an attempt to save the magazine. Not
having the ability to order and pay for a subscription online really
hurt them, I think. This is why we started offering it through the
FreeBSD Mall.

The BSD magazine is available at Borders and Barnes & Noble. We'll be
doing our best to help increase sales figures this week so that
hopefully the mag gets a longer lease on life. If that does happen, we
will help them sign up advertisers, increase subscriptions, and find
more authors to create a viable longer term plan for keeping the
magazine in production.

This may be your last chance to run out and grab a copy :'(


-- Forwarded message --
From: Karolina Lesińska 
Date: 2009/7/1
Subject: Save BSD magazine

Dear Authors,

I am sure most of you already heard that BSD magazine is going to be closed,
due to much lower benefits than expected and the economy in general...

There is one last chance thought - if I somehow manage to increase the sales
figures in stores the magazine will be published. I was given only one week
(till Monday). Not much, but better than nothing. I think it is worth trying!

I can't do it alone -so I am asking you for your help and support. I know most
of you are already helping and I am really thankful for that.

If you could help me to promote the magazine on all forums, portals, blogs or
anywhere else I would be really grateful.

I have attached the cover of the most current issue of BSD magazine if you
would like to use it.

Please spread the word about BSD magazine!

Also, I would like thank you for all great articles, support, precious
comments and helping hand whenever we need it!

best regards

Linux+ DVD
BSD magazine
Karolina Lesińska
Product Manager

Software Press Sp.z.o.o SK
Bokserska 1
02-682 Warszawa

phone number: 1-917-338 - 3631
fax: +48 22 244 24 59
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Re: FreeBSD boot camp @ Fosdem 2009

2009-03-04 Thread Matt Olander

On Mar 4, 2009, at 4:15 PM, Rodrigo OSORIO (ros) wrote:

Hi everyone,

You can found here some of the pictures I took during the fosdem  
2009 event
it may illustrate all the fantastic work done by Daniel and his crew  

this looong weekend


The pictures :

Wow, the booth looks great! Thanks for the pics, Rodrigo!


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Re: questions on freebsdmall promo Items

2009-01-09 Thread Matt Olander

On Jan 9, 2009, at 7:50 AM, Julian Stacey wrote:

If pictures on commercial vendor site
are not big enough, tell them not us, (well maybe copy us, but
primarily: Tell them !  Their address was not on your posting.
Nothing we can do, Unless you are lucky & a operative
happens to be a member of

Haha, as it happens, a few of us are on this list! While this is not  
the appropriate list for such a complaint, as a general fyi, we're  
working on a pretty new site for FreeBSD Mall with pretty new  
products, too ;-)

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Re: LWE - booth?

2008-08-04 Thread Matt Olander

On Aug 4, 2008, at 10:29 AM, Dan Langille wrote:

On Aug 4, 2008, at 12:26 PM, Matt Olander wrote:

On Aug 4, 2008, at 8:14 AM, Dan Langille wrote:

Anyone doing the booth thing at LWE?

Hey Dan,

Is that LinuxWorld Expo in SF? We'll have a pretty big presence  
there this year. Besides having about 7 people at the booth, we  
arranged to give out a PC-BSD CD to every attendee to LinuxWorld in  
the registration packets. Are you coming to San Francisco?

No, but David Fetter of PostgreSQL was wondering what was happening.

I'll see him soon! I wish I had thought to ask to have the FreeBSD  
booth next to the PostgreSQL booth. That seems to work out infinitely  
better than being next to Ubuntu ;-)

If anyone is near San Francisco this week, stop by the FreeBSD booth!  
We've got a limited run of some secret FreeBSD t-shirts for advocates  
only that you can pick up at the booth.


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
BSD on the  
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113Fax:  

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Re: LWE - booth?

2008-08-04 Thread Matt Olander

On Aug 4, 2008, at 8:14 AM, Dan Langille wrote:

Anyone doing the booth thing at LWE?

Hey Dan,

Is that LinuxWorld Expo in SF? We'll have a pretty big presence there  
this year. Besides having about 7 people at the booth, we arranged to  
give out a PC-BSD CD to every attendee to LinuxWorld in the  
registration packets. Are you coming to San Francisco?

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Re: Lack of Flash support is no longer acceptable. Bounty established...

2008-06-19 Thread Matt Olander

On Jun 19, 2008, at 3:57 PM, John Kozubik wrote:

On Fri, 20 Jun 2008, Pietro Cerutti wrote:

Hash: SHA512

John Kozubik wrote:
| Don't shoot the messenger:
| FreeBSD is not useful as a desktop environment without the  
ability to

| support Flash in a stable, well-performing fashion.

gnash-devel provides flash 9 and works pretty well...

That's why I discounted that as a solution.  I am a FreeBSD desktop  
not a FreeBSD desktop developer.  I, and many others, do not have  
time to

hack around with gnash working "pretty well".

I have been working with Adobe management and the Flash development  
team for quite some time. It seems, just as with the redistribution  
agreement we worked out with them, the legal department is most likely  
the hold up. I will have an update for the FreeBSD community within  
the next couple of months. In the meantime, just in case, it could be  
worthwhile to further our support of linux-flash9 under FreeBSD.


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
BSD on the  
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113Fax:  

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Re: BSD Magazine Electronic and Printed versions Subscription

2008-05-08 Thread Matt Olander
On Wednesday 07 May 2008 11:24 pm, Gonzalo Nemmi wrote:
> On Tuesday 29 April 2008 19:13:59 Siju George wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >  There is a new magazine dedicated to BSD.
> >
> >
> >
> >  You can subscribe for electronic as well as printed versions from here.
> >
> >
> >
> > --Siju
> > ___
> > mailing list
> >
> > To unsubscribe, send any mail to
> Dear Siju:
> I'm sorry to ask, but ... is this for real or just a prototype to see what
> happens?
> So far I haven't been able to take a look at a single article  .. let alone
> the whole mag .. in order to check wheter I want to subscribe or not ...
> and I've been checking on an almost daily basis to
> see a link or a comment or a change about hoe thing are going alone.
> Please .. if it is in within your possibilities to let me (us?) know about
> something more substantial about the mag, I'd highly appreciate it if you
> let me (us?) know something else about the magazine (like where to get the
> first pdf issue or part as a free sample in order to evaluate what are we
> talking about and whether or not I'll be spending my money on it ;) .. or
> who's gonna be writting the articles? Lucas? Lavigne?, De Raadt?, Dillon?
> etc?, etc?).
> Thanks in advance
> Your customer wannabe

Hey Gonzalo!

I can attest that it's real. I've got a copy on my desk and it's gorgeous!


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
BSD on the Desktop!                   
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113                     Fax: (408)943-4101
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Re: FreeBSD Presence at NYCBSDCon

2008-03-20 Thread Matt Olander

On Mar 20, 2008, at 10:57 AM, Steven Kreuzer wrote:


I am writing on behalf of the admin team that is currently organizing
NYCBSDCon 2008. We currently have Columbia University booked for  

11th and 12th of this year and among everything else going on, I would
like to get the ball rolling on FreeBSD's presence.

In 2006, Alfred Perlstein and I had received donations from FreeBSD  

and everything we sold at the conference was donated to The FreeBSD
Foundation. (Over $600 dollars)

Check out the table we had setup:

In 2006, we waited until the last minute to put that together the  
and to avoid the rush, I thought I would start reaching out to  
people to

see if they are interested in assisting.

I am currently looking for people who are planning on attending the
conference and would be interested in manning the table to sell  
related products. In addition, I am looking for people who would be  
to reach out to FreeBSD vendors who may be willing to donate, or  
us discounts on products that could be sold to raise money for the  


Also, if you have any other ideas on thing we can have in terms of  
and whatnot, please let me know. In 2006, the NetBSD team had a few  
of exotic hardware running NetBSD. It was pretty cool to watch a  

pxeboot of an ultra 2.

Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you all.

Hi Steven,

We'll bring the FreeBSD booth backdrop, FreeBSD Mall goodies, and the  
beastie costume!


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Re: [OT] Helpful Advocacy...

2007-12-29 Thread Matt Olander

On Dec 29, 2007, at 4:19 PM, Astrodog wrote:

The first part, "Talk to my computer people.", shows a remarkable
ammount of restraint. As anyone who has dealt with end users knows,
often times, they will attempt many incorrect things, before talking
to the "computer people".

The second part demonstrates a clear understanding of what its like to
attempt to patch, or for that matter, build, or even use KDE. I doubt
anyone here would argue that it does not "mess with your head", so
clearly, "use other software" is sound advice!

Haha, definitely neat. What I'm curious about is why this would be the  
number one question for him. Does anybody know if the Ukrainian  
government is using KDE/FreeBSD heavily?


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
BSD on the Desktop!
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Re: [OT] Helpful Advocacy...

2007-12-29 Thread Matt Olander

On Dec 29, 2007, at 3:29 PM, Matt Olander wrote:

On Dec 29, 2007, at 4:53 AM, TooMany Secrets wrote:

Ucranian President making a note about KDE and FreeBSD:

Great! Can anybody translate this?

Nevermind, I see a synopsis under About This Video.

Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
BSD on the Desktop!
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113 Fax: (408)943-4101

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Re: [OT] Helpful Advocacy...

2007-12-29 Thread Matt Olander

On Dec 29, 2007, at 4:53 AM, TooMany Secrets wrote:

Ucranian President making a note about KDE and FreeBSD:

Great! Can anybody translate this?


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
BSD on the Desktop!
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113 Fax: (408)943-4101

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MeetBSD in Poland!

2007-11-09 Thread Matt Olander
Just a reminder, MeetBSD starts next week November 17-18 in Warsaw, Poland.
There is still time to register :-)


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
BSD on the Desktop!                   
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113                     Fax: (408)943-4101
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Processor Magazine Server Downtime Article

2007-08-30 Thread Matt Olander
Hi all,

Here's an article in Processor Magazines print and online version that 
discusses using FreeBSD or OpenBSD as part of a strategy to increase server 

It also mentions using CARP to increase security:

www@, can we get this posted in the "In the Media" section on the 


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
BSD on the Desktop!                   
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113                     Fax: (408)943-4101
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Hitting the Streets

2007-08-13 Thread Matt Olander
Here's a picture that FreeBSD Girl took just after we wrapped up the 
LinuxWorld show in San Francisco the other week.

At 20 minutes for my first dollar, I decided to pursue other avenues of 


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
BSD on the Desktop!                   
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113                     Fax: (408)943-4101
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Re: FreeBSD user statistics

2007-08-01 Thread Matt Olander
On Tuesday 31 July 2007 8:55 pm, Sunnz wrote:
> Ahh, I see... so there are currently no way to see all time?

Well, we've only had Google Analytics on for less than 1 month. I'm 
sure there's some kind of API or other mechanism to dump the report to the 
web, I just haven't looked to hard at it, yet ;-)

> Stil very surprising though, when it comes to technology Australia
> just never make it to the top in any statistics, people are always
> like "WTF?" when I talk about BSD, till the minute I go and say it is
> like Linux. Maybe it is just me though...

Haha, keep letting them know about it!


> 2007/8/1, Matt Olander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > On Tuesday 31 July 2007 5:21 pm, Chad Perrin wrote:
> > > Are there any projects out there collecting data on numbers of FreeBSD
> > > users?  I'm interested in pretty much anything along those lines,
> > > including analogs to Fedora's "smolt" reporting software, the Linux
> > > Counter <>, and so on.
> > >
> > > If not . . . is there any sense that such a project would be useful to
> > > the community?  I might consider getting at least a web-based
> > > self-reporting thing like the Linux Counter project set up, if that
> > > seems like something the community would want/need and doesn't already
> > > exist.
> > >
> > > What I'm really looking for, though, is any existing efforts to count
> > > FreeBSD users, even if such efforts are prone to error.
> >
> > Hi Chad,
> >
> > Checkout A very cool project to start tracking BSD
> > usage. Also, we've placed Google Analytics on (and we
> > should probably add it to, too) and have interesting
> > operating system stats from there that we'll make public after a
> > substantial amount of data is gathered.
> >
> > best,
> > -matt
> > ___
> > mailing list
> >
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Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
BSD on the Desktop!                   
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113                     Fax: (408)943-4101
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Re: FreeBSD user statistics

2007-07-31 Thread Matt Olander
On Tuesday 31 July 2007 5:21 pm, Chad Perrin wrote:
> Are there any projects out there collecting data on numbers of FreeBSD
> users?  I'm interested in pretty much anything along those lines,
> including analogs to Fedora's "smolt" reporting software, the Linux
> Counter , and so on.
> If not . . . is there any sense that such a project would be useful to
> the community?  I might consider getting at least a web-based
> self-reporting thing like the Linux Counter project set up, if that seems
> like something the community would want/need and doesn't already exist.
> What I'm really looking for, though, is any existing efforts to count
> FreeBSD users, even if such efforts are prone to error.

Hi Chad,

Checkout A very cool project to start tracking BSD usage. 
Also, we've placed Google Analytics on (and we should probably 
add it to, too) and have interesting operating system stats from 
there that we'll make public after a substantial amount of data is gathered.

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Re: The sorry state of open source today

2007-04-19 Thread Matt Olander

Radu-Cristian FOTESCU wrote:

Really, folks, what makes you so aggressive?!

I was hurt, and disappointed. I was having higher expectations from the
FreeBSD guys.


Hi R-C,

You have definitely blogged an interesting piece! I hardly think that 
Dag's coherent rebuttal regarding a few points he disagrees with and a 
readers mail to advocacy@, while digesting your article, demonstrate how 
aggressive FreeBSD developers can be, as you state in that post.

It seems more like legitimate debate going on to me ;-)

FYI, the FreeBSD Foundation has not yet signed off on the Flash 
re-distribution agreement with Adobe and there is no guarantee that they 
will. While I don't see any strong reasons why it shouldn't be signed, 
installing Flash on FreeBSD is painless and there might not be a great 
deal of reasons to change the way the system currently works.


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
BSD on the Desktop!
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113 Fax: (408)943-4101
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Re: BSD + Adobe Flash News Item

2007-04-18 Thread Matt Olander

Marc Fonvieille wrote:

On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 08:59:45AM -0700, Matt Olander wrote:
While Adobe hasn't agreed to port Flash to FreeBSD (yet!), they have 
agreed to re-distribution of the Flash player. I obtained 2 separate 
re-distribution agreements, one for PC-BSD and one for the FreeBSD 

The lead Flash Product Manager at Adobe, Emmy Huang, who is also a 
strong open source advocate, was a great help to me getting this far and 
she will be blogging about this shortly.

In the meantime, here's the very simple press release for PC-BSD/Flash:

Which Flash player version is concerned?  7.X I assume?

7 and 9, and I believe there's a clause for future versions until we're 
notified otherwise but it's been so long since I reviewed the agreement, 
I'll have to go back over it. Adobe has an entire process in place to 
get agreements signed, and it's not exactly fast.


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
BSD on the Desktop!
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113 Fax: (408)943-4101
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BSD + Adobe Flash News Item

2007-04-18 Thread Matt Olander
While Adobe hasn't agreed to port Flash to FreeBSD (yet!), they have 
agreed to re-distribution of the Flash player. I obtained 2 separate 
re-distribution agreements, one for PC-BSD and one for the FreeBSD 

The lead Flash Product Manager at Adobe, Emmy Huang, who is also a 
strong open source advocate, was a great help to me getting this far and 
she will be blogging about this shortly.

In the meantime, here's the very simple press release for PC-BSD/Flash:

I won't give up on a native port, but I'm not holding my breathe either. 
Hopefully, now that we've got the right contacts at Adobe, it will be 
easier to pursue the port.

The more people that can pick this news up in their blogs, the better. 
Also, if someone can post it to the News section of the FreeBSD site, great!


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
BSD on the Desktop!
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113 Fax: (408)943-4101
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Re: allBSD's "Stop the Blob" Campaign

2007-03-21 Thread Matt Olander

Can Erkin Acar wrote:

Unfortunately, FreeBSD is doing the Open Source world a disservice
by allowing blobs and making "special" deals with vendors for
distributing such firmware.  It is already hurting us, and will
hurt everyone, including FreeBSD much more in the future.

If you don't agree to the firmware lincense, don't use it. This *is* 
redistribution of the firmware, exactly as you suggested, and it will 
have no detrimental impact in ou attempts to negotiate further.

You are doing the world a disservice by spreading FUD.


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
BSD on the Desktop!
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113 Fax: (408)943-4101
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Re: BSDstats report for Mar 1st, 2006

2007-03-02 Thread Matt Olander
On Friday 02 March 2007 11:24 am, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> Well, I skip'd reporting last month, like anyone missed it, right?
> Well, last month, and this month, have been seen ~10% increases in
> first of month numbers, so its still growing ...

Thanks Marc! I noticed and I missed it ;-)


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
BSD on the Desktop!
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113Fax: (408)943-4101 
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[Fwd: porting the RealPlayer]

2006-08-20 Thread Matt Olander

Hi all,

I met with a developer of the Real Player at Linux World. She says they 
would *love* to port a native version of the Real player to FreeBSD. 
Yay! She even showed me that they have an older FreeBSD dev environment 
set up and are ready to start to try compiling it for release after we 
get it up to date.

We need a couple of FreeBSD experts to assist with 
questions/expertise/feedback to make sure this gets finished ;-)
Please send me your name/email off list and I'll reply to her with a 
shortlist of who can help them.


 Original Message 

Hey Matt -

It was great to meet you at Linux World.  FreeBSD is near to my heart, 
although I'm not totally knowledgeable on it, sadly.  I'm a FreeBSD fan to 
the point of wanting to do the RealPlayer port to FreeBSD myself when I 
first started this job.. but.. they piled me down with meetings and 
spec-writing before I even got a chance to see it compile once.

Which is why I'm so excited that you were so receptive to getting the 
RealPlayer on FreeBSD.  I've been talking to the guy who runs our build 
environments and he's checking to see if anyone else is using the FreeBSD 
5.0 box.  If not, we'll upgrade it asap.  Do you have any recommendations 
on hardware for a FreeBSD 6.1 build machine?

Also, we're currently only running nightly builds for the stable branch on 
FreeBSD.  Do you think we should be running the current branch as 
well?  That's where all the new functionality is going - like playlists and 
Windows Media (ahem.. if you have a license for it).  Depending on how long 
porting work takes, FreeBSD may want to just skip the currently released 
player and go for all the new technology.

Thanks so much for your offer of help and any thoughts you have would be 
greatly appreciated.

Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113 Fax: (408)943-4101

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Re: concerns about linux

2006-04-21 Thread Matt Olander

register wrote:
The hosting company I work has been using FreeBSD for our hosting 
platform for about ten years.  Honestly, we love it.  We are currently 
in the process of migrating to version 6.  Recently we have invested 
some development into the same product, but on linux.  My dilemma 
concerns how this will affect our FreeBSD product.

I have the impression that once we have both products side by side our 
new customers will tend to choose linux, due to name recognition.  This 
is especially true for our Japanese customers.  Our existing customers 
will likely stick with FreeBSD because they are used to it and like it.  
In the end I expect that our revenue for hosting on linux will grow 
quickly and on FreeBSD will stagnate.  When development costs are 
considered by management the justification for two products, with their 
separate development costs, will not hold up well.  The result will be a 
complete migration to the linux product within the next couple years.

Frankly I think FreeBSD is much better than linux.  Our developers agree 
emphatically.  We feel like our customers would be better served by 
having FreeBSD.  However, the revenue benefits of a move to linux seem 
to be insurmountable.  I am looking for valid justifications of 
maintaining our FreeBSD development team and FreeBSD product in light of 
the anticipated changes in revenue streams.  These justifications must 
relate to the business side of things.  Any insight into this problem 
will go a long way to helping us keep FreeBSD in our portfolio, which is 
what we really want.  Thanks

Hi Eric,

We've done business with some Japanese customers and, from my 
experience, they are usually more open and knowledgeable about FreeBSD 
than many of our US customers.

If this is a hosting platform, it's really up to your company to decide 
what platform to standardize on or remain with. Is hosting the core 
"product" that your company is involved in or are there some software 
offerings that are OS specific? Don't let your customers get caught up 
in the hype. A hosting company should choose it's platform based on 
internal resources to manage it, reliablity, stability, etc.

In the hosting arena, Yahoo!, Pair Networks, New York Internet, Host 
Department and many others all run FreeBSD. XO Communications and 
Rackspace have a huge base of FreeBSD customers as well. They must be 
doing something right ;-)


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113 Fax: (408)943-4101
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LinuxWorld Boston 2006 Pics

2006-04-10 Thread Matt Olander

Hi FreeBSD fans!

Here are some pictures from LinuxWorld Boston that Tom McLaughlin took.
The show seemed a bit smaller this year but we spoke with a ton of 
people and did a good job advocating FreeBSD. Thanks to everyone that 
showed up at the booth!

Dru and I have some ideas to improve the BSD booth before the next show 
including new banners (these are a bit outdated), collateral, and BSD 

I spoke with various hardware and software vendors and the trend 
definitely seems to be that they are hearing more and more requests for 
FreeBSD support.


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113 Fax: (408)943-4101
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LinuxWorld Boston

2006-02-21 Thread Matt Olander


As part of our FreeBSD booth at LinuxWorld Boston this year, we received 
100 free passes to the show. The show is scheduled for April 3-6 at the 
Boston Convention and Expo Center.

If anybody is interested in having some passes mailed to them, please 
send an email with your address to linuxworld at ixsystems dot com.

The pass allows access to:
* Keynote Addresses
* Feature Presentation
* 3 Day Exhibit Hall
* BoF Meetings

This appears to be different than the free passes available on the 
LinuxWorld website, which do not mention access to BoF meetings.

More information on the show can be found at

We will also have a booth for FreeBSD at the LinuxWorld show in San 
Francisco this year. As that show draws near, I will post more information.


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - "Servers for Open Source"
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
Phone: (408)943-4100 ext. 113 Fax: (408)943-4101
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Re: Linuxworld Boston

2006-01-21 Thread Matt Olander
On Sat, Jan 21, 2006 at 03:21:56PM -0500, Dru wrote:
> Does anyone know if there is a BSD booth planned for Linuxworld Boston in 
> April, and if so, who the organizer is?

Hi Dru,

We (Devon O'Dell and I) have contacted the show manager and we are
attempting to score a booth for the FreeBSD project. I'll update as soon
as we hear back.


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - Servers for Open Source
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
(408)943-4100 Phone
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"Those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't"
-Mark Twain
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Re: does bsdmall really sells freebsd cd ?

2006-01-15 Thread Matt Olander
On Mon, Jan 16, 2006 at 12:06:02AM +0100, Gilbert Fernandes wrote:
> ordered monthes ago the freebsd 6 cds from bsdmall, the
> november 5th 2005.
> since this date, the freebsd 6 cds have been available, for
> example at the bsdcon.
> we are past half january and i have never seen anything
> coming from bsd mall.
> so my first question is : how serious are those bsdmall people ?
> they take orders, dont send anything monthes after product
> is available and when sending them emails, they dont answer.
> my second question is : has anyone ordered and received
> freebsd 6 cds from them ?

I've had a similar experience with their magazine. We order all our
FreeBSD CD's through and I've never had a problem.

FreeBSD Mall is formerly the Walnut Creek CD-ROM operation.


Matt Olander
CTO, iXsystems - Servers for Open Source
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
(408)943-4100 Phone
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"Those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't"
-Mark Twain
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Re: FreeBSD 6.0 outperforms Linux in raw data throughput

2005-11-07 Thread Matt Olander

On Nov 7, 2005, at 5:25 AM, Dan Langille wrote:

I was told about this URL by someone seeking information on the


Does anyone have details on the benchmark please?

Hey Dan,

OffMyServer hasn't gotten anything formal up yet, but we will. This  
was fairly generic testing on identical boxes with
vanilla installations (no tuning). Then, bonnie, iozone, and dd were  
run on FreeBSD vs. Linux. We have a plan to begin saving all this  
testing data that we do in production and make an attempt to  
correlate it.


Matt Olander
Chief Technology Officer, OffMyServer, Inc.
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
(408)943-4100 Phone
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Sun Cobalt ported to FreeBSD

2005-09-09 Thread Matt Olander

Here is the press release announcing the port of the Sun Cobalt to
FreeBSD. I'd love to see this get as much exposure as possible so please
foward it to any interested media outlets that you may know of  ;-)


Matt Olander
(408)943-4100 Phone
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"Those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't"
-Mark Twain
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Re: BSDLive: FreeBSD Mini CD

2005-08-30 Thread Matt Olander

On Aug 30, 2005, at 1:08 PM, Julian H. Stacey wrote:

Nice idea, Thanks Matt. Downloading now.
Could you put an MD5 on that page too please ?

Ah, yes. Will do, thanks ;-)

Seth, can you also post the image that we use for the business card  
CD's to the bsdlive page?

That way, somebody can edit it and print up labels if they want.

I'll have to see what mini blanks cost in the shops, & then keep a
couple in wallet to give away periodically)

We got the cd's and labels at but I'm sure there's  
a million places to buy them from.


Matt Olander
Chief Technology Officer, OffMyServer, Inc.
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
(408)943-4100 Phone
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BSDLive: FreeBSD Mini CD

2005-08-30 Thread Matt Olander

Hey gang,

Here's where you can get the iso for the FreeBSD business card cd  
that we call BSDLive. It was a great success at OSCON and Linux  
World. Especially at Linux World, where we were happy to see all the  
linux laptops rebooted to FreeBSD as people checked it out  ;-)

Since the iso is less than 48mb, it's pretty skimpy but we managed to  
get blackbox with the opera browser on there so you can still do  
quite a bit with it. This is a live cd, so it doesn't install  
anything on the hard drive. It's great for somebody that wants to  
give FreeBSD a try or to carry in your wallet/purse.


Matt Olander
Chief Technology Officer, OffMyServer, Inc.
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
(408)943-4100 Phone
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FreeBSD article on c/net's main news page!

2005-08-19 Thread Matt Olander
If you haven't seen it already, there's a great FreeBSD 6 article on's main page:

A direct link to the article: 


Matt Olander
Chief Technology Officer, OffMyServer, Inc.
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
(408)943-4100 Phone
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2005-07-07 Thread Matt Olander

On Jul 7, 2005, at 9:52 AM, Johnson David wrote:

Will there be any official or semi-official FreeBSD presence at  
next months'

LinuxWorld expo? If so, I would like to volunteer to help man a booth.

Hey David,

I'll let you know if we score a booth. I'm still waiting to hear back  
from the Show Manager at IDG.
If not, maybe we'll just bring beastie to walk the floor and pass out  
some CDs  ;-)


Matt Olander
Chief Technology Officer, OffMyServer, Inc.
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
(408)943-4100 Phone
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Re: Negative Review of FreeBSD 5.4

2005-06-02 Thread Matt Olander

On Jun 2, 2005, at 10:21 AM, Johnson David wrote:

From: Neal E. Westfall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anybody have any thoughts on this review?

But in the end I keep coming back to a third thought: I would  
really really

like to see, once in my life, a review of FreeBSD that reflects my own
experiences with it. I would like to see a review that's something  
more than

a laundry list of bugs.

I just asked our Production Manager, Austin, to write a brief FreeBSD  
5.4 review from the perspective of a systems integrator and  
manufacturer. Frequently, we see FreeBSD supporting server hardware  
that has trouble running CentOS, RedHat Enterprise, etc.

Give him a few days and we'll submit this to BSDNews, DaemonNews, etc.


Matt Olander
Chief Technology Officer, OffMyServer, Inc.
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
(408)943-4100 Phone
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Re: Main site makeover

2005-05-29 Thread Matt Olander
On Sun, May 29, 2005 at 08:51:51AM +0200, Chris Zumbrunn wrote:
> It evolved into this:

Ah. Thanks Chris, that's what I was looking for.
I think that's a pretty nice looking frontpage design!


Matt Olander
(408)943-4100 Phone
(408)943-4101 Fax
"Those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't"
-Mark Twain
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Re: Main site makeover

2005-05-28 Thread Matt Olander

On May 27, 2005, at 9:46 AM, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

On Fri, 27 May 2005, Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg wrote:

Take it from someone who has tried before; you will get no response
whatsoever until you can show a complete and functional version of
what you are trying to accomplish.
But trust me, there are a lot of voices out there that wants the
website to change, so if you can produce something that will get it
started, you will get a lot of support!

 What happened to this? 

I don't know if these were generated from real HTML/CSS or just  
created in

a graphics editor.

Actually, I've seen a front page that Chris did (I think) that's got  
the nice menu across the top and a really well designed front page.


 Jeremy C. Reed

 technical support & remote administration

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Matt Olander
Chief Technology Officer, OffMyServer, Inc.
Public Relations, The FreeBSD Project
(408)943-4100 Phone
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Re: BSD Certification Group press release

2005-03-15 Thread Matt Olander
On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 10:46:02AM -0500, Dru wrote:
> Below is the first press release regarding the BSD Certification Group.
> We will be developing the new BSD Certification initiative throughout
> the coming months.  As more news on this certification becomes available
> we will provide you with the details.
> I will be happy to provide further background on the BSD Certification 
> Group.  Please indicate a request for interview in the subject line.
> Please distribute through your normal channels.

Awesome Dru! If there's anything we can do to help, let me know!


> March 15, 2005
> BSD Certification Group Takes Initiative
> Today, the BSD Certification Group officially announces their website and
> group focused in the creation of BSD certification. The public website is
> at
> A number of BSD developers, systems administrators and advocates have 
> come together to begin the first steps in the creation of a standard 
> BSD certification. Today marks the official launch of their public 
> website at
> The BSDs, including FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and DragonflyBSD, are 
> mature operating systems based on the original Unix developed at 
> University of Berkeley, California.  BSD powers global Internet service 
> provider infrastructures, and BSD userland applications are familiar to 
> those running Apple's OS X operating system.  BSD tools like OpenSSH are 
> used to securely access remote systems, and many TCP/IP stacks are derived 
> from BSD.
> "While some may feel that a BSD certification would just replicate the
> problems that other certifications have created, namely lack of experience
> masked by a piece of paper, the committee is convinced that with the
> proper preparation and testing criteria, a tiered BSD certification process 
> can demonstrate real-world proficiency as well as provide a goal for those 
> just beginning their systems and network administration career," said 
> Dru Lavigne, networking and Unix instructor and the chair for the group.
> The BSD Certification Group looks to bring together the BSD projects, 
> important vendors, educational institutions and beyond to work to make 
> this project a success.
> The group invites all who are interested to subscribe to the public BSD 
> certification mailing list at 
> - ---
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> ___
> mailing list
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Matt Olander
(408)943-4100 Phone
(408)943-4101 Fax
"Those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't"
-Mark Twain
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