Re: FreeBSD and kabbalah

2013-11-11 Thread Genghis Khan
On Sun, 10 Nov 2013 18:17:50 -0700
Brett Glass wrote:

 At 01:00 AM 11/10/2013, Genghis Khan wrote:
 Typical Jewish behaviour.
 I find the ABOVE to be offensive -- not the original post, which was

This was written in an attempt to cause Matthew Veety to post messages
that would be rational and to post them publicly.  If his message,
which was replies upon by the above, was sent to list, that is
publicly, I would pertinently respond with one of these:

 You did not answer my question.
 What is the link between your message to the gist of my argument?

I allowed to myself to express in this manner since I am a Jew myself.
Regardless to this thread and figures involved on this thread, when, in
our times, so many Jews allow themselves to engage in various of
shenanigans (smearing my good name!), the world over, hoping they would
not be criticised, due to (by abusing) their special (and phony)
victim-status, I find that above part of respond to be essential, yet
again that part of message is bad mannered but has no offensive element.

Please note that there are many non-religious Israelis, in both
districts I mentioned on a previous message, that would express in this
manner and even offensively, towards religious Jewish people,
especially when they knowingly do not answer rationally.

 --Brett Glass
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Re: FreeBSD and kabbalah

2013-11-11 Thread tzofeolam
On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 12:31 AM, Genghis Khan wrote:

 I am a Jewish person who was born and is living in Israel.

And what are you doing in Kharkov? Eating salo and trolling the
freebsd-chat when you're bored at work? :-)
I see that you've switched to use Tor, then my guess was right. You
are Alexandr Krasnyansky from Scana Ltd.
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Re: FreeBSD and kabbalah

2013-11-11 Thread tzofeolam
On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 1:18 PM, Lars Engels wrote:
 Am 11.11.2013 11:12, schrieb

 On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 1:34 AM, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:

 On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 03:33:02AM +0200 I heard the voice of, and lo! it spake thus:

 I have only one question. Is FreeBSD kosher?

 Obviously impossible to answer in general, FreeBSD being non-physical.
 So it would have to be answered for each physical media independently.
 For instance, flash works by trapping bunches of electrons in a
 floating gate.  Since you can consider the domain of possible spaces
 for electrons as a fluid in which they swarm, Leviticus 11:10 applies.

 So, if you create a memstick for installation, you shouldn't eat it.

 Kosher is not only about a food but about many other things. Kosher
 means applicable. There are kosher mezuzah, clothes, even music. Then
 there should be kosher OS(es), right? :-)

 Actually FreeBSD may contain traces of pork:


This is a pig dog
Not kosher for eating like any other dog or cat. But nobody should eat it :-)
Is the original author of that historical function from Australia or
New Zealand?
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