I think lynx is a great browser these days because it is GUI-less.
Yesterday I tried to browse "sqlite.org" with it, but failed with the error message:

  Alert!: This client does not contain support for HTTPS URLs

So I searched a solution, and found a great advice to check with "ldd"
if the product had been compiled with "openssl".
It had not, and I decided to reinstall it, but failed because "ja-lynx"
installs to the same location.
What does the "ja" stand for? Japanese. I recalled that I'd installed it
from "/usr/ports/japanese/lynx" because this is the output you get by running

  whereis lynx

But it is a web browser, so it should be found under "/usr/ports/www".
I installed it from there, and it can open URLs with the scheme "https://";.

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