Outdated IX intel driver in /usr/src tree

2022-12-07 Thread Dan The Man

ix-3.3.32 is on intel website since back in July.

/usr/src/sys/dev/ixgbe seems to be behind.

Currently having issues with Intel 520 DA card hitting 10 gigabit speeds, 
last night booted same machine with Rocky Linux 9 on USB stick, no problem 
hitting 10gigabit with iperf3. Tried booting even a 13 release FreeBSD 
same issues, so nothing related to CURRENT.

I've played with /boot/loader.conf and /etc/sysctl.conf tuning parameters 
to no avail, nothing seems to work, perhaps the updated driver may fix 
this? I notice there are new sysctl parameters under newest driver.

router:/usr/src/sys/modules # uname -a
FreeBSD router.sunsaturn.com 14.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #0 
main-n259557-4fa1e855be60: Sun Dec  4 22:28:09 CST 2022 
d...@router.sunsaturn.com:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/MYKERNEL amd64

router:/usr/src/sys/modules #

Standard Dell r720 server.


Re: vfs.zfs.vol.recursive hang makes it impossible to mount zvol

2022-11-14 Thread Dan The Man


I'm just going to submit bug this way, I do like fact I can mount ZFS 
guests now, and I love being able to pass through multiple disks through 
with one line to bhyve such as :

-s 4:0,virtio-scsi,/dev/cam/ctl1.0

very handy, and very organized especially if someone wanted to pass 10 
devices through to a guest with a 1 liner to bhyve.

I am not sure what is happening after resume, would be disheartening to 
have to go back to virtio-blk :( Think virtio-blk being phased out to 
virtio-scsi from what I have read.


Dan The Man
CEO & Founder
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com
PGP Key: https://SunSaturn.com/pgp.txt
A1A7 6E84 FB0B 8994 C3B5  A1BA FF6F 4997 7311 C386

On Mon, 7 Nov 2022, Alexander Motin wrote:

On 07.11.2022 18:53, Dan The Man wrote:

router:~ # sysctl vfs.zfs.vol.recursive=1
vfs.zfs.vol.recursive: 0 -> 1
router:~ # zpool import
    pool: testing
  id: 8013833172609421701
   state: ONLINE
  action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier.

     testing   ONLINE
   zvol/zroot/asterisk2p3  ONLINE
router:~ # zpool import -fR /mnt testing

This hangs forever
The only way to import that pool from the zvol that I know of.

Mounting ZFS from ZVOLs is blocked for a reason.  It causes deadlocks due to 
lock recursion.  I don't know what you are trying to achieve, but as 
alternatives, the ZVOL can be passed inside VM, it can be shared via iSCSI 
(even inside the host itself), etc.

Alexander Motin

Re: vfs.zfs.vol.recursive hang makes it impossible to mount zvol

2022-11-10 Thread Dan The Man
 hold files when guest 
SERIAL="/dev/nmdm_asteriskA"   # For "screen /dev/nmdm_asteriskB" 
- pkg install screen


#For testing virtio-scsi
STORAGE="/dev/cam/ctl1.0"   # port from /etc/ctl.conf(port 
ioctl/1) - core dumping on resume


#for testing virtio-blk # Comment out above 2 lines if 
using these

#STORAGE="/dev/zvol/zroot/asterisk" # Standard zvol
#STORAGE="/dev/da1" # Block device created from 


usage() {
   echo "Usage: $1 start(Start the guest: $VMNAME)";
   echo "Usage: $1 stop (Stop the guest: $VMNAME)";
   echo "Usage: $1 resume   (Resume the guest from last suspend: 

   echo "Usage: $1 suspend  (Suspend the guest: $VMNAME)";
   echo "Usage: $1 install  (Install new guest: $VMNAME)";

if [ ! -d "$DIR" ]; then
   mkdir -p $DIR

#if [ -z "$2" ]; then
#   usage
#   VMNAME=$2

if [ "$1" == "install" ]; then
   #Kill it before starting it
   echo "Execute: screen $SERIAL"
   bhyvectl --destroy --vm=$VMNAME
   bhyve -c $CPU -m $RAM -w -H -A \
  -s 0:0,hostbridge \
  -s 3:0,ahci-cd,$ISO \
  -s 4:0,virtio-scsi,$STORAGE  \
  -s 5:0,virtio-net,$TAP \
  -s 29,fbuf,tcp=$HOST:$PORT,w=$WIDTH,h=$HEIGHT \
  -s 30,xhci,tablet \
  -s 31,lpc -l com1,stdio \
  -l bootrom,/usr/local/share/uefi-firmware/BHYVE_UEFI.fd \
   #kill it after
   bhyvectl --destroy --vm=$VMNAME
elif [ "$1" == "start" ]; then
   while true
  echo "Starting $VMNAME -s 

  #Kill it before starting it
  bhyvectl --destroy --vm=$VMNAME > /dev/null 2>&1
  if [ -f "$DIR/default.ckp" ]; then
 bhyve -c $CPU -m $RAM -w -H -A \
-s 0:0,hostbridge \
-s 4:0,virtio-scsi,$STORAGE  \
-s 5:0,virtio-net,$TAP \
-s 29,fbuf,tcp=$HOST:$PORT,w=$WIDTH,h=$HEIGHT \
-s 30,xhci,tablet \
-s 31,lpc -l com1,$SERIAL \
-l bootrom,/usr/local/share/uefi-firmware/BHYVE_UEFI.fd \
  #if [ "$?" != 0 ];
  #   echo "The exit code was not reboot code 0!: $?"
  #   exit
  echo "The exit code was : $?"
elif [ "$1" == "resume" ]; then
   while true
  echo "Starting $VMNAME -s 

  #Kill it before starting it
  bhyvectl --destroy --vm=$VMNAME > /dev/null 2>&1
  if [ -f "$DIR/default.ckp" ]; then
 bhyve -c $CPU -m $RAM -w -H -A \
-s 0:0,hostbridge \
-s 4:0,virtio-scsi,$STORAGE  \
-s 5:0,virtio-net,$TAP \
-s 29,fbuf,tcp=$HOST:$PORT,w=$WIDTH,h=$HEIGHT \
-s 30,xhci,tablet \
        -s 31,lpc -l com1,$SERIAL \
-l bootrom,/usr/local/share/uefi-firmware/BHYVE_UEFI.fd \
-r $DIR/default.ckp \
  #if [ "$?" != 0 ];
  #   echo "The exit code was not reboot code 0!: $?"
  #   exit
  echo "The exit code was : $?"
elif [ "$1" == "suspend" ];
   bhyvectl --suspend $DIR/default.ckp --vm=$VMNAME

elif [ "$1" == "stop" ]; then
   bhyvectl --destroy --vm=$VMNAME


Dan The Man
CEO & Founder
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com
PGP Key: https://SunSaturn.com/pgp.txt
A1A7 6E84 FB0B 8994 C3B5  A1BA FF6F 4997 7311 C386

On Mon, 7 Nov 2022, Alexander Motin wrote:

On 07.11.2022 18:53, Dan The Man wrote:

router:~ # sysctl vfs.zfs.vol.recursive=1
vfs.zfs.vol.recursive: 0 -> 1
router:~ # zpool import
    pool: testing
  id: 8013833172609421701
   state: ONLINE
  action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier.

     testing   ONLINE
   zvol/zroot/asterisk2p3  ONLINE
router:~ # zpool import -fR /mnt testing

This hangs forever
The only way to import that pool from the zvol that I know of.

Mounting ZFS from ZVOLs is blocked for a reason.  It causes deadlocks due to 
lock recursion.  I don't know what you are trying to achieve, but as 
alternatives, the ZVOL can be passed inside VM, it can be shared via iSCSI 
(even inside the host itself), etc.

Alexander Motin

vfs.zfs.vol.recursive hang makes it impossible to mount zvol

2022-11-07 Thread Dan The Man

router:~ # uname -a
FreeBSD router.sunsaturn.com 14.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #1 
main-n259058-105019e0d6c: Sat Nov  5 05:37:28 CDT 2022 
d...@router.sunsaturn.com:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/MYKERNEL amd64

router:~ # zfs create -V30G -o volmode=full zroot/asterisk2
(install a ZFS guest on it and call zroot testing)
router:~ # gpart show /dev/zvol/zroot/asterisk2
=>  40  62914480  zvol/zroot/asterisk2  GPT  (30G)
40532480 1  efi  (260M)
532520  2008- free -  (1.0M)
534528  16777216 2  freebsd-swap  (8.0G)
  17311744  45600768 3  freebsd-zfs  (22G)
  62912512  2008- free -  (1.0M)

router:~ # gdisk -l /dev/zvol/zroot/asterisk2
GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 1.0.9

Partition table scan:
  MBR: protective
  BSD: not present
  APM: not present
  GPT: present

Found valid GPT with protective MBR; using GPT.
Disk /dev/zvol/zroot/asterisk2: 62914560 sectors, 30.0 GiB
Sector size (logical): 512 bytes
Disk identifier (GUID): 8ACD2112-5EBF-11ED-8F56-00A098E3C14E
Partition table holds up to 128 entries
Main partition table begins at sector 2 and ends at sector 33
First usable sector is 40, last usable sector is 62914519
Partitions will be aligned on 8-sector boundaries
Total free space is 4016 sectors (2.0 MiB)

Number  Start (sector)End (sector)  Size   Code  Name
   1  40  532519   260.0 MiB   EF00  efiboot0
   2  53452817311743   8.0 GiB A502  swap0
   31731174462912511   21.7 GiBA504  zfs0
router:~ # zpool import
   pool: testing
 id: 8013833172609421701
  state: UNAVAIL
status: One or more devices are missing from the system.
 action: The pool cannot be imported. Attach the missing
devices and try again.
   see: https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/msg/ZFS-8000-3C

testing   UNAVAIL  insufficient replicas
  zvol/zroot/asterisk2p3  UNAVAIL  cannot open
router:~ # sysctl vfs.zfs.vol.recursive=1
vfs.zfs.vol.recursive: 0 -> 1
router:~ # zpool import
   pool: testing
 id: 8013833172609421701
  state: ONLINE
 action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier.

testing   ONLINE
  zvol/zroot/asterisk2p3  ONLINE
router:~ # zpool import -fR /mnt testing

This hangs forever
The only way to import that pool from the zvol that I know of.....


Dan The Man
CEO & Founder
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com
PGP Key: https://SunSaturn.com/pgp.txt
A1A7 6E84 FB0B 8994 C3B5  A1BA FF6F 4997 7311 C386

Options for production testing under current(samba slow)

2022-11-05 Thread Dan The Man

cd /usr/src/sys/amd64/conf
(add: options BHYVE_SNAPSHOT)
cd /usr/src
make -j12 buildkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL
make installkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL

Been playing with current lately mostly to use bhyve suspend/resume(which 
works fine btw, other than core dumps if I left a cd device in there with 
an ISO etc).

I have noticed on samba I am loosing 100-200MB/s transfer speeds now over 
10gigabit ix0 device, I am wondering if I need more options than



Dan The Man
CEO & Founder
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com
PGP Key: https://SunSaturn.com/pgp.txt
A1A7 6E84 FB0B 8994 C3B5  A1BA FF6F 4997 7311 C386

sysctl kern.ipc.somaxconn limit 65535 why?

2012-01-04 Thread Dan The Man

sunsaturn:~# sysctl -w kern.ipc.somaxconn=20
kern.ipc.somaxconn: 4096
sysctl: kern.ipc.somaxconn: Invalid argument
sunsaturn:~# sysctl -w kern.ipc.somaxconn=65536
kern.ipc.somaxconn: 4096
sysctl: kern.ipc.somaxconn: Invalid argument
sunsaturn:~# sysctl -w kern.ipc.somaxconn=65535
kern.ipc.somaxconn: 4096 - 65535

Trying to stress test a framework here that tosses 100k of connections 
into a listen queue before doing anything, I realize I'll have to use 
multiple local IPs get get around port limitations, but why is this 
backlog using a limit?


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com
freebsd-current@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: sysctl kern.ipc.somaxconn limit 65535 why?

2012-01-04 Thread Dan The Man

On Wed, 4 Jan 2012, Chuck Swiger wrote:

On Jan 4, 2012, at 12:22 PM, Dan The Man wrote:

Trying to stress test a framework here that tosses 100k of connections into a 
listen queue before doing anything, I realize I'll have to use multiple local 
IPs get get around port limitations, but why is this backlog using a limit?

Even a backlog of a 1000 is large compared to the default listen queue size of 
around 50 or 128.  And if you can drain 1000 connections per second, a 65K 
backlog is big enough that plenty of clients (I'm thinking web-browsers here in 
particular) will have given up and maybe retried rather than waiting for 60+ 
seconds just to exchange data.

For web browsers makes sense, but if your coding your own server 
application its only a matter of increasing the read and write timeouts
to fill queue that high and still process them. Of course wouldn't need 
anything that high, but for benchmarking how much can toss in that listen 
queue then write something to socket on each one after connection 
established to see how fast application can finish them all, I think its 

This linux box I have no issues:
cappy:~# /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=20
net.core.somaxconn = 20
cappy:~# sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=2
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 20


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

freebsd-current@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: sysctl kern.ipc.somaxconn limit 65535 why?

2012-01-04 Thread Dan The Man

On Wed, 4 Jan 2012, Chuck Swiger wrote:

On Jan 4, 2012, at 12:44 PM, Dan The Man wrote:

Even a backlog of a 1000 is large compared to the default listen queue size of 
around 50 or 128.  And if you can drain 1000 connections per second, a 65K 
backlog is big enough that plenty of clients (I'm thinking web-browsers here in 
particular) will have given up and maybe retried rather than waiting for 60+ 
seconds just to exchange data.

For web browsers makes sense, but if your coding your own server application 
its only a matter of increasing the read and write timeouts
to fill queue that high and still process them.

Sure, agreed.

Of course wouldn't need anything that high, but for benchmarking how much can 
toss in that listen queue then write something to socket on each one after 
connection established to see how fast application can finish them all, I think 
its relevant.

This linux box I have no issues:
cappy:~# /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=20
net.core.somaxconn = 20
cappy:~# sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=2
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 20

However, I'm not convinced that it is useful to do this.  At some point, you 
are better off timing out and retrying via exponential backoff than you are 
queuing hundreds of thousands of connections in the hopes that they will 
eventually be serviced by something sometime considerably later.

I agree completely, in practical application this makes sense, but why 
should the OS dictate not being able to temporarily set that setting higher in 
order to fully benchmark the application at 100k+ in the listen queue if 
the developer so chooses? I think that alone should be a good reason, to 
make freebsd developer friendly.


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

freebsd-current@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: sysctl kern.ipc.somaxconn limit 65535 why?

2012-01-04 Thread Dan The Man

On Wed, 4 Jan 2012, Dan The Man wrote:

On Wed, 4 Jan 2012, Chuck Swiger wrote:

On Jan 4, 2012, at 12:44 PM, Dan The Man wrote:
Even a backlog of a 1000 is large compared to the default listen queue 
size of around 50 or 128.  And if you can drain 1000 connections per 
second, a 65K backlog is big enough that plenty of clients (I'm thinking 
web-browsers here in particular) will have given up and maybe retried 
rather than waiting for 60+ seconds just to exchange data.

For web browsers makes sense, but if your coding your own server 
application its only a matter of increasing the read and write timeouts

to fill queue that high and still process them.

Sure, agreed.

Of course wouldn't need anything that high, but for benchmarking how much 
can toss in that listen queue then write something to socket on each one 
after connection established to see how fast application can finish them 
all, I think its relevant.

This linux box I have no issues:
cappy:~# /sbin/sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=20
net.core.somaxconn = 20
cappy:~# sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=2
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 20

However, I'm not convinced that it is useful to do this.  At some point, 
you are better off timing out and retrying via exponential backoff than you 
are queuing hundreds of thousands of connections in the hopes that they 
will eventually be serviced by something sometime considerably later.

I agree completely, in practical application this makes sense, but why should 
the OS dictate not being able to temporarily set that setting higher in order 
to fully benchmark the application at 100k+ in the listen queue if the 
developer so chooses? I think that alone should be a good reason, to make 
freebsd developer friendly.

Anyways its not a big deal I can live with a 60k or so benchmark, I just 
really wanted to see how freebsd's kqueue would perform processing that 
many connections right out of the listen queue.


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

freebsd-current@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: sysctl kern.ipc.somaxconn limit 65535 why?

2012-01-04 Thread Dan The Man

On Wed, 4 Jan 2012, Chuck Swiger wrote:

On Jan 4, 2012, at 1:49 PM, Arnaud Lacombe wrote:


On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Chuck Swiger cswi...@mac.com wrote:

On Jan 4, 2012, at 1:03 PM, Dan The Man wrote:

However, I'm not convinced that it is useful to do this.  At some point, you 
are better off timing out and retrying via exponential backoff than you are 
queuing hundreds of thousands of connections in the hopes that they will 
eventually be serviced by something sometime considerably later.

I agree completely, in practical application this makes sense, but why should 
the OS dictate not being able to temporarily set that setting higher in order 
to fully benchmark the application at 100k+ in the listen queue if the 
developer so chooses? I think that alone should be a good reason, to make 
freebsd developer friendly.

The job of the OS is to manage resources on behalf of the users and processes 
using the system.

No. The job of the OS is to service the user with the resource
available, not constrict the user within some arbitrary predefined
wall when there is still plenty of room available. If resource become
scarce, then take action.

It is not arbitrary.  Systems ought to provide sensible limits, which can be adjusted if 
needed and appropriate.  The fact that a system might have 50,000 file descriptors 
globally available does not mean that it would be OK for any random process to consume 
half of them, even if there is still adequate room left for other tasks.  It's common for 
ulimit -n to be set to 256 or 1024.

Sensibly limits means a sensible stock default, not imposing an OS limit 
on what admin/developer can set on his own hardware.

With the new IBM developments underway of 16 core atom 
processors and hundreds of gigabytes of memory, surely a backlog of 100k 
is manageable. Or what about the future of 500 core systems with a 
terrabyte of memory, 100k listen queue could be processed instantly.

Some developers feel that VM means that the system should always claim have more memory available, 
but always saying yes isn't managing resources.  I'd rather have the OS 
return a null pointer and set ENOMEM when someone tries to malloc() more memory than the system 
(including swap, VM overcommit, etc) has, and I expect developers to code well enough to handle 
malloc() failures.

this is merely a policy issue, not yours to impose.

If we're speaking of machines which I administer, it is a policy issue that 
would be mine to impose.
If we're speaking of someone else's machines, then they can set their own 
policies as they please.

Setting the listen queue to an arbitrarily high value isn't useful, and 
developers would be better advised to pay attention to best practices in the 
face of a massive connection backlog.

Stress-testing isn't about best practice. It is about shaking enough
the system to highlight weak point.

Yes.  If the system doesn't handle connectivity problems via something like 
exponential backoff, then the weak point is poor software design and not 
FreeBSD being unwilling to set the socket listen queue to a value in the 
hundreds of thousands.

I think what me and Arnaud are trying to say here, is let freebsd use a 
sensible default value, but let the admin dictate the actual policy if he 
so chooses to change it for stress testing, future proofing or anything 


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com
freebsd-current@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: sysctl kern.ipc.somaxconn limit 65535 why?

2012-01-04 Thread Dan The Man

On Wed, 4 Jan 2012, Dan The Man wrote:

On Wed, 4 Jan 2012, Chuck Swiger wrote:

On Jan 4, 2012, at 1:49 PM, Arnaud Lacombe wrote:


On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Chuck Swiger cswi...@mac.com wrote:

On Jan 4, 2012, at 1:03 PM, Dan The Man wrote:
However, I'm not convinced that it is useful to do this.  At some 
point, you are better off timing out and retrying via exponential 
backoff than you are queuing hundreds of thousands of connections in 
the hopes that they will eventually be serviced by something sometime 
considerably later.

I agree completely, in practical application this makes sense, but why 
should the OS dictate not being able to temporarily set that setting 
higher in order to fully benchmark the application at 100k+ in the 
listen queue if the developer so chooses? I think that alone should be a 
good reason, to make freebsd developer friendly.

The job of the OS is to manage resources on behalf of the users and 
processes using the system.

No. The job of the OS is to service the user with the resource
available, not constrict the user within some arbitrary predefined
wall when there is still plenty of room available. If resource become
scarce, then take action.

It is not arbitrary.  Systems ought to provide sensible limits, which can 
be adjusted if needed and appropriate.  The fact that a system might have 
50,000 file descriptors globally available does not mean that it would be 
OK for any random process to consume half of them, even if there is still 
adequate room left for other tasks.  It's common for ulimit -n to be set 
to 256 or 1024.

Sensibly limits means a sensible stock default, not imposing an OS limit on 
what admin/developer can set on his own hardware.

With the new IBM developments underway of 16 core atom processors and 
hundreds of gigabytes of memory, surely a backlog of 100k is manageable. Or 
what about the future of 500 core systems with a terrabyte of memory, 100k 
listen queue could be processed instantly.

Some developers feel that VM means that the system should always claim 
have more memory available, but always saying yes isn't managing 
resources.  I'd rather have the OS return a null pointer and set ENOMEM 
when someone tries to malloc() more memory than the system (including 
swap, VM overcommit, etc) has, and I expect developers to code well 
enough to handle malloc() failures.

this is merely a policy issue, not yours to impose.

If we're speaking of machines which I administer, it is a policy issue that 
would be mine to impose.
If we're speaking of someone else's machines, then they can set their own 
policies as they please.

Setting the listen queue to an arbitrarily high value isn't useful, and 
developers would be better advised to pay attention to best practices in 
the face of a massive connection backlog.

Stress-testing isn't about best practice. It is about shaking enough
the system to highlight weak point.

Yes.  If the system doesn't handle connectivity problems via something like 
exponential backoff, then the weak point is poor software design and not 
FreeBSD being unwilling to set the socket listen queue to a value in the 
hundreds of thousands.

I think what me and Arnaud are trying to say here, is let freebsd use a 
sensible default value, but let the admin dictate the actual policy if he so 
chooses to change it for stress testing, future proofing or anything else.

How about a sensible solution? I think everyone has been making valid 
points here, about sensible limits for all programs on system and per 
application limit changes.

How about changing the hard limit high, and an application can make the 
soft limit higher as it sees fit, its a win win, like ulimit does with 
openfiles and such.


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

freebsd-current@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to freebsd-current-unsubscr...@freebsd.org

Re: sysctl kern.ipc.somaxconn limit 65535 why?

2012-01-04 Thread Dan The Man

On Wed, 4 Jan 2012, Chuck Swiger wrote:


On Jan 4, 2012, at 2:23 PM, Dan The Man wrote:

It is not arbitrary.  Systems ought to provide sensible limits, which can be adjusted if 
needed and appropriate.  The fact that a system might have 50,000 file descriptors 
globally available does not mean that it would be OK for any random process to consume 
half of them, even if there is still adequate room left for other tasks.  It's common for 
ulimit -n to be set to 256 or 1024.

Sensibly limits means a sensible stock default, not imposing an OS limit on 
what admin/developer can set on his own hardware.

In point of fact, protocols like TCP/IP impose limits on what is possible.  It is in fact the job 
of the OS to say no when a developer asks for a TTL of a million via setsockopt(), 
because RFC-791 limits the maximum value of the time to live field to 255.

With the new IBM developments underway of 16 core atom processors and hundreds 
of gigabytes of memory, surely a backlog of 100k is manageable. Or what about 
the future of 500 core systems with a terrabyte of memory, 100k listen queue 
could be processed instantly.

Um.  I gather you don't have much background in operating system design or 
massively parallelized systems?

Due to locking constraints imposed by whatever synchronization mechanism and 
communications topology is employed between cores, you simply cannot just add more 
processors to a system and expect it to go faster in a linear fashion.  Having 500 cores 
contending over a single queue is almost certain to result in horrible performance.  Even 
though the problem of a bunch of independent requests is embarrassingly 
parallelizeable, you do that by partitioning the queue into multiple pieces that 
are fed to different groups or pools of processors to minimize contention over a single 
data structure.

I guess your calling me out to talk about what I'm doing based on that 

First framework I was working on a few weeks back just had a parent 
bind socket, then spawn a certain amount of children to do the accept on 
the socket, so parent could just focus on dealing with SIGCHLD and what 
not. I had issues with this design for some reason, all the sockets were 
set to non-blocking etc, and using kqueue to monitor the socket, but 
randomly I would have a 1-2 second delay at times from a child doing an accept, I was horrified 
and changed design quickly.

New design, parent does all the accepts and passes blocking work to 
children via socketpairs it created when forking. Now you talk about 
scaling on multiple cores, well each child could have its own core to do 
its blocking I/O on and each have its own processor time, which isn't 
parallism , but I never said it was doing that.

The better part of this design is you have 1 process 
utilizing a processor efficiently instead of paging the system with 
useless processes. Also could could have other machines connect in to 
parent and it could do same thing it does with children via a socket, so 
in my opinion its more scalable and can centralize everything in one spot.
Obviously some cons to this design, you are passing data via socket pairs 
instead of child writing directly to client.

To stress test this new design I simply wrote an asycronouse client 
counterpart to create 100k of connections to parents listen queue, then it 
would go off writing to each socket, of course soon as I reached 60k or so 
client would get numerous failures due to OS limits. So my intention was 
to see how long it would take children to process request and send 
response back to client, starting from listen queue with 100k of fd's 
ready to go I thought would have been really nice test not only for 
testing applications speed but also testing cpu usage, I/O usage etc with 
parent processing a client trying to talk to it 100k times at once to 
really see how kqueue does.

Without being able to increase simple limits like these how ever going to 
find where we can burn down the system and make it outperform epoll() one 

What it so bad to see how many fd's I could toss at kqueue before it 
croaked? @60k was still handling like a champ with about 50 children 
getting handed work in my tests.

Yes.  If the system doesn't handle connectivity problems via something like 
exponential backoff, then the weak point is poor software design and not 
FreeBSD being unwilling to set the socket listen queue to a value in the 
hundreds of thousands.

I think what me and Arnaud are trying to say here, is let freebsd use a 
sensible default value, but let the admin dictate the actual policy if he so 
chooses to change it for stress testing, future proofing or anything else.

FreeBSD does provide a sensible default value for the listen queue size.  It's 
tunable to a factor of about 1000 times larger, and is a value which is 
sufficiently large to hold a backlog of several minutes worth of connections, 
assuming you can process the requests

jexec -h hostname option

2011-12-22 Thread Dan The Man

jexec(8) now supports -h hostname option to specify the jail where the 
command will be executed.

When was this added? I don't see it functioning:

sunsaturn:~# jexec -h
jexec: illegal option -- h
usage: jexec [-u username | -U username] jail command ...
sunsaturn:~# uname -a
FreeBSD sunsaturn.com 9.0-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 9.0-PRERELEASE #0: Sun Dec 11 
19:20:46 CST 2011 dr...@sunsaturn.com:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MYKERNEL 



Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
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Re: jexec -h hostname option

2011-12-22 Thread Dan The Man

On Thu, 22 Dec 2011, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:

On 22. Dec 2011, at 14:03 , Dan The Man wrote:

jexec(8) now supports -h hostname option to specify the jail where the command 
will be executed.

Oh wow.  That's all but current.

When was this added? I don't see it functioning:

3 years 6 months ago and it was shortly afterwards removed again as neither
a) the hostname not b) the ip addresses needed to be unique anymore with
multi-IP jails (a) not even before that).  The suggested replacement was
-n to name the jails yourself.  I think the uniqueness limit has since been
removed on that as well but the option has stayed and by default is the
jail ID these days and it's name=.. in the modern syntax.


Bjoern A. Zeeb You have to have visions!
Stop bit received. Insert coin for new address family.

Yeah, seems problematic, from what I have seen so far everytime you stop 
and restart the jail it gets a different jail ID, which would make it 
difficult to cron anything to execute in the jail. I can't seem to get 
jexec to take anything but jail id.

Came up with a temporary type solution assuming you have only 1 jail:
JAILID=`/usr/sbin/jls -n name|cut -d '=' -f 2`; /usr/sbin/jexec $JAILID 

I can see this being problematic for a long term/portable solution.


Dan The Man
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pf.conf + IPV6 to IPV4 port rdr

2011-12-01 Thread Dan The Man

pfctl -v -s nat

rdr inet6 proto tcp from any to 2001:49f0:4004::/48 port = 9191 - 
  [ Evaluations: 512   Packets: 3 Bytes: 228 States: 1 

  [ Inserted: uid 0 pid 80940 State Creations: 2 ]

I can see here that after i tried on another host to telnet to
2001:49f0:4004::2 9191 , that a state was in fact created for the rdr,
but it doesn't appear to be actually forwarding:

My rule:

rdr inet6 proto tcp to 2001:49f0:4004::/48 port 9191 - :::

Am I missing something here? I have checked on ipv6 forwarding and 
redirects set to 1, net.inet6.ip6.v6only=0 to allow the mapping...
I can even telnet to ::: 9191 from any host yet it will 
not forward the 2001:49f0:4004:: addresses, and yes inet6 is allowing the 
port to pass, so this makes no sense to me


Dan The Man
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rc.conf changes IPV6

2011-11-21 Thread Dan The Man

I notice we have changed way IPV6 is done in rc.conf now.
I assume someone will update:

My question now concerns aliases, and what the norm will end up being.
Here is example below:
Here we have the new layout with IPV6, the below works fine, however since
the ifconfig lines for IPV4 and IPV6 are essentially the same other than 
the actual inet and inet6, will it be ok to start with alias0 for both 
IPV4 and IPV6, or should I in this example be starting at alias4 for IPV6?

I would like idea to keep it way it is each protocal starting at alias0.

ifconfig_em1=inet netmask
ifconfig_em1_alias0=inet netmask
ifconfig_em1_alias1=inet netmask
ifconfig_em1_alias2=inet netmask
ifconfig_em1_alias3=inet netmask

ifconfig_em1_ipv6=inet6 2001:49f0:4004:::::0002 prefixlen 
ifconfig_em1_alias0=inet6 2001:49f0:4004:::::0003 
prefixlen 48
ifconfig_em1_alias1=inet6 2001:49f0:4004:::::0004 
prefixlen 48


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
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Re: rc.conf changes IPV6

2011-11-21 Thread Dan The Man

On Mon, 21 Nov 2011, Stefan Bethke wrote:

Am 21.11.2011 um 20:25 schrieb Dan The Man:

I notice we have changed way IPV6 is done in rc.conf now.
I assume someone will update:

My question now concerns aliases, and what the norm will end up being.
Here is example below:
Here we have the new layout with IPV6, the below works fine, however since
the ifconfig lines for IPV4 and IPV6 are essentially the same other than the actual 
inet and inet6, will it be ok to start with alias0 for both IPV4 and IPV6, 
or should I in this example be starting at alias4 for IPV6?
I would like idea to keep it way it is each protocal starting at alias0.

ifconfig_em1=inet netmask
ifconfig_em1_alias0=inet netmask
ifconfig_em1_alias1=inet netmask
ifconfig_em1_alias2=inet netmask
ifconfig_em1_alias3=inet netmask

ifconfig_em1_ipv6=inet6 2001:49f0:4004:::::0002 prefixlen 48
ifconfig_em1_alias0=inet6 2001:49f0:4004:::::0003 prefixlen 48
ifconfig_em1_alias1=inet6 2001:49f0:4004:::::0004 prefixlen 48

Remember that rc.conf follows shell syntax and sematics, so the second _alias0 
and _alias1 will overwrite the previous ones.

In 9.0 you can use the ipv4_addrs_ifname variable to set both the IPv4 main address 
as well as alias addresses, see rc.conf(5).  There doesn't seem to be an equivalent IPv6 
option, as best as I can tell.


Stefan Bethke s...@lassitu.de   Fon +49 151 14070811

You would assume so Stefan, that the duplicate alias0 would overwrite, but 
it seems since ifconfig separates the namespace for IPV4/IPV6 it actually 

Which is good news I would assume, as I have time to time added a new IPV4 
alias, and would have forgotten to update IPV6 alias numbers many times 
unless I revise my config to put ipv4 and ipv6 aliases together in rc.conf 
instead of separating the protocals in there.

I looked at man page, thats a very nice config option ipv4_addrs_ifname, 
I agree it would be nice to have an IPV6 equivalent considering how big 
the IPV6 range is.


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

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Re: rc.conf changes IPV6

2011-11-21 Thread Dan The Man

Good point, I did switch to new config, let me find a box I can take down 
and I'll report back. I assume you'd be right considering how shell 
scripting works, that would not make much sense...


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

On Mon, 21 Nov 2011, Doug Barton wrote:

On 11/21/2011 17:39, Dan The Man wrote:

On Mon, 21 Nov 2011, Stefan Bethke wrote:

Am 21.11.2011 um 20:25 schrieb Dan The Man:

I notice we have changed way IPV6 is done in rc.conf now.
I assume someone will update:

My question now concerns aliases, and what the norm will end up being.
Here is example below:
Here we have the new layout with IPV6, the below works fine, however
the ifconfig lines for IPV4 and IPV6 are essentially the same other
than the actual inet and inet6, will it be ok to start with
alias0 for both IPV4 and IPV6, or should I in this example be
starting at alias4 for IPV6?
I would like idea to keep it way it is each protocal starting at alias0.

ifconfig_em1=inet netmask
ifconfig_em1_alias0=inet netmask
ifconfig_em1_alias1=inet netmask
ifconfig_em1_alias2=inet netmask
ifconfig_em1_alias3=inet netmask

ifconfig_em1_ipv6=inet6 2001:49f0:4004:::::0002
prefixlen 48
ifconfig_em1_alias0=inet6 2001:49f0:4004:::::0003
prefixlen 48
ifconfig_em1_alias1=inet6 2001:49f0:4004:::::0004
prefixlen 48

Remember that rc.conf follows shell syntax and sematics, so the second
_alias0 and _alias1 will overwrite the previous ones.

In 9.0 you can use the ipv4_addrs_ifname variable to set both the
IPv4 main address as well as alias addresses, see rc.conf(5).
There doesn't seem to be an equivalent IPv6 option, as best as I can

You would assume so Stefan, that the duplicate alias0 would overwrite,
but it seems since ifconfig separates the namespace for IPV4/IPV6 it
actually works.

I don't see how that could possibly be true, how have you tested it?



We could put the whole Internet into a book.
Too practical.

Breadth of IT experience, and depth of knowledge in the DNS.
Yours for the right price.  :)  http://SupersetSolutions.com/

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Re: rc.conf changes IPV6

2011-11-21 Thread Dan The Man

Your right Doug, didn't bother taking box down after changing to new 
format, it works as expected, ignoring duplicate aliases regardless of 

I've regrouped my configs into interfaces instead of protocals now for the 
change so ipv4/6 aliases can be seen together without making mistakes.

Definately would be nice to see ipv6_addrs_ifname added.


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

On Mon, 21 Nov 2011, Dan The Man wrote:

Good point, I did switch to new config, let me find a box I can take down and 
I'll report back. I assume you'd be right considering how shell scripting 
works, that would not make much sense...


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

On Mon, 21 Nov 2011, Doug Barton wrote:

On 11/21/2011 17:39, Dan The Man wrote:

On Mon, 21 Nov 2011, Stefan Bethke wrote:

Am 21.11.2011 um 20:25 schrieb Dan The Man:

I notice we have changed way IPV6 is done in rc.conf now.
I assume someone will update:

My question now concerns aliases, and what the norm will end up being.
Here is example below:
Here we have the new layout with IPV6, the below works fine, however
the ifconfig lines for IPV4 and IPV6 are essentially the same other
than the actual inet and inet6, will it be ok to start with
alias0 for both IPV4 and IPV6, or should I in this example be
starting at alias4 for IPV6?
I would like idea to keep it way it is each protocal starting at alias0.

ifconfig_em1=inet netmask
ifconfig_em1_alias0=inet netmask
ifconfig_em1_alias1=inet netmask
ifconfig_em1_alias2=inet netmask
ifconfig_em1_alias3=inet netmask

ifconfig_em1_ipv6=inet6 2001:49f0:4004:::::0002
prefixlen 48
ifconfig_em1_alias0=inet6 2001:49f0:4004:::::0003
prefixlen 48
ifconfig_em1_alias1=inet6 2001:49f0:4004:::::0004
prefixlen 48

Remember that rc.conf follows shell syntax and sematics, so the second
_alias0 and _alias1 will overwrite the previous ones.

In 9.0 you can use the ipv4_addrs_ifname variable to set both the
IPv4 main address as well as alias addresses, see rc.conf(5).
There doesn't seem to be an equivalent IPv6 option, as best as I can

You would assume so Stefan, that the duplicate alias0 would overwrite,
but it seems since ifconfig separates the namespace for IPV4/IPV6 it
actually works.

I don't see how that could possibly be true, how have you tested it?



We could put the whole Internet into a book.
Too practical.

Breadth of IT experience, and depth of knowledge in the DNS.
Yours for the right price.  :)  http://SupersetSolutions.com/

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spamcop abuse of power

2011-11-17 Thread Dan The Man

Today I had an unhappy unix student try to submit an assignment to me and 
could not. Spamcop has decided to go off blacklisting all yahoo/shaw etc 
servers worldwide.

Example Solution Postfix:
remove: reject_rbl_client bl.spamcop.net
from your smtpd_recipient_restrictions line until they fix their abuse 


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com
freebsd-current@freebsd.org mailing list
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NFSV4 readlink_stat

2011-11-14 Thread Dan The Man
rsync: readlink_stat(/asterisk/public/mp3/Kass Tunes/Z Too Small to 
Seperate/Z Favorite WMA - Songs/Heavy Metal/Motely Crue/M\#366tley 
Cr\#374e - Live Wire [Kick Ass '91 Remix].wma) failed: Invalid argument 
rsync: readlink_stat(/asterisk/public/mp3/Kass Tunes/Z Too Small to 
Seperate/Z Favorite WMA - Songs/Heavy Metal/Motely Crue/M\#366tley 
Cr\#374e - Black Widow.wma) failed: Invalid argument (22)
rsync: readlink_stat(/asterisk/public/mp3/Kass Tunes/Z Too Small to 
Seperate/Z Favorite WMA - Songs/Heavy Metal/Motely Crue/M\#366tley 
Cr\#374e - Rock 'N' Roll Junkie.wma) failed: Invalid argument (22)
rsync: readlink_stat(/asterisk/public/mp3/Kass Tunes/Z Too Small to 
Seperate/Z Favorite WMA - Songs/Heavy Metal/Motely Crue/Motley\#240Crue - 
Loveshine.wma) failed: Invalid argument (22)
rsync: readlink_stat(/asterisk/public/mp3/Kass Tunes/Z Too Small to 
Seperate/Z Favorite WMA - Songs/Heavy Metal/Motely Crue/M\#366tley 
Cr\#374e - Dragstrip Superstar.wma) failed: Invalid argument (22)
rsync: readlink_stat(/asterisk/public/mp3/Kass Tunes/Z Too Small to 
Seperate/Z Favorite WMA - Songs/Heavy Metal/Motely Crue/M\#366tley 
Cr\#374e - Hammered - 07.wma) failed: Invalid argument (22)
rsync: readlink_stat(/asterisk/public/mp3/Kass Tunes/Z Too Small to 
Seperate/Z Favorite WMA - Songs/Heavy Metal/Motely Crue/M\#366tley 
Cr\#374e - Poison Apples.wma) failed: Invalid argument (22)
rsync: readlink_stat(/asterisk/public/mp3/Kass Tunes/Z Too Small to 
Seperate/Z Favorite WMA - Songs/Heavy Metal/Motely Crue/M\#366tley 
Cr\#374e - Afraid.wma) failed: Invalid argument (22)
rsync: readlink_stat(/asterisk/public/mp3/Kass Tunes/Z Too Small to 
Seperate/Z Favorite WMA - Songs/Heavy Metal/Motely Crue/M\#366tley 
Cr\#374e - Kiss the Sky.wma) failed: Invalid argument (22)
rsync: readlink_stat(/asterisk/public/mp3/Kass Tunes/Z Too Small to 
Seperate/Z Favorite WMA - Songs/Heavy Metal/Motely Crue/M\#366tley 
Cr\#374e - Glitter - Generation Swine - 07.wma) failed: Invalid argument 
rsync: readlink_stat(/asterisk/public/mp3/Kass Tunes/Z Too Small to 
Seperate/Z Favorite WMA - Songs/Original Soundtrack/Various 
Artists/Various Artists/Pure Dance 1998/U2 Discoth\#350que [DM Radio Mix] 
07 Pure Dance 1998 Rock.mp3) failed: Invalid argument (22)
rsync: readlink_stat(/asterisk/public/mp3/Kass Tunes/Z Too Small to 
Seperate/Z Favorite WMA - Songs/Original Soundtrack/Various 
Artists/Various Artists/Pure Dance 1998/Tony! Toni! Ton\#351! Let's Get 
Down [Fitch Bros. Club Radio Edit] 06 Pure Dance 1998 Rock.mp3) failed: 
Invalid argument (22)
rsync: readlink_stat(/asterisk/public/mp3/Kass Tunes/Z Too Small to 
Seperate/Z Favorite WMA - Songs/Rock n 
Roll/Q-S/Q/Queensryche/Queensr\#377che - Best I Can - 01.wma) failed: 
Invalid argument (22)


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com
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Re: samba+zfs

2011-11-14 Thread Dan The Man

Running tcpdump to trace what samba is doing so maybe someone can give 
some insight, lan interface is sk0.

02:52:34.347357 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 56121, offset 0, flags [none], 
proto TCP (6), length 1500)
asterisk.microsoft-ds  desktop.58858: Flags [.], cksum 0x5e3f 
(correct), seq 105687574:105689034, ack 63894978, win 256, length 
1460SMB-over-TCP packet:(raw data or continuation?)

02:52:34.347361 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 56122, offset 0, flags [none], 
proto TCP (6), length 1500)
asterisk.microsoft-ds  desktop.58858: Flags [.], cksum 0xbe99 
(correct), seq 105689034:105690494, ack 63894978, win 256, length 
1460SMB-over-TCP packet:(raw data or continuation?)

02:52:34.347365 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 56123, offset 0, flags [none], 
proto TCP (6), length 1500)
asterisk.microsoft-ds  desktop.58858: Flags [.], cksum 0x0b31 
(correct), seq 105690494:105691954, ack 63894978, win 256, length 
1460SMB-over-TCP packet:(raw data or continuation?)

02:52:34.347369 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 56124, offset 0, flags [none], 
proto TCP (6), length 1500)
asterisk.microsoft-ds  desktop.58858: Flags [.], cksum 0xaee6 
(correct), seq 105691954:105693414, ack 63894978, win 256, length 
1460SMB-over-TCP packet:(raw data or continuation?)

02:52:34.347372 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 56125, offset 0, flags [none], 
proto TCP (6), length 1500)
asterisk.microsoft-ds  desktop.58858: Flags [.], cksum 0xcff5 
(correct), seq 105693414:105694874, ack 63894978, win 256, length 
1460SMB-over-TCP packet:(raw data or continuation?)

02:52:34.347376 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 56126, offset 0, flags [none], 
proto TCP (6), length 1500)
asterisk.microsoft-ds  desktop.58858: Flags [.], cksum 0xd893 
(correct), seq 105694874:105696334, ack 63894978, win 256, length 
1460SMB-over-TCP packet:(raw data or continuation?)

We get a ton of these, my mapped samba drive on Z: becomes nearly 
unresponsive after i start transferring things through it, yet I can jump 
on Y: drive which is NFS mount to same interface on machine and everything 
is fine and responsive


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

On Sat, 12 Nov 2011, Dan The Man wrote:

Well been running a week now and problems again. 3 3 terrabyte drives are 
@85% with compression enabled, i have to wonder if that is part of the 


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

On Wed, 9 Nov 2011, Kurt Touet wrote:

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 1:07 AM, Daniel O'Connor docon...@gsoft.com.au 

On 09/11/2011, at 17:32, Garrett Cooper wrote
dd's of large files (spooled backups going to tape) to /dev/null are as 
slow as Samba.

   - Dedupe?


   - Compression?

On the mail spool  ports, but not on the tape spool.

   - How much RAM?


   - What debug options do you have enabled in the kernel?

It is 8.2-GENERIC so.. no WITNESS (for example)

   I've been noticing a slowdown in some respects with NFS/SMB, but I
suspected it was because I have an re(4) based NIC. ZFS has also wired
down a lot of my system memory for the L2ARC…

re isn't great but I wouldn't expect it to slow down over time.. Unless 
bounce buffers got used more and more or something.

I have an em0 card in this system - but in any case it is slow locally 
(i.e. dd a large file with 64k block size).

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from.
 -- Andrew Tanenbaum
GPG Fingerprint - 5596 B766 97C0 0E94 4347 295E E593 DC20 7B3F CE8C

Right now (while experience slow writes via samba+zfs) this is general
read speed off a 4 x 1.5TB sata2 raidz1:

# dd if=test.file of=/dev/null
13753502+1 records in
13753502+1 records out
7041793036 bytes transferred in 100.020897 secs (70403218 bytes/sec)

That's not in the same ball park of slow writes, but it is below what
I expect for reads.

My setup is a little odd:  4x1.5tb raidz sata2 on mobo + 2 x 2tb
mirror on sata1 pci controller, zfs v28, stable/9 r227357, amd x4 810
2.6ghz, 4gb ram, no dedupe, no compression, daily snapshots saved for
7 days

The above file read was stored before the 2 x 2tb mirror addition, so
it was a solely read off the sata2 mobo ports.   Reading off of
something more recent (and split amongst both raidz1 and mirror

# dd if=test2.file of=/dev/null
9154715+1 records in
9154715+1 records out
4687214153 bytes transferred in 82.963181 secs (56497522 bytes/sec)

This is, again, seems slower than usual, but not as terrible as the
write speeds that I've been seeing via samba.
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Re: samba+zfs

2011-11-14 Thread Dan The Man
(0x7fffd170,0x2,0x7fffd18c,0x7fffd180,0x0,0x0) = 0 

It actually seems to be running some timed event smbd_idle literally 
holding up process for many seconds all the time


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

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Re: samba+zfs

2011-11-12 Thread Dan The Man

Well been running a week now and problems again. 3 3 terrabyte drives are 
@85% with compression enabled, i have to wonder if that is part of the 


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

On Wed, 9 Nov 2011, Kurt Touet wrote:

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 1:07 AM, Daniel O'Connor docon...@gsoft.com.au wrote:

On 09/11/2011, at 17:32, Garrett Cooper wrote

dd's of large files (spooled backups going to tape) to /dev/null are as slow as 

   - Dedupe?


   - Compression?

On the mail spool  ports, but not on the tape spool.

   - How much RAM?


   - What debug options do you have enabled in the kernel?

It is 8.2-GENERIC so.. no WITNESS (for example)

   I've been noticing a slowdown in some respects with NFS/SMB, but I
suspected it was because I have an re(4) based NIC. ZFS has also wired
down a lot of my system memory for the L2ARC…

re isn't great but I wouldn't expect it to slow down over time.. Unless bounce 
buffers got used more and more or something.

I have an em0 card in this system - but in any case it is slow locally (i.e. dd 
a large file with 64k block size).

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from.
 -- Andrew Tanenbaum
GPG Fingerprint - 5596 B766 97C0 0E94 4347 295E E593 DC20 7B3F CE8C

Right now (while experience slow writes via samba+zfs) this is general
read speed off a 4 x 1.5TB sata2 raidz1:

# dd if=test.file of=/dev/null
13753502+1 records in
13753502+1 records out
7041793036 bytes transferred in 100.020897 secs (70403218 bytes/sec)

That's not in the same ball park of slow writes, but it is below what
I expect for reads.

My setup is a little odd:  4x1.5tb raidz sata2 on mobo + 2 x 2tb
mirror on sata1 pci controller, zfs v28, stable/9 r227357, amd x4 810
2.6ghz, 4gb ram, no dedupe, no compression, daily snapshots saved for
7 days

The above file read was stored before the 2 x 2tb mirror addition, so
it was a solely read off the sata2 mobo ports.   Reading off of
something more recent (and split amongst both raidz1 and mirror

# dd if=test2.file of=/dev/null
9154715+1 records in
9154715+1 records out
4687214153 bytes transferred in 82.963181 secs (56497522 bytes/sec)

This is, again, seems slower than usual, but not as terrible as the
write speeds that I've been seeing via samba.
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Re: samba+zfs

2011-11-08 Thread Dan The Man
 on this


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

On Fri, 28 Oct 2011, Garrett Cooper wrote:

On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 6:42 PM, Dan d...@sunsaturn.com wrote:

Updated from 9.0 beta3 to RC1 and using mkvmerge over samba/zfs
its taking over an hour to just mux in things like DTS english, where it was
15 minutes on beta3.

Hi Dan,
- Can you do more deterministic / scientific benchmarks?
- Did you upgrade Samba?
- What is your system's operating hardware profile?

freebsd-current@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to freebsd-current-unsubscr...@freebsd.org

Re: samba+zfs

2011-11-08 Thread Dan The Man

Sorry I meant it was running fine on beta3 and 8.2 stable, and NOT RC1:
asterisk:~# uname -a
FreeBSD asterisk.sunsaturn.com 9.0-RC1 FreeBSD 9.0-RC1 #0: Mon Oct 31 
19:46:53 CDT 2011 
dr...@asterisk.sunsaturn.com:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MYKERNEL  amd64



Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

On Tue, 8 Nov 2011, Dan The Man wrote:

Ok here is some specs: this been running fine on 8.2 stable and i was sure it 
was running fine on RC1 as well. I did some testing against samba 34 35 and 
36 in the ports collection all with the same slow write problems.

I did further testing mounting drive in question with NFS and it did not 
suffer the same problem, so it seems just samba related here, where samba 
would actually outperform my NFS mount before, now its taking 10x as long

to write anything.

This is really most simplistic setup I have, all I want to do is map a 
network drive at the house read/write so my laptop, desktop etc all have 
access to it. I have played with all the smb.conf options, and can't seem
to find where the issue is, further research suggests others are experiencing 
same problems with beta3 from following forum post:


Hardware this is running on: I beleive a 4 year old amd chip and board, with 
2 gigs of ram, this is a home PC that serves as a NAS, it has 1 SSD as UFS 
boot OS filesystem, and uses ZFS in raid0 with 3 3terrabyte cheap hitachi 
drives for my storage space,which is mirrored nightly with rsync with another 
duplicate machine(cause I know someone is going to say why not use 

Network specs: machine currently has dedicated IPV4 and gif0 tunneled IPV6 
addresses to he.net.

I've played with nearly every option in smb.conf disabling, enabling etc and 
can't seem to find the issue: here are my current config file settings on 
machine that could apply to samba:

asterisk:~# cat /boot/loader.conf


asterisk:~# cat /usr/local/etc/smb.conf
# Global parameters
   workgroup = HOME
   netbios name = ASTERISK
   server string = Primary backups
   interfaces = sk0
   #smb ports = 139
   #security = USER
   security = SHARE
   encrypt passwords = Yes
   #socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=65536 SO_SNDBUF=65536
   domain master = no
   wins support = yes
   guest account = root
   socket options=SO_RCVBUF=131072 SO_SNDBUF=131072 TCP_NODELAY
   use sendfile = no
   level2 oplocks = True
   read raw = no
   write cache size = 262144
   min receivefile size = 16384
   aio read size = 16384
   aio write size = 16384
   aio write behind = yes
   dns proxy = no
   max log size = 50
   #log file = /dev/null
   log file = /var/log/samba.log
   debug level = 1
   syslog = 0

   comment = Primary backups
   path = /data/public
   read only = No
   guest ok = Yes
   valid users = root
asterisk:~# asterisk:~# cat /etc/sysctl.conf
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/sysctl.conf,v 2009/08/03 08:13:06 kensmith Exp $
#  This file is read when going to multi-user and its contents piped thru
#  ``sysctl'' to adjust kernel values.  ``man 5 sysctl.conf'' for details.

# Uncomment this to prevent users from seeing information about processes 

# are being run under another UID.

#raise file descriptors on the system

#raise sockets we can accept


#NGINX webserver http://wiki.nginx.org/FreeBSDOptimizations
#also add following to /boot/loader.conf

#default setting of net.inet.ip.portrange.first is to low, causing us 
problems with bind


#DOS protection

#some stuff for samba

Proftpd + Freebsd 9 + mod_mysql

2011-11-08 Thread Dan The Man

Not sure if anyone else is having problem with proftpd on freebsd 9,
but here is a patch to stop it terminating, should be included in next 
release, courtesy of TJ saunders working with me on it.


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

Description: Binary data
freebsd-current@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to freebsd-current-unsubscr...@freebsd.org

/etc/group chkgrp invalid character @

2011-11-08 Thread Dan The Man

With libnss-mysql we are able to login using email addresses etc.

In the daily cron Daily run output email always get the following:

Verifying group file syntax:
chkgrp: /etc/group: line 3: '@' invalid character

Could we modify system to support email addresses as usernames. From my 
testing it 
works fine, even with Daily run output complaining I can still su to 
user i added in wheel group. We'd need to fix ckkgrp source,

adduser source, and making move to:
#define MAXLOGNAME 256   in /usr/src/sys/sys/param.h

I beleive OS's like macOSX etc when I read over their source is already 
setting this to 256.

I beleive param.h is only place need to define this, in 8.2 and previous
UT_NAMESIZE needed to be set in /usr/src/include/utmp.h as 255 and
/usr/src/sys/sys/param.h needed MAXLOGNAME set to UT_NAMESIZE+1, but seems 
we did away with utmp.h in freebsd 9.0 only needing to set param.h now.


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

On Tue, 8 Nov 2011, Kurt Touet wrote:

On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 3:32 AM, Dan The Man d...@sunsaturn.com wrote:

Sorry I meant it was running fine on beta3 and 8.2 stable, and NOT RC1:
asterisk:~# uname -a
FreeBSD asterisk.sunsaturn.com 9.0-RC1 FreeBSD 9.0-RC1 #0: Mon Oct 31
19:46:53 CDT 2011 dr...@asterisk.sunsaturn.com:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MYKERNEL


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

On Tue, 8 Nov 2011, Dan The Man wrote:

Ok here is some specs: this been running fine on 8.2 stable and i was sure
it was running fine on RC1 as well. I did some testing against samba 34 35
and 36 in the ports collection all with the same slow write problems.

I did further testing mounting drive in question with NFS and it did not
suffer the same problem, so it seems just samba related here, where samba
would actually outperform my NFS mount before, now its taking 10x as long
to write anything.

This is really most simplistic setup I have, all I want to do is map a
network drive at the house read/write so my laptop, desktop etc all have
access to it. I have played with all the smb.conf options, and can't seem
to find where the issue is, further research suggests others are
experiencing same problems with beta3 from following forum post:


Hardware this is running on: I beleive a 4 year old amd chip and board,
with 2 gigs of ram, this is a home PC that serves as a NAS, it has 1 SSD as
UFS boot OS filesystem, and uses ZFS in raid0 with 3 3terrabyte cheap
hitachi drives for my storage space,which is mirrored nightly with rsync
with another duplicate machine(cause I know someone is going to say why not
use raid5-raidz)

Network specs: machine currently has dedicated IPV4 and gif0 tunneled IPV6
addresses to he.net.

I've played with nearly every option in smb.conf disabling, enabling etc
and can't seem to find the issue: here are my current config file settings
on machine that could apply to samba:

asterisk:~# cat /boot/loader.conf


asterisk:~# cat /usr/local/etc/smb.conf
# Global parameters
      workgroup = HOME
      netbios name = ASTERISK
      server string = Primary backups
      interfaces = sk0
      #smb ports = 139
      #security = USER
      security = SHARE
      encrypt passwords = Yes
      #socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=65536 SO_SNDBUF=65536
      domain master = no
      wins support = yes
      guest account = root
      socket options=SO_RCVBUF=131072 SO_SNDBUF=131072 TCP_NODELAY
      use sendfile = no
      level2 oplocks = True
      read raw = no
      write cache size = 262144
      min receivefile size = 16384
      aio read size = 16384
      aio write size = 16384
      aio write behind = yes
      dns proxy = no
      max log size = 50
      #log file = /dev/null
      log file = /var/log/samba.log
      debug level = 1
      syslog = 0

      comment = Primary backups
      path = /data/public
      read only = No
      guest ok = Yes
      valid users = root
asterisk:~# asterisk:~# cat /etc/sysctl.conf
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/sysctl.conf,v 2009/08/03 08:13:06 kensmith
Exp $
#  This file is read when going to multi-user and its contents piped thru
#  ``sysctl'' to adjust kernel values.  ``man 5 sysctl.conf'' for details.

# Uncomment this to prevent users from seeing information about processes
# are being run under another UID.

#raise file descriptors on the system

Re: /etc/group chkgrp invalid character @

2011-11-08 Thread Dan The Man

Understood, will resubmit, I didn't think of the email headers.



Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

On Tue, 8 Nov 2011, Doug Barton wrote:

If you want to start a new thread please don't reply to an old one and
change the subject line, please create a whole new message instead. That
way those of us who read our mail threaded won't miss your new topic
because it is hidden under an old one.


We could put the whole Internet into a book.
Too practical.

Breadth of IT experience, and depth of knowledge in the DNS.
Yours for the right price.  :)  http://SupersetSolutions.com/

freebsd-current@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to freebsd-current-unsubscr...@freebsd.org

MAXLOGNAME + /etc/group + chkgrp invalid character @

2011-11-08 Thread Dan The Man

With libnss-mysql we are able to login using email addresses etc.

In the daily cron Daily run output email always get the following:

Verifying group file syntax:
chkgrp: /etc/group: line 3: '@' invalid character

Could we modify system to support email addresses as usernames. From my 
testing it works fine, even with Daily run output complaining I can 
still su to user i added in wheel group.

We'd need to fix ckkgrp source,
adduser source, and making move to:
#define MAXLOGNAME 256   in /usr/src/sys/sys/param.h

I beleive OS's like macOSX etc when I read over their source is already 
setting this to 256.

I beleive param.h is only place need to define this, in 8.2 and previous
UT_NAMESIZE needed to be set in /usr/src/include/utmp.h as 255 and
/usr/src/sys/sys/param.h needed MAXLOGNAME set to UT_NAMESIZE+1, but seems 
we did away with utmp.h in freebsd 9.0 only needing to set param.h now.


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com
freebsd-current@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to freebsd-current-unsubscr...@freebsd.org

Re: MAXLOGNAME + /etc/group + chkgrp invalid character @

2011-11-08 Thread Dan The Man

On Tue, 8 Nov 2011, Chuck Swiger wrote:

On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:47 PM, Dan The Man wrote:

In the daily cron Daily run output email always get the following:

Verifying group file syntax:
chkgrp: /etc/group: line 3: '@' invalid character

chkgrp expects group names to consist of characters in isalnum().

K so thats a simple fix where it does that check.

Could we modify system to support email addresses as usernames.

Sure, that's why FreeBSD comes with source code.
You can modify anything you like.  :-)

However, if you want to use a domain-aware login mechanism, Kerberos is in the base 
system, and SASL and LDAP are available in ports.  You're not going to break anything 
allowing @ into the list of characters which pw(8) likes, but the flatfile 
passwd and group files are not hierarchical the way domain-aware network identity systems 

A secondary issue is that there is rarely a one-to-one relationship between 
email addresses and users; many email addresses are aliases which expand either 
to a different username, or even to multiple users.

Wish you would elaborate abit more here, what I have found is email 
addresses tend to make the best usernames, people can remember them :)

They are unique, and you solve 2 problems right away:
a) they can actually remember their username
b) they aren't having to pick through a million different taken usernames
they have to pick on their own, which is frusterating way people often do 

From my testing it works fine, even with Daily run output complaining I can 
still su to user i added in wheel group.
We'd need to fix ckkgrp source,
adduser source, and making move to:
#define MAXLOGNAME 256   in /usr/src/sys/sys/param.h

You can do that also, but I think you'll break compatibility with NIS/YP.

Well with nss-mysql its as simple as modifying the /etc/nsswitch.conf on 
any machine to just point to same db server, works just fine.

You might not care, but don't be surprised if you find that folks aren't 
willing to adopt this change back into FreeBSD-- I've seen a few people wanting 
to increase MAXLOGNAME since 2003 or so.

I've talked to many sys admins as well, that are all modifying the code to 
the kernel for a decade now on every new make buildworld, would be nice to 
see it mainstream.

Only issue doing this I have seen so far, is having to nuke the wtmp/utx* 
files from /var/log on new installs to get them into new format, but that 
would be solved mainstream as well.

I just find the benefits far outweight the cons, sure when we were all 
back in our computer science classes in 80s/90s it made sense. We all had 
accounts on the system for those 3-4 years, and generic usernames made 
sense, but now moving to webhosting environments and providing sftp/ssh 
type access to people on a larger scale, I think the email address as 
usernames make alot more sense now.

I still teach unix at the university time to time and we still use the old
putty/securecrt to sshd daemon way of learning from the command line, in 
that environment I find its about people forgetting passwords, take it up 
a notch to webhosting environment, and i find people forget their 
usernames to, and why I think it would be a good move...


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com


freebsd-current@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to freebsd-current-unsubscr...@freebsd.org

Re: MAXLOGNAME + /etc/group + chkgrp invalid character @

2011-11-08 Thread Dan The Man

On Tue, 8 Nov 2011, Chuck Swiger wrote:


On Nov 8, 2011, at 4:32 PM, Dan The Man wrote:

On Tue, 8 Nov 2011, Chuck Swiger wrote:

On Nov 8, 2011, at 3:47 PM, Dan The Man wrote:

In the daily cron Daily run output email always get the following:

Verifying group file syntax:
chkgrp: /etc/group: line 3: '@' invalid character

chkgrp expects group names to consist of characters in isalnum().

K so thats a simple fix where it does that check.

usr.sbin/chkgrp/chkgrp.c, line ~117:

  for (cp = f[0] ; *cp ; cp++) {
   if (!isalnum(*cp)  *cp != '.'  *cp != '_'  *cp != '-' 
   (cp  f[0] || *cp != '+')) {
   warnx(%s: line %d: '%c' invalid character, gfn, n, *cp);

Add a  *cp != '@' clause to the if statement.

It doesn't bother me enough to have to modify the if statement on every 
new buildworld(which I seem to be doing alot of lately), honestly that one 
email login in the group file is only 
email login that will ever touch an /etc file, rest is in database. I 
wouldn't personally add any email type logins to a base system directly.

Could we modify system to support email addresses as usernames.

Sure, that's why FreeBSD comes with source code.
You can modify anything you like.  :-)

However, if you want to use a domain-aware login mechanism, Kerberos is in the base 
system, and SASL and LDAP are available in ports.  You're not going to break anything 
allowing @ into the list of characters which pw(8) likes, but the flatfile 
passwd and group files are not hierarchical the way domain-aware network identity systems 

A secondary issue is that there is rarely a one-to-one relationship between 
email addresses and users; many email addresses are aliases which expand either 
to a different username, or even to multiple users.

Wish you would elaborate abit more here, what I have found is email addresses 
tend to make the best usernames, people can remember them :)
They are unique, and you solve 2 problems right away:
a) they can actually remember their username
b) they aren't having to pick through a million different taken usernames
they have to pick on their own, which is frusterating way people often do 

If you've got a database of millions of users, you're definitely functioning in 
a different realm than what /etc/passwd and /etc/group were designed for.  :-)

Well thats the idea right, unlimited growth but a central place to store 
everything for scalability purposes. Of course if you actually tried to 
login 1 million people to same machine, I am sure you would kill the I/O 
instantly :)

Basically approach I've been taking is central database that stores all 
users, any machine can be configured to not allow logins from anyone in 
database by just removing them from /etc/nsswitch.conf. You can control 
which of those million users can login to a certain machine by simply 
modifying the select statement to the database in the nss-database config 
file...all in all these changes take 2 seconds to change and makes things 
quite easy.

Anyway, the idea is that you should be able to define multiple hierarchy levels for your identity database, 
which NIS+, NetInfo, Kerberos, and LDAP (kinda-sorta) can support.  This lets you define an identity either 
at the root level, which is visible everywhere, or in subdomains from root, which means the identity is valid 
only within that subdomain but not in other subdomains-- and johndoe in one subdomain can be 
entirely different than johndoe in some other domain.  (If you want johndoe the same 
everywhere, you'd define it at root instead.)

That's just a bare-bones explanation, but a more complete one would likely 
approach book-length.  :-)

I'm sure it would make an interesting read, I try not to concern myself to 
much with mechanisms that would likely to take to long to respond if there 
were millions of users, working directly with mysql/postgres/oracle from 
getgo i think is safe.

Think its almost like an analogy to where you started off building your 
network code using something simple like select() then you kicked yourself 
in the ass after for not having used epoll() on linux or kqueue() on 
freebsd in an eventloop as your application got to many connections.

I do like your idea in a small office type setting though, definately 
wouldn't mind trying something like that here at home so I had a central 
way for all these development machines I got lieing around to have some 
central login place.

Found this an interesting read last night:
might be abit dated...


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

You might not care, but don't be surprised if you find that folks aren't 
willing to adopt this change back into FreeBSD-- I've seen a few people wanting 
to increase MAXLOGNAME since

Re: samba+zfs

2011-11-08 Thread Dan The Man

On Tue, 8 Nov 2011, Kurt Touet wrote:

On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 3:32 AM, Dan The Man d...@sunsaturn.com wrote:

Sorry I meant it was running fine on beta3 and 8.2 stable, and NOT RC1:
asterisk:~# uname -a
FreeBSD asterisk.sunsaturn.com 9.0-RC1 FreeBSD 9.0-RC1 #0: Mon Oct 31
19:46:53 CDT 2011 dr...@asterisk.sunsaturn.com:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MYKERNEL


Dan The Man
CTO/ Senior System Administrator
Websites, Domains and Everything else
Email: d...@sunsaturn.com

On Tue, 8 Nov 2011, Dan The Man wrote:

Ok here is some specs: this been running fine on 8.2 stable and i was sure
it was running fine on RC1 as well. I did some testing against samba 34 35
and 36 in the ports collection all with the same slow write problems.

I did further testing mounting drive in question with NFS and it did not
suffer the same problem, so it seems just samba related here, where samba
would actually outperform my NFS mount before, now its taking 10x as long
to write anything.

This is really most simplistic setup I have, all I want to do is map a
network drive at the house read/write so my laptop, desktop etc all have
access to it. I have played with all the smb.conf options, and can't seem
to find where the issue is, further research suggests others are
experiencing same problems with beta3 from following forum post:


Hardware this is running on: I beleive a 4 year old amd chip and board,
with 2 gigs of ram, this is a home PC that serves as a NAS, it has 1 SSD as
UFS boot OS filesystem, and uses ZFS in raid0 with 3 3terrabyte cheap
hitachi drives for my storage space,which is mirrored nightly with rsync
with another duplicate machine(cause I know someone is going to say why not
use raid5-raidz)

Network specs: machine currently has dedicated IPV4 and gif0 tunneled IPV6
addresses to he.net.

I've played with nearly every option in smb.conf disabling, enabling etc
and can't seem to find the issue: here are my current config file settings
on machine that could apply to samba:

asterisk:~# cat /boot/loader.conf


asterisk:~# cat /usr/local/etc/smb.conf
# Global parameters
      workgroup = HOME
      netbios name = ASTERISK
      server string = Primary backups
      interfaces = sk0
      #smb ports = 139
      #security = USER
      security = SHARE
      encrypt passwords = Yes
      #socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=65536 SO_SNDBUF=65536
      domain master = no
      wins support = yes
      guest account = root
      socket options=SO_RCVBUF=131072 SO_SNDBUF=131072 TCP_NODELAY
      use sendfile = no
      level2 oplocks = True
      read raw = no
      write cache size = 262144
      min receivefile size = 16384
      aio read size = 16384
      aio write size = 16384
      aio write behind = yes
      dns proxy = no
      max log size = 50
      #log file = /dev/null
      log file = /var/log/samba.log
      debug level = 1
      syslog = 0

      comment = Primary backups
      path = /data/public
      read only = No
      guest ok = Yes
      valid users = root
asterisk:~# asterisk:~# cat /etc/sysctl.conf
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/sysctl.conf,v 2009/08/03 08:13:06 kensmith
Exp $
#  This file is read when going to multi-user and its contents piped thru
#  ``sysctl'' to adjust kernel values.  ``man 5 sysctl.conf'' for details.

# Uncomment this to prevent users from seeing information about processes
# are being run under another UID.

#raise file descriptors on the system

#raise sockets we can accept


#NGINX webserver http://wiki.nginx.org/FreeBSDOptimizations
#also add following to /boot/loader.conf

#default setting of net.inet.ip.portrange.first is to low, causing us
problems with bind

#DOS protection

#some stuff for samba