Re: PHORONIX: OpenCL, GLSL Back-End For LLVM May Soon Open Up

2011-08-29 Thread Jacob Frelinger

On 08/29/11 08:12, Adrian Chadd wrote:

Hi, Post 18

This indicates the driver supports CUDA somehow. What's missing is a
FreeBSD runtime.

Can someone please do some legwork with this and see if it's possible
to bring the Linux CUDA SDK up in the linuxulator?

cuda device support is there, what I believe is missing is the compiler, 
libraries and assorted tools.  I currently use cuda on my FreeBSD laptop 
via the linuxlator (using the gentoo_stage_3 port and chrooting into 
it).  The cuda run time works almost out of the box (if I recall 
correctly all you need to do is change modprobe since the run time tries 
to auto load the Linux kernel binary), and from there you can build and 
run cuda based apps.

Jacob Frelinger
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Re: ACPI Sony FX601

2002-07-14 Thread Jacob Frelinger

On Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 07:50:00PM +0200, Michael Bretterklieber wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed FreeBSD 5.0-current on my notebook, because in FreeBSD4.6 
> the sounddriver let the kernel hang on boot.
> I know, that acpi is under developement, but here are my results testing 
> acpi on this hardware.
> acpiconf -s 3:
> works, but the machine doesen't completely wake up, the display still 
> stays dark
> acpiconf -s 4:
> the system hangs uo.

i'll report i'm seeing the same problems on my vaio pcg-f430.  acpi works for cpu 
speed stepping but not for suspends/resume stuff.

RSD PTR: Checksum=59, OEMID=SONY, RsdtAddress=0x07ffcf48
RSDT: Length=44, Revision=1, Checksum=119,
OEMID=SONY, OEM Table ID=K1, OEM Revision=0x604,
Creator ID= LTP, Creator Revision=0x0
Entries={ 0x07fffb65, 0x07fffbd9 }
P_LVL2_LAT=10ms, P_LVL3_LAT=101ms

is there more information needed to help get this working w/ current?

Jacob "I'm Brainy For Zombie Pops" Frelinger 
Jolly at TheCoffinClub dot Com 

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Re: Bizzare problem..

2002-02-06 Thread Jacob Frelinger

On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 01:08:10PM -0800, Doug White wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, Jacob Frelinger wrote:
> You aren't using a Linux version of vi, are you?  It so happens a common
> freebsd system call maps to linux reboot() 

it shouldn't be.
[jolly@spooky ~]# which vi
[jolly@spooky ~]# strings /usr/bin/vi | head -2

and that wouldn't explain the shutdowns when i ssh from the problematic 
machine into a different one and run vi on the remote machine.

i wish it was something that simple... i'm completly stumped on this...
Jacob "I'm Brainy For Zombie Pops" Frelinger 
Jolly at TheCoffinClub dot Com 

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Bizzare problem..

2002-02-05 Thread Jacob Frelinger

I have a new current system that is having the strangest problem.  
using vi or its clones often abruptly powers the system down, no panics, 
no syslog messages.  the computer is an ABIT BP6 w/ 2 500 mhz cellerons
(NOT OVERCLOCKED), two harddrives, a cdrom drive and 256M ram.

The bizzare bits..  it does it both on a smp and up kernel, it also 
does it regardless of weather its on the console or in X, and regardless 
of if vi is execed on itself or ssh'd into another machine (had it happen 
when ssh'd into both a linux box and a 4-stable machines).  I don't think 
its a video card issues as its doing it with different video cards, and the 
machine happily works in all other aspects.  it can buildworld and kernel 
happily while compiling several ports, so i doubt its an obvious hardware 
problem (eg. bad memory).

I have other current systems, that are not exibiting this behaviour, so i
don't think its a problem with current in general, but i'm clue-less as to
what could be the cause of this.  any one have any ideas?

Jacob "I'm Brainy For Zombie Pops" Frelinger 
Jolly at TheCoffinClub dot Com 

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