Re: Removing fdisk and bsdlabel (legacy partition tools)

2024-01-26 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber
add variation of this to stock image to get better rescue media. maybe 
installer could even be updated a bit. if that is really big issue. cons is 
that this requires network to be present. but where to get packages from anyway 
without it, perhaps dvd1. i actually find it confusing that highly technically 
skilled people who clearly run non-standard hw of various archs and with 
several oses, for work or hobby, argue how installer sucks. you can patch it. 
then you can use it locally or submit it to fbsd. i don't know, maybe i'll do 
it then?

--- cut ---
#!/bin/sh -Cefu

set -Cefu

kbdcontrol -r fast -l ee

test -d /tmp/unionfs/etc || mkdir -p /tmp/unionfs/etc

mount -t unionfs | fgrep -q /etc || mount_unionfs /tmp/unionfs/etc /etc

test -d /tmp/unionfs/root || mkdir -p /tmp/unionfs/root

mount -t unionfs | fgrep -q /root || mount_unionfs /tmp/unionfs/root /root

test -f /etc/wall_cmos_clock || touch /etc/wall_cmos_clock

test -f /etc/localtime || tzsetup Europe/Tallinn

pgrep -q adjkerntz || service adjkerntz start

ifconfig -a -G lo | grep '^[a-z0-9]' | cut -d : -f 1 | xargs -n 1 sh -c \
'echo ; service dhclient status "$0" || service dhclient forcestart "$0"'

test -f /tmp/ntpdate_run_done \
|| ( echo ; ntpdate dome && touch /tmp/ntpdate_run_done )


service ntpd onestatus || service ntpd onestart


test -f /tmp/ntpdate_run_done && ntpdate -q dome




test -f /boot/kernel/coretemp.ko && kldload -n coretemp

test -f /boot/kernel/amdtemp.ko && kldload -n amdtemp

sysctl -a | grep '[0-9]C$' | egrep -v '(_(CRT|PSV)|\.tjmax)'

sysctl -a | fgrep -q battery \
&& ( echo ; acpiconf -i 0 | grep -v ':[[:space:]]*$')


--- cut ---

On 26 January 2024 22:11:44 EET, Freddie Cash  wrote:
>Sounds like a custom mfsBSD or Frenzy CD/USB would be better suited to
>these bare-metal rescue setups.  Something that has the specific tools you
>need already installed.  I know I've kept various versions of these CD
>images around for just this purpose.  I always found them nicer to use than
>the FreeBSD install CDs in rescue mode, as there's a fully-functional
>FreeBSD install to work from, including the ability to install packages

Re: Removing fdisk and bsdlabel (legacy partition tools)

2024-01-26 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber
call me new, i only started with 4.6, being 19 years old at that time, which is 
pretty good i think

i've always found anything but gpart way too confusing to use. by that time i 
started with fbsd, chs was also gone for good. hence, no need, and when gpart 
came, i just switched over. and i consider myself a slow adapter to some of new 

also, why would ufs users need to be immediately assumed to be only using 
anything but gpart? it's not like ufs is some old legacy. also i don't really 
believe you could really use 15 with all the features except of some disk 
tools. on all new hw. on old hw, you won't be using 15. because fdisk is not 
the only thing we removed over years. unsure if sad or happy path. nbsd seems 
to support everything still i see. i don't know, maybe i should have really 
started with actual unix where i would have gotten lifelong preference to fdisk 
and disklabel. high respect if those ones read this tho

but yea, from all the replies, only thing i see is fdisk and disklabel is more 
comfortable to use, while giving no technical benefits at all. fuck knows if 
that's the reason to keep them then

i recall myself objecting before when there was call to remove grdc and pom. 
can't say about pom, i've used it for fun sometimes. grdc found use when 
checking if times are in sync. but those really belong to ports. it not like 
those disappear or get banned. i could put them there myself, if it comes up 
again and i still miss them

we have moved a lot of things to ports already, since 4.6. altho, if pkgbase 
comes along, some argue against it too, it would be hard to draw a line where 
the "base" ends. what's "officially" supported and what's not

but yeah, i can confirm that a lot of changes have annoyed me. switch to pkgng. 
or that libxo breaks stuff. pkgng now works i think, xo is still crapshoot. 
despite, i admit i like being able to get json from sysutils

so yeah changes kind of suck, but they still happen?

Re: Proposal: Disable compression of newsyslog by default

2023-12-23 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber
On 23 December 2023 09:18:23 EET, Xin Li  wrote:
>Inspired by D42961, I propose that we move forward with disabling the 
>compression by default in newsyslog, as implemented in 
>Historically, newsyslog has compressed rotated log files to save disk space. 
>This approach was valuable in the early days where storage space was limited.

it's still limited

>However, the landscape has changed significantly.  Modern file systems, such 
>as ZFS, now offer native compression capabilities.

not everyone uses them

>Additionally, the widespread availability of larger hard drives has diminished 
>the necessity for additional compression.

but data sizes also have increased massively

>Notably, the need to decompress log files for pattern searches poses a 
>significant inconvenience, further questioning the utility of this legacy 

should be up to each admin to cba decompression vs. plain speed/size/etc

>In commit 906748d208d3, flags J, X, Y, Z can now indicate that a log file is 
>eligible for compression rather than directly enforcing it. It allows for a 
>more flexible approach, wherein the actual compression method can be set to 
>"none" or specified as one among bzip2, gzip, xz, or zstd.

that's good approach

>Therefore I would propose that we change the default compression setting to 
>"none" in FreeBSD 15.0.  This change reflects our adaptation to the evolving 
>technological environment and user needs.  It also aligns with the broader 
>initiative to modernize our systems while maintaining flexibility and 

unsure about this. generic zroot install would be fine with this i guess, and 
usual log sizes? other custom installs need tuning anyway

>I look forward to your thoughts and feedback on this proposal.

indeed. we have large disks now. but we fill them all. i started with 1.2g one. 
was too small. needed to compress for space. now i have 12t. it's still too 
small. i compress for space. they make them up to 22t nowadays. this is about 
2 times larger but still feels small. how did this happen? we just did this 
to ourselves. data sizes have kept up with storage and bandwidth. gamer might 
get 1gbit/s connection at home so (s)he only needs to wait for one hour to 
download new game. just as dialup user once did, wait for hours. or it could be 
photographer, graphics designer or architect who works. both cases still use 
compressed data as cpu and ram permits it and it saves a lot of time and space. 
now, it's also related to servers as those things don't disappear to or appear 
from just thin air. they come from machines, some of them hopefully running 
fbsd, where admins wonder how to deal with large log sizes. they need them for 
audit purposes. or statistics. hardware allows, so they compress it. 
"write-only-read-never" data benefits from, eg, xz a lot. as others already 
have told

so yeah, from (only!) 25+ years of experience, i can confirm that humankind has 
developed AND used everything at max. internet, first for military and 
educational uses, now for connecting washing machines. oh and, first hdd, state 
of art device then, can only store *part* of *compressed* photo now

now, this might not be related to default fbsd installs in common usage where 
default base syslog creates tiny amount of data per week

but one of reasons was given how everything fits uncompressed nowdays. to our 
disks and pipes. which it really doesn't

(some?) armv7 time issues fixed with hw.userspace_allow_phys_counter=1

2023-09-23 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber
i found issue, but this needs more testing and i only have allwinner h3 here

time doesn't jump forward and back (!) anymore

i tracked this down to this commit here:

7ad28b73ec1f - arm: Add a userspace physical timer check

perhaps there are more people out there with current on 32bit arm...

time instability

2023-09-15 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber
there's something between (working):


and (not working):


that causes this to happen:

# date +%s
# date +%s
# date +%s
# date +%s

it's armv7 allwinner h3 board this issue happens in. i have no clue where to 
look except to brute force it maybe tomorrow
what was committed in past two weeks that might cause this?

running ntpd and powerd were killed, it didn't help a bit

was real fun too, as time machine seems to have been invented, but, wtf!

Re: Stray characters in command history

2023-09-05 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber
i'm experiencing kind of similar issue. unsure why or how. i have 13.2.
console is sc. the other side, via serial, is running current. uart is from
usb serial adapter. other side has native soc uart. when i establish
connection to that thing with cu, which is embedded board btw, and log in,
i get weird random chars as if i've typed them in. if i do some input right
after, i don't seem to get it. it gets worse, if i let cu run in other
terminal and do some testing that involves lot of reboot cycles, while
doing some tasks on other terminal, sometimes weird chars get injected into
my input elsewhere. eg i run editor and it's annoying for something to
appear as if i've typed it in. is it related? thankfully target isn't
untrusted, otherwise it would be pretty bad? or where this thing even comes
from? i know that you can do funny stuff with tiocsti and co but this looks
pretty bad. both the fact that something makes it and the fact that they
get injected elsewhere. there is also a some recent bug around this. so i'm
not sure what to think of it all?

On Sunday, May 21, 2023, bob prohaska  wrote:
> Here is another example, perhaps a bit clearer.
> The ssh connection to the first Pi3 in the chain had dropped, so it was
> re-establishing via a regular user login, then su was invoked and tip run:
> .
> To change this login announcement, see motd(5).
> Want to go the directory you were just in?
> Type "cd -"
> bob@pelorus:~ % su
> Password:
> # tip ucom
> Stale lock on cuaU0 PID=2487... overriding.
> connected
> osed by r31 www s   This appeared spontaneously, then I hit
> osed: Command not found.  < I didn't type anything.
> bob@www:/usr/src %< The shell prompt on the 2nd Pi3's serial
> Clearly nothing to do with sshd, might it simply be a misdirected echo of
> output generated by a (dead or broken) tip connection? The first example
> possibly malicious, this does not
> Thanks for reading,
> bob prohaska
> On Sun, May 21, 2023 at 06:49:33AM -0700, bob prohaska wrote:
>> Lately I've been playing with buildworld on a Pi3 running -current. The
same machine
>> acts as a terminal server for a second Pi3 also running -current in my
>> I ssh into the first Pi3, su to root and run tip to pick up a serial
connection to
>> the second Pi's console. Both machines are within a week of up-to-date.
>> While building world on the first Pi3 the ssh connection frequently
drops and must be
>> re-established. If there was a shell running on the serial console of
the second
>> Pi3 it typically keeps running and when the tip session is restarted
disgorges a
>> stream of accumulated console message.
>> This morning the same thing happened, but I noticed something odd. The
stream of
>> messages (all login failure announcements from ssh) ended with
>> May 21 06:15:00 www sshd[33562]: error:
Fssh_kex_exchange_identification: banner line contains invalid characters
>> *+May 21 06:15:19 www sshd[33565]: error:
Fssh_kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
>> May 21 06:15:33 www sshd[33613]: error: Protocol major versions differ:
2 vs. 1
>> At that point I hit carriage return and got
>> *+: No match.
>> I did not type the *+ so it looks like the characters were somehow
introduced elsewhere,
>> possibly from the ssh failure message. How they got into the command
stream is unclear.
>> This strikes me as undesirable at best and possibly much worse. The
shell reporting
>> the "no match" was a regular user shell, but if I'd been su'd to root it
appears that
>> the unmatched characters would be seen by the root shell as input.
>> This more-or-less fits with the pattern seen earlier with reboots
observed via serial
>> console halting on un-typed keystrokes. Those halts were attributed to
electrical noise
>> on the serial line, but this looks like something injected via part of
the network
>> login process. Reboot pauses have been an ongoing phenomenon for months,
this is the
>> first time I've noticed the "invalid characters" message from ssh on the
>> Thanks for reading, apologies if I'm being a worrywart.
>> bob prohaska

Re: etcupdate -B, /.cshrc and /.profile

2023-08-22 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber
on why removing those, i for example only use /etc/csh.cshrc so i don't need 

Re: The future for support of BeagleBone Black and its variants

2023-08-11 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber
i wonder what's the latest point in repository that DOES work? my bbb runs
current from year 2014, it does run well and off emmc. it's awfully crap
compared to my h3 but i would still like to have something on it. when i
started working with embedded hw again, i took that out of box too,
expected to seamlessly run latest current on that still, only to found out
that doesn't work...

On Thursday, August 10, 2023, George Abdelmalik  wrote:
> Hi David,
> The problems are kernel related. If I understand correctly it's in the
area of clock definitions I think but I've not properly studied the patches.
> DTC is good.
> Regards,
> George.
> On 10/8/23 14:52, David Chisnall wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What are the changes to the DTS files? If there are problems with DTC
handling the new files, please can you raise issues here:
>> If there are problems with the kernel’s handling of the dtb, please
ignore me.
>> David
>>> On 10 Aug 2023, at 13:24, George Abdelmalik  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> For a long while now CURRENT has not been working on the BBB due to
incompatible upstream changes in vendor DTS files. I know there are some
patches available which at least get FreeBSD running but those have yet to
be incorporated into the project's repository.
>>> This leaves me with the feeling that BBB support in FreeBSD is on the
path to being dropped. Is there someone from the FreeBSD project that could
speak directly to this?
>>> As a user it would be helpful to know if I should be searching of an
alternate SBC platform or another OS for my projects.
>>> If it still remains the plan to keep supporting BBB into 14.0 and
beyond then I'd like to know what work is missing to make that happen. I'm
willing and able to help.
>>> Regards,
>>> George.

new syctl to allow ignoring time from fs if no rtc found

2023-06-20 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber
unsure if anybody else needs that functionality. i was suggested to submit
it into actual code review place, but i'm unsure. it's from 2014, it still
cleanly applies. probably because noone needed to touch working code!
anyway, i used it in in arm board development, in bbb, to default system
time to "visually invalid" 1970 when no other source was found. i found
getting time from filesystem causing much confusion when files were created
before ntp sync. so i added this hack

Index: sys/kern/vfs_mountroot.c
--- sys/kern/vfs_mountroot.c (revision 274644)
+++ sys/kern/vfs_mountroot.c (working copy)
@@ -968,14 +968,16 @@
* timestamps we encounter.
timebase = 0;
- mtx_lock(&mountlist_mtx);
- mp = TAILQ_FIRST(&mountlist);
- while (mp != NULL) {
- if (mp->mnt_time > timebase)
- timebase = mp->mnt_time;
- mp = TAILQ_NEXT(mp, mnt_list);
+ if (kern_getenv("debug.no_timestamp_from_filesystem") == NULL) {
+ mtx_lock(&mountlist_mtx);
+ mp = TAILQ_FIRST(&mountlist);
+ while (mp != NULL) {
+ if (mp->mnt_time > timebase)
+ timebase = mp->mnt_time;
+ mp = TAILQ_NEXT(mp, mnt_list);
+ }
+ mtx_unlock(&mountlist_mtx);
- mtx_unlock(&mountlist_mtx);

/* Keep prison0's root in sync with the global rootvnode. */
Index: sys/kern/vfs_mountroot.c
--- sys/kern/vfs_mountroot.c	(revision 274644)
+++ sys/kern/vfs_mountroot.c	(working copy)
@@ -968,14 +968,16 @@
 	 * timestamps we encounter.
 	timebase = 0;
-	mtx_lock(&mountlist_mtx);
-	mp = TAILQ_FIRST(&mountlist);
-	while (mp != NULL) {
-		if (mp->mnt_time > timebase)
-			timebase = mp->mnt_time;
-		mp = TAILQ_NEXT(mp, mnt_list);
+	if (kern_getenv("debug.no_timestamp_from_filesystem") == NULL) {
+		mtx_lock(&mountlist_mtx);
+		mp = TAILQ_FIRST(&mountlist);
+		while (mp != NULL) {
+			if (mp->mnt_time > timebase)
+timebase = mp->mnt_time;
+			mp = TAILQ_NEXT(mp, mnt_list);
+		}
+		mtx_unlock(&mountlist_mtx);
-	mtx_unlock(&mountlist_mtx);
 	/* Keep prison0's root in sync with the global rootvnode. */

Re: You are thirty, you proper beaute: congratulations!

2023-06-20 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber
i installed v4.6. that was a long time ago. the public honeypot ran it, and
i got curious. i've been using it since then. in servers, desktops, laptops
and in embedded systems. yes, i know that hw support is not ideal. but
quality is. that's my story. 21 years of that 30 i have been (t)here. sure,
i just can't be as good kernel hacker than the late damnhippi was, but i
can do other things. i'm not just an user nevertheless

On Tuesday, June 20, 2023, Dmitry Salychev  wrote:
> Steffen Nurpmeso  writes:
>> Everyday's life abrades, but to me it is always nice to come back.
>> Thanks to everyone working on this project.
> My pleasure ^_^
>> And i hope you keep on going.
> As long as I can.
>> --steffen
>> |
>> |Der Kragenbaer,The moon bear,
>> |der holt sich munter   he cheerfully and one by one
>> |einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
>> |(By Robert Gernhardt)
> Regards,
> Dmitry
> --

Re: FreeBSD Core Team Response to Controversial Social Media Posts

2019-05-20 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber
the discussion somehow diverted away from original idea...

as i'm not politically correct person at all, i say that single report is
not enough...
it doesn't matter if legit or troll...
it's also quite wrong if case gets special attention just because offended
person adds that (s)he's discriminated because x

i actually find it weird why the problem can't be directed to specific
person... why do we need to turn it into "against group" issue

On Monday, May 20, 2019,  wrote:
> Am 2019-05-20 11:33, schrieb Igor Mozolevsky:
>> So you think a discussion on whether it is appropriate that CoC Ctte
>> restricts freedom of expression is bikeshedding?
>> Thank you for your valuable contribution!
> IMO, the CoC was not meant to solve, decide or even regulate discussion
about decades-old, very controversial geo-political problems.
> As such, I don't think it even applies here and the complaint should be
dismissed on these grounds.
> Of course, the FreeBSD project is free to boot developers from its ranks
more or less at will (not sure if you can sue your way back in) - but for
that a new CoC wouldn't have been needed to begin with ;-)
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Re: FreeBSD Core Team Response to Controversial Social Media Posts

2019-05-12 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber
On Friday, May 10, 2019, FreeBSD Core Team Secretary <> wrote:
> The FreeBSD Core Team is aware of recent controversial statements made
> on social media by a FreeBSD developer.  We, along with the Code of
> Conduct review committee, are investigating the matter and will decide
> what action to take.  Both the Core Team and the FreeBSD Foundation
> would like to make it clear that views shared by individuals represent
> neither the Project nor the Foundation.
> --
> FreeBSD Core Team

is this a political party?! i thought it was developer team of certain
specific area server operating system?

first, i would like to know if this is a joke? because it must be! then, if
it's not, what has said and by who?

was it like "i hate women" or "i don't recommend fbsd for this purpose"?

anyway, i'm not surprised if developers act strange on *social* media, as
they often behave what would be called inappropriate at best... that's why
they write code and don't sing on eurovision song contest, become elected
as president of the united states, or play on the newest marvel action
movie as a lead actor...
i know this, as i often act bad... sometimes i tell people which kind
mental disorders i have been diagnosed with ("only" asperger's syndrome, if
you're curious) as i often have problems of not understanding certain
social rules, which can't be fixed in any way, doesn't matter if people
insult me on how i did it again and how come i can't ever learn... sorry, i
really can't! each time it's surprise to me what happened...

i've used fbsd since v4.6, and despite having written some code already, i
don't really see myself becoming something like "official developer" if it
gives me this "extra butt" i could be kicked into if needed

also, if hans reiser in one day comes and wants to do something, do we turn
him down with like "sorry, you can't write code here, you killed your
wife"? really?

i think freebsd has enough purely technical disagreements that we don't
really need anything ELSE into this mix (like, what did the dev tweet last

On Friday, May 10, 2019, FreeBSD Core Team Secretary <> wrote:
> The FreeBSD Core Team is aware of recent controversial statements made
> on social media by a FreeBSD developer.  We, along with the Code of
> Conduct review committee, are investigating the matter and will decide
> what action to take.  Both the Core Team and the FreeBSD Foundation
> would like to make it clear that views shared by individuals represent
> neither the Project nor the Foundation.
> --
> FreeBSD Core Team
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Re: FreeBSD has a politics problem

2018-03-05 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber
I knew this would be end result of that coc(k) being whipped out.

Also, I'm sure that it's not feminism you hate, it's that some idiots hide
under that blanket and imagine they can't be attacked anymore.

Why did that need for a new set of weird rules come out anyway? Right now
it feels like successful trolling.
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Re: Massive libxo-zation that breaks everything

2015-03-01 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber (ketas)
How about we allow JSON input on those utils too... Then we get into
full-blown hell faster.

Hmm... I would like to talk with system using JSON. JSON would be in
utils that are or at least function similarly to rm, mv, ls, find,
mount, zpool, zfs, geom, mdconfig, tar, df, netstat, ifconfig... (or
maybe even talk JSON directly to the kernel?!).
How to have all that goodness, while at same time not having extra
library dependency? Without that library the system wouldn't work at all
(and there is no fallback mode for "manual operation"). Fragile library
that requires you to have worse-than-bad-Perl-looking (funnily I write
lot of Perl myself) parts everywhere in your code. And requires huge set
of tests to verify correct operation.

Hope that you never see things like this:

> df
Shared object "" not found, required by "df"

Or this:

> netstat -nhbdWi
Name  Mtu Network   Address  Ipkts Ierrs Idrop
IbytesOpkts Oerrs Obytes  Coll Drop
smc0   %6s   1.5K   52:54:00:12:34:56 %8s 4.4M %5s 0
%5s 0 %10s   290M %8s 3.3M %5s 0 %10s   756M %5s
0 %5s 11
smc0- fe80::5054:ff fe80::5054:ff:fe1 %8s 8.7K - -
%10s   592K %8s  17K - %10s   1.0M - -
smc0- 2001:ad0:91f: 2001:ad0:91f:0:50 %8s 4.4M - -
%10s   225M %8s 3.3M - %10s   709M - -
smc0- %8s 4.0K - -
%10s   504K %8s 3.2K - %10s   233K - -
lo0%6s16K %8s  272 %5s 0
%5s 0 %10s24K %8s  272 %5s 0 %10s24K %5s
0 %5s  0
lo0 - ::1/128   ::1   %8s  136 - -
%10s16K %8s  136 - %10s16K - -
lo0 - fe80::1%lo0/6 fe80::1%lo0   %8s0 - -
%10s  0 %8s7 - %10s963 - -
lo0 - %8s  136 - -
%10s   8.6K %8s  136 - %10s   8.6K - -

Or, at least you only see it (occasionally) in CURRENT.

( And, all current libxo issues seem to be fixed, for now... )
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Massive libxo-zation that breaks everything

2015-03-01 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber (ketas)

First, I would be happy to have JSON and XML output about filesystems,
users, routes... but I don't like how it makes code of df, w, netstat
hard to read/maintain and often broken.

I don't think it would be good to continue with this. Maybe the effort
should be put to creating new layer/library and then something on top of
it that actually outputs JSON and XML.

Or, if that's too difficult... maybe just regular df/w/netstat could be
copied to somewhere else and made code libxo-output-only. And original
df/w/netstat changes reverted and left alone.

Then, maybe later, df/w/netstat/... could be updated to this new
layer/library. Or maybe this should be just left as it is.

That would mean having two netstat's in system, which could be both good
(separation) and bad (maintaining).

Just some ideas... I don't know how to solve this issue fully. I'm also
not likely the one who would write code for all this. Hell, those aren't
even all my ideas here. I just worry that system drop-in xo-zation is
bad for overall health of base.

Oh and, it makes rescue larger and more complex, too? On that, there was
suggestion to maybe create separate "first aid kit" and "emergency room"
types of system rescue utils/methods.

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Re: HEADS UP: Upgraded clang, llvm and lldb to 3.5.0

2015-01-08 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber (ketas)
Maybe I should add (if no-one noticed it yet) that this is cross-build
for ARM.
I wouldn't attempt to upgrade host itself over two major versions.

I think it's totally insane how you can't build other major versions &
9.x can't make 11.x (well, you can, if using gcc bootstrap), and I heard
that 10.x can't make 9.x...
I mean, build should start "clean", building all things that are needed
to bootstrap. If needed, building some tools two times to get into right
environment (host -> bootstrap -> bootstrap -> build).
Of course, i realize how much work that would be... But this would make
it possible to build things across all supported major versions and
across arches where it's not too hard to support (for example, MIPS ->
amd64 likely doesn't make sense, but i386/amd64 -> ARM/MIPS/... likely
has uses).
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Re: HEADS UP: Upgraded clang, llvm and lldb to 3.5.0

2015-01-08 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber (ketas)

I have this issue where it's impossible to get 9.x (9.3) into state
where I can build clang 3.5.0 bootstrap of CURRENT. gcc works fine.

I've already discussed this with some people in EFNet :: #bsdmips

Currently I have this jail, built using:


I get strange errors like:

In file included from
In file included from
In file included from
In file included from
In file included from
fatal error: 'type_traits' file not found
1 error generated.


In file included from
fatal error: 'system_error' file not found
1 error generated.

There are files:


Where files in v1/ directory seem to be indeed correct ones and part of
clang. But include paths seem wrong? Or is it something else?

Full log:

I don't know... if 9.x can't be used to build 11.x / CURRENT anymore,
maybe this should be put to UPDATING (that 9.x is not supported) and I
just upgrade to 10.x... which would solve everything (hopefully).

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Re: USB locks up system -- WAS Re: shutdown or acpi problem

2014-11-17 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber (ketas)
On 2014-11-17 08:58, Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:
> Dag-Erling Smørgrav  writes:
>> Steve Kargl  writes:
>>> I'll try that tomorrow.  But, I now know that this is related to using
>>> hal from ports.  If I comment out both enable_dbus and enable_hal in
>>> /etc/rc.conf, the system works as I would expect (ie., usb now works
>>> for unplugging devices!).  I further suspect that the problems lies in
>>> hal_probe_storage, but haven't got too much further.
>> HAL: the gift that keeps on giving.  It also has this wonderful feature
>> where it prevents you from unmounting anything you've ever mounted,
>> because it watches for new mountpoints in the system, opens them, and
>> keeps the file descriptors open indefinitely.
>> I know this isn't really germane, but I just couldn't pass up a chance
>> to complain about HAL.
> Hold on.  It *is* germane: hal_probe_storage auto-mounted your USB stick
> and is holding on to it.  If this also happens with mice and keyboards
> etc., you're probably looking at two different issues.

I cursed at HAL a lot because it made uC inside r0ket to crap itself
partially... this thing can be USB device but apparently didn't like
black magic that HAL did. Maybe it tried to read from the beginning or
something. It took lot of time to figure out why it doesn't work. Now I
have set of ignore files to prevent grabbing for every single device in
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Re: WITHOUT_NIS after / split

2014-05-08 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber (ketas)
On 2014-05-09 07:32, Warner Losh wrote:
> On May 8, 2014, at 10:12 PM, Sulev-Madis Silber (ketas)  
> wrote:
>> On 2014-05-09 02:54, Warner Losh wrote:
>>> On May 8, 2014, at 3:26 PM, Guy Yur  wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> After the / split
>>>> WITHOUT_NIS in src.conf doesn't work.
>>> It should still work… At least that’s the intention...
>>>> src.conf is included in after
>>>> which includes
>>> Yea, that’s a problem… It should be included after.
>>>> Should options overrides now be set in
>>>> make.conf instead of src.conf?
>>> That’s a good workaround until I get that fix tested and committed. Or you 
>>> could include src.conf in make.conf at the end. Either will have the same 
>>> effect.
>>> Here’s the fix I’m testing, if you’d like to test that instead...
>>> diff -r d69444b828c1 share/mk/
>>> --- a/share/mk/
>>> +++ b/share/mk/
>>> @@ -30,17 +30,15 @@
>>> .if !target()
>>> :
>>> -# Compat -- needed still?
>>> -.include 
>>> -
>>> -# Allow user to configure things, but in the future this will move
>>> -# elsehwere...
>>> -
>>> +# Allow user to configure things that only effect src tree builds.
>>> SRCCONF?=   /etc/src.conf
>>> .if exists(${SRCCONF}) || ${SRCCONF} != "/etc/src.conf"
>>> .include "${SRCCONF}"
>>> .endif
>>> +# Must be included after src.conf
>>> +.include 
>>> +
>>> #
>>> # Define MK_* variables (which are either "yes" or "no") for users
>>> # to set via WITH_*/WITHOUT_* in /etc/src.conf and override in the
>>>> Was on r265455, updated to r265715 and rebuilt with -DNO_CLEAN.
>>> Yea, sorry about missing this subtle issue in the split. There was another 
>>> report of something similar that I hadn’t tracked down, but your report 
>>> pointed me to where I needed to go.
>>> Warner
>> Sorry, that didn't exactly help. I don't fully get what went so wrong there?
>> Now I got this during install:
>> ---
>> ===> gnu/lib/libregex/doc (install)
>> install-info: not found
>> *** Error code 127
>> ---
>> It was total WTF error but just in case I tried putting ".include
>> <../src.conf>" back, and it worked!
>> I use __MAKE_CONF, and inside that file I have SRCCONF.
> To be clear, you define SRCCONF in /etc/make.conf (or the file defined by 
> __MAKE_CONF). The file defined by SRCCONF has WITHOUT_NIS=t defined, but 
> that’s not effective, even with my change. However, if you add an include to 
> the file defined by __MAKE_CONF, then it is effective… Is that what you are 
> telling me?
>> 9.2, BTW... unsure if it matters here?
> I’m doing my testing on 10-stable… I’ll have to try on my 9.x system…  But it 
> is a lot slower than my 10.x system...
> Warner

Yes, that's exactly what I mean. It seems to partially work now. I
actually have lot of WITHOUT_*'s. That install error is really weird,
never seen it before. All I know is that before all those changes,
everything worked well. And if I .include file, old behavior (everything
works as expected) is back.
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Re: WITHOUT_NIS after / split

2014-05-08 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber (ketas)
On 2014-05-09 02:54, Warner Losh wrote:
> On May 8, 2014, at 3:26 PM, Guy Yur  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> After the / split
>> WITHOUT_NIS in src.conf doesn't work.
> It should still work… At least that’s the intention...
>> src.conf is included in after
>> which includes
> Yea, that’s a problem… It should be included after.
>> Should options overrides now be set in
>> make.conf instead of src.conf?
> That’s a good workaround until I get that fix tested and committed. Or you 
> could include src.conf in make.conf at the end. Either will have the same 
> effect.
> Here’s the fix I’m testing, if you’d like to test that instead...
> diff -r d69444b828c1 share/mk/
> --- a/share/mk/
> +++ b/share/mk/
> @@ -30,17 +30,15 @@
>  .if !target()
>  :
> -# Compat -- needed still?
> -.include 
> -
> -# Allow user to configure things, but in the future this will move
> -# elsehwere...
> -
> +# Allow user to configure things that only effect src tree builds.
>  SRCCONF?=/etc/src.conf
>  .if exists(${SRCCONF}) || ${SRCCONF} != "/etc/src.conf"
>  .include "${SRCCONF}"
>  .endif
> +# Must be included after src.conf
> +.include 
> +
>  #
>  # Define MK_* variables (which are either "yes" or "no") for users
>  # to set via WITH_*/WITHOUT_* in /etc/src.conf and override in the
>> Was on r265455, updated to r265715 and rebuilt with -DNO_CLEAN.
> Yea, sorry about missing this subtle issue in the split. There was another 
> report of something similar that I hadn’t tracked down, but your report 
> pointed me to where I needed to go.
> Warner

Sorry, that didn't exactly help. I don't fully get what went so wrong there?

Now I got this during install:

===> gnu/lib/libregex/doc (install)
install-info: not found
*** Error code 127

It was total WTF error but just in case I tried putting ".include
<../src.conf>" back, and it worked!
I use __MAKE_CONF, and inside that file I have SRCCONF.

9.2, BTW... unsure if it matters here?
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Re: WITHOUT_NIS after / split

2014-05-08 Thread Sulev-Madis Silber (ketas)
On 2014-05-09 02:54, Warner Losh wrote:
> On May 8, 2014, at 3:26 PM, Guy Yur  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> After the / split
>> WITHOUT_NIS in src.conf doesn't work.
> It should still work… At least that’s the intention...
>> src.conf is included in after
>> which includes
> Yea, that’s a problem… It should be included after.
>> Should options overrides now be set in
>> make.conf instead of src.conf?
> That’s a good workaround until I get that fix tested and committed. Or you 
> could include src.conf in make.conf at the end. Either will have the same 
> effect.
> Here’s the fix I’m testing, if you’d like to test that instead...
> diff -r d69444b828c1 share/mk/
> --- a/share/mk/
> +++ b/share/mk/
> @@ -30,17 +30,15 @@
>  .if !target()
>  :
> -# Compat -- needed still?
> -.include 
> -
> -# Allow user to configure things, but in the future this will move
> -# elsehwere...
> -
> +# Allow user to configure things that only effect src tree builds.
>  SRCCONF?=/etc/src.conf
>  .if exists(${SRCCONF}) || ${SRCCONF} != "/etc/src.conf"
>  .include "${SRCCONF}"
>  .endif
> +# Must be included after src.conf
> +.include 
> +
>  #
>  # Define MK_* variables (which are either "yes" or "no") for users
>  # to set via WITH_*/WITHOUT_* in /etc/src.conf and override in the
>> Was on r265455, updated to r265715 and rebuilt with -DNO_CLEAN.
> Yea, sorry about missing this subtle issue in the split. There was another 
> report of something similar that I hadn’t tracked down, but your report 
> pointed me to where I needed to go.
> Warner

Finally! Trying it now...
I was about to take deep look into it because that bothered me so much.
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