SIOCADDMULTI doesn't work, proposed fix

1999-01-31 Thread Bill Paul
After experimenting some more, I've come to the conclusion that trying to
manually add a non-IP ethernet multicast address doesn't work properly.
The ether_resolvemulti() assumes that addresses will be specified as
either AF_LINK or AF_INET; if the family is AF_LINK, it assumes that
a struct sockaddr_dl will be used. However, the user is supposed to
pass the address using a struct ifreq, and struct ifreq uses struct
sockaddr, not struct sockaddr_dl.

The original code in 2.2.x expected a struct sockaddr with a family
of AF_UNSPEC. This no longer works in 3.0, which breaks compatibility.
Among other things, the Columbia Appletalk port doesn't work because
of this.

As an aside, the equal() macro in /sys/net/if.c does a bcmp() using
sa_len as the length of the data to check, but doesn't account for
the possibility of sa_len being 0 (this makes it always return true,
which can yield false positives).

The patches included with this post change /sys/net/if.c and
/sys/net/if_ethersubr.c so that adding a mutlicast address with 
SIOCADDMULTI using a struct sockaddr and AF_UNSPEC works again. I would 
like Those Who Know More Than I (tm) to review these changes and offer 
criticisms and comments.

These patches are against 3.0-RELEASE but should apply to -current
and -stable as well.


-Bill Paul(212) 854-6020 | System Manager, Master of Unix-Fu
Work: | Center for Telecommunications Research
Home: | Columbia University, New York City
 It is not I who am crazy; it is I who am mad! - Ren Hoek, Space Madness

*** if.c.orig   Sun Jan 31 17:13:01 1999
--- if.cSun Jan 31 17:10:36 1999
*** 186,192 
register struct ifaddr *ifa;
  #define   equal(a1, a2) \
!   (bcmp((caddr_t)(a1), (caddr_t)(a2), ((struct sockaddr *)(a1))-sa_len) == 0)
for (ifp = ifnet.tqh_first; ifp; ifp = ifp-if_link.tqe_next)
for (ifa = ifp-if_addrhead.tqh_first; ifa; 
 ifa = ifa-ifa_link.tqe_next) {
--- 186,193 
register struct ifaddr *ifa;
  #define   equal(a1, a2) \
!   (((struct sockaddr *)(a1))-sa_len  \
!bcmp((caddr_t)(a1), (caddr_t)(a2), ((struct sockaddr *)(a1))-sa_len) == 0)
for (ifp = ifnet.tqh_first; ifp; ifp = ifp-if_link.tqe_next)
for (ifa = ifp-if_addrhead.tqh_first; ifa; 
 ifa = ifa-ifa_link.tqe_next) {
*** 636,642 
/* Don't let users screw up protocols' entries. */
!   if (ifr-ifr_addr.sa_family != AF_LINK)
return EINVAL;
if (cmd == SIOCADDMULTI) {
--- 637,644 
/* Don't let users screw up protocols' entries. */
!   if (ifr-ifr_addr.sa_family != AF_LINK 
!   ifr-ifr_addr.sa_family != AF_UNSPEC)
return EINVAL;
if (cmd == SIOCADDMULTI) {
*** if_ethersubr.c.orig Sun Jan 31 17:13:07 1999
--- if_ethersubr.c  Sun Jan 31 17:00:54 1999
*** 778,783 
--- 778,800 
u_char *e_addr;
switch(sa-sa_family) {
+   case AF_UNSPEC:
+   e_addr = (u_char *)sa-sa_data;
+   if ((e_addr[0]  1) != 1)
+   MALLOC(sdl, struct sockaddr_dl *, sizeof *sdl, M_IFMADDR,
+   sdl-sdl_len = sizeof *sdl;
+   sdl-sdl_family = AF_LINK;
+   sdl-sdl_index = ifp-if_index;
+   sdl-sdl_type = IFT_ETHER;
+   sdl-sdl_nlen = 0;
+   sdl-sdl_alen = ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
+   sdl-sdl_slen = 0;
+   e_addr = LLADDR(sdl);
+   bcopy((char *)sa-sa_data, (char *)e_addr, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+   *llsa = (struct sockaddr *)sdl;
+   return 0;
case AF_LINK:
 * No mapping needed. Just check that it's a valid MC address.

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Re: SIOCADDMULTI doesn't work, proposed fix

1999-01-31 Thread Bill Paul
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, Garrett Wollman 
had to walk into mine and say:

 On Sun, 31 Jan 1999 17:55:22 -0500 (EST), Bill Paul said:
  a struct sockaddr_dl will be used. However, the user is supposed to
  pass the address using a struct ifreq, and struct ifreq uses struct
  sockaddr, not struct sockaddr_dl.
 This is called ``poor man's inheritance''.
 I believe it is an error for any code to use AF_UNSPEC for any purpose
 other than masks (where it makes sense since the address family is
 normally not included in the mask).  A `sockaddr_dl', while by default
 longer than a `sockaddr', in this case will fit withing the structure
 In the future, I fully expect that `sockaddr' will be of maximal
 length (we need this for IPv6).

There's still one small problem: the code as it stands now can return
success and still not update the multicast filter. If you pass a structure
with AF_LINK as the family but with the length set to 0, if_addmulti()
falsely detects that the entry already matches an existing one and
returns success (it the equal() macro equates to a bcmp(), which tries
to compare 0 bytes worth of data and returns success). In my opinion,
this is a bug: either the equal() macro should return false, or the
zero length field should be detected by a sanity check and the function
should return EINVAL.
  The patches included with this post change /sys/net/if.c and
  /sys/net/if_ethersubr.c so that adding a mutlicast address with 
  SIOCADDMULTI using a struct sockaddr and AF_UNSPEC works again. I would 
  like Those Who Know More Than I (tm) to review these changes and offer 
  criticisms and comments.
 There are two things which should be done here.
 First, the kernel AppleTalk code should be fixed to join the necessary
 multicast groups when an interface is first configured for AppleTalk.
 (By preference the AARP implementation should be entirely in the
 kernel as well, but that's more of a challenge.)  Second, the generic
 ether_resolvemulti function should be enhanced to know about AppleTalk
 multicast addresses.

The Columbia Appletalk code is not the same as netatalk: it's implemented
entirely in user space and uses BPF as well as manually joining multicast
groups. The existing Columbia Appletalk port, which works on 2.2.x, uses
SIOCADDMULTI with a family of AF_UNSPEC. I rifled through a bunch of
man pages in 3.0-RELEASE trying to find the Right Way To Do This (tm)
but came up empty. If the right way to do this is to cast the struct 
sockaddr to a struct sockaddr_dl and use AF_LINK, then this should be
documented somewhere. (If it is documented and I missed it, feel free
to slap me around and point me in the right direction.)


-Bill Paul(212) 854-6020 | System Manager, Master of Unix-Fu
Work: | Center for Telecommunications Research
Home: | Columbia University, New York City
 It is not I who am crazy; it is I who am mad! - Ren Hoek, Space Madness

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CAP port and non-IP multicast

1999-01-30 Thread Bill Paul
Somebody wrote me recently to tell me they were having trouble getting
the Columbia Appletalk package to work with a PCI ethernet card. Looking
through both the Columbia Appletalk code and the kernel, I think the
problem is a general one not necessarily related to a given ethernet
driver. I'm not sure what the proper fix is though.

The CAP code contains a module called cap60/support/ethertalk/bpfiltp.c
which contains library support code for libcap when the package is
built with EtherTalk Phase 2 support. As the name implies, it works
with BPF, but it also contains the pi_addmulti() routine. The aarpd
program uses this function to join the 09:00:07:ff:ff:ff multicast
group. Since this is not an IP multicast group, you have to specify
something besides AF_INET as the family when using SIOCADDMULTI to

The question is, what should this something else be. In 2.2.x, you
have to use AF_UNSPEC, but in 3.x and up, you have to use AF_LINK.
The CAP port uses AF_UNSPEC in both cases, which is incorrect if
you're building the port on a 3.0 (or 4.0) host.

What's the right way to fix this? There are really two possibilities:
1) change bpfiltp.c so that it conditionally uses AF_UNSPEC or AF_LINK
depending on the OS release on which the port is being compiled, or
2) change sys/net/if_ethersubr.c so that it treats AF_UNSPEC and
AF_LINK the same. I expect changing the CAP code would be the more
'politically correct' approach, but it doesn't seem unreasonable to
allow backwards compatibility in the kernel code either.


-Bill Paul(212) 854-6020 | System Manager, Master of Unix-Fu
Work: | Center for Telecommunications Research
Home: | Columbia University, New York City
 It is not I who am crazy; it is I who am mad! - Ren Hoek, Space Madness

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RE: btokup().. patch to STYLE(9) (fwd)

1999-01-29 Thread paul
 -Original Message-
 From: Doug Rabson []
 Sent: 29 January 1999 10:49
 To: Sheldon Hearn
 Cc: Greg Lehey;
 Subject: Re: btokup().. patch to STYLE(9) (fwd) 
 On Fri, 29 Jan 1999, Sheldon Hearn wrote: 
  On Fri, 29 Jan 1999 20:01:23 +1030, Greg Lehey wrote:
 Documentation is the castor oil of programming.  
 Managers know it
 must be good because the programmers hate it so much.
  I take this to mean provide above your expression a comment that
  explains what you're doing, not clutter your expression with
  unnecessary parens in case you've made a mistake that 
 nobody will spot
  because you haven't commented your code properly.
  The reason I'm interested in this (now tiresome) thread is 
 that I'd much
  rather have to read
   * Bail out if the time left to next transaction is less than
   * the duration of the previous transaction.
  if (t % u - n % u  d % u) {
  if (((t % u) - (n % u))  (d % u)) {
 This is a strawman.  The original expression is perfectly fine (by my
 rules).  One could make a case for:
   if ((t % u) - (n % u)  d % u)

You could just as easily make a case for 

if ((t % u - n % u)  (d % u))

the parens then draw your eye naturally to the central operator but

I think this sums up the general problem with style(9) and also this
thread. The style guide does not say anything definitive about how to
parenthesize the above expression. What style(9) says, and it's been
quoted many times already is

Don't use parentheses unless they're required for precedence or the
statement is really confusing without them.

Not this second bit, style(9) *ALLOWS* the use of extra parentheses when
the programmer feels the statement would be really confusing without
them. The whole argument is over what people consider to be really
confusing and that is definately something down to the person doing the

In my mind, adding extra parens for readibility is a good thing and I
fail to see where my opinion is in any way in conflict with style(9)
since I only add them if I feel that the expression would be more
confusing without them. I think people reading the above quote from
style(9) and interpreting it as meaning we should be minimalist in our
use of parens is misreading it.

To be honest, style(9) as it stands is worthless since it has paragraphs
such as the following in it

In general code can be considered ``new code'' when it makes up about
50% or more of the files[s] involved. This is enough to break precedents
in the existing code and use the current style guidelines

Over time this can only lead to a mishmash of styles throughout the
codebase. I disagree with this being acceptable practice, it's a cop-out
which basically says, we have a style guide that encapsulates how the
current code looks but you're free to write in any style you want as
long as you write enough of it. In the long run you may as well not
bother with style(9), either there is a standard style or there isn't, a
man page documenting current style without advocating continuing
adherence is a rather pointless exercise.

It think it's a mistake to allow programmers to veer away from a common
style. Without consistency across the project it becomes difficult to
maintain code, which is why KNF exists in the first place.


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RE: btokup().. patch to STYLE(9) (fwd)

1999-01-29 Thread paul
 -Original Message-
 From: Julian Elischer []
 Sent: 29 January 1999 17:48
 To: Warner Losh
 Cc: Andrew Kenneth Milton;
 Subject: Re: btokup().. patch to STYLE(9) (fwd) 
 On Fri, 29 Jan 1999, Warner Losh wrote:
  if ((a  0)  (b  0))
 Personally while I KNOW (after wasting a second thinking 
 about it) that
 the example below is the same as that above, I ALWAYS code as above.
 It takes me about 1/5th the time to know what it means.
  if (a  0  b  0)
 If I were working on this code  written by someone else it'd leave my
 editor looking like the top example, that's for sure. I think that 
 How easy is it to edit a piece of code and still have it do what you
 expect is an important consideration, because people DO edit things.
  I do agree that complex things like:
  if (a | b  c % d ^ e)
  should really have some parents to show what is going on.
 I have NO idea of what that is doing and I have plans of 
 looking it up in
 the book to work it out..

The interesting thing about this example, and there's probably something
in this, is that the first example is trivial to understand without
parens because it parses left to right as an English expression i.e.

if (a  0  b  0)

if a is less than 0 and b is less than 0

It mirrors the way we read spoken language so it's very quick to see
what's going on. With the more difficult expression

if (a | b  c % d ^ e)

there's no spoken language analogy that flows left to right so we have
to parse it in much the same way as the compiler does. I bet that most
people are mentally putting braces around the expressions to break it up
or at least something along those lines. Therefore it makes sense to
actually put the parens there in the first place so that people can
parse it more quickly with the naked eye.


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Re: Network/ARP problem? Maybe pn driver?

1999-01-29 Thread Bill Paul
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, Christopher 
Masto had to walk into mine and say:

 On Fri, Jan 29, 1999 at 02:52:07PM -0800, Bill Fenner wrote:
  Can you run a tcpdump arp on the machine that is having the problem,
  as well?  This could help to determine if it's a driver problem (e.g.
  if the replies don't show up) or an ARP problem (e.g. if the replies
  do show up but arp doesn't use them).
 Good idea.
 Hmm.  Running tcpdump seems to make the problem go away.  The ARP
 replies show up immediately appear in the table.  Clue.

You should have tried that first.

There's something I'd like you to try for me. (Don't delay in trying
this; I've had a long string of people who appear suddenly, complain
about a problem of some sort, then vanish before I can extract enough
information from them to find a solution.)

I was menaced by a bug in the PNIC's receive DMA operation which, according 
to all my tests, only appeared in promiscuous mode. I devised a workaround,
however it's only enabled when the IFF_PROMISC flag is set on the
interface. Running tcpdump (without the -p flag) places the interface
in promiscuous mode and enables the workaround. Given what you've said,
it's possible that we need to enable the workaround all the time, not
just in promiscuous mode.

Do me the following:

- Bring up /sys/pci/if_pn.c in your favorite editor.
- Locate the pn_rxeof() function and find the following code:

 * XXX The PNIC seems to have a bug that manifests
 * when the promiscuous mode bit is set: we have to
 * watch for it and work around it.
if (sc-pn_promisc_war  ifp-if_flags  IFF_PROMISC) {
- Change the if() clause so that it looks like this:

if (sc-pn_promisc_war /* ifp-if_flags  IFF_PROMISC*/) {

  (In other words, comment out the test for the IFF_PROMISC flag.)

This will enable the workaround all the time and allow the receiver bug 
to be detected and handled properly.

Compile a new kernel with this change and see if the problem persists.
Report back your findings (one way or the other) so that I'll know if
I should modify the code in the repository.


-Bill Paul(212) 854-6020 | System Manager, Master of Unix-Fu
Work: | Center for Telecommunications Research
Home: | Columbia University, New York City
 It is not I who am crazy; it is I who am mad! - Ren Hoek, Space Madness

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RE: DEVFS, the time has come...

1999-01-26 Thread paul
 -Original Message-
 From: Poul-Henning Kamp []
 Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 1999 10:41 AM
 To: Doug Rabson
 Cc: Archie Cobbs; Maxim Sobolev;; Julian Elischer
 Subject: Re: DEVFS, the time has come... 
  No, it doesn't have to be SLICE.  In particular, if we're going the
  SLICE way, it should be done right, and Julians SLICE 
 code didn't 
  do that. (I know, I spent close to 6 months prototyping the concept
  and julian had my code to work from).
 Wouldn't it be possible to fit this into the device system?  
 If we treat
 disks as devices and partition types as drivers, most of the 
 boring work
 of matching drivers to devices and keeping lists and trees 
 of objects will
 happen automatically.
 Well, as long as you remember that it is not a strict hierarchy:
 I could slice two disks, mirror the slices and concatenate the
 mirrors if I wanted to.

Where does this happen though?

If we go with Doug's idea (which seems quite neat), then the device
subsystem will present devices for each of the slices/partitions that
the low level disk handling code finds during the probe phase.

The mirroring of slices and subsequent concatenation of the mirrors, or
any other combination of slice munging that might take place happens
later doesn't it, using something like vinum. If so then can't vinum
become responsible for modifying the device view, i.e. if it creates a
concatenated partition then it could remove the two low level slice
devices and create a new disk device that represents the concatenated
area. You might not want to remove the low level devices or it could be
a vinum configuration option.

If something like vinum doesn't exist then you're not going to be doing
any mirroring or concatenation and Doug's solution would be fine for
creating the device nodes needed to represent the actual layout of the
disks, as opposed to a view of the disks that might be created by
vinum et al.


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RE: 4.0-Current, netscape halts system

1999-01-26 Thread paul
 -Original Message-
 From: Reginald S. Perry []
 Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 1999 7:35 AM
 To: Jeroen Ruigrok/Asmodai
 Cc: Andrew Gordon;; Matthew Dillon
 Subject: Re: 4.0-Current, netscape halts system 
 I have been having these X lockups with the linux netscape 4.5
 running. I may have exacerbated it when I installed the linux
 realplayer and macromedia flash plugins. 
 I would like to have a methodology to help debug this, but I 
 have just 
 this one system to use as the debug system. I do also have a vt220
 which I could set up if that would help.
 The key here is that for me it locks the system up completely. I
 cannot telnet in remotely and the ctrl-alt-esc key sequence does not
 work so its unclear to me how to debug this. Tell me what I 
 would need 
 to help debug it, and I will try to be of some help. Ill attach my
 dmesg output.

I've had the problem recently and in the past where the system locks up
completely and a lot of the time the speaker starts a continuous beep.
Locks up solid, requires a power-cycle.

It's not a new problem, it used to happen a lot on my dual processor box
and I've had it happen a few time this week on my single processor dev
box. The hardware is very different on both boxes and compared to yours
so the cause must be somewhere fairly generic.

I *think* Netscape was in use every time but I can't see how netscape
itself can be directly responsible for a system lockup, it must be
tickling some interrupt problem.


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RE: WARNING: Today's current breaks passwords

1999-01-22 Thread paul
 -Original Message-
 From: Sheldon Hearn []
 Sent: Friday, January 22, 1999 3:17 PM
 To: Maxim Sobolev
 Subject: Re: WARNING: Today's current breaks passwords 
 On Fri, 22 Jan 1999 16:51:40 +0200, Maxim Sobolev wrote:
  Maybe your have switched between hashing modes (DES-MD5 or 
 Possibly that's what's happened, but it certainly isn't 
 something I did

It happened to me too. Did a cvsupdate after the tag and Matt's code was
commited, did a make world, built a new kernel, rebooted and couldn't
log in!

After changing root's password it went from being DES to SHA1 so I
suspect it's failing to honour the existing hash algorithm and trying to
use SHA1 regardless. Brandon looks like he's been around here recently,
like yesterday when it happened :-).


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RE: keymaps

1999-01-22 Thread paul
 -Original Message-
 From: John Fieber []
 Sent: Friday, January 22, 1999 3:51 PM
 To: Kazutaka YOKOTA
 Subject: Re: keymaps 
 On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Kazutaka YOKOTA wrote:
  Gentlemen, I don't intend to add yet another keymap to
  /usr/share/syscons/keymaps.  I am merely trying to define a 
  set of common, consistent key binding for existing keymaps.
  National keyboards have different layout of regular keys.  But
  function keys and special keys are placed identically.  They should
  work in the same way, or at least similar way in all 
 keyboards, unless
  there is a good reason to do otherwise.  (I am not talking about
  non-AT keyboards which are totally different from either AT 84 or
  101/102/104 keyboards.)
 What would be useful here is the ability to compose keymaps.
 There would be basically two sets: one that defines the layout of
 the main keyboard and one that defines the layout of the other
 keys.  That way I could pick my dvorak layout, then add on a
 layout that, say, swaps control and caps lock but leaves the main
 layout alone.

I was thinking something similar, a way to dynamically modify the map
ala xmodmap would be useful so that users who have particular
preferences can implement the changes in, say, .login

That's exactly what I do with xmodmap and X. The standard maps can
continue to reflect the actual layout of the keyboards then rather than
having a number of variations according to popular user preference.


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RE: KLD naming

1999-01-21 Thread paul
 -Original Message-
 From: Julian Elischer []
 Sent: Thursday, January 21, 1999 7:58 AM
 To: Mike Smith
 Cc: Christian Kuhtz; David O'Brien;
 Subject: Re: KLD naming 
 well you're about to get your first test
 we are releasing the netgrpah code in full production form tonigh (if 
 the version we've put together for release passes all tests tonight)
 The whole thing installs as KLD modules (or linked in of course)
 our present names are all predicated with ng_ 
 hence ng_socket ng_rfc1490, ng_frame_relay etc 
 the base module is 'netgraph'.
 now what would you suggest?
 we can still cahnge it before we release and no-body knows 
 any better but
 after is always harder to change than beefore..

Why not have a third party identifier on the front, e.g.


You can determine your own naming scheme then and if we make this
standard then it will ensure that third party supplied modules don't
result in name space conflicts. It's perfectly feasible in the future
that different companies might produce competing modules for subsystems,
sound for example, so we might as well deal with this possibility now.
Makes it easier to identify the source of the modules as well. Perhaps
we should adopt a FreeBSD prefix on core modules so you can see from ls
what's part of the OS and what's been added in from elsewhere.

Although I'm in favour of this naming scheme over directories you can
reach the point where the names are holding too much metainformation
that really should be directory structure. There wouldn't be need for
directories at all if you put the structure in the filename :-)


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RE: KLD naming

1999-01-21 Thread paul
 -Original Message-
 From: Julian Elischer []
 Sent: Thursday, January 21, 1999 5:39 PM
 Subject: RE: KLD naming 
 Well whistle is giving htis away so we don'tthink it should 
 be whistle_xxx
 any more than the kernel should be UCB/...
 It occur to me that eventually every single device driver 
 will be a KLD
 an also a lot of other things besides...
 there are going to be  a LOT of files in /modules

Ok, in this case maybe it doesn't apply but in general we should
determine what the guidelines for third party module developers should
be to avoid namespace clashes. I though a FreeBSD prefix for modules
shipped as part of FreeBSD would be useful to list all those modules
that are *not* third party supplied when you've got a directory full of
the things.


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RE: KLD naming

1999-01-21 Thread paul
 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Smith []
 Sent: Thursday, January 21, 1999 8:25 PM
 Subject: Re: KLD naming 


 Ah, understood.  I'd be inclined to use a suffix, so that our 
 prefix-based classification scheme still worked, eg.

Hmm, wouldn't this impose our kernel structure onto modules? This might
not be desirable for external developers, they may just want to provide
a single module rather than split the product into submodules that fit
our categories. Why not allow


rather than



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RE: Directory structure on

1999-01-20 Thread paul
 -Original Message-
 From: Peter Jeremy []
 Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 1999 6:21 AM
 To: freebsd-current@FreeBSD.ORG
 Subject: Re: Directory structure on
 Oliver Fromme wrote:
 In releases/snapshots they're called axp and x86, while in
 ports they're called alpha and i386.
 I agree that having two different names is confusing.
 DEC (or Compaq) literature seems to use both Alpha and AXP - I'm not
 sure that either is an especially better choice.
  x86 could imply that we're
 running on 286, too, and it's more in line with sparc64),
 I personally find i386 a pain because it is used to specify both an
 architecture (IA-32) and a particular implementation (80386) of that
 architecture.  In some cases it may not be clear which is meant.

I think the architecture names are more appropriate than any cpu related
name. For the alpha, while we might all use alpha in everyday speech axp
is more specific when it comes to releases since the alpha release of
the alpha code can get a tad confusing, I think that's why it was
changed in the first place. It'd be nice if i386 could become IA32 but
it probably won't happen.


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RE: KLD naming

1999-01-20 Thread paul
 -Original Message-
 From: Archie Cobbs []
 Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 1999 6:13 AM
 Subject: Re: KLD naming
 Doug Rabson writes:
   Might it be a good idea to choose a consistent naming 
 scheme for the
   modules? I'd think so because it would help blind loading 
 at the boot
   prompt. If you choose names it the following format:
   the modules of one type will sort together in a directory 
 listing. This is a
   change that will make FreeBSD more user friendly I think.
  When I first started writing KLD, I had a vague notion that 
 there would be
  a simple directory structure under /modules, e.g.:
 I like this idea (subdirectories) better.. it will last longer :-)
 Witness the explosion of the ports tree.
 You should then be able to load a module isa/if_ed.ko etc
 and have it work (no leading slash).

I don't think subdirectories based on bus type is a good idea, it
doesn't really fit the granularity we're probably heading towards. Some
thinks don't really fit at all, filesystems, screen savers etc and even
for drivers we're heading towards less bus specific devices so an
ethernet driver, say, would be the same for any bus, only the startup
code would be different and possibly(probably) in a different module.

A functional structure is probably better



Not a specific proposal for actual directories but perhaps a better
direction. I think we should start thinking more in terms of function,
rather than bus, in a lot of what we do with devices as we abstract out
the bus code more effectively.


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The removal of MT_RTABLE

1999-01-18 Thread paul
The removal of MT_RTABLE by fenner in rev 1.32 of /sys/sys/mbuf.h has
broken the build of the tree in netstat. It may have broken other net
apps that I haven't hit yet.

There's also a new coding style that I've not come across before being
used in this file, it's based on commenting out lines by clobbering the
first two chars, e.g.

/*efine MT_RTABLE   5*/ /* routing tables */

It looks like it was invented by Garret and fenner followed his good
example :-)


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Looking for testers...

1999-01-17 Thread Bill Paul
 there are no errors, then I'd
like to know that as well. :)

Note: please don't ask me for a -stable version of this driver. I'm
posting this to -current for a reason. If you're not running -current,
then either set up a -current box or just sit back and enjoy the show.


-Bill Paul(212) 854-6020 | System Manager, Master of Unix-Fu
Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Center for Telecommunications Research
Home:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Columbia University, New York City
 "It is not I who am crazy; it is I who am mad!" - Ren Hoek, "Space Madness"

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

RE: FreeBSD Celeron and Celeron ( Mendocino ) kernel patch.

1999-01-17 Thread paul
 -Original Message-
 From: Garrett Wollman []
 Sent: Saturday, January 09, 1999 4:22 PM
 To: Kenneth Wayne Culver
 Cc: Garrett Wollman; Bryan Seitz;
 Subject: Re: FreeBSD Celeron and Celeron ( Mendocino ) kernel patch.
 On Sat, 9 Jan 1999 11:12:20 -0500 (EST), Kenneth Wayne 
 Culver said:
  Well, they are the same in that respect, but the Pentium II 
 has cache in
  the same package, and most Pentium II's aren't 
 overclockable. The celeron
 That's OK -- we don't support overclocking anyway.
 The Celeron does have a cache in the package, BTW.  The cache in the
 Celeron is this tiny little thing that is actually capable of running
 at clock rates of 250 MHz or higher; the actual CPU is a perfectly
 ordinary Pentium-II core of the sort that would be labeled as ``450
 MHz'' when coupled with a more expensive cache.  (According to my
 friend who does VLSI design.)  The Celeron chips are intentionally
 down-rated by Intel marketing to keep them from cannibalizing the
 high-end market.  (Remember when upgrading to a faster line printer
 meant that a SE would change a single belt?)
 I think we should stick to identifying the core.

I disagree. From an user perspective I think it will be confusing to
general users to report PII when they think they've got a Celeron. From
a support perspective it might be useful to know what CPU is actually
installed rather than just the class of CPU.

On a related note, I'd be interested in benchmarks for the Celerons, how
does the on-chip cache compare to the off-chip cache.


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gdb slain in drive-by commit, film at 11

1999-01-16 Thread Bill Paul

Gdb has stopped working recently in -current. In a snapshot from
October 24th, it's fine. In a snapshot from November 15th (before
the great gcc switchover), it's hosed. I've been told it's hosed in
today's -current as well. Here are the symptoms:

tuba# uname -sr
FreeBSD 4.0-19991115-CURRENT
tuba# cat f.c
#include stdio.h
printf("hello world\n");
tuba# cc -g f.c
tuba# gdb -q a.out
(gdb) run
Starting program: /tmp/a.out 
warning: find_solib: Can't read pathname for load map: Bad address

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

A statically compiled executable works though:

tuba# cc -static -g f.c
tuba# gdb -q a.out
(gdb) run
Starting program: /tmp/a.out 
hello world

Program exited with code 014.

Okay, 'fess up: who's the wise guy.


-Bill Paul(212) 854-6020 | System Manager, Master of Unix-Fu
Work: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Center for Telecommunications Research
Home:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Columbia University, New York City
 "It is not I who am crazy; it is I who am mad!" - Ren Hoek, "Space Madness"

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