On 10/13/11, Oliver Hartman wrote:
On 10/13/11 10:39, Johan Hendriks wrote:
>  Hello all.
>  I just used the 9.0 B3 installer, and it defaults to GPT, which is nice.
>  However, and there has been some discussions about it, it would be nice
>  if the installer warns me that i could get in trouble if i want to use
>  gmirror and the like.
>  Also i find it a little strange that the default mode, GPT in this case
>  is in some sort not compatible with the other default geom structure.
>  For a newcomer or for people who use gmirror and glabel on a regular
>  basis because there somewhat default, it could strike them if they start
>  using the default GPT.
>  It is not logical.
>  Two default ways to do things that are in a way not compatible.
>  So a warning at the installer level could make a lot of users aware of
>  this, and they can decide what to do, use GPT or go back to the old MBR.
>  They can start looking at the mailling list and so on to make the right
>  decision is GPT acceptable for me or not.
>  And not install FreeBSD and find out later that you could not use your
>  old gmirror and glabel tactics without corrupting the GPT structure.
>  Just my thoughts about this.
>  regards,
>  Johan Hendriks
Shouldn't be there also a warning that GPT can not be used with the
FreeBSD native bootselector? I had trouble installing FreeBSD
9.0-CURRENT a while ago with default being GPT on my notebook and also
wanting a Windows 7/x64 for presentations, selectable via the FreeBSD
bootselector. This was possible with MBR, but it seems gone with GPT.

GPT shouldn't be installed with ANY bootselector present on the same device !

But, I noticed that when installing 9.0B1 on 2nd slice of a MBR disk (1st slice with 8.2), using "expert" mode in Bsdinstall, (so selecting a MBR installation), I did not have the expected choice (like in sysinstall) between a MBR bootloader, a standard MBR , or "don't touch to bootsector"; (no damage for me, as my bootselector --grub--is installed on a separate disk dedicated to rescue and booting, allowing me to be more safe when testing newer releases); could this usefull previous choice be merged in Bsdinstall ?

Later, I installed the 9.0B3 on a free disk, using the "guided" mode in Bsdinstall, and selecting an GPT installation, that worked fine; but I found very few differences between "guided" and "expert" mode (both require a minimal expertise). The use of "auto" choice would be too more documented, instead of letting the user to "see what will happen" ?.

I agree with the suggestion to introduce warnings in the installer itself, against the most dangerous incompatibilities, between gpt and geom, or whatever that could appear during the beta testing; but more generally the question is : what level of information need to be present in the installation medium, apart of the installer, allowing non-expert to succed installation whit a minimum of mistakes; it is obvious that having a look on the mailing lists BEFORE to begin is very helpfull, and a digest of the most important threads could appear as a README-1st or an installation-FAQ with the proper comments, at the ordinary-user level?



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