Re: keyboard reset (was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-09-03 Thread Toshihiko ARAI

+ Kazutaka YOKOTA wrote:

> We can improve our current behavior of syscons and keyboard drivers
> in the following approaches.

> a) Remove the FAIL_IF_NO_KBD flag from /boot/device.hints.
>Leave the AUTO_DETECT_KBD as it is now for syscons, so that
>syscons searches for a keyboard periodically while it isn't using
>one. Add a script to /etc/usbd.conf to switch to the USB keyboard.

I use the following scripts.  This /etc/usb_kbd was an improvement
version and became a topic with "-tech-jp ML" in Japan before a
little.  When you use it, please do "chmod +x".  And you can use
below four variables with rc.conf.


 is device name of an USB keyboard.

For example, when you use a "jp.106x" keymap with ukbd0, you add
keymap_ukbd0="jp.106x" line to /etc/rc.conf.  And other variable are
similar, too.

However, a case to use several USB keyboards is a testing shortage.
And keyboard device will not accord with variable name of rc.conf by
order to connect an USB keyboard to.

> I always liked the idea b), but haven't designed it yet.

I like b) plan, too.

Toshihiko ARAI

# This entry changes a console keyboard to an USB keyboard when connected it.
# And switch back to keyboard just before that when disconnected.
device "USB keyboard"
devname "ukbd[0-9]+"
attach  "/etc/usb_kbd ${DEVNAME} start"
detach  "/etc/usb_kbd ${DEVNAME} stop"

#!/bin/sh -
# $FreeBSD$
# usb_kbd devname [start|stop]
# example: usb_kbd ukbd0 start

# Suck in the configuration variables
if [ -r /etc/defaults/rc.conf ]; then
. /etc/defaults/rc.conf
elif [ -r /etc/rc.conf ]; then
. /etc/rc.conf


case ${startstop} in
[Ss][Tt][Aa][Rr][Tt] | '')
# To change system console by insertion of USB keyboard.
# Acquire a keyboard device name from a message of
# "kbd1 at ukbd0" of dmesg command.
kbddev=`dmesg | sed -n -e "/at ${devname}\\$/h" \
   -e '${ g
[ -z ${kbddev} ] && kbddev=kbd1 # XXX
kbdcontrol -k /dev/${kbddev} < ${ttydev} || exit

# Append pair of device name into history file.
echo "${kbddev} ${devname}" >> ${kbdhist}

# You can use following four variables.
# For example,
#   keymap_ukbd0="jp.106x"
# and rc.conf(5) may be helpful for you.
eval keymap=\$keymap_${devname}
eval keyrate=\$keyrate_${devname}
eval keybell=\$keybell_${devname}
eval keychange=\$keychange_${devname}

# Reference from src/etc/rc.syscons
# keymap
case ${keymap} in
[Nn][Oo] | '')
kbdcontrol < ${ttydev} -l ${keymap}

# keyrate
case ${keyrate} in
[Nn][Oo] | '')
kbdcontrol < ${ttydev} -r ${keyrate}

# keybell
case ${keybell} in
[Nn][Oo] | '')
kbdcontrol < ${ttydev} -b ${keybell}

# change function keys
case ${keychange} in
[Nn][Oo] | '')
set - ${keychange}
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
kbdcontrol <${ttydev} -f "$1" "$2"
shift; shift
# To switch back to keyboard before one by removal of
# USB keyboard.
if [ -s ${kbdhist} ]; then
# Delete a current keyboard from history file
# and get a last keyboard device name.
kbddev=`sed -e "/ ${devname}\\$/d" -e "w ${kbdhist}.tmp" \
${kbdhist} | sed -n '$s/ .*$//p'`
mv ${kbdhist}.tmp ${kbdhist}
[ -z ${kbddev} ] && kbddev=kbd0
kbdcontrol -k /dev/${kbddev} < ${ttydev}

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Re: psmintr: out of sync (was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-18 Thread Kazutaka YOKOTA

>Anyway, I am now considering the following experiment.
>- We make the psm driver count the number of the "out-of-sync" errors.
>- When the error is detected for the first time, the psm driver will
>  throw few data bytes (up to entire packet size) and see if it can 
>  get back to sync.
>- If the error still persists, the psm driver disable/enable the mouse 
>  and see if it works.
>- If the error still persists and the count goes up to N (10 or 20?),
>  the psm driver reset and reinitialize the mouse. The counter
>  is reset to zero.
>Too complicated?

Ok, here is an experimental patch.  It tries to implement the above

It also discards an incomplete data packet when the interval between two
consequtive bytes are longer than pre-defined timeout (2 seconds in
this patch).  The last byte which arrived late will be regarded as
the first byte of a new packet.  This is louie's idea.

Watch out for the followin messages:

"psmintr: delay too long; resetting byte count"
"psmintr: out of sync (%04x != %04x)"
"psmintr: discard a byte (%d)"
"psmintr: re-enable the mouse"
"psmintr: reset the mouse"

Please test if you are suffering from the out-of-sync errors!


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keyboard reset (was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-16 Thread Kazutaka YOKOTA

I am entering a tricky part now :-)

--- Keyboard reset

Because there are so many complicated issues here, I will start with
describing something I know about what BIOS and FreeBSD keyboard
driver do. (Beware, this is a long message.)

1. What BIOS does

During AT BIOS POST, things happen as follows.

Step 1. It sends the reset command to the keyboard.
Step 2. It waits for the result code.  During this reset operation
the embedded controller inside the keyboard will flash LEDs(*1).
Step 3. If it doesn't receive the result code, it assumes
there is no keyboard. Depending on your BIOS (and BIOS setup),
you will get the error message "keyboard not present."
Step 4. If it has received the result code, but it signifies an error,
you will get an error message too.
Step 5. If it has received the result code, and there was no error,
the BIOS sends the send-ID command to the keyboard.
Step 6. If the keyboard is 101/102 enhanced keyboard (or newer), it will
respond with a 2 byte ID code(*2). The original AT 84 keyboard
(and some old notebook computers too) doesn't support this
command and will report error.
Step 7. If the BIOS recognizes this ID code(*2), it will set the bit 4
in the keyboard status byte in the BIOS data area (0x496).
Step 8. The BIOS then send the set-LED command. This is typically done
to turn the NumLock LED on.
Step 9. The BIOS optionally send set-repeat-rate command to set repeat
delay and rate which you have specified in the BIOS setup menu.
(The original IBM AT didn't have such menu, thus, didn't send
this command.)

Note *1: we can certainly see the LEDs flash. But, this is not caused
 by the set-LED command from the host computer. It is by
 the keyboard's internal routine. In addition, LED flash is 
 not detectable from outside, in an electrical way by 
 the host computer or KVM.  There is no signal line in 
 the keyboard cable associated with the LEDs!
 We should also remember there are some keyboard which doesn't
 have LEDs.
Note *2: a typical ID code is 0x41ab for the US 101 keyboard. But
 other keyboards may send a different code. If the ID code
 is not one of those the BIOS knows about, the bit 4 at 0x496
 won't be set.

If the machine is in warm-boot sequence, the entire above keyboard probe
may be skipped. 

It is also important to note that there is no BIOS service or status
byte (or bit) in BIOS data area which tells us the presence or absence
of the keyboard.  As already pointed out in this mailing list by many
people, we cannot rely on the bit 4 at the BIOS data area 0x496 for
this purpose; this bit is set only when the keyboard identifies it
self as one of enhanced type (12 function keys and separate cursor pad
keys) AND the BIOS recognizes its ID code.

2. What FreeBSD atkbd driver does

Step 1. the probe routine sends the echo command to the keyboard port.
If a keyboard is present behind the keyboard port, it will respond.
Step 2. If there was no response, the driver assumes that there is no
keyboard and note as such. The driver will fail to install
ONLY IF you set bit 0 (FAIL_IF_NO_KBD) in the flags for atkbd.
Step 3. If the keyboard is present, then the attach routine first try
to retrieve the ID code from the keyboard by issuing 
the send-ID command. (The returned ID code will be saved.)
Step 4. Then the reset command is sent(*1), in order to put the keyboard
in known state(*1). (If the keyboard returns error and the
FAIL_IF_NO_KBD bit is set in the device flags, the atkbd will 
fail to install.)
Step 5. The set-LED command is sent. It typically set the NumLock LED
which was turned off reset in the step 4.
Step 6. The set-repeat-rate command is sent.

Note *1: if you really don't want to reset the keyboard, you may set
 the NO_RESET flags to skip it.
Note *2: if you warm boot the machine after you used it under another
 OS, we need to reset the keyboard to put it in known state,
 in case the BIOS doesn't do so for us.  It is true that there is
 not much room for the other OSes to configure the keyboard 
 in arcane state/mode, but I have seen in some Linux mailing 
 list that someone suggested that they should use the scan
 code set 3. The atkbd driver uses the scan code set 2 
 (this is the default after reset), or the set 1 for old
 ThinkPad keyboards (you need to set the ALT_SCANCODESET in 
 the atkbd device flags for this).

Note: all these FAIL_IF_NO_KBD, NO_RESET, and ALT_ACANCODESET flags are
  documented in the man page for atkbd(4).

3. Difference between the BIOS POST and atkbd

Except that the atkbd driver uses the echo command first and that the
order of the send-ID and reset commands is different, both do

Re: psmintr: out of sync (was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-16 Thread Terry Lambert

Kazutaka YOKOTA wrote:
> >o  You may want to implement a rate throttling mechanism;
> >   init will stop respawning a getty on a port, if it is
> >   exiting too rapidly, while inetd will rate limit the
> >   number of connection attempts a second, as well.  I
> >   guess you probably don't want to disable it, ala init,
> >   but limiting the number of reinitialize/resets per
> >   interval would address the "too expensive" and "reset
> >   causes additional resync errors" cases.
> We are not running getty on the mouse port. So, we don't need
> to worry about this.

I wasn't clear, I guess.

What I meant was that you might want to rate throttle the
mouse resets, in case the mouse driver ends up getting into
one of those loops that people are afraid it might.

If the moust can only reset once a second, you can't get
stuck in a tight loop resetting the mouse.  If it can only
do it 10 times before it backs off a minute, then this will
prevent someone grabbing the mouse and wiggling it to make
it work breaking it forever.

In other words, you control the rate at which you reset the
mouse.  This keeps it from being a problem, even if the new
code breaks horribly.  The worst that can happen is that you
reset once a second (or whatever you tune the timer for), and
then only do that 10 times every two minutes (or whatever you
set the second timer for).

So the idea is to make it behave like init behaves with getty:

init->  getty
psm0->  mouse reset

Does this make more sense?

-- Terry

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Re: psmresume() (was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-16 Thread Kazutaka YOKOTA

>Kazutaka YOKOTA wrote:
>> When the machine wakes up from the suspend mode by the APM (and ACPI?)
>> BIOS, it is considered the BIOS's responsibility to restore the
>> peripheral devices' state. And in fact most laptop machines are able
>> to restore their internal pointing devices correctly. The only
>> exceptions which I know of, to date, are some early models of Toshiba
>> Librette and some models from Sony VAIO which has VersaPad.
>I have a VAIO PCG-XG29; basically, I've just been shrugging
>my shoulders, alt-consoling the thing, and then restarting
>moused to make things happy

Send HUP to moused(8). I suspect that should just work.

>but if
>you want, the code I've been working on lately just passed off
>its acceptance testing today, so I could go through and put
>some comments in the code and send it off to you, and you can
>edit it and use it for a future commit.

Thank you. I am interested.

>So... (1) Would this be useful, and (2) if so, do you prefer
>diffs against -current or -stable?  (all of my work systems are
>-stable, but I could check out a -current work directory for
>this specifically).

psm.c in -CURRENT and -STABLE differ only slightly. Diffs against
either of the two will be fine.


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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-16 Thread Terry Lambert

Chris Dillon wrote:
[ ... Belkin OmniView firmware version ... ]

> > Little square sticker with rounded corners on the bottom, about
> > 1/2" by 1/4", with just the version, e.g. "1.9"...
> The 4-port OmniCube on my desk only has version 1.5, but that probably
> doesn't matter (how would I upgrade it?  I have a ROM burner).

I don't know how you would upgrade; it isn't flashable.  A
quick look at their web site doesn't show new versions
available; I rather think it would violate your warranty.

> The only
> caveat with these two KVM switches hooked together is that it is a
> real PITA when I hit Scroll Lock twice to change consoles on the
> remote KVM that sometimes the local KVM will see the same sequence and
> think I want to change consoles on it instead.  I wish there were a
> way to disable the keyboard shortcuts on the OmniCube and just use the
> front-panel button.

There's actually a way to do the cascade correctly; you can see
the product manuals on line.  They have a "magic" keyboard
cable that you *must* use, and then they have two di switches
that you have to set "off" for the cascaded device.  Good luck!

-- Terry

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Re: psmintr: out of sync (was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-16 Thread Kazutaka YOKOTA

>> If disable/enable sequence, which is lot simpler and takes considrably
>> less time, can correct the sync problem, I think it will be better.
>It looks to me as if the mouse is automatically enabled by
>default after a reset?

No, the mouse is disabled after reset. We need to explicitly
enable it.  This will be done during our re-initialization

>If this is true, then doing a disable
>then a reset will result in the next mouse packet coming in
>on a correct boundary.  It makes the reset a tiny bit more
>complicated, but makes the results more deterministic.

Yes. We can expect we get the packet boundary right after
the reset command followed by the enable command.  And that's why
we shall reset the "error counter" to zero after reset/reinitialize.

>I don't know what to tell you, if the keyboard goes away during
>the reset process: it seems counter-intuitive, and it means you
>can't use keyboard shortcuts to get to a mouse "control panel"
>to fix the problem manually... 8-(.

The keyboard won't be inaccessible during the mouse reset sequence.
Its data won't be lost (in theory).  But, you just feel the keyboard
is not responding quickly...

Anyway, I shall make a patch and we test it to see how it behaves...

>I think if that's unavoidable, a simple comment to that effect
>in the code would save you loads of grief later.
>-- Terry

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Re: psmintr: out of sync (was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-16 Thread Kazutaka YOKOTA

>o  If you are going to reset, disable and drain the input
>   queue before you do it; this will make the mouse lose
>   buffered data, making a partial send with a disable
>   in the middle not resume (e.g. it is no longer an
>   issue for you).

Don't worry. I was going to do this :-) 

>o  Because reinitialize can take a relatively _long_
>   time, split the "reset" and "reset" complete operations
>   across a tsleep() (or msleep) so that the rest of the
>   system doesn't stall (I think the number I saw was 2
>   seconds?!?).  If you get an interrupt on the reset
>   complete because it always sends data, then that's not
>   a real issue: the tsleep becomes a guarantee, rather
>   than a requirement.

Yes, we need to be careful about this. As the AT keyboard data and the
PS/2 mouse data must read from the same keyboard controller port on
the motherboard, we want to remove the mouse data from the keyboard
controller port as soon as it arrives, otherwise the keyboard data
will be blocked.

>o  You may want to implement a rate throttling mechanism;
>   init will stop respawning a getty on a port, if it is
>   exiting too rapidly, while inetd will rate limit the
>   number of connection attempts a second, as well.  I
>   guess you probably don't want to disable it, ala init,
>   but limiting the number of reinitialize/resets per
>   interval would address the "too expensive" and "reset
>   causes additional resync errors" cases.

We are not running getty on the mouse port. So, we don't need
to worry about this.


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Re: psmresume() (was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-16 Thread Terry Lambert

Kazutaka YOKOTA wrote:
> When the machine wakes up from the suspend mode by the APM (and ACPI?)
> BIOS, it is considered the BIOS's responsibility to restore the
> peripheral devices' state. And in fact most laptop machines are able
> to restore their internal pointing devices correctly. The only
> exceptions which I know of, to date, are some early models of Toshiba
> Librette and some models from Sony VAIO which has VersaPad.

I have a VAIO PCG-XG29; basically, I've just been shrugging
my shoulders, alt-consoling the thing, and then restarting
moused to make things happy, with a little hack to the sysmouse
driver so X doesn't freak out.  I didn't really complain, since
there are several things on my VAIO which don't work (though I
recently go my jog-dial working as a one dimensional, one
button mouse; I use it for a third button, when I don't want to
chord by forcing an Xevent 8-)).

> Some Sony VAIO models totally fail to restore VersaPad. So, it needs
> both flags to re-initialize the device. (This is documented in
> the man page for psm(4).)

I have to admit, I'm not running -current; I'm actually running
a fairly down-rev system, as these things go, at least on the

> >Even assuming it causes problems on some hardware (it appears
> >to be _required_ to handle undocking from a docking station
> >with an external mouse!), shouldn't this flag be inverted,
> Is it required for the internal mouse to be operational? Or, is it for
> the external mouse?  How the docking station or the external mouse
> (whether it is directly connected to the laptop or via the docking
> station) are handled is vender-dependent, I think.  Even if you need
> these flags for your laptop and docking station, it doesn't
> necessarily mean other vendors' laptop machines and docking stations
> need them too.

It's required (or rather, a hack like it is) for my PCGA-PSX1 "Mini
docking station" for the external mouse plugged into the mouse port
on the thing.  My hack doesn't fix the VersaPad.

> I don't know a way, whether vender dependent or standard, for OS to
> know if there are actually two mice connected behind the PS/2 mouse
> port, and to direct commands to internal and external mice separately.
> In short, when we send any command to the mouse port, you don't know
> if it is sent the internal mouse only, or it is also forwarded to the
> external mouse in addition to the internal mouse, or it is sent to the
> external mouse only.

There doesn't seem to be a problem using either on the VAIO,
FWIW: I can use them interchangeably.

> >instead?  I.e.: on by default, with the ability to force it
> >off if it caused trouble?
> I made these flags optional for few cases they are absolutely needed.
> I didn't made them default for the other systems, because I
> followed the wisdom: "When it's not broken, don't fix it" :-)
> If we have evidence that they are needed for many more machines
> these days, it's worthwhile to make them default.

I think I just have one of the problem systems, so I'm seeing
a lot of these issues.  The KVM issues are seperate on my
work boxes, not the laptop (no reason to be so perverse as to
run a laptop docking port connectors through a KVM!!!).

As usual, your post was informative, thanks!  Personally, I'm
one of those people who looks at the list archives, so I really
don't have a problem with the driver documentation... but if
you want, the code I've been working on lately just passed off
its acceptance testing today, so I could go through and put
some comments in the code and send it off to you, and you can
edit it and use it for a future commit.

So... (1) Would this be useful, and (2) if so, do you prefer
diffs against -current or -stable?  (all of my work systems are
-stable, but I could check out a -current work directory for
this specifically).

Thanks again,
-- Terry

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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-15 Thread Terry Lambert

Mike Smith wrote:
Takes self too seriously

> [Terry blathers]
 Warning that uncivil posting will follow shortly

> > > Surprisingly, setting "vidconsole" in the SRM didn't make
> > > my TGA work in FreeBSD.  8-p.
> 'vidconsole' is the x86 loader console driver.  Under SRM, there are no
   Repeated use of quoteing of term, despite pretense that post being
   replied to did not do the same.

> console options (because the platform doesn't give you any).

|John Baldwin writes:
| > What dance?  Works great for me.  If SRM uses serial console, so
| > does FreeBSD.  If SRM uses vidconsole, so does FreeBSD.  In fact,
   Terminology matching term in original post

| > this is the _only_ way it can work on the Alpha since SRM just
| > gives you one console device handle and one boot device handle.
| > 
| > Have you actually used an Alpha before? :-P
Humor indicator in original post

| Yes, I've used a Miata and a Multia with FreeBSD, and several
| others with DEC UNIX, and had a PC164 at one time.
| Surprisingly, setting "vidconsole" in the SRM didn't make

Obvious use of "finger quotes"

| my TGA work in FreeBSD.  8-p.
   Large indicator for humor impaired people

-- Terry
   Person tired of people being mean to others on lists for no good
   reason, and with no attempt at humor to blunt criticism

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Re: psmintr: out of sync (was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-15 Thread Terry Lambert

Kazutaka YOKOTA wrote:
> While we are carrying out the reset/initialization sequence, the mouse
> pointer will be frozen on the screen. The keyboard input may not
> respond in a timely fasion because the PS/2 mouse and the AT keyboard
> share the same I/O port. Then, I suspect our user may feel uneasy and
> think the entire FreeBSD is frozen...

The keyboard freeze seems problematic; can you decouple the
reset vs. the reset complete notification, by keeping a flag
("currently resetting") that the interrupt handler can look
at?  This kind of goes with your next observation:

> What do you think the average user will do in such situation? It is
> quite likely that s/he will wiggle the mouse (rather frantically?)  to
> see if the mouse is dead, won't he?  I am not sure our initialization
> sequence is robust enough to not be disturbed by this.

Yes, wiggling the mouse to make it work is the natural thing
for someone to do...

> If disable/enable sequence, which is lot simpler and takes considrably
> less time, can correct the sync problem, I think it will be better.

It looks to me as if the mouse is automatically enabled by
default after a reset?  If this is true, then doing a disable
then a reset will result in the next mouse packet coming in
on a correct boundary.  It makes the reset a tiny bit more
complicated, but makes the results more deterministic.

I don't know what to tell you, if the keyboard goes away during
the reset process: it seems counter-intuitive, and it means you
can't use keyboard shortcuts to get to a mouse "control panel"
to fix the problem manually... 8-(.

I think if that's unavoidable, a simple comment to that effect
in the code would save you loads of grief later.

-- Terry

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Re: psmintr: out of sync (was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-15 Thread Terry Lambert

Kazutaka YOKOTA wrote:
> Anyway, I am now considering the following experiment.
> - We make the psm driver count the number of the "out-of-sync" errors.
> - When the error is detected for the first time, the psm driver will
>   throw few data bytes (up to entire packet size) and see if it can
>   get back to sync.
> - If the error still persists, the psm driver disable/enable the mouse
>   and see if it works.
> - If the error still persists and the count goes up to N (10 or 20?),
>   the psm driver reset and reinitialize the mouse. The counter
>   is reset to zero.
> Too complicated?

Nope; looks right, actually.

You might want to go further, though, if you are concerned
about relinitializtion time, and repeats (someone suggested
that resetting the mouse might result in interrupts, which
could result in an "out of sync", which could result in a
reset, ...).

o   If you are going to reset, disable and drain the input
queue before you do it; this will make the mouse lose
buffered data, making a partial send with a disable
in the middle not resume (e.g. it is no longer an
issue for you).

o   Because reinitialize can take a relatively _long_
time, split the "reset" and "reset" complete operations
across a tsleep() (or msleep) so that the rest of the
system doesn't stall (I think the number I saw was 2
seconds?!?).  If you get an interrupt on the reset
complete because it always sends data, then that's not
a real issue: the tsleep becomes a guarantee, rather
than a requirement.

o   You may want to implement a rate throttling mechanism;
init will stop respawning a getty on a port, if it is
exiting too rapidly, while inetd will rate limit the
number of connection attempts a second, as well.  I
guess you probably don't want to disable it, ala init,
but limiting the number of reinitialize/resets per
interval would address the "too expensive" and "reset
causes additional resync errors" cases.

-- Terry

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psmresume() (was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-15 Thread Kazutaka YOKOTA

Ok, here is another topic for discussion.

>Under what circumstances would you _not_ want to call the
>function "reinitialize()" on the unit at resume time, such
>that this flag is not default?

To date, the flags PSM_CONFIG_HOOKRESUME and
PSM_COFIG_INITAFTERSUSPEND have been absolutely required by only few
machines, and are not necessary in most cases.  They were provided
as a fix/kludge for those few cases.

When the machine wakes up from the suspend mode by the APM (and ACPI?)
BIOS, it is considered the BIOS's responsibility to restore the
peripheral devices' state. And in fact most laptop machines are able
to restore their internal pointing devices correctly. The only
exceptions which I know of, to date, are some early models of Toshiba
Librette and some models from Sony VAIO which has VersaPad.

Librette needed PSM_CONFIG_HOOKRESUME, but not
PSM_CONFIG_INITAFTERSUSPEND.  Somehow Librette doesn't seem to fully
restore its mouse (actually it is a stick, which is like ThinkPad)
after the suspend mode. By tickling the mouse port via few harmless
I/O commands, the mouse will become operational quickly. (Even if we
don't have PSM_CONFIG_HOOKRESUME for Librette, its mouse will
eventually become operational after prolonged period since you resume
the machine, though.)

Some Sony VAIO models totally fail to restore VersaPad. So, it needs
both flags to re-initialize the device. (This is documented in 
the man page for psm(4).)

In general, the laptop computer's APM BIOS knows a lot about its
built-in pointing device, thus, is able to put it back to the state
before it went into sleep/suspend.

In contrast, the desktop computer's APM BIOS knows almost nothing
about special features of the hooked mouse.  (The BIOS vender cannot
know beforehand which mouse you will use with your motherboard :-) 
So, in theory, we need the above two flags if you sleep/suspend your
desktop computers. But, it appears that many APM BIOSes on desktop
machines just do not cut power to the mouse even in sleep/suspend
mode, in order to let the user to wake up the machine by moving the
mouse!  If the power to the mouse has not been cut, we don't need to
reinitialize the mouse.

>Even assuming it causes problems on some hardware (it appears
>to be _required_ to handle undocking from a docking station
>with an external mouse!), shouldn't this flag be inverted,

Is it required for the internal mouse to be operational? Or, is it for
the external mouse?  How the docking station or the external mouse
(whether it is directly connected to the laptop or via the docking
station) are handled is vender-dependent, I think.  Even if you need
these flags for your laptop and docking station, it doesn't
necessarily mean other vendors' laptop machines and docking stations
need them too.

I don't know a way, whether vender dependent or standard, for OS to
know if there are actually two mice connected behind the PS/2 mouse
port, and to direct commands to internal and external mice separately.
In short, when we send any command to the mouse port, you don't know
if it is sent the internal mouse only, or it is also forwarded to the
external mouse in addition to the internal mouse, or it is sent to the
external mouse only.

This problem is not FreeBSD-specific. Other OSes, including Windows,
have this problem too. If you buy a mouse with wheel and/or additional
buttons, its manual often say that the wheel may not function if you
use the mouse with laptop computers.  This is particularly true when
you hook a wheel mouse to a laptop whose pointing device has no wheel;
our psm driver, or Windows mouse driver for this mouse, sends
initialization command sequence to enable the wheel, the commands are
interpreted by the internal mouse's firmware and are ignored, because
it has no wheel.

(I know Logitech at some point made a proposal to implement a software
interface in which OS mouse drivers can talk to internal and external
mouse selectively. I don't know if mouse and laptop vendors have
reached any agreement upon this.)

>instead?  I.e.: on by default, with the ability to force it
>off if it caused trouble?

I made these flags optional for few cases they are absolutely needed.
I didn't made them default for the other systems, because I 
followed the wisdom: "When it's not broken, don't fix it" :-)

If we have evidence that they are needed for many more machines
these days, it's worthwhile to make them default.


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Re: psmintr: out of sync (was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-15 Thread Kazutaka YOKOTA

> > Too complicated?
>It sounds fine to me.  I was thinking that if you are truly concerned
>about the amount of time that the disable/enable calls take, the way to
>solve that is a combination of counter and timer.  Increment a counter
>when you take the disable/enable path to prevent recursive calls.  Set a
>timer the first time through the pair of functions to get the basic
>timing down.  Then, limit the calls to the pair of functions so that you
>never call them closer than 10x the time to complete the pair.  (maybe
>100x the time is better?  It depends on how long the function pair
>actually takes to complete.  Is it variable depending on MB or other
>factors?)  I think that timing the calls is important to limit the
>possibility of calling the functions too often in case of pathological
>circumstances.  This seems to be the overriding concern anyway.  I have
>only seen the problem once since I enabled that flag.

We don't need to worry about such situation.  As soon as we send the
disable command to the mouse, it will stop sending data packet.  So,
we are not going to send another disable command before it completes,
because we won't get another data byte which looks "out-of-sync"
before the enable command.

If we get "out-of-sync" data bytes after we send the enable command,
there are two possible reasons:

a) Disable/enable didn't work. The data packet is in wrong format.
We need reset/re-initialization.

b) The disable command was sent while the mouse was sending a data
packet, and the mouse tried to send the remaining part of the packet
after the enable command. This shouldn't happen for the well-behaved
mouse. Logitech's technical document states that if the mouse is
disabled in the middle of a data packet, the unsent part of the packet
will be discarded, and the mouse will start sending a new packet after
the next enable command. But, I would be rather cautious about this;
there are so many wacky mice out there; they may not be as good as
Logitech's :-) So, I would rather wait few more times after
disable/enable and before reset/re-initialization.

>What happens if you set your KVM into cyclical mode?  Does it force a
>mouse interrupt when it switches from machine to machine?

It depends on the KVM's firmware, doesn't it?  Both the mouse and
the host computer do not know they are connected to a KVM. If the mouse
is somehow forced by the KVM to send a data packet whenever you switch
between machines, we will see the mouse interrupt. Otherwise I cannot
imagine the mouse voluntarily sending data packets when you switch

You see, the root of the problem is here. The KVM tries to be
transparent to the host computers and the mouse (and the keyboard) and
there is no way for the host computer and mouse to know that it is
connected to a KVM and to know exactly when the user switch between
the machines.


>  I can imagine
>a KVM misbehaving during the automatic rotate mode to cause a real
>cascade of problems.  On the other hand, if you put it in the rotate
>mode, you probably aren't touching the mouse, so it shouldn't cause
>How difficult is it to keep some sort of timer value in the code?  If it
>costs too much to get a timer, then a counter is probably sufficient.

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Re: psmintr: out of sync (was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-15 Thread Kazutaka YOKOTA

>Does it make sense to have a timeout (or perhaps just timestamps) in the
>driver, so that after some period of inactivity, you "know" that the
>next byte from the moust is the first of a multi-byte message?

I haven't thought about this.  Yes, it may be possible. But, when the
mouse is moving rather fast, we may get continues flow of packets and
this technic may not work...

I will invesitgate and experiment with your idea.


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Re: psmintr: out of sync (was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-15 Thread Kazutaka YOKOTA

>: Too complicated?
>I like this idea.  It will allow mechanical KVM switches to "work"
>better than they do now (which is to say, not much at all).  I also
>have one KVM switch that hits the out-of-sync problem when its power
>fails.  Unfortunately, it has a horrible user interface: The power
>button and the switch console buttons are next to each other.
>I assume that initializing the mouse is somewhat expensive and
>something that you wish to avoid?

Yes. Reset and re-initialization involves sending a series of commands
to the mouse. It will take time. In addition, after we send the reset
command to the mouse, we have to wait until it returns a status code.

Loctech's technical document states that it will be between 300 and
500 msec. But, I know, from our users' reports in the past, that some
mice take a lot longer time than this before sending the status. 
Moreover, if we have a KVM between the mouse and the FreeBSD box,
there may be additional delay (I also had a report on such KVM).

So, the current psm code will wait up to 2 seconds in the worst case. 
There have been some cases where I had to advise users to set longer
wait time via the kernel compile option PSM_RESETDELAY and PSM_MAXWAIT
(see the man page for psm(4)) for some mice and KVM.

While we are carrying out the reset/initialization sequence, the mouse
pointer will be frozen on the screen. The keyboard input may not
respond in a timely fasion because the PS/2 mouse and the AT keyboard
share the same I/O port. Then, I suspect our user may feel uneasy and
think the entire FreeBSD is frozen...

What do you think the average user will do in such situation? It is
quite likely that s/he will wiggle the mouse (rather frantically?)  to
see if the mouse is dead, won't he?  I am not sure our initialization
sequence is robust enough to not be disturbed by this.

If disable/enable sequence, which is lot simpler and takes considrably
less time, can correct the sync problem, I think it will be better.


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psmintr: out of sync (was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-15 Thread Joe Kelsey

Kazutaka YOKOTA writes:
 > Anyway, I am now considering the following experiment.
 > - We make the psm driver count the number of the "out-of-sync" errors.
 > - When the error is detected for the first time, the psm driver will
 >   throw few data bytes (up to entire packet size) and see if it can 
 >   get back to sync.
 > - If the error still persists, the psm driver disable/enable the mouse 
 >   and see if it works.
 > - If the error still persists and the count goes up to N (10 or 20?),
 >   the psm driver reset and reinitialize the mouse. The counter
 >   is reset to zero.
 > Too complicated?

It sounds fine to me.  I was thinking that if you are truly concerned
about the amount of time that the disable/enable calls take, the way to
solve that is a combination of counter and timer.  Increment a counter
when you take the disable/enable path to prevent recursive calls.  Set a
timer the first time through the pair of functions to get the basic
timing down.  Then, limit the calls to the pair of functions so that you
never call them closer than 10x the time to complete the pair.  (maybe
100x the time is better?  It depends on how long the function pair
actually takes to complete.  Is it variable depending on MB or other
factors?)  I think that timing the calls is important to limit the
possibility of calling the functions too often in case of pathological
circumstances.  This seems to be the overriding concern anyway.  I have
only seen the problem once since I enabled that flag.

What happens if you set your KVM into cyclical mode?  Does it force a
mouse interrupt when it switches from machine to machine?  I can imagine
a KVM misbehaving during the automatic rotate mode to cause a real
cascade of problems.  On the other hand, if you put it in the rotate
mode, you probably aren't touching the mouse, so it shouldn't cause

How difficult is it to keep some sort of timer value in the code?  If it
costs too much to get a timer, then a counter is probably sufficient.


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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-15 Thread John Baldwin

On 15-Aug-01 Mike Smith wrote:
>> On 15-Aug-01 Mike Smith wrote:
>> > 
>> > [Terry blathers]
>> >> > Surprisingly, setting "vidconsole" in the SRM didn't make
>> >> > my TGA work in FreeBSD.  8-p.
>> > 
>> > 'vidconsole' is the x86 loader console driver.  Under SRM, there are no 
>> > console options (because the platform doesn't give you any).
>> Errr, there is a CONSOLE SRM variable that can be set to either "serial" or
>> "graphics" that determines which SRM console (and thus boot and kernel
>> consol
>> e)
>> you end up with.  "serial" : "graphics" :: "comconsole" : "vidconsole"
> Bah.  I know that.  I misinterpreted "in the SRM" to mean "in the loader 
> under SRM".  Brain fart, sorry.

Apple overworking you a bit much recently? :)


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --
PGP Key:
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -

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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-15 Thread Mike Smith

> On 15-Aug-01 Mike Smith wrote:
> > 
> > [Terry blathers]
> >> > Surprisingly, setting "vidconsole" in the SRM didn't make
> >> > my TGA work in FreeBSD.  8-p.
> > 
> > 'vidconsole' is the x86 loader console driver.  Under SRM, there are no 
> > console options (because the platform doesn't give you any).
> Errr, there is a CONSOLE SRM variable that can be set to either "serial" or
> "graphics" that determines which SRM console (and thus boot and kernel consol
> e)
> you end up with.  "serial" : "graphics" :: "comconsole" : "vidconsole"

Bah.  I know that.  I misinterpreted "in the SRM" to mean "in the loader 
under SRM".  Brain fart, sorry.

... every activity meets with opposition, everyone who acts has his
rivals and unfortunately opponents also.  But not because people want
to be opponents, rather because the tasks and relationships force
people to take different points of view.  [Dr. Fritz Todt]
   V I C T O R Y   N O T   V E N G E A N C E

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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-15 Thread John Baldwin

On 15-Aug-01 Mike Smith wrote:
> [Terry blathers]
>> > Surprisingly, setting "vidconsole" in the SRM didn't make
>> > my TGA work in FreeBSD.  8-p.
> 'vidconsole' is the x86 loader console driver.  Under SRM, there are no 
> console options (because the platform doesn't give you any).

Errr, there is a CONSOLE SRM variable that can be set to either "serial" or
"graphics" that determines which SRM console (and thus boot and kernel console)
you end up with.  "serial" : "graphics" :: "comconsole" : "vidconsole"


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --
PGP Key:
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: psmintr: out of sync (was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-15 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

Does it make sense to have a timeout (or perhaps just timestamps) in the
driver, so that after some period of inactivity, you "know" that the
next byte from the moust is the first of a multi-byte message?


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Re: psmintr: out of sync (was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-15 Thread Warner Losh

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kazutaka YOKOTA 
: Anyway, I am now considering the following experiment.
: - We make the psm driver count the number of the "out-of-sync" errors.
: - When the error is detected for the first time, the psm driver will
:   throw few data bytes (up to entire packet size) and see if it can 
:   get back to sync.
: - If the error still persists, the psm driver disable/enable the mouse 
:   and see if it works.
: - If the error still persists and the count goes up to N (10 or 20?),
:   the psm driver reset and reinitialize the mouse. The counter
:   is reset to zero.
: Too complicated?

I like this idea.  It will allow mechanical KVM switches to "work"
better than they do now (which is to say, not much at all).  I also
have one KVM switch that hits the out-of-sync problem when its power
fails.  Unfortunately, it has a horrible user interface: The power
button and the switch console buttons are next to each other.

I assume that initializing the mouse is somewhat expensive and
something that you wish to avoid?


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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-15 Thread Mike Smith

[Terry blathers]
> > Surprisingly, setting "vidconsole" in the SRM didn't make
> > my TGA work in FreeBSD.  8-p.

'vidconsole' is the x86 loader console driver.  Under SRM, there are no 
console options (because the platform doesn't give you any).

... every activity meets with opposition, everyone who acts has his
rivals and unfortunately opponents also.  But not because people want
to be opponents, rather because the tasks and relationships force
people to take different points of view.  [Dr. Fritz Todt]
   V I C T O R Y   N O T   V E N G E A N C E

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psmintr: out of sync (was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-15 Thread Kazutaka YOKOTA

Ok, I am back.

There are so many issues to be explained and discussed.  I will tackle
them one by one

- Flags 0x8000 for psm and "out-of-sync" error

As many people want to make it default, and my initial intent to make
it an option didn't work out well as a hindsight, we had better make
it the standard, default feature.

However, I would point out that THERE ARE CASES WHERE IT DOESN'T
CORRECT "out-of-sync".

The "out-of-sync" problem occurs in three situations.

Case 1: there was communication error between the keyboard and the
motherboard and data bytes from the mouse were somehow dropped.  (I
expect this is to be very rare these days.)

Case 2: when you switch between more than two host computers connected
to a KVM, there may be a loss of data bytes from the mouse to the
FreeBSD box, if you try to switch computers during a packet is being
sent from the mouse. This can be avoided if the KVM is intelligent
enough to know the boundary of mouse data packets, but I suspect many
KVMs on the market are not that smart; there are so many different
mouse data format and packet length that I seriously doubt that KVMs
know all of them and are able to ensure all data packets are sent to
the host computers without splitting a data packet.

Case 3: when you use a KVM, the mouse is initialized to one operating
mode by a host computer, and then another computer tries to set up
another operating mode of the mouse. Modern PS/2 mice have more than
one operating mode to support wheels, additional buttons, and other
extra features. These advanced modes most certainly use different
packet data format and packet length than the original IBM PS/2 mouse
(2 buttons, three-byte packet). If two computers try to put the mouse
in different modes, they may be expecting different packet length, and
will be confused when you switch between them.  Even if the two
computers are expecting the same packet length, you may witness wiered
mouse pointer movement (instead of the "out of sync" message) because
of the data format difference. If the KVM understands all the mouse
operating modes from all venders and is able to set up the correct
operaring mode for each computer when switching between them,
we will have no problem. But, the KVMs we have today are not that
capable for the same reason as I stated in the case 2 above.

The flags 0x8000 can correct the first two situations and should get
the mouse and the FreeBSD box back in sync. In case 3 above, this flag
won't help; you will get a series of "out of sync" and "re-enable the
mouse" messages. (I initially didn't like the idea that there would be
a lot of traffic from the host computer to the mouse to disable/enable
the mouse and we would still never get out of the error if we fell
into this trap. That was another reason why I made the flag optional.)
To get out of this error, we need to reset the mouse and reinitialize
it the way we want.

The trouble is that it is impossible for the psm driver to distinguish
the above three situations. Reset and re-initialization is also
effective for the case 1 and 2, but considered overkill and it will
take a long time to do it.

Another note on the "out-of-sync" error: we cannot guarantee that we
can always detect it. Because there is no reliable way to find the
start of the mouse data packet, the psm driver may operate without
noticing the error and the mouse pointer goes berserk on your

Anyway, I am now considering the following experiment.

- We make the psm driver count the number of the "out-of-sync" errors.
- When the error is detected for the first time, the psm driver will
  throw few data bytes (up to entire packet size) and see if it can 
  get back to sync.
- If the error still persists, the psm driver disable/enable the mouse 
  and see if it works.
- If the error still persists and the count goes up to N (10 or 20?),
  the psm driver reset and reinitialize the mouse. The counter
  is reset to zero.

Too complicated?


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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-14 Thread Chris Dillon

On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Terry Lambert wrote:

> Chris Dillon wrote:
> > Occasionally I'll have mouse sync problems when I switch between
> > FreeBSD and NT when the NT box has had difference mice (wheel vs.
> > non-wheel MS mice, apparently) used on it via the dual-user KVM
> > switch.  NT seems to handle that case fairly well by resetting the
> > PS/2 port and/or the mouse (not sure which) and redetecting the mouse
> > type.
> There is actually a Cybex-specific "Microsoft Knowledge Base"
> article which discusses the registry setting you need to pound
> on to make NT not attempt to detect the mouse wheel (FWIW).

I've found it.  This will apply to any case where you would want to
disable the wheel mouse detection in NT.  For archive purposes, here
it is:

> > FreeBSD doesn't like when NT has done that to the mouse,
> > though, and spews sync errors when I switch back.  Usually I can kill
> > moused and restart it to fix the problem.
> The 0x8000 flag fixes exactly this problem!

I see that this flag exists in -STABLE but is undocumented as of yet.
I'll give it a try.  Luckily this problem is not too common since I
rarely use the second user on the other KVM switch.

> > Hmm... I'll have to check, maybe thats why mine works.  :-)
> Little square sticker with rounded corners on the bottom, about
> 1/2" by 1/4", with just the version, e.g. "1.9"...

The 4-port OmniCube on my desk only has version 1.5, but that probably
doesn't matter (how would I upgrade it?  I have a ROM burner).  I
can't find the firmware version on my OmniView Matrix.  The only
caveat with these two KVM switches hooked together is that it is a
real PITA when I hit Scroll Lock twice to change consoles on the
remote KVM that sometimes the local KVM will see the same sequence and
think I want to change consoles on it instead.  I wish there were a
way to disable the keyboard shortcuts on the OmniCube and just use the
front-panel button.

   FreeBSD: The fastest and most stable server OS on the planet
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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-13 Thread John Baldwin

On 13-Aug-01 Terry Lambert wrote:
> John Baldwin wrote:
>> > More ideally, the FreeBSD box would detect whether or not
>> > the video card had been disabled, and use _that_ to decide
>> > whether or not to use a keyboard.  It would become the job
>> > of the video driver -- be it a regular driver, or be it an
>> > LCD driver -- to make the distinction.
>> This might be practical except that lots of motherboards ship with
>> built-in video these days.
> I think that disabling this in AMI BIOS, at least, will result
> in the carry flag being set to indicate INT 10 call failures.

Unfortunately there are other BIOS vendors, and we need a solution that works
across the board and doesn't trigger false positives.  (Most BIOS's don't set
the enhanced keyboard bit for USB keyboards, and some don't set it for PS/2
keyboards either, hence turning off -P.)

>> What dance?  Works great for me.  If SRM uses serial console, so
>> does FreeBSD.  If SRM uses vidconsole, so does FreeBSD.  In fact,
>> this is the _only_ way it can work on the Alpha since SRM just
>> gives you one console device handle and one boot device handle.
>> Have you actually used an Alpha before? :-P
> Yes, I've used a Miata and a Multia with FreeBSD, and several
> others with DEC UNIX, and had a PC164 at one time.
> Surprisingly, setting "vidconsole" in the SRM didn't make
> my TGA work in FreeBSD.  8-p.

Not all of those machines have TGA's, and you could be testing out the TGA
driver.  However, there is no song and dance, you set the console to serial for
a TGA machine and it all works and fine.  Not exactly a song and dance. :)

> -- Terry


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --
PGP Key:
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -

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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-13 Thread Terry Lambert

Chris Dillon wrote:
> Occasionally I'll have mouse sync problems when I switch between
> FreeBSD and NT when the NT box has had difference mice (wheel vs.
> non-wheel MS mice, apparently) used on it via the dual-user KVM
> switch.  NT seems to handle that case fairly well by resetting the
> PS/2 port and/or the mouse (not sure which) and redetecting the mouse
> type.

There is actually a Cybex-specific "Microsoft Knowledge Base"
article which discusses the registry setting you need to pound
on to make NT not attempt to detect the mouse wheel (FWIW).

> FreeBSD doesn't like when NT has done that to the mouse,
> though, and spews sync errors when I switch back.  Usually I can kill
> moused and restart it to fix the problem.

The 0x8000 flag fixes exactly this problem!

> > and the local wiring (non-ethernet version) of the Belkin OmniView
> > switches work if the FreeBSD mouse/keyboard is selected at boot
> > time, so that the aggressive probe/attach can satisfy itself.
> That is the KVM switch's fault, not FreeBSD's.  On all but the most
> expensive KVM switches which offer true "keyboard and mouse emulation"
> on all ports, even NT (or actually the BIOS, I assume) can fail to
> enable keyboard and mouse support in that case.  The dual-user Belkin
> OmniView seems to handle this correctly.  I can't recall any problem
> booting FreeBSD on it even when its console isn't active.

Yes, it has to to support the dual use case; we have one of
those in the lab, as well...

> > Belkin went out of its way to support FreeBSD specifically,
> > actually: their firmware version 1.9 fixes the local wiring
> > switches, so that they can pass FreeBSD's aggressive probe, even
> > if the FreeBSD mouse/keyboard is _not_ selected.
> Hmm... I'll have to check, maybe thats why mine works.  :-)

Little square sticker with rounded corners on the bottom, about
1/2" by 1/4", with just the version, e.g. "1.9"...

-- Terry

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Re: Netiquette (Was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-13 Thread Terry Lambert

Gordon Tetlow wrote:
> This is such a great example of how tone can come across poorly in a text
> medium. I doubt (hope) that Joe didn't mean to come across as that. But
> tone in email is so often inferred based on the readers own moods, that
> phrasing email becomes much more important so as to not give the reader
> the wrong impression.
> This should be required reading for anyone considering posting to a
> FreeBSD mailing list.

My personal suggestion: it's nice to "be nice", but it's better
to be as nice as you can, and grow a thick skin.

This isn't me being facetious: many of the people involved
in FreeBSD are not coming to it as native speakers of English,
and most of the discussions on these lists are in English.  If
you insist on taking offense at every opportunity, or even at
half of them, then you will find yourself not getting along
very well.

-- Terry

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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-13 Thread Terry Lambert

Joe Kelsey wrote:

[ ... 0x8000 ... ]

> Again, all I am asking is for someone to explain why they make a design
> decision.  The comment in the psm.c file about a "hack" is extremely
> unhelpful.  Why did the coder think it was a "hack" solution?  What were
> the pros and cons that went into that decision.  Was there a discussion
> on -current about it that I missed?  If there was a discussion and a
> conclusion was reached, the proper thing to do is to insert
> documentation into the code to explain the design decisions that were
> made.  If you don't document the design in the code, it will be
> forgotton, as there is no other place to document it in FreeBSD.

Kazu stated that the reason he didn't enable this by default
is that he wanted it tested before he committed to making it
the default.  It's a bit over the top conservative (since it
can't make a broken mouse any more broken), but I understand
his intent, if not his reasoning.

It's a hack solution, since it should "just work", but this
makes an intrinsic assumption that you won't put something
between you and the hardware to cause problems.  It could be
that he just hadn't thought of that -- but I doubt it, since
the code came from him in the first place.

All in all, I agree with the sentiment on design documentation:
I'd like to see a lot more of it before code is thrown at a
problem, and I'd like to see more literate programming, and
most of all I'd like to see benchmarks froving that changes
are not gratuitous, or if they are, they at don't injure
performance (people have actually been much better about this
lately, for the most part, though I still fear for the tcptmpl
elimination, rather than merely a reduction in the allocation

-- Terry

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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-13 Thread Terry Lambert

Warner Losh wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Joe Kelsey writes:
> : I also second Terry's comment about 0x800.  There is no reason to add
> : yet more driver flags in order to "do the right thing".  The "do the
> : right thing" case should always be default and a flag (sysctl variable,
> : etc) should be used for those who want "the wrong thing".
> The main reason that it wasn't added at the time was that it was
> expensive in terms of CPU utilization, so it shouldn't be on by
> default.  There may be other reasons as well...


It was just recently added; I'd like to see it MFC'ed for 4.4,
but certainly, Kazu hasn't been slacking on 0x8000.

I personally don't see how it could be more costly in terms
of CPU, since it only invokes in the case of a desynchronized
mouse event coming in to the mouse driver: e.g. a failure case
that only triggers when there's bot a failure, and a monkey
on the other end of the mouse cable.  8-).

-- Terry

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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-13 Thread Terry Lambert

John Baldwin wrote:
> > My suggestion for a probe in this case would be to set up
> > a different handler for the reset signal, and then ask the
> > keyboard to send the reset signal.  If it does, then there
> > is a keyboard present.
> Yeah, and resetting the controller works fine on machines that don't
> have keyboards, so it returns false positives.

I don't *want* the controller reset: that's what makes the
LEDs flash and screw up the KVM's.

> > More ideally, the FreeBSD box would detect whether or not
> > the video card had been disabled, and use _that_ to decide
> > whether or not to use a keyboard.  It would become the job
> > of the video driver -- be it a regular driver, or be it an
> > LCD driver -- to make the distinction.
> This might be practical except that lots of motherboards ship with
> built-in video these days.

I think that disabling this in AMI BIOS, at least, will result
in the carry flag being set to indicate INT 10 call failures.

> What dance?  Works great for me.  If SRM uses serial console, so
> does FreeBSD.  If SRM uses vidconsole, so does FreeBSD.  In fact,
> this is the _only_ way it can work on the Alpha since SRM just
> gives you one console device handle and one boot device handle.
> Have you actually used an Alpha before? :-P

Yes, I've used a Miata and a Multia with FreeBSD, and several
others with DEC UNIX, and had a PC164 at one time.

Surprisingly, setting "vidconsole" in the SRM didn't make
my TGA work in FreeBSD.  8-p.

-- Terry

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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-13 Thread Terry Lambert

John Baldwin wrote:
> 1) Implement probing/detection for PS/2 keyboards post-boot.  You can hack
> this by having the atkbd0 driver always attach to IRQ 1, but not create and
> export a kbd0 syscons keyboard driver until it gets an interrupt event from
> the keyboard.

This would be pretty easy.

> 2) Rewrite the syscons keyboard layer so that we don't have a primary
> keyboard that is always the current keyboard, but instead make it accept
> input from all keyboards currently plugged into the system.  With this you
> could go back to assuming a PS/2 keyboard is always around as a hack.

This would be rather cool, since it would let me dock and
undock my laptop or use an external USB keyboard at the same
time... I'll have to find some time to go to Fry's some time
in the next couple of weeks or so...

-- Terry

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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-13 Thread Terry Lambert

Mike Smith wrote:
> > Here is the _precise_ problem with older firmware:
> >
> > The Belkin KVM switch uses the "on->off->on" or "off->on->off"
> > of this LED to signal a port change character is coming next,
> > and times out the port change request only after a little
> > while.
> Ah, so the problem is actually a design defect in the Belkin switch.
> Nice to have that part confirmed.

Toe-may-toe, Toe-mah-toe.  Other vender's hacks are no
better; if there's a design defect in the switch, it's that
it doesn't take the double scroll-lock, instead of using the
LED from the host, such that if it's wedged, you have to
manually hit the "next console" button.  On the other hand,
I can force a console switch from software on a machine by
toggling the scroll lock LED, and then forcing the keyboard
to send me a key-down for a digit by priming its buffer, which
is really handy if you want to do an automated rolling demo
for a trade show, etc..

> > The fundamental problem here is that FreeBSD _resets_ a
> > keyboard which has already been correctly reset by the BIOS,
> > if it is present.
> You can't be sure of this.  Just as we reset everything else we
> talk to, we reset the keyboard.  Specific examples where *not*
> resetting things gets us into trouble can typically be found by
> looking for "when I reboot from Windows XYZ doesn't work".

I think that depowering the thing and repowering it at POST
is enough to know its state...

The only historical fly in this ointment is that some old
systems didn't put a real flip-flop on the CPU reset line,
and latch it as a result of getting the keyboard reset
command from the keyboard controller.  Most of these are
using XT keyboards, though, which won't work with any KVM
switches out there today, since the controller chip is on
the wrong side of the keyboard connector cable.  8-).

> > The FreeBSD keyboard detection is another matter; FreeBSD
> > will assume that there is no keyboard, and try to "helpfully"
> > drop you into serial console mode.
> No it won't, unless you explicitly configure it.

This is the "-P default" case; most people are not running
that recent a -current.

> > Some of this _used_ to
> > be mitigated by checking for the "extended keyboard bit" in
> > the "keyboard identify" BIOS call, but this was a problem
> > for people with antique keyboards.
> This is not the problem, as I have already mentioned in another message.
> BIOS vendors have *stopped* setting this bit.

I've checked 5 machines, including the Tyan and SuperMicro
(the latter is AMI BIOS), as well as my Sony VAIO... all set
the bit.

That said, I agree that it's not a very good way of detecting
a keyboard being out there... 8-(.

> > My suggestion for a probe in this case would be to set up
> > a different handler for the reset signal, and then ask the
> > keyboard to send the reset signal.  If it does, then there
> > is a keyboard present.
> Keyboard probing is a dead loss, which is why we don't do it
> by default.

I wish we could avoid resetting, as well.  I think that the
BIOS you are seeing not setting the bit has decided to not
do the probe, too.  That's understandable, given that KVM
switches are becoming more and more common: they probably saw
the same thing FreeBSD is seeing with these boxes.

> > More ideally, the FreeBSD box would detect whether or not
> > the video card had been disabled, and use _that_ to decide
> > whether or not to use a keyboard.  It would become the job
> > of the video driver -- be it a regular driver, or be it an
> > LCD driver -- to make the distinction.
> There is no standardised way of detecting whether a display
> has been "disabled".

One gross way that I have never seen fail is to make an INT
10 call to set a standard (the default) video mode, and note
that the registers indicate a failure.

> > Absolutely ideally, FreeBSD would come up with the boot code
> > on _both_ (this is an option), and then be told by the user
> > to not use one of them -- or boot using _both_, until told
> > to do otherwise.
> We've tried this already; people didn't like it.

Well, I think the only option left here is explicit configuration.

The boot loader doesn't reset the keyboard, does it?  I've
never seen the LEDs "flash dance", between the PST and the
FreeBSD keyboard probe, anyway.  Perhaps we could elect to
reset the keyboard from the boot loader, as an option, and
not do it by default...

> > This would _also_ solve the Alpha serial console dance.
> Actually, it wouldn't, since we use the SRM console for quite a ways, and
> SRM doesn't do multi-source console I/O.  (And when you have a version of
> SRM that allows you to 'pull' the console by sending a few keystrokes,
> you can't work out where it's actually directed anyway.)

Ugh.  I was thinking more in terms of activating both drivers,
and sinking both inputs to the same /dev/console... not pretty,

-- Terry

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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-13 Thread Terry Lambert

Jason Evans wrote:
> I had the same problems, and took my KVM switch apart, expecting to find
> the chips reversed.  They were in fact installed correctly, so at least in
> my case, the problem exists regardless.  If I'm careful to have the KVM
> switch on the same channel as a booting machine, and leave it on that
> channel until the probing is done, everything seems to work fine.
> Otherwise, the keyboard is not detected.

See my other post; an upgrade to firmware version 1.9 will fix
the problem.

-- Terry

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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-12 Thread Chris Dillon

On Sat, 11 Aug 2001, Terry Lambert wrote:

> Finally, most keyboard/mouse/monitor switches don't work with
> FreeBSD; for example, the Belkin console extender that uses the
> ethernet cable doesn't work at all (it's the best one out there),

I'm using a Cybex KVM-over-CAT5 extender with a cheap 4-port Belkin
OmniCube KVM switch on one end (my desk) and a much more expensive
8-port dual-user Belkin (OmniView?) KVM switch on the other end (the
server closet) attached to three FreeBSD servers and one NT box.  I
only use keyboard and video for the FreeBSD boxes, but that much has
always worked perfectly.

Occasionally I'll have mouse sync problems when I switch between
FreeBSD and NT when the NT box has had difference mice (wheel vs.
non-wheel MS mice, apparently) used on it via the dual-user KVM
switch.  NT seems to handle that case fairly well by resetting the
PS/2 port and/or the mouse (not sure which) and redetecting the mouse
type.  FreeBSD doesn't like when NT has done that to the mouse,
though, and spews sync errors when I switch back.  Usually I can kill
moused and restart it to fix the problem.

> and the local wiring (non-ethernet version) of the Belkin OmniView
> switches work if the FreeBSD mouse/keyboard is selected at boot
> time, so that the aggressive probe/attach can satisfy itself.

That is the KVM switch's fault, not FreeBSD's.  On all but the most
expensive KVM switches which offer true "keyboard and mouse emulation"
on all ports, even NT (or actually the BIOS, I assume) can fail to
enable keyboard and mouse support in that case.  The dual-user Belkin
OmniView seems to handle this correctly.  I can't recall any problem
booting FreeBSD on it even when its console isn't active.

> Belkin went out of its way to support FreeBSD specifically,
> actually: their firmware version 1.9 fixes the local wiring
> switches, so that they can pass FreeBSD's aggressive probe, even
> if the FreeBSD mouse/keyboard is _not_ selected.

Hmm... I'll have to check, maybe thats why mine works.  :-)

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Netiquette (Was: Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-12 Thread Gordon Tetlow

On Sun, 12 Aug 2001, Warner Losh wrote:

> A word about tone.  If you were to get as in my face about, say,
> pccard, as you about the psm driver, I'd certainly be ill inclined to
> provide you with what you want.
> Good Tone:
>   Say Warner, why do you bother turning off the power after
>   you suspend a socket.  Shouldn't the power routines take care
>   of that?  Is there something subtle that's going on?  Maybe a
>   comment is in order?
> Bad Tone:
>   Please explain the pros and cons for turning the power off
>   after suspending a socket.  I really want to know.  Why did
>   they do this?  Didn't the coder trust the power routines?  The
>   least he could have done was include a comment.  Was there
>   some long discussion that I missed?
> See the difference?  The first tone is friendly, suggesting that
> something in the code might be unclear.  The second seems to imply
> that I'm a moron for not documenting every trivial solution with a 20
> page thesis on why it is good or bad to do.

This is such a great example of how tone can come across poorly in a text
medium. I doubt (hope) that Joe didn't mean to come across as that. But
tone in email is so often inferred based on the readers own moods, that
phrasing email becomes much more important so as to not give the reader
the wrong impression.

This should be required reading for anyone considering posting to a
FreeBSD mailing list.


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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-12 Thread Warner Losh

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Joe Kelsey writes:
: Warner Losh writes:
:  > In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Joe Kelsey 
:  > : I also second Terry's comment about 0x800.  There is no reason to add
:  > : yet more driver flags in order to "do the right thing".  The "do the
:  > : right thing" case should always be default and a flag (sysctl variable,
:  > : etc) should be used for those who want "the wrong thing".
:  > 
:  > The main reason that it wasn't added at the time was that it was
:  > expensive in terms of CPU utilization, so it shouldn't be on by
:  > default.  There may be other reasons as well...
: Please explain the reference to "expensive in terms of CPU
: utilization".  I have currently turned this code on by default (simply
: removed the if blocking and the hack comment) so that it always does the
: log message followed by the disable/enable calls.  So far, where I used
: to see thousands of "out of sync" messages, I now have seen exactly one
: "out of sync" message followed by the "re-enable" message.  I cannot see
: how a single disable/enable call at the first mouse motion can cause
: massive CPU utilization problems.  But then again, maybe I am thinking
: wrong?

That's what I was told when I asked to make it default.  The
enable/disable routines were, at least at the time, somewhat expensive
because they did things to the mouse port at 1uS per transaction and
there were lots of transactions.

: Please explain this.  Do you expect to be resetting the mouse thousands
: of times per second?  It is an error condition.  The default must be to
: fix the errors.  As soon as someone reports that the fix is being
: executed thousands of times per second on their broken hardware, then we
: can implement the opposite flag to disable the fix in those pathological
: cases where it causes a problem.

It is possible, i believe, to have patholigical cases where resetting
the mouse would cause another out of sync, which would cause another
reset, which would cause another out of sync, etc.  This would result
in a hung system, for all intents and purposes.  That's why it isn't
enabled by default.  At least that's my dim recollection of the mail I
had with yokota-san, that may have been private.

: Again, all I am asking is for someone to explain why they make a design
: decision.  The comment in the psm.c file about a "hack" is extremely
: unhelpful.  Why did the coder think it was a "hack" solution?  What were
: the pros and cons that went into that decision.  Was there a discussion
: on -current about it that I missed?  If there was a discussion and a
: conclusion was reached, the proper thing to do is to insert
: documentation into the code to explain the design decisions that were
: made.  If you don't document the design in the code, it will be
: forgotton, as there is no other place to document it in FreeBSD.

Sometimes things don't get documented.  That's the nature of the

A word about tone.  If you were to get as in my face about, say,
pccard, as you about the psm driver, I'd certainly be ill inclined to
provide you with what you want.

Good Tone:
Say Warner, why do you bother turning off the power after
you suspend a socket.  Shouldn't the power routines take care
of that?  Is there something subtle that's going on?  Maybe a
comment is in order?

Bad Tone:
Please explain the pros and cons for turning the power off
after suspending a socket.  I really want to know.  Why did
they do this?  Didn't the coder trust the power routines?  The
least he could have done was include a comment.  Was there
some long discussion that I missed?

See the difference?  The first tone is friendly, suggesting that
something in the code might be unclear.  The second seems to imply
that I'm a moron for not documenting every trivial solution with a 20
page thesis on why it is good or bad to do.

Also, sometimes you have to know when to give a point a rest.
Hammering this again so soon after yakota-san sent out his long, very
well written message that said he was going on a business trip and
would be out of touch isn't going to have the results you expected.
He'll get back from his trip and will likely be swamped.  That's the
worst time to hit someone with a "hey, can you document this more"


P.S.  The answer is that we don't power off before that point and if
we fail to power it off, the card will continue to draw power while
suspended and can cause machine hangs when the machine is resumed.  A
careful tracing of the code shows that no power down commands are
issued in the disable path.

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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-12 Thread Joe Kelsey

Warner Losh writes:
 > In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Joe Kelsey writes:
 > : I also second Terry's comment about 0x800.  There is no reason to add
 > : yet more driver flags in order to "do the right thing".  The "do the
 > : right thing" case should always be default and a flag (sysctl variable,
 > : etc) should be used for those who want "the wrong thing".
 > The main reason that it wasn't added at the time was that it was
 > expensive in terms of CPU utilization, so it shouldn't be on by
 > default.  There may be other reasons as well...

Please explain the reference to "expensive in terms of CPU
utilization".  I have currently turned this code on by default (simply
removed the if blocking and the hack comment) so that it always does the
log message followed by the disable/enable calls.  So far, where I used
to see thousands of "out of sync" messages, I now have seen exactly one
"out of sync" message followed by the "re-enable" message.  I cannot see
how a single disable/enable call at the first mouse motion can cause
massive CPU utilization problems.  But then again, maybe I am thinking

Please explain this.  Do you expect to be resetting the mouse thousands
of times per second?  It is an error condition.  The default must be to
fix the errors.  As soon as someone reports that the fix is being
executed thousands of times per second on their broken hardware, then we
can implement the opposite flag to disable the fix in those pathological
cases where it causes a problem.

Again, all I am asking is for someone to explain why they make a design
decision.  The comment in the psm.c file about a "hack" is extremely
unhelpful.  Why did the coder think it was a "hack" solution?  What were
the pros and cons that went into that decision.  Was there a discussion
on -current about it that I missed?  If there was a discussion and a
conclusion was reached, the proper thing to do is to insert
documentation into the code to explain the design decisions that were
made.  If you don't document the design in the code, it will be
forgotton, as there is no other place to document it in FreeBSD.


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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-12 Thread Warner Losh

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Joe Kelsey writes:
: I also second Terry's comment about 0x800.  There is no reason to add
: yet more driver flags in order to "do the right thing".  The "do the
: right thing" case should always be default and a flag (sysctl variable,
: etc) should be used for those who want "the wrong thing".

The main reason that it wasn't added at the time was that it was
expensive in terms of CPU utilization, so it shouldn't be on by
default.  There may be other reasons as well...


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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-12 Thread John Baldwin

On 13-Aug-01 John Baldwin wrote:
> runtime interface (IMO).  I realize the user side of the attributes is up for
> debate, but working on solving this problem is much more problem than
> complaining that people aren't giving you the free gift you want.



John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --
PGP Key:
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -

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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-12 Thread John Baldwin

On 12-Aug-01 Terry Lambert wrote:
> The FreeBSD keyboard detection is another matter; FreeBSD
> will assume that there is no keyboard, and try to "helpfully"
> drop you into serial console mode.  Some of this _used_ to
> be mitigated by checking for the "extended keyboard bit" in
> the "keyboard identify" BIOS call, but this was a problem
> for people with antique keyboards.

Umm, this is the -P flag to boot2 which is no longer on by default.
Not a kernel issue.

> My suggestion for a probe in this case would be to set up
> a different handler for the reset signal, and then ask the
> keyboard to send the reset signal.  If it does, then there
> is a keyboard present.

Yeah, and resetting the controller works fine on machines that don't
have keyboards, so it returns false positives.

> More ideally, the FreeBSD box would detect whether or not
> the video card had been disabled, and use _that_ to decide
> whether or not to use a keyboard.  It would become the job
> of the video driver -- be it a regular driver, or be it an
> LCD driver -- to make the distinction.

This might be practical except that lots of motherboards ship with
built-in video these days.

> Absolutely ideally, FreeBSD would come up with the boot code
> on _both_ (this is an option), and then be told by the user
> to not use one of them -- or boot using _both_, until told
> to do otherwise.
> This would _also_ solve the Alpha serial console dance.

What dance?  Works great for me.  If SRM uses serial console, so
does FreeBSD.  If SRM uses vidconsole, so does FreeBSD.  In fact,
this is the _only_ way it can work on the Alpha since SRM just
gives you one console device handle and one boot device handle.

Have you actually used an Alpha before? :-P


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --
PGP Key:
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -

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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-12 Thread John Baldwin

On 12-Aug-01 Terry Lambert wrote:
> Mike Smith wrote:
>> > :Finally, most keyboard/mouse/monitor switches don't work with
>> > :FreeBSD;
>> This is actually not true.  I'd doubt that you've even tried many of them.


It seems no one has investigated why we probe keyboards at all.  Maybe if
people would do a little research, they would _learn_ something.  Assuming that
we always have PS/2 keyboards present breaks the case of people who use *shock*
non-PS/2 keyboards like USB keyboards.  Now, I'm sure that you think that
everyone should use PS/2 keyboards and that anyone who doesn't is just absolute
pure scum of the earth, but I don't share that same view. :-P

Seriously, if you go up to a FreeBSD box and hotplug a USB keyboard (which was
_designed_ for hotplug) it will work just fine.  Now, there are a couple of
different ways to fix the problem:

1) Implement probing/detection for PS/2 keyboards post-boot.  You can hack
this by having the atkbd0 driver always attach to IRQ 1, but not create and
export a kbd0 syscons keyboard driver until it gets an interrupt event from the

2) Rewrite the syscons keyboard layer so that we don't have a primary keyboard
that is always the current keyboard, but instead make it accept input from all
keyboards currently plugged into the system.  With this you could go back to
assuming a PS/2 keyboard is always around as a hack.

Obviously Windows can handle USB keyboards, so why don't you put your money
where your mouth is and make FreeBSD work fine on hardware that Windows works

Patches accepted.


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --
PGP Key:
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -

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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-12 Thread John Baldwin

On 12-Aug-01 Joe Kelsey wrote:
> Thank you very much for the clear and cogent explanation of your
> philosophy of the psm code.  Could I suggest that you copy the
> aforementioned e-mail directly into the psm.c file for everyone to see
> in posterity?
> Also, I have a fundamental problem with device flags.  I believe that
> every situation which uses device flags should instead use sysctl
> variables, allowing easy manipulation at run-time.  Of course, there are
> no doubt situations not addressable at run-time, but these should be the
> rare special cases where a driver flag is used.

Patches accepted.  This is a volunteer project.  If you want to be productive,
work up a device attribute interface that allows devices to query attributes
and allows devices to be notified when outside events change their attributes. 
You should probably use kernel environment variables (like the hints we have
now) for setting attributes from the loader, and then use sysctl's to back the
runtime interface (IMO).  I realize the user side of the attributes is up for
debate, but working on solving this problem is much more problem than
complaining that people aren't giving you the free gift you want.


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --
PGP Key:
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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-12 Thread Mike Smith

> Here is the _precise_ problem with older firmware:
> The Belkin KVM switch uses the "on->off->on" or "off->on->off"
> of this LED to signal a port change character is coming next,
> and times out the port change request only after a little
> while.

Ah, so the problem is actually a design defect in the Belkin switch.  
Nice to have that part confirmed.

> The fundamental problem here is that FreeBSD _resets_ a
> keyboard which has already been correctly reset by the BIOS,
> if it is present.

You can't be sure of this.  Just as we reset everything else we talk to,
we reset the keyboard.  Specific examples where *not* resetting things 
gets us into trouble can typically be found by looking for "when I reboot 
from Windows XYZ doesn't work".

> The FreeBSD keyboard detection is another matter; FreeBSD
> will assume that there is no keyboard, and try to "helpfully"
> drop you into serial console mode.

No it won't, unless you explicitly configure it.

> Some of this _used_ to
> be mitigated by checking for the "extended keyboard bit" in
> the "keyboard identify" BIOS call, but this was a problem
> for people with antique keyboards.

This is not the problem, as I have already mentioned in another message.  
BIOS vendors have *stopped* setting this bit.

> My suggestion for a probe in this case would be to set up
> a different handler for the reset signal, and then ask the
> keyboard to send the reset signal.  If it does, then there
> is a keyboard present.

Keyboard probing is a dead loss, which is why we don't do it by default.

> More ideally, the FreeBSD box would detect whether or not
> the video card had been disabled, and use _that_ to decide
> whether or not to use a keyboard.  It would become the job
> of the video driver -- be it a regular driver, or be it an
> LCD driver -- to make the distinction.

There is no standardised way of detecting whether a display has been 

> Absolutely ideally, FreeBSD would come up with the boot code
> on _both_ (this is an option), and then be told by the user
> to not use one of them -- or boot using _both_, until told
> to do otherwise.

We've tried this already; people didn't like it.

> This would _also_ solve the Alpha serial console dance.

Actually, it wouldn't, since we use the SRM console for quite a ways, and 
SRM doesn't do multi-source console I/O.  (And when you have a version of 
SRM that allows you to 'pull' the console by sending a few keystrokes, 
you can't work out where it's actually directed anyway.)

... every activity meets with opposition, everyone who acts has his
rivals and unfortunately opponents also.  But not because people want
to be opponents, rather because the tasks and relationships force
people to take different points of view.  [Dr. Fritz Todt]
   V I C T O R Y   N O T   V E N G E A N C E

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2nd data point for keyboard probes (was Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach)

2001-08-12 Thread Sean Chittenden

> I've seen the 'have to be on the machine while booting' behavior
> using a Belkin Omniview Pro switch, which oddly, wasn't a problem
> with their OmniCube switch, at least not with my machines. Windows
> had as much, or more problems with not having the console on the
> booting machine as fbsd though. Again, this is only my (one) data
> point.

Make that two data points, I don't think you're alone in this

> I finally got fed up with the Belkin, because *windows* keep losing
> it's mouse (or instead of just losing it, it would start sending
> what appeared to be random button-press events for tracking events...)
> and broke down and bought a Raritan KVM.

You mean you got tired of the "Ctl+esc, Up arrow, Enter, Enter"
key sequence to get the mouse back?  I wonder why ;~)  None the
less, having to have the console active for the system while the BIOS &&
OS probe the keyboard is a pain when managing a large number of systems.  
We eventually made a policy that required the use of a laptop + serial
cable anyone when you went to one of the data centers to do some
administration of the systems (downtime for a keyboard wasn't an
option).  -sc

Sean Chittenden

 PGP signature

Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-12 Thread Mike Burgett

On Sun, 12 Aug 2001 10:16:47 -0600, Nate Williams wrote:

>> > > :Finally, most keyboard/mouse/monitor switches don't work with
>> > > :FreeBSD;
>> > 
>> > This is actually not true.  I'd doubt that you've even tried many of them.
>> Boy, you are on one about me...
>> I have tried 5 switches.  At ClickArray, we have a large number
>> of Belkin Omniview switches.  I have one with firmware version
>> 1.9 at my desk, and freqiently use one with firmware version 1.6
>> in our lab, with the results I have described.
>Strange, as the group at Nokia is running quite a lot of them (Belkin
>OmniView and OmniCube) without any problems.
>I'm guessing it's operator error. :)
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I've seen the 'have to be on the machine while booting' behavior
using a Belkin Omniview Pro switch, which oddly, wasn't a problem
with their OmniCube switch, at least not with my machines. Windows
had as much, or more problems with not having the console on the
booting machine as fbsd though. Again, this is only my (one) data

I finally got fed up with the Belkin, because *windows* keep losing
it's mouse (or instead of just losing it, it would start sending
what appeared to be random button-press events for tracking events...)
and broke down and bought a Raritan KVM. Yep it is/was pricey, but it's
probably one of the purchases I've been happiest with, over the long
run.  Video quality ('doze and X displays) is much, *much* better than
the Belkin, and no machine has a problem booting without the console
pointing to it.

Just my $.02.


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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-12 Thread Jason Evans

On Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 02:35:22PM -0700, John Polstra wrote:
> Maybe they swapped the labels on the chips too. :-)

Well, it apparently doesn't fry anything to have the chips reversed, so
maybe I should try swapping them just to make sure. =)


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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-12 Thread John Polstra

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jason Evans  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 01:04:07PM -0700, John Polstra wrote:
> > 
> > I just want to add that in the case of the Belkin OmniView, it
> > should be noted that Belkin shipped a bunch of them with a couple
> > of EPROM chips swapped accidentally.
> I had the same problems, and took my KVM switch apart, expecting to find
> the chips reversed.  They were in fact installed correctly, so at least in
> my case, the problem exists regardless.  If I'm careful to have the KVM
> switch on the same channel as a booting machine, and leave it on that
> channel until the probing is done, everything seems to work fine.
> Otherwise, the keyboard is not detected.

Maybe they swapped the labels on the chips too. :-)

Seriously, that's really strange.  I have all variety of machines
hooked up to my Belkin OmniView, including FreeBSD (-current and
-stable, i386 and Alpha), Linux, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Tru64, NT, and
Win2k, and I don't see any major problems, even using the mouse
(no-name 2-button).

There is only one thing that drives my the KVM out of its mind:
powering down the Alpha.  As soon as I do that, the KVM is totally
hosed.  Even invoking its so-called "reset" function (pressing both
selector buttons simultaneously) doesn't help.  As soon as I reboot
any machine (even the Alpha) that's connected to the KVM, it's OK

  John Polstra   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  John D. Polstra & Co., Inc.Seattle, Washington USA
  "Disappointment is a good sign of basic intelligence."  -- Chögyam Trungpa

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Re: FreeBSD's aggressive keyboard probe/attach

2001-08-12 Thread Jason Evans

On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 01:04:07PM -0700, John Polstra wrote:
> I have no argument about the keyboard probes.  I just want to add
> that in the case of the Belkin OmniView, it should be noted that
> Belkin shipped a bunch of them with a couple of EPROM chips swapped
> accidentally.  There's a page on the Belkin web site that tells how to
> check for it and how to fix it.  Once I put the chips into the right
> sockets, my OmniView started working a _whole_ lot better. :-) The
> weird thing is, it appeared to kind of sort of work most of the time
> even before.  So all along I assumed it was just a poorly designed
> device, when actually it was just assembled wrong.  (I still think
> it's a poorly designed device, but it's a lot better than it was
> before I swapped the chips.)

I had the same problems, and took my KVM switch apart, expecting to find
the chips reversed.  They were in fact installed correctly, so at least in
my case, the problem exists regardless.  If I'm careful to have the KVM
switch on the same channel as a booting machine, and leave it on that
channel until the probing is done, everything seems to work fine.
Otherwise, the keyboard is not detected.


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