Re: android bsd connectivity tools etc ?

2014-11-05 Thread Julian H. Stacey
Jamie Landeg-Jones wrote:
 Julian H. Stacey wrote:
  Any tips for Android / FreeBSD BSD tools for connectivity etc ?
 I mainly use nfs / ssh (dropbear) / scp for connectivity over IPv6 to my
 local FreeBSD server. It works quite well - I even have automated cron
 rsync deduped backups!
 NFS is used for mounting my media onto
 Not all androids come with nfs in the kernel though,

NFS [ AMD] [ SSH] would be ideal for me.

I had a look on my Samsung Galaxy Note 3, with Android 4.4.2 kernel
3.4.0,  skimmed index of the 182 page pdf, but I dont know how to
tell if mine has NFS ? Or how to get it.
I get no umass  /dev/da* I probably need to tweak my android somehow.

For Per who wrote For tethering I have no idea, sorry. I have usb
tethering working :-) if you want it too, see below.
My android browser over USB does read from httpd on my FreeBSD :-)

Thank to all who have contributed info  URLS etc.  Collated at:
Corrections, additions etc welcome.

Julian Stacey, BSD Linux Unix C Sys Eng Consultant Munich
 Indent previous with  .  Interleave reply paragraphs like a play script.
 Send plain text, not quoted-printable, HTML, base64, or multipart/alternative.
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Re: android bsd connectivity tools etc ?

2014-11-05 Thread Jamie Landeg-Jones
Julian H. Stacey wrote:

Firstly, if you haven't already, I'd recommend 'Android terminal
emulator' and 'hackers keyboard' - both free from the Play store.

To be able to create startup scripts without reflashing etc. you
must have root, and be able to write the file

 NFS [ AMD] [ SSH] would be ideal for me.

 I had a look on my Samsung Galaxy Note 3, with Android 4.4.2 kernel
 3.4.0,  skimmed index of the 182 page pdf, but I dont know how to
 tell if mine has NFS ? Or how to get it.

I have the dropbear ssh client and server. I've not managed to compile
them or openssh yet - instead I grabbed the binaries (opened source)
from inside one of the free sshd server apps on the play store.

One of my newer devices doesn't come with NFS, the others do. You need
to find the correct nfs.ko kernel module for your kernel, and/or
recompile the linux kernel - both things I've not achieved yet
(running FreeBSD and not Linux/Windows makes things harder with no
SDK etc.) but all this is part of what I'm investigating at the
moment, so it would be great to be able to share notes with someone
else sith a FreeBSD mindset.

If you have nfs already, the standard mount should work from root:

 | 23:29 [3] (1) root@tabbycat:/usr/users/jamie # mkdir /tmp/test
 | 23:29 [3] (2) root@tabbycat:/usr/users/jamie # mount -o nolock,hard,ro 
lnfs:/nfs/b/tabbycat/ /tmp/test
 | 23:30 [3] (3) root@tabbycat:/usr/users/jamie # df -h
 | Filesystem  Size  Used Available Capacity  Mounted on
 | tmpfs 176.7M 52.0K176.7M 0%/dev
 | devpts 0 0 0 0%/dev/pts
 | proc   0 0 0 0%/proc
 | sysfs  0 0 0 0%/sys
 | none   0 0 0 0%/acct
 | tmpfs 176.7M 0176.7M 0%/mnt/asec
 | tmpfs 176.7M 0176.7M 0%/mnt/obb
 | /dev/block/nandd 1007.9M282.6M725.3M28%/system
 | /dev/block/nande 1007.9M137.4M870.5M14%/data
 | /dev/block/nandh  252.0M  4.3M247.7M 2%/cache
 | /dev/block/nandd 1007.9M282.6M725.3M28%/bin
 | hidden 0 0 0 0%
 | tmpfs 128.0M  8.0K128.0M 0%/tmp
 | /dev/block/nandj2 718.0M404.7M313.3M56%/usr
 | /dev/block/nandj3 100.4M 19.3M 81.1M19%/var
 | tmpfs   1.0M  4.0K   1020.0K 0%/var/run
 | /dev/block/mmcblk0p2   18.6G  1.3G 16.4G 7%/data2
 | /dev/block/vold/93:76  23.5M  8.0K 23.5M 0%/mnt/extsd
 | /dev/block/vold/179:3  10.5G  5.5G  5.0G52%/mnt/sdcard
 | /dev/block/vold/179:3  10.5G  5.5G  5.0G52%
 | tmpfs  0 0 0 0%
 | lnfs:/nfs/j/Misc/   1.8T  1.5T143.7G91%
 | lnfs:/nfs/j/Music/  1.8T  1.5T143.7G91%
 | lnfs:/nfs/j/Videos/ 1.8T  1.5T143.7G91%
 | lnfs:/nfs/j/Pictures/   1.8T  1.5T143.7G91%
 | lnfs:/nfs/APK-archives/ 1.8T  1.5T143.7G91%
 | lnfs:/nfs/b/tabbycat/   1.8T  1.5T143.7G91%/backups
 | lnfs:/nfs/b/tabbycat/   1.8T  1.5T143.7G91%/tmp/test
 | 23:30 [3] (4) root@tabbycat:/usr/users/jamie # l /tmp/test
 | total 32
 |  4 drwxr-x---9 root root   512 Nov  1 07:28 ./
 |  0 drwxrwxrwt3 root root   160 Nov  5 23:33 ../
 |  4 drwxr-xr-x   20 rootfs   rootfs1024 Nov  5 09:23 BASE/
 |  4 drwxr-x---2 root root   512 Nov  5 16:35 logs/
 |  4 drwxr-x---2 root root   512 Oct 25 11:49 monthly/
 |  4 drwxr-x---7 root root   512 Nov  5 16:36 often/
 |  4 drwxr-x---5 root root   512 Nov  1 07:49 old/
 |  4 drwxr-x---2 root root   512 Oct 29 09:20 partial/
 |  4 drwxr-x---4 root root   512 Nov  3 03:35 weekly/
 | 23:30 [3] (5) root@tabbycat:/usr/users/jamie #

I'd be more than happy to share my findings/code/ etc. with you,
maybe private mail would be better?

As a quick 'summary', I use FreeBSD exclusively on my servers etc., but
do have 5 Android devices.

My achievements with them (not currently complete with all of them) is to
give them a decent Unix environment, all running NFS to my home FreeBSD
server, sshd, IP6 (FreeBSD server is my IP6 router - it uses
to get IP6 over my consumer IP4 only ISP), cron, 

Re: android bsd connectivity tools etc ?

2014-11-05 Thread Chris H
On Thu, 06 Nov 2014 00:02:59 + Jamie Landeg-Jones

 Julian H. Stacey wrote:
 Firstly, if you haven't already, I'd recommend 'Android terminal
 emulator' and 'hackers keyboard' - both free from the Play store.
 To be able to create startup scripts without reflashing etc. you
 must have root, and be able to write the file
  NFS [ AMD] [ SSH] would be ideal for me.
  I had a look on my Samsung Galaxy Note 3, with Android 4.4.2 kernel
  3.4.0,  skimmed index of the 182 page pdf, but I dont know how to
  tell if mine has NFS ? Or how to get it.
 I have the dropbear ssh client and server. I've not managed to compile
 them or openssh yet - instead I grabbed the binaries (opened source)
 from inside one of the free sshd server apps on the play store.
 One of my newer devices doesn't come with NFS, the others do. You need
 to find the correct nfs.ko kernel module for your kernel, and/or
 recompile the linux kernel - both things I've not achieved yet
 (running FreeBSD and not Linux/Windows makes things harder with no
 SDK etc.) but all this is part of what I'm investigating at the
 moment, so it would be great to be able to share notes with someone
 else sith a FreeBSD mindset.
 If you have nfs already, the standard mount should work from root:
  | 23:29 [3] (1) root@tabbycat:/usr/users/jamie # mkdir /tmp/test
  | 23:29 [3] (2) root@tabbycat:/usr/users/jamie # mount -o nolock,hard,ro
 lnfs:/nfs/b/tabbycat/ /tmp/test  | 23:30 [3] (3)
 root@tabbycat:/usr/users/jamie # df -h  | Filesystem  Size 
 Used Available Capacity  Mounted on  | tmpfs 176.7M  
   52.0K176.7M 0%/dev  | devpts 0
 0 0 0%/dev/pts  | proc   0 0 
0 0%/proc  | sysfs  0 0   
  0 0%/sys  | none   0 0 0
 0%/acct  | tmpfs 176.7M 0176.7M 0%   
 /mnt/asec  | tmpfs 176.7M 0176.7M 0%   
 /mnt/obb  | /dev/block/nandd 1007.9M282.6M725.3M28%   
 /system  | /dev/block/nande 1007.9M137.4M870.5M14%   
 /data  | /dev/block/nandh  252.0M  4.3M247.7M 2%   
 /cache  | /dev/block/nandd 1007.9M282.6M725.3M28%/bin
  | hidden 0 0 0 0%   
 /system/.bin_mount  | tmpfs 128.0M  8.0K128.0M   
  0%/tmp  | /dev/block/nandj2 718.0M404.7M313.3M56%   
 /usr  | /dev/block/nandj3 100.4M 19.3M 81.1M19%/var
  | tmpfs   1.0M  4.0K   1020.0K 0%/var/run
  | /dev/block/mmcblk0p2   18.6G  1.3G 16.4G 7%/data2
  | /dev/block/vold/93:76  23.5M  8.0K 23.5M 0%/mnt/extsd
  | /dev/block/vold/179:3  10.5G  5.5G  5.0G52%/mnt/sdcard
  | /dev/block/vold/179:3  10.5G  5.5G  5.0G52%   
 /mnt/secure/asec  | tmpfs  0 0 0
 0%/mnt/sdcard/.android_secure  | lnfs:/nfs/j/Misc/   1.8T 
 1.5T143.7G91%/mnt/sdcard/Misc  | lnfs:/nfs/j/Music/  1.8T
  1.5T143.7G91%/mnt/sdcard/Music/lapcat  | lnfs:/nfs/j/Videos/
 1.8T  1.5T143.7G91%/mnt/sdcard/Videos/lapcat
  | lnfs:/nfs/j/Pictures/   1.8T  1.5T143.7G91%   
 /mnt/sdcard/Pictures/lapcat  | lnfs:/nfs/APK-archives/ 1.8T  1.5T
143.7G91%/APK-archives  | lnfs:/nfs/b/tabbycat/   1.8T 
 1.5T143.7G91%/backups  | lnfs:/nfs/b/tabbycat/   1.8T 
 1.5T143.7G91%/tmp/test  | 
  | 23:30 [3] (4) root@tabbycat:/usr/users/jamie # l /tmp/test
  | total 32
  |  4 drwxr-x---9 root root   512 Nov  1 07:28 ./
  |  0 drwxrwxrwt3 root root   160 Nov  5 23:33 ../
  |  4 drwxr-xr-x   20 rootfs   rootfs1024 Nov  5 09:23 BASE/
  |  4 drwxr-x---2 root root   512 Nov  5 16:35 logs/
  |  4 drwxr-x---2 root root   512 Oct 25 11:49 monthly/
  |  4 drwxr-x---7 root root   512 Nov  5 16:36 often/
  |  4 drwxr-x---5 root root   512 Nov  1 07:49 old/
  |  4 drwxr-x---2 root root   512 Oct 29 09:20 partial/
  |  4 drwxr-x---4 root root   512 Nov  3 03:35 weekly/
  | 23:30 [3] (5) root@tabbycat:/usr/users/jamie #
 I'd be more than happy to share my findings/code/ etc. with you,
 maybe private mail would be better?
 As a quick 'summary', I use FreeBSD exclusively on my servers etc., but
 do have 5 Android devices.
 My achievements with them (not currently complete with all of them) is to
 give them a decent Unix environment, 

Re: android bsd connectivity tools etc ?

2014-08-27 Thread Darren Pilgrim

On 8/13/2014 9:21 PM, Shane Ambler wrote:

It looks like mass storage was hidden in 4.0 and maybe removed after 4.2.
Try searching the android app store for usb mass storage.

Android supports MTP over USB 2.0 and 3.0.  It also has backward 
compatibility for PTP.  Support for MTP is a bit rocky outside Windows 
and Mac OSX, but has a short list of clients.

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Re: android bsd connectivity tools etc ?

2014-08-20 Thread Jamie Landeg-Jones
Shane Ambler wrote:

 da0 at umass-sim1 bus 1 scbus5 target 0 lun 0
 da0:  Android Adapter 0100 Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
 cd1 at umass-sim1 bus 1 scbus5 target 0 lun 1
 cd1:  Android Adapter 0100 Removable CD-ROM SCSI-2 device
 da1 at umass-sim1 bus 1 scbus5 target 0 lun 2
 da1:  Android Adapter 0100 Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device

 On the phone I get a message to turn on usb mass storage after which I
 can mount_msdosfs /dev/da0s1 and get access to the sdcard in the phone.

 It looks like mass storage was hidden in 4.0 and maybe removed after 4.2.
 Try searching the android app store for usb mass storage.

With Android 4.0.4:

 | umass3: Mass Storage on usbus1
 | umass3:  SCSI over Bulk-Only; quirks = 0x4000
 | umass3:6:3:-1: Attached to scbus6
 | da2 at umass-sim3 bus 3 scbus6 target 0 lun 0
 | da2: USB 2.0 USB Flash Driver 0100 Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
 | da2: 40.000MB/s transfers
 | da3 at umass-sim3 bus 3 scbus6 target 0 lun 1
 | da3: USB 2.0 USB Flash Driver 0100 Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
 | da3: 40.000MB/s transfers

 which correspond to the 'internal sdcard' and external sdcard.

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Re: android bsd connectivity tools etc ?

2014-08-20 Thread Jamie Landeg-Jones
Julian H. Stacey wrote:

 Any tips for Android / FreeBSD BSD tools for connectivity etc ?

I mainly use nfs / ssh (dropbear) / scp for connectivity over IPv6 to my
local FreeBSD server. It works quite well - I even have automated cron
rsync deduped backups!

NFS is used for mounting my media onto

Not all androids come with nfs in the kernel though,

Cheers, Jamie
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Re: android bsd connectivity tools etc ?

2014-08-14 Thread Per olof Ljungmark
On 08/14/14 01:47, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
 Any tips for Android / FreeBSD BSD tools for connectivity etc ?
 I just got a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, with Android 4.4.2 kernel 3.4.0
 It directs me to
 which seems binary for mac
 I recall I will need current for IP tethering
 I'll build a current from a 10.0-RELEASE partition, 
 but now looking with 9.2-RELEASE I see:
 lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel9 Aug 14 00:01 ugen1.5@ - usb/1.5.0
 crw---  1 root  operator  0x7a Aug 14 00:00 usb/1.5.0
 crw---  1 root  operator  0x8f Aug 14 00:00 usb/1.5.1
 crw---  1 root  operator  0x90 Aug 14 00:00 usb/1.5.2
 devd .conf will need:
match   vendor0x04e8;
match   product   0x6860;
match   devclass  0x00;
match   devsubclass   0x00;
match   sernum6758498c;
match   release   0x0400;
 I've no idea what to do for attach
 has just
  these for cross compiling later:
 I also found 
 Any URLs, tips, comments welcome, Thanks

I gave up on using mass storage and turned to this instead:

Works very well.

For tethering I have no idea, sorry.


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Re: android bsd connectivity tools etc ?

2014-08-14 Thread Lars Engels
On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 08:29:37AM +0200, Per olof Ljungmark wrote:
 On 08/14/14 01:47, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
  Any tips for Android / FreeBSD BSD tools for connectivity etc ?
  I just got a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, with Android 4.4.2 kernel 3.4.0
  It directs me to
  which seems binary for mac
  I recall I will need current for IP tethering
  I'll build a current from a 10.0-RELEASE partition, 
  but now looking with 9.2-RELEASE I see:
  lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel9 Aug 14 00:01 ugen1.5@ - usb/1.5.0
  crw---  1 root  operator  0x7a Aug 14 00:00 usb/1.5.0
  crw---  1 root  operator  0x8f Aug 14 00:00 usb/1.5.1
  crw---  1 root  operator  0x90 Aug 14 00:00 usb/1.5.2
  devd .conf will need:
 match   vendor0x04e8;
 match   product   0x6860;
 match   devclass  0x00;
 match   devsubclass   0x00;
 match   sernum6758498c;
 match   release   0x0400;
  I've no idea what to do for attach
  has just
   these for cross compiling later:
  I also found 
  Any URLs, tips, comments welcome, Thanks
 I gave up on using mass storage and turned to this instead:
 Works very well.
 For tethering I have no idea, sorry.

There's also Airdroid [1]. After installing the App on the phone you can
connect to it with your PC's browser, up- and download files, send
messages, etc.


Description: PGP signature

Re: android bsd connectivity tools etc ?

2014-08-14 Thread Gary Jennejohn
On Thu, 14 Aug 2014 13:51:04 +0930
Shane Ambler wrote:

 On 14/08/2014 09:17, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
  Any tips for Android / FreeBSD BSD tools for connectivity etc ?
  I just got a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, with Android 4.4.2 kernel 3.4.0
  I'll build a current from a 10.0-RELEASE partition, 
  but now looking with 9.2-RELEASE I see:
  lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel9 Aug 14 00:01 ugen1.5@ - usb/1.5.0
  crw---  1 root  operator  0x7a Aug 14 00:00 usb/1.5.0
  crw---  1 root  operator  0x8f Aug 14 00:00 usb/1.5.1
  crw---  1 root  operator  0x90 Aug 14 00:00 usb/1.5.2
 I have a cheap Huawei phone running 2.3.6
 When I plug in the usb cable to charge it, it shows up as 3 devices
 da0 at umass-sim1 bus 1 scbus5 target 0 lun 0
 da0:  Android Adapter 0100 Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
 cd1 at umass-sim1 bus 1 scbus5 target 0 lun 1
 cd1:  Android Adapter 0100 Removable CD-ROM SCSI-2 device
 da1 at umass-sim1 bus 1 scbus5 target 0 lun 2
 da1:  Android Adapter 0100 Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
 On the phone I get a message to turn on usb mass storage after which I
 can mount_msdosfs /dev/da0s1 and get access to the sdcard in the phone.
 It looks like mass storage was hidden in 4.0 and maybe removed after 4.2.
 Try searching the android app store for usb mass storage.
 Online storage like google drive?

Running HEAD-11.

I have a Zopo Z980+ running 4.2.2.  I see this when I plug it in:

Aug 14 08:19:44 ernst kernel: ugen6.2: MediaTek at usbus6
Aug 14 08:19:44 ernst kernel: umass0: Mass Storage on usbus6
Aug 14 08:19:44 ernst kernel: da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 scbus8 target 0 lun 0
Aug 14 08:19:44 ernst kernel: da0: Linux File-CD Gadget  Removable Direct 
Access SCSI-2 device
Aug 14 08:19:44 ernst kernel: da0: 40.000MB/s transfers
Aug 14 08:19:44 ernst kernel: da0: Attempt to query device size failed: NOT 
READY, Medium not present
Aug 14 08:19:44 ernst kernel: da0: quirks=0x2NO_6_BYTE
Aug 14 08:19:44 ernst kernel: da1 at umass-sim0 bus 0 scbus8 target 0 lun 1
Aug 14 08:19:44 ernst kernel: da1: Linux File-CD Gadget  Removable Direct 
Access SCSI-2 device
Aug 14 08:19:44 ernst kernel: da1: 40.000MB/s transfers
Aug 14 08:19:44 ernst kernel: da1: Attempt to query device size failed: NOT 
READY, Medium not present
Aug 14 08:19:44 ernst kernel: da1: quirks=0x2NO_6_BYTE

This trace corresponds to the internal and external storage.

After enabling USB storage on the phone I can mount the internal
storage, but not the external storage.

You have to be sure that USB debugging is turned off in the
developer options.  These may not even be visible on your
device because Google hid them at around 4.2.

I suspect that you just need some quirks to support the device.

Gary Jennejohn
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Re: android bsd connectivity tools etc ?

2014-08-14 Thread Luigi Rizzo
On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 09:40:56AM +0200, Lars Engels wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 08:29:37AM +0200, Per olof Ljungmark wrote:
  On 08/14/14 01:47, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
   Any tips for Android / FreeBSD BSD tools for connectivity etc ?
 There's also Airdroid [1]. After installing the App on the phone you can
 connect to it with your PC's browser, up- and download files, send
 messages, etc.

quite nice (security concerns apart).
Looks also nice as a home monitoring solution.

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Re: android bsd connectivity tools etc ?

2014-08-14 Thread Thiago Barroso Perrotta
Nowadays I'm using syncthing [1] for file transfer. ADB over WIFI also
works great.


PS.: Sorry if I've sent you multiple e-mails.

2014-08-13 20:47 GMT-03:00 Julian H. Stacey

 Any tips for Android / FreeBSD BSD tools for connectivity etc ?

 I just got a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, with Android 4.4.2 kernel 3.4.0

 It directs me to
 which seems binary for mac

 I recall I will need current for IP tethering

 I'll build a current from a 10.0-RELEASE partition,
 but now looking with 9.2-RELEASE I see:

 lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel9 Aug 14 00:01 ugen1.5@ - usb/1.5.0
 crw---  1 root  operator  0x7a Aug 14 00:00 usb/1.5.0
 crw---  1 root  operator  0x8f Aug 14 00:00 usb/1.5.1
 crw---  1 root  operator  0x90 Aug 14 00:00 usb/1.5.2

 devd .conf will need:
match   vendor0x04e8;
match   product   0x6860;
match   devclass  0x00;
match   devsubclass   0x00;
match   sernum6758498c;
match   release   0x0400;
 I've no idea what to do for attach
 has just
  these for cross compiling later:

 I also found

 Any URLs, tips, comments welcome, Thanks

 Julian Stacey, BSD Linux Unix'78 C Sys Eng Consultant Munich
 Interleave replies Below, like a play script.
 ___ mailing list
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- Thiago
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Re: android bsd connectivity tools etc ?

2014-08-14 Thread Thiago Barroso Perrotta
Nowadays I'm using syncthing [1] for file transfer. ADB over WIFI also
works great.


2014-08-14 8:47 GMT-03:00 Luigi Rizzo

 On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 09:40:56AM +0200, Lars Engels wrote:
  On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 08:29:37AM +0200, Per olof Ljungmark wrote:
   On 08/14/14 01:47, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
Any tips for Android / FreeBSD BSD tools for connectivity etc ?
  There's also Airdroid [1]. After installing the App on the phone you can
  connect to it with your PC's browser, up- and download files, send
  messages, etc.

 quite nice (security concerns apart).
 Looks also nice as a home monitoring solution.

 ___ mailing list
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- Thiago
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Re: android bsd connectivity tools etc ?

2014-08-14 Thread Thiago Barroso Perrotta
Nowadays I'm using syncthing [1] for file transfer. ADB over WIFI also
works great.

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Re: android bsd connectivity tools etc ?

2014-08-14 Thread Adam Vande More
On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 6:47 PM, Julian H. Stacey wrote:

 Any tips for Android / FreeBSD BSD tools for connectivity etc ?

 I just got a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, with Android 4.4.2 kernel 3.4.0

 It directs me to
 which seems binary for mac

 I recall I will need current for IP tethering

 I'll build a current from a 10.0-RELEASE partition,
 but now looking with 9.2-RELEASE I see:

 lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel9 Aug 14 00:01 ugen1.5@ - usb/1.5.0
 crw---  1 root  operator  0x7a Aug 14 00:00 usb/1.5.0
 crw---  1 root  operator  0x8f Aug 14 00:00 usb/1.5.1
 crw---  1 root  operator  0x90 Aug 14 00:00 usb/1.5.2

 devd .conf will need:
match   vendor0x04e8;
match   product   0x6860;
match   devclass  0x00;
match   devsubclass   0x00;
match   sernum6758498c;
match   release   0x0400;
 I've no idea what to do for attach
 has just
  these for cross compiling later:

 I also found

 Any URLs, tips, comments welcome, Thanks

Android can run an sshd server as well as a socks proxy.

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Re: android bsd connectivity tools etc ?

2014-08-13 Thread George Mitchell

On 08/13/14 19:47, Julian H. Stacey wrote:

Any tips for Android / FreeBSD BSD tools for connectivity etc ?

I just got a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, with Android 4.4.2 kernel 3.4.0
Any URLs, tips, comments welcome, Thanks


audio/gmtp from ports does the job for me (Samsung Galaxy S2, Kyocera
Event). -- George
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Re: android bsd connectivity tools etc ?

2014-08-13 Thread Shane Ambler
On 14/08/2014 09:17, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
 Any tips for Android / FreeBSD BSD tools for connectivity etc ?
 I just got a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, with Android 4.4.2 kernel 3.4.0

 I'll build a current from a 10.0-RELEASE partition, 
 but now looking with 9.2-RELEASE I see:
 lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel9 Aug 14 00:01 ugen1.5@ - usb/1.5.0
 crw---  1 root  operator  0x7a Aug 14 00:00 usb/1.5.0
 crw---  1 root  operator  0x8f Aug 14 00:00 usb/1.5.1
 crw---  1 root  operator  0x90 Aug 14 00:00 usb/1.5.2

I have a cheap Huawei phone running 2.3.6
When I plug in the usb cable to charge it, it shows up as 3 devices

da0 at umass-sim1 bus 1 scbus5 target 0 lun 0
da0:  Android Adapter 0100 Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
cd1 at umass-sim1 bus 1 scbus5 target 0 lun 1
cd1:  Android Adapter 0100 Removable CD-ROM SCSI-2 device
da1 at umass-sim1 bus 1 scbus5 target 0 lun 2
da1:  Android Adapter 0100 Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device

On the phone I get a message to turn on usb mass storage after which I
can mount_msdosfs /dev/da0s1 and get access to the sdcard in the phone.

It looks like mass storage was hidden in 4.0 and maybe removed after 4.2.
Try searching the android app store for usb mass storage.

Online storage like google drive?

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