
(this is unrelated to my earlier post about the kernel panic.)

when doing I/O to an IBM microdrive mounted via an USB CF reader, I get read/write errors about once an hour or so. Here's an example:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da1 bs=512 count=32
dd: /dev/da1: Input/output error
1+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes transferred in 0.905537 secs (0 bytes/sec)
*** Error code 1

Relevant syslog excerpt:

umass0: SanDisk Corporation ImageMate CompactFlash USB, rev 1.10/0.09, addr 2
umass0: Get Max Lun not supported (STALLED)
da1 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da1: <SanDisk ImageMate II 1.30> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
da1: 1.000MB/s transfers
da1: 1027MB (2104705 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 131C)
umass0: BBB reset failed, STALLED
(da1:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense Failed
umass0: BBB reset failed, STALLED
(da1:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense Failed
umass0: BBB reset failed, STALLED
(da1:umass-sim0:0:0:0): AutoSense Failed

Retrying the failed command usually works (and the dd above was just an example, I've seen it happen with dump/restore, tar, or make.) Also, this may not be specific to -current, I think I saw it on -STABLE as well a while ago.

The microdrive itself is fine, I also mount it with a CF PC-card adaptor, and have never seen an error then.

Any clues?

Lars Eggert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> USC Information Sciences Institute

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