5.3 scheduler problem reborn in 5.4-rel-p5?

2005-08-02 Thread Greg Albrecht
in searching for an answer to my problem, i came across this thread, to 
which there doesn't seem to have been a resolve:


i must say that my problem is almost identical, per my dump:

'sio' is compiled into my kernel, although there was no serial in use at 
the time of my crash.

FreeBSD juanita.undef.net 5.4-RELEASE-p5 FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p5 #1: Mon 
Jul 25 14:26:34 PDT 2005 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/JUANITA  i386

need more details?


Greg Albrecht ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) * -0700 GMT/UTC
http://undef.net * +1 213 447 3089

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Re: FreeBSD desktop?

2005-08-02 Thread Erich Dollansky



At 08:10 AM 8/2/2005 +0200, Karel Miklav wrote:
Thanks Karel.  I got my FreeBSD desktop up and running.  It's on X window and
gnome.  I am not sure about setting up the window manager, but may try that

You have already one window manager running. Gnome uses its own default 
windows manager which name I forgot but can you many others.

Just stick to it as long as you are happy with it.

If you later feel that Gnome as a bit fat, you then can start using 
other Gnome compatible window managers. This gives you the option to 
switch between Gnome and your new window manager and it also gives you 
the option to tell Gnome to use that window manager.

Get used now to your 'new' desktop and scout out what possibilities it has.

freebsd-hackers@freebsd.org mailing list
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[Fwd: Porting FreeBSD NDIS to NetBSD/nmb_fddirxindicate_func()]

2005-08-02 Thread Alan Ritter
Oops, there is no [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I hope this is the correct list
for this message :-)

 Original Message 
Subject: Porting FreeBSD NDIS to NetBSD/nmb_fddirxindicate_func()
From:"Alan Ritter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:Tue, August 2, 2005 4:26 pm

Hi, I'm trying to port the FreeBSD NDIS code to NetBSD as part of Google's
"Summer of Code" project (http://code.google.com/summerofcode.html).

I'm having a little problem right now, when the attach function calls
ndis_init_nic(), which calls the MiniportInitalize() function from the
binary Windows driver for my network card (I got this working on FreeBSD)
it blows up on the following instruction:

call   DWORD PTR [eax+380]

After playing around with the debugger a bit I'm quite certain that eax is
a pointer to the ndis_miniport_block, and 380 is the offset of the
nmb_fddirxindicate_func() field within it.  All there is at this address,
however is 0x0:

(gdb) x/8a $eax + 380
0xc15b2d7c: 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
0xc15b2d8c: 0xc07459550xc07459ad
   0x0 0xc0745a32 

I'm assuming that this should have been initialized somewhere, but I can't
find any place in the code where nmb_fddirxindicate_func() is referenced. 
Maybe it is supposed to be initialized inside the binary Windows driver?

I also tried jumping past the offending instruction, and there appeared to
be more calls to uninitialized functions in the ndis_miniport_block().

Anyway, I just thought I'd check and see if you knew more about the
nmb_fddirxindicate_func() member of the ndis_miniport_block structure.


P.S. here's some pointers to more information:
My blog for the project:
Links to my sources online:
The project's webpage:

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How to do proper locking

2005-08-02 Thread Hans Petter Selasky

I am looking for a safe way to access structures that can be freed. The 
solution I am looking for must not:

- hinder scaleability
- lead to use of a single lock
- lead to lock order reversal

Here is the solution I have landed on so far:

First I plan to make a reference count manager that has the following extern 

u_int32_t *ref_alloc(); // will allocate a reference count
void ref_free(u_int32_t *); // will free a reference count and increment it.
// Note that the pointer passed to this function
// is still valid after its call

u_int32_t ref_atomic_read(u_int32_t *); // will read the value 
// of a reference count

void ref_atomic_increment(u_int32_t *); // will increment the value
// of a reference count

Assume that we have the following structure:

struct my_struct {

  struct mtx *p_mtx;
  u_int32_t *p_ref;

  u_int8_t my_data[256];


At some point this structure is allocated:

static struct my_struct *ptr;

if(ptr == NULL)
  ptr = malloc(...);

ptr->p_ref = ref_alloc();
ptr->p_mtx = mtx_alloc();

At some other point it is freed:

ptr_copy = ptr;
ptr = NULL;

  mtx_lock(ptr_copy->p_mtx); // we want to hold this lock 
 // to block the callback while 
 // incrementing refcount

  ref_free(ptr_copy->p_ref); // will increment the refcount

  mtx_free(ptr_copy->p_mtx); // Note: mutex is still valid after this!

Then at the last point we want to access this structure, but we don't want to 
hold "lock_A", but rather "ptr->p_mtx", to increase performance.


  p_ref_copy = ptr->p_ref;
  ref_value = ref_atomic_read(ptr->p_ref);
  p_mtx_copy = ptr->p_mtx;
  p_ref_copy = NULL;



  if(ref_value == ref_atomic_read(p_ref_copy))
 /* this structure is still allocated */
 /* this structure has been freed */


To access a memory structure safely, one needs three parameters, according to 
my theory: "p_ref_copy", "ref_value", "p_mtx_copy". Then I thought that one 
might prestore these, so that the "FIRST_PART" can be skipped, left with only 
the "SECOND_PART". Then I thought that the "SECOND_PART" could be implemented 
by existing callbacks, so that we stay out of trouble.

Any comments ?

(Hence todays computers are so fast, one might want to use a 64-bit reference 
count. So after some billion years my model will fail, but one will probably 
reboot long before that :-)

freebsd-hackers@freebsd.org mailing list
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Re: [patch] rc.d/tmp (silly mkdir usage)

2005-08-02 Thread Frank Mayhar
On Tue, 2 Aug 2005 11:47:19 -0500 (CDT)
> "When all you've got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."

Sorry, maybe it didn't have to be said.  I tried, though, I did.
Frank Mayhar [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.exit.com/
Exit Consulting http://www.gpsclock.com/
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Re: booting gbde-encrypted filesystem

2005-08-02 Thread Allan Fields
On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 10:30:22AM +0800, Ronnel P. Maglasang wrote:
> What I had in mind is perhaps I could find a way to
> enter the passphrase at the loader prompt, or configure
> the loader to get the passphrase from an external
> device or hardcoded the passphrase in the bootloader(really
> insecure).

I understand you model which is to have something required
to ensure the disks cannot be read w/o physical token.

Theoretically the loader could allow you to fetch some memory address
and insert it into a boot variable.

If you just want to ensure a token is required to enable access
to a machine you could add something in the root-FS patch which
reads directly from the hardware device, though this is before
the full device infrastructure is bootstrapped IRC.

What about the idea of adding support for HSM and TPMs?  Hardware
keystores and other similar authentication mechanisms which push a
key into a secure memory accessible by the crypto API might be the

I am looking at similar solutions.  My idea is to enable remote
authentication through a secure means.  So there are multiple options:
to secure console access.

* Some IPMI hardware has an ethernet accessible console, that can
then be routed through a secure tunnel.

* There is the idea of ethercons if it can be extended to support

* A serial console can be accessed through another machine securely

This one has been around since a few years back, but the below
patch brings it closer to being workable.

> Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> >Pawel Jakub Dawidek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>This is not not possible with current GBDE.
> >>I've patches which allows this here:
> >>
> >>http://people.freebsd.org/~pjd/patches/gbde.patch
> >
> >
> >I fail to see how this allows an encryted root-FS, it doesn't add gbde
> >support to boot0(ext) or to the loader. It needs access to an unencrypted
> >kernel. I don't think this is what Ronnel had in mind (overlooking the 
> >fact
> >that his suggestion to save the passphrase in the loader is insecure).

An unencrypted kernel can be read off of another device and then used
to mount the encrypted root.

> >Bye,
> >Alexander.
> >


Allan Fields (afields)  - Ottawa, Canada (45"10'N 75"56'W)  

 Himeji Systems http://himejisystems.com

 Afields Research/AFRSL http://afields.ca 

Description: PGP signature


2005-08-02 Thread ray
Does anyone on the hackers list develop in GTK+ ?  I was thinking about trying
my hand at some applications for BSD and would like to make contact with anyone
else who programs for FreeBSD using the GTK frame work.



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Re: [patch] rc.d/tmp (silly mkdir usage)

2005-08-02 Thread Craig Boston
Sigh, that's what I get for editing before I finish writing.

On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 12:44:45PM -0500, Craig Boston wrote:
> It's a very remote chance yes, but why 

...but why take that chance when mkdir works perfectly fine?  Chances
are mkdir will be used at some point during the rc.d startup anyway, so
forking a process for an executable in the cache (or bringing it into
the cache so it can be used later) is a negligible performance loss,
especially when it only happens once.

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Re: [patch] rc.d/tmp (silly mkdir usage)

2005-08-02 Thread Craig Boston
On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 11:47:19AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Well these notions have nothing todo with the way it works, but they are
> interesting still. I would imagine a dir could be linked too if somebody
> managed to insert a rc.d script in that was ordered sufficiently early
> enough to do the evil tasks you are thinking about. Even if mktemp(1) were
> available at this stage, I wouldn't use it here.

A link could also be left over from before the boot. rc.d/tmp runs
before cleartmp.

> Let me be clear about this, the ONLY reason mkdir is used here is
> because touch is under /usr somewhere which isn't even mounted at this
> point (assuming /usr is mounted seperatly, as is the case on nfs
> diskless systems).

No, touch has different behavior than mkdir.  Whether it was done
intentionally or just happens to be the case because /usr is not
available, mkdir is the most secure and robust way to go, because it
covers all of the cases:

1) /tmp/.diskless doesn't exist
-> A directory .diskless is created, which is then removed

2) /tmp/.diskless is a link to a file
-> mkdir fails because "File exists"

3) /tmp/.diskless is a link to a directory
-> mkdir succeeds but does nothing because -p was specified.  The link
is then removed.

4) /tmp/.diskless is a link to a nonexistent path or name
-> mkdir fails (even with -p) because it can't follow the link: "No such
file or directory"

5) /tmp/.diskless exists and is a file
-> mkdir fails: "File exists"

6) /tmp/.diskless exists and is a directory
-> mkdir succeeds.  Later, /tmp/.diskless is removed _only_ if it is

Even though touch doesn't change file contents, it could potentially be
abused to change the timestamp on an arbitrary file if a link were left
in /tmp.  The only way to securely use touch or ">" would be to rm -f
/tmp/.diskless first, and that is a potentially destructive operation on
the off chance the administrator created a file called /tmp/.diskless.
It's a very remote chance yes, but why 

Creating a file called that may cause undesired effects such as mounting
an mfs /tmp when you didn't want one, but it won't cause any data loss.

> So we are left with what is availabile in /bin, /sbin, /rescue.
> Therefore mkdir was used as a work-around. What I'm saying is this
> entire thought process is overly-engineered when the shell can simply
> "touch" a file with stdout or stderr. This is indeed the most minor of
> optimizations.

It's not a minor optimization if it changes the semantics of what
happens.  > is very dangerous because it could nuke a random file if a
symlink exists.  Even >> or touch can mess with timestamps or create
files that don't exist, all with the power of root.

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Re: [patch] rc.d/tmp (silly mkdir usage)

2005-08-02 Thread Brooks Davis
On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 11:47:19AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > On Mon, Aug 01, 2005 at 11:37:05PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> Howdy hackers,
> >>
> >> I'm sorry for the previous patch, so here is at least one item that
> >> really
> >> bugs me that isn't obfuscation. In short, I don't see any reason to fork
> >> some process to simply "touch" a file (is a filesystem writable) when
> >> built-in shell i/o does this:
> >>
> >> --- /etc/rc.d/tmp.orig  Mon Aug  1 23:20:24 2005
> >> +++ /etc/rc.d/tmp   Mon Aug  1 23:22:07 2005
> >> @@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
> >>  [Nn][Oo])
> >> ;;
> >>  *)
> >> -   if (/bin/mkdir -p /tmp/.diskless 2> /dev/null); then
> >> -   rmdir /tmp/.diskless
> >> +   if ( > /tmp/.diskless 2> /dev/null); then
> >> +   rm /tmp/.diskless
> >> else
> >> if [ -h /tmp ]; then
> >> echo "*** /tmp is a symlink to a non-writable
> >> area!"
> >>
> >
> > The thing you suggest is bloody insecure. Just imagine some baduser
> > doing ln -s /etc/passwd /tmp/.diskless before rc.d/tmp gets executed.
> > I guess this is the reason why directory creation is used instead of
> > file creation.
> Well these notions have nothing todo with the way it works, but they are
> interesting still. I would imagine a dir could be linked too if somebody
> managed to insert a rc.d script in that was ordered sufficiently early
> enough to do the evil tasks you are thinking about. Even if mktemp(1) were
> available at this stage, I wouldn't use it here.

No, mkdir won't act through the link so it's the best option here:

$ rm nonexistant
$ ls nonexistant
ls: nonexistant: No such file or directory
$ ln -s nonexistant n1
$ mkdir n1
mkdir: n1: File exists
$ ls nonexistant
ls: nonexistant: No such file or directory
$ > n1
$ ls n1
$ ls nonexistant
$ echo foobar >> nonexistant
$ cat nonexistant
$ > n1
$ cat nonexistant
$ mkdir n1
mkdir: n1: File exists

> > I just wonder why a new shell is forked for this test. Simply
> > if /bin/mkdir -p /tmp/.diskless 2> /dev/null ; then
> > would do the same thing without forking a new shell that only executes
> > /bin/mkdir
> Let me be clear about this, the ONLY reason mkdir is used here is because
> touch is under /usr somewhere which isn't even mounted at this point
> (assuming /usr is mounted seperatly, as is the case on nfs diskless
> systems). So we are left with what is availabile in /bin, /sbin, /rescue.
> Therefore mkdir was used as a work-around. What I'm saying is this entire
> thought process is overly-engineered when the shell can simply "touch" a
> file with stdout or stderr. This is indeed the most minor of
> optimizations.


$ rm nonexistant
$ touch n1
$ ls nonexistant

-- Brooks

Any statement of the form "X is the one, true Y" is FALSE.
PGP fingerprint 655D 519C 26A7 82E7 2529  9BF0 5D8E 8BE9 F238 1AD4

Description: PGP signature

Re: [patch] rc.d/tmp (silly mkdir usage)

2005-08-02 Thread diz
> On Mon, Aug 01, 2005 at 11:37:05PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Howdy hackers,
>> I'm sorry for the previous patch, so here is at least one item that
>> really
>> bugs me that isn't obfuscation. In short, I don't see any reason to fork
>> some process to simply "touch" a file (is a filesystem writable) when
>> built-in shell i/o does this:
>> --- /etc/rc.d/tmp.orig  Mon Aug  1 23:20:24 2005
>> +++ /etc/rc.d/tmp   Mon Aug  1 23:22:07 2005
>> @@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
>>  [Nn][Oo])
>> ;;
>>  *)
>> -   if (/bin/mkdir -p /tmp/.diskless 2> /dev/null); then
>> -   rmdir /tmp/.diskless
>> +   if ( > /tmp/.diskless 2> /dev/null); then
>> +   rm /tmp/.diskless
>> else
>> if [ -h /tmp ]; then
>> echo "*** /tmp is a symlink to a non-writable
>> area!"
> The thing you suggest is bloody insecure. Just imagine some baduser
> doing ln -s /etc/passwd /tmp/.diskless before rc.d/tmp gets executed.
> I guess this is the reason why directory creation is used instead of
> file creation.

Well these notions have nothing todo with the way it works, but they are
interesting still. I would imagine a dir could be linked too if somebody
managed to insert a rc.d script in that was ordered sufficiently early
enough to do the evil tasks you are thinking about. Even if mktemp(1) were
available at this stage, I wouldn't use it here.

> I just wonder why a new shell is forked for this test. Simply
> if /bin/mkdir -p /tmp/.diskless 2> /dev/null ; then
> would do the same thing without forking a new shell that only executes
> /bin/mkdir

Let me be clear about this, the ONLY reason mkdir is used here is because
touch is under /usr somewhere which isn't even mounted at this point
(assuming /usr is mounted seperatly, as is the case on nfs diskless
systems). So we are left with what is availabile in /bin, /sbin, /rescue.
Therefore mkdir was used as a work-around. What I'm saying is this entire
thought process is overly-engineered when the shell can simply "touch" a
file with stdout or stderr. This is indeed the most minor of

> Even we can use
> if [ -d /tmp -a -w /tmp ] ; then
> or (which is equivalent)
> if [ -d /tmp ] && [ -w /tmp ] ; then
> and save external commands (mkdir) execution and directory
> creation/deletion at all.

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Re: [patch] rc.d/tmp (silly mkdir usage)

2005-08-02 Thread Vasil Dimov
On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 02:38:36PM +0300, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> On 2005-08-02 14:05, Vasil Dimov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 12:33:48PM +0300, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> >>On 2005-08-02 09:29, Vasil Dimov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   *)
>  -   if (/bin/mkdir -p /tmp/.diskless 2> /dev/null); then
>  -   rmdir /tmp/.diskless
>  +   if ( > /tmp/.diskless 2> /dev/null); then
>  +   rm /tmp/.diskless
>  else
>  if [ -h /tmp ]; then
>  echo "*** /tmp is a symlink to a non-writable 
>  area!"
> >>>
> >>> The thing you suggest is bloody insecure. Just imagine some baduser
> >>> doing ln -s /etc/passwd /tmp/.diskless before rc.d/tmp gets executed.
> >>> I guess this is the reason why directory creation is used instead of
> >>> file creation.
> >>>
> >>> I just wonder why a new shell is forked for this test. Simply if
> >>> /bin/mkdir -p /tmp/.diskless 2> /dev/null ; then would do the same
> >>> thing without forking a new shell that only executes /bin/mkdir
> >>
> >> I think it's because the current shell is allowed to exit if a command
> >> fails while a conditional test like this is run:
> >>
> >>if mkdir /tmp/foo; then
> >>echo foo
> >>rmdir /tmp/foo
> >>fi
> >>
> >> and mkdir may fail.
> >
> > What do you mean by "allowed to exit"?
> > sh -e?
> You're right, of course.  I forgot the script I was looking at had the -e
> option enabled.

Hmmz, I don't think /etc/rc.d/tmp is started with sh -e. Anyway even if
it is, this will not cause sh to exit if mkdir fails.

from sh(1):
-e errexit
Exit immediately if any untested command fails in non-interactive
mode.  The exit status of a command is considered to be explic-
itly tested if the command is used to control an if, elif, while,

# sh -e -c 'if mkdir /a/b ; then echo t ; else echo f ; fi ; echo still alive'
mkdir: /a: No such file or directory
still alive

And even more - the braces () would not save us if the command were
intested because the forked shell exits with the exit status of the
last command executed (e.g. if mkdir fails it will fail too):

# sh -e -c '( mkdir /a/b ) ; echo still alive'
mkdir: /a: No such file or directory

So what is the point of doing "if ( mkdir ... ) ; then" instead of
"if mkdir ... ; then"? Did I miss something...

Description: PGP signature

Re: [patch] rc.d/tmp (silly mkdir usage)

2005-08-02 Thread Joerg Sonnenberger
On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 04:08:12PM +0300, Vasil Dimov wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 01:15:35PM +0200, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 02:06:32PM +0300, Vasil Dimov wrote:
> > > On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 12:52:34PM +0200, Dario Freni wrote:
> > > > Vasil Dimov wrote:
> > > > > Even we can use
> > > > > if [ -d /tmp -a -w /tmp ] ; then
> > > > > or (which is equivalent)
> > > > > if [ -d /tmp ] && [ -w /tmp ] ; then
> > > > > and save external commands (mkdir) execution and directory
> > > > > creation/deletion at all.
> > > > 
> > > > You can't use test -w here. The script is checking if there is a
> > > > read-only filesystem. -w checks only the file flags (according to the
> > > > man page, at least).
> > > > 
> > > That's correct, -w cannot be used to check read-only filesystem.
> > 
> > Actually, you can. That's not portable behaviour though.
> > 
> Well, look what I discovered:

As I said, it is not portable.

> # mount |grep read-only
> /usr/ports on /mnt/ar0s2d/usr/ports5 (nullfs, local, read-only)
> # sh -c '[ -w /mnt/ar0s2d/usr/ports5 ] && echo writeable'
> # bash -c '[ -w /mnt/ar0s2d/usr/ports5 ] && echo writeable'
> writeable

I'd say this is a bug in the bash builtin :-)

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Re: [patch] rc.d/tmp (silly mkdir usage)

2005-08-02 Thread Vasil Dimov
On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 01:15:35PM +0200, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 02:06:32PM +0300, Vasil Dimov wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 12:52:34PM +0200, Dario Freni wrote:
> > > Vasil Dimov wrote:
> > > > Even we can use
> > > > if [ -d /tmp -a -w /tmp ] ; then
> > > > or (which is equivalent)
> > > > if [ -d /tmp ] && [ -w /tmp ] ; then
> > > > and save external commands (mkdir) execution and directory
> > > > creation/deletion at all.
> > > 
> > > You can't use test -w here. The script is checking if there is a
> > > read-only filesystem. -w checks only the file flags (according to the
> > > man page, at least).
> > > 
> > That's correct, -w cannot be used to check read-only filesystem.
> Actually, you can. That's not portable behaviour though.

Well, look what I discovered:

# mount |grep read-only
/usr/ports on /mnt/ar0s2d/usr/ports5 (nullfs, local, read-only)
# sh -c '[ -w /mnt/ar0s2d/usr/ports5 ] && echo writeable'
# bash -c '[ -w /mnt/ar0s2d/usr/ports5 ] && echo writeable'

One should really not rely on this.

Description: PGP signature

(no subject)

2005-08-02 Thread Mike Meyer
Subject: Re: FreeBSD desktop?
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Mailer: VM 7.17 under 21.4 (patch 17) "Jumbo Shrimp" XEmacs Lucid
X-Primary-Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-face: "5Mnwy%?j>IIV\)A=):rjWL~NB2aH[}Yq8Z=u~vJ`"(,&SiLvbbz2W`;h9L,Yg`+vb1>RG%
--text follows this line--
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Michael Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> But if you dont want to wait a couple of days, XFCE is probably the
> lightest Window Manager.

Not a chance. It uses gtk, which is bigger than lwm
(/usr/ports/x11-wm/lwm) all by itself. And lwm isn't the lightest WM
around - it's just the one I'm familiar with. The catch with the real
lightweight window managers is that you configure them with cc. But if
small and fast is what you want, they're the ticket.

If you've been using Windows, you might prefer qvwm
(/usr/ports/x11-wm/qvwm), which is a Windows 95/98/NT like window
manager. I don't see one that emulates XP, and a quick google only
turns up XPde, which appears to be a dead.

If you think window management is to important to be left to such a
low-bandwidth device as a mouse(*), then you might try ratpoison
(/usr/ports/x11-wm/ratpoison). It's not for everyone, but it *really*
confuses Mac and Windows users. Personally, I prefer plpwm (an example
manager in /usr/ports/x11-wm/plwm), but I wrote it.

Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Re: per file lock list

2005-08-02 Thread Igor Shmukler

Thank you very much for response. This is a general solution, but it
not sufficient for our needs. I guess I should have been more clear
while explaining what we need.

We want list of these locks for a group of processes.

We made an implementation based on your suggestion, but there is one problem...

Unfortunately this method does not return all shared locks for a
range. For example, if several processes have placed a shared lock on
range [1000 - 2000], F_GETLK returns a flock structure where l_pid field
contains a pid of process that takes the lock first. While, we want
to know all processes that takes this lock. Is there any way to retrieve
such information without using of internal kernel structures (inode

Thank you in advance,


On 7/21/05, Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> :Hi,
> :
> :We have a question: how to get all POSIX locks for a given file?
> :..
> :
> :As far as I know, existing API does not allow to retrieve all file
> :locks. Therefore, we need to use kernel internal structures to get all
> :...
> :So the question: is there an elegant way to get the lock list for a given 
> file?
> :
> :Thank you in advance.
> You can use F_GETLK to iterate through all posix locks held on a file.
> From man fcntl:
>  F_GETLKGet the first lock that blocks the lock description pointed to
> by the third argument, arg, taken as a pointer to a struct
> flock (see above).  The information retrieved overwrites the
> information passed to fcntl() in the flock structure.  If no
> lock is found that would prevent this lock from being created,
> the structure is left unchanged by this function call except
> for the lock type which is set to F_UNLCK.
> So what you do is you specify a lock description that covers the whole
> file and call F_GETLK.  You then use the results to modify the lock
> description to a range that starts just past the returned lock
> for the next call.  You continue iterating until F_GETLK tells you that
> there are no more locks.
> -Matt
> Matthew Dillon
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Re: Possible softupdates bug when a indirect block buffer is reused

2005-08-02 Thread Kirk McKusick
This has been a long nagging problem that was finally tracked down and
fixed by Stephan Uphoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. See revision 1.182 on 2005/07/31
to sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_softdep.c.

Kirk McKusick


Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2005 11:40:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: Matthew Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Kirk McKusick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: freebsd-hackers@freebsd.org
Subject: Possible softupdates bug when a indirect block buffer is reused
X-ASK-Info: Whitelist match [from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (2005/07/31 11:40:52)

Hi Kirk, hackers!

I'm trying to track down a bug that is causing a buffer to be left
in a locked state and then causes the filesystem to lock up because
of that.

The symptoms are that a heavily used filesystem suddenly starts running
out of space.  It isn't due to deleted files with open descriptors, it's
due to the syncer getting stuck in a getblk state.  This is in DragonFly,
but I can't find anything DFlyish wrong so I'm beginning to think it may
be an actual bug in softupdates.

I have wound up with a situation where a getblk()'d bp has been
associated with a indirdep dependancy, i.e. stored in
indirdep->ir_savebp, but is never released.  When something like
the syncer comes along and tries to access it, it locks up, and this
of course leads to inodes not getting cleared and the filesystem
eventually runs out of space when a lot of files are being created and

What has got me really confused is that the buffer in question seems to
wind up with a D_INDIRDEP dependancy that points back to itself.

Here's the situation from a live gdb.  Here is where the syncer is 

(kgdb) back
#0  lwkt_switch () at thread2.h:95
#1  0xc02a8a79 in tsleep (ident=0x0, flags=0, wmesg=0xc04eadb0 "getblk", 
timo=0) at /usr/src-125beta/sys/kern/kern_synch.c:428
#2  0xc02956bb in acquire (lkp=0xc758b4e0, extflags=33554464, wanted=1536)
at /usr/src-125beta/sys/kern/kern_lock.c:127
#3  0xc0295a92 in lockmgr (lkp=0xc758b4e0, flags=33620002, interlkp=0x0, 
td=0xd68f6400) at /usr/src-125beta/sys/kern/kern_lock.c:354
#4  0xc02d6828 in getblk (vp=0xc71b3058, blkno=94440240, size=8192, slpflag=0, 
slptimeo=0) at thread.h:79
#5  0xc02d4404 in bread (vp=0xc71b3058, blkno=0, size=0, bpp=0x0)
at /usr/src-125beta/sys/kern/vfs_bio.c:567
#6  0xc03f24fe in indir_trunc (ip=0xe048fc0c, dbn=94440240, level=1, lbn=2060, 
countp=0xe048fbf8) at /usr/src-125beta/sys/vfs/ufs/ffs_softdep.c:2221
#7  0xc03f22df in handle_workitem_freeblocks (freeblks=0xe2fcef98)
at /usr/src-125beta/sys/vfs/ufs/ffs_softdep.c:2138
#8  0xc03f0462 in process_worklist_item (matchmnt=0x0, flags=0)
at /usr/src-125beta/sys/vfs/ufs/ffs_softdep.c:726
#9  0xc03f026c in softdep_process_worklist (matchmnt=0x0)
at /usr/src-125beta/sys/vfs/ufs/ffs_softdep.c:625
#10 0xc02e5ff3 in sched_sync () at /usr/src-125beta/sys/kern/vfs_sync.c:244
#11 0xc0294863 in kthread_create_stk (func=0, arg=0x0, tdp=0xff80, 
stksize=0, fmt=0x0) at /usr/src-125beta/sys/kern/kern_kthread.c:104

The buffer it is stuck on:

(kgdb) print bp
$62 = (struct buf *) 0xc758b4b8
(kgdb) print *bp
$63 = {
  b_hash = {
le_next = 0x0, 
le_prev = 0xc7391348
  b_vnbufs = {
tqe_next = 0xc739b890, 
tqe_prev = 0xc76f32b8
  b_freelist = {
tqe_next = 0xc768d610, 
tqe_prev = 0xc0565ac0
  b_act = {
tqe_next = 0x0, 
tqe_prev = 0x0
  b_flags = 536870912,  < 0x2000 (getblk with no bread, etc)
  b_qindex = 0, 
  b_xflags = 2 '\002', 
  b_lock = {
lk_interlock = {
  t_cpu = 0xff80, 
  t_reqcpu = 0xff80, 
  t_unused01 = 0
lk_flags = 2098176, 
lk_sharecount = 0, 
lk_waitcount = 1, 
lk_exclusivecount = 1, 
lk_prio = 0, 
lk_wmesg = 0xc04eadb0 "getblk", 
lk_timo = 0, 
lk_lockholder = 0xfffe
  b_error = 0, 
  b_bufsize = 8192, 
  b_runningbufspace = 0, 
  b_bcount = 8192, 
  b_resid = 0, 
  b_dev = 0xde0f0e38, 
  b_data = 0xcf824000 "¨\205Ð\002", 
  b_kvabase = 0xcf824000 "¨\205Ð\002", 
  b_kvasize = 16384, 
  b_lblkno = 94440240, 
  b_blkno = 94440240, 
  b_offset = 48353402880, 
  b_iodone = 0, 
  b_iodone_chain = 0x0, 
  b_vp = 0xc71b3058, 
  b_dirtyoff = 0, 
  b_dirtyend = 0, 
  b_pblkno = 87503631, 
  b_saveaddr = 0x0, 
  b_driver1 = 0x0, 
  b_caller1 = 0x0, 
  b_pager = {
pg_spc = 0x0, 
pg_reqpage = 0
  b_cluster = {
cluster_head = {
  tqh_first = 0x0, 
  tqh_last = 0xc768d6bc
---Type  to continue, or q  to quit--- 
cluster_entry = {
  tqe_next = 0x0, 
  tqe_prev = 0xc768d6bc
  b_xio = {
xio_pages = 0xc758b584, 
xio_npages = 2, 
xio_offset = 0, 
xio_bytes = 0, 
xio_flags = 0, 
xio_error = 0, 
xio_internal_pages = {0xc34e5870, 0xc4aeb2b4, 0x0 }
  b_dep = {
lh_first = 0xc7045040
  b_chain = {
parent = 0x0, 
count = 0

As y

Re: [patch] rc.d/tmp (silly mkdir usage)

2005-08-02 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On 2005-08-02 14:05, Vasil Dimov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 12:33:48PM +0300, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
>>On 2005-08-02 09:29, Vasil Dimov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 -   if (/bin/mkdir -p /tmp/.diskless 2> /dev/null); then
 -   rmdir /tmp/.diskless
 +   if ( > /tmp/.diskless 2> /dev/null); then
 +   rm /tmp/.diskless
 if [ -h /tmp ]; then
 echo "*** /tmp is a symlink to a non-writable 
>>> The thing you suggest is bloody insecure. Just imagine some baduser
>>> doing ln -s /etc/passwd /tmp/.diskless before rc.d/tmp gets executed.
>>> I guess this is the reason why directory creation is used instead of
>>> file creation.
>>> I just wonder why a new shell is forked for this test. Simply if
>>> /bin/mkdir -p /tmp/.diskless 2> /dev/null ; then would do the same
>>> thing without forking a new shell that only executes /bin/mkdir
>> I think it's because the current shell is allowed to exit if a command
>> fails while a conditional test like this is run:
>>  if mkdir /tmp/foo; then
>>  echo foo
>>  rmdir /tmp/foo
>>  fi
>> and mkdir may fail.
> What do you mean by "allowed to exit"?
> sh -e?

You're right, of course.  I forgot the script I was looking at had the -e
option enabled.

freebsd-hackers@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: [patch] rc.d/tmp (silly mkdir usage)

2005-08-02 Thread Joerg Sonnenberger
On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 02:06:32PM +0300, Vasil Dimov wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 12:52:34PM +0200, Dario Freni wrote:
> > Vasil Dimov wrote:
> > > Even we can use
> > > if [ -d /tmp -a -w /tmp ] ; then
> > > or (which is equivalent)
> > > if [ -d /tmp ] && [ -w /tmp ] ; then
> > > and save external commands (mkdir) execution and directory
> > > creation/deletion at all.
> > 
> > You can't use test -w here. The script is checking if there is a
> > read-only filesystem. -w checks only the file flags (according to the
> > man page, at least).
> > 
> That's correct, -w cannot be used to check read-only filesystem.

Actually, you can. That's not portable behaviour though.

freebsd-hackers@freebsd.org mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: [patch] rc.d/tmp (silly mkdir usage)

2005-08-02 Thread Vasil Dimov
On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 12:52:34PM +0200, Dario Freni wrote:
> Vasil Dimov wrote:
> > Even we can use
> > if [ -d /tmp -a -w /tmp ] ; then
> > or (which is equivalent)
> > if [ -d /tmp ] && [ -w /tmp ] ; then
> > and save external commands (mkdir) execution and directory
> > creation/deletion at all.
> You can't use test -w here. The script is checking if there is a
> read-only filesystem. -w checks only the file flags (according to the
> man page, at least).
That's correct, -w cannot be used to check read-only filesystem.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [patch] rc.d/tmp (silly mkdir usage)

2005-08-02 Thread Vasil Dimov
On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 12:33:48PM +0300, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> On 2005-08-02 09:29, Vasil Dimov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > --- /etc/rc.d/tmp.orig  Mon Aug  1 23:20:24 2005
> > > +++ /etc/rc.d/tmp   Mon Aug  1 23:22:07 2005
> > > @@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
> > >  [Nn][Oo])
> > > ;;
> > >  *)
> > > -   if (/bin/mkdir -p /tmp/.diskless 2> /dev/null); then
> > > -   rmdir /tmp/.diskless
> > > +   if ( > /tmp/.diskless 2> /dev/null); then
> > > +   rm /tmp/.diskless
> > > else
> > > if [ -h /tmp ]; then
> > > echo "*** /tmp is a symlink to a non-writable 
> > > area!"
> >
> > The thing you suggest is bloody insecure. Just imagine some baduser
> > doing ln -s /etc/passwd /tmp/.diskless before rc.d/tmp gets executed.
> > I guess this is the reason why directory creation is used instead of
> > file creation.
> >
> > I just wonder why a new shell is forked for this test. Simply if
> > /bin/mkdir -p /tmp/.diskless 2> /dev/null ; then would do the same
> > thing without forking a new shell that only executes /bin/mkdir
> I think it's because the current shell is allowed to exit if a command
> fails while a conditional test like this is run:
>   if mkdir /tmp/foo; then
>   echo foo
>   rmdir /tmp/foo
>   fi
> and mkdir may fail.

What do you mean by "allowed to exit"?
sh -e?

Description: PGP signature

Re: [patch] rc.d/tmp (silly mkdir usage)

2005-08-02 Thread Dario Freni
Vasil Dimov wrote:
> Even we can use
> if [ -d /tmp -a -w /tmp ] ; then
> or (which is equivalent)
> if [ -d /tmp ] && [ -w /tmp ] ; then
> and save external commands (mkdir) execution and directory
> creation/deletion at all.

You can't use test -w here. The script is checking if there is a
read-only filesystem. -w checks only the file flags (according to the
man page, at least).

FreeSBIE developer (http://www.freesbie.org)
GPG Public key at http://www.saturnero.net/saturnero.asc

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [patch] rc.d/tmp (silly mkdir usage)

2005-08-02 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On 2005-08-02 09:29, Vasil Dimov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > --- /etc/rc.d/tmp.orig  Mon Aug  1 23:20:24 2005
> > +++ /etc/rc.d/tmp   Mon Aug  1 23:22:07 2005
> > @@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
> >  [Nn][Oo])
> > ;;
> >  *)
> > -   if (/bin/mkdir -p /tmp/.diskless 2> /dev/null); then
> > -   rmdir /tmp/.diskless
> > +   if ( > /tmp/.diskless 2> /dev/null); then
> > +   rm /tmp/.diskless
> > else
> > if [ -h /tmp ]; then
> > echo "*** /tmp is a symlink to a non-writable area!"
> The thing you suggest is bloody insecure. Just imagine some baduser
> doing ln -s /etc/passwd /tmp/.diskless before rc.d/tmp gets executed.
> I guess this is the reason why directory creation is used instead of
> file creation.
> I just wonder why a new shell is forked for this test. Simply if
> /bin/mkdir -p /tmp/.diskless 2> /dev/null ; then would do the same
> thing without forking a new shell that only executes /bin/mkdir

I think it's because the current shell is allowed to exit if a command
fails while a conditional test like this is run:

if mkdir /tmp/foo; then
echo foo
rmdir /tmp/foo

and mkdir may fail.

freebsd-hackers@freebsd.org mailing list
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