ATAPI tape drive (wst0) problem.

1999-12-12 Thread Alexander Prohorenko


I've got some problem and I need your help to solve it.

uname -mrs
FreeBSD 3.3-STABLE i386

dmesg output:

wdc1: unit 1 (atapi): , removable, accel, iordy

I've added such strings to kernel configuration file:

options ATAPI
device wst0

Of course, I did:

cd /dev
./MAKEDEV wst0

ls -al /dev/rwst0
crw-r-  1 root  operator   90,   0 Dec 12 12:05 /dev/rwst0

When I'm trying to do:

mt -f /dev/rwst0 status

I'm getting:

mt: /dev/rwst0: Device not configured


Dec 12 12:27:20 zzz-oz /kernel: ENXIO lun=0, wstnlun=0, im=0xc01d0b34

Please, be so kind to let me know where is my mistake and what I'm
doing incorrect. `man wst` didn't help, - besides, it refers to wst(1)
but I was failed to find such.

Thank you very much and looking forward your help.

Alexander Prohorenko ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
..."Death is God's way of telling you not to be such a wise guy."

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Apache with PAM/RADIUS authentication

2000-06-23 Thread Alexander Prohorenko

Hello guys,

I hope to get some help here.  I've got in troubles trying to run
Apache PAM authentication module on FreeBSD.

white@nwlynx:/var/home/white>uname -a
FreeBSD 3.4-STABLE FreeBSD 3.4-STABLE #11: Tue May 16 10:43:05 MDT 2000 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/compile/NWLYNX  i386

/etc/pam.conf has:

httpd   try_first_pass
httpd   account

I'm running RADIUS server on localhost. 

/etc/radius.conf has:

authlocalhost   thatsakey

I've used PAM module from - mod_auth_pam.c
and added it as DSO module using apxs.

/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf has:

LoadModule pam_auth_modulelibexec/
AddModule mod_auth_pam.c


Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
AuthPAM_Enabled on
AuthName"Security forever!"
require valid-user

But when Apache tries to authorize I'm getting in /var/log/messages:

Jun 22 13:50:15 nwlynx dev-httpd: unable to dlopen(/usr/lib/
Jun 22 13:50:15 nwlynx dev-httpd: [dlerror: /usr/lib/ Undefined symbol 
Jun 22 13:50:15 nwlynx dev-httpd: adding faulty module: /usr/lib/
Jun 22 13:50:15 nwlynx dev-httpd: unable to dlopen(/usr/lib/
Jun 22 13:50:15 nwlynx dev-httpd: [dlerror: /usr/lib/ Undefined symbol 
Jun 22 13:50:15 nwlynx dev-httpd: adding faulty module: /usr/lib/

It goes without saying that no RADIUS requests is being sent and authorisation
generates a failure message.

How can I solve this problem??  Thank you so much for your input,

Alexander Prohorenko, Extra Solutions [ ]

  "Those who do not understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly."
-- H. Spencer

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Re: Apache with PAM/RADIUS authentication

2000-06-23 Thread Alexander Prohorenko


On Fri, Jun 23, 2000 at 01:04:14PM +0200, Ingo Luetkebohle wrote:
> please cc any replies to me, I'm not on the FreeBSD lists.

Okay, I'll bounce everything I'll got on this subject.  You may include
this into your FAQ.  Of course, if we'll solve this problem :)

> Anyways, this looks like a simple path problem. I don't know where FreeBSD
> places the pam modules, but on Linux they are in /lib/security/.
> > Jun 22 13:50:15 nwlynx dev-httpd: unable to dlopen(/usr/lib/
> > Jun 22 13:50:15 nwlynx dev-httpd: [dlerror: /usr/lib/ Undefined 
>symbol "pam_get_item"]
> > Jun 22 13:50:15 nwlynx dev-httpd: adding faulty module: /usr/lib/
> > Jun 22 13:50:15 nwlynx dev-httpd: unable to dlopen(/usr/lib/
> > Jun 22 13:50:15 nwlynx dev-httpd: [dlerror: /usr/lib/ Undefined symbol 
> > Jun 22 13:50:15 nwlynx dev-httpd: adding faulty module: /usr/lib/

white@micogw:/usr/home/white>ls -al /usr/lib/pam*
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel   2871 19 ÉÀÎ 05:16 /usr/lib/
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel   2637 19 ÉÀÎ 05:16 /usr/lib/
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel   3183 19 ÉÀÎ 05:16 /usr/lib/
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel   6563 19 ÉÀÎ 05:16 /usr/lib/
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel   3774 19 ÉÀÎ 05:16 /usr/lib/
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel   6473 19 ÉÀÎ 05:16 /usr/lib/
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  14357 19 ÉÀÎ 05:16 /usr/lib/

Unfortunetly, all modules are readable and accessable by /usr/lib/ path.
What PAM version is necessary for this module?  FreeBSD 3.4-STABLE has
PAM 0.56.  But by some strange reason I do know guys who are running the
same configuration and everything is working, the only difference is
that they are using pam_tacplus instead of pam_radius.

Also, I thought that's the reason is that libpam library has not 
pam_get_item() function.  And that's not the truth too!

white@micogw:/usr/home/white>strings /usr/lib/ | grep pam_get_item
pam_get_item: NULL pam handle passed
pam_get_item: nowhere to place requested item

I'm open for any suggestions and tests except running httpd server as root.
Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.


Alexander Prohorenko, Extra Solutions [ ]

  "Those who do not understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly."
-- H. Spencer

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: Apache with PAM/RADIUS authentication

2000-06-23 Thread Alexander Prohorenko

On Fri, Jun 23, 2000 at 03:44:09PM +0200, Bjoern Fischer wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 23, 2000 at 11:57:43AM +0300, Alexander Prohorenko wrote:
> > I hope to get some help here.  I've got in troubles trying to run
> > Apache PAM authentication module on FreeBSD.
> [...]
> > I've used PAM module from - mod_auth_pam.c
> > and added it as DSO module using apxs.
> > 
> > /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf has:
> > 
> > LoadModule pam_auth_modulelibexec/
> > AddModule mod_auth_pam.c
> [...]
> > Jun 22 13:50:15 nwlynx dev-httpd: unable to dlopen(/usr/lib/
> > Jun 22 13:50:15 nwlynx dev-httpd: [dlerror: /usr/lib/ Undefined 
>symbol "pam_get_item"]
> [...]


Thank you very much,

Here they are:

> Please show me the output of `objdump -p' and of

white@nwlynx:/usr/local/apache-dev/libexec>objdump -p file format elf32-i386

Program Header:
LOAD off0x vaddr 0x paddr 0x align 2**12
 filesz 0x1215 memsz 0x1215 flags r-x
LOAD off0x1218 vaddr 0x2218 paddr 0x2218 align 2**12
 filesz 0x01f8 memsz 0x01f8 flags rw-
 DYNAMIC off0x1390 vaddr 0x2390 paddr 0x2390 align 2**2
 filesz 0x0080 memsz 0x0080 flags rw-

Dynamic Section:
  STRTAB  0x43c
  SYMTAB  0x1cc
  STRSZ   0x1c6
  SYMENT  0x10
  PLTGOT  0x230c
  PLTREL  0x11
  JMPREL  0x6a4
  REL 0x604
  RELSZ   0xa0
  RELENT  0x8

> `objdump -p ' and I will try to help you.

white@nwlynx:/usr/local/apache-dev/bin>objdump -p httpd

httpd: file format elf32-i386

Program Header:
PHDR off0x0034 vaddr 0x08048034 paddr 0x08048034 align 2**2
 filesz 0x00a0 memsz 0x00a0 flags r-x
  INTERP off0x00d4 vaddr 0x080480d4 paddr 0x080480d4 align 2**0
 filesz 0x0019 memsz 0x0019 flags r--
LOAD off0x vaddr 0x08048000 paddr 0x08048000 align 2**12
 filesz 0x0004d4b5 memsz 0x0004d4b5 flags r-x
LOAD off0x0004d4b8 vaddr 0x080964b8 paddr 0x080964b8 align 2**12
 filesz 0x4644 memsz 0x7c6c flags rw-
 DYNAMIC off0x00051a6c vaddr 0x0809aa6c paddr 0x0809aa6c align 2**2
 filesz 0x0090 memsz 0x0090 flags rw-

Dynamic Section:
  STRTAB  0x804b7e8
  SYMTAB  0x8049278
  STRSZ   0x23ba
  SYMENT  0x10
  DEBUG   0x0
  PLTGOT  0x809a864
  PLTREL  0x11
  JMPREL  0x804dbcc
  REL 0x804dba4
  RELSZ   0x28
  RELENT  0x8


Alexander Prohorenko, Extra Solutions [ ]

  "Those who do not understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly."
-- H. Spencer

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: Apache with PAM/RADIUS authentication

2000-06-24 Thread Alexander Prohorenko

On Fri, Jun 23, 2000 at 08:19:28PM +0200, Bjoern Fischer wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 23, 2000 at 05:12:03PM +0300, Alexander Prohorenko wrote:
> > white@nwlynx:/usr/local/apache-dev/libexec>objdump -p
> [...]
> > Dynamic Section:
> >   NEEDED
> [...]
> > white@nwlynx:/usr/local/apache-dev/bin>objdump -p httpd
> >   NEEDED
> >   NEEDED
> This looks sane. Maybe the runtime linker is confused
> using a dlopened module from another dlopened module.
> Try running httpd with the environment `LD_PRELOAD' set
> to `/usr/lib/' and let me know the results.


Thank you so much!  It works!


Alexander Prohorenko, Extra Solutions [ ]

  "Those who do not understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly."
-- H. Spencer

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message


2000-12-22 Thread Alexander Prohorenko


Did anybody suceed with fd1720 flopies ?   I couldn't write any single
1720K image there.

su-2.03# dd if=flogw-4000.bin of=/dev/rfd0.1720
dd: /dev/rfd0.1720: Input/output error
19+0 records in
18+0 records out
9216 bytes transferred in 3.377621 secs (2729 bytes/sec)

Should I do anything special for this ?

Thank you.

Alexander Prohorenko, Extra Solutions
"Good day to be alive, sir"

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: fd1720

2000-12-22 Thread Alexander Prohorenko

On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 08:52:52AM -0800, Luigi Rizzo wrote:
> > Did anybody suceed with fd1720 flopies ?   I couldn't write any single
> > 1720K image there.
> you must fdformat /dev/fd0.1720 (check syntax) first, otherwise
> the write fails when it hits the first sector (sec.19 track 0) which
> is supposed to be there but is not
> Note that almost surely you won't be able to boot from that disk.


Thank you, your advise was very helpfull.  However, I supposed to boot
from it, but didn't get anyting except the FreeBSD BOOT loader.  That's
bad.  I miss about 30KB on a usual fd1440 diskette to run my PicoBSD
build on, that's why I'm digging into this format.

Can you suggest me something in this case?  Looks like FreeBSD BOOT
loader doesn't know anything about disk partitioning for such
"stressed" formats.  

Alexander Prohorenko, Extra Solutions
"Good day to be alive, sir"

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: fd1720

2000-12-22 Thread Alexander Prohorenko

On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 09:43:35AM -0800, Luigi Rizzo wrote:
> > Thank you, your advise was very helpfull.  However, I supposed to boot
> > from it, but didn't get anyting except the FreeBSD BOOT loader.  That's
> > bad.  I miss about 30KB on a usual fd1440 diskette to run my PicoBSD
> > build on, that's why I'm digging into this format.
> try the "1480" format (you need the changes i recently committed to
> RELENG_4 should also help, as you save some another 70KB for
> the loader).

Thank you.  I'll run through the CVS and give it a shot.

Alexander Prohorenko, Extra Solutions
"Good day to be alive, sir"

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message