freebsd-update's install_verify routine excessive stating

2009-01-22 Thread Bert JW Regeer


Recently I decided it would be time to upgrade an older laptop that  
was still running 6.2-RELEASE to a more recent release 7.1-RELEASE (re- 
install not possible, laptop has no cd-rom drive, and does not boot  
from a USB one).

Everything went well, including the kernel update. It was not until  
after I rebooted and ran:

./ -f freebsd-update.conf install

That I started noticing something rather weird. It had been running  
for a good 30 minutes before I started wondering what was going on.  
top gave me nothing of value, other than that all of the time was  
spent running sh, and that it was spending all of its time in system,  
not user where I would have expected it. Thinking went wrong I stopped  
the process and started it again.

After a ktrace and kdump I found the culprit in install_verify in the  
freebsd-update utility, it would read one line, and then run stat on  
one of the many files that was listed in /usr/upgrade/files/.

install_verify () {
# Generate a list of hashes
cat $@ |
cut -f 2,7 -d '|' |
grep -E '^f' |
cut -f 2 -d '|' |
sort -u  filelist

# Make sure all the hashes exist
while read HASH; do
if ! [ -f files/${HASH}.gz ]; then
echo -n Update files missing -- 
echo this should never happen.
echo Re-run '$0 fetch'.
return 1
done  filelist

# Clean up
rm filelist

running find /usr/upgrade/files/ | wc -l showed over 64000 files. So  
what was happening here is that is doing due  
diligence in checking that all the files exist, however it uses the  
built in test utility to do so. While in normal situations this may  
not be that big of a deal since the changeset is likely to be small,  
running stat on 64000 individual files in a loop is rather slow.

In my case I have just removed the offending code and hoped all went  
well, however this is off course not an acceptable solution. I have  
not yet come up with an acceptable way to fix the offending code,  
hence my post to hackers. I am also not sure as to how I would file a  
pr bug report for this situation, any guidance would be greatly  

This email has become much longer than I had originally intended. I  
just wanted to get this out to see what you all had to say about this.

Bert JW Regeer

Re: Small change to 'ps'

2009-01-07 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Jan 7, 2009, at 10:27 , Sheldon Givens wrote:

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 7:48 AM, Ulrich Spoerlein  

On Wed, 07.01.2009 at 08:54:41 -0600, Sean C. Farley wrote:

On Wed, 7 Jan 2009, Ulrich Spoerlein wrote:

On Tue, 06.01.2009 at 11:52:39 -0800, Sheldon Givens wrote:

Hello everyone,

It occurs to me that FreeBSD ps lacks the ability to disable  

This seems like a really obvious feature, and I may have simply
missed it's existence (despite my relentlessly searching the man
page) but here is a small patch that sets the flag 'n' to disable
header output.

You've missed it, probably because it is non-obvious:

% ps -p 1 -o pid,cpu
  1   0
% ps -p 1 -o pid= -o cpu=
  1   0

Another way:
ps | tail +2

I'm not sure about the portability of tail +N, I seem to remember  

AIX doesn't support it. Therefore I'd rather use

% ps | sed 1d

which is way more portable.

The three solutions above all work on my OpenSolaris machine (other  
than cpu=, since the field is named pcpu). I don't currently have  
access to HP-UX or AIX to test which do and do not work.

Ulrich Spoerlein
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool,
than to speak, and remove all doubt.

Hello everybody,

Ulrich: I appreciate your solution, but it ends up being a pretty  

command when you start desiring 6 or 7 fields.

Yes, which is why the sed/tail will do exactly what you want. UNIX was  
built on the fact that small tools together will work together to do  
something larger, no need to move all of the functionality into one  
tool, that creates maintenance nightmares and just complicates  
otherwise simple code.

Sean: Ulrich is right in saying that tail +val is unreliable when  
coding for


And I guess I just feel like running a second command to do what  
should be

possible to do with the first command (and is, on many platforms. ps
--no-headers on linux for example) is a problem and presents  
opportunity for

continued refinement of the utility.

What other platforms besides Linux distributions? Just because they  
exist by the hundreds does not mean they are different platforms.$ ps -AflZ --no-headers
ps: illegal option -- no-headers
usage: ps [ -aAdefHlcjLPyZ ] [ -o format ] [ -t termlist ]
[ -u userlist ] [ -U userlist ] [ -G grouplist ]
[ -p proclist ] [ -g pgrplist ] [ -s sidlist ] [ -z  
zonelist ] [-h lgrplist]

  'format' is one or more of:
user ruser group rgroup uid ruid gid rgid pid ppid pgid sid  
taskid ctid
pri opri pcpu pmem vsz rss osz nice class time etime stime  
zone zoneid
f s c lwp nlwp psr tty addr wchan fname comm args projid  
project pset lgrp$ uname -a
SunOS 5.11 snv_101b i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris

I also read the entire man page for ps that is included and could not  
find a single way to not include a header by using a simple flag, in  
the man page they list the -o format as the only way to remove the  

HP-UX man page does not include an option either, besides the  
aforementioned -o format option:

Same goes for IBM's AIX system:

Just because Linux has it does not mean it is an improvement that  
should be imported. I think it is rather dumb idea really. What if in  
the future we add a new field to the output of ps to give more  
information (on Solaris for example, the -Z function lists what Zone  
the command is running in (global, or non-global)), this changes the  
amounts of fields that are listed. Now lets say some shell script that  
was written a few years ago requires a certain option to be located in  
field 7, and now that is moved over to field 8 it could cause all  
kinds of issues, instead if the command is written out with -o pid=,  
it is static and it won't change even if a new field is introduced to  
ps, thereby decreasing future issues, and increasing portability since  
you can select only the fields you require, making it more portable  
(if using standardised fields) because now the field will always be in  
the same place, no matter the platform.


Linuxisms that are bad should not be imported into FreeBSD. There is a  
valid and documented way to suppress the header information using ps,  
use it. If you are using this in a script of some sort, writing it out  
once will save you a lot of headache and trouble later.

Bert JW Regeer

Re: 3 connections as one

2008-06-24 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Jun 25, 2008, at 00:07 , Andres Chavez wrote:

Hi, a friend is challenge me to make use of 3 different connections  

adsl, one cable, and one Evdo) as one single connection to internet, i
believe for make faster downloads or something such, its that can be
possible ?, if so, can anybody help me with this?, this sounds  
for know tricks on the FreeBSD operating system, he need to use this  
box as

the network manager and firewall as well, but the connection thing its
killing me i dont know how.

You could use PF's round-robin balancing to pick an outgoing connection:


It contains examples and should help you get everything set up and  
working as you are asking for. One thing it won't do is make downloads  
faster, since it is not trunking, but if you have three downloads  
going, they might all use different paths, thus allowing you to  
utilise all connections, and thus have an over all faster connection.

Bert JW Regeer

Re: no found

2008-05-22 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On May 22, 2008, at 10:19 , KAYVEN RIESE wrote:

On Wed, 21 May 2008, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 10:13:43PM -0700, KAYVEN RIESE wrote:

kv_bsd#cd /usr/ports/distfiles
kv_bsd#mv /usr/home/kayve/Nessus-3.2.0-fbsd7.tbz .
kv_bsd#pkg_add Nessus-3.2.0-fbsd7.tbz

You are running on FreeBSD 6.3 and you are trying to add a package  
that clearly has fbsd7 in the name. Off course it is not going to work.

pkg_add: package VisualOS-1.0.5_3 has no origin recorded
/libexec/ Shared object not found,  
required by


First and foremost, you hijacked an existing thread by replying to it
with regards to a completely different issue.  Please don't do  
this, it
confuses mail clients which follow thread references.  Please don't  

reply on unrelated messages and start a new/unrelated discussion.

i don't know wtf you are talking about these are all my threads.

You clicked reply, or something along those lines on a previous  
message sent to the mailling list, thereby copying over some crucial  
information into the header of said email:


For mail clients that do threading, and show the conversation more as  
one would expect on a message board, your emails now look as if they  
belong underneath the topic named Hifn 7955 doesn't work with FreeBSD  
7.0-RELEASE, which is annoying to most of us who would want your  
messages to show up in a new thread context. Next time, please just  
email hackers@ directly, and do not hi-jack the thread.

Also, it is generally considered rude to suggest that you don't know  
what someone is talking about using the wtf. We point the hi-jacking  
out so that the mistake does not re-occur. Please refrain from such  
rudeness when people are attempting to help you.

Secondly, the missing library error shown above would happen on  

running FreeBSD 6.x or earlier.  /lib/ exists on RELENG_7.

i am still on freeBSD 6.3  is this a serious problem?

If you want to use the package you are using, yes. Since that package  
is clearly for FreeBSD 7.

Another possibility is that something completely destroyed's
shared library cache path.  Of course, you'd be seeing all sorts of
programs reporting missing libraries, and not just nexxus.

so running freeBSD 6.3 is a fatal problem, or just extraneously

Fatal, sure, especially if you want to use that package.

If the startup script for nessus calls ldconfig or uses
$LD_LIBRARY_PATH, that could explain the missing library.

| Jeremy Chadwickjdc at |
| Parodius Networking   http:// |
| UNIX Systems Administrator  Mountain View, CA,  
| Making life hard for others since 1977.  PGP:  
4BD6C0CB |

 Kayven Riese, BSCS, MS (Physiology and Biophysics)
 (415) 902 5513 cellular
___ mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

zpool scrub tank high file system activity caused crash

2008-03-24 Thread Bert JW Regeer
 information from the  
dump file. Give me commands and I shall be your terminal :P

keyhole# zpool list
tank374G180G194G48%  ONLINE -
keyhole# zpool status
  pool: tank
 state: ONLINE
 scrub: none requested

tankONLINE   0 0 0
  ad2   ONLINE   0 0 0
  ad3   ONLINE   0 0 0
  ad4   ONLINE   0 0 0
  ad6   ONLINE   0 0 0

errors: No known data errors
keyhole# zfs list
tank   180G   188G18K  /tank
tank/archive  33.3G   188G  33.3G  /usr/archive
tank/media 146G   188G   146G  /usr/media

Bert JW Regeer

Re: zpool scrub tank high file system activity caused crash

2008-03-24 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Mar 24, 2008, at 16:23 , Bert JW Regeer wrote:

Hey guys,

I am running FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE with GENERIC on a AMD XP Athlon  
3500+ with 1267 MB of ram, and a GigBit NIC. I am testing out ZFS  
just for the hell of it, I know, 32 bit is not suggested and runs  
badly, but it does what it needs to do.

I was copying large amounts of data for backup purposes from my  
MacBook Pro to the machine over FTP. At the time I was looking  
around the man page for zpool, and figured I'd run a zpool scrub  
just to see how badly it affects performance. It affects it in that  
it takes down the machine with a dump.


Please let me know if you need any additional information from the  
dump file. Give me commands and I shall be your terminal :P

keyhole# zpool list

tank374G180G194G48%  ONLINE -
keyhole# zpool status
 pool: tank
state: ONLINE
scrub: none requested

tankONLINE   0 0 0
  ad2   ONLINE   0 0 0
  ad3   ONLINE   0 0 0
  ad4   ONLINE   0 0 0
  ad6   ONLINE   0 0 0

errors: No known data errors
keyhole# zfs list
tank   180G   188G18K  /tank
tank/archive  33.3G   188G  33.3G  /usr/archive
tank/media 146G   188G   146G  /usr/media

Bert JW Regeer

It crashed again, this time while vsftpd was running, which is the  
FTPD I am using to drop the files on the server. I am going to be  
going back to gconcat and friends for now.

I will keep the dumps around if anyone needs me to run any commands on  
it, and find out more information!

keyhole# kgdb kernel.debug /var/crash/vmcore.1
[GDB will not be able to debug user-mode threads: /usr/lib/ Undefined symbol ps_pglobal_lookup]

GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and  
you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain  

Type show copying to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type show warranty for  

This GDB was configured as i386-marcel-freebsd.

Unread portion of the kernel message buffer:

Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
cpuid = 0; apic id = 00
fault virtual address   = 0x220
fault code  = supervisor read, page not present
instruction pointer = 0x20:0xc097b5f9
stack pointer   = 0x28:0xe769e6c4
frame pointer   = 0x28:0xe769e71c
code segment= base 0x0, limit 0xf, type 0x1b
= DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
processor eflags= interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
current process = 1281 (vsftpd)
trap number = 12
panic: page fault
cpuid = 0
Uptime: 39m11s
Physical memory: 1267 MB
Dumping 348 MB: 333 317 301 285 269 253 237 221 205 189 173 157 141  
125 109 93 77 61 45 29 13

#0  doadump () at pcpu.h:195
195 __asm __volatile(movl %%fs:0,%0 : =r (td));
(kgdb) bt
#0  doadump () at pcpu.h:195
#1  0xc0754457 in boot (howto=260) at /usr/src/sys/kern/ 

#2  0xc0754719 in panic (fmt=Variable fmt is not available.
) at /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_shutdown.c:563
#3  0xc0a4905c in trap_fatal (frame=0xe769e684, eva=33554464) at /usr/ 
#4  0xc0a492e0 in trap_pfault (frame=0xe769e684, usermode=0,  
eva=33554464) at /usr/src/sys/i386/i386/trap.c:812
#5  0xc0a49c8c in trap (frame=0xe769e684) at /usr/src/sys/i386/i386/ 

#6  0xc0a2fc0b in calltrap () at /usr/src/sys/i386/i386/exception.s:139
#7  0xc097b5f9 in vm_page_splay (pindex=Unhandled dwarf expression  
opcode 0x93

) at /usr/src/sys/vm/vm_page.c:590
#8  0xc097bb96 in vm_page_remove (m=0xc1ce2e30) at /usr/src/sys/vm/ 
#9  0xc097bdb1 in vm_page_free_toq (m=0xc1ce2e30) at /usr/src/sys/vm/ 
#10 0xc097bf86 in vm_page_free (m=0xc1ce2e30) at /usr/src/sys/vm/ 
#11 0xc0978860 in vm_object_page_remove (object=0xc0bed860,  
start=53402, end=53434, clean_only=0) at /usr/src/sys/vm/vm_object.c: 

#12 0xc0973072 in vm_map_delete (map=Variable map is not available.
) at /usr/src/sys/vm/vm_map.c:2307
#13 0xc0973191 in vm_map_remove (map=0xc147108c, start=3438907392,  
end=3439038464) at /usr/src/sys/vm/vm_map.c:2423
#14 0xc09707d0 in kmem_free (map=0xc147108c, addr=3438907392,  
size=131072) at /usr/src/sys/vm/vm_kern.c:210
#15 0xc0967579 in page_free (mem=0xccf99000, size=131072, flags=34  
'') at /usr/src/sys/vm/uma_core.c:1042
#16 0xc096a8b7 in uma_large_free (slab=0xc5988980) at /usr/src/sys/vm/ 
#17 0xc074542b in free (addr=0xccf99000, mtp=0xc0da0440) at /usr/src/ 

#18 0xc0d2d597 in ?? ()
#19 0xccf99000 in ?? ()

Re: zpool scrub tank high file system activity caused crash

2008-03-24 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Mar 24, 2008, at 19:46 , Wesley Shields wrote:

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 04:23:19PM -0700, Bert JW Regeer wrote:

Hey guys,

I am running FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE with GENERIC on a AMD XP Athlon  
3500+ with
1267 MB of ram, and a GigBit NIC. I am testing out ZFS just for the  
hell of
it, I know, 32 bit is not suggested and runs badly, but it does  
what it

needs to do.

I was copying large amounts of data for backup purposes from my  
MacBook Pro
to the machine over FTP. At the time I was looking around the man  
page for
zpool, and figured I'd run a zpool scrub just to see how badly it  
performance. It affects it in that it takes down the machine with a  

keyhole# kgdb kernel.debug /var/crash/vmcore.0
[GDB will not be able to debug user-mode threads: /usr/lib/

Undefined symbol ps_pglobal_lookup]
GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License,  
and you

welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain
Type show copying to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type show warranty for  

This GDB was configured as i386-marcel-freebsd.

Unread portion of the kernel message buffer:
panic: vm_page_insert: offset already allocated
cpuid = 0
Uptime: 10h58m58s
Physical memory: 1267 MB
Dumping 335 MB: 320 304 288 272 256 240 224 208 192 176 160 144 128  
112 96

80 64 48 32 16

Out of curiosity, have you done any tuning on this machine?
Specifically some of the stuff mentioned on the wiki?

-- WXS

I had not. I changed the size the kernel was allowed to be to at least  
512 M as that is recommended, and I got the same panic as the first  
email I sent out (this time as seen in dmesg -a), I also ran out of  
space on /var so it did not save the vmcore :(.

I am going to wait till I get my 64 bit system up and running before  
messing with ZFS again. I don't think the amount of ram I have in that  
machine would be enough with some of the other stuff it will have to  
do as well, if I let the kernel eat up to a GB.

Bert JW Regeer

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To unsubscribe, send any mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OpenBSD sdiff Question

2008-03-17 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Mar 15, 2008, at 23:29 , David O'Brien wrote:

On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 03:21:01PM -0700, Bert JW Regeer wrote:
Even if BSD has no tradition to keep a separate program version, it  

still very handy to be able to give this data to other developers if
something is failing.

$ ident failing-binary is the output that means something.  A version
string will not.

Programs that don't have a -v or --version switch are frustrating to

Anyone used to working on BSD will not expect a -v switch.  It isn't  
of BSD tradition.  The simple fact there is no obivous version to  
just shows that in a OS that is developed and built as a whole,  
having a

version on the util is meaningless.

Dropping -v would be a bad thing, and make the tools not compatible,
thus breaking many scripts that do expect a -v.

Come on, how many scripts do you write that do sdiff -v today?


I see the reasoning behind dropping it now. It certainly make sense as  
you and Peter Jeremy describe it, I have just never thought of it that  

Bert JW Regeer

Re: OpenBSD sdiff Question

2008-03-15 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Mar 15, 2008, at 06:59 , Stanislav Sedov wrote:

On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 07:14:04PM -0400 Steven Kreuzer mentioned:


For reference:
$ sdiff -v
sdiff (GNU diffutils) 2.8.7
Written by Thomas Lord.

Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.   
There is NO

And my port from OpenBSD:
$ ./sdiff -v
sdiff (BSD diffutils) 602111
Written by Raymond Lai.

This work has been released into the public domain.

Do we really need to display program version on -v switch? BSD has no
tradition to keep separate program version, it's just a part of an
entire OS. I believe we might just abandone this switch.

Stanislav Sedov

Even if BSD has no tradition to keep a separate program version, it is  
still very handy to be able to give this data to other developers if  
something is failing. Programs that don't have a -v or --version  
switch are frustrating to people who are trying to find a workaround  
for a bug that is in that program, or when looking at documentation  
online, when the documentation is for one version and not for a newer  
version. It is a lot like uname on Linux not displaying what  
distribution it is running, making it harder to quickly figure out  
where stuff is located.

Dropping -v would be a bad thing, and make the tools not compatible,  
thus breaking many scripts that do expect a -v.

Bert JW Regeer
p.s. Sorry Stan about the double email. I replied to your privately  
first, and then noticed my mistake.

Re: memory not cleared on reboot (Was: cool feature of dmesg.boot file)

2008-02-22 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Feb 22, 2008, at 02:25 , Jeremy Chadwick wrote:


Interesting tidbit: We have one production machine which when booted
into single-user via serial console for a world install, retains all  
the output from that single-user session even once rebooted and  

back into multi-user mode.  This poses a substantial security risk,
especially during the mergemaster phase (we can discuss why if  
anyone is


| Jeremy Chadwickjdc at |
| Parodius Networking 
| UNIX Systems Administrator  Mountain View, CA,  
| Making life hard for others since 1977.  PGP:  
4BD6C0CB |

This is more scary:

Which is the exact effect you are seeing.

Bert JW Regeer

Re: encrypted executables

2008-02-20 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Feb 20, 2008, at 20:18 , Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:

On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 09:39:03PM -0500, ari edelkind wrote:

Mind you, it's true that disabling core dumps with a resource limit
doesn't keep one from creating a core image using gcore, but since  

generally must either attach to a process using ptrace() or access
mapped code segments in the original binary (depending on the
implementation), it won't help in such a case, either.

What prevents me from patching the kernel (!) to just ignore the
resource limit? Nothing.


Or for that matter ignoring the first ptrace() so that on the second  
ptrace call we make we can attach without a problem?

On an open system like FreeBSD or Linux it is practically impossible  
to guarantee that the binary that is encrypted can't be tampered with  
in such a way, or have it's un-encrypted code dumped.

Even on Windows this is hard, since the kernel is open for so many  
attack vectors, including but not limited to writing new kernel  
modules that hook certain kernel functions to do what I just  
mentioned. The openness of an Open Source system that allows an  
attacker to easily modify the OS the executables are running on is the  
biggest problem. There is no guaranteed code execution path, no  
guarantee that syscall's will do what you ask them to do.

Bert JW Regeer

Re: /dev/dsp disappeared after power outage

2008-02-04 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Feb 4, 2008, at 08:03 , John Baldwin wrote:

On Saturday 02 February 2008 06:40:15 pm Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

I just had a power outage and when it came back /dev/dsp0.0 was
missing from the devices.   the kern module loaded fine and detected
the card correctly (according to dmesg, sysctl and /dev/sndstat) but
neither the above or /dev/pcm exists.  After rebooting the problem
remains. Any ideas how to fix it?

Nothing to fix.  This is how devfs device cloning works.

John Baldwin

Nothing to fix? The sound card that is correctly detected by the  
kernel module is not being created in /dev, ONLY after he had a power  
outage. It is not even coming back when he reboots the machine.

I don't have any suggestions, I just don't believe Nothing to fix is  
the right answer.

Bert JW Regeer

Re: /dev/dsp disappeared after power outage

2008-02-04 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Feb 4, 2008, at 14:52 , Ulrich Spoerlein wrote:

On Mon, 04.02.2008 at 13:00:40 -0700, Bert JW Regeer wrote:

On Feb 4, 2008, at 08:03 , John Baldwin wrote:

On Saturday 02 February 2008 06:40:15 pm Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

I just had a power outage and when it came back /dev/dsp0.0 was
missing from the devices.   the kern module loaded fine and  
the card correctly (according to dmesg, sysctl and /dev/sndstat)  

neither the above or /dev/pcm exists.  After rebooting the problem
remains. Any ideas how to fix it?

Nothing to fix.  This is how devfs device cloning works.

Nothing to fix? The sound card that is correctly detected by the  
module is not being created in /dev, ONLY after he had a power  
outage. It is

not even coming back when he reboots the machine.

I don't have any suggestions, I just don't believe Nothing to fix  
is the

right answer.


AFAIK dev cloning works by creating the device nodes when open()ed.
Using 'ls /dev/dsp*' will not open() any devices, so nothing is  

He should use 'ls /dev/dsp0 /dev/dsp0.0' and then the devices should

Try it for yourself, do 'ls /dev/dsp*' then 'ls /dev/dsp.8'

Not that anything usefull can be done with ls(1) to get sound :)

Ulrich Spoerlein
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool,
than to speak, and remove all doubt.

I just booted up my desktop machine at home, I don't have sound  
enabled by default, so I loaded the module that is required. Before  
the module was loaded:

ls -lah /dev/dsp*
ls: No match.

After the module was loaded (I just load snd_driver). Nothing else was  
executed after the module was loaded.

ls -lah /dev/dsp*
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel0, 106 Jan 26 05:24 /dev/dsp0.0
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel0, 109 Jan 26 05:24 /dev/dsp0.1
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel0, 112 Jan 26 05:24 /dev/dsp0.2
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel0, 115 Jan 26 05:24 /dev/dsp0.3
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel0, 118 Jan 26 05:24 /dev/dsp0.4
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel0, 122 Jan 26 05:24 /dev/dsp0.5
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel0, 107 Jan 26 05:24 /dev/dspW0.0
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel0, 110 Jan 26 05:24 /dev/dspW0.1
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel0, 113 Jan 26 05:24 /dev/dspW0.2
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel0, 116 Jan 26 05:24 /dev/dspW0.3
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel0, 119 Jan 26 05:24 /dev/dspW0.4
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel0, 123 Jan 26 05:24 /dev/dspW0.5
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel0, 121 Jan 26 05:24 /dev/dspr0.4

So what gives?

Bert JW Regeer

Re: 'periodic daily' memory usage

2008-01-27 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Jan 27, 2008, at 05:55 , Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:

'periodic daily' runs my router out of swap every night, usually  

named as a result.

From your email it sounds like you run bind in just a caching  
situation, have you looked at alternatives yet? For example dnscache  
from DJB, you give it a set amount of memory to use, and that is all  
it uses.


Dag-Erling Smørgrav - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bert JW Regeer

Re: FreeBSD hacker 101

2008-01-24 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Jan 24, 2008, at 22:58 , william wong wrote:

That brings me to another ponder: why juniper and cisco are using
FreeBSD and not Linux even Linux performs better in an UP environment?

2008/1/25, Dag-Erling Smørgrav [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

william wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dag-Erling Smørgrav [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

william wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It seems that Juniper favors the even number FreeBSD's.
Only because 5 was a dog.  They probably stuck with 4 for a  
while, then
switched to 6 once they had ascertained that it was significantly  

stable than 5.  I would be surprised if they skipped 7.

Please pardon my ignorance of the jargons. Does that mean 5 is not
stable or does not perform or what?

FreeBSD 5 was not a very good series.  It was released late and had
issues with both stability and performance.  FreeBSD 6 corrected the
stability issues and some of the worst performance issues.  FreeBSD 7
took care of the remaining performance issues; it may not be as  
fast as

4 was on UP, but it beats Linux on SMP.

(there's no point in comparing SMP performance between 4 and 7  
since 4
had a single-threaded kernel and practically no userland thread  

Dag-Erling Smørgrav - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please do not top post.

The reason Juniper and Cisco are probably using FreeBSD is because of  
the license that FreeBSD is under (BSD-License) versus the Linux  
kernels GPL.

Bert JW Regeer

Using freebsd-update to install a clean system

2008-01-12 Thread Bert JW Regeer


I am working on a tool to automatically provision new servers, and  
currently have it working properly using netboot, the way we currently  
do it is to have our own /usr/src and /usr/obj that we keep up to date  
with the latest patches and versions. The machines netboot an image,  
that NFS mounts those, and fdisks/bsdlabels the local disk and mount  
that as /target/{tmp,usr,var}, from there we set DESTDIR and run make  
{installworld, installkernel, distrib-dirs, distribution}, write out  
an fstab file, set up a simple rc.conf and let the machine reboot.

This process works great, however for stability reasons we are not  
able to rebuild the source tree, each time an advisory comes out, and  
would like a better way of automating this system. Now that freebsd- 
update looks like it is going to be a first class citizen, we would  
like to take advantage of it always being up to date, we would want to  
run our own local update server, and then using freebsd-update install  
an entire distribution, from scratch without first installing one from  
compiled sources.

Is this possible? Is there some way I can tell freebsd-update to  
target /target/ and install every part that we would need (kernel/ 
generic, world/base, world/manpages), without there already being a  
system installed in that location?

While using -b partially works, it throws back all kinds of errors:

install: /target//boot/kernel/3dfx_linux.ko.symbols: No such file or  

install: /target//boot/kernel/aac.ko.symbols: No such file or directory
install: /target//boot/kernel/aac_linux.ko.symbols: No such file or  
install: /target//boot/kernel/accf_data.ko.symbols: No such file or  
install: /target//boot/kernel/accf_http.ko.symbols: No such file or  

Also, looking at the script, sometimes it does not  
have ${BASEDIR} in front of what it is doing, for example on line 2492:

kldxref -R /boot/ 2/dev/null

Would that not have to be:

kldxref -R ${BASEDIR}/boot/ 2/dev/null ?

Thank you,
Bert JW Regeer

Re: dlopen(), atexit() crash on FreeBSD (testcase included)

2008-01-01 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Jan 1, 2008, at 19:41 , Tim Kientzle wrote:

Also, I'm wondering how other OSes handle this. I don't see this
code crash on Linux, contrary to its design as you say.

I would be curious to see the results of running your
sample program ...  on Linux to see whether it calls the
registered exit function at dlclose time or never.
Linux pulls hidden atexit symbol into every binary that uses it ...  
Linux calls atexit entries at object unload time.

Solaris implements a libc callback from ...
Solaris calls atexit callback when removing it too.

Interesting.  So the consensus here (at least for Linux
and Solaris, anyone know about Mac OS?) seems to be that
atexit() can be called from a dynamically loaded library
and that functions registered this way will be called
at library unload time.

And sigh FreeBSD doesn't implement this behavior.

Tim Kientzle

Mac OS X (10.5.1)

$ gcc -dynamiclib -o atexitmod.c
$ gcc -o datest datatest.c
$ ./datest
hello driver
now exiting
$ uname -a
Darwin WideLoad.lan 9.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.1.0: Wed Oct 31  
17:46:22 PDT 2007; root:xnu-1228.0.2~1/RELEASE_I386 i386

$ gcc --version
i686-apple-darwin9-gcc-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)

I guess Mac OS X calls atexit() somehow. I don't know the internals of  
Mac OS X, just wanted to post that the example given in this thread  
works as one would semi-expect, and thus possibly against the spec.

Bert JW Regeer

Re: kqueue and libev

2007-12-16 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Dec 15, 2007, at 08:47 , Kip Macy wrote:

On 12/15/07, James Mansion [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Any idea what the author of libev is on about here (from

unsigned int ev_recommended_backends ()

   Return the set of all backends compiled into this binary of libev
   and also recommended for this platform. This set is often smaller
   than the one returned by |ev_supported_backends|, as for example
   kqueue is broken on most BSDs and will not be autodetected unless
   you explicitly request it (assuming you know what you are doing).


|EVBACKEND_KQUEUE| (value 8, most BSD clones)

   Kqueue deserves special mention, as at the time of this writing,  

   was broken on all BSDs except NetBSD (usually it doesn't work with
   anything but sockets and pipes, except on Darwin, where of course
   its completely useless). For this reason its not being
   autodetected unless you explicitly specify it explicitly in the
   flags (i.e. using |EVBACKEND_KQUEUE|).

It looks like a decent library, but these comments seem unfortunate.
Does anyone know what the author is concerned about?


Actually, until recently it was broken on pipes. We've never received
any PRs to that effect so there is no way of knowing. You'll have
better luck asking the author himself.


How recently? I have been using kqueue with pipes in several programs  
for the last year or so.

Bert JW Regeer

Re: Updated procstat(1)

2007-11-28 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Nov 28, 2007, at 5:46 AM, Robert Watson wrote:

On Wed, 28 Nov 2007, Skip Ford wrote:

Skip Ford wrote:

Robert Watson wrote:

On Wed, 28 Nov 2007, Skip Ford wrote:

- -a now means all processes,

Thanks. :-)  I'm a little surprised.  You seemed pretty  
dedicated to a per-process tool.

I was, but then I read your e-mail and became convinced that the  
first patch that would be submitted against procstat(1) would be  
a -a patch. :-)

Yep, would've happened.  Now the first patch submitted will be a - 
w interval patch... :-)

I couldn't resist implementing a crude interval arg just for kicks.  
Here's the output of find(1) every second.  This is so cool:

Very neat :-).  If you like this, you'll love DTrace, which allows  
you to do all sorts of things along these lines.  I'll add a -w  
mode, but be aware that if you want to do the below, what you really  
want is DTrace :-), which allows you do do things like sample kernel  
stack traces on the clock timer, based on function invocations, etc,  
so you can do things like say sample all the paths to a particular  
kernel function.  Now that John is updating DTrace again, I hope  
that we'll be seeing it in the 8-CURRENT source RSN.

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge

Sorry, just a bit off topic

Have the licensing issues been resolved with regards to DTrace? This  
is a feature I was looking forward to in 7.0-RELEASE but it had been  
delayed because of the licensing.

Bert JW Regeer

MacBook Pro 2.4 Ghz Santa Rosa

2007-10-30 Thread Bert JW Regeer


As I had recently purchased a new MacBook Pro, I have one of the  
brand new shiny ones with the Santa Rosa chipset.

I have been trying to run FreeBSD 7.0-BETA1.5 and 8.0-SURPRISE on it,  
and everything goes well except the following issues:

1. Sometimes it will hang for ever on the ACPI initialisation.  
Sometimes it will come out of it and continue booting, and other  
times it will require a hard power down. Really hit and miss. I first  
downloaded 7.0-BETA1.0, or 8.0-SURPRISE, and recompiled a new kernel  
on it with the latest source from -HEAD and that caused it to die  
with a failure to start the second core in my machine. FreeBSD 6.2  
will sometimes boot and sometimes not boot, same as 7.0 hanging on  
ACPI. For FreeBSD 6.2 I am able to fix it by hitting the power button  
a few times.

2. The Marvell Gigbit NIC is not yet supported. I can provide output  
from pciconf -lv if need be, let me know. Have not yet tried the  
if_myk driver from Marvell themselves.

3. The Atheros chipset 5424 card is not yet supported either. Output  
Mac OS X has in it's dmesg for this wireless card:

ath_attach: devid 0x24
Override HT40 CTL Powers. EEPROM Version is 14.4, Device Type 5
ath_descdma_setup: tx dd_desc_paddr = 0x76475000, length 0x46500 
(288000) bytes
ath_descdma_setup: beacon dd_desc_paddr = 0x65b6e000, length 0x90 
(144) bytes

mac 12.10 phy 8.1 radio 12.0
AirPort_Athr5424ab: Ethernet address 00:1c:b3:c0:82:cb

I am looking forward to the day that I may run FreeBSD with xfce on  
this laptop, side by side with Mac OS X.

Bert JW Regeer

Re: FreeBSD + D-Link DWL-G520M

2007-08-30 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Aug 27, 2007, at 10:18 AM, Nemesis stars wrote:


I was install FreBSD

Next I download Windowds driver:


Next I make it

# ndisegn ar5513.sys net5513.inf

in result - I have that :


Then I make kernel with:

options NDISAPI
device ndis
device wlan

These files I copy in /boot/kernel/

And edit /boot/loader.conf

Then reboot ;-)


if I do:

ifconfig ndis0 ssid Wi-Fi.5-stars channel 11 media DS/11Mbps  
mediaopt hostap up stationname Wi-Fi.5-stars

I have:

NDIS0: setting BSSID failed: 45
ifconfig: SIOCS80211: Invalid argument

I ask in support. They said what NDIS coudn't changed SSID because  
NDIS not support the Wirless-Card.   
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According to this thread: 
hardware/2007-May/004426.html Sam was working on the chipset that is  
in that card. Contact him and see if he can help you out getting it  
working natively. I don't believe you can set up hostap's with NDIS  

Bert JW Regeer

Re: device rue causes kernel panic

2007-07-08 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Jul 7, 2007, at 9:14 PM, M. Warner Losh wrote:

M. Warner Losh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
: In message: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: Bert JW Regeer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
: : I have a USB 10/100 FastEthernet device, that is identified as a
: : RealTek device. On 6.2-RELEASE it works without any issues, and  
: : older versions of CURRENT it worked perfectly as well. I  
csup'ed to

: : CURRENT today (2007-07-07 at 16:30 MST), rebuild my kernel and it
: : failed:
: : panic (fmt=0xc0a94933 Trying sleep, but thread marked as  
sleeping prohibited)

: : _sleep (ident=0xc2322c00...) at /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_synch.c:201
: : usbd_transfer (xfer=0xc2322c00) at /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/usbdi.c: 
: : usbd_sync_transfer (xfer=0xc2322c00) at /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/ 
: : usbd_do_request_flags_pipe ... at /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/usbdi.c: 

: : usbd_do_request_flags /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/usbdi.c:1068
: : usbd_do_request at /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/usbdi.c:1060
: : rue_read_mem at /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/if_rue.c:227
: : rue_csr_read_1 at /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/if_rue.c:276
: : rue_miibus_readreg at /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/if_rue.c:376
: ...
: : ruephy_service at miibus_if.h:26/* Likely wrong */
: : mii_tick at /usr/src/sys/dev/mii/mii.c:390
: : rue_tick at /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/if_rue.c:935
: : softclock at /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_timeout.c:281
: ...
: This driver needs to be re-written ala aue, axe, kue and udav to  
use a

: taskqueue for the mii ticking.  It appears to be the only usb driver
: in the tree to still do stuff directly in a callout.  This context
: can't sleep...

You might try this patch.

Index: if_rue.c
RCS file: /cache/ncvs/src/sys/dev/usb/if_rue.c,v
retrieving revision 1.39
diff -u -r1.39 if_rue.c
--- if_rue.c20 Jun 2007 05:10:52 -  1.39
+++ if_rue.c8 Jul 2007 04:13:16 -
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
 static void rue_rxeof(usbd_xfer_handle, usbd_private_handle,  
 static void rue_txeof(usbd_xfer_handle, usbd_private_handle,  

 static void rue_tick(void *);
+static void rue_tick_task(void *);
 static void rue_rxstart(struct ifnet *);
 static void rue_start(struct ifnet *);
 static int rue_ioctl(struct ifnet *, u_long, caddr_t);
@@ -594,6 +595,8 @@
goto error;

+   usb_init_task(sc-rue_tick_task, rue_tick_task, sc);
 	err = usbd_device2interface_handle(uaa-device, RUE_IFACE_IDX,  

if (err) {
device_printf(sc-rue_dev, getting interface handle failed\n);
@@ -704,6 +707,7 @@

sc-rue_dying = 1;
untimeout(rue_tick, sc, sc-rue_stat_ch);
+   usb_rem_task(sc-rue_udev, sc-rue_tick_task);

@@ -916,6 +920,20 @@
 static void
 rue_tick(void *xsc)
+   struct rue_softc *sc = xsc;
+   if (sc == NULL)
+   return;
+   if (sc-rue_dying)
+   return;
+   /* Perform periodic stuff in process context */
+   usb_add_task(sc-rue_udev, sc-rue_tick_task, USB_TASKQ_DRIVER);
+static void
+rue_tick_task(void *xsc)
struct rue_softc*sc = xsc;
struct ifnet*ifp;
struct mii_data *mii;
Index: if_ruereg.h
RCS file: /cache/ncvs/src/sys/dev/usb/if_ruereg.h,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.7 if_ruereg.h
--- if_ruereg.h 12 May 2007 05:53:53 -  1.7
+++ if_ruereg.h 8 Jul 2007 04:11:39 -
@@ -204,6 +204,7 @@
struct timeval  rue_rx_notice;
struct usb_qdat rue_qdat;
+   struct usb_task rue_tick_task;

 #if defined(__FreeBSD__)
___ mailing list
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This patch works, in that no more Kernel panics are created, however  
the following did show up in dmesg//var/log/messages as I was using  
dhclient rue0:

Jul  7 16:15:53 FreeBSD-VMWare root: Unknown USB device: vendor  
0x0bda product 0x8150 bus uhub0
Jul  7 16:15:53 FreeBSD-VMWare kernel: rue0: USBKR100 USB 10/100  
LAN, class 0/0, rev 1.10/1.00, addr 2 on uhub0

Jul  7 16:15:53 FreeBSD-VMWare kernel: miibus0: MII bus on rue0
Jul  7 16:15:53 FreeBSD-VMWare kernel: ruephy0: RealTek RTL8150  
internal media interface PHY 0 on miibus0
Jul  7 16:15:53 FreeBSD-VMWare kernel: ruephy0:  10baseT, 10baseT- 
FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
Jul  7 16:15:53 FreeBSD-VMWare kernel: rue0: using obsoleted  
if_watchdog interface
Jul  7 16:15:53 FreeBSD-VMWare kernel: rue0: Ethernet address:  
Jul  7 16:15:53 FreeBSD-VMWare kernel: rue0: if_start running  
deferred for Giant

Jul  7 16:15:53 FreeBSD-VMWare

Re: add closefrom() call

2007-07-07 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Jul 6, 2007, at 9:57 AM, Julian Elischer wrote:

Robert Watson wrote:

On Fri, 6 Jul 2007, Julian Elischer wrote:

Ed Schouten wrote:

Here is my implementation for FreeBSD.  Some difference between  
my and DragonFly's implementation:

 - closefrom(-1) would be no-op on DragonFly, my version would  
close all open files (From my understanding of OpenSolaris's  
userland implementation, this is Solaris's behavior).
 - my version closefrom(very_big_fd) would result in EBADF.  I  
am not very sure whether this is correct, but it does not hurt  
for applications that thinks closefrom() would return void.

Wouldn't it be better to just implement it through fcntl() and  
implement closefrom() in libc?

that's a possibility but I personally thing the huge difference  
in efficiency makes it worth putting it in the kernel. Quite a  
few programs I know of could really help their startup time with  
this as the first thing they do is close the first 2000 file  

The Solaris implementation appears to implement two strategies:
(1) If procfs is mounted, list the fd directory to get a list of  
open fds,

then close those by number.
(2) If procfs is not mounted, query the number of open fds using  
the resource
limit interface, then sequentially close until the right  
number close.
Hence my question as to whether there's actually a big benefit or  
not -- do we think closefrom() is a performance-critical function?

It's one of those things where it's so simple to do it that it  
hardly seems worth arguing about the colour, or even whether colour  
is spelled color or colour.

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge

So guys, where can I pick up my bike-shed?

Bert JW Regeer

device rue causes kernel panic

2007-07-07 Thread Bert JW Regeer


I have a USB 10/100 FastEthernet device, that is identified as a  
RealTek device. On 6.2-RELEASE it works without any issues, and some  
older versions of CURRENT it worked perfectly as well. I csup'ed to  
CURRENT today (2007-07-07 at 16:30 MST), rebuild my kernel and it  
failed, so I grabbed the hard drive, made a copy into a VMWare image,  
recompiled the same CURRENT with debugging enabled, and retrieved the  
following backtrace from kgdb from a secondary VMWare running FreeBSD  
6.2-RELEASE with kgdb:

(kgdb) bt
#0  kdb_enter (msg=0xc0a90fed panic) at /usr/src/sys/kern/ 
#1  0xc074b9b4 in panic (fmt=0xc0a94933 Trying sleep, but thread  
marked as sleeping prohibited)

at /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_shutdown.c:547
#2  0xc077a912 in sleepq_add (wchan=0xc2322c00, lock=0x0,  
wmesg=0xc0a85dc8 usbsyn, flags=0, queue=0)

at /usr/src/sys/kern/subr_sleepqueue.c:289
#3  0xc0753d33 in _sleep (ident=0xc2322c00, lock=Variable lock is  
not available.

) at /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_synch.c:201
#4  0xc06cc498 in usbd_transfer (xfer=0xc2322c00) at /usr/src/sys/dev/ 
#5  0xc06cc5e6 in usbd_sync_transfer (xfer=0xc2322c00) at /usr/src/ 
#6  0xc06cc678 in usbd_do_request_flags_pipe (dev=0xc2275300,  
pipe=0xc2275100, req=0xcbd46bb8, data=0xcbd46bd3, flags=Variable  
flags is not available.

at /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/usbdi.c:1098
#7  0xc06cc7cc in usbd_do_request_flags (dev=0xc2275300,  
req=0xcbd46bb8, data=0xcbd46bd3, flags=Variable flags is not  

at /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/usbdi.c:1068
#8  0xc06cc807 in usbd_do_request (dev=0xc2275300, req=0xcbd46bb8,  
data=0xcbd46bd3) at /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/usbdi.c:1060
#9  0xc06ae924 in rue_read_mem (sc=0xc2264d00, addr=Variable addr  
is not available.

) at /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/if_rue.c:227
#10 0xc06ae9cc in rue_csr_read_1 (sc=Variable sc is not available.
) at /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/if_rue.c:276
#11 0xc06aea47 in rue_miibus_readreg (dev=0xc2275080, phy=0, reg=311)  
at /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/if_rue.c:376
#12 0xc05f01eb in miibus_readreg (dev=0xc2274d00, phy=0, reg=311) at  
#13 0xc05f5b6e in ruephy_service (sc=0xc2278440, mii=0xc2278d00,  
cmd=1) at miibus_if.h:26
#14 0xc05efc14 in mii_tick (mii=0xc2278d00) at /usr/src/sys/dev/mii/ 
#15 0xc06aef53 in rue_tick (xsc=0xc2264d00) at /usr/src/sys/dev/usb/ 
#16 0xc075d229 in softclock (dummy=0x0) at /usr/src/sys/kern/ 
#17 0xc0730905 in ithread_loop (arg=0xc21152b0) at /usr/src/sys/kern/ 
#18 0xc072dd88 in fork_exit (callout=0xc0730750 ithread_loop,  
arg=0xc21152b0, frame=0xcbd46d38)

at /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_fork.c:797
#19 0xc09e0820 in fork_trampoline () at /usr/src/sys/i386/i386/ 

Steps to reproduce:

1. Plug in a rue device
2. plug in a cable so that it's status is active
3. ifconfig rue0 up
4. Wait for the kernel to panic about a second or so later

If there is anything else you guys need me to do, please let me know  
and I will see what I can do.

Bert JW Regeer
p.s. I am not on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailling list, please CC all  
replies to me.

Re: i386 with PAE or AMD64 on PowerEdge with 4G RAM

2007-06-22 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On Jun 21, 2007, at 6:24 PM, Julian H. Stacey wrote:

=?utf-8?Q?Dag-Erling_Sm=C3=B8rgrav?= wrote:

Jeremy Chadwick [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Like I said, I don't run 64-bit OSes because I prefer compatibility.
Believe me, the instant you run into some quirky problem with  
either the
kernel or any of its subsystems, or a third-party program (from  
ports or
otherwise), the first thing you'll be told is it works for me on  

have you tried i386?

Absolute nonsense.  FreeBSD is just as solid on amd64 as on i386, and

A while back I reverted my AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+
(2010.06-MHz 686-class CPU) from 64 to 32 bit, 'cos of bad ports.
ls /var/db/pkg | wc -l # 536 Not that I use them all, they just
accumulate.  FreeBSD is as solid as damp cement on many old laptops
( ) ie doesn't install  

4.11.  No time for ports pain as well as base install failures.

Eh? I would like to contest this statement. I own several old  
Thinkpads, an Toshiba Portege and NONE of them have had any problems  
what so ever. My Toshiba is running -CURRENT without any issues what  
so ever. Damp cement? WTH?

Julian Stacey. Munich Computer Consultant, BSD Unix C Linux. http://
 HTML mail unseen. Ihr Rauch=mein allergischer Kopfschmerz. Dump  
cigs 4 snuff.

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Re: New FreeBSD package system (a.k.a. Daemon Package System (dps))

2007-05-15 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On May 14, 2007, at 10:03 PM, Garrett Cooper wrote:

Bert JW Regeer wrote:

On May 12, 2007, at 5:14 AM, Philippe Laquet wrote:

Stanislav Sedov a écrit :

On Fri, 11 May 2007 02:10:05 +0200
Ivan Voras [EMAIL PROTECTED] mentioned:

- I think it's time to give up on using BDB+directory tree full  
of text
files for storing the installed packages database, and I  
propose all of
this be replaced by a single SQLite database. SQLite is public  
(can be slurped into base system), embeddable, stores all data  
in a
single file, lightweight, fast, and can be used to do fancy  
things such

as reporting.

What is the reason to use SQL-based database? You'll perform direct
queries to database? The packaging system is for ordinal users,  
not sql
geeks, so they should not have to use sql for managing packages.  
So a
simple set of hashes will suffer or needs. I agree with Julian  
that we
should have a backup of packaging database in plain text format,  
utility to rebuild it. This way we can always restore the  
database if
something goes wrong. Furhtermore, that should not make a great  

on performance, since we don't have to rebuild it every day.

I agree with Stan ;)

fast and improved package utilities uses mainly some indexed  
berkeley DB combined with flat files, aren't they? I, and may be  
many other FreeBSD users use light systems for efficiency and  
easier management, if we use some database system it will require  
Disk Space, resources for the DB to run, dependencies and so  
on... And we also may be exposed to a that DB is better war ;)

SQLite is compiled inside a program, and as such does not require  
any resources other than one file handle and some CPU time when  
querying. The file is stored on disk, and requires no separate  
process to be running to query. Maybe I misunderstood what you  
were trying to say. SQLite will require less resources than flat  
text files, since SQLite is a one time open then process, instead  
of what is currently happening, having to open and close hundreds  
of files depending on how many ports are installed. With this  
regard, SQLite is like BDB. Where SQLite uses standards compliant  
SQL statements to get data.

Correct. From what I was reading shared memory read access and  
locking are two available features of BDB databases.

The only thing is that I do agree that there should be a dumping  
and importing mechanism of some kind for semi-formatted text files,  
for backup, debugging, and modification purposes. That's just my  
personal idea on the topic though :).

Stanislav Sedov

I am able to understand many of the gripes with using a databases,  
and have to import yet another code base into the FreeBSD base,  
however as one of the young ones, and knowing sed/awk/grep and  
SQL, I prefer SQL over having to process hundreds of text files  
using text processing tools. It saddens me each time I run one of  
the pkg_* tools that needs to parse the flat file structure since  
it takes so long. I have friends running Ubuntu and their apt-get  
returns results much faster.
In a world where hard drives are becoming more reliable, and are  
automatically relocating sectors that go bad, do we really have to  
worry about database corruption as much? I feel that many of the  
fears that are being put forward will do harm to a text based  
storage system as well. If one block drops out, it can cause  
tools to not be able to parse the files. Create a backup copy of  
the database after each successful transaction? There are ways to  
battle data corruption.

True. I was thinking of backup, and recreation from scratch,  
considering that the database wouldn't be more than a few megs. In  
place replacement just seems like a hairy situation sometimes..

Using BDB is not an real option either. I can not even count the  
amount of times that the BDB database that portupgrade created has  
become corrupt because I accidently ran two portupgrades at the  
same time, or even remembered that I did not want to upgrade  
something and hit Ctrl+C.

I'm sorry but nothing's completely solid in that respect, AFAIK. In  
terms of the first problem you mentioned, Wade is working on the  

In terms of transactions, maybe we should take a look at Subversion  
for inspiration: 
archive-2005-03/0301.shtml. I'm a firm believer that it's easier  
to incorporate code than it is to remove it.

I am unable to see any references to transaction support for BDB  
databases, maybe I am missing something. Subversion in that thread is  
suggesting SQL for a totally different reason. fsfs is what most  
people are using as a subversion backend to help avoid BDB  
corruption. From the many people I have talked to that used to use  
Subversion with BDB have had major issues, whereas fsfs has not had  
any issues at all.

Just what I have experienced myself as a Subversion

Re: Experiences with 7.0-CURRENT and vmware.

2007-05-12 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On May 10, 2007, at 5:54 AM, Darren Reed wrote:


But if if_em is probing, it suggests a VMware
change rather than a FreeBSD change, which you may be able to  
revert by
telling it to expose a Lance-style device as opposed to an Intel  

There's no way to choose the type of card vmware emulates.

I always set my VMWare to expose an intel e1000 card, which gets  
probed correctly by almost all systems, even Windows with the Intel  
drivers installed. In your .vmx file you should find a line like this:


If VMWare is to give an em device, if you remove that line it should  
default back to lnc driver.

That being said, I have had no performance problems with the em  
driver on FreeBSD 6.0 in VMWare, and have not had the timeout  
problems you mentioned.


Bert JW Regeer

Re: New FreeBSD package system (a.k.a. Daemon Package System (dps))

2007-05-12 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On May 12, 2007, at 5:14 AM, Philippe Laquet wrote:

Stanislav Sedov a écrit :

On Fri, 11 May 2007 02:10:05 +0200
Ivan Voras [EMAIL PROTECTED] mentioned:

- I think it's time to give up on using BDB+directory tree full  
of text
files for storing the installed packages database, and I propose  
all of
this be replaced by a single SQLite database. SQLite is public  

(can be slurped into base system), embeddable, stores all data in a
single file, lightweight, fast, and can be used to do fancy  
things such

as reporting.

What is the reason to use SQL-based database? You'll perform direct
queries to database? The packaging system is for ordinal users,  
not sql

geeks, so they should not have to use sql for managing packages. So a
simple set of hashes will suffer or needs. I agree with Julian  
that we

should have a backup of packaging database in plain text format, and
utility to rebuild it. This way we can always restore the database if
something goes wrong. Furhtermore, that should not make a great  

on performance, since we don't have to rebuild it every day.

I agree with Stan ;)

fast and improved package utilities uses mainly some indexed  
berkeley DB combined with flat files, aren't they? I, and may be  
many other FreeBSD users use light systems for efficiency and  
eaiser management, if we use some database system it will require  
Disk Space, ressources for the DB to run, dependencies and so on...  
And we also may be exposed to a that DB is better war ;)

SQLite is compiled inside a program, and as such does not require any  
resources other than one file handle and some CPU time when querying.  
The file is stored on disk, and requires no separate process to be  
running to query. Maybe I misunderstood what you were trying to say.  
SQLite will require less resources than flat text files, since SQLite  
is a one time open then process, instead of what is currently  
happening, having to open and close hundreds of files depending on  
how many ports are installed. With this regard, SQLite is like BDB.  
Where SQLite uses standards compliant SQL statements to get data.

Stanislav Sedov

I am able to understand many of the gripes with using a databases,  
and have to import yet another code base into the FreeBSD base,  
however as one of the young ones, and knowing sed/awk/grep and SQL, I  
prefer SQL over having to process hundreds of text files using text  
processing tools. It saddens me each time I run one of the pkg_*  
tools that needs to parse the flat file structure since it takes so  
long. I have friends running Ubuntu and their apt-get returns results  
much faster.

In a world where hard drives are becoming more reliable, and are  
automatically relocating sectors that go bad, do we really have to  
worry about database corruption as much? I feel that many of the  
fears that are being put forward will do harm to a text based  
storage system as well. If one block drops out, it can cause tools  
to not be able to parse the files. Create a backup copy of the  
database after each successful transaction? There are ways to battle  
data corruption.

Using BDB is not an real option either. I can not even count the  
amount of times that the BDB database that portupgrade created has  
become corrupt because I accidently ran two portupgrades at the same  
time, or even remembered that I did not want to upgrade something and  
hit Ctrl+C. The experience I got from running SVN with BDB as the  
back-end database to store my data, I say no thanks. In that case I  
would much rather stick with the flat text files than go with a  

Bert JW Regeer

Re: New FreeBSD package system (a.k.a. Daemon Package System (dps))

2007-05-12 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On May 12, 2007, at 5:14 AM, Philippe Laquet wrote:

Stanislav Sedov a écrit :

On Fri, 11 May 2007 02:10:05 +0200
Ivan Voras [EMAIL PROTECTED] mentioned:

- I think it's time to give up on using BDB+directory tree full  
of text
files for storing the installed packages database, and I propose  
all of
this be replaced by a single SQLite database. SQLite is public  

(can be slurped into base system), embeddable, stores all data in a
single file, lightweight, fast, and can be used to do fancy  
things such

as reporting.

What is the reason to use SQL-based database? You'll perform direct
queries to database? The packaging system is for ordinal users,  
not sql

geeks, so they should not have to use sql for managing packages. So a
simple set of hashes will suffer or needs. I agree with Julian  
that we

should have a backup of packaging database in plain text format, and
utility to rebuild it. This way we can always restore the database if
something goes wrong. Furhtermore, that should not make a great  

on performance, since we don't have to rebuild it every day.

I agree with Stan ;)

fast and improved package utilities uses mainly some indexed  
berkeley DB combined with flat files, aren't they? I, and may be  
many other FreeBSD users use light systems for efficiency and  
eaiser management, if we use some database system it will require  
Disk Space, ressources for the DB to run, dependencies and so on...  
And we also may be exposed to a that DB is better war ;)

SQLite is compiled inside a program, and as such does not require any  
resources other than one file handle and some CPU time when querying.  
The file is stored on disk, and requires no separate process to be  
running to query. Maybe I misunderstood what you were trying to say.  
SQLite will require less resources than flat text files, since SQLite  
is a one time open then process, instead of what is currently  
happening, having to open and close hundreds of files depending on  
how many ports are installed. With this regard, SQLite is like BDB.  
Where SQLite uses standards compliant SQL statements to get data.

Stanislav Sedov

I am able to understand many of the gripes with using a databases,  
and have to import yet another code base into the FreeBSD base,  
however as one of the young ones, and knowing sed/awk/grep and SQL, I  
prefer SQL over having to process hundreds of text files using text  
processing tools. It saddens me each time I run one of the pkg_*  
tools that needs to parse the flat file structure since it takes so  
long. I have friends running Ubuntu and their apt-get returns results  
much faster.

In a world where hard drives are becoming more reliable, and are  
automatically relocating sectors that go bad, do we really have to  
worry about database corruption as much? I feel that many of the  
fears that are being put forward will do harm to a text based  
storage system as well. If one block drops out, it can cause tools  
to not be able to parse the files. Create a backup copy of the  
database after each successful transaction? There are ways to battle  
data corruption.

Using BDB is not an real option either. I can not even count the  
amount of times that the BDB database that portupgrade created has  
become corrupt because I accidently ran two portupgrades at the same  
time, or even remembered that I did not want to upgrade something and  
hit Ctrl+C. The experience I got from running SVN with BDB as the  
back-end database to store my data, I say no thanks. In that case I  
would much rather stick with the flat text files than go with a  

Bert JW Regeer

Re: Apache2 Virtual Hosts and FreeBSD fd limits.

2007-05-03 Thread Bert JW Regeer

On May 3, 2007, at 9:30 AM, Eduardo Meyer wrote:

# uname -a

5.5-STABLE FreeBSD 5.5-STABLE #6: Wed May  2 20:19:43 BRT 2007

# apachectl -v

Server version: Apache/2.0.59
Server built:   May 2 2007 18:38:18

 I have raised maxfiles, but my openfiles do increase and the  

 with Apache persists.

Does it only affect Apache?

Certainly not. But my concert is Apache, and this is the only
application this server runs.

I have also compiled EXTRA_FLAGS=-DFD_SETSIZE=8192 (currently, it was
2048) and the results were just the same.


Eduardo Meyer
profissional: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Since this is my first post to the mailling list, top post or bottom  
post which one is preferred?

If you have a problems with open file descriptors beccause of  
VirtualHosts it is my guess that you are logging separately for each  
vhost (both access, and error). The way I found to solve this was to  
put it all in one file that is then split up into the separate files  
using a perl script. It is called split-logfile and can be found  
online, I believe it was in the Apache source tree. All you need to  
change is instead of having seperate log files for each of them, you  
have one log file (which outputs the information using the vhost name  
as the first item on the line so that the perl script can sort it  
through that), thus only one FD is used to log.

LogFormat %v %h %l %u %t \%r\ %s %b \%{Referer}i\ \%{User- 
Agent}i\ cvh

CustomLog /usr/local/logs/everything.log cvh

So you can scale out to 5000 vhosts and not run into any limit  
problems. For errors the splitting up is a bit more tricky, but you  
should be able to get it done as well.

Good luck,
Bert JW Regeer