Re: Call fo comments - raising vfs.ufs.dirhash_reclaimage?

2013-10-09 Thread RW
On Tue, 8 Oct 2013 16:01:25 -0700
Davide Italiano wrote:

 This could be probably changed -- from what | see even under high
 memory pressure this wasn't a problem but all in all I agree with you
 that we shouldn't loop forever but limit the number of pass on the
 list to a somewhat constant number, to prevent pathological cases.

I don't see any need to loop.

  I don't believe that's true. Under most circustances the existing
  scheme free more memory. The only case when yours frees more is
  when 90% of the entries are locked.
 Well, no. Here you can set the threshold to a more aggressive value so
 that you reclaim more memory every time. Note that this was not
 possible in the previous version, so, if you could have a situation
 where all your cache entries were not touched for 15 or even 30
 seconds they would have kept around, and you can destroy up to 10% of
 them everytime lowmem event is called.

Outside of contrived stress tests I think it's very rare for a
significant fraction of the cache to have been accessed in the last
minute - particularly on large caches where this matters most. 
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Re: mmap() question

2013-10-09 Thread RW
On Wed, 9 Oct 2013 15:42:27 +0400
Dmitry Sivachenko wrote:

 I have a program which mmap()s a lot of large files (total size more
 that RAM and I have no swap), but it needs only small parts of that
 files at a time.
 My understanding is that when using mmap when I access some memory
 region OS reads the relevant portion of that file from disk and
 caches the result in memory.  If there is no free memory, OS will
 purge previously read part of mmap'ed file to free memory for the new

 It seems I incorrectly understand how mmap() works, can you please
 clarify what's going wrong?
 I expect that program to run indefinitely, purging some regions out
 of RAM and reading the relevant parts of files.

I think your problem is that you are accessing the memory so rapidly
that the pages can't even get out of the active queue. The VM system
isn't optimized for this kind of abnormal access. 
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Re: Call fo comments - raising vfs.ufs.dirhash_reclaimage?

2013-10-08 Thread RW
On Tue, 8 Oct 2013 13:32:58 +0200
Davide Italiano wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Adrian Chadd
 Hi Adrian,
  Please try it out on a -10 VM with something RAM limited - say,
  128mb w/ GENERIC. See how it behaves.

Be aware that any test that doesn't cause vfs.ufs.dirhash_lowmemcount
to increment isn't testing the change at all.

 This is not supposed to hit 10-STABLE, at least not before proper
 review. This is the reason why it was proposed on mailing lists. Also,
 if you read the patch you'll end up with realizing this should behave
 better on low memory environment because it unconditionally cleans 10%
 of the cache every time. 

The current version deletes anything older than the time limit and if
this doesn't reclaim 10% it makes a second pass through the list until
the target is met.

Your version tries to delete 10% (or whatever) by looping around the
list until this is achieved. And if there aren't enough unlocked
entries it will loop  indefinitely until there are. I hope you know
what you are doing because that looks very wrong. 

The original version looks better to me given that it already tries to
free a minimum of 10%. The low-memory handler is called under very low
memory conditions when the system is probably thrashing or even on the
verge of killing processes. Holding on to entries that haven't been
used for a minute seems like a luxury. 

 Previous changes in this area just did the
 opposite keeping a lot more of memory around. 

I don't believe that's true. Under most circustances the existing
scheme free more memory. The only case when yours frees more is when 90%
of the entries are locked.
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Re: weekly periodic security status

2013-08-26 Thread RW
On Sun, 25 Aug 2013 22:03:58 +0200
Jeremie Le Hen wrote:

 I've implemented it here:

Doesn't this mean that if you want to run periodic security from
crontab or manually etc, you have to override every single entry to
crontab in period.conf.

IMO when periodic security is run directly every test should run
unless it's explicitly set to NO. 

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Re: weekly periodic security status

2013-08-24 Thread RW
On Thu, 22 Aug 2013 22:49:58 +0200
Jeremie Le Hen wrote:

 I plan to commit the attached patch.  This allows the turn the daily
 security checks into weekly checks.  You do this by adding the
 following to periodic.conf(5):
 All other $daily_status_security_whatever variables will be renamed to
 $security_status_whatever.  The old variable name is supported but
 prints a warning.

All daily_status_security_enable does is control whether the security
scripts are run from daily, but security is a periodic dirctory in its
own right.

You can simply set daily_status_security_enable=NO and put a
separate security entry in crontab (or anacrontab).   You can also
symlink the lightweight security scripts in a separate directory and
run those on all, or some, of the days you don't run the full security

In short the current support is more powerful and flexible than
anything suggested in this thread so far.
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Re: seeding randomness in zee cloud

2013-05-31 Thread RW
On Fri, 31 May 2013 12:01:02 +0200
Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

 Now we happen to have very easy access to blocks of 1024bits of
 randomness from a remote server in already nicely PKI signed packages
 (as it is needed later for something else).
 Is it safe to simply *add* those with:
   set -1
   # fetch randomness  check signature
   .. snipped...
   # Seed Software random generator
   cat rnd  /dev/random

To be on the safe side you should sleep for about 0.5 seconds after

   # Activate software random generator as an additional source
   sysctl kern.random.sys.harvest.swi=1

IIRC this doesn't do anything
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Re: seeding randomness in zee cloud

2013-05-31 Thread RW
On Fri, 31 May 2013 14:26:39 +0200
Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

 Op 31 mei 2013, om 14:02 heeft RW het

 # Activate software random generator as an additional
  source sysctl kern.random.sys.harvest.swi=1
  IIRC this doesn't do anything
 Thanks.  So the man page says:
  The kern.random.sys.harvest.swi variable is used to select
 software interrupts as an entropy source.  A 0 (zero) value means
 software inter- rupts are not considered as an entropy source.  Set
 the variable to 1 (one) if you wish to use them for entropy

I don't think it ever got implemented, but for some reason the sysctl
got left in. All it would have done is turn-on an additional entropy

 but it is fair to assume that even when it is set to '0' (the default
 observerd on 9.1-RELEASE) - that the randomness sent to /dev/random
 is still mixed in ?

Yes, if you are using the software generator then it's used. If you
have direct hardware support you wont see the harvest sysctls and the
input is harmlessly discarded. Most Ivy Bridge and newer AMD
processors have RdRand these days.
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Re: MADV_FREE and wait4 EFAULT

2013-04-16 Thread RW
On Tue, 16 Apr 2013 14:12:54 -0700
Carl Shapiro wrote:

 I am seeing wait4 system calls failing with an EFAULT and I am trying
 to understand what might be going wrong.
 An inspection of the wait4 implementation suggests the  opportunity
 for EFAULT is within its invocations of copyout.  In my situation,
 the status and rusage pointer arguments contain addresses to mmaped
 pages which have been madvised as MADV_FREE.
 Is it permissible to pass pages which have been madvised MADV_FREE to
 wait4 or any other system call for that matter?  Might there be
 another opportunity for a wait4 to EFAULT?

IIRC MADV_FREE  pages are marked clean and placed on the end of the
inactive queue as low hanging fruit for the page daemon. AFAIK they're
no different to any other clean page. Malloc'ed memory pages are
commonly in that state.   
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Re: cvs deprecated

2012-12-30 Thread RW
On Sun, 30 Dec 2012 13:18:37 +
Chris Rees wrote:

 On 30 Dec 2012 12:58, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
  do ports have to be updated this way or i can use portsnap as
  today? will
 portsnap be continued or is too deprecated?
 Portsnap is staying.

And I understand that freebsd-update can be configured to only update
the base system source code. If you don't want development branches you
can do without subversion altogether.

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Re: cvs deprecated

2012-12-27 Thread RW
On Thu, 27 Dec 2012 02:33:00 -0800
Garrett Cooper wrote:

 On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 2:30 AM, Chris Rees wrote:

  I recall a cluster administrator advising use of svn protocol
  rather than http.  Something to do with overheads.
 Yes, you're right. http opens a connection per-file, which is
 horrendous with server load and is very slow as HTTP isn't optimized
 for this purpose

Presumably that's a limitation of the library or subversion because it's
not true of HTTP per se. Portsnap, for example, uses persistent
connections with pipelining.

 (and the current defacto HTTP library used with svn
 isn't the most performant thing in the world).

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Re: Replacing rc(8) (Was: FreeBSD Boot Times)

2012-06-19 Thread RW
On Tue, 19 Jun 2012 01:04:47 -0400
Richard Yao wrote:

 On 06/19/2012 12:39 AM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
  - delay at rc.d scripts - there are some delays inserted.
  The latter item is the only place where making changes to rc.d is
  going to help, and only then by parellelizing, and even then you
  are not really going to gain much since most things at boot time
  are serial.
  grep sleep /etc/rc.d/* usr/local/etc/rc.d/*
  So while talk of how to get your favorite boot-time manager into
  FreeBSD may be entertaining, it's not likely to be productive, and
  it is unimportant as FreeBSD don't crash.
 OpenRC init scripts lack such delays. They store dependency
 information, which enables OpenRC to start them as soon as their
 dependencies are ready.

That's not the reason for the sleeps. FreeBSD sorts the scripts into
dependency order and runs them sequentially, so there's no reason
to sleep waiting for a dependency script to complete. The sleeps
exist for a variety of reasons. 

Just looking at the grep can be a bit misleading. Not all of the
scripts are going to be used, the sleep is not always relevant to
startup, in some case it's in a code path that's not typically taken.

One thing that I think could be easily improved is that the polling
delays could be changed from  1 second to 0.1 seconds. If there's a
reason for rc scipts needing to be portable, there could be a polling
delay function with a fast polling option in defaults/rc.conf.
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Re: Replacing rc(8) (Was: FreeBSD Boot Times)

2012-06-19 Thread RW
On Tue, 19 Jun 2012 11:03:31 -0700
Garrett Cooper wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 10:51 AM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
  grep sleep /etc/rc.d/* usr/local/etc/rc.d/*
  Sleeps in /etc tend to be there for good reasons, and new ones are
  vigorously scrutinized. If you see any that you think are dubious,
  feel free to mention them on freebsd-rc@.
  I don't say they are not needed but that they exist.
  anyway i don't understand sleep 1 after setting default route.
 Probably working around annoying races in the driver / network /
 routing stack. Please see my previous reply.

There are a few sleeps where some action is performed and and then a
fixed sleep is done, but this is one of the ones where the sleep is
in a while loop - a full second seems a bit long.
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Re: BUG: REL 9.0 - MD malloc of custom sector size

2012-03-18 Thread RW
On Sun, 18 Mar 2012 14:01:39 +0100 wrote:

 man mdconfig
 -S sectorsize to use for malloc backed device
 I want to create MD device, with sector size of 4 Kb.
 It is CRITICAL to NOT append ANY suffixes, when specifing size, via
 '-s' flag in order to use sectors, to set it's size. # mdconfig -a -t
 malloc -S 4096 -s 32768
 This should created dev of 128 Mb in size.
 32768 sectors * 4 Kb each = 131072 Kb = 128 Mb
 Not! It created dev of 16 Mb in size, because sector size remained at
 512 bytes.

From mdconfig 8

Size is the number of 512 byte sectors unless ...

Looks to me like it's doing what it said it would.

BTW are you sure you want to use  -t malloc. This keeps the files
(even the deleted ones) in memory unconditionally  while ordinary
process memory is paged-out. 

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Re: Graphical Terminal Environment

2012-03-06 Thread RW
On Tue, 6 Mar 2012 10:31:49 +0100
Björn Oelke wrote:

 Am 06.03.2012 um 06:48 schrieb Brandon Falk:
  I havent tried tmux yet, but on my system im only able to get 80x40
  with vidcontrol on one monitor. But with xterm in xorg i can get
  319x89 per monitor. Until i get about half of that, i wont be
  convinced to use something existing. Anyways, I'm off to sleep.
 Have you tried VESA's SC_PIXEL_MODE? It's a kernel option and IIRC it
 works on amd64 since 8.1. `vidcontrol MODE_282` gave me 1280x1024
 pixels. But to be honest, this was about two years ago.

Since I did this recently, you need to build with 

options VESA

Then run vidcontrol -i mode to get a list of modes. Choose one and
then run vidcontrol with something like:

-g 160x64 MODE_283

where 160x64 comes from dividing the mode's font size into its
resolution. You can make that automatic by adding

allscreens_flags=-h 2000 -g 160x64 MODE_283

to rc.conf

BTW does anyone know what the character at the end of the size field is
in the vidcontrol -i mode output, I'm seeing D,P or 4 on the
graphics modes.
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Re: Invalid memory stats from vmstat and sysctl vm.vmtotal?

2011-12-01 Thread RW
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 12:39:10 -
Steven Hartland wrote:

 We're seeing some impossible memory usage stats reported on machines
 here from vmstat and sysctl vm.vmtotal.
 We have machines reporting to be using 31GB total when they only have
 8GB physical and are not using any swap.
 Here's an output from one of our machines:-
 vmstat -c 2 -w 1 -n 0 
  procs  memory  page  faults cpu
  r b w avmfre   flt  re  pi  pofr  sr   in   sy   cs us
 sy id 0 0 0  31768M  2112M   586   0   0   0   421   0  106  270
 569  0  6 94 0 0 0  31768M  2112M 2   0   0   0 0   0  370
 8139 3996  0  1 99
 It looks like it may be out by a factor of 4, possibly due to the fact
 the its a 4k page size not 1k as indicated by the vmstat man page:-

I don't think so, I have 16GB and tops shows:

Mem: 817M Active, 396M Inact, 1364M Wired, 82M Cache, 1282M Buf, 13G


vmstat -c 2 -w 1 -n 0 
 procs  memory  page  faults cpu
 r b w avmfre   flt  re  pi  pofr  sr   in   sy   cs us sy
id 0 0 0   9750M13G   450   5   3   1   560   0  234 50201 5206  2
2 96 1 0 0   9742M13G79   4   0   0   573   0  239 51886 4700
0  1 99

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Re: Recommended amount of swap

2011-09-05 Thread RW
On Mon, 5 Sep 2011 14:48:57 -0500
Dan Nelson wrote:

 In the last episode (Sep 05), Sean Hamilton said:
  What is the state of the art for the recommended amount of swap in
  FreeBSD? Both normal systems with 512 MB - 8 GB of RAM, and large
  database systems with around 128 - 256 GB.
 I suggest 2x RAM for systems less than 4gb or so.  Anything more than
 4GB of swap is probably never going to be used, and if it is used,
 you're just going to thrash your swap device. 

but tmpfs (and swap-backed md devices) can use substantial
amounts of swap without contributing to thrashing. In some cases it
may be possible to justify larger amounts of swap.
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Re: Phenom II 975 BE shows 0 celsius

2011-08-01 Thread RW
On Mon, 1 Aug 2011 19:21:38 -0300
Mario Lobo wrote:

 On Monday 01 August 2011 15:52:30 Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
  On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 09:28:29PM -0300 I heard the voice of
  Mario Lobo, and lo! it spake thus:
   Unfortunately this Mobo died and only found AM3 boards for which
   my phenom 955 doesn't fit.
  Not that it helps you now, but the 955 _is_ perfectly compatible
  with AM3.  It's only the initial 920 and 940 that were AM2-only.
 I was just following this:

It says Although Socket AM3 processors can be used on Socket AM2+
motherboards, the opposite is not possible. 

I'm using a 955 in a M4A88T-M/USB3, which is minor variant of your AM3
board. My understanding is that the 955 is an AM3 processor.

BTW in my case only the temperature is correct, but is only given for
the first 2 cores.
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Re: Why FreeBSD fetch does not download a file via a proxy for HTTPS URLS (the same works fine for HTTP urls)

2011-02-24 Thread RW
On Thu, 24 Feb 2011 12:49:06 +0530
chandra reddy wrote:

 Hi All,
 I am working on a project where i need to download a file via a proxy
 server using HTTPS protocol. I found that fetch does not work/support
 HTTPS requests over a proxy.

I just checked and neither do wget nor curl.

 I could overcome the above problem if I do the following change.
 des  1376:if (purl) { 1.51
 des  1377:URL = purl;

I don't think that would work, presumably it would just cause an
attempt at an ssl connection to the proxy, followed by a GET request
for an https URL. https through a proxy is supposed to use a CONNECT to
tunnel through to the actual server.
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Re: IPSEC allegations

2010-12-15 Thread RW
On Wed, 15 Dec 2010 06:56:58 -0800 (PST)
Jakub Lach wrote:

 What's your insight?

There's already a thread on this on the security list.
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MADV_FREE and vm_page_dontneed()

2010-12-03 Thread RW
Is there a good reason why physical memory pages released by
madvise(...,MADV_FREE) get handled by vm_page_dontneed()?

vm_page_dontneed() leaves page that are already in the inactive queue
where they are, and otherwise distributes pages between the active
queue, and the inactive queue's tail and head in the ratio 1:3:28. That
seems reasonable for  MADV_DONTNEED, but MADV_FREE pages are from freed
dynamic memory, so passing them to vm_page_dontneed() leads to wasted
pages building-up in the active and inactive queues.

Wouldn't it make more sense to move all eligible MADV_FREE pages to the
head of the inactive queue?

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Re: Summary: Re: Spin down HDD after disk sync or before power off

2010-10-21 Thread RW
On Thu, 21 Oct 2010 12:21:10 +
Alexander Best wrote:

 atacontrol(8) says that:
 You should not set a spindown timeout on a disk with / or syslog
 logging on it as the disk will be worn out spinning down and up all
 the time.
 this seems to indicate that spinning down a disk has quite an impact.

That's mostly likely a hang-over from older disk technologies when the
heads touched the surface on spinning down.  
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Re: Summary: Re: Spin down HDD after disk sync or before power off

2010-09-16 Thread RW
On Thu, 16 Sep 2010 09:17:52 +0200
Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:

 Garrett Cooper writes:
  Agreed. Spinning down at reboot isn't smart and seems like a good
  way to kill a disk quicker.
 *not* spinning down at halt is far worse.  Most modern disks are rated
 for hundreds of thousands of load-unload cycles, but far fewer
 emergency unloads (which is what happens when the drive loses power
 while still spinning).

As I understand it wear from spinning-down used to come from the head
actually scraping the disk surface as it lost lift, parking placed the
head on a disposable area, but modern drives take the head off the disk

When Hitachi was specifying 300,000 unloads, they said that in testing
the drives were still working at 1,000,000, someone quoted 600,000 as
the current spec. At these levels you can be spinning the drives
down and up  ever few minutes for the normal lifetime of the drive.

Even on very old drives I doubt reboot are much of a problem, they're
rare on servers. On laptops and desktops they're rare compared to
shutdowns and suspends.  
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Re: pageout question

2010-07-26 Thread RW
On Sun, 25 Jul 2010 23:43:08 +0300
Andriy Gapon wrote:

 on 25/07/2010 23:28 RW said the following:

  I didn't say it say it was guaranteed. I just think the scenario
  where a first pass ends up between the watermarks is rare. And when
  it happens I don't see a compelling reason to do extra paging to
  reach an arbitrary target.
 Well, it seems neither I nor you have data to show whether it's rare
 or not (and it would greatly depend on workload too).
 As to arbitrary target - well, that's the whole point of
 hysteresis-like behavior.  We start paging also at an arbitrary

If after the first pass with light-paging the high watermark isn't
reached then the choices are

1) loop and immediately do a heavy-paging pass.

2) wait and let the daemon get woken-up for another light-paging pass -
only go to heavy-paging when this strategy isn't keeping up with demand.

To me (2) is doing the right thing. It's trying to satisfy  demand from
existing clean pages, and only paging heavily as a last resort. 
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Re: pageout question

2010-07-25 Thread RW
On Sun, 25 Jul 2010 13:07:21 +0300
Andriy Gapon wrote:

 on 25/07/2010 02:31 RW said the following:

  As I understand it the hysteresis is done inside vm_pageout_scan,
  and the expectation is that one pass will typically satisfy this
  because the design aims to keep enough clean pages in the inactive

 But I am not sure about clean pages in the inactive queue ... But I
 do not see any code ensuring level of _clean_ inactive pages. 

In FreeBSD the inactive queue contains disk cache pages which normally
provide most of the clean pages needed. In addition pages are dribbled
out to swap, and the resulting clean pages are placed at the back of
the inactive queue to make another pass. 

  I'm not sure if  the vm_paging_needed() call is correct or not, but
  it may be that that the intent is to avoid immediately going back
  to a depleted inactive queue when cache+free is within normal
  bounds, because it could result in avoidable paging to swap. 
 Well, OTOH, if the current pass results in many pages being
 re-activated and many pages still left on the inactive queue because
 they are dirty (see maxlaunder in vm_pageout_scan), 

Dirty-pages  make three passes through the inactive queue: twice dirty,
once clean. They are paged-out at the end of the second paass, so it's
unlike that they reactivated except under very heavy thrashing. 

 then it is
 premature to quit paging when we only reached bare minimum of
 available pages (see pass and maxlaunder again).  IMHO, of course.

It's not the bare minimum, that's another level that vm_page_count_min()
tests for.
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Re: pageout question

2010-07-25 Thread RW
On Sun, 25 Jul 2010 17:19:41 +0300
Andriy Gapon wrote:

 on 25/07/2010 16:41 RW said the following:

  In FreeBSD the inactive queue contains disk cache pages which
  normally provide most of the clean pages needed. In addition pages
  are dribbled out to swap, and the resulting clean pages are placed
  at the back of the inactive queue to make another pass. 
 Well, normally and most are not quite quantitative.
 Personally, I do not see any guarantees that inactive queue would
 contain enough clean pages to reach paging target on a single pass.

I didn't say it say it was guaranteed. I just think the scenario where
a first pass ends up between the watermarks is rare. And when it
happens I don't see a compelling reason to do extra paging to reach an
arbitrary target.

I think the comment about not clearing vm_pages_needed is referring to
clearing it below the low-watermark because the daemon would then get
woken-up almost immediately.

 I meant bare minimum to stop paging, that is, going above lower
 watermark of the paging hysteresis.
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Re: pageout question

2010-07-24 Thread RW
On Sat, 24 Jul 2010 23:23:07 +0300
Andriy Gapon wrote:

 There is a good deal of comments in the vm_pageout.c code that imply
 that we use a hysteresis approach to deal with low available pages
 In general, the hysteresis, the comments and the code make sense.
 My doubt, though, is about the block of code that is right below the
 comment quoted above:
 if (vm_pages_needed  !vm_page_count_min()) {
 if (!vm_paging_needed())
 vm_pages_needed = 0;

As I understand it the hysteresis is done inside vm_pageout_scan, and
the expectation is that one pass will typically satisfy this because the
design aims to keep enough clean pages in the inactive queue.  

I'm not sure if  the vm_paging_needed() call is correct or not, but it
may be that that the intent is to avoid immediately going back to a
depleted inactive queue when cache+free is within normal bounds,
because it could result in avoidable paging to swap. 
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Re: thoughts on sorting files into sub-folders by access date?

2010-07-01 Thread RW
On Thu, 1 Jul 2010 10:20:25 -0700
Steve Franks wrote:

 Hi y'all,
 My high-end pointshoot camera likes to glob all my photos in a single
 folder, and it's glutting up my drive, and makes finding a specific
 trip unpleasant, with no good place for metadata.  My SLR sorts them
 into folders by date, which I love.
 I thought I'd check if there's some trivially simple way of doing this
 with bash  find first.

If the timestamps are acccurate you could simply loop around the files
and do something like this (untested):

dir=${targetdir}/`stat -f %Sm -t %Y%m%d ${file}`/
[ -d ${dir}] || mkdir ${dir}
mv ${file} ${dir}]

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Re: thoughts on sorting files into sub-folders by access date?

2010-07-01 Thread RW
On Thu, 1 Jul 2010 22:08:55 +0100
RW wrote:

 dir=${targetdir}/`stat -f %Sm -t %Y%m%d ${file}`/
 [ -d ${dir}] || mkdir ${dir}
 mv ${file} ${dir}]

Should be:

dir=${targetdir}/`stat -f %Sm -t %Y%m%d ${file}`/
[ -d ${dir} ] || mkdir ${dir}
mv ${file} ${dir}
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Re: Aurora Scheduler

2010-06-07 Thread RW
On Sat, 05 Jun 2010 20:16:49 -0400
jhell wrote:

 I'm afraid that you are confused about what the scheduler in the
 FreeBSD kernel does and what the Aurora Scheduler is. They are not
 relational to one another in any such way.
 There is not a similiar scheduling program in FreeBSD but there is
 Evolution, Kontact and other such things to manage your time.

I suspect he's talking about using algorithms from project management
software in an embedded kernel to help it schedule around real-time
deadlines and so on.  
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Re: Common OS/kernel code between freebsd and linux

2010-05-22 Thread RW
On Sat, 22 May 2010 05:09:31 -0700
Anjali Kulkarni wrote:

 I am not sure the right forum to ask this question - is there any
 effort done to find portable code between different OSes,
 particularly freebsd and linux? 

BSD code has been used in most operating systems due to its open
licence, but it's very awkward to mix GNU/Linux GPLed code with BSD
code without the whole thing ending up GPLed.
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Re: regenerating /var/db/pkg

2010-04-26 Thread RW
On Thu, 22 Apr 2010 20:05:48 +0300
Eitan Adler wrote:


This should be configurable IMO. 
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Re: yarrow random generator

2009-12-25 Thread RW
On Fri, 25 Dec 2009 13:38:10 -0800
Doug Barton wrote:

 Robert Watson wrote:
  I'll point Mark Murray at this thread and see if we can get him to
  opine some on the current design choices and any potential changes
  to address them.  I was interested by your observation that the
  boot-time dumping of bits into /dev/random may overflow the
  buffering -- 
 I was peripherally involved in the introduction of yarrow in the sense
 that I wrote most of the rc and periodic stuff for it so I am also
 interested in this issue. Rather than speculating about whether it's
 overflowing the buffer perhaps a patch can be produced to test this

It's not really speculation, the data is broken into 16 byte chunks,
random_harvest_internal() is called to copy each chunk into a buffer
and queue it. If there are 256 or more buffers in the queue
random_harvest_internal() returns without doing anything.
The kernel thread that processes the queues calls 
pause(-, hz /10) each time it loops.

A fairly simple solution would be piping all that low-grade entropy
from sysctl and ps etc through sha256, reducing it to 64 bytes.

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Re: yarrow random generator

2009-12-24 Thread RW
On Thu, 24 Dec 2009 19:48:43 + (GMT)
Robert Watson wrote:

 On Thu, 24 Dec 2009, Paul Graphov wrote:
  And also according to Schneier it is a good idea to save state of
  the PRNG and restore it on boot to make it more seeded.
 In the default configuration, we save some PRNG output every few
 minutes (using cron) to a file in /var so that it can be re-injected
 into Yarrow on the next boot (done by /etc/rc.d/random).

It isn't handled very well though. The files saved by crontab
under /var are loaded a bit late in the boot sequence - after encrypted swap.

The main entropy file is loaded earlier, but immediatly after 
ps -fauxww, sysctl -a, etc are dumped into the device, saturating its 4K
of buffer space. 
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Re: (Ab)using rcng's features to keep rc.d-style services running should they fail.

2009-10-05 Thread RW
On Sun, 4 Oct 2009 15:11:18 +0100
Alex Trull wrote:

 Hi all,
 I realised that because portupgrade/portmaster don't always 
 cleanly restart processes that have died due to being 
 upgraded (mysqld, often!) that this was something I wanted 
 to fix.

You can configure portupgrade (and FWIW portmanager) to do this. Take
look at the sample configuration file. 
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Re: the web site

2009-03-29 Thread RW
On Sun, 29 Mar 2009 17:40:30 -0400
Chuck Robey wrote:

 I just had to see if I could locate if there was a gnome project page
 by looking at the FreeBSD web pages.  Why don't you try that
 yourself?  I'll tell you, it's really FAR from being obvious.  I'm
 just saying, even if folks don't want to change the web page, then a
 TOC-like section should be added near the bottom, to make navigation

If you click on site map, at the bottom of the page, the gnome link
is on the first line.
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Re: Remote kernel debugging in FreeBSD using serial communication

2009-01-17 Thread RW
On Sat, 17 Jan 2009 17:57:10 -0800 (PST)
Kamlesh Patel wrote:

 Hi All,
 I am trying remote kernel debugging in FreeBSD using serial
 communication. I got the following link.
 My problem is my developing and target system does not have DS25
 female port.
 Anyone have any idea about Remote kernel debugging in FreeBSD using
 DS9 F/F Serial cable or any other remote debugging idea?

Have you tried following the link about 9-pin null-modem cables on
the above page?

Is there a particular problem? If you go to PC World, or equivalent, a
null modem cable will have 9-pin connectors.
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Re: experimantal question about md's

2008-09-29 Thread RW
On Mon, 29 Sep 2008 10:36:46 +0200
Michael Schuh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 so we have a webserver (par example) at this mirror it has very good
 speed for the file-access
 (ok i know in allmost cases is not the disk the bottleneck, and if we
 could doing caching...)
 at the above examle it is not really important if the write process
 needs a second or two longer,
 but by millions of requests it could be interseting to read the data
 very fast..

That's exactly the case in which caching will work best. FreeBSD's
integrated cache/VM system would keep such pages in memory even at
the expense of writing other user data to swap. 

When I suggested a swap-backed device I was forgetting that malloc
backed devices use memory that won't be paged, so there may be an
advantage, but I think it would be the opposite to what you want. What
it would do is keep rarely used file data in memory even if there's
a better use for the memory elsewhere, so you would be trading
performance for better worst-case latency. 
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Re: experimantal question about md's

2008-09-28 Thread RW
On Fri, 26 Sep 2008 20:15:43 +0200
Michael Schuh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Let us say i have a Machine with 8 CPUs and a lot of RAM.
 An i need a very high perfomance Storage for holding data.
 My idea was to setup a raid1(0) with virtual disk images.
 Created with mdconfig.
 My idea was to create minimum 2 md-diskimages,
 these are located
 fisrt one on the harddisk as type vnode
 second one as exact copy totally in the memory as type malloc
 For now the man-page mentoid me to not to do so, while large disks in
 RAM cause panics, and i know panics come surely
 Is the above scenario possible without panics?

You could use swap-backed devices. They are very similar, in both cases
you are writing into ram backed by swap.

I doubt it will work, I think raid works at the speed of the slower
device. You need to be careful how you benchmark it. Your raid array
will have the unfair advantage of starting with preloaded data.
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Re: What is difference between /etc/rc called programs and ones called after login prompt shows up

2008-08-23 Thread RW
On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 15:33:54 +0200
Gary Jennejohn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 06:34:23 -0400
 Aryeh Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What is difference between /etc/rc.d called programs and ones called
  after login prompt shows up?
  The reason for asking is sysutils/fusefs-kmod gives an error if any
  mounts are attempted in /etc/rc but if the exactly the same command
  is issued by a user's .login/.xsession/etc. it works without problem
  (assuming proper permissions of course).
  a) Can anyone think of a reason why this would happen (the
  maintainer is non-responive)

 Well, there are ways to force dependencies in the rc.d scripts, but I
 don't know the setup well enough to be helpful.  I have no idea which
 script handles modules installed by ports and when it is invoked.
 You could try moving fuse.ko to /boot/modules and modify loader.conf
 to load fuse.ko at boot time.

There's no need for that, it's already handled by the rc.d scripts.

Fuse-based filesystems should be mounted with the late option, so
they get mounted after the kernel module is loaded. 

You might also need a patch so the mount can find the correct mount_*
executable.I think it's needed in 7.0, I'm not sure about 7-stable and
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Re: What is difference between /etc/rc called programs and ones called after login prompt shows up

2008-08-23 Thread RW
On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 16:38:13 -0400
Aryeh Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 c) See a additionally to prove all the above here is my /etc/rc (the
 last 2 lines where added just to prove the point):
 swapon -a
 fsck -p
 fuse: failed to exec mount program: No such file or directory

 Thus it is clear that the *ONLY* difference between the /etc/rc calls
 and the post getty calls is when they are made.  

There's another difference: your /etc/rc script doesn't export PATH. 

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Re: What is difference between /etc/rc called programs and ones called after login prompt shows up

2008-08-23 Thread RW
On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 23:13:49 +0100

 On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 16:38:13 -0400
 Aryeh Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  c) See a additionally to prove all the above here is my /etc/rc (the
  last 2 lines where added just to prove the point):
  swapon -a
  fsck -p
  fuse: failed to exec mount program: No such file or directory
  Thus it is clear that the *ONLY* difference between the /etc/rc
  calls and the post getty calls is when they are made.  
 There's another difference: your /etc/rc script doesn't export PATH. 

That does seem to be the answer. 

I was curious as to why it only fails on ntfs, so I had a look
at the source. It seems that mount and fsck find mount_* and fsck_*
through a hard-coded path of /rescue:/sbin:/usr/sbin, but
mount_ntfs-3g then additionally has to find mount_fusefs through the
environment path.

Perhaps sysutils/fusefs-libs should be patched to make the whole thing
more self-consistent.
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Re: What is difference between /etc/rc called programs and ones called after login prompt shows up

2008-08-23 Thread RW
On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 22:02:14 -0400
Aryeh Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks that did it... but you're incorrect in saying it is only ntfs
 it is all fuse based fs's I had a the same error when doing a fuse-ssh
 mount to my machine at work

I meant only ntfs out of all the other entries in your fstab. If PATH
isn't exported then the question became: why are any of the mounts or
fscks succeeding?

Presumably all the fuse filesystems are mounted in the same way

  mount -t foo --  mount_foo -- mount_fusefs

as opposed to 

  mount -t foo --  mount_foo

for native filesystems.  

Since it turns out that only the mount_foo -- mount_fusefs call needs
a PATH variable, all fuse filesystems will fail if PATH isn't exported,
but no native filesystem will be affected.
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Re: forcefsck on booting stage

2008-07-28 Thread RW
On Mon, 28 Jul 2008 15:10:11 +0200
Marc L__rner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Monday 28 July 2008 15:00, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
  On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 04:11:49PM +0400, sam wrote:
   How to make 'fsck -f' on booting stage of remote system?
  I believe by setting background_fsck=no in /etc/rc.conf?  That's
  the only way I know of, besides booting single user and doing it
 Doesn't this only disable background fsck support?
 By creating file /forcefsck you can force an fsck at next reboot,
 because some scripts test for existence.

That's in linux AFAIK, but it would be fairly straightforward to
modify /etc/rc.d/fsck to get that behaviour though.

fsck -f is interactive, so you would want to add the -y option to
prevent its hanging waiting for console input.

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Re: Sysinstall is still inadequate after all of these years / thanks for responding

2008-07-03 Thread RW
On Wed, 2 Jul 2008 23:36:09 -0400
Sean Cavanaugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is the first time I ever actually downloaded all 3 CD's so i
 didn't know what I was getting into.  I had always just used the
 first CD for the initial install, then ports for everything else.
 Next time I will use the dvd.  Actually that would have been perfect
 as I got one of those unusual 550kB/s connections from ftp, lol.
 But I decided this time to get as many packages as quickly as
 possible, then run portupgrade on them to get the latest versions.  

I think it might be easier to use pkg_add -r to get up-to-date 7-stable
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Re: Modifying the loaded kernel image

2008-06-27 Thread RW
On Fri, 27 Jun 2008 00:37:40 -0700
Jeremy Chadwick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Also, HTML Email is incredibly annoying.  And you know what's even
 *more* annoying?  HTML Email that is sent with a text/plain MIME type,
 indicating it's not HTML.

There was also a problem with the base64 encoding, claws-mail couldn't
display the message at all
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Re: Lack of Flash support is no longer acceptable. Bounty established...

2008-06-25 Thread RW
On Wed, 25 Jun 2008 11:52:30 +0300
Stefan Lambrev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I tried this before and have a bad luck of not having working audio
 on flash, but today with new wine and FF3 it works.
 Btw there is a small nasty problem copy/paste from wine app to native 
 apps does not work. Ideas how to workaround this?

It's only the traditional X,  select and middle-click, that
doesn't work in my experience

The windows-style explicit  cut/copy/paste works for me with KDE in
both directions.
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Re: Decent 3D acceleration in 64bit mode?

2008-06-19 Thread RW
On Thu, 19 Jun 2008 17:36:44 -0400
Chuck Robey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Could I ask, does anyone here know the reason (even in general) that
 the Nvidia driver isn't working on the i386?

I presume you mean on amd64, since it does work on i386.
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Re: i386 cpu_reset_real: code/comment mismatch

2008-05-12 Thread RW
On Mon, 12 May 2008 17:34:35 +0300
Andriy Gapon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is not a real issue, just a code clarification.
 First a snippet from sys/i386/i386/vm_machdep.c, cpu_reset_real()
  * Attempt to force a reset via the Reset Control register at
  * I/O port 0xcf9.  Bit 2 forces a system reset when it is
  * written as 1.  Bit 1 selects the type of reset to attempt:
  * 0 selects a soft reset, and 1 selects a hard reset.  We
  * try to do a soft reset first, and then a hard reset.
 outb(0xcf9, 0x2);
 outb(0xcf9, 0x6);
 I think that the comment is correct up to but not including the last
 sentence. Writing 0x2 sets bit 1 to 1 (thus selecting hard reset), and
 writing 0x6 sets both bits 2 and 1 to 1 (thus performing hard reset).
 So we always just do a hard reset, no trying of soft reset (would it
 even make sense to do the last line of the comment says).
It looks to me as if the comment was added retrospectively by someone
who got the two bits mixed-up when reading the source. If bits 1 and 2
were the other way around, it would be code for a soft-reset followed
by a hard-reset.
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Re: Yarrow's Counter

2008-04-21 Thread RW
On Mon, 21 Apr 2008 14:48:30 +0400
Eygene Ryabinkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Good day.
 Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 06:31:35PM +0100, RW wrote:
   this modification seems not to help anything, 
  It possibly doesn't help with an attack against Yarrow itself, but
  it means that 512 bits of entropy, rather than 256 bits, can be
  read-out from /dev/random.
 The only source of entropy is the entropy pool.  The key and the
 counter are both derived from this pool, so if you will concatenate
 two 256 bit values you will not gain more entropy. 
 Am I missing something?

If you encrypt the previous value of the counter, instead of zero, the
counter will then depend on all the previous keys, and not just the
current one.   With the default settings any two keys more than one
reseed apart are completely independent.

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Re: Yarrow's Counter

2008-04-20 Thread RW
On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 23:30:23 +0400
Eygene Ryabinkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would not do it without consultations with Yarrow's creators:

OK, I didn't realise it was actually specified, I thought it an
implementation detail.

 this modification seems not to help anything, 

It possibly doesn't help with an attack against Yarrow itself, but it
means that 512 bits of entropy, rather than 256 bits, can be read-out
from /dev/random.
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Yarrow's Counter

2008-04-19 Thread RW
The random number generator in FreeBSD's Yarrow implementation uses
AES256 in counter mode. When a reseed occurs the generator is
reinitialised like this:

 - generate a new cypher-key from the pool[s] and the old key
 - zero the counter
 - encrypt the (zeroed) counter with the new key

My question is: why zero the counter?

If it's not zeroed then the old counter is encrypted instead, and after
a few reseeds the counter will accumulate an independent 256 bits of
entropy, rather than being a function of the new key. 

Should I submit a patch, it's simply a matter of deleting two
lines in reseed() in sys/dev/random/yarrow.c. 

   yarrow_hash_finish(context, temp);
   yarrow_encrypt_init(random_state.key, temp);

   /* 4. Recompute the counter */

   for (i = 0; i  4; i++)  ---
   random_state.counter[i] = 0; --- 

   yarrow_encrypt(random_state.key, random_state.counter, temp);
   memcpy(random_state.counter, temp, sizeof(random_state.counter));

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Re: Zeroing sensitive memory chunks [Was: Security Flaw in Popular Disk Encryption Technologies]

2008-02-26 Thread RW
On Tue, 26 Feb 2008 22:49:37 +0300
Eygene Ryabinkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes, Geoff just responded to my private question: it was Peter
 Gutmann, who pointed him to the thing you're talking about.  There
 is a paper by Peter,

There's an updated copy of this paper on Gutmann's site that points-out
that he was writing about  devices that were being decommissioned in
the early nineties, and that he's sceptical about anything being
recovered from modern drives once they have been overwritten - even
once. The idea that that forensic scientists use this kind of technique
to recover deleted files is a myth. 

 I still don't understand how cleaning of a memory area will help
 to clean the swapped page, but may be there are some systems which
 will update the swapped page on the memory access.  

That shouldn't be an issue since it's easy to encrypt swap with a
one-time key. In FreeBSD you simply append .eli to the swap
device name in fstab. 
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