Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> Isn't there *anybody* here who has a SO/family member/neighbor in
> the graphic/design business ?

I do, but they almost never work for free.  I did convince a friend of
mine (a great artist, who has done some comic books and other stuff) to
do this back of a t-shirt:


(For those of you not familiar with the University of Virginia, the
building in the background is the Rotunda.)

Part of his problem is he's such a perfectionist that he hates to do
anything "wrong" and keeps fiddling with it for hours and hours. :-) 
His website is here: http://www.drquark.com/


SeanMike Whipkey - "The Man.  The goatee.  The reputation." - Kimmet
"What the hell is wrong with that boy?!?" - Adrienne Uphoff
"What the French lack in reason they make up for in sheer gall." - Onion
"Did anyone else read this and think of SeanMike?" - Leybourne

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