RE: Preventing zombies to occure

2000-08-25 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

  I have some ideas to improve fork()-ing and getting rid of 
 zombie processes.
  This things mentioned here are proposed of a man that do 
 not know very well
  (author means 'the depths' of) BSD kernel source although 
 he have some ex-
  pirience with it (mainly in reading it :-).
  By definition zombie is a process entry in proc table that 
 wasn't released
  by wait*() called form the parent's code. So all we need to 
 do is to ensure
  that parent will call wait*() as many times as it called 
 fork(). This meth-
  od have some advantages but it has some disadvantages too. 
 First of all,
  provide programmers  all users with full out-of-zombies 
 enviroment where 
  everything created will be destroyed in the right way. 
 Second, proposed 
  thod is easy to include in current source with minnor modifications.
 If a parent that has zombie children exits the kernel will attach them
 to init (I haven't checked, but this is the common unix solution).  
 init will be calling waitpid to clear zombies automagically.
 So this sorta already happens. :)

two ways:


something like

while (waitpid(-1, NULL, 0))

you need to handle SIGCHLD, otherwise you will have zombies.


use SA_NOCLDWAID flag in sigaction(2) 
in this case ``init'' will be responsible for zombie process


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RE: - Bug or am I just stupid

2000-08-11 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

 [frederik@server conf]$ sh 
 =0: not found 5: Syntax error: redirection unexpected
 [frederik@server conf]$ 


perl  NOTES 


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RE: vmware ...

2000-08-08 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

   im trying to 'install' vmware, and im missing 
 if_tap.ko, can someone
 point me in the right direction?

the tap (if_tap.ko) driver is part of -current and RELENG_4.
it was not included in 4.1-RC. should you need to use it, please, 
download sources from -current or RELENG_4 and compile it.
i hope it will be included in the next release.


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RE: How to generate a core dump explicily

2000-08-08 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

man abort

 I would like to generate a core dump 'explicitly'  in
 my program. How can that be done ?


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RE: kerneld for FreeBSD

2000-06-07 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

well, i've heard both negative and positive replies.
so, i've just open ``kerneld'' project on
anyone who is interested, please, make your suggestions and wishes.
just drop me an e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i'll be more than happy to hear from you. i'll try put working prototype on CVS tonight.

thanks everybody,

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RE: kerneld for FreeBSD

2000-06-06 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO


   This is, IMO, a good idea.  I certainly don't want some 
   smartass daemon 
   unloading a module just because it thinks it should. 8)
  another option in config file? something like ``do_not_unload''? 
 No.  Modules shouldn't be unloaded automatically.

but why? :-) what is wrong with that? it would be so nice to have small 
GENERIC kernel and bunch of modules. kernel will start, identify all
hardware (pci/pnp) and than load appropriate modules. the only problem
here is old hardware :(

  i do not agree :-) code wants device 
  code should not care about module name. of course it is 
 better to have 
  name convension, but i think this is not the case. :-)
 This is debatable; mount, for example, knows the name of its 
 plugins.  So 
 does PAM.  Kernel modules are just plugins that go somewhere else.

let say i'm a third party vendor. i developed new hardware and driver for
FreeBSD (of course KLD module). i do not want to give my source
code to anybody. so you have the following options:

1) go ahead and try to convince me to use the same name convention
2) just ignore this hardware/driver/vendor
3) wait until somebody writes an ``open source'' driver
4) try do something to make in work (could be as easy as rename)
5) ???


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RE: kerneld for FreeBSD

2000-06-05 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

 On Sun 2000-06-04 (23:06), Coleman Kane wrote:
  Look through /modules...
 I'm still having problems working out what this will do.  Can you
 explain the differences between the current way of doing things, and
 what your stuff will conceptually do?

i will try :-) please do not beat me :-)

1) right now we have several places in kernel/user space where we 
load KLD. if we need add dynamic module loading in some new 
place we  will have to duplicate all code
2) kernel/user space does not unload modules, unless you
unload it manually
3) we can not configure which module should be loaded. 
it is hardcoded

so, when i started to code ``kerneld'', i was thinking about

1) one simple interface to load all modules from kernel
2) ability to determine which module can be unloaded
and unload it
3) flexible configuration file

and, yes, Linux guys have abandoned ``kerneld'', but 
they do not need it :-) look for KERND define in new
Linux kernel. the way they load kernel module is

1) create new kernel thread
2) run /sbin/depmod (or something like this) in
the thread
3) wait for thread finished and check for result

it does not look like kernel code, indeed  :)
looks like daemon code :)


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RE: kerneld for FreeBSD

2000-06-05 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

  1) right now we have several places in kernel/user space where we 
  load KLD. if we need add dynamic module loading in some new 
  place we  will have to duplicate all code
 This isn't necessarily bad, as it is this code which determines the 
 criteria for loading a module.  I'm not entirely keen on having this 

ifconfig(8) uses kldfirstmod(2), kldnext(2) etc. to check if the 
required interface module in the memory or not. all mount_???(8) 
utilities use getvfsbyname(3), vfsisloadable(3) and vfsload(3) 
interface, which makes kernel code useless (kernel will never execute this

 thrown away; especially since all you'd be doing would be 
 replacing it 
 with code which would invoke the kernel daemon.

  2) kernel/user space does not unload modules, unless you
  unload it manually
 This is, IMO, a good idea.  I certainly don't want some 
 smartass daemon 
 unloading a module just because it thinks it should. 8)
  3) we can not configure which module should be loaded. 
  it is hardcoded
 Since the code knows what it wants, this isn't necessarily a 
 bad thing 
 either.  In most cases, part of the module name is actually 
 eg. in the ifconfig(8) case, so this isn't as much of a problem as it 
 Basically, I think that the current practice of 
 demand-loading modules 
 from inside the kernel is the way to go.  There are a couple of cases 
 where pushing them in from the outside (ifconfig, usb, 
 pccard) works, but 
 in each case these already have tools suited to the job.
 \\ Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. \\  Mike Smith
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RE: kerneld for FreeBSD

2000-06-05 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

sorry, hit wrong key... :) 
in addition to my previous message...

  2) kernel/user space does not unload modules, unless you
  unload it manually
 This is, IMO, a good idea.  I certainly don't want some 
 smartass daemon 
 unloading a module just because it thinks it should. 8)

another option in config file? something like ``do_not_unload''? 
  3) we can not configure which module should be loaded. 
  it is hardcoded
 Since the code knows what it wants, this isn't necessarily a 
 bad thing 
 either.  In most cases, part of the module name is actually 
 eg. in the ifconfig(8) case, so this isn't as much of a problem as it 

i do not agree :-) code wants device driver/interface/filesystem/. 
code should not care about module name. of course it is better to have 
name convension, but i think this is not the case. :-)


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RE: kerneld for FreeBSD

2000-06-05 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

  Mike Smith wrote:
   This is, IMO, a good idea.  I certainly don't want some 
 smartass daemon
   unloading a module just because it thinks it should. 8)


 I have no faith at all any metric other than one determined 
 by the module 
 itself to indicate "unuse", and if a module wants to unload 
 itself due to 

so you point is that we could put a "use/unuse" logic inside 
each of kernel module. is that correct? even if different 
kernel modules implement device drivers for the same class 
of hardware? network interfaces (cards) for example. i would 
say if interface is marked as ``down'', has no IP, has no 
references in routing table/firewall, it could be considered 
as ``gone''. 

another problem here is that you can use the same module/device
right after you have unloaded it. that is a different kind of problem.
and, IMHO, it should be solved at configuration level. or even in 
module itself. for example PSEUDO_DEVICE modules. as far
as i know they can not be unloaded.

as far as i know sun solaris is able to load/unload dynamicaly kernel
modules. and module itself does not perform any attempts to
verify its "use/unuse". 

 "unuse", it can already do so.  I don't want or need a daemon 
 to do this.


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RE: kerneld for -current

2000-05-31 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

  is there any interest in ``kerneld'' (a-la Linux) for 
 FreeBSD? i've got
  some working prototype
 Could you summerize what it offers and does?

from RedHat documentation:


Red Hat Linux includes kerneld, the Kernel Daemon, 
which automatically loads some software and hardware 
support into memory as it is needed, and unloads it 
when it is no longer being used. 



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RE: stupid FS questions

2000-05-30 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

i know that :) i guess my questions were

1) why the same piece of code duplicated in all ``mount_xxx'' utilities?

2) if we are loading fs kernel module from ``mount_xxx'' why
we have to do it again in kernel? 
if i'm not missing anything, by the time we reach ``mount''
function, fs module will be in the memory and this code will 
never be executed.


 I believe that it is used to dynamic load filesystem modules. 
 Please read
 the following pages to understand what is a kernel module:
  i've been looking at ``mount_xxx'' code and have noticed 
 "strange" thing.
  all ``mount_xxx'' utilities have common part of code, like
  error = getvfsbyname("xxx", vfc);
  if (error  vfsisloadable("xxx")) {
 if (vfsload("xxx"))
 err(EX_OSERR, "vfsload(xxx)");
 endvfsent();/* flush cache */
 error = getvfsbyname("xxx", vfc);
  if (error)
 errx(1, "xxx filesystem is not available");
 if (mount(vfc.vfc_name, dir, mntflags, args)  0)
 err(1, NULL);
  1) what is the reason for this? why can't move this code to 
  2) what is the purpose of the following code in
for (vfsp = vfsconf; vfsp; vfsp = vfsp-vfc_next)
  if (!strcmp(vfsp-vfc_name, fstypename))
  if (vfsp == NULL) {
  linker_file_t lf;
  /* Refuse to load modules if securelevel raised */
  if (securelevel  0) {
  return EPERM; 
  /* Only load modules for root (very important!) */
  if ((error = suser(p)) != 0) {
  return error;
  error = linker_load_file(fstypename, lf);
  if (error || lf == NULL) {
  if (lf == NULL)
  error = ENODEV;
  return error;
  from my understanding this is done to load FS module.
  or did i miss someting?

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kerneld for -current

2000-05-30 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

Hello All,

is there any interest in ``kerneld'' (a-la Linux) for FreeBSD? i've got some
prototype at

so far, i've got it working on -current for char devices and network
file systems are currently in progress.

if there is no interest - i'll paint it in green and throw it away :)


p.s. yes, i do know that ifconfig is able to load modules and file system
can be loaded by kernel. but may be better to have one interface?

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stupid FS questions

2000-05-30 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

Hello All,

i've been looking at ``mount_xxx'' code and have noticed "strange" thing.
all ``mount_xxx'' utilities have common part of code, like

error = getvfsbyname("xxx", vfc);
if (error  vfsisloadable("xxx")) {
   if (vfsload("xxx"))
   err(EX_OSERR, "vfsload(xxx)");
   endvfsent();/* flush cache */
   error = getvfsbyname("xxx", vfc);
if (error)
   errx(1, "xxx filesystem is not available");

   if (mount(vfc.vfc_name, dir, mntflags, args)  0)
   err(1, NULL);

1) what is the reason for this? why can't move this code to ``mount''?
2) what is the purpose of the following code in

  for (vfsp = vfsconf; vfsp; vfsp = vfsp-vfc_next)
if (!strcmp(vfsp-vfc_name, fstypename))
if (vfsp == NULL) {
linker_file_t lf;

/* Refuse to load modules if securelevel raised */
if (securelevel  0) {
return EPERM; 
/* Only load modules for root (very important!) */
if ((error = suser(p)) != 0) {
return error;
error = linker_load_file(fstypename, lf);
if (error || lf == NULL) {
if (lf == NULL)
error = ENODEV;
return error;

from my understanding this is done to load FS module.
or did i miss someting?


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RE: Is traditional unixes kernel really stable ?

2000-04-07 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO


   Worse yet: What about hardware buggy devices?
   This could case the entiry system to crash, isn't it ?
  Yes, incorrectly programmed hardware either by firmware (on
  chip/board) or by drivers can cause crashes and hardware damage.


 This design, would not let a system crash due to device 
 drivers problems
 or even bad hardware desgin.
 What all you think about that ?

only one :-) performance :-) context switch is a slow operation.


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RE: Is traditional unixes kernel really stable ?

2000-04-07 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO


  only one :-) performance :-) context switch is a slow operation.
 Excuse me gentleman, who said that ?

Well, Intel does :)

 Take time to visit this site:

I know this OS. It looks great. Perhaps, it is a good choice for embeded OS.
A good OS design could help to reduce context switch overhead. 
Just to give you some examples of context switching overhead, 
please take a look at


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RE: Pthread blocking I/O

2000-03-06 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

 What's the reason for locking the file descriptors
 for *all* system calls? especially those I mentioned?
 Where is pthread_cancel() ?

are you using -stable (3.x)? there is no ``pthread_cancel'' in -stable.
use -current. 

- use other threads library
- use non-blocking read
- use select/poll with timeout

man pthread and see /usr/src/lib/libc_r/uthread
for details.


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RE: Pthread blocking I/O

2000-03-06 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO


  are you using -stable (3.x)? there is no ``pthread_cancel'' 
 in -stable.
  use -current. 
 Bt!!! Wrong!
  uname -a
 FreeBSD 3.4-STABLE FreeBSD 3.4-STABLE #6: 
 Sun Feb 20 20:24:19 EST 2000
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/source/src/sys/compile/SERVER  i386
  man -k pthread_cancel
 pthread_cancel(3) - cancel execution of a thread
  nm /usr/lib/ | grep pthread_cancel
 00078524 T pthread_cancel

xxx:/usr/home/xxx uname -a
FreeBSD 3.4-STABLE FreeBSD 3.4-STABLE #4: Mon Jan  3 16:01:58 EST
2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/compile/xxx  i386

xxx:/usr/home/xxx man -k pthread_cancel
pthread_cancel: nothing appropriate

xxx:/usr/home/xxx nm /usr/lib/ | grep pthread_cancel

 You do need a fairly recent -stable, but it's in there. :)

indeed :-)  


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RE: Shell Code... (fwd)

2000-03-02 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

hello all,

in case if still need it :)

here is good skeleton for shell code :-) i DO NOT want to put 
REAL shell code here. just do ``x/32bx main'' and you will
see what you want. :)

i'm too lazy to write in assebmler and hate ATT syntax :)

-- cut here -

char*cmd = "/bin/sh";
char*arg[] = { "sh", 0 };

/* execve(cmd, argv, env) */

/* pass ``env'' == NULL */
__asm__("xorl   %eax,%eax\n");
__asm__("push   %eax");

/* pass ``argv[]'' */
__asm__("push   $arg\n");

/* pass ``cmd'' */
__asm__("movl   $cmd,%edx\n");
__asm__("movl   (%edx),%eax\n");
__asm__("push   %eax\n");

/* simulate ``libc call execve'' */
__asm__("push   %ecx\n");

/* system call */
__asm__("xorl   %eax,%eax\n");
__asm__("movb   $0x3b,%al\n");

- end cut --


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RE: NETGRAPH patches (proposal) CONT.

2000-02-23 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

 On Tue, Feb 22, 2000 at 09:02:43PM -0800, Archie Cobbs wrote:
   It's because all packets sent by this node should have the node's
   address. If you don't have it then PPPoE cannot send a 
 packet "FROM"
   thia node, as it has no idea of what this node's address is.
  So.. we can have two hooks, one that sets the host address and
  one that doesn't.. :-)
 In that case can we have one that also sets the destination address
 via arp?

i added new control message for ``ngether_node''. i called it NGEF_RAW_MODE.
now you can set it to on/off by using NgSendMsg. ``ngether_rcvdata'' will
update ``ether_shost'' if it set to on. otherwise it will.

patches available at
these are against -current cvsup'ed this sunday around 8:30pm EST.

it also includes small test program based ion ``nghook''.


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RE: NETGRAPH patches (proposal)

2000-02-23 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

 From: Archie Cobbs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Julian Elischer writes:
 It's because all packets sent by this node should 
 have the node's
 address. If you don't have it then PPPoE cannot send 
 a packet "FROM"
 thia node, as it has no idea of what this node's address is.
So.. we can have two hooks, one that sets the host address and
one that doesn't.. :-)
   In that case can we have one that also sets the 
 destination address
   via arp?
  Now I think you are talking a separate node that implements 
  such a protocol.
 Right.. ARP is an IP-specific protocol. Ethernet nodes should have
 no specific knowledge of ARP.


 This brings up another point.. to really do this correctly we would
 also need a 802.3/802.2 node type that decoded Ethertypes and SNAP
 headers. It would have a "downstream" hook that connected to the
 Ethernet node and also hooks for "ip", "arp", "appletalk", "aarp"
 (AppleTalk's ARP), "ipx", "ipv6", etc.  Also, it could suport
 generic Ethertype hooks having names of the form "0x".

 Probably the raw Ethernet node type should not even know about 802.3
 (the standard 14 byte Ethernet header and the 60 byte minimum packet

i think that ethernet driver should be just raw ethernet node. it should not
have any 
specific knowledge about upper levels. these raw nodes connected to another
that will perform the same functionality as ``ether_input'' does. i.e. it
will decode
type and send data to the appropriate hook. if the hook is connected - fine,
got data and put it to the protocol stack. if not - just drop. so we are
control the system. if we need specific protocol in the stack just load
node and connect it to the hook. we can use simple name convention for the
hooks (like "ether_0xNNN" where NNN is type) and in this case we do not
have to change ``ether_input'' node.

this looks more and more like STREAMS :). but NETGRAPH do not put
data in the ``envelope'' like STREAMS does.

the only thing that bothers me... how we can marry existing functionality
and NETGRAPH? i vote for NETGRAPH :) it is c00l :) i just like the
idea of connecting raw ethernet device driver with tty level :)


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RE: NETGRAPH patches (proposal)

2000-02-22 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

  Here is the description. ng_ether node has two hooks ``divert'' and
  It is possible to connect to the one of the hooks and 
 intercept row Ethernet
  frames. But there is no clean way to intercept frame, do 
 something and
  return it back to kernel.
  This patch provides additional hook ``divertin'' (mmm... 
 name is not good,
  i think) for each ng_ether node. 
  Implementation issues
  This will not work for ``orphan'' frames. Since kernel 
 drops it anyway, i
  decided to leave it as it is. But is is possible to 
 intercept ``orphan''
  packets, change it, and write back to ``divertin''.
 The "divertin" hook is a useful idea.. after 4.0-REL we can check
 something in based on your patches...

ok. i just have a dumb question. what is the big deal with updating
in ethernet header in ngether_rcvdata. since we are passing raw ethernet
why should we update ether_shost?  wouldn't it be nice to make it optional? 
just another control message?


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raw socket, bpf, netgraph, etc

2000-02-14 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

Hello All,

Is it possible to get access to link layer (AF_LINK) via raw socket?
kind of Linux SOCK_PACKET. It seems to me that it is not. (hope I wrong :)

I can access raw IP via socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)
and event get access to IP header with setsockopt. But not AF_LINK :(

On the other hand is bpf. but here is the small problem. i have interface
bpf attached to it. when i write to /dev/bpf i got the same packet back.
kind of loop. the only solution is to filter these packets. but there is no
way to find out which packet i wrote, and which is received from outside.

i was thinking about netgraph. would't it be nice to have netgraph interface
in each network driver? 

Any ideas?


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BPF bug or not?

2000-01-24 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO


I've just found that read from /dev/bpfX never return EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK.
It means that when you do a non blocking read and there is no data you will
always get 0.

Does it suppose work this way?

A non blocking read from pipe return EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK if there is no data
pipe was opened as O_RDWR, and 0 when pipe was opened as O_RDONLY.


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Ethernet TAP driver v0.2 released

1999-11-10 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

Hello All!

I've released Ethernet TAP driver v0.2 for FreeBSD

It provides a virtual Ethernet interface to the system. It also
provides packet reception and 
transmission for user-space programs. It can be viewed as a simple
Ethernet device, which 
instead of receiving packets from a physical medium, receives them
from a user-space 
program and instead of sending packets via physical media, writes
them to the user-space 

Changes since v 0.1

- FreeBSD kernel Ethernet bridging (by Luigi Rizzo) support added.

This feature seems to be working, but it needs more testing.
I've tested it with VTUN ( I had
Linux boxes connected with the same FreeBSD box with
VTUN. The FreeBSD box was an Ethernet bridge. So all
three boxes were on the same virtual Ethernet network.
Thanks to Maxim Krasnyansky.

DUMMYNET should be working also, but I did not test it.

- Removig address from tapX interface when tapX device is closed

It has been added in v 0.1a, but I did not announce it here

The driver can be found at


Folks, what do you think about smart user-space Ethernet bridge?
Anyone needs it?



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RE: Smart user-space Ethernet bridge

1999-11-10 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

i agree, but ...

we have user space ppp, with all kind of useful things
like filter etc. it is slower than kernel ppp, but 
everybody keep using it. so may be we can build a kind of
"smart" bridge. it will touch only specific interfaces,
collect information about route to specific MAC's etc.



  I've released Ethernet TAP driver v0.2 for FreeBSD
  Folks, what do you think about smart user-space Ethernet bridge?
  Anyone needs it?
 i think performance is a big problem here (same as in the case of
 user-space natd, but worse because a bridge touches all packets).
 You have too many data copies.

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Ethernet TAP device driver released

1999-11-01 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

Hello All,

It is time for new release :)

The beta version of Ethernet TAP device driver for FreeBSD is released. 

I've written this device driver for VTUN ( software
package. It is possible the coolest software to make tunnels over TCP/IP
networks. For more details please see author's page.

The TAP device driver is like TUN device driver, but it works with 
Ethernet packets. It allows to capture Ethernet packets and feed them
to user space and vice versa.

The driver can be found at

I've tested it with VTUN on my FreeBSD 3.2-RELEASE. It seems to me it 
works just fine. I'd like to ask to help me in testing and give some feed

Thank you very much,
Best regards,


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RE: Ethernet TAP device driver released

1999-11-01 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

Hello Mike,

It seems to me bfp can bind to EXISTING interface. I.e. you have to 
have phisical interface. (if I wrong, correct me :) This driver will 
create a VIRTUAL Ethernet interface "tapX" with random MAC address etc. 
You can attach bpf to this interface. 

In other words you can connect computer to Ethernet network without
having Ethernet card. All you need is just ANY type of connection. I was
using ppp to connect to remote server with VTUN and DID HAVE ETHERNET

BTW, what the difference between TUN and BPF :-)



 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, November 01, 1999 12:54 PM
 To: Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO
 Subject: Re: Ethernet TAP device driver released 
  The beta version of Ethernet TAP device driver for FreeBSD 
 is released. 
 This looks like BPF, only much less smart.  Why reinvent the wheel?
 \\ Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. \\  Mike Smith
 \\ Tell him he should learn how to fish himself,  \\  
 \\ and he'll hate you for a lifetime. \\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: VTun...

1999-11-01 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO



 I notice that you support traffic shaping.  I was wondering 
 if you plan to 
 offer support for slower than 8KBytes / sec (64Kbits/s).  

Everything should be there ;) 
 What I'd like to be able to do, is create some tunnels to my 
 end points, 
 and then using the firewall / routing software, do policy 
 routing.  (ie: 
 telnet goes over this tunnel, and is traffic shaped to 
 1KByte/s, while web 
 traffic goes over another tunnel, and is allocated the 
 remainder of the 
 available bandwidth.)  In this way, I'd be able to guarantee 
 a certain 
 amount of BW to core services such as telnet, without letting 
 things like 
 SMTP or web impact on services...

Yes, you can do it. I think Max is going to release new version
of VTUN very soon. 
Best regards,


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TTY driver for SBNI-12x cards

1999-10-29 Thread Yevmenkin, Maksim N, CSCIO

Hello All,

I have released beta version of the TTY driver for SBNI-12x cards
for FreeBSD 3.2, 3.3 

The SBNI-12x card is a short range modem. It is allow to get up to 
2MB speed over plain couple of wires. Great for ISP and as "last mile"
solution. For more information about the card, please 
visit ( russian only :( )

It seems to me it is working just fine. I have tested it using 
both FreeBSD to FreeBSD, and FreeBSD to Linux modes.

The driver can be found at

The GS drivers home page is



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