Re: FreeBSD needs Git to ensure repo integrity [was: 2012 incident]

2012-11-18 Thread grarpamp
> I won't fail to defend general anti-nym opinion or guidance

d-oh, s/defend/defend against/
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Re: FreeBSD needs Git to ensure repo integrity [was: 2012 incident]

2012-11-18 Thread grarpamp
>> grarpamp
>> the various good uses for nyms.

> I hope you realize whom you're trying to lecture here!
> Joerg Wunsch is a highly appreciated long-time FreeBSD contributor

Of course. No one here has any question as to anyone's FreeBSD
participation. That would be silly :) I merely contest the suggestion
that nyms have little to no utility, that people need moderate their
usage alone in public, and that those using them are somehow lessers.
I won't fail to defend general anti-nym opinion or guidance, particularly
when wafted in this general direction.

> Now, back to our regular programming.

Yes, about this lack of a self-authenticating repo, etc. [1]
It is good to see some discussion forming around it :)

[1] Or whatever it may better be called.
Put another way... we can't yet say, in the strong cryptographic
sense, that anyone has a true copy of the repo. Or that the repo
is itself internally tamper free and/or tamper proof. And so on as
applied down the production and distribution chain. The repo
does face certain risks. And Git appears as if it may be one
way to mitigate them.
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Re: FreeBSD needs Git to ensure repo integrity [was: 2012 incident]

2012-11-18 Thread grarpamp
On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 1:57 AM, Garrett Wollman  wrote:
>> the various good uses for nyms.
> There are no such uses on the FreeBSD mailing-lists; if you wish for
> anyone to pay attention to you, then use a real name.  Otherwise,
> -GAWollman

It appears you have not reviewed the mailing list archives, otherwise you
would have found many such nym holders engaging in good participation.
However I do thank you for your opinion, and for your delightful and
unwarranted private abuse. A good day to you indeed, Sir.
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FreeBSD needs Git to ensure repo integrity [was: 2012 incident]

2012-11-17 Thread grarpamp

This is not about this incident, but about why major opensource
projects need to be using a repository that has traceable, verifiable,
built-in cryptographic authentication.

Any of hundreds of committer and admin accounts could be compromised
with the attacker silently editing the repo. The same applies to
any of those accounts going rogue. Backtrack diffing from a breach
to 'see what changed' is not the ideal option. You really need to
be using a strong repo so that any attack on it is null from the
start. Another problem is bit rot wherever it may occur... disk,
hardware, the wire, EMP and other systems.

As it is now, we have no way to verify that what we get on pressed
CD's, ISO's, FTP sites, torrents, etc is strongly linked back to
the original repo. Signing over a hash of the ISO is *not* the same
as including the strong repo hash (commit) that was used to build
the release and then signing over that and the ISO. We can't know
that our local repository updates match the master. ports.tar.gz
has no authentication either. Nor does anything in the entire project
that originates from the current SVN/CVS repo... webpages, docs,
tools, source tarballs, etc. The FTP packages aren't signed, and
there are weak MD5's used in various parts of the install/package
tools, mirrors, etc. We can't trade hashes amongst people. It's all
just a bunch of random bits that someone may or may not have signed
over. And even if signed they still wouldn't be strongly linked
back to the master repo. Having such a disconnect at the root of
everything you do is simply not good practice these days.

And these days, Git is what people and projects are moving to, and
its rate of adoption and prevalence have essentially won out over
all the rest in the new 'revision control 2.0 world'. And knowing
Git is now more or less essential if you want to participate in a
wide variety of community development, ref: github, etc.

The FreeBSD project needs to be providing both itself, and its users
and benefactors with verifiable assurance that its repository, and
any copies and derived products, are authentic and intact.

Don't argue against such a repository feature, or the cost to move,
or bury your head in the sand by saying it could never happen to us...

Take this as a real opportunity to lead amongst the major opensource
projects like Linux, and among the BSD's (like DragonFly has), and
move to Git.

Once the root is fixed, you can push out secure distribution and
update models from there. It all starts at the root and can't be
done without it.
 Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database
 The data model that Git uses ensures the cryptographic integrity
 of every bit of your project. Every file and commit is checksummed
 and retrieved by its checksum when checked back out. It's impossible
 to get anything out of Git other than the exact bits you put in.
 It is also impossible to change any file, date, commit message,
 or any other data in a Git repository without changing the IDs of
 everything after it. This means that if you have a commit ID, you
 can be assured not only that your project is exactly the same as
 when it was committed, but that nothing in its history was changed.
 The Git history is stored in such a way that the id of a particular
 revision (a "commit" in Git terms) depends upon the complete
 development history leading up to that commit. Once it is published,
 it is not possible to change the old versions without it being
 noticed. The structure is similar to a hash tree, but with additional
 data at the nodes as well as the leaves.

Some references...
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Upcoming release schedule - 8.4 ?

2012-06-13 Thread grarpamp
Realized my earlier related post was a bit misplaced in questions@.
So I just refer to it here by link, ok then that is all.
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Silicon Image programming docs

2011-07-22 Thread grarpamp
Found some datasheets (programming docs) and board schematics for
Silicon Image storage controllers. Since they don't seem to be
publicly available, perhaps some of these docs will be useful.

Bcc'd relevant fs and hackers lists. Reply to hardware I guess.

# Overview

# SiI0680

# SiI3114

# SiI3124

# SiI3132

# SiI3512

# SiI3531

# SiI3726

# SiI3811
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Re: Jails: Setting different times in jails

2011-07-19 Thread grarpamp
> Why on earth would you want this?

Hi. Since your quote of my note was not to the original,
I'll repost it here. Kurt Lidl also posted useful situations
on these lists. Also, being able to have time tick backwards
in jails could be interesting fuzzing too :-) Enjoy.

Would be nice to be able to set different times in different jails.
All jails would tick in step with the system.
But each jail could have it's birthtime set specifically via jail(8),
jail(2), etc. Either by specification of a specific time, or an offset
from the current true system time. ie:

jail(8): -t [-|+]

Child jails would offset from their parent, not the system.

Internally, gettimeofday, filesystem timestamps, and any other
userland interfaces would be hooked and adjusted by referencing
a table of jail ID's and their offsets. Similar to how setting TZ or
/etc/localtime effects a timezone offset. But transparent and
undetectable to the jail unless set as visible by the invoker.

Useful for creating alternate histories, testing time dependant
protocols and applications, forensics, pen testing, etc.
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Re: Jails: Setting different times in jails

2011-07-07 Thread grarpamp
> possibly achievable in libc?

I don't know. Where else would it be done?
stat, utimes, gettimeofday, clock_gettime,
adjtime, etc and their variations.

I've not checked what currently happens, but I
don't think root in a jail should be able to set
any kernel time parameters, absent a syscall
that says it should.

> in any case file this idea somewhere.. :-)

Don't know here either. I looked at the lists and
hackers seemed closest. I'll bcc current. Someone
could maybe todo-wiki this thread as low hanging
fruit. Cheers.
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Jails: Setting different times in jails

2011-07-04 Thread grarpamp
Would be nice to be able to set different times in different jails.
All jails would tick in step with the system.
But each jail could have it's birthtime set specifically via jail(8),
jail(2), etc. Either by specification of a specific time, or an offset
from the current true system time. ie:

jail(8): -t [-|+]

Child jails would offset from their parent, not the system.

Internally, gettimeofday, filesystem timestamps, and any other
userland interfaces would be hooked and adjusted by referencing
a table of jail ID's and their offsets. Similar to how setting TZ or
/etc/localtime effects a timezone offset. But transparent and
undetectable to the jail unless set as visible by the invoker.

Useful for creating alternate histories, testing time dependant
protocols and applications, forensics, pen testing, etc.
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Re: FreeBSD I/OAT (QuickData now?) driver [10gb pfring silicom]

2011-06-19 Thread grarpamp
Perhaps some similar work here. And maybe a card vendor
with docs and an affinity to open source. Just news, that's all.

bcc: hackers, isp. reply to net.
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FreeBSD I/OAT (QuickData now?) driver

2011-06-06 Thread grarpamp
Is this work part of what's needed to enable the FreeBSD
equivalent of TNAPI?

I know we've got polling. And probably MSI-X in a couple drivers.
Pretty sure there is still one CPU doing the interrupt work?
And none of the multiple queue thread spreading tech exists?
TNAPI attempts to solve the following problems:
* Distribute the traffic across cores (i.e. the more core the more
scalable is your networking application) for improving scalability.
* Poll packets simultaneously from each RX queue (contraty to
sequential NAPI polling) for fetching packets as fast as possible
hence improve performance.
* Through PF_RING, expose the RX queues to the userland so that
the application can spawn one thread per queue hence avoid using
semaphores at all.
TNAPI achieves all this by starting one thread per RX queue. Received
packets are then pushed to PF_RING (if available) or through the
standard Linux stack. However in order to fully exploit this
technology it is necessary to use PF_RING as it provides a straight
packet path from kernel to userland. Furthermore it allows to create a
virtual ethernet card per RX queue.
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Why not give git a try?

2011-01-25 Thread grarpamp
Hi. This is good topic. I am no body. But I want to mention things.
I've use RCS, CVS, SVN, Hg and Git. To me, first three are really
much one in same. Of later two still learning, Hg can be slightly
easier, but Git has simple analogs too, not much hard to get. We
all learn new thing. But overall, Git seems to be on curve as the
one become defacto for all good reasons/purpose in new world. Just
as was CVS. Coders will know it. Gitweb, etc. So it momentum
to maybe break ties, lame but can be true. I am ok with it.

Distributed also maybe, maybe, save project bandwidth, as ppl
tracking multiple branches should mirror and checkout locally. Not
checkout multiple branch over wire. And can work fully local. Yes,
maybe distrib not as much enforce commit from private coders often.
But people already have those involved/not, regular/not, central/not
habits, repo make no diff. Yet better, distrib enables some new
good models not possible before too, while still letting some old
style happen too.

Also, very important this one. Git provide hash authenticated chained
repo possibility by default and native with every commit from init
of new repo. CVS/SVN do not do that. FreeBSD is big project (with
big users). With big project infrastruct. With big group with commit
people login from bfe from some fubar systems sometime unknown. All
good ppl and systems yes, but deteching errors and provide proofs
and chains is important now days in IT worlds. Too, FreeBSD only
sign release cd's and only on maj.min release, not security branche,
releng branche etc. There is no strong trace back to repo, so link
is cut there. It is repo hash that should be sign, first before cd,
and from there all things roll down as extra bonus. Does pictures
on this important one be clear?

And if move beyond CVS/SVN legacy wanted, yes?, start tests,
eval, pick and move on :) My local stuffs went CVS to Git, but is
no matter that choice to this project topic. I try agnostic.
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msdosfs exit status, failures: chmod, touch

2010-06-22 Thread grarpamp
This exit should not be 0, regardless of msdosfs or not.
Same for if the '.' dir entries do in fact have B/M/A/C times,
operations on those entries should update those times
accordingly, as subdirs do. RELENG_8. Thanks.

# newfs_msdos /dev/fd0
/dev/fd0: 2829 sectors in 2829 FAT12 clusters (512 bytes/cluster)
BytesPerSec=512 SecPerClust=1 ResSectors=1 FATs=2 RootDirEnts=512
Sectors=2880 Media=0xf0 FATsecs=9 SecPerTrack=18 Heads=2 HiddenSecs=0
# mount_msdosfs /dev/fd0 /mnt
# ls -alt /mnt
total 18
drwxr-xr-x  22 root  wheel512 Jun  8 17:00 ..
drwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  16384 Dec 31  1979 .
# chmod 1777 /mnt ; echo $?
# touch /mnt ; echo $?
# ls -alt /mnt
total 18
drwxr-xr-x  22 root  wheel512 Jun  8 17:00 ..
drwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  16384 Dec 31  1979 .
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vm: kvm_free max_wired

2009-10-19 Thread grarpamp
Is this telling me I should be able to set kmem_size to around
740MiB before the kernel panics during boot? Any runtime issues
with doing that?

# sysctl hw.physmem hw.realmem vm.kvm_size vm.kvm_free vm.kmem_size
hw.physmem: 1055293440
hw.realmem: 1072627712
vm.kvm_size: 1073737728
vm.kvm_free: 205516800
vm.kmem_size: 536870912
# sysctl -d hw.physmem vm.kvm_size vm.kvm_free vm.kmem_size
vm.kvm_size: Size of KVM
vm.kvm_free: Amount of KVM free
vm.kmem_size: Size of kernel memory

This doesn't seem to autosize. Is that expected?
Should one care about this sysctl?

vm.max_wired: System-wide limit to wired page count
vm.max_wired: 83211
83211*4096/2^20 = ~325

Also, these are obviously broken / curious:
 debug.boothowto: -2147481598
 net.inet.tcp.inflight.max: 1073725440

Running RELENG_8.
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ZFS version list [was ETA for ZFS ver: n]

2009-03-18 Thread grarpamp
ZFS version list [was ETA for ZFS ver: n]

I needed raw, bit reliable, stable, encrypted storage. ZFS gave all
but the last part so far. None of the features since v6 were useful
to me. And as with most software, there are surely tons of fixes
and optimizations being handled silently that are useful.

Additions at or before v6 that were nifty:
hot spares
ditto blocks
sha256 - chained back to the uberblock thing

Integrated crypto will be very useful, simply to eliminate that
GEOM. Even if GBDE and GELI are cool :) Hopefully ZFS will include
a strong 256 bit cipher along with other options. My guess is that
it will be out from SUN midyear, before FBSD 8.0, and thus a potential
for 8.0.

The ZFS iSCSI bit might be cool. Putting things like that all under
the ZFS hierarchy could be sickly entertaining :)

If BSD chflags(2) schg, as on UFS, does or will work on ZFS, that's
cool. See the Solaris chmod command.

FBSD could very well have magically encrypted user homedirs that
make use of some of the inherent ZFS [delegation, etc?] features.
login could be hacked as could sshd or possibly pamify things.
Haven't really thought about it other than Apple has it. Don't know
about other BSD's.

It is awesome that FBSD has ZFS! No matter what gets done when,
thanks for all the work on it... past, present and on into future.

Version list attached for people to reference...

ZFS Pool Version 14

This version includes support for the following feature:

* passthrough-x aclinherit property support

This feature is available in:

* Solaris Express Community Edition, build 103

The related bug and PSARC case for the version 14 change are:

* 6765166 Need to provide mechanism to optionally inherit
* PSARC 2008/659 New ZFS "passthrough-x" ACL inheritance rules

ZFS Pool Version 13

This version includes support for the following features:

* usedbysnapshots property
* usedbychildren property
* usedbyrefreservation property
* usedbydataset property

These features are available in:

* Solaris Express Community Edition, build 98

The related bug and PSARC case for version 13 change is:

* 6730799 want snapused property
* PSARC 2008/518 ZFS space accounting enhancements

ZFS Pool Version 12

This version includes support for the following feature:

* Properties for Snapshots

This feature is available in:

* Solaris Express Community Edition, build 96

The related bug for the version 12 change is:

* 6701797 want user properties on snapshots

ZFS Pool Version 11

This version includes support for the following feature:

* Improved zpool scrub / resilver performance

This feature is available in:

* Solaris Express Community Edition, build 94

The related bug for the version 11 change is:

* 6343667 scrub/resilver has to start over when a snapshot is
* (Note, this bug is fixed when using build 94 even with older
pool versions. However, upgrading the pool can improve scrub
performance when there are many filesystems, snapshots, and

ZFS Pool Version 10

This version includes support for the following feature:

* Devices can be added to a storage pool as "cache devices."
These devices provide an additional layer of caching between
main memory and disk. Using cache devices provides the greatest
performance improvement for random read-workloads of mostly
static content.

This feature is available in the Solaris Express Community Edition,
build 78.

The Solaris 10 10/08 release includes ZFS pool version 10, but
support for cache devices is not included in this Solaris release.

The related bug for the version 10 change is:

* 6536054 second tier ("external") ARC

ZFS Pool Version 9

This version includes support for the following features:

* In addition to the existing ZFS quota and reservation features,
this release includes dataset quotas and reservations that do
not include descendent datasets, such as snapshots and clones,
in the space consumption. ("zfs set refquota" and "zfs set

* A reservation is automatically set when a non-sparse ZFS
volume is created that matches the size of the volume. This
release provides an immediate reservation feature so that you
set a reservation on a non-sparse volume with enough space to
take snapshots and modify the contents of the volume.

* CIFS server support

These features are available in Solaris Express Community Edition,
build 77.

The related bugs for version 9 changes are:

* 6431277 want filesystem-only quotas
* 6483677 n