Re: A novel idea....

2001-04-07 Thread E.B. Dreger

> Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 01:40:38 -0700
> 20) Multi-staged booting.  You don't need to change your MBR when you
> install a new kernel (or want to roll back to a different kernel).  I
> think I've only been stuck high and dry w/o a bootable system twice in
> four years and well over 400+ servers.

With Linux, you're SOL if you screw up LILO.  With FreeBSD, leaving the
MBR alone gives a much safer boot procedure.

Not only that, but with the console on a serial port _before_ running the



Brotsman & Dreger, Inc.
EverQuick Internet / EternalCommerce Division

Phone: (316) 794-8922


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Re: Should I switch? [was Re: A novel idea....]

2001-04-05 Thread John Summerfield

> 7. FreeBSD is developed very rapidly. Especially if you subscribe to
> mailing lists, you can see bugs fixed almost as soon as they are
> mentioned. New features are added more conservatively, however. New
> stuff is tried out in -CURRENT, where the heavy-duty FreeBSD hackers
> make it stable, then merge it into -STABLE. The reason Linux became more
> popular than FreeBSD is, as I've read: Linux development is
> helter-skelter--anybody can make changes to the system and redistribute
> them with ease. As a consequence, a wide range of people worked to
> develop the components on your Debian system. This distribution and
> encouragement led to confusion, but also popularity. FreeBSD, on the
> other hand, is maintained by a fixed group of committers. While you can
> still modify your system, it is more difficult to get random changes
> into the main code tree. The result is a more structured and sane
> development process, with an emphasis on stability rather than untested
> additions.

While it's true anyone can make changes to Linux and redistribute them with ease, I 
don't see how it's a point of difference. What prevents me from taking a bit of BSD, 
changing it and distributing it how I will?

Actually getting a change into a distribution of Linux requires convincing a 
Responsible Person that it's a good idea, and that Responsible Person is going to 
take care either because his job may be on the line if he gets it wrong, or it's his 
pet part of the overall Scheme of Things and he really truly cares about it.

In that regard, I don't see that FreeBSD is a lot different from a distribution.

Remember too that a good deal of the software on BSD is the same as is on linux.

John Summerfield for OS/2 & linux information.
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RE: A novel idea....

2001-04-05 Thread Koster, K.J.

Dear Andrew,

> 18) Ports.  'ya can't forget them.
More importantly, ports that are going to work on all free BSD's. If you
haven't been keeping track of Open Packages, those guys have put the pedal
to the metal.

>   Just my ramblings.  I don't evangelize much, but it strikes me
> as odd that some of this info isn't on the homepage of 
> FreeBSD. FWIW -sc
I think that's part of the "try it, and see for yourself" mentality. If you
like FreeBSD, you use it, and you don't need FreeBSD evangelism. If you
don't like FreeBSD, you go away and you don't need FreeBSD evangelism.

Kees Jan

 You are only young once,
   but you can stay immature all your life.

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Re: A novel idea....

2001-04-05 Thread Luigi Rizzo

> 8) For a firewall, ipfw blows the doors off of Linux's
> iptables/ipchains/ipmasq/whatever.
>   If you want a stateful firewall, look at ipf (also very very
> very very very nice!!!)  I'm waiting for ipf to get bridging support

FreeBSD's ipfw is stafeful as well, and there are no plans
(at least not from me!) to get bridging support in ipfilter


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Re: A novel idea....

2001-04-05 Thread sean-freebsd-hackers

Read #1, but skip the rest, it's opinion.

BSD license, right?  Without disagreeing with any of the
previous points, let me step into evangelism mode here and borrow/add
my own comments.  Please take replies to the evangelism list, however
(maybe post a variant of this on someplace).

> In short, these are the reasons I prefer FreeBSD:

1) The file system is so much better than any Linux file system,
ReiserFS included.

Question: Is UFS a balanced btree?  I don't think so, but I
could be wrong.  In either case, UFS is by far and away superior to
ext[\d].  Check out soft-updates if you really want to be impressed.

2) The system isn't made by idiots.

This is opinion.  There are some bright people in the Linux
crowd, but there are also some "hackers" that hack kludges instead of
elegantly solving the problem.  I've found, in my experience, that the
FreeBSD development team seems to search out the elegant/correct
solution as opposed to the quick solution.  Idiots may be going a bit
far and the start of a flame war (please avoid this, or let me know if
you want a list for flames and I'll set one up, but please not here!).

3) The system's development is controlled, and the system is
consistent because of that.

This is one of the great benefits of a central development

4) FreeBSD never trashed my data.

I 2nd this.  I've lost many a GB of data to ext2 or other
Linux FS's.  UFS has been a rock for many years and many many many
many servers, and a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, I think I
heard a rumor of lost data... but that was the HD spindle coming loose
and shredding the platter (ie, not something the file system could do
much about).

7) I hate RMS with a passion (remember, he's the Communist hypocrite
who claims his software is Free).

I shouldn't comment, so I won't.  ::grin::

8) For a firewall, ipfw blows the doors off of Linux's

If you want a stateful firewall, look at ipf (also very very
very very very nice!!!)  I'm waiting for ipf to get bridging support
in the kernel, then you'd have a firewall that would surpass any of
your wildest dreams (no MAC addresses on the Ethernet cards, while
retaining ipf stateful filtering).

9) I prefer the file system hierarchy.

Designed extremely well...  try an upgrade with cvsup, make
world, and mergemaster: you'll never want to administer anything else
ever again (except possibly AIX, but that maybe hardware envy on my

10) Bug fixes and development happen much quicker.

See tonight and the ntpd bug.  The patch was submitted before,
or less than one hour after it hit bugtraq.

11) None of those shitty SVR4 bootscripts and symlinks; no abundance
of pointless runlevels.

rc scripts are centralized and convenient, but this is largely
SA opinion.  RC scripts are extremely easy to update, tweak, IMHO.

13) The FreeBSD base system behaves better than any Linux base system
(e.g., the stuff in /usr/bin and /bin).

Agreed, and it runs very well on old klunker systems are great
w/ FreeBSD (P100's make great bridge firewalls).  A new Linux install,
on the other hand, is typically a monolithic beast that's rather large
(disk and ram).

15) Development is more conservative (e.g., I don't see a bunch of
EXPERIMENTAL warnings in /sys/i386/conf/LINT, like I do in Linux

If you want bleeding, on the other hand, check out -CURRENT,
which gets messages every now and then that run along the lines of
"I'm going to break such and such for a few hours while I apply some
patches, hold on."  At the same time...  I have yet to have a problem
with a morning compile of -CURRENT (I know, I'm lucky).

16) FreeBSD is lighter than Linux.

I'll leave this in.  See #13.

18) Ports.  'ya can't forget them.

19) Kernel configs are cake

20) Multi-staged booting.  You don't need to change your MBR when you
install a new kernel (or want to roll back to a different kernel).  I
think I've only been stuck high and dry w/o a bootable system twice in
four years and well over 400+ servers.

Just my ramblings.  I don't evangelize much, but it strikes me
as odd that some of this info isn't on the homepage of FreeBSD. FWIW -sc

Sean Chittenden

 PGP signature

Re: Should I switch? [was Re: A novel idea....]

2001-04-04 Thread Spike Gronim

On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 05:46:01PM -0700, Jason Victor wrote:
> Wow, thanks alot for all your advice. I just have a
> couple (read: 412) questions about switching to
> FreeBSD (if I should do it.) Please keep in mind that
> I am a hobbyist developer, but am looking to get
> better.
> 1. Can I work on the GNOME project under FreeBSD? Does
> anyone have Ximian GNOME running?

GNOME definitely works, and Ximian should compile.

> 2. Is the FreeBSD project smaller than Debian's? Does
> that mean that a certain individual has more or less
> projects to choose from? Do you guys need lots of
> help?

I'd say they're about the same size.

> 3. Can I compile apps in GTK/GNOME? I don't think gcc
> works in FreeBSD...

GCC definitely works under FreeBSD. You can compile GTK/GNOME apps.

> 4. Can I get involved in the part of FreeBSD involving
> moving it to the home/desktop market? Competing with
> Linux?

Yes, you can. I wouldn't say it competes with Linux, though. Yes, they
fill a similar niche. But, there is also room for both.

> 5. How close is FreeBSD to Linux?

They are both Unix. You've got the same shell, utilities, X, and other
programs (GNOME, Netscape, XMMS, etc.) However, they are developed in slightly
different ways. Linux is developed by users submitting patches to the kernel.
Each distro produces and manages packages differently. FreeBSD is developed by
users submitting patches to both the kernel and the system, as well as by a
group of people who are "committers". These people have direct access to
change the central FreeBSD source repositories. They are directed by a "core"
team. Since the system and kernel are developed by the same group under the
same "jurisdiction" as one could say, some people think that this makes a
better integrated system. Some think it has "less give" and that the less
explicitly controlled kernel/distro setup under Linux is beneficial. It's
really up to you.

The major difference in setting up and administering FreeBSD vs. Linux
is in the package management. The FreeBSD ports and packages provide the same
functionality as apt, dpkg, or rpm, but in a different style. Also, system
upgrades are generally accomplished by "building world", which is to say
re-compiling the entire system and the kernel.

> 6. Is there any logo cooler than the Daemon?

Not in my oppinion ;).

> 7. Why isn't FreeBSD more popular than Linux? You say
> it is so much better!!! How quickly is FreeBSD
> developing?

The easier question first: FreeBSD is developing rather quickly.
Improvements are being made to the kernel SMP infrastructure, the repertoire
of supported devices, the file system, IPv6/IPsec integration, and the VM
system in much the same way that Linux is being devloped in those areas. Why
one is more popular is harder to answer; I really can't.

> 8. Can I work on an apt-get for FreeBSD? Does one
> exist?

The FreeBSD ports collection provides very similar functionality to
apt. Package dependencies, automatic downloads of programs from mirrors, easy
updates to the package listings, etc. are all things that apt and the ports
have in common. If you want to work on FreeBSD's package management systems,
contributions would of course be considered. However, a direct port of apt is
probably not going to happen.

> 9. Can FreeBSD run ALL Linux apps (including source
> tarballs as well as binary installs like
> StarOffice's?)

This is a qualified yes. FreeBSD can run StarOffice, and any other
Linux executable on two conditions. Sometimes new system calls (such as
clone()) are added to Linux, and the FreeBSD Linux ABI (Application Binary
Interface) lags in catching up. Also, you must have Linux versions of any
shared libraries for a Linux binary.

> 10. Which is a better development/home user
> environment? Honestly. Does Glade work?

I honestly think they're equivalent. Glade, GNOME, KDE, etc. are
exactly the same. My desktop runs FreeBSD, my laptop Debian. I'm happy with

> 11. How steep will the learning curve be for a Linux
> user?

Not very steep. The concepts are all the same; the specifics will take
some learning, and real familiarity can only be had with experience.

> 12. What are the reasons big companies like Yahoo! are
> using FreeBSD over Linux.

The reasons generally given are reliability, a better TCP/IP stack, and
better performance under high load. 

> 13. Does anyone think FreeBSD will be popular enough
> to compete with Linux? Windows?

FreeBSD competes with Linux in that they are often used for the same
things. FreeBSD will not push Linux out of the server market, but then again
Linux will not push FreeBSD out either. They coexist relatively peacefully.

As for Windows, I think that Linux has a large popularity edge in
terms of potential desktop users. Nothing is "beating" windows right now, and
I think FreeBSD is developed more for reliability and pe

Re: Should I switch? [was Re: A novel idea....]

2001-04-04 Thread Andrew Hesford

On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 05:46:01PM -0700, Jason Victor wrote:
> Wow, thanks alot for all your advice. I just have a
> couple (read: 412) questions about switching to
> FreeBSD (if I should do it.) Please keep in mind that
> I am a hobbyist developer, but am looking to get
> better.
> 1. Can I work on the GNOME project under FreeBSD? Does
> anyone have Ximian GNOME running?
> 2. Is the FreeBSD project smaller than Debian's? Does
> that mean that a certain individual has more or less
> projects to choose from? Do you guys need lots of
> help?
> 3. Can I compile apps in GTK/GNOME? I don't think gcc
> works in FreeBSD...
> 4. Can I get involved in the part of FreeBSD involving
> moving it to the home/desktop market? Competing with
> Linux?
> 5. How close is FreeBSD to Linux?
> 6. Is there any logo cooler than the Daemon?
> 7. Why isn't FreeBSD more popular than Linux? You say
> it is so much better!!! How quickly is FreeBSD
> developing?
> 8. Can I work on an apt-get for FreeBSD? Does one
> exist?
> 9. Can FreeBSD run ALL Linux apps (including source
> tarballs as well as binary installs like
> StarOffice's?)
> 10. Which is a better development/home user
> environment? Honestly. Does Glade work?
> 11. How steep will the learning curve be for a Linux
> user?
> 12. What are the reasons big companies like Yahoo! are
> using FreeBSD over Linux.
> 13. Does anyone think FreeBSD will be popular enough
> to compete with Linux? Windows?
> Thanks alot to anyone who can answer any of these
> questions!!!
> --Jason

1. GNOME is in the ports, 1.2.. Recently, GNOME announced
official support for FreeBSD, which means the GNOME packages won't be
released until they are guaranteed to run on FreeBSD. If you want 1.2,
get it from the ports, if you want 1.4, grab the tarballs from GNOME

2. I'm not sure about the size of the Debian project. If I'm not
mistaken, there are a couple hundred CVS committers for FreeBSD, who are
regulated by 9 (now elected) core members. Each committer has full
access to the entire FreeBSD repository. If you have patches to submit,
you can give them to a committer. In the ports tree, each port is
maintained by a certain individual.

`3. GCC is the default compiler for FreeBSD. The current included version
is 2.95.2, 2.95.3 should be out in a while (it needs to be certified as
stable enough for FreeBSD -STABLE). Everything I've ever built on my
system has been built with GCC.

4. You can do anything you want to get FreeBSD on the desktop, although
I don't think the mentality is the same here. My impression, and
certainly my opinion, is that it doesn't matter one bit whether or not
FreeBSD is on every desktop. I use it for my 17+ reasons; I don't care
who else uses it. Linux seems to be fighting a market-share war for
religious purposes. Still, because the license FreeBSD is distributed
under is so free (much more so than the GPL), you can even close up
everything, add propriety code, and sell packaged FreeBSD for $1k per
box. Basically, you do what you want with it.

5. Did you ever play Marble Madness for Nintendo? Remember the final
stage? The message on the screen was "Everything you know is wrong."
FreeBSD is like that level... things will seem backwards, almost
counterintuitive. That's because you've wrapped your brain around the
Linux way of doing things (often an ass-backwards way, too). Give it a
few days of patient work, you'll get used to everything. Essentially,
this involves relearning the device names, and figuring out where your
favorite Linux programs are now located. Other things, like compiling
new kernels, updating your system, and configuring the bootscripts, will
need to be learned, too, but they aren't essential to getting a running
test system going.

6. Does there need to be? I personally think the Daemon is a bad-ass
logo, much cooler than a penguin. I mean, what the fuck is a penguin
good for, anyway?

7. FreeBSD is developed very rapidly. Especially if you subscribe to
mailing lists, you can see bugs fixed almost as soon as they are
mentioned. New features are added more conservatively, however. New
stuff is tried out in -CURRENT, where the heavy-duty FreeBSD hackers
make it stable, then merge it into -STABLE. The reason Linux became more
popular than FreeBSD is, as I've read: Linux development is
helter-skelter--anybody can make changes to the system and redistribute
them with ease. As a consequence, a wide range of people worked to
develop the components on your Debian system. This distribution and
encouragement led to confusion, but also popularity. FreeBSD, on the
other hand, is maintained by a fixed group of committers. While you can
still modify your system, it is more difficult to get random changes
into the main code tree. The result is a more structured and sane
development process, with an emphasis on stability rather than untested

8. No you cannot. The analagous process in FreeBSD is to locate the
program you wish to install in the port

Should I switch? [was Re: A novel idea....]

2001-04-04 Thread Jason Victor

Wow, thanks alot for all your advice. I just have a
couple (read: 412) questions about switching to
FreeBSD (if I should do it.) Please keep in mind that
I am a hobbyist developer, but am looking to get

1. Can I work on the GNOME project under FreeBSD? Does
anyone have Ximian GNOME running?
2. Is the FreeBSD project smaller than Debian's? Does
that mean that a certain individual has more or less
projects to choose from? Do you guys need lots of
3. Can I compile apps in GTK/GNOME? I don't think gcc
works in FreeBSD...
4. Can I get involved in the part of FreeBSD involving
moving it to the home/desktop market? Competing with
5. How close is FreeBSD to Linux?
6. Is there any logo cooler than the Daemon?
7. Why isn't FreeBSD more popular than Linux? You say
it is so much better!!! How quickly is FreeBSD
8. Can I work on an apt-get for FreeBSD? Does one
9. Can FreeBSD run ALL Linux apps (including source
tarballs as well as binary installs like
10. Which is a better development/home user
environment? Honestly. Does Glade work?
11. How steep will the learning curve be for a Linux
12. What are the reasons big companies like Yahoo! are
using FreeBSD over Linux.
13. Does anyone think FreeBSD will be popular enough
to compete with Linux? Windows?

Thanks alot to anyone who can answer any of these
--- Andrew Hesford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 05:16:02AM -0700, Jason
> Victor wrote:
> > Hi. I have to have Windows on my computer, and
> will
> > NOT spoil my perfectly tweaked Debian
> installation.
> > What I was wondering was: is there a UMSDOS of
> Phat
> > Linux-type thing for FreeBSD? I think this would
> be an
> > interesting project to undertake. If there isn't
> one,
> > and anyone wants to start it, tell me what a
> > (relatively) newbie C programmer can do. I think
> it
> > would increase migration to FreeBSD from Windows,
> as
> > opposed to ONLY Linux.
> > 
> > And something completely unrelated: do FreeBSD
> > drivers/HOWTOs work on OpenBSD and NetBSD? And
> what
> > are the REAL reasons that you guys prefer FreeBSD
> to
> > Linux?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Jason
> If you ask me, playing around with FreeBSD is sort
> of pointless unless
> you're prepared to trash your Debian install. If
> you're fully content
> with Debian, why bother learning something new?
> There should be an
> incentive to switch, or at least no vested interest
> in losing what you
> have.
> I too came from Debian, and was looking for better
> performance, more
> stability, and a real UNIX. I was willing to switch
> because I had
> nothing to lose by trashing Debian, so I just
> jockeyed partitions
> around. Eventually, I grabbed a copy of GNU Parted,
> to begin resizing
> partitions and such. This is what REALLY made me
> want to switch. Because
> of lousy program design, the GNU tools (fdisk and
> parted, namely)
> trashed my disk. Had intelligent beings created the
> software, I would
> never have had to re-rip 3G of MP3s, and lose
> another 800M of MP3s
> altogether.
> The problem was twofold: first, GNU parted
> dynamically reassigns
> partition labels when deleting partitions. For
> example, if I want to
> delete partitions 5, 6, 7 and 8 but keep partition 9
> on hda, it expects
> me to delete partition 5, 4 times. Because this is a
> moronic way of
> writing software, I tried to delete partitions 5-8.
> However, by the time
> I tried to delete partition 7, the partition I
> wanted to keep (9) was
> reasssigned to partition 7. Hence, I deleted the
> partition I wanted to
> keep (Debian's /usr in this case), and kept
> partitions I didn't want.
> The second problem was with GNU fdisk. You see,
> FreeBSD doesn't care
> where partitions end, as long as it ends on a
> sector. GNU fdisk, on the
> other hand, rounds all partitions up to a cylinder
> boundary. When I
> moved some partitions around with parted, one of
> them didn't start on a
> cylinder boundary. Thus, when I used GNU fdisk to
> create a new partition
> in front of the moved one, the tail end of the new
> partition overwrote
> the first few megabytes of my old one. Nice, eh?k
> That pissed me off, so I didn't bother reinstalling
> Debian. I just
> reinstalled FreeBSD, stealing the entire disk for
> the new operating
> system. I won't use a system controlled by an
> organization and operating
> system that uses software created by morons like the
> parted and fdisk
> maintainers.
> In short, these are the reasons I prefer FreeBSD: 1)
> The filesystem is
> so much better than any linux filesystem, ReiserFS
> included. 2) The
> system isn't made by idiots. 3) The system's
> development is controlled,
> and the system is consistent because of that. 4)
> FreeBSD never trashed
> my data. 5) It's more stable, the VMM system is FAR
> superior, and it
> contains the reference-standard IP stack (even MS
> ripped this off). 6)
> The license isn't a Communist-Hypo

Re: A novel idea....

2001-04-04 Thread Andrew Hesford

On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 05:16:02AM -0700, Jason Victor wrote:
> Hi. I have to have Windows on my computer, and will
> NOT spoil my perfectly tweaked Debian installation.
> What I was wondering was: is there a UMSDOS of Phat
> Linux-type thing for FreeBSD? I think this would be an
> interesting project to undertake. If there isn't one,
> and anyone wants to start it, tell me what a
> (relatively) newbie C programmer can do. I think it
> would increase migration to FreeBSD from Windows, as
> opposed to ONLY Linux.
> And something completely unrelated: do FreeBSD
> drivers/HOWTOs work on OpenBSD and NetBSD? And what
> are the REAL reasons that you guys prefer FreeBSD to
> Linux?
> Thanks,
> Jason

If you ask me, playing around with FreeBSD is sort of pointless unless
you're prepared to trash your Debian install. If you're fully content
with Debian, why bother learning something new? There should be an
incentive to switch, or at least no vested interest in losing what you

I too came from Debian, and was looking for better performance, more
stability, and a real UNIX. I was willing to switch because I had
nothing to lose by trashing Debian, so I just jockeyed partitions
around. Eventually, I grabbed a copy of GNU Parted, to begin resizing
partitions and such. This is what REALLY made me want to switch. Because
of lousy program design, the GNU tools (fdisk and parted, namely)
trashed my disk. Had intelligent beings created the software, I would
never have had to re-rip 3G of MP3s, and lose another 800M of MP3s

The problem was twofold: first, GNU parted dynamically reassigns
partition labels when deleting partitions. For example, if I want to
delete partitions 5, 6, 7 and 8 but keep partition 9 on hda, it expects
me to delete partition 5, 4 times. Because this is a moronic way of
writing software, I tried to delete partitions 5-8. However, by the time
I tried to delete partition 7, the partition I wanted to keep (9) was
reasssigned to partition 7. Hence, I deleted the partition I wanted to
keep (Debian's /usr in this case), and kept partitions I didn't want.

The second problem was with GNU fdisk. You see, FreeBSD doesn't care
where partitions end, as long as it ends on a sector. GNU fdisk, on the
other hand, rounds all partitions up to a cylinder boundary. When I
moved some partitions around with parted, one of them didn't start on a
cylinder boundary. Thus, when I used GNU fdisk to create a new partition
in front of the moved one, the tail end of the new partition overwrote
the first few megabytes of my old one. Nice, eh?k

That pissed me off, so I didn't bother reinstalling Debian. I just
reinstalled FreeBSD, stealing the entire disk for the new operating
system. I won't use a system controlled by an organization and operating
system that uses software created by morons like the parted and fdisk

In short, these are the reasons I prefer FreeBSD: 1) The filesystem is
so much better than any linux filesystem, ReiserFS included. 2) The
system isn't made by idiots. 3) The system's development is controlled,
and the system is consistent because of that. 4) FreeBSD never trashed
my data. 5) It's more stable, the VMM system is FAR superior, and it
contains the reference-standard IP stack (even MS ripped this off). 6)
The license isn't a Communist-Hypocrite license claiming to be "Free"
but really is restrictive. 7) I hate RMS with a passion (remember, he's
the Communist hypocrite who claims his software is Free). 8) For a
firewall, ipfw blows the doors off of Linux's
iptables/ipchains/ipmasq/whatever. 9) I prefer the filesystem hierarchy.
10) Bugfixes and development happen much quicker. 11) None of those
shitty SVR4 bootscripts and symlinks; no abundance of pointless
runlevels. 12) Fxtv is better than xawtv. 13) The FreeBSD base system
behaves better than any Linux base system (e.g., the stuff in /usr/bin
and /bin). 14) Linux ABI implementation gives me the best of both
worlds. 15) Development is more conservative (e.g., I don't see a bunch
of EXPERIMENTAL warnings in /sys/i386/conf/LINT, like I do in Linux
kernels). 16) FreeBSD is lighter than Linux. 17) Separation. People in
the Debian crowd believe that every dpkg should put its files in /usr,
and only self-compiled stuff belongs in /usr/local. I disagree.
/usr/local is for "site-specific" stuff, which doesn't necessarily mean
self-built. To me, GNOME belongs in /usr/local, because it is site
specific, even if it comes in a dpkg. By site-specific, I mean anything
that is subject to change from box to box. Therefore, only the base
system belongs in /usr. With FreeBSD, my programs are divided logically.

There's 17 reasons for you. I'd come up with more, but I'd need to close
this vim session or open up another ssh connection to hunt around for
things I like. Besides, isn't this message too damn long?
Andrew Hesford

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Re: A novel idea....

2001-04-04 Thread Alfred Perlstein

* Jason Victor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010404 11:07] wrote:
> It sounds like a good idea to me. From what I _think_
> I understand, I can make some kind of FreeBSD boot
> floppy, and mount some kind of "virtual partition"
> containing FreeBSD that is simply a file on my Windows
> partition how far off-base am I???

Actually you're right on target.  This is what I suggested.

Just use picobsd, you'll need to have FreeBSD installed, then
you can make your own picoBSD "distro" that contains the
tools you'll need to make the "virtual disk in a file" on
your windows partition.

> If I can do
> this some way, what are some steps that a newbie could
> follow?

Do a full install of FreeBSD.

See the picobsd homepage

Make your own picobsd with the tools needed for a FreeBSD install as
well as vnconfig.

Figure out how to do the virtual partitions using msdos files.

Then make a script that unpacks the install files from
into the virtual partition.  And then customize your system. :)

Daemon News Magazine in your snail-mail!

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Re: A novel idea....

2001-04-04 Thread Jason Victor

It sounds like a good idea to me. From what I _think_
I understand, I can make some kind of FreeBSD boot
floppy, and mount some kind of "virtual partition"
containing FreeBSD that is simply a file on my Windows
partition how far off-base am I??? If I can do
this some way, what are some steps that a newbie could

Thanks alot,
--- Alfred Perlstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * Mike Bristow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010404 08:02]
> wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 07:54:04AM -0700, Alfred
> Perlstein wrote:
> > > 
> > > a) use EXT2 as a backing filesystem
> > > b) use a file in EXT2/msdosfs as a backing node
> for a virtual
> > >device:
> > > 
> > >and create a filesystem in that.
> > 
> > That's a very good idea.  Performance would
> probably suck rocks.
> > OTOH, if you suddenly need to install X and so
> need another 200M,
> > growfs (available in -current only) might enable
> you to grow your
> > backing file, then grow the filesystem.
> or just make another vn and mount it. :)
> -- 
> -Alfred Perlstein -
> Represent yourself, show up at BABUG
> To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of
> the message

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Re: A novel idea....

2001-04-04 Thread Mike Bristow

On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 05:16:02AM -0700, Jason Victor wrote:
> Hi. I have to have Windows on my computer, and will
> NOT spoil my perfectly tweaked Debian installation.
> What I was wondering was: is there a UMSDOS of Phat
> Linux-type thing for FreeBSD? 

Not as far as I know (if UMSDOS of Phat is what I think it is).

> I think this would be an
> interesting project to undertake. If there isn't one,
> and anyone wants to start it, tell me what a
> (relatively) newbie C programmer can do. 

Probably little; the main reason one doesn't exist is the lack of a UMSDOS
type filesystem on FreeBSD.  And it'd (probably) take more than a newbie
C programmer to code up one of those.

> And something completely unrelated: do FreeBSD
> drivers/HOWTOs work on OpenBSD and NetBSD? 

Drivers: Depends; those that do tend to be full of :

#if defined __FreeBSD__
#define do_foo freebsd_do_foo
#elif defined __OpenBSD__
#define do_foo openbsd_do_foo

but as all the BSD's are similar, these are usually relativly small sections.

HOWTOs:  HOWTOs are either, in my experience:

very system specific (you must be running Linux 2.4, or
OpenBSD 2.6, or something) for it to be useful.


very generic (as long as you're reasonably bright, you can read
the HOWTO and apply it to anything vaguly unixey).

How to install it type documents are in the former camp (reading the OpenBSD
install HOWTO ain't gonna help you install Debian); often things like
samba or other applications are in the latter camp.

> And what
> are the REAL reasons that you guys prefer FreeBSD to
> Linux?

It's development model is something approaching sane.

It's a complete OS; rather than a kernel and a bunch of loosly-associated
utilities that a bunch of differnet people have used to create a dozen or 
so OSes from.

Mike Bristow, seebitwopie  

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Re: A novel idea....

2001-04-04 Thread Alfred Perlstein

* Mike Bristow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010404 08:02] wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 07:54:04AM -0700, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> > 
> > a) use EXT2 as a backing filesystem
> > b) use a file in EXT2/msdosfs as a backing node for a virtual
> >device:
> >  
> >and create a filesystem in that.
> That's a very good idea.  Performance would probably suck rocks.
> OTOH, if you suddenly need to install X and so need another 200M,
> growfs (available in -current only) might enable you to grow your
> backing file, then grow the filesystem.

or just make another vn and mount it. :)

Represent yourself, show up at BABUG

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: A novel idea....

2001-04-04 Thread Mike Bristow

On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 07:54:04AM -0700, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> a) use EXT2 as a backing filesystem
> b) use a file in EXT2/msdosfs as a backing node for a virtual
>and create a filesystem in that.

That's a very good idea.  Performance would probably suck rocks.
OTOH, if you suddenly need to install X and so need another 200M,
growfs (available in -current only) might enable you to grow your
backing file, then grow the filesystem.

Mike Bristow, seebitwopie  

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: A novel idea....

2001-04-04 Thread Alfred Perlstein

* Jason Victor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010404 05:17] wrote:
> Hi. I have to have Windows on my computer, and will
> NOT spoil my perfectly tweaked Debian installation.
> What I was wondering was: is there a UMSDOS of Phat
> Linux-type thing for FreeBSD? I think this would be an
> interesting project to undertake. If there isn't one,
> and anyone wants to start it, tell me what a
> (relatively) newbie C programmer can do. I think it
> would increase migration to FreeBSD from Windows, as
> opposed to ONLY Linux.

You can take a look at picoBSD:

Since FreeBSD can mount linux/msdos disks, what you can do is

a) use EXT2 as a backing filesystem
b) use a file in EXT2/msdosfs as a backing node for a virtual
   and create a filesystem in that.

> And something completely unrelated: do FreeBSD
> drivers/HOWTOs work on OpenBSD and NetBSD? 

Drivers, not really, HOWTOs depends on the howto, most Linux howtos
which are really samba/mgetty/vi/apache howtos work on FreeBSD. :)

> And what
> are the REAL reasons that you guys prefer FreeBSD to
> Linux?

I like FreeBSD because I get to fix the problems I come across
rather than having to submit it along with massive companies like
SGI where I fear getting lost in the noise.

Daemon News Magazine in your snail-mail!

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A novel idea....

2001-04-04 Thread Jason Victor

Hi. I have to have Windows on my computer, and will
NOT spoil my perfectly tweaked Debian installation.
What I was wondering was: is there a UMSDOS of Phat
Linux-type thing for FreeBSD? I think this would be an
interesting project to undertake. If there isn't one,
and anyone wants to start it, tell me what a
(relatively) newbie C programmer can do. I think it
would increase migration to FreeBSD from Windows, as
opposed to ONLY Linux.

And something completely unrelated: do FreeBSD
drivers/HOWTOs work on OpenBSD and NetBSD? And what
are the REAL reasons that you guys prefer FreeBSD to


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