Re: Downloads appear broked...but work...keep hitting "reload"...

2001-07-27 Thread Jim Bryant

Terry Lambert wrote:
> Jim Bryant wrote:
> > Everybody and their dog must be downloading this.  If you keep
> > getting the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError, just keep hitting
> > "reload"...  I was just about to give up when it finally worked for me.
> Gee, garbage collection is special.  I'm going to run right
> out and use Java in my next embedded system!
> -- Terry

Yeah, I couldn't understand why it wasn't just a HTTP or FTP download like on the 
community source page.  Hell, I didn't even have
to enter my username and password.  Is Sun slacking or something?  Note that the other 
stuff was via HTTP download, on the same

On the other hand, Java has it's uses...  Coulda been MIX for all I'm concerned.  
Ideally, Java can run on near anything with no
source or object code modifications.  MIX, Java, whatever...  The point is that it's a 
universal language, if there ever was such a
beast.  But then again, ever read the 100% pure manual?  Kinda hard to do anything 
REALLY serious in 100% pure Java.

IMHO, universal appeal was lost when Java gained arbitrary filesystem access.  They 
could have saved it from that loss of
practicality by implementing some sort of canned scratchpad storage, that would allow 
a storage object, yet without arbitrary
filesystem access without explicit grants [CDC Cyber NOS/BE comes to mind as an ideal 
on this, and would be easily implemented]. 
The arbitrary filesystem access is the real killer when it comes to Java.  To me, GC 
is a secondary issue.

I'm not even going to go into the issues of the ability to run external system 
binaries from within Java.  Count that as yet another
primary issue.

All this is a moot point anyhow...  We is stuck with it.

PicoBSD works well for embedded systems tho, I've done that :^)  CompactFlash and a 
Simm...  Look Ma!  No spinning wheels!

ET has one helluva sense of humor!
He's always anal-probing right-wing schizos!

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Re: Downloads appear broked...but work...keep hitting "reload"...

2001-07-26 Thread Terry Lambert

Jim Bryant wrote:
> Everybody and their dog must be downloading this.  If you keep
> getting the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError, just keep hitting
> "reload"...  I was just about to give up when it finally worked for me.

Gee, garbage collection is special.  I'm going to run right
out and use Java in my next embedded system!

-- Terry

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Downloads appear broked...but work...keep hitting "reload"...

2001-07-25 Thread Jim Bryant

Jim Bryant wrote:
> Ron Chen wrote:
> >
> > Sun Grid Engine goes opensource. See SGE home page:
> >
> >
> >
> > -Ron
> Sun Works with CollabNet to Continue its Strong Support of Open Computing and 
>Encourage Adoption of Powerful Grid Computing Model
> SAN DIEGO, CA -- O'REILLY OPEN SOURCE CONVENTION -- July 23, 2001 -- Reaffirming its 
>commitment to the open source movement, Sun
> Microsystems, Inc. (NASDAQ: SUNW) announced today the Sun Grid Engine Project, an 
>initiative to offer the source code for Sun[tm]
> Grid Engine software to users and the developer community. Sun Grid Engine software 
>is an advanced distributed resource management
> (DRM) tool. It has been available as a free download at 
> since its introduction in September 2000.
> A leader in the open source community, Sun will add this project's half million 
>lines of code to its total of more than 8 million
> lines of code already contributed to open source efforts. Sun is coordinating this 
>worldwide project with CollabNet, a leading
> provider of collaborative software development solutions based on open source 
>concepts, in making the code available for download at
> The project is designed to further remove the cost and implementation barriers 
>associated with deploying DRM software in a compute
> farm. Additionally, both open source users and Sun Grid Engine software customers 
>should benefit from this open source project
> through enhanced industry support. For example, service and support providers should 
>be able to customize the powerful software for
> specific customer needs, and software developers should be able to reduce complexity 
>for end users by creating applications that are
> tightly integrated with Sun Grid Engine software. Over time, the open source effort 
>should facilitate the adoption of open standards
> for DRM software, facilitating interoperability with applications and easing 
> "As cluster computing scales up towards grid computing, tools like Sun Grid Engine 
>software will become ubiquitous and essential,"
> said Tim O'Reilly, founder and CEO of technology information firm O'Reilly & 
>Associates. "Computing is moving towards the
> development of what you might call an Internet operating system. Sun recognizes that 
>key components of that operating system
> shouldn't be controlled by any one company, and they're putting their money where 
>their mouth is by releasing it as open source."
> "Sun will continue to deliver products that support our core philosophy that the 
>network is the computer," said Robbie Turner, vice
> president of Client and Technical Market Products at Sun Microsystems. "Sun is 
>encouraging the grid computing model via free
> downloads of Sun Grid Engine software--and now by making its code available to the 
>open source community--because the productivity
> gains of the grid computing model will increasingly serve as a decisive factor in a 
>business's ultimate success or failure."
> CollabNet is providing the Web infrastructure and comprehensive development platform 
>that enables geographically dispersed groups of
> developers to collaborate on Grid Engine projects. Based on CollabNet's SourceCast 
>environment, this platform includes tools for
> revision control, issue tracking, mailing list creation and management, and 
>Web-based administration. This open source project
> follows on the heels of the successful initiative--also supported by 
>CollabNet--which made available the source code
> for Sun's StarOffice[tm] software under the same industry-accepted Sun Industry 
>Standards Source License. Full details of Sun's
> involvement with open source projects can be seen at
> "The Grid Engine Project continues to demonstrate Sun's true leadership within the 
>open source community," said Brian Behlendorf,
> co-founder and CTO of CollabNet. "CollabNet is delighted to be working with Sun on 
>yet more compelling open source software. Sun's
> decision to open this previously proprietary software demonstrates its understanding 
>of the technical community's fundamental need
> and interest in scalable DRM technology."
> Delivering Network-Wide Compute Power to the Desktop
> Sun Grid Engine software was introduced in September 2000 as the first product 
>resulting from Sun's acquisition of Gridware,
> formerly a privately-owned commercial vendor of advanced DRM software tools. Since 
>then, the software has been downloaded nearly
> 8,000 times in more than 90 countries. A comprehensive web-based training course for 
>installing and managing the software is also
> available at no cost at By distributing Sun Grid