Re: Van Jacobson's network stack restructure

2006-11-29 Thread Bruce R. Montague

Hi, Frank. re:
  Who's calling? :-)

The original email to which you link above occurred
in a discussion regarding the performance, architecture,
evolution (or somesuch) of the FreeBSD network stack.
The FreeBSD network stack is arguably about the most
direct descendent of the TCP/IP stack that was done
(forked from a BBN stack, I guess) at UC Berkeley.
One reason the UCB (and FreeBSD) stack is of interest
is because it essentially became the reference
implementation for the modern TCP/IPv4 implementation.

In university networking classes, noting that the
first TCP link outside of a single lab was between
Stanford and London (and thus that the Internet
has always been International) makes a good story.
Unfortunately it is hard to answer the invariable
follow-up questions. I found very little info
available the last time I looked (a few years ago).
But maybe I missed the obvious.

Did you do the UCL PDP-9 implementation on the first
link?  Was it a stand-alone program? What did it do?
Kind of a ping?  A test or performance program to
debug things? What was the network device like?
Did this program evolve, or was the PDP-9 just too

Was your TCP written in Babbage? Was Babbage an
assembler or a structured assembly language with
control flow and expressions? Is there any published
doc on this language (or programming environment)?
How did you work with the Stanford folks? Was the
work with the protocol done to a wire spec, or did
you look at their implementation? Did you work with
their BCPL version of TCP, or hand-port BCPL to Babbage
assembly code? etc. etc...

Was anything written up and published? Where? (I did
try to contact UCL, to no avail.) Alas, all to often
today if it's not electronically indexed it's as if
it didn't exist. Was this info classified at the
time? (I saw somewhere that the big push for a
portable standard digital network link to Britain
was that Norway happened to have an existing
seismic-monitoring network close to a particularly
interesting Arctic test site... is this true?)

Sorry to go on at length with so many questions.
There was some nice information about a new study
of the Antikythera mechanism today, surely the
mysterious PDP-9 and it's Babbage programming
environment can yield a few clues! :)

Please correct me anyone if I've got something wrong.

 - bruce
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Van Jacobson's network stack restructure

2006-11-28 Thread Frank Deignan
Who's calling? :-)
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Re: Van Jacobson's network stack restructure

2006-11-28 Thread Julian Elischer

Frank Deignan wrote:
Who's calling? :-)

using the everyone knows someone who is closer to the answer than they 
are theory, I suggest we forward it to Kirk to forward to Van or Mike.. :-)

(CC'd to Kirk (I think I remember the address))

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Re: Van Jacobson's network stack restructure

2006-02-01 Thread Andre Oppermann

Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:

Last week, at the in Dunedin, Van Jacobson presented
some slides about work he has been doing rearchitecting the Linux
network stack.  He claims to have reduced the CPU usage by 80% and
doubled network throughput (he expects more, but it was limited by
memory bandwidth).  The approach looks like it would work on FreeBSD
as well.  I spoke to him and he confirmed.

He's currently trying to get the code released as open source, but in
the meantime his slides are up on  Yes, this is my web
site.  The conference organizers are going to put it up on their web
site soon, but in the meantime he's asked me to put it were I can.


It's an interesting approach.  However there are a few caveats which
put its probable overall performance on par or again with the traditional
sockets approach.

In his model the buffer (window) resides within user space and is shared
with the kernel.  This is very losely related to our zero-copy page flipping
socket buffer.  However this doesn't solve the problem of socket buffer
memory overcommit.  In fact with his model memory actually in use at any
given point in time may be a lot more than the always fully committed socket
buffer (in userland share with kernel) plus a number of outstanding packets
waiting in the socket queue.  The shared user/kernel socket buffer should
not be paged out and thus must stay resident.  With a large numbers of
connections on a machine this gets inefficient because all buffer memory
is always committed and not just when it is needed.  Memory overcommit
goes away.

Processing the TCP segments on the same CPU as the userland resides (provided
it doesn't migrate [too often]) is certainly beneficial and something we are
looking at for some time already.  However we are not there yet and have still
some work on the TCP stack to do for this to become a reality.

Processing the TCP segments within the process CPU quantum and only when it
gets selected by the scheduler is a very interesting idea.  It has a couple
of true advantages and theoretical disadvantages.  On the good side it accounts
the work in the TCP stack to the process, aggregates processing all segments
that arrived between process runs and keeps good cpu/cache locality.  On the
potential negative side it increases segment latency and has to maintain not
only the socket buffer but also another unprocessed-packet buffer.  The packet
buffer has to be limited or we open ourselfs up to memory exhaustion attacks.
When many packets for a connection arrive and the process doesn't get scheduled
quickly enough we may get packet loss because packet queue overflows.  This can
be dealt with in relatively good ways though.

Summary: Some gems in there and we are certainly looking at a couple of those
ideas to adapt to our network stack in the future.

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Re: Van Jacobson's network stack restructure

2006-02-01 Thread Aniruddha Bohra

Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:

Last week, at the in Dunedin, Van Jacobson presented
some slides about work he has been doing rearchitecting the Linux
network stack.  He claims to have reduced the CPU usage by 80% and
doubled network throughput (he expects more, but it was limited by
memory bandwidth).  The approach looks like it would work on FreeBSD
as well.  I spoke to him and he confirmed.


The approach there is very similar to Lazy Receiver Processing. More 
details are

available here :

Maybe people want to look at that as well.


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Re: Van Jacobson's network stack restructure

2006-02-01 Thread Bruce R. Montague

Hi, hope this isn't too off-topic, but it's a 
reasonably hackery follow-up re a minor historical
question instigated by Van Jacobson's Slide 6, which
contains the following point: First TCP/IP stack
done on Multics (1980)

Presumably this means the first version of the
specific TCP/IP stack with the architecture that
evolved/forked/more-or-less-directly-was-reimplmented to
become the BSD kernel-resident TCP/IP stack.

  1. Was this first Multics stack written in PL/1?

Based on literature/web, etc., the very first
implementaton of TCP was a 24 Kbyte BCPL program
written by Richard Karp at Stanford for the ELF
operating system (this was in Cerf's lab). In 1975
the first test of TCP outside a single lab occured
when a link was established between this stack and
a TCP program of some sort written in Babbage by
Frank Deignan on a very small PDP-9 at University
College London. BBN did a 3rd independent BCPL
implementation of TCP under (user-level) TENEX.  All
3 TCP stacks first inter-operated in 1977. TCP was
split into TCP and IP in 1979. The sliding window   
protocol comes from Pouzin's Cyclades system (which
became operational in France sometime between
1972-1974; Cerf and Kahn acknowledged the influence   
of Cyclades on TCP); Pouzin had worked at MIT on
CTSS and coined the term shell. 

 2. Was the Multics stack based on one of the BCPL

 3. Does anyone know anything about the UCL Babbage
TCP implmentation, or anything about the Babbage 
language?  (I assume it was a structured assembly
language, similar to PL/360 or SUPMAC).

4. Does anyone know anything about Frank Deignan?
Just curious, have tried to find out information
about this for awhile. Thanks in advance if you
know anything relating to any of this.

 - bruce

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Van Jacobson's network stack restructure

2006-01-31 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
Last week, at the in Dunedin, Van Jacobson presented
some slides about work he has been doing rearchitecting the Linux
network stack.  He claims to have reduced the CPU usage by 80% and
doubled network throughput (he expects more, but it was limited by
memory bandwidth).  The approach looks like it would work on FreeBSD
as well.  I spoke to him and he confirmed.

He's currently trying to get the code released as open source, but in
the meantime his slides are up on  Yes, this is my web
site.  The conference organizers are going to put it up on their web
site soon, but in the meantime he's asked me to put it were I can.


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Re: Van Jacobson's network stack restructure

2006-01-31 Thread John-Mark Gurney
Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote this message on Wed, Feb 01, 2006 at 11:50 +1030:
 Last week, at the in Dunedin, Van Jacobson presented
 some slides about work he has been doing rearchitecting the Linux
 network stack.  He claims to have reduced the CPU usage by 80% and
 doubled network throughput (he expects more, but it was limited by
 memory bandwidth).  The approach looks like it would work on FreeBSD
 as well.  I spoke to him and he confirmed.
 He's currently trying to get the code released as open source, but in
 the meantime his slides are up on  Yes, this is my web
 site.  The conference organizers are going to put it up on their web
 site soon, but in the meantime he's asked me to put it were I can.

I must say that the idea of requiring the userland to provide receive
buffers before you can open up a window is a cool idea...  This means
that instead of the normal failure mode of a box that can't handle all
the data it's receiving because of lack of cpu processing, the kernel
buffers won't fill up..  only the allocated userland buffers will..

This also has interesting possibilities for smarter ethernet cards
where the card can dump it directly into the userland buffer w/o having
to do the special page flipping thing we can do now...

definately some interesting ideas...

  John-Mark Gurney  Voice: +1 415 225 5579

 All that I will do, has been done, All that I have, has not.
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