I did try without success to ask some aspect of this on the questions list, but I'm farther along with this anyway.

I have an apache22 server setup with webdav for a subversion server. That is working well (I think, anyway), and I'm able access it from a Winblows XP vm I use for various testing and so forth. I'm still trying to resolve some issues with Windows7, but it appears to work in the apache logs.

Apache/webdav is setup with ssl and digest auth - no access unless auth'd. Locking appears to be working as well according to logs and cadaver.

libreoffice won't build with java, and doesn't appear to like direct webdav access- certificate issues. But that dog won't hunt anyway due to the minimal user friendliness (if that is actually a term). Even with locking disabled the issue remains.

wdfs is what is intended to use for general access (I'm open to suggestion though), and I have tried non-threaded operation, locking modes, no locking, and foreground operation. Without locking, the office's complain about io errors.

Using the foreground operation of wdfs and the logs, I can see wdfs lock the file and retrieve it and attempt to lock it again. This errors badly obviously, and wdfs tells office's to come back with read only options.

Quite frankly I need a little help on where to go from here. I'm trying to figure out what I'm missing exactly. ATM my best guess would be an issue with wdfs, but there isn't much on the google about it.

Any thoughts?
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