I made another step towards getting build working on FreeBSD:

+ dotnet new; dotnet restore; dotnet run -> works on FreebSD.
- I still have some issue using that dotnet cli for a full build.

Running unit tests on FreeBSD still needs some work.
Hopefully that should be resolved shortly and outcome from unit test can paint 
clearer map of the gap.
I have few PRs to push my private changes to master.

At this point, I’m looking for help with specific issues.

For example:
GetExePath in corefx/System.Diagnostics.Process

I have simple hack using readlink(“/proc/curproc/file”)
I think better implantation should not depend on mounted /proc
Also, I only fix only one function msbuild was failing on.
This may not be interesting for normal apps, but I think it is important for 
various tools to work properly.

I’m also looking for takers for file watchers. There has been some chatter in 
the past.
We may always throw – not-supported-by-platform but somebody may have insight 
if the landscape improved since last year.

Whoever is working on whatever: please tag everything with os-freebsd.
That will make it easier for everybody to track what is going on.

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