Re: +CONTENTS files

2007-07-02 Thread [LoN]Kamikaze
Garrett Cooper wrote:
 Pardon me for being naive, but wouldn't it be wiser for all of the data
 in the +CONTENTS file to be aggregated into sections instead of having
 line by line info?
 Example (net/samba_3.0.25a):
 @comment MD5:9e94560ac5e757d3bc5f922dcf3ab4fb
 [~100 lines of repetitive data...]
 @comment MD5:9f5fc8df2a1383a175e165ef2e0b10cc
Could be aggregated into:
 9e94560ac5e757d3bc5f922dcf3ab4fb man/man1/log2pcap.1.gz
 c58f068d603a12d4af867c15cf77e636 man/man1/nmblookup.1.gz
 @end MD5
or something similar to XML.
This would reduce the filesize from n bytes to n - (9 + 4 -1) *
 i_entries + 8. In larger package files this would reduce the amount of
 data parsing by a long shot. Also, more powerful scripting languages
 like Perl, Python, or smart parsers in C could make short work of this
 data and just extract the MD5 elements for comparison.
Also, by doing a little extra work when creating packages by
 organizing all the sections together, I think that the file size could
 be reduced by a large degree.
Similar fields to @comment MD5 could be reduced I believe, but with
 less benefit maybe, other than just the @unexec rmdir, etc lines.
Either that, or the data should be organized into separate files I
 think (increases number of files, but reduces overall processing time IMO).

In some cases the order of data stored is important and thus it cannot be
seperated into section. Also, this layout allows for very simple parsing with
usual UNIX tools (sed, cut, awk, perl, simply everything). Unlike XML, which is
rather complex and thus does not belong into base, in my opinion.
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Re: +CONTENTS files

2007-07-02 Thread Garrett Cooper

[LoN]Kamikaze wrote:

Garrett Cooper wrote:

Pardon me for being naive, but wouldn't it be wiser for all of the data
in the +CONTENTS file to be aggregated into sections instead of having
line by line info?

Example (net/samba_3.0.25a):

@comment MD5:9e94560ac5e757d3bc5f922dcf3ab4fb
[~100 lines of repetitive data...]
@comment MD5:9f5fc8df2a1383a175e165ef2e0b10cc

   Could be aggregated into:

9e94560ac5e757d3bc5f922dcf3ab4fb man/man1/log2pcap.1.gz
c58f068d603a12d4af867c15cf77e636 man/man1/nmblookup.1.gz
@end MD5

   or something similar to XML.

   This would reduce the filesize from n bytes to n - (9 + 4 -1) *
i_entries + 8. In larger package files this would reduce the amount of
data parsing by a long shot. Also, more powerful scripting languages
like Perl, Python, or smart parsers in C could make short work of this
data and just extract the MD5 elements for comparison.

   Also, by doing a little extra work when creating packages by
organizing all the sections together, I think that the file size could
be reduced by a large degree.

   Similar fields to @comment MD5 could be reduced I believe, but with
less benefit maybe, other than just the @unexec rmdir, etc lines.

   Either that, or the data should be organized into separate files I
think (increases number of files, but reduces overall processing time IMO).


In some cases the order of data stored is important and thus it cannot be
seperated into section. Also, this layout allows for very simple parsing with
usual UNIX tools (sed, cut, awk, perl, simply everything). Unlike XML, which is
rather complex and thus does not belong into base, in my opinion.

   I didn't say XML exactly. I say XML-like, with implied end and begin 
tags, but keeping with the Makefile like syntax of @MD5 ... @end MD5, or 
something similar.

   The only plus I can see is from cut, but I would think that sed, 
awk, and perl would work much better with a revised format..

   My point being is that the +CONTENTS file is bloated a lot by 
useless lines, and it would help speed up package processing if it was 
clipped or reduced somehow I would think.

   Plus, expat's MIT license, which I believe is compatible with the 
BSD license (or more compatible than the GPL variants). The only 
difference that stands out on the MIT license from what I can tell is 
paragraph 3 in the BSD license isn't present.

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FreeBSD Port: torrentflux-2.0.b1 update request

2007-07-02 Thread mmo

Is it possible to request an update on the port of torrentflux-2.0.b1.
Due to the security warning from portaudit on the current version of
torrentflux I've noticed that this port has a very old version.

Best regards
//Magnus Moldin
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Soporte En Linea Netkey Banamex

2007-07-02 Thread Soporte Linea Banamex

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   [3][logo_browser.gif] ESTIMADO CLIENTE BANAMEX

   Banamex Le Informa: Estimado Cliente debido a los diferentes métodos
   de extracción de datos y herramientas fraudulentas utilizadas y
   actualizadas día con día en la red por piratas informáticos, le
   informamos a nuestros clientes que utilizan como método de acceso a
   sus cuentas Alfanuméricas el servicio de BancaNet que nuestra
   institución jamás pedirá Sincronizar su NetKey.

   Como nueva medida preventiva gracias al apoyo de nuestro diseñadores
   del Sistema de Seguridad dinámico denominado: NetKey hemos
   actualizado el Software de Identificación Dinámica que ocupa el mismo
   para poder evitar la manipulación propia del usuario o terceros hacia
   el equipo (NetKey).

   Para que su equipo cuente con esta medida de seguridad en Línea es
   necesario dar seguimiento al reporte generado hacia nuestros clientes
   para cubrir con la actualización del mismo. Haciendo clic en los
   siguientes enlaces pertenecientes a su tipo de cuenta manejada :

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FreeBSD ports that you maintain which are currently marked broken

2007-07-02 Thread linimon
Dear FreeBSD port maintainer:

As part of an ongoing effort to reduce the number of problems in the
FreeBSD ports system, we are attempting to notify maintainers of
ports that are marked as broken in their Makefiles.  In many cases
these ports are failing to compile on some subset of the FreeBSD
build environments.  The most common problem is that recent versions
of -CURRENT include gcc3.4, which is much stricter about such things
as function declarations, literal strings constants that continue
over several physical lines, and forcing the deprecation of antique
header files such as varargs.h (we should now be using stdargs.h).

The next most common problem is that compiles succeed on the i386
architecture (e.g. the common Intel PC), but fail on one or more of
the other architectures due to assumptions about things such as size
of various types, byte-alignment issues, and so forth.

In occasional cases we see that the same port may have different
errors in different build environments.  The script that runs on the
build cluster uses heuristics to try to 'guess' the error type to
help you isolate problems, but it is only a rough guide.

If you need help in one or more build environments that you do not
have access to, please ask for help on the freebsd-ports mailing

One more note: on occasion, there are transient build errors seen
on the build farm.  Unfortunately, there is not yet any way for this
algorithm to tell the difference (humans are much, much better at
this kind of thing.)

The errors are listed below.  In the case where the same
problem exists on more than one build environment, the URL points
to the latest errorlog for that type.  (By 'build environment'
here we mean 'combination of 4.x/5.x/6.x with target architecture'.)

(Note: the dates are included to help you to gauge whether or not
the error still applies to the latest version.  The program
that generates this report is not yet able to determine this

portname:   benchmarks/postmark
broken because: Checksum mismatch
build errors:   none.

portname:   chinese/xemacs
broken because: Does not build even with fix for -lxpg4
build errors:
 (Jun  4 16:46:44 UTC 2007)
 (Jun 28 21:04:30 UTC 2007)

portname:   databases/mysql-query-browser
broken because: Does not compile
build errors:   none.

portname:   ftp/junglemonkey
broken because: Does not build
build errors:   none.

portname:   games/hlserver-cs
broken because: Incomplete fetch instructions
build errors:   none.

portname:   games/hlserver-dod
broken because: Incomplete fetch instructions
build errors:   none.

portname:   japanese/lynx
broken because: Leaves behind config file on deinstall
build errors:   none.

portname:   multimedia/ogmrip
broken because: Incomplete pkg-plist
build errors:
 (Mar 17 22:43:41 UTC 2007)
 (Jan 15 22:09:58 UTC 2007)

portname:   print/bjfilter360
broken because: Incomplete pkg-plist
build errors:   none.

portname:   print/bjfilter850
broken because: Incomplete pkg-plist
build errors:   none.

portname:   print/bjfilter850ug
broken because: Incomplete pkg-plist
build errors:   none.

portname:   print/bjfilter860
broken because: Incomplete pkg-plist
build errors:   none.


FreeBSD ports which are currently scheduled for deletion

2007-07-02 Thread linimon
As part of an ongoing effort to reduce the number of problems in
the FreeBSD ports system, we periodically schedule removal of ports
that have been judged to have outlived their usefulness.  Often,
this is due to a better alternative having become available and/or
the cessation of development on the existing port.  In some cases,
ports are marked for removal because they fail to build and install
correctly from their sources, or otherwise fail in operation.

The ports, and the reason and date that they have been scheduled
for removal, are listed below.  If no one has stepped forward before
that time to propose a way to fix the problems, the ports will be

The goal of this posting is to make this process much more visible
to the wider FreeBSD community.

portname:   comms/ixj
description:Driver for Quicknet Internet PhoneJack and LineJack.
Used by OpenH323
maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
status: IGNORE
deprecated because: does not work on any supported FreeBSD version
expiration date:2007-07-29
build errors:   none.

portname:   databases/p5-DBD-File
description:Base class for writing DBI drivers for plain files
maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
status: IGNORE
deprecated because: Only usable on 4.x
expiration date:2007-06-30
build errors:   none.

portname:   databases/p5-DBD-RAM
description:DBI driver for files and data structures
maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
deprecated because: Only works on 4.x
expiration date:2007-07-30
build errors:   none.

portname:   databases/p5-DBI-137
description:The perl5 Database Interface.  Required for DBD::*
maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
deprecated because: Use databases/p5-DBI instead
expiration date:2007-04-22
build errors:   none.

portname:   databases/pgbash
description:SQL Bash Shell for PostgreSQL
maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
deprecated because: Last release in 2003, relies on outdated Postgre 7.3
and bash 2.05a
expiration date:2007-09-15
build errors:
 (Jun 23 22:08:19 UTC 2007)

portname:   devel/hs-green-card
description:A foreign function interface preprocessor for Haskell
maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
status: BROKEN
deprecated because: Does not build with latest GHC
expiration date:2007-09-01
build errors:   none.

portname:   devel/hs-hpl
description:Haskell Ports Library provides ports in Haskell
maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
status: BROKEN
deprecated because: Does not build with latest GHC
expiration date:2007-09-01
build errors:   none.

portname:   devel/p5-Getopt-Mixed
description:Perl module for processing of both short and long
command line options
maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
deprecated because: Use devel/p5-Getopt-Long instead
expiration date:2007-04-23
build errors:   none.

portname:   devel/qextmdi
description:Qt extension for creating SDI/MDI user interfaces
maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
deprecated because: is unfetchable, website disappeared
expiration date:2007-03-19
build errors:   none.

portname:   devel/rx
description:Replacement for the GNU regex library
maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
status: BROKEN
deprecated because: has been decommissioned and is no longer developed
expiration date:2007-07-09
build errors:   none.

portname:   editors/flim113
description:FLIM, message representation or encoding emacs lisp
library for emacs21
maintainer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
deprecated because: distfile disappeared
expiration date:2007-01-21
build errors:   none.

FreeBSD ports that you maintain which are currently marked forbidden

2007-07-02 Thread linimon
Dear FreeBSD port maintainer:

As part of an ongoing effort to reduce the number of problems in the
FreeBSD ports system, we are attempting to notify maintainers of
ports that are marked as forbidden in their Makefiles.  Often,
these ports are so marked due to security concerns, such as known

An overview of the port, including errors seen on the build farm, is
included below.

portname:   graphics/xpcd
forbidden because:  is an abandoned project and might be vulnerable
build errors:
 (Jun 24 04:44:02 UTC 2007)

portname:   misc/compat3x
forbidden because:  FreeBSD-SA-03:05.xdr, FreeBSD-SA-03:08.realpath  - not
fixed / no lib available
build errors:   none.

portname:   sysutils/eject
forbidden because:  Setuid root and has security issues
build errors:   none.

If this problem is one that you are already aware of, please accept
our apologies and ignore this message.  On the other hand, if you no
longer wish to maintain this port (or ports), please reply with a
message stating that, and accept our thanks for your efforts in the

Thanks for your efforts to help improve FreeBSD.
___ mailing list
To unsubscribe, send any mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: +CONTENTS files

2007-07-02 Thread Alexander Leidinger
Quoting Garrett Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] (from Mon, 02 Jul  
2007 00:55:25 -0700):

[LoN]Kamikaze wrote:

Garrett Cooper wrote:

Pardon me for being naive, but wouldn't it be wiser for all of the data
in the +CONTENTS file to be aggregated into sections instead of having
line by line info?

Example (net/samba_3.0.25a):

@comment MD5:9e94560ac5e757d3bc5f922dcf3ab4fb
[~100 lines of repetitive data...]
@comment MD5:9f5fc8df2a1383a175e165ef2e0b10cc

  Could be aggregated into:

9e94560ac5e757d3bc5f922dcf3ab4fb man/man1/log2pcap.1.gz
c58f068d603a12d4af867c15cf77e636 man/man1/nmblookup.1.gz
@end MD5

  or something similar to XML.

  This would reduce the filesize from n bytes to n - (9 + 4 -1) *
i_entries + 8. In larger package files this would reduce the amount of
data parsing by a long shot. Also, more powerful scripting languages
like Perl, Python, or smart parsers in C could make short work of this
data and just extract the MD5 elements for comparison.

  Also, by doing a little extra work when creating packages by
organizing all the sections together, I think that the file size could
be reduced by a large degree.

  Similar fields to @comment MD5 could be reduced I believe, but with
less benefit maybe, other than just the @unexec rmdir, etc lines.

  Either that, or the data should be organized into separate files I
think (increases number of files, but reduces overall processing time IMO).

In some cases the order of data stored is important and thus it cannot be
seperated into section. Also, this layout allows for very simple   
parsing with
usual UNIX tools (sed, cut, awk, perl, simply everything). Unlike   
XML, which is

rather complex and thus does not belong into base, in my opinion.

We have libbsdxml in the base already (an old version of one in the ports).

   I didn't say XML exactly. I say XML-like, with implied end and begin
tags, but keeping with the Makefile like syntax of @MD5 ... @end MD5,
or something similar.

The problem is, that a change would break existing installations, as  
they can not cope with such a new format. Feel free to propose  
improvements, but you need to keep in your mind, that any supported  
FreeBSD release has to be able to install packages with only the  
package tools available in the basesystem.

   My point being is that the +CONTENTS file is bloated a lot by
useless lines, and it would help speed up package processing if it was
clipped or reduced somehow I would think.

You need to provide numbers. Without them this is pure speculation.

And you have to explain, why the current parsing routines can not be  
speed up for the current format, maybe the implementation is just a  
little bit outdated compared to todays parsing knowledge...


Life is a grand adventure -- or it is nothing.
-- Helen Keller

http://www.Leidinger.netAlexander @ PGP ID = B0063FE7   netchild @  : PGP ID = 72077137
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Re: net/tightvnc missing dependencies?

2007-07-02 Thread Momchil Ivanov
On Monday 02 July 2007 07:23:34 Ion-Mihai Tetcu wrote:
 On Sun, 01 Jul 2007 20:32:19 -0700

 Garrett Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Momchil Ivanov wrote:
   I have just installed net/tightvnc and when starting the vncserver
   it complains about missing xauth:
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~$ vncserver -geometry 800x600
   vncserver: couldn't find xauth on your PATH.
   I`ve manually installed x11/xauth in order to get the server
   started. Is it a missing dependency or is it supposed to be like
   this? Should it depend on x11-fonts/xorg-fonts too (or at least one
   of the font ports), because the server won`t start without at least
   the fixed font? I`ve installed that manually too.
  Try to symlink /usr/local to /usr/X11R6. I bet that's the problem.

 I didn't found this problem on my 7.2 Xorg installed from scratch, but
 his have been reported to me before. I'm still trying to find a machine
 on which I can do a clean install and find out what it's really missing.

 If the the symlink helps please let me know.

This was a clean install. I`m building my mp3 box on that computer: started 
with clean install of 6.2, cvsuped to stable, cvsuped ports, and then 
installed the tightvnc port (I didn`t install the x11/xorg meta port) and 
tried to start it. Then it said that it cannot find xauth, so I installed it, 
then it complained about the fixed font, so I`v just installed the meta 
xorg-fonts port to make life easier :) and I have the symlink, one of the 
ports that tightvnc depends on created it.

PGP KeyID: 0x3118168B
Key fingerprint BB50 2983 0714 36DC D02E  158A E03D 56DA 3118 168B  

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2007-07-02 Thread Tim Rijavec


can you add this package for ChartDirector for php to FreeBSD ports? 
that can be found at

regads, Tim
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Current unassigned ports problem reports

2007-07-02 Thread FreeBSD bugmaster
Current FreeBSD problem reports
The following is a listing of current problems submitted by FreeBSD users. 
These represent problem reports covering all versions including experimental 
development code and obsolete releases. 
Bugs can be in one of several states:

o - open
A problem report has been submitted, no sanity checking performed.

a - analyzed
The problem is understood and a solution is being sought.

f - feedback
Further work requires additional information from the
 originator or the community - possibly confirmation of
 the effectiveness of a proposed solution.

p - patched
A patch has been committed, but some issues (MFC and / or
 confirmation from originator) are still open.

r - repocopy
The resolution of the problem report is dependent on
 a repocopy operation within the CVS repository which
 is awaiting completion.

s - suspended
The problem is not being worked on, due to lack of information
 or resources.  This is a prime candidate
 for somebody who is looking for a project to do.
 If the problem cannot be solved at all,
 it will be closed, rather than suspended.

c - closed
A problem report is closed when any changes have been integrated,
 documented, and tested -- or when fixing the problem is abandoned.
Critical problems

S Tracker  Resp.  Description

o ports/112754VERY SERIOUS security bug in sysutils/eject

1 problem total.

Serious problems

S Tracker  Resp.  Description

o ports/105549ports/www/squid_radius_auth doesn't work on sparc64
o ports/106369vpnd caused kernel panic with ppp mode
o ports/106372vpnd can't run with slip mode
o ports/107536editors/scite: Can't write on SciTE text editor
f ports/108077www/linux-flashplugin9 crashes linux-firefox
f ports/108413net/vnc does not works.
f ports/108537print/hplip: Build failure
f ports/108606Courier MTA terminates abnormaly after installation
o ports/108748mod_fcgid 1.10 does not work inside jail
f ports/111338graphics/yafray: doesn't respect CXX, CXXFLAGS and eve
o ports/112083mail/qsheff overwrites configuration upon upgrade
f ports/112094www/lynx: plist missing configuration file
o ports/112385sysutils/lookupd on Kernel 64
f ports/112468sysutils/bacula-server 2.0.3 port build fails for sqli
o ports/112545print/ghostscript-gpl 8.54 fail without all driver (or
f ports/112698www/opera's spell-check doesn't work
f ports/112793editors/e3 problem: one line patch to fix bad syscall
f ports/112921x11-wm/Beryl not loading focus and keybinding settings
f ports/112988print/HPLIP portupgrade failure
f ports/113139sysutils/ucspi-tcp runtime crash on amd64 w/ fix
o ports/113144print/ghostscript-gnu dumps core with several output d
f ports/113498www/elinks:  lua scripting broken
f ports/113847devel/apr's buildconf is not able to find the python
f ports/113989vfs does not work well with net/samba3
o ports/114036[PATCH] graphics/GraphicsMagick: add WITHOUT_SYMBOL_PR
f ports/114091sysutils/lsof does not compile
o ports/114132mule goes core dump on X Window System
o ports/114188[maintainer-update] mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin deletes 

28 problems total.

Non-critical problems

S Tracker  Resp.  Description

o ports/94921 isakmpd fails on amd64
o ports/95854 New Port: www/ochusha
o ports/100896[new ports] emulators/vmware-server-guestd1 emulators/
o ports/103395security/gnome-ssh-askpass interferes with gnome-scree
o ports/107354net/icmpinfo: icmpinfo -vvv does not recocnize any ICM
f ports/107368audio/normalize: [patch] - normalize-mp3 and normalize
f ports/107621net/proxychains doens't compile on 4 and 5
f ports/107937jailed net/isc-dhcp3-server wouldn't run with an immut
f ports/108104print/hplip: documentation gets installed though NOPOR
o ports/108595pstree (sysutils/psmisc) don't work in jail
f ports/108723kxgenerator never worked for me
f ports/108788[patch]  sysutils/fusefs-kmod: Add BASE option
f ports/108801www/mod_perl2: Apache-2.0.59 / mod_perl-2-2.0.3_1 freq
f ports/108853Contradiction of CONFLICTS¡¡
f ports/109041security/tinyca doesn't allow for user installed OpenS
o ports/110144New port: math/Matlab7
f ports/110320[security/vpnc] rc script returns 0 on failure
o ports/67

Re: bin/11420 [nanobsd] Build failure on RELENG_6

2007-07-02 Thread M. Warner Losh
The following reply was made to PR ports/11420; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: M. Warner Losh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: bin/11420 [nanobsd] Build failure on RELENG_6 
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2007 07:47:21 -0600 (MDT)

 In message: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 : On Sun, Jul 01, 2007 at 07:01:35PM -0600, M. Warner Losh wrote:
 :  In message: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 :  Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 : ...
 :  : [1]:
 :  This patch is incorrect.
 :  +.if !defined(NO_INSTALLLIB)
 :  should be
 :  +.if ${MK_INSTALLIB} != no
 : Oh - thanks for catching this. I guess the same change should be done
 : in lib/ncurses/ncurses/Makefile, then?
 I belive so.  I've CC'd ru@ to make sure.
 : Here's an updated patch:
 : --- usr.bin/lex/lib/Makefile.orig2007-07-02 01:06:20.0 +0200
 : +++ usr.bin/lex/lib/Makefile 2007-07-02 10:41:47.0 +0200
 : @@ -6,8 +6,10 @@
 :  SRCS=   libmain.c libyywrap.c
 :  NO_PIC=
 : +.if ${MK_INSTALLLIB} != no
 :  LINKS=  ${LIBDIR}/libln.a ${LIBDIR}/libl.a
 :  LINKS+= ${LIBDIR}/libln.a ${LIBDIR}/libfl.a
 : +.endif
 :  .if ${MK_PROFILE} != no
 :  LINKS+= ${LIBDIR}/libln_p.a ${LIBDIR}/libl_p.a
 : And for good meassure - a patch for lib/ncurses/ncurses/Makefile:
 : --- lib/ncurses/ncurses/Makefile.orig2007-07-02 10:43:17.0 
 : +++ lib/ncurses/ncurses/Makefile 2007-07-02 10:44:14.0 +0200
 : @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
 :  INCSLINKS=  curses.h ${INCLUDEDIR}/ncurses.h
 :  .endif
 : -.if !defined(NO_INSTALLLIB)
 : +.if ${MK_INSTALLLIB} != no
 :  SYMLINKS+=  libncurses${LIB_SUFFIX}.a ${LIBDIR}/libcurses${LIB_SUFFIX}.a
 :  SYMLINKS+=  libncurses${LIB_SUFFIX}.a ${LIBDIR}/libtermcap${LIB_SUFFIX}.a
 :  SYMLINKS+=  libncurses${LIB_SUFFIX}.a ${LIBDIR}/libtermlib${LIB_SUFFIX}.a
 : -- 
 : Henrik Brix Andersen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: flash

2007-07-02 Thread Stefan 'Steve' Tell
* Gaye Abdoulaye Walsimou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I follow this howto (french howto) and have flash 9 working

What about videos on YouTube? 

Steve   /\

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Re: flash

2007-07-02 Thread Norberto Meijome
On Mon, 02 Jul 2007 16:18:50 +0200
Stefan 'Steve' Tell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 * Gaye Abdoulaye Walsimou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I follow this howto (french howto) and have flash 9 working
 What about videos on YouTube?


{Beto|Norberto|Numard} Meijome

Windows: Where do you want to go today?
Linux: Where do you want to go tomorrow?
FreeBSD: Are you guys coming, or what?

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Re: +CONTENTS files

2007-07-02 Thread Garrett Cooper

Alexander Leidinger wrote:
Quoting Garrett Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] (from Mon, 02 Jul 
2007 00:55:25 -0700):

[LoN]Kamikaze wrote:

Garrett Cooper wrote:

Pardon me for being naive, but wouldn't it be wiser for all of the 

in the +CONTENTS file to be aggregated into sections instead of having
line by line info?

Example (net/samba_3.0.25a):

@comment MD5:9e94560ac5e757d3bc5f922dcf3ab4fb
[~100 lines of repetitive data...]
@comment MD5:9f5fc8df2a1383a175e165ef2e0b10cc

  Could be aggregated into:

9e94560ac5e757d3bc5f922dcf3ab4fb man/man1/log2pcap.1.gz
c58f068d603a12d4af867c15cf77e636 man/man1/nmblookup.1.gz
@end MD5

  or something similar to XML.

  This would reduce the filesize from n bytes to n - (9 + 4 -1) *
i_entries + 8. In larger package files this would reduce the amount of
data parsing by a long shot. Also, more powerful scripting languages
like Perl, Python, or smart parsers in C could make short work of this
data and just extract the MD5 elements for comparison.

  Also, by doing a little extra work when creating packages by
organizing all the sections together, I think that the file size could
be reduced by a large degree.

  Similar fields to @comment MD5 could be reduced I believe, but with
less benefit maybe, other than just the @unexec rmdir, etc lines.

  Either that, or the data should be organized into separate files I
think (increases number of files, but reduces overall processing 
time IMO).

In some cases the order of data stored is important and thus it 
cannot be
seperated into section. Also, this layout allows for very simple  
parsing with
usual UNIX tools (sed, cut, awk, perl, simply everything). Unlike  
XML, which is

rather complex and thus does not belong into base, in my opinion.

We have libbsdxml in the base already (an old version of one in the 


   I didn't say XML exactly. I say XML-like, with implied end and begin
tags, but keeping with the Makefile like syntax of @MD5 ... @end MD5,
or something similar.

The problem is, that a change would break existing installations, as 
they can not cope with such a new format. Feel free to propose 
improvements, but you need to keep in your mind, that any supported 
FreeBSD release has to be able to install packages with only the 
package tools available in the basesystem.

The point is though that there's a lot of unnecessary bloat, which adds 
to longer text file sizes, and thus slows down smarter parsers written 
in C, Perl, or Python.

   My point being is that the +CONTENTS file is bloated a lot by
useless lines, and it would help speed up package processing if it was
clipped or reduced somehow I would think.

You need to provide numbers. Without them this is pure speculation.

And you have to explain, why the current parsing routines can not be 
speed up for the current format, maybe the implementation is just a 
little bit outdated compared to todays parsing knowledge...


   Ok. I take your challenge and will have preliminary results in 2-3 
days. Are Excel formatted spreadsheets ok (thinking graphs)?

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Re: flash

2007-07-02 Thread Gaye Abdoulaye Walsimou

Stefan 'Steve' Tell a écrit :

* Gaye Abdoulaye Walsimou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I follow this howto (french howto) and have flash 9 working

What about videos on YouTube? 

I have a white screen when I try to watch a movie. Soory I don't use to 
go there!!!

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Re: flash

2007-07-02 Thread Stefan 'Steve' Tell
* Norberto Meijome [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Stefan 'Steve' Tell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What about videos on YouTube?

Yea, I also read those old stuff but he said he got it working with
flash9. Now we know ... he doesn't. :)

Steve   /\

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Wine-0.39 and 0.40

2007-07-02 Thread Iasen Kostov
After the upgrade from wine-0.36 to 0.39 (and now to 0.40) fonts in
wine disapeared. I have searched the wine lists and found that it is
mostly because of wine not finding its fonts dir but looking at debug
output i (atleast) looks like it could find the fonts but fails to load
or ignores them:

warn:file:wine_nt_to_unix_file_name L\\??\\C:\\windows\\Fonts\
\vgasys.fon -
/home/tbyte/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/fonts/vgasys.fon required a
case-insensitive search
warn:font:AddFontFileToList Unable to load font file
/home/tbyte/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/fonts/vgasys.fon err = 1
warn:file:wine_nt_to_unix_file_name L\\??\\C:\\windows\\Fonts\
\vgaoem.fon -
/home/tbyte/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/fonts/vgaoem.fon required a
case-insensitive search
warn:font:AddFontFileToList Unable to load font file
/home/tbyte/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/fonts/vgaoem.fon err = 1
warn:font:AddFontFileToList Unable to load font file
/usr/X11R6/lib/../share/wine/fonts/vgaoem.fon err = 1
warn:file:wine_nt_to_unix_file_name L\\??\\C:\\windows\\Fonts\
\vgafix.fon -
/home/tbyte/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/fonts/vgafix.fon required a
case-insensitive search
warn:font:AddFontFileToList Unable to load font file
/home/tbyte/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/fonts/vgafix.fon err = 1
warn:font:AddFontFileToList Unable to load font file
/usr/X11R6/lib/../share/wine/fonts/vgafix.fon err = 1
warn:file:wine_nt_to_unix_file_name L\\??\\C:\\windows\\Fonts -
/home/tbyte/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/fonts required a
case-insensitive search
warn:font:AddFontFileToList Ignoring font
warn:font:AddFontFileToList Ignoring font
warn:font:AddFontFileToList Ignoring font
warn:font:AddFontFileToList Ignoring font
warn:font:AddFontFileToList Ignoring font
warn:font:AddFontFileToList Ignoring font
warn:font:AddFontFileToList Ignoring font
warn:font:AddFontFileToList Ignoring font

... and so on.


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Re: flash

2007-07-02 Thread Nikola Lecic
On Mon, 02 Jul 2007 12:08:46 -0400
James Bailie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Stefan 'Steve' Tell wrote:
   What about videos on YouTube?
 I had my native Firefox go wonky after the XOrg upgrade, and
 after several recompiles and dependency recompiles, it just got
 worse.  I used portupgrade to keep my ports current, but the
 source of problem continued to elude me.
 As a short term solution, I have ditched the native Firefox and
 installed linux-firefox.
 By creating symbolic links in
 I was able to get the linux-flashplugin-7, linux acrobat7, and
 linux-realplayer plugins to work, without crashing the browser.
 YouTube works fine, but sound goes out of sync immediately, as
 it always did with that plugin.
 Haven't bothered yet to see if I can get Java working.


I think that you can find answers to a lot of problems mentioned here
if you start reading from

and from 

Those posts cover flash7 with native browsers, possible problem after
updating Xorg and some explanations related to {ns,linux}pluginwrapper.

In my experience things remained the same in meantime.

Nikola Lečić
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Re: Something wrong with portmaster?

2007-07-02 Thread Doug Barton
Lars Stokholm wrote:
 I installed FreeBSD yesterday and one of the first things I did was to
 install portmaster (1.17) and use it to install a couple of other ports.
 For some (not all) of the ports the script stops with Terminated - I
 don't think it used to do that.

It didn't do that before 1.17, you're right. In that version I added
code to more aggressively terminate all background jobs when the
parent script ended. I searched pretty hard for a way to make the
terminated messages go away, but I couldn't get them all. Any
suggestions are welcome.

 Here's an example:
 | ===   Registering installation for linux-flashplugin-7.0r69
 | ===  Cleaning for linux-flashplugin-7.0r69
 | === Upgrade for www/linux-flashplugin7 to linux-flashplugin-7.0r69

Succeeded is the key word here. :)




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Re: Wine-0.39 and 0.40

2007-07-02 Thread Tijl Coosemans
On Monday 02 July 2007 17:51:44 Iasen Kostov wrote:
 After the upgrade from wine-0.36 to 0.39 (and now to 0.40) fonts in
 wine disapeared. I have searched the wine lists and found that it is
 mostly because of wine not finding its fonts dir but looking at debug
 output i (atleast) looks like it could find the fonts but fails to
 load or ignores them:

If you haven't done so already try to run wineprefixcreate to update
the wine configuration directory (~/.wine).
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make fetchindex failure

2007-07-02 Thread budsz


I've problem with command `make fetchindex' in /usr/ports:

root:~# cd /usr/ports/
root:/usr/ports# make fetchindex
fetch: Not Found
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports.

This's one of my old version FreeBSD 4.10-STABLE. My questions is:

Where's I should find that INDEX.bz2?, is that possible I'am still
running FreeBSD 4.X with  ports collection uptodate too (Of couse with
FreeBSD 4.10-STABLE ports/not other newer FreeBSD version).

I've already to fetch ports collection manually:
root:/usr# mv ports ports.old
root:/usr# fetch
root:/usr# tar zxvf ports.tar.gz
root:/usr# cd ports
root:/usr/ports# make index
Generating INDEX - please wait..=== arabic/ae_fonts_mono failed
*** Error code 1
=== accessibility/at-poke failed
*** Error code 1
2 errors

Before reporting this error, verify that you are running a supported
version of FreeBSD (see and that you
have a complete and up-to-date ports collection.  (INDEX builds are
not supported with partial or out-of-date ports collections -- in
particular, if you are using cvsup, you must cvsup the ports-all
collection, and have no refuse files.)  If that is the case, then
report the failure to [EMAIL PROTECTED] together with relevant
details of your ports configuration (including FreeBSD version,
your architecture, your environment, and your /etc/make.conf
settings, especially compiler flags and WITH/WITHOUT settings).

Note: the latest pre-generated version of INDEX may be fetched
automatically with make fetchindex.

*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports.

So, how to fix this problem?, any suggestion?

Thanks you.

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