Re: FreeBSD Port: gtkyahoo-0.18.3_4

2008-10-23 Thread Tim Clewlow

> I installed the package of this port.
> Did a rehash from the command line and then startx.
> Can't find it in the gnome desktop.
> What should I do?

The sourceforge page for this project says "GTKyahoo project was
closed down on February 27, 2003." 
You may have a much easier time installing something that is being
currently maintained. I believe net-im/pidgin is quite popular and
is actively maintained. Pidgin is a messenger client, and it can
handle quite a few protocols, including yahoo.

Cheers, Tim.

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2008-09-21 Thread Tim Clewlow

# uname -a
FreeBSD 7.1-PRERELEASE #0: Sun Sep 21 13:28:51 EST 2008

I just installed print/acroread8 from a ports tree that is about 1-2
days old (depending on your time zone). The plugin for firefox
(mozilla) was installed to:


When I did:

nsplugginwrapper -v -a -i

it found the plugin, and:

nsplugginwrapper -l

lists it as installed, but firefox doesnt load it.

So, I removed the plugin with:

nspluginwrapper -r /root/.mozilla/plugins/

then, moved the file into /usr/X11R6/lib/browser_plugins
and then, reinstalled it from the new location with:

nsplugginwrapper -v -a -i

Now firefox loads the plugin and it all works as expected.

I dont know if this is a packaging problem with acroread8, ie maybe
it should drop the file into /usr/X11R6/lib/browser_plugins
instead of /root/.mozilla/plugins - - - or maybe this is a problem
with the wrapper not setting up the plugin properly.

Anyway, this was the problem I encountered, and how to fix it
manually in case anyone else is seeing this.

Cheers, Tim.

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Re: Correct way to portupgrade php5 and php5-extensions-1.1 ?

2008-09-09 Thread Tim Clewlow

> Pine Digital Security Support wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Following the most recent update of PHP5 (5.2.6_2) and subsequent
>> portaudit warnings for 5.2.6, I've been upgrading lang/php5 and
>> lang/php5-extensions-1.1 on a number of machines.
>> My question is, what is the best way to do this. Some options come
>> to mind:
>> 1) portupgrade -fpb php5-5.2.6 php5-extensions-1.1
>> or
>> 2) portupgrade -fpb php5\*
>> or
>> 3) portupgrade -fpbR php5-5.2.6
>> I noticed that the first option didn't update the actual binaries
>> in
>> /usr/local/lib/php/20060613/, but it still works on the machine
>> where I
>> tried it.
>> The second, I think, will always work
>> (/usr/local/lib/php/20060613/
>> files are all updated/recompiled), but it takes a long time. I'm
>> suspecting this way perhaps some ports will be updated/recompiled
>> more
>> than once? (once when php5-extensions is portupgraded, and once
>> when for
>> instance php5-session-5.2.6 is upgraded).
>> The last option seems the best according to the manpage, but this
>> would
>> in my case also recompile phpmyadmin. Is that needed?
>> Perhaps there are also different cases when for instance there is
>> a
>> minor version update like this one (from 5.2.6 to 5.2.6_2), and
>> for
>> instance a 5.2.6 to 5.2.7 or even 5.2.6 to 5.3 update).
>> Who can shine some light on this dark matter? :-)
> I uprgraded PHP for same reason with just one simple command:
> portmaster php5-extensions-1.1
> It did all required steps (it first upgrade libraries for core PHP,
> then
> php5-5.x.x, then libraries for extensions, then extensions and as
> last
> step php5-extensions-1.1)
> (optionally you can upgrade PECL extensions by portmaster pecl-\*)
> Then restart Apache and PHP 5.2.6_2 is on ;)
> Miroslav Lachman
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I used this command:

portmanager lang/php5-extensions -p -l -ui

then restart apache

as usual, portmanager "just works" :-)

cheers, Tim

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Re: make package-recursive question

2008-01-21 Thread Tim Clewlow

--- Doug Barton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tim Clewlow wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > If I do "make package-recursive" on a port then it first tries to install
> > port. This causes it to fail if the port is already installed. However, if
> > deinstall the port, and then make package-recursive, it installs the port,
> > makes the port package, and (this is the important part) quite happily
> > packages for all the ports dependencies even though those dependencies
> > already installed.
> > 
> > Is there any way to tell "make package-recursive" to not bother trying to
> > install the top level port, ie just make the package like it does for all
> > dependencies?
> AFAIK, no. You could try 'pkg_create -b' for the parent port, and then 
> try 'make package-recursive' to see if that will bypass the first step, 
> but I can't guarantee that it will work. Your other option would be to 
> do 'make -DFORCE_PKG_REGISTER package-recursive' in the parent port to 
> just re-build and re-install everything. Not as clean, but has the 
> advantage of not having to de-install the existing port in case that's a 
> problem.
> hth,
> Doug

Thanks for that, just wanted to know if I was missing a switch or special make
target somewhere. Its for a package server, ie slurp daily CVS updates and make
new versions of packages available for clients to install. The specific
function would only be used the first time a new package (and possibly new
dependencies) is added on the server, can work around it, its not a problem.

Cheers, Tim.

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make package-recursive question

2008-01-21 Thread Tim Clewlow

If I do "make package-recursive" on a port then it first tries to install the
port. This causes it to fail if the port is already installed. However, if I
deinstall the port, and then make package-recursive, it installs the port,
makes the port package, and (this is the important part) quite happily makes
packages for all the ports dependencies even though those dependencies _are_
already installed.

Is there any way to tell "make package-recursive" to not bother trying to
install the top level port, ie just make the package like it does for all the

Cheers, Tim.

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Re: HOW-TO get Flash7 working!

2008-01-17 Thread Tim Clewlow

--- Jeremy Messenger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 17 Jan 2008 12:21:47 -0600, Michal Varga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 2008-01-17 at 20:24 +0300, Boris Samorodov wrote:
> >
> >> Please, prove that you are right. Or do you want to receive a hammer
> >> without doing it?
> >>
> > And why not? Give him the approval to do the patches, review them and if
> > he is right in his approach and they work as they should, commit them?
> How can we approve to something nothing? Do you realized that anyone  
> doesn't need anyone's approve to create the patches? Chuck hasn't provide  
> any patch, edvince nor detail. His words:
> Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 15:08:50 -0500
> From: Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ==
> The only way I'm going to get things to be for certain, it's to start over
>  from the beginning, and this time follow the procedures that any serious
> porter (such as you) already knows by heart.   I'm not going to try to
> repeat all that here.
> ==
> Cheers,
> Mezz
> > m.

How about a compromise. Find a relatively simple linux port that breaks heir
style/policy. Fix it, send in a patch giving the reason that it used to break
heir style/policy and now with the patch it doesnt. Then you will be in a
better position to present your reasoning to a port manager if the maintainer
complains. And, assuming the port manager will approve of a port being made
heir compliant, you will then have a precedent to back you up, and may be more
able to convince a port manager to give you approval/backing to do the whole

Cheers, Tim.


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Re: HOW-TO get Flash7 working!

2008-01-16 Thread Tim Clewlow

--- Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Boris Samorodov wrote:
> > On Tue, 15 Jan 2008 16:10:15 -0500 Chuck Robey wrote:
> > 
> >> All those libraries need to be found
> >> by the flash9 plugin library.
> > 
> > Please, give me strict instructions how to repeate (what to do
> > after a fresh install):
> > -
> > 0. Fresh RELENG_X_Y install.
> > 2. Fresh ports (or date=...).
> > 3. ...
> I said at the very beginning of this thread, that I didn't keep track of
> what I did, because the tack I took was to relocate all of the libs to the
> /compat tree, and this sort of strategy can't be taken until I could get
> official approval of that as the correct method to take for installation of
> Linux libraries.  If I got that approval, I said I would undertake to
> locate and fix all of the ports that currently install Linux stuff into the
> /usr/local tree, and then make the flash9 work.  This sort of tack can't be
> attempted, unless I could show the port authors involved that I have
> official approval to get this thing done, so they could either approve of
> the diffs I would give them, or argue it with the port managers themselves.
>  What I never, ever intended to try, was to force things in any way, that's
> acting childishly.  I just needed a official hammer that was morally strong
> enough to get things moving.

If I were a port manager, I would give you approval in a flash (bad pun
intended). I completely agree, linux libs belong in /compat - otherwise, what
is the point of having /compat ??

Cheers, Tim.


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Re: Limitations of Ports System

2008-01-11 Thread Tim Clewlow

--- Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 13/12/2007, Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just wonder if you asked the general population, whether they'd rather
> > have ports or packages, I bet most would vote for packages, aside from
> > those that actually like watching the compilation output fly by.
> I do like to watch it but in addition I always like to compile my own
> binaries etc. rather than using something thats precompiled and
> limited to how the compiler compiled it.
> Chris

I change options in the mplayer Makefile to include twolame and mencoder in the
build because that way you get more codecs available for mencoder. Also, MySQL
has WITH_OPENSSL=yes in the make, and in PHP make config, I select Build Apache
module. Also I have the following options on in /etc/make.conf.
CFLAGS= -O -pipe# Optimize general builds
COPTFLAGS= -O -pipe # Optimize kernel builds
NO_PROFILE= # Only need to uncomment this line, no options
Finally, as a rule I install the latest patched up version of stable 6.x from
this optimised build (build once on a master cvs/build server). Dont know how
many other people do this, but I definately prefer ports over packages.

Cheers, Tim.


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Re: Xorg meta ports bloated dependencies

2007-12-01 Thread Tim Clewlow

--- "Aryeh M. Friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Andrei Kolu wrote:
> > Saturday 01 December 2007 11:08:28 kirjutas Yuri Pankov:
> >> Andrei Kolu wrote:
> >>> Saturday 01 December 2007 05:20:40 kirjutas
>  I've just been helping somebody through an installation of
>  6.2-RELEASE and we've noticed the excessive dependencies of
>  the xorg meta ports.
>  xorg-server 1.4, for example, depends on:
>  dbus-1.0.2_2, dbus-glib-0.74, glib-2.14.2, gnome_subr-1.0,
>  hal- and even strange things like
>  cdrtools-2.01_6.
>  xorg-server 1.2 (the one distributed with the 6.2-RELEASE CD)
>   doesn't have these dependencies.
>  Putting it bluntly: why is this crap being dragged in?
>  Neither of us use GNOME or anything that might require dbus.
>  I can't see why xorg-server could possibly need any of the
>  above?
>  Anxiously awaiting a flaming argument.
> >>> And why xorg should include ugly fonts like adobe* an type1*?
> >> Because it IS a *META* port and should install everything that is
> >> part of xorg distribution? You are free to install the ports that
> >> you need, use WITHOUT_HAL for xorg-server, etc. And there are
> >> many people who think that ttf fonts are ugly, and bitmap and
> >> type1 fonts are more readable.
> >>
> > I'd like to see choices in metaport- ncurses based menus with
> > packages we really need. It is impossible to install Xorg without
> > metaport (anyone have done that at all?)- 300+ separate ports IIRC.
> > After removing unnecessary ports (fonts FE) and later you may try
> > to upgrade Xorg to newer version then package dependency would be
> > broken...
> It is *NOT* the metaport that drags all this stuff in but
> xorg-server.   I attempted to do slightly disconnected install (worked
> relatively well except for when it came to installing something
> fancier then a wm) which was install xorg-server the i/o drivers for
> my platform and the xorg apps I wanted.
> What I found was:
> 1. xorg-server does a very bad job on fonts dependicies (it installs
> almost no fonts)
> 2. many xorg-apps assume they are being installed as a part of the
> metaport and do not sufficently check their own dependicies.
> 3. xorg and other long tool chains show some major weaknesses in the
> ports system:
> a. Inconsitent overridding or lack there of the config target
> (ports(8))
> b. Due to bad management of the dependancy DAG you are forced to
> use meta ports
> c. Due to c there is much less orthangonality then there should be
> between ports
> >
> > Or how can I tell metaport how to NOT INSTALL some crap I don't
> > need.
> >

4. On a recent upgrade after updating the ports tree, xorg got upgraded, and
wrote over the top of the existing /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc file - not
a big problem as I have a number of desktop boxes setup with same xinit file -
so I just copied one across - but still annoying - especially if you only have
one desktop - which means you will lose any customizations to xinit - would be
nice if it first created a backup/saved copy of existing xinit before
overwriting it.

Cheers, Tim.


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Re: Which "linux emulation" works with which programs or the inverse?

2007-10-24 Thread Tim Clewlow

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm totally confused. I was simply trying to get flash 9 or 7 working  
> in RELENG7 with which ever version of linux emulation and have been  
> totally unsuccessful.  In this I have been reading several other folks  
> where in fc4 something works and in fc7 it doesn't (Java, IIRC) and  
> the "scandalous status of linux-flashplugin9" thread, Sam Fourman Jr.,  
> is able to get flash working in firefox with gnash that completely  
> crashes my installation.  The last couple of days I have tried to vary  
> the version of linux emulation and test both flash 7 & 9 and gnash in  
> fc4, fc6 and f7 but only using 2.4.2 and 2.6.16 although the Java  
> issue talks of 2.6.19.  How are these versions derived?  Is there any  
> up to date general information about linux emulation on freebsd and a  
> few examples for configuration?
> The strange part of all this is that gnash crashes all, flash 7 just  
> shows a gray screen on all and flash 9 actually has a play button that  
> looks like it is going to work and then goes to the gray screen and  
> plays the sound but without video.
> Any suggestions as to where to find information on the different  
> combinations of emulation and how and why would be great as would a  
> working flash player like gnash is designed to be.
> Thanks,
> ed
> P.S. Why not ;)  Is there any hope in all this for GoogleEarth?   
> Probably a very silly question.

Hi there, I have native firefox with flash 7 working fine on FreeBSD 6.2, with
java and adobe reader. I am guessing it should be pretty much the same for FBSD

# Short and sweet summary:

install www/firefox   
install print/acroread7   
install java/diablo-jdk15
install www/linux-flashplugin7   
kldload linux
echo "none/compat/linux/proc  linprocfs   rw  0  
0" >> /etc/fstab
mount -a
echo "linux_enable=\"YES\"" >> /etc/rc.conf   
nspluginwrapper -v -a -i

Hope this at least gives pointers as to what to do in FreeBSD 7.

Regards, Tim.

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Re: (Hosted on issues

2007-04-05 Thread Tim Clewlow

--- Edwin Groothuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 06, 2007 at 08:25:11AM +1000, Christopher Martin wrote:
> > I have recently noticed serious issues with collections from the FreeBSD
> > source tree maintained on (,
> and
> > have sought to compare it to two of the US servers, cvsup3 and cvsup4, and
> > have found that seems to be very wrong, with most of
> > the ports tree being deleted when using the Australian mirror. I have also
> > tried using but I have noticed that it seems to be
> > very out of date (when compared to and frequently
> > unavailable (it must only allow a very limited number of clients). All the
> > other Australian mirrors are just pointed at these two hosts. I notified
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] over a month ago but it has not as yet been
> > corrected.
> Although I stopped using cvsup a long time ago (in favour of
> portsnap), I did use (internode I think) and
> ( because of the same reasons as
> above.
> Edwin

I am in Australia, and every now and then I try to use the .au cvsup mirrors -
but I have basically given up. I now use the american ones by default.



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Re: Porting a Linux application to FreeBSD

2007-02-12 Thread Tim Clewlow
--- Greg 'groggy' Lehey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Monday, 12 February 2007 at 14:35:34 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I was referred here by some people in the hackers@ list because I
> > a porting related question and I should have asked it on this list.
> > I was wondering steps people had used in the past for porting linux
> > applications, ...
> I can't answer your specific question, but you might like to read
> "Porting UNIX Software", available at
> Greg

Shameless plug for another one:

The Complete FreeBSD -

Thank you greg - these are really helpful - just wanted to let you know that
people are grateful for your work. :-)

Cheers, Tim.


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Re: Something is really not right with azureus 2.5 / diablo-jdk 1.5

2006-11-30 Thread Tim Clewlow

--- Kostik Belousov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 22:26:56 +0200
> From: Kostik Belousov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Tim Clewlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Something is really not right with azureus 2.5 / diablo-jdk 1.5
> On Thu, Nov 30, 2006 at 11:36:10AM -0800, Tim Clewlow wrote:
> > 
> > --- Robert Noland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > From: Robert Noland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > To:
> > > Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 13:06:40 -0500
> > > Subject: Something is really not right with azureus 2.5 / diablo-jdk 1.5
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > Hello,
> > > > 
> > > > I have azureus- which requires diablo-jdk- to build
> > > (among
> > > > other things). It builds and runs fine, however, azureus limps along
> for
> > > about
> > > > 10 minutes with very low download and upload speeds, then it seems to
> grind
> > > to
> > > > a halt, the d/l and u/l basically stop. There are no errors to report
> > > because
> > > > the application keeps going, but the problem is it stops actually d/l
> or
> > > u/l
> > > > anything (sometimes you might get short bursts of extremely slow
> speeds,
> > > but it
> > > > is mostly 0 B/s).
> > > > 
> > > > I suspect that diablo-jdk that is at fault, but in truth this is just a
> > > hunch.
> > > 
> > > This is a problem with azureus, not the jdk.  The same issue exists with
> > > sun jdk15.  I am attempting to look at the code, but someone with more
> > > java foo than I would probably be much more productive.  It appears to
> > > be an issue with socket handling...
> > > 
> > > robert.
> > > 
> > 
> > FYI - I discovered the internet connection was constantly at 100% u/l due
> to a
> > number of people on the LAN doing p2p, so I shaped the external link to
> only
> > allow 80% of the real uplink capacity (which creates a 20% buffer to
> attempt to
> > mininize collisions on the uplink) and azureus suddenly came back to life.
> Note
> > that azureus on the windows box was happy before I shaped the link, but the
> > version was not. This makes me think the BSD version of azureus gets into
> > trouble when outgoing packets get lost due to packet collision.
> > 
> > Tim.
> Does this thing use nio ?

It uses the following ports from "java" to build - I dont know if nio is in
these versions or not:

-0003 jakarta-commons-cli-1.0,1 /java/jakarta-commons-cli
-0004 junit-3.8.2 /java/junit
-0007 diablo-jdk- /java/diablo-jdk15
-0010 jakarta-commons-lang-2.1 /java/jakarta-commons-lang
-0037 javavmwrapper-2.3 /java/javavmwrapper

It also uses the following ports from "net" to build:

-0006 seda-3.0 /net/seda
-0034 linc-1.0.3_6 /net/linc
-0058 samba-libsmbclient-3.0.23c /net/samba-libsmbclient
-0059 avahi+libdns-0.6.14_3 /net/avahi



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Something is really not right with azureus 2.5 / diablo-jdk 1.5

2006-11-30 Thread Tim Clewlow

--- Robert Noland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Robert Noland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 13:06:40 -0500
> Subject: Something is really not right with azureus 2.5 / diablo-jdk 1.5
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I have azureus- which requires diablo-jdk- to build
> (among
> > other things). It builds and runs fine, however, azureus limps along for
> about
> > 10 minutes with very low download and upload speeds, then it seems to grind
> to
> > a halt, the d/l and u/l basically stop. There are no errors to report
> because
> > the application keeps going, but the problem is it stops actually d/l or
> u/l
> > anything (sometimes you might get short bursts of extremely slow speeds,
> but it
> > is mostly 0 B/s).
> > 
> > I suspect that diablo-jdk that is at fault, but in truth this is just a
> hunch.
> This is a problem with azureus, not the jdk.  The same issue exists with
> sun jdk15.  I am attempting to look at the code, but someone with more
> java foo than I would probably be much more productive.  It appears to
> be an issue with socket handling...
> robert.

FYI - I discovered the internet connection was constantly at 100% u/l due to a
number of people on the LAN doing p2p, so I shaped the external link to only
allow 80% of the real uplink capacity (which creates a 20% buffer to attempt to
mininize collisions on the uplink) and azureus suddenly came back to life. Note
that azureus on the windows box was happy before I shaped the link, but the BSD
version was not. This makes me think the BSD version of azureus gets into
trouble when outgoing packets get lost due to packet collision.



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Something is really not right with azureus 2.5 / diablo-jdk 1.5

2006-11-29 Thread Tim Clewlow

I have azureus- which requires diablo-jdk- to build (among
other things). It builds and runs fine, however, azureus limps along for about
10 minutes with very low download and upload speeds, then it seems to grind to
a halt, the d/l and u/l basically stop. There are no errors to report because
the application keeps going, but the problem is it stops actually d/l or u/l
anything (sometimes you might get short bursts of extremely slow speeds, but it
is mostly 0 B/s).

I suspect that diablo-jdk that is at fault, but in truth this is just a hunch.

uname -a
FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE #0: Sun May  7 04:32:43 UTC
2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386

PS - this is not a complaint, or even an error report, it is more of a heads up
with what I am having happen on my system - also, I installed azureus to a
windoze box that is on the same LAN and it is behaving normally, so it doesnt
look like firewall/nat issue.

Regards, Tim.


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