PR merge-quarterly flag

2017-04-23 Thread qjail1
I submitted a PR to update a port I maintain and I selected the 
merge-quarterly flag with a ? [question mark].

I see the updated version is now in the pkg "latest" repo, but it's not 
in the pkg "quarterly" repo yet.

How long should it take before the merge into "quarterly" happens?

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Is pkg quarterly really needed?

2017-04-20 Thread qjail1

I maintain a port and I have users complaining that the pkg system takes
many months before the updated version of my port shows up in the pkg

My response is I tell them to change a line in their
/etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf file
from url: "pkg+${ABI}/quarterly;,
to   url: "pkg+${ABI}/latest;,

The old pkg system never had this quarterly update cycle and I see no
reason to have it now when its so easy to over ride the default.

Why not just change the default to "latest" and save on all the overhead
of the quarterly cycle?

Is there a better place to over ride this setting than in 

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Re: Is pkg quarterly really needed?

2017-04-18 Thread qjail1

Jan Beich wrote:

qjail1 <> writes:

I maintain a port and I have users complaining that the pkg system
takes many months before the updated version of my port shows up in
the pkg system.

Better ask committer assigned to your bug to add MFH tag or send an
email to ports-secteam@ (and CC portmgr@) which commit to backport.
For leaf ports such requests are unlikely to be declined, just keep
in mind risks due to using old dependencies and possible regressions.

My port is nothing but two sh scripts and an example directory plus the 
man pages. It has no dependencies and no regressions. Does this port 
qualify for MFH tag? Is this something I can put in the port Makefile?

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Is pkg quarterly really needed?

2017-04-18 Thread qjail1
I maintain a port and I have users complaining that the pkg system takes 
many months before the updated version of my port shows up in the pkg 

My response is I tell them to change a line in their 
/etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf file

from url: "pkg+${ABI}/quarterly;,
to   url: "pkg+${ABI}/latest;,

The old pkg system never had this quarterly update cycle and I see no 
reason to have it now when its so easy to over ride the default.

Why not just change the default to "latest" and save on all the overhead 
of the quarterly cycle?

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Need commit of simple port update

2017-04-16 Thread qjail1

Hello ports list;

May some kind committor please commit my simple port update:

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Re: os of system fetching port source

2017-04-03 Thread qjail1

Ed Maste wrote:

On 19 February 2017 at 10:06, qjail1 <> wrote:
My port has it's source hosted on That site has function 
that shows the count of times the port source file has been downloaded

along with the country and operating system type of the computer
requesting the download. 99.9% of the time the operating system is
"unknown". I can only assume those are downloads originating from
FreeBSD systems using the "make install" method. I believe the port
system uses a fetch/ftp call to download the ports source file from
where ever it's hosted at.

Is there some fetch/ftp option to tag the ports system download request with
the operating system the request is coming from?

Libfetch uses the HTTP_USER_AGENT environment variable if set, and it
can also be set via a fetch command-line argument. If not set it
defaults to just getprogname() with the libfetch version appended.

I'm not sure what would be the best approach with respect to having
this set by default in the ports infrastructure though.

Is "Libfetch" whats used in the current port system to download the port

If you could point me to where in the ports system I would find the
command that downloads the port source, then I could make the change on
my system and test if the anticipated results do in fact show up on as the os downloading the requested files.

Once I know this solution does work, then an PR should be enough to get
it implemented for 11.1.

Thanks for your help

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os of system fetching port source

2017-02-19 Thread qjail1
My port has it's source hosted on That site has 
function that shows the count of times the port source file has been 
downloaded along with the country and operating system type of the 
computer requesting the download. 99.9% of the time the operating system 
is "unknown". I can only assume those are downloads originating from 
FreeBSD systems using the "make install" method. I believe the port 
system uses a fetch/ftp call to download the ports source file from 
where ever it's hosted at.

Is there some fetch/ftp option to tag the ports system download request 
with the operating system the request is coming from?

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Committer needed for Maintainer updated ports

2016-08-29 Thread qjail1

These port updates are in preparation for publication of RELEASE-11.0.

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Re: requesting help with Variable OSREL in port Makefile

2016-08-13 Thread qjail1

>> .if ${OPSYS} == FreeBSD && ${OSVERSION} < 100
>> IGNORE= builds only on 10 or greater than 10
>> .endif
> That's OSVERSION. The OP asked about OSREL.
> (however, OSVERSION is more useful as one can test it numerically; it
> is documented in Chapter 16 of the Porter's Handbook, if the OP wants
> to know more)

I read Chapter 16 of the Porter's Handbook before posting. It doesn't 
say how you got to a "100" value for OSVERSION. Why so many zeros?

A 10.0 value is what I interpret to be the value for OSREL. Is that 

The IGNORE= keyword is confusing also. The port will build/install on 
all versions. Its just that some things in 10.0 changed that caused the 
port source to be modified to work on 10.0 and newer systems. It will 
not work correctly on 9.3 and older systems. So I want the port/pkg to 
check the host version and refuse to install if installing on 9.3 or 
older systems. This has no impact on the auto building of pkgs.

The Porter's Handbook section containing the OSREL Variable talks about 
the placement of the OSREL Variable is critical and based on where statement is located in the Makefile. I don't have a 
existing statement in the Makefile. Do I need to add one?

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requesting hep with Variable OSREL in port Makefile

2016-08-13 Thread qjail1

Hello list;

I would like to restrict the port to only installing on Freebsd 10.0 and 

Desire example of Makefile with OSREL Variable coding and placement of statement.

Thanks in advance.
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[Bug 209929] needs commitor

2016-06-12 Thread qjail1

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Please commit PR # 206935

2016-02-11 Thread qjail1

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Re: port maintainer address

2016-02-07 Thread qjail1

Kurt Jaeger wrote:


A year ago I was receiving loads of spam email on the maintainer email 
addresses used in the ports makefile. I created bug tickets to change 
the user name part of the email address for all the ports I maintain, 
but some how I missed the qjail2 port. Now that port says its maintained 
by and the spam email has stopped.

Since bugzilla uses the port maintainer email address as the way to 
identify the port maintainer, I no longer can post updates to qjail2 

We'll understand that the patch comes from you, so just submit it.

Why has Freebsd NOT done something to protect their port maintainers 
from spam.

Because if you think that not having the email addresses in the port
protects you from spam, this probably will not scale. Spam defense 
is not a task the FreeBSD project can also take on, in addition

to all the others.

In todays world the normal, customary, and prudent methodology is to 
protect a users email address from public view so its increasingly more 
difficult for it to be harvested for targets of spam. I ask WHY is the 
Freebsd ports system using a very old methodology that was designed over 
20 years ago, before the birth of spam. The majority of customer 
websites and programming development websites all have protected their 
user email addresses, WHY NOT FREEBSD?

It's way past the time that this problem gets the attention it deserves.
Lets at least create a project to analyze the ports system "Maintainer 
email address" to see just what would be involved in populating it with 
a dummy value so every place it is viewable to the public the real 
content is masked, this includes the down loadable ports tree.

Lets not have any more defeatist comments to let the sleeping dog lay. 
Thats what got us in this position in the first place.

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port maintainer address

2016-02-05 Thread qjail1
A year ago I was receiving loads of spam email on the maintainer email 
addresses used in the ports makefile. I created bug tickets to change 
the user name part of the email address for all the ports I maintain, 
but some how I missed the qjail2 port. Now that port says its maintained 
by and the spam email has stopped.

Since bugzilla uses the port maintainer email address as the way to 
identify the port maintainer, I no longer can post updates to qjail2 
port. This is a two sided coin. On one side [no more spam email] but on 
the other side [blocked from making port updates] to ports I am really 
the maintainer.

Lest look at the big picture. The
website displays the maintainer email address for each and every port. A 
person doesn't have to be a genius to see that this is one of the places 
where email address are being harvested from.

Why has Freebsd NOT done something to protect their port maintainers 
from spam.

Bugzila is now the preferred way to report bugs in ports. There is no 
longer a need to publicly display the ports maintainer real email 
address on the ports website. The simple solution is to change the html 
code of the ports website to replace every where the maintainer's email 
address is displayed with That way the makefile info 
stays the same and bugzilla works the same. Your just changing what the 
public user and harvesters see.

There are other places where this info can be obtained, such as 
// This is a very large doorway to all the 
ports maintainer email address. The big picture solution is to NOT carry 
the maintainer email address in the makefile at all. Have it entered 
into a secure maintainers database that only bugzilla has access to.

You get the general picture here. I am sure there are people with a 
better understanding of the internal workings who can develop a better 
concept to prohibit the public from having access the ports maintainer 
real email address. Its time serious thought is given to this problem.

Thanks for letting me stand on my soap box.

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