On Tuesday, 6 October 2009 20:12:55 Martin Wilke wrote:
> We're happy to announce that KDE-4.3.2 is ready
> for testing. KDE-4.3.2 is only a Bugfix release.
> If you want to play with KDE 4.3.2 please checkout
> all ports from area51.
> A note about area51, we have changed the repo layout,
> Qt and KDE is now split between area51/QT and area51/KDE.
> If you have an old check out please delete all and run a
> new checkout:
> svn co http://area51.pcbsd.org/trunk/area51
> You'll then find 3 dirs: QT, KDE, Tools, in Tools/scripts
> you'll find 2 scripts to merge QT and KDE to /usr/ports.
> If you see any issues please let use know.
> Happy Testing!

I've found a problem with devel/qt4-help-tools: PORTNAME=help (instead of 
help-tools).  Other then that everything compiled fine and no apparent 
regressions.  It looks like 'deskutils/dolphin-plugins-mplayerthumbs' has been 

Thank you for the great work.  Looking forward to 8.0 (and beyond :-) ).

Many thanks,


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