Re: Strange diskspace loss

2010-05-03 Thread Peter Boosten
On 4-5-2010 8:11, Антон Клесс wrote:
> And logs rotation is set up properly.

Try to find open files with fstat


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Re: Strange diskspace loss

2010-05-03 Thread Антон Клесс
2010/5/4 Anton Yuzhaninov 

> --
> WBR,
>  Anton Yuzhaninov

There are no 25Gb files in /var:

# ls -lah /var
total 18930
drwxr-xr-x  25 rootwheel  512B May  4 13:55 .
drwxr-xr-x  21 rootwheel  512B Mar 11 18:20 ..
drwxrwxr-x   2 rootoperator   512B Oct 30  2009 .snap
drwxr-xr-x   2 rootwheel  512B May  1  2009 account
drwxr-xr-x   2 rootwheel  512B Nov  1  2009 agentx
drwxr-xr-x   4 rootwheel  512B May  1  2009 at
drwxr-x---   2 rootaudit  512B May  1  2009 audit
drwxr-x---   2 rootwheel  512B Apr 18 03:01 backups
drwxr-x---   2 rootwheel  512B Oct 30  2009 crash
drwxr-x---   3 rootwheel  512B May  1  2009 cron
drwxr-xr-x  13 rootwheel  512B Apr 13 09:54 db
dr-xr-xr-x   2 rootwheel  512B May  1  2009 empty
drwx--   2 rootwheel  512B May  1  2009 heimdal
drwxr-xr-x   3 rootwheel  512B Feb  9 19:03 lib
drwxrwxr-x   2 rootwheel  512B Nov  8 13:00 lock
drwxr-xr-x   4 rootwheel  2.0K May  4 10:00 log
-rw-r--r--   1 rootwheel   18M Apr  1 09:39 log.tar.gz
drwxrwxr-x   3 rootmail   512B Mar  3 13:06 mail
drwxr-xr-x   2 daemon  wheel  512B Oct 30  2009 msgs
drwxr-xr-x   5 rootwheel  512B Oct 30  2009 named
drwxr-xr-x   2 rootwheel  512B May  1  2009 preserve
drwxr-xr-x   9 rootwheel  1.0K May  4 09:56 run
drwxrwxr-x   2 rootdaemon 512B May  1  2009 rwho
drwxr-xr-x  11 rootwheel  512B Nov 16 19:42 spool
drwxrwxrwt   3 rootwheel  512B May  4 10:00 tmp
drwxr-xr-x   2 rootwheel  512B Oct 30  2009 yp

And logs rotation is set up properly.
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RE: Strange diskspace loss

2010-05-03 Thread Антон Клесс
And the fsck:

# fsck
** /dev/aacdu0s1a (NO
** Last Mounted on
** Root file
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and
** Phase 2 - Check
** Phase 3 - Check
** Phase 4 - Check Reference
** Phase 5 - Check Cyl
4556 files, 298178 used, 3762885 free (981 frags, 470238 blocks, 0.0%
** /dev/aacdu0s1d (NO
** Last Mounted on
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and
** Phase 2 - Check
** Phase 3 - Check
** Phase 4 - Check Reference
SIZE=0 MTIME=Apr 23 12:17

UNREF FILE I=10  OWNER=mysql MODE=100600
SIZE=0 MTIME=Apr 23 12:17 2010

UNREF FILE I=11  OWNER=mysql MODE=100600
SIZE=0 MTIME=Apr 23 12:17 2010

UNREF FILE I=12  OWNER=mysql MODE=100600
SIZE=0 MTIME=Apr 23 12:17 2010

UNREF FILE I=13  OWNER=mysql MODE=100600
SIZE=0 MTIME=Apr 23 12:17 2010

UNREF FILE I=1860614  OWNER=root MODE=100600
SIZE=40632320 MTIME=May  4 09:39 2010

** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
2823 files, 141394 used, 16105940 free (100 frags, 2013230 blocks, 0.0%
** /dev/aacdu0s1f (NO
** Last Mounted on
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and
** Phase 2 - Check
** Phase 3 - Check
** Phase 4 - Check Reference
** Phase 5 - Check Cyl


265180 files, 65441856 used, 117860015 free (49031 frags, 14726373 blocks,
0.0% fragmentation)
** /dev/aacdu0s1e (NO
** Last Mounted on
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and
** Phase 2 - Check
** Phase 3 - Check
** Phase 4 - Check Reference
UNREF FILE I=23587  OWNER=root
SIZE=0 MTIME=Apr  9 13:36

UNREF FILE I=3156011  OWNER=root MODE=100644
SIZE=6944766 MTIME=May  4 04:34 2010

UNREF FILE I=3179521  OWNER=www MODE=100644
SIZE=30361665474 MTIME=May  4 09:43 2010

** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
24527 files, 14958948 used, 1288386 free (15202 frags, 159148 blocks, 0.1%
** /dev/aacdu1s1d (NO
** Last Mounted on
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and
** Phase 2 - Check
** Phase 3 - Check
** Phase 4 - Check Reference
** Phase 5 - Check Cyl
278 files, 1597189 used, 234516789 free (525 frags, 29314533 blocks, 0.0%
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Re: Strange diskspace loss

2010-05-03 Thread Anton Yuzhaninov
On Tue, 4 May 2010 09:51:46 +0400, áÎÔÏÎ ëÌÅÓÓ wrote:
áë> I'm running 7.2-RELEASE amd64. Uptime 24 days.
áë> I was told that server stoped to send emails and started to look at. There
áë> are strange things:
áë> # df -h
áë> FilesystemSizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
áë> /dev/aacdu0s1a7.7G582M6.6G 8%/
áë> devfs 1.0K1.0K  0B   100%/dev
áë> /dev/aacdu0s1d 31G276M 28G 1%/tmp
áë> /dev/aacdu0s1f350G125G197G39%/usr
áë> /dev/aacdu0s1e 31G 29G-25M   100%/var
áë> /dev/aacdu1s1d450G3.0G411G 1%/var/db/mysql
áë> fdescfs   1.0K1.0K  0B   100%/dev/fd
áë> /var is out of space. Hmm.
áë> # du -sh /var
áë> 3,3G/var

 Anton Yuzhaninov

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Strange diskspace loss

2010-05-03 Thread Антон Клесс

I'm running 7.2-RELEASE amd64. Uptime 24 days.
I was told that server stoped to send emails and started to look at. There
are strange things:

# df -h
FilesystemSizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/aacdu0s1a7.7G582M6.6G 8%/
devfs 1.0K1.0K  0B   100%/dev
/dev/aacdu0s1d 31G276M 28G 1%/tmp
/dev/aacdu0s1e 31G 29G-25M   100%/var
/dev/aacdu1s1d450G3.0G411G 1%/var/db/mysql
fdescfs   1.0K1.0K  0B   100%/dev/fd

/var is out of space. Hmm.

# du -sh /var

How can it be so? o_O
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Re: boot Debian on a RouterStation Pro

2010-05-03 Thread Tim Judd
On 5/3/10, Polytropon  wrote:
> On Mon, 3 May 2010 10:34:21 -0400, Alejandro Imass  wrote:
>> Why on earth would someone put Debian and FreeBSD and "distros" in the
>> same breath, must be a joke.
>> I use Debian _and_ FreeBSD extensively but I have no confusion in tha
>> FBSD is not a Linux distro.
> I can assure you it's not - at least not in Germany; here, some
> years ago a computer related magazine had an article with the
> title "FreeBSD - the professional Linux". :-)

Similar to "Windows NT 4.0" as a professional Windows.  "Windows 2008" vs Vista

I read the magazine article title as "to everyone who wants a
linux/unix like system, FreeBSD is the professional choice"

It's all interpreted to the reader...  however typing "Debian" when
being sent to a FreeBSD list is completely misdirected, I would have
ignored it if it wasn't for the fact that there were so many responses
to this thread.
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Re: help

2010-05-03 Thread RW
On Mon, 3 May 2010 16:29:19 -0600 (MDT)
Warren Block  wrote:

> On Mon, 3 May 2010, wrote:
> >> Hi, I am having problems connecting to my ISP. I am running a
> >> freebsd 7.2 box using a thompson speedtouch usb modem to connect
> >> to an adsl telephone line. However when I try to make a PPP
> >> connection using pppoa the driver says it cannot find the modem.
> >> The dmesg from the kernel says the modem is 'cdce0' and 'usb0 is
> >> on uhub0'. But 'cdce0' is not in /dev and when I try to ./MAKEDEV
> >> cdce0 I get command not found. Can anyone help me?

> > If your "thompson speedtouch usb modem" is in fact an ADSL modem
> > then the USB end out to present as a network interface. Again, ppp
> > would not be used.
> PPPoE, though...  The device to use would be ue0.  Tested with an old 
> Ambit cable modem here; it's detected as cdce0 and the ue0 device is 
> automatically created.

It's actually going to be PPPoA, with the speedtouch driver in
net/pppoa. I presume the error occurs when the "firmware" upload
program tries to find the modem. By the look of it, it has to find
it for itself, so it's not simply a matter of using the right device
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Re: KSE (Kernel Supported Threading) support in FreeBSD 8.0

2010-05-03 Thread Bruce Cran
On Monday 03 May 2010 15:52:48 Traiano Welcome wrote:

>  Is KSE support still in FreeBSD (8.0 and upward)?

No. KSE support was removed over 2 years ago:

Bruce Cran
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Re: help

2010-05-03 Thread Warren Block

On Mon, 3 May 2010, wrote:

Hi, I am having problems connecting to my ISP. I am running a freebsd 
7.2 box using a thompson speedtouch usb modem to connect to an adsl 
telephone line. However when I try to make a PPP connection using 
pppoa the driver says it cannot find the modem.  The dmesg from the 
kernel says the modem is 'cdce0' and 'usb0 is on uhub0'. But 'cdce0' 
is not in /dev and when I try to ./MAKEDEV cdce0 I get command not 
found. Can anyone help me?

I expect an ADSL line to go to a "modem" that presents as Ethernet. Connect
to that with a CAT-5 cable connected to your computer's Ethernet port and
add configuration settings to your /etc/rc.conf.

If your "thompson speedtouch usb modem" is in fact an ADSL modem then the
USB end out to present as a network interface. Again, ppp would not be used.

PPPoE, though...  The device to use would be ue0.  Tested with an old 
Ambit cable modem here; it's detected as cdce0 and the ue0 device is 
automatically created.

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA
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Re: Finding out when a child process forks or calls exec

2010-05-03 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (May 03), Dan McNulty said:
> I am trying to port a debugging tool that uses the ptrace interface from
> Linux to FreeBSD.  From what I can tell, the ptrace interface on FreeBSD
> is pretty similar to the Linux interface; however, it doesn't appear that
> the FreeBSD interface generate events when the child process forks, calls
> exec, creates a new LWP, etc.  My question then is:
> Does FreeBSD provide any way to determine from a parent/tracing
> process if a child process has called fork, exec, exit, or created a
> new LWP?

/usr/bin/truss watches for syscalls named "fork", "rfork", and "vfork", and
when they return it forks another copy of itself to watch the child.  See
/usr/src/usr.bin/truss/i386-fbsd.c and main.c (search for "in_fork").

You can tell when a new lwp is created because lwpid changes.  In setup.c
the waitevent() function calls ptrace(PT_LWPINFO...) on every syscall
entry/exit so it's easy to track; it then calls the find_thread() function
which allocates a new helper struct every time a new lwp appears.

Dan Nelson
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Re: help

2010-05-03 Thread osp
> Hi, I am having problems connecting to my ISP. I am running a freebsd 7.2
box using a
thompson speedtouch usb modem to connect to an adsl telephone line. However
when I try to
make a PPP connection using pppoa the driver says it cannot find the modem.
The dmesg from
the kernel says the modem is 'cdce0' and 'usb0 is on uhub0'. But 'cdce0' is
not in /dev
and when I try to ./MAKEDEV cdce0 I get command not found. Can anyone help me?

I expect an ADSL line to go to a "modem" that presents as Ethernet. Connect
to that with a CAT-5 cable connected to your computer's Ethernet port and
add configuration settings to your /etc/rc.conf. 

If your "thompson speedtouch usb modem" is in fact an ADSL modem then the
USB end out to present as a network interface. Again, ppp would not be used.

If you are using old fashionded dial-up over the analog part of the ADSL
circuit then ppp would be used. But why do that?

Good luck!

Gary Dunn
Open Slate Project

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Finding out when a child process forks or calls exec

2010-05-03 Thread Dan McNulty
Hi all,

I am trying to port a debugging tool that uses the ptrace interface
from Linux to FreeBSD. From what I can tell, the ptrace interface on
FreeBSD is pretty similar to the Linux interface; however, it doesn't
appear that the FreeBSD interface generate events when the child
process forks, calls exec, creates a new LWP, etc. My question then

Does FreeBSD provide any way to determine from a parent/tracing
process if a child process has called fork, exec, exit, or created a
new LWP?

Thanks for your help,

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Apache URL Redirect?

2010-05-03 Thread Chris Maness
I while back, I set up a podcast using wordpress.  I did not use any
special configuration, I just added the files as media, and the
podcast software picked up the mp3's.  However, now I would like to
use a podcast plugin that adds all of the correct itunes tags.
However, this changes the RSS URL from:


I have tried playing with some directives like:

Redirect permanent /one

but they did not seem to work.  I need apache to return 301 and the new URL.

Any Ideas?

Chris Maness
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Re: USB mount delay

2010-05-03 Thread Anselm Strauss
On 05/03/10 19:54, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
> Anselm Strauss  writes:
>> I have the problem that on my ALIX system USB is first powered up when
>> the FreeBSD kernel is loading. When local filesystems are mounted the
>> USB disk is not yet ready and booting fails giving me a shell prompt.
>> Shortly after I see the kernel message for the recognized /dev/da0 USB
>> disk, mount it manually and booting can continue. Unfortunately I have
>> to do this manual step every time I boot. The root filesystem is not
>> mounted from USB. The USB disk has non-system relevant data.
>> Is there any way to either tell the kernel to wait some time before
>> mounting local filesystems from USB disks, or to mount filesystems later
>> during boot?
>> I already tried the following sysctl variables in /boot/loader.conf with
>> values of 3000-5000 ms, they did not help:
>> Delay to allow devices to settle after a SCSI bus
>> reset (ms)
>> hw.usb.ss_delay: USB status stage delay in ms
>> hw.usb.pr_recovery_delay: USB port reset recovery delay in ms
>> hw.usb.no_boot_wait is set to 0.
> Why don't you just have devfs mount the disk when the disk does finally
> show up?  It sounds like you don't actually need that USB disk for
> booting.  You might need to use glabel to make sure only that one disk
> is mounted automatically.

I totally missed the 'late' option in fstab. This mounts the filesystem
later during boot and does the trick for me ;-)

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Re: FreeBSD 8: gdbm.h: No such file or directory

2010-05-03 Thread Michael Powell
perikillo wrote:

> Hi.
> I want to install
> Version vacation-, the INSTALL say:
> "under FreeBSD type 'gmake' to compile
> the program.   To install it you will need to do (as root) 'make install'
> or, for FreeBSD, 'gmake install'."

This version is very old.

> "In file included from vacation.c:92:" ===> static GDBM_FILE db; in
> vacation.h
> Now, I copy /usr/local/include/gdbm.h to /usr/include
> But now I got:
> gcc  -g -Wall -DMAIN   -Xlinker -warn-common
> -D_PATH_VACATION=\"/usr/bin/vacation\" -o vacation vacation.c strlcpy.c
> strlcat.c rfc822.c -lgdbm
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgdbm
> gmake: *** [vacation] Error 1
> Perl is install with gdbm, what could cause the error?

Why not try using the one in the ports system? So much easier.


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Re: boot Debian on a RouterStation Pro

2010-05-03 Thread Outback Dingo
bad enough the original post was on the OpenWRT list, then it hit the
FreeBSD list, neither of which is debian, one of which surely isnt linux,
however fortunaltey though both OpenWRT and FreeBSD are capable of running
on the RS/RS PRO

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 2:13 PM, Alejandro Imass  wrote:

> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Polytropon  wrote:
> > On Mon, 3 May 2010 10:34:21 -0400, Alejandro Imass  wrote:
> >> Why on earth would someone put Debian and FreeBSD and "distros" in the
> >> same breath, must be a joke.
> >>
> >> I use Debian _and_ FreeBSD extensively but I have no confusion in tha
> >> FBSD is not a Linux distro.
> >
> > I can assure you it's not - at least not in Germany; here, some
> > years ago a computer related magazine had an article with the
> > title "FreeBSD - the professional Linux". :-)
>  Unbeleivable. Guess they thoght it was Debian with Slackware ports ?
> :-D
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Polytropon
> > Magdeburg, Germany
> > Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> > Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
> >
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Re: boot Debian on a RouterStation Pro

2010-05-03 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Polytropon  wrote:
> On Mon, 3 May 2010 10:34:21 -0400, Alejandro Imass  wrote:
>> Why on earth would someone put Debian and FreeBSD and "distros" in the
>> same breath, must be a joke.
>> I use Debian _and_ FreeBSD extensively but I have no confusion in tha
>> FBSD is not a Linux distro.
> I can assure you it's not - at least not in Germany; here, some
> years ago a computer related magazine had an article with the
> title "FreeBSD - the professional Linux". :-)

 Unbeleivable. Guess they thoght it was Debian with Slackware ports ?


> --
> Polytropon
> Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: boot Debian on a RouterStation Pro

2010-05-03 Thread Polytropon
On Mon, 3 May 2010 10:34:21 -0400, Alejandro Imass  wrote:
> Why on earth would someone put Debian and FreeBSD and "distros" in the
> same breath, must be a joke.
> I use Debian _and_ FreeBSD extensively but I have no confusion in tha
> FBSD is not a Linux distro.

I can assure you it's not - at least not in Germany; here, some
years ago a computer related magazine had an article with the
title "FreeBSD - the professional Linux". :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: USB mount delay

2010-05-03 Thread Lowell Gilbert
Anselm Strauss  writes:

> I have the problem that on my ALIX system USB is first powered up when
> the FreeBSD kernel is loading. When local filesystems are mounted the
> USB disk is not yet ready and booting fails giving me a shell prompt.
> Shortly after I see the kernel message for the recognized /dev/da0 USB
> disk, mount it manually and booting can continue. Unfortunately I have
> to do this manual step every time I boot. The root filesystem is not
> mounted from USB. The USB disk has non-system relevant data.
> Is there any way to either tell the kernel to wait some time before
> mounting local filesystems from USB disks, or to mount filesystems later
> during boot?
> I already tried the following sysctl variables in /boot/loader.conf with
> values of 3000-5000 ms, they did not help:
> Delay to allow devices to settle after a SCSI bus
> reset (ms)
> hw.usb.ss_delay: USB status stage delay in ms
> hw.usb.pr_recovery_delay: USB port reset recovery delay in ms
> hw.usb.no_boot_wait is set to 0.

Why don't you just have devfs mount the disk when the disk does finally
show up?  It sounds like you don't actually need that USB disk for
booting.  You might need to use glabel to make sure only that one disk
is mounted automatically.

Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software engineer, Boston area
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Re: pf suggestions for paced attack

2010-05-03 Thread Balázs Mátéffy

I'm interested, by the way, is there a max size limit to a pf table? Mine
always stops working at 2megs...

On 3 May 2010 18:48, Adam Vande More  wrote:

> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 11:39 AM, John  wrote:
> > Hi, Matthew.  Indeed, yes, you may not recall, but my rules are
> > based on a set that I originally got from you, and I do, in fact,
> > have a white list, which I should have mentioned, but some of my
> > users are "road warriors" and could be coming from virtually anywhere.
> > You're right, though - it's time to look into alternatives to
> > password-based authenticaion.  I think I've taken password-based
> > protection and rate adaptive rules to their logical limit.
> >
> >
> What's wrong with denyhosts?  Key-based authentication has it's own set
> pitfalls.  I'm far more likely to lose my usb stick than my password.  I
> imagine there are other like me.
> --
> Adam Vande More
> ___
> mailing list
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Re: pf suggestions for paced attack

2010-05-03 Thread Adam Vande More
On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 11:39 AM, John  wrote:

> Hi, Matthew.  Indeed, yes, you may not recall, but my rules are
> based on a set that I originally got from you, and I do, in fact,
> have a white list, which I should have mentioned, but some of my
> users are "road warriors" and could be coming from virtually anywhere.
> You're right, though - it's time to look into alternatives to
> password-based authenticaion.  I think I've taken password-based
> protection and rate adaptive rules to their logical limit.
What's wrong with denyhosts?  Key-based authentication has it's own set
pitfalls.  I'm far more likely to lose my usb stick than my password.  I
imagine there are other like me.

Adam Vande More
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Re: pf suggestions for paced attack

2010-05-03 Thread Balázs Mátéffy

What if you use a perl or whatever script, to look in the logs, and after a
number of bad password attempts you just add that IP to the badboys table?

Some programs out there are capable to do this eg. Daniel Gerzo'
bruteforceblocker (you have to edit it), or bruteblock (if i'm right with
the name).



On 3 May 2010 18:39, John  wrote:

> On Mon, May 03, 2010 at 05:29:24PM +0100, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > On 03/05/2010 15:41:10, John wrote:
> > > The script kiddies have apparently figured out that we use some
> > > time-window sensitivity in our adaptive filtering.  From sshd, I've
> > > been seeing "reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo ... failed" and
> > > from ftpd (when I have the port open at all, which is rare), I am
> > > seeing probes at about 27 second intervals.  This stays well below
> > > the 3/30 (three connections in 30 seconds) sensitivity that I had
> > > been using.  It took them nearly two and a half hours to make 154
> > > attemps, but computers are very patient.
> > >
> > > I have now changed the timing window sensivity, but it's to the
> > > point now where there's a significant probability that someone could
> > > lock themselves out (temporarily, at least, I do clear these tables
> > > periodically) if they are having a bit of a fat-finger moment with
> > > their password.
> > >
> > > Anybody got any superior suggestions?
> >
> > Heh.  If the attackers are forced to slow down the probe rate so
> > drastically, then their chances of breaking in would be greatly reduced
> > /even/ if you were using guessable passwords.  Which I shall assume you
> > aren't: key based auth is what you need, or maybe OTP.  You certainly
> > should not be relying on rate-adaptive blocking alone to secure your
> > system -- it's more a way of preventing your log files from being
> > flooded with crap -- and you've limited that quite effectively by
> > forcing the attackers to slow down.  I'd not feel any necessity to
> > modify the rate settings on your PF rule.
> >
> > Anyhow, there is certainly a potential to lock yourself out using
> > adaptive blacklisting.  If you know where your friends are going to be
> > logging in from, then I'd set up a whitelist.  Something like this:
> >
> > (replace with a list of the addresses / ranges you want to allow)
> >
> > table  const { \
> >  \
> > } persist
> > table  persist
> >
> > set skip on lo0
> >
> > scrub in
> > pass all
> >
> > antispoof log quick for lo0
> > block drop in log quick from 
> >
> > pass in proto tcp from ! to port ssh \
> >  flags S/SA keep state  \
> >  (max-src-conn-rate 3/30, overload  flush global)
> > pass in proto tcp from  to port ssh  \
> >  flags S/SA keep state
> >
> >   Cheers,
> >
> >   Matthew
> >
> > - --
> > Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
> >   Flat 3
> > PGP: Ramsgate
> >   Kent, CT11 9PW
> Hi, Matthew.  Indeed, yes, you may not recall, but my rules are
> based on a set that I originally got from you, and I do, in fact,
> have a white list, which I should have mentioned, but some of my
> users are "road warriors" and could be coming from virtually anywhere.
> You're right, though - it's time to look into alternatives to
> password-based authenticaion.  I think I've taken password-based
> protection and rate adaptive rules to their logical limit.
> > Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin)
> > Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> >
> > iEYEARECAAYFAkve+eQACgkQ8Mjk52CukIzpTwCgg/NpuZjR1mnfkcBX169LB5Ih
> > ykYAnjQLprMKxMtKW2IfgWNEB5bTt33Q
> > =12Jn
> --
> John Lind
> ___
> mailing list
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Re: pf suggestions for paced attack

2010-05-03 Thread Andrew Wright

On Mon, 3 May 2010, John wrote:

The script kiddies have apparently figured out that we use some
time-window sensitivity in our adaptive filtering.  From sshd, I've

  [ ... deletia ... ]

Anybody got any superior suggestions?

I've been running a script using tail -F to watch /var/log/auth.log
to count total number of failures, and ix-nay anyone who reaches 10
fluffed attempts in 24 hours; this is managed by using pfctl to update
the relevant table.  It has worked pretty well for me over the last
three or so years, and is immune to the current longer timeouts
that you mention.

If anyone is interested, I can send (or I suppose post) the scripts.


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Re: pf suggestions for paced attack

2010-05-03 Thread John
On Mon, May 03, 2010 at 05:29:24PM +0100, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 03/05/2010 15:41:10, John wrote:
> > The script kiddies have apparently figured out that we use some
> > time-window sensitivity in our adaptive filtering.  From sshd, I've
> > been seeing "reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo ... failed" and
> > from ftpd (when I have the port open at all, which is rare), I am
> > seeing probes at about 27 second intervals.  This stays well below
> > the 3/30 (three connections in 30 seconds) sensitivity that I had
> > been using.  It took them nearly two and a half hours to make 154
> > attemps, but computers are very patient.
> > 
> > I have now changed the timing window sensivity, but it's to the
> > point now where there's a significant probability that someone could
> > lock themselves out (temporarily, at least, I do clear these tables
> > periodically) if they are having a bit of a fat-finger moment with
> > their password.
> > 
> > Anybody got any superior suggestions?
> Heh.  If the attackers are forced to slow down the probe rate so
> drastically, then their chances of breaking in would be greatly reduced
> /even/ if you were using guessable passwords.  Which I shall assume you
> aren't: key based auth is what you need, or maybe OTP.  You certainly
> should not be relying on rate-adaptive blocking alone to secure your
> system -- it's more a way of preventing your log files from being
> flooded with crap -- and you've limited that quite effectively by
> forcing the attackers to slow down.  I'd not feel any necessity to
> modify the rate settings on your PF rule.
> Anyhow, there is certainly a potential to lock yourself out using
> adaptive blacklisting.  If you know where your friends are going to be
> logging in from, then I'd set up a whitelist.  Something like this:
> (replace with a list of the addresses / ranges you want to allow)
> table  const { \
>  \
> } persist
> table  persist
> set skip on lo0
> scrub in
> pass all
> antispoof log quick for lo0
> block drop in log quick from 
> pass in proto tcp from ! to port ssh \
>  flags S/SA keep state  \
>  (max-src-conn-rate 3/30, overload  flush global)
> pass in proto tcp from  to port ssh  \
>  flags S/SA keep state
>   Cheers,
>   Matthew
> - -- 
> Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
>   Flat 3
> PGP: Ramsgate
>   Kent, CT11 9PW

Hi, Matthew.  Indeed, yes, you may not recall, but my rules are
based on a set that I originally got from you, and I do, in fact,
have a white list, which I should have mentioned, but some of my
users are "road warriors" and could be coming from virtually anywhere.
You're right, though - it's time to look into alternatives to
password-based authenticaion.  I think I've taken password-based
protection and rate adaptive rules to their logical limit.

> Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iEYEARECAAYFAkve+eQACgkQ8Mjk52CukIzpTwCgg/NpuZjR1mnfkcBX169LB5Ih
> ykYAnjQLprMKxMtKW2IfgWNEB5bTt33Q
> =12Jn

John Lind
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Re: pf suggestions for paced attack

2010-05-03 Thread Matthew Seaman
Hash: SHA1

On 03/05/2010 15:41:10, John wrote:
> The script kiddies have apparently figured out that we use some
> time-window sensitivity in our adaptive filtering.  From sshd, I've
> been seeing "reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo ... failed" and
> from ftpd (when I have the port open at all, which is rare), I am
> seeing probes at about 27 second intervals.  This stays well below
> the 3/30 (three connections in 30 seconds) sensitivity that I had
> been using.  It took them nearly two and a half hours to make 154
> attemps, but computers are very patient.
> I have now changed the timing window sensivity, but it's to the
> point now where there's a significant probability that someone could
> lock themselves out (temporarily, at least, I do clear these tables
> periodically) if they are having a bit of a fat-finger moment with
> their password.
> Anybody got any superior suggestions?

Heh.  If the attackers are forced to slow down the probe rate so
drastically, then their chances of breaking in would be greatly reduced
/even/ if you were using guessable passwords.  Which I shall assume you
aren't: key based auth is what you need, or maybe OTP.  You certainly
should not be relying on rate-adaptive blocking alone to secure your
system -- it's more a way of preventing your log files from being
flooded with crap -- and you've limited that quite effectively by
forcing the attackers to slow down.  I'd not feel any necessity to
modify the rate settings on your PF rule.

Anyhow, there is certainly a potential to lock yourself out using
adaptive blacklisting.  If you know where your friends are going to be
logging in from, then I'd set up a whitelist.  Something like this:

(replace with a list of the addresses / ranges you want to allow)

table  const { \  \
} persist
table  persist

set skip on lo0

scrub in
pass all

antispoof log quick for lo0
block drop in log quick from 

pass in proto tcp from ! to port ssh \
 flags S/SA keep state  \
 (max-src-conn-rate 3/30, overload  flush global)
pass in proto tcp from  to port ssh  \
 flags S/SA keep state



- -- 
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
  Flat 3
PGP: Ramsgate
  Kent, CT11 9PW
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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User cpu time VS system cpu time

2010-05-03 Thread cronfy

I want to understand difference between user CPU time and system CPU
time in system accounting.

When some process uses many system CPU, does it really mean that
process prouduces heavy load on server and takes up resources that
could be used by other tasks instead? Or it only means that this
process performs many waits for, say, I/O operations?

Thanks in advance!

// cronfy
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KSE (Kernel Supported Threading) support in FreeBSD 8.0

2010-05-03 Thread Traiano Welcome
Hi List

 Is KSE support still in FreeBSD (8.0 and upward)?

Thanks in Advance,
Traiano Welcome

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pf suggestions for paced attack

2010-05-03 Thread John
The script kiddies have apparently figured out that we use some
time-window sensitivity in our adaptive filtering.  From sshd, I've
been seeing "reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo ... failed" and
from ftpd (when I have the port open at all, which is rare), I am
seeing probes at about 27 second intervals.  This stays well below
the 3/30 (three connections in 30 seconds) sensitivity that I had
been using.  It took them nearly two and a half hours to make 154
attemps, but computers are very patient.

I have now changed the timing window sensivity, but it's to the
point now where there's a significant probability that someone could
lock themselves out (temporarily, at least, I do clear these tables
periodically) if they are having a bit of a fat-finger moment with
their password.

Anybody got any superior suggestions?

John Lind
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Re: boot Debian on a RouterStation Pro

2010-05-03 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 9:53 AM, Outback Dingo  wrote:
> why joking, FreeBSD will run on the RS


On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Jon Radel  wrote:
> Or maybe he was responding to the OP asking on a FreeBSD list for somebody
> to please write him a more detailed howto for booting Debian on a device.

I was in fact replying to the OP (Jozsi Vadkan). Thanks for clarifying that Jon!

Why on earth would someone put Debian and FreeBSD and "distros" in the
same breath, must be a joke.

I use Debian _and_ FreeBSD extensively but I have no confusion in tha
FBSD is not a Linux distro.

The fact that FBSD runs on the RS is irrelevant as theOP pointed to an
openwrt link which is in fact a LInux distro.
My mail was inteded as a wake-up call to give the OP the chance to
realize he'd put his foot in his mouth and say something like "ooops,
wrong list, sorry", or clarify with something like, "well I was in
fact asking if FBSD would boot on the RS but somehow failed in
explaining it".

Alejandro Imass

>  Especially since he put no effort into explaining what he'd tried and what
> had gone wrong.  You know, the usual stuff to show you're not
> joking.asking in the right forum, being specific, etc., etc.
> --
> --Jon Radel
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Re: boot Debian on a RouterStation Pro

2010-05-03 Thread Jon Radel

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 7:55 AM, Alejandro Imass  wrote:


On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 4:27 PM, Jozsi Vadkan

Can anyone post a howto/doc, help about booting a Debian on a
RouterStation Pro?:\

I still didn't manage to boot from it.

Or any other "normal distro" :\

Thank you..

p.s.: a little more detailed howto:\

You must be joking right?


On 5/3/10 9:53 AM, Outback Dingo wrote:

why joking, FreeBSD will run on the RS
Or maybe he was responding to the OP asking on a FreeBSD list for 
somebody to please write him a more detailed howto for booting Debian on 
a device.  Especially since he put no effort into explaining what he'd 
tried and what had gone wrong.  You know, the usual stuff to show you're 
not joking.asking in the right forum, being specific, etc., etc.


--Jon Radel

Re: boot Debian on a RouterStation Pro

2010-05-03 Thread Outback Dingo
why joking, FreeBSD will run on the RS

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 7:55 AM, Alejandro Imass  wrote:

> On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 4:27 PM, Jozsi Vadkan 
> wrote:
> > Can anyone post a howto/doc, help about booting a Debian on a
> > RouterStation Pro?:\
> >
> >
> >
> > I still didn't manage to boot from it.
> >
> > Or any other "normal distro" :\
> >
> > Thank you..
> >
> > p.s.: a little more detailed howto:\
> You must be joking right?
> >
> > ___
> > mailing list
> >
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> >
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2010-05-03 Thread Peter Winn
Hi, I am having problems connecting to my ISP. I am running a freebsd 7.2 box 
using a thompson speedtouch usb modem to connect to an adsl telephone line. 
However when I try to make a PPP connection using pppoa the driver says it 
cannot find the modem. The dmesg from the kernel says the modem is 'cdce0' and 
'usb0 is on uhub0'. But 'cdce0' is not in /dev and when I try to ./MAKEDEV 
cdce0 I get command not found. Can anyone help me?
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Re: help

2010-05-03 Thread Bill Moran
In response to Peter Winn :

> Could someone help me? I am running freebsd 7.2 and trying to connect  
> to my ISP using pppoa.
> I have a usb Alcatel speedtouch modem but the driver cannot find the  
> modem. The kernel says the modem
> is -   cdce0: usb0 on uhub0but when I look in /dev  I cannot see  
> that device. When I try to ./MAKEDEV cdce0
> it says command not found.

I believe that you should use the cuaa# devices for dialout, regardless
of which driver loads.

Bill Moran
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Re: X is broken after upgrade

2010-05-03 Thread Jamie Griffin
> If you have moused enabled, you can select text with the left
> mouse button, and insert text with the middle mouse button.
> If you don't have a middle mouse button, press the wheel down.
> If you don't have a wheel, press the left and the right mouse
> button at the same time.
Thanks for the tip, i didn't know I could do that.
> According to the error message, mentioning "/usr/local/lib/xorg/
> modules/drivers/", I would think a modular component
> of xorg, maybe the "drivers" component, or a specific kernel
> module (for Intel video) needs a separate update.

I did try recompiling the drivers after i read about a similar issue in
a post i found in the archives but that did not fix it.  


Description: PGP signature

Re: X is broken after upgrade

2010-05-03 Thread Polytropon
A little sidenote, maybe useful for further debugging:

On Mon, 3 May 2010 11:57:08 +0100, Jamie Griffin  wrote:
> > > /libexec/ /usr/local/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
> > > Undefinded symbol "xf86LoaderReqSymLists"
> > Among other things, it means you transcribed the message by hand
> > instead of copy-pasting it :)
> I did, you're right. With no X i'm working from the console so had no
> other option. :-)

If you have moused enabled, you can select text with the left
mouse button, and insert text with the middle mouse button.
If you don't have a middle mouse button, press the wheel down.
If you don't have a wheel, press the left and the right mouse
button at the same time.

You can easily use two virtual terminals in text mode - one with
the error message, the other one with an editor - to copy the
error message without needing to use the usual means of output 

> > You seem to have a missing shared-library (runtime) dependency.
> > Perhaps one of your X libs didn't get upgraded?
> What could I do to fix that, do you kno

According to the error message, mentioning "/usr/local/lib/xorg/
modules/drivers/", I would think a modular component
of xorg, maybe the "drivers" component, or a specific kernel
module (for Intel video) needs a separate update.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: X is broken after upgrade

2010-05-03 Thread Joey Mingrone
On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 07:57, Jamie Griffin  wrote:
>> > /libexec/ /usr/local/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
>> > Undefinded symbol "xf86LoaderReqSymLists"

I have the same problem.  I've submitted a PR.

Joey Mingrone
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Re: boot Debian on a RouterStation Pro

2010-05-03 Thread Alejandro Imass
On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 4:27 PM, Jozsi Vadkan  wrote:
> Can anyone post a howto/doc, help about booting a Debian on a
> RouterStation Pro?:\
> I still didn't manage to boot from it.
> Or any other "normal distro" :\
> Thank you..
> p.s.: a little more detailed howto:\

You must be joking right?

> ___
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Wireless "N" network card for FreeBSD

2010-05-03 Thread Jerry
I have been having a somewhat less that stellar experience attempting
to find a high performance wireless (N) card that will work on FreeBSD.
None of the newer ones that I have located are supported. There are
just no drivers for any of the newer chip-sets.

I have been checking out
; however,
they are either "G" based or made in some republic in China that I have
never heard of. Personally, I have no desire to support that oppressive
regime by knowingly buying their products.

Does anyone know of a good quality wireless (N) PCI card that works
with FreeBSD?



Disclaimer: off-list followups get on-list replies or get ignored.
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Re: X is broken after upgrade

2010-05-03 Thread Jamie Griffin
> > /libexec/ /usr/local/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
> > Undefinded symbol "xf86LoaderReqSymLists"
> Among other things, it means you transcribed the message by hand
> instead of copy-pasting it :)
I did, you're right. With no X i'm working from the console so had no
other option. :-)

> You seem to have a missing shared-library (runtime) dependency.
> Perhaps one of your X libs didn't get upgraded?

What could I do to fix that, do you know?


Public Key: 1F50DE41 2010-03-24
Key Fingerprint = B009 05F3 7EEA 6192 6529  25F5 392D DD2C 1F50 DE41

Description: PGP signature

FreeBSD 8: gdbm.h: No such file or directory

2010-05-03 Thread perikillo

I want to install

Version vacation-, the INSTALL say:

"under FreeBSD type 'gmake' to compile
the program.   To install it you will need to do (as root) 'make install'
or, for FreeBSD, 'gmake install'."

But went I run "gmake" i got:

gcc  -g -Wall -DMAIN   -Xlinker -warn-common
-D_PATH_VACATION=\"/usr/bin/vacation\" -o vacation vacation.c strlcpy.c
strlcat.c rfc822.c -lgdbm
*vacation.c:81:18: error: gdbm.h: No such file or directory*
In file included from vacation.c:92:
vacation.h:61: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__'
before 'db'
vacation.c: In function 'main':
vacation.c:200: error: 'db' undeclared (first use in this function)
vacation.c:200: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
vacation.c:200: error: for each function it appears in.)
vacation.c:200: warning: implicit declaration of function 'gdbm_open'
vacation.c:200: error: 'GDBM_NEWDB' undeclared (first use in this function)
vacation.c:200: error: 'GDBM_WRITER' undeclared (first use in this function)
vacation.c:222: warning: implicit declaration of function 'gdbm_close'
vacation.c: In function 'recent':
vacation.c:529: error: 'datum' undeclared (first use in this function)
vacation.c:529: error: expected ';' before 'key'
vacation.c:533: error: 'key' undeclared (first use in this function)
vacation.c:535: error: 'data' undeclared (first use in this function)
vacation.c:535: warning: implicit declaration of function 'gdbm_fetch'
vacation.c:535: error: 'db' undeclared (first use in this function)
vacation.c: In function 'setinterval':
vacation.c:567: error: 'datum' undeclared (first use in this function)
vacation.c:567: error: expected ';' before 'key'
vacation.c:569: error: 'key' undeclared (first use in this function)
vacation.c:571: error: 'data' undeclared (first use in this function)
vacation.c:573: warning: implicit declaration of function 'gdbm_store'
vacation.c:573: error: 'db' undeclared (first use in this function)
vacation.c:573: error: 'GDBM_REPLACE' undeclared (first use in this
vacation.c: In function 'setreply':
vacation.c:583: error: 'datum' undeclared (first use in this function)
vacation.c:583: error: expected ';' before 'key'
vacation.c:586: error: 'key' undeclared (first use in this function)
vacation.c:589: error: 'data' undeclared (first use in this function)
vacation.c:591: error: 'db' undeclared (first use in this function)
vacation.c:591: error: 'GDBM_REPLACE' undeclared (first use in this
gmake: *** [vacation] Error 1

I got gdbm from ports,

The Makefile is:

SHELL   = /bin/sh
CC  = gcc
ARCH= $(uname -m)
OS  = $(uname -s)
# Default CFLAGS for all builds, architecture flags get appended below.
ifeq "$(ARCH)" "x86_64"
# Uncomment below for backwards compatibility of gdbm files.
#  CFLAGS   = $(CFLAGS) -m32
ifeq "$(ARCH)" "ppc"
  CFLAGS   = $(CFLAGS) -fsigned-char
ifeq "$(ARCH)" "ppc64"
  CFLAGS   = $(CFLAGS) -fsigned-char

LFLAGS  = -Xlinker -warn-common

LIBS= -lgdbm
LINT= lint -abchuvx

ifeq "$(OS)" "FreeBSD"
# PREFIX for FreeBSD
PREFIX  = /usr/local
IFLAGS  = -I/usr/local/include
LIBS= -L/usr/local/lib -lgdbm
# PREFIX for Linux
PREFIX  = /usr
# where things go
VACATION= $(BINDIR)/vacation
VACLOOK = $(BINDIR)/vaclook
MANDIR  = $(PREFIX)/man/man


# what are we making
EXTRAS  = strlcpy.c strlcat.c rfc822.c
SRC = vacation.c $(EXTRAS)
OBJ = vacation.o
BIN = vacation
HDR = vacation.h

# what we are packaging
PACKAGE = ChangeLog Makefile README tzfile.h \
  vacation vacation.c vacation.h *.man COPYING rfc822.c \
  contrib vacation-1.2.6.lsm patches OLD strlcpy.c strlcat.c

# rules


install:  all
install -s -m 755 $(BIN) $(VACATION)
install -m 755 vaclook $(VACLOOK)
./ < vacation.html >
install -m 444 $(MANDIR)$(MANEXT1)/vaclook.$(MANEXT1)

vacation:   $(SRC) $(HDR)

courier:$(SRC) $(HDR)
debug:  $(SRC) $(HDR)

rm -f *.o core *.out *~ Makefile.old vacation

clobber: clean
rm -f $(BIN)

package: all
strip vacation