Re: X client without X server

2013-07-03 Thread Olivier Nicole

> Just my 2¢ worth on this. Sure, one always wants to keep overhead low. But
> the days of limited RAM, small hard drives, etc...are long since behind us.

My concern is when portupgrade -a. The more ports on the system, the
more likely the upgrade will fail. So I'd prefer to have as little
unused ports as possible.

Not to mention that security wise, having unused ports sitting there
is not too good.

Best regards,

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Re: X client without X server

2013-07-03 Thread Arthur Chance

On 07/03/13 16:26, Bill Tillman wrote:
[Vast snip.]

Just my 2¢ worth on this. Sure, one always wants to keep overhead

> low. But the days of limited RAM, small hard drives, etc...are long
> since behind us. I remember in 1994 when and IT consultant came in
> and built a Novell server for us with a whopping 1 GB hard drive.
> And back then how we thought with a 1 GB hard drive we'd never run
> out of space. Well these days one could easily run out of space with
> such a small hard drive. But with today's systems having 2 or 3 TB
> drives and GB's of RAM, something as trivial as X-Server should not
> be a problem. If you don't need it, don't run it. But to worry about
> the space it takes up is kind of a moot point these days. And like
> some of the other replies mentioned, xterm may not require it, but
> one of xterm's dependencies may. I run Asterisk routinely on my
> systems and I'm always amazed at how installing one port requires
> no less than 38 other ports to be installed as well.

There's another reason beside space for not wanting to install a port 
unless it's definitely needed, especially on any machine that is world 
facing - security. If a port is installed but unused it might aid an 
attacker who gets part way into a system to get further privileges. If 
it's not installed it definitely can't be used for that. I apply the 
same principle to the base system on world visible servers - if it's not 
used and there's a src.conf option to remove it, it gets removed.

As the old sysadmin joke goes: "Yes, I'm paranoid. But am I paranoid 

In the dungeons of Mordor, Sauron bred Orcs with LOLcats to create a
new race of servants. Called Uruk-Oh-Hai in the Black Speech, they
were cruel and delighted in torturing spelling and grammar.

_Lord of the Rings 2.0, the Web Edition_
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Re: X client without X server

2013-07-03 Thread Anton Shterenlikht
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2013 08:26:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Bill Tillman 
Subject: Re: X client without X server

xterm may not require it [xorg-server],
but one of xterm's dependencies may.

This is simply not true.
xterm does not require xorg-server.
I know because for years I've been using a setup
where the X server and the clients live
on different computers.
There is certainly no xorg-server installed
on the clients computer.

So, if the OP says that in his setup xterm
requires xorg-server, then something is clearly
wrong with that setup and it's a good idea
to fix it. This might be but a simptom of a
larger problem, who knows. If it were me,
I'd certainly want to get to the bottom of this.


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Re: X client without X server

2013-07-03 Thread Eugene


It is usually not about disk space (though that is also not exactly free and 
unlimited either), but about compilation/update delays, ease of management, 
additional security risks, additional ways to fail for the system as a 
whole, etc.

Not to mention simple elegance.

Best wishes

-Original Message- 
From: Bill Tillman

Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: X client without X server

Just my 2¢ worth on this. Sure, one always wants to keep overhead low. But 
the days of limited RAM, small hard drives, etc...are long since behind us. 
I remember in 1994 when and IT consultant came in and built a Novell server 
for us with a whopping 1 GB hard drive. And back then how we thought with a 
1 GB hard drive we'd never run out of space. Well these days one could 
easily run out of space with such a small hard drive. But with today's 
systems having 2 or 3 TB drives and GB's of RAM, something as trivial as 
X-Server should not be a problem. If you don't need it, don't run it. But to 
worry about the space it takes up is kind of a moot point these days. And 
like some of the other replies mentioned, xterm may not require it, but one 
of xterm's dependencies may. I run Asterisk routinely on my systems and I'm 
always amazed at how installing one port requires no less than 38 other 
ports to be installed as well.

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Re: X client without X server

2013-07-03 Thread Teske, Devin

On Jul 2, 2013, at 8:55 PM, Olivier Nicole wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a way to install an X client without automatically install an
> X server?
> On all my systems, I throw xterm and emacs, as the primary tools I use
> for management, but the display is always remote, I never, ever, run X
> on the machine, but still it install X server, fonts and a lot of
> useless junk like xcalc.

If you never run emacs in X11 mode, but instead run emacs within the XTerm, 
might I suggest that you look into the "emacs-nox11" package 

This should cut down on the number of dependencies significantly, but if you 
run emacs directly as an X11 program, then "emacs-nox11" will not provide that 
functionality -- so this suggestion is [again] only helpful if you're used to 
just running emacs in the XTerm.

On the vim side of things, I tend to shoot for "vim-lite" instead of "vim". 
Same reason, fewer dependencies.

> Is there a way to install xterm and only the libraries that are needed
> to run xterm?

You could always go the binary package route.

force-install the binary package, then do an "ldd" on xterm to find out what's 
missing. Then compare what's missing to the packing-list's @pkgdep entries 
(/var/db/pkg/xterm*/+CONTENTS for non-pkgng systems; for pkgng systems, 
[guessing] pkg info -dx xterm)

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Re: X client without X server

2013-07-03 Thread Bill Tillman

 From: Anton Shterenlikht 
Sent: Wednesday, July 3, 2013 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: X client without X server

    From Wed Jul  3 13:09:25 2013


    On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 5:47 PM, Anton Shterenlikht  wrote:
    >         Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2013 10:55:48 +0700 (ICT)
    >         From: Olivier Nicole 
    >         To:
    >         Subject: X client without X server
    >         Hi,
    >         Is there a way to install an X client without automatically 
install an
    >         X server?
    >         On all my systems, I throw xterm and emacs, as the primary tools 
I use
    >         for management, but the display is always remote, I never, ever, 
run X
    >         on the machine, but still it install X server, fonts and a lot of
    >         useless junk like xcalc.
    >         Is there a way to install xterm and only the libraries that are 
    >         to run xterm?
    >         TIA,
    >         Olivier
    > I've been doing this for years.
    > What's the problem?
    > Just install xterm, or whatever you need.
    > All the necessary libs will be pulled in, e.g.:
    > $ pkg info -xd xterm
    > xterm-293:
    >         xproto-7.0.24
    >         xextproto-7.2.1
    >         renderproto-0.11.1
    >         printproto-1.0.5
    >         libxcb-1.9.1
    >         libXrender-0.9.8
    >         libXpm-3.5.10
    >         libXp-1.0.2,1
    >         libXext-1.3.2,1
    >         libXdmcp-1.1.1
    >         libXau-1.0.8
    >         libX11-1.6.0,1
    >         libSM-1.2.1,1
    >         libICE-1.0.8,1
    >         kbproto-1.0.6
    >         libXt-1.1.4,1
    >         libXmu-1.1.1,1
    >         libXaw-1.0.11,2
    >         libXft-2.3.1
    >         fontconfig-2.9.0,1
    >         expat-2.0.1_2
    >         freetype2-2.4.12_1
    >         pkgconf-0.9.2_1
    >         pcre-8.33
    >         libpthread-stubs-0.3_3
    > Obviously xterm does not depend on xorg-server.

    But for some reason, xorg-server gets installed too. And tons of fonts, and 

    It could be emacs, or cvsup, these are the 3 X Window clients I install.

I don't use emacs, but you can quickly check,
prior to installing, what other ports will be
required, e.g. do

make -C /usr/ports/ search name=emacs-24

You might be familiar with this already, but
if not, the B-deps are those ports which
are required to build your port, and R-deps
are required to run your port. For emacs-24,
both the default and the devel branches, you
see that they depend on xorg-fonts-truetype-7.7_1
and lots of other libs, but not on xorg-server.
net/cvsup has a lot fewer dependencies, again
no xorg-server.

In general X server is only required by the ports
running on the graphical side - screen, mouse, kbd, etc.,

$ pkg info -xr xorg-server

So I'd say something is wrong with your installation
if xorg-server is being pulled in when you build
emacs, xterm or cvsup.

Post the output from "pkg info -aq".
Maybe this will give us a hint.


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Just my 2¢ worth on this. Sure, one always wants to keep overhead low. But the 
days of limited RAM, small hard drives, etc...are long since behind us. I 
remember in 1994 when and IT consultant came in and built a Novell server for 
us with a whopping 1 GB hard drive. And back then how we thought with a 1 GB 
hard drive we'd never run out of space. Well these days one could easily run 
out of space with such a small hard drive. But with today's systems having 2 or 
3 TB drives and GB's of RAM, something as trivial as X-Server should not be a 
problem. If you don't need it, don't run it. But to worry about the space it 
takes up is kind of a moot point these days. And like some of the other replies 
mentioned, xterm may not require it, but one of xterm's dependencies may. I run 
Asterisk routinely on my systems and I'm always amazed at how installing one 
port requires no less than 38 other ports to be installed as well.
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Re: X client without X server

2013-07-03 Thread Anton Shterenlikht
From Wed Jul  3 13:09:25 2013


On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 5:47 PM, Anton Shterenlikht  
> Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2013 10:55:48 +0700 (ICT)
> From: Olivier Nicole 
> To:
> Subject: X client without X server
> Hi,
> Is there a way to install an X client without automatically 
install an
> X server?
> On all my systems, I throw xterm and emacs, as the primary 
tools I use
> for management, but the display is always remote, I never, 
ever, run X
> on the machine, but still it install X server, fonts and a 
lot of
> useless junk like xcalc.
> Is there a way to install xterm and only the libraries that 
are needed
> to run xterm?
> TIA,
> Olivier
> I've been doing this for years.
> What's the problem?
> Just install xterm, or whatever you need.
> All the necessary libs will be pulled in, e.g.:
> $ pkg info -xd xterm
> xterm-293:
> xproto-7.0.24
> xextproto-7.2.1
> renderproto-0.11.1
> printproto-1.0.5
> libxcb-1.9.1
> libXrender-0.9.8
> libXpm-3.5.10
> libXp-1.0.2,1
> libXext-1.3.2,1
> libXdmcp-1.1.1
> libXau-1.0.8
> libX11-1.6.0,1
> libSM-1.2.1,1
> libICE-1.0.8,1
> kbproto-1.0.6
> libXt-1.1.4,1
> libXmu-1.1.1,1
> libXaw-1.0.11,2
> libXft-2.3.1
> fontconfig-2.9.0,1
> expat-2.0.1_2
> freetype2-2.4.12_1
> pkgconf-0.9.2_1
> pcre-8.33
> libpthread-stubs-0.3_3
> Obviously xterm does not depend on xorg-server.

But for some reason, xorg-server gets installed too. And tons of fonts, 
and ...

It could be emacs, or cvsup, these are the 3 X Window clients I install.

I don't use emacs, but you can quickly check,
prior to installing, what other ports will be
required, e.g. do

make -C /usr/ports/ search name=emacs-24

You might be familiar with this already, but
if not, the B-deps are those ports which
are required to build your port, and R-deps
are required to run your port. For emacs-24,
both the default and the devel branches, you
see that they depend on xorg-fonts-truetype-7.7_1
and lots of other libs, but not on xorg-server.
net/cvsup has a lot fewer dependencies, again
no xorg-server.

In general X server is only required by the ports
running on the graphical side - screen, mouse, kbd, etc.,

$ pkg info -xr xorg-server

So I'd say something is wrong with your installation
if xorg-server is being pulled in when you build
emacs, xterm or cvsup.

Post the output from "pkg info -aq".
Maybe this will give us a hint.


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Re: X client without X server

2013-07-03 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 3 Jul 2013 18:07:11 +0700, Olivier Nicole wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 6:03 PM, Polytropon  wrote:
> > On Wed, 3 Jul 2013 11:47:16 +0100 (BST), Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
> >> [...]
> >> Obviously xterm does not depend on xorg-server.
> >
> > But one of its dependencies might.
> That make no sense, xterm may (and certainly does) depend on the same
> libraries as the X server, but there is no way xterm depends on X
> server itself.

That's what I would imagine too. But who knows what's
going on in the strange realm of build dependencies
and run dependencies... :-)

> I can manually remove X server and the fonts and xclac... and the
> system is still running very well (and updating without trying to
> reinstall X server...)

That should even work without a warning (as the libs for xterm
would be kept, and those required by the X server _only_ could
safely be removed).

In case such a procedure is needed more often, a local patch
could be added to the respective port that would remove the
unneeded parts in the post-install phase.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: X client without X server

2013-07-03 Thread Olivier Nicole
On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 6:03 PM, Polytropon  wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Jul 2013 11:47:16 +0100 (BST), Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
>> $ pkg info -xd xterm
>> xterm-293:
>> xproto-7.0.24
>> xextproto-7.2.1
>> renderproto-0.11.1
>> printproto-1.0.5
>> libxcb-1.9.1
>> libXrender-0.9.8
>> libXpm-3.5.10
>> libXp-1.0.2,1
>> libXext-1.3.2,1
>> libXdmcp-1.1.1
>> libXau-1.0.8
>> libX11-1.6.0,1
>> libSM-1.2.1,1
>> libICE-1.0.8,1
>> kbproto-1.0.6
>> libXt-1.1.4,1
>> libXmu-1.1.1,1
>> libXaw-1.0.11,2
>> libXft-2.3.1
>> fontconfig-2.9.0,1
>> expat-2.0.1_2
>> freetype2-2.4.12_1
>> pkgconf-0.9.2_1
>> pcre-8.33
>> libpthread-stubs-0.3_3
>> Obviously xterm does not depend on xorg-server.
> But one of its dependencies might.

That make no sense, xterm may (and certainly does) depend on the same
libraries as the X server, but there is no way xterm depends on X
server itself.

I can manually remove X server and the fonts and xclac... and the
system is still running very well (and updating without trying to
reinstall X server...)

Best regards,

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Re: X client without X server

2013-07-03 Thread Polytropon
On Wed, 3 Jul 2013 11:47:16 +0100 (BST), Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
> $ pkg info -xd xterm
> xterm-293:
> xproto-7.0.24
> xextproto-7.2.1
> renderproto-0.11.1
> printproto-1.0.5
> libxcb-1.9.1
> libXrender-0.9.8
> libXpm-3.5.10
> libXp-1.0.2,1
> libXext-1.3.2,1
> libXdmcp-1.1.1
> libXau-1.0.8
> libX11-1.6.0,1
> libSM-1.2.1,1
> libICE-1.0.8,1
> kbproto-1.0.6
> libXt-1.1.4,1
> libXmu-1.1.1,1
> libXaw-1.0.11,2
> libXft-2.3.1
> fontconfig-2.9.0,1
> expat-2.0.1_2
> freetype2-2.4.12_1
> pkgconf-0.9.2_1
> pcre-8.33
> libpthread-stubs-0.3_3
> Obviously xterm does not depend on xorg-server.

But one of its dependencies might.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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java/icetea-web broken?

2013-07-03 Thread Aryeh Friedman
I install it (on a machine that it used to work on until I had to
reinstall FB) and there is none of the normal command line tools and
when I attempt to open a jnlp file in ff (21.0) java/icetea-web (1.4)
it goes into an infinite loop of opening new blank tabs the site
in question works perfectly on pre-21.0 and/or 1.4 and on all other
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Re: X client without X server

2013-07-03 Thread Olivier Nicole

On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 5:47 PM, Anton Shterenlikht  wrote:
> Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2013 10:55:48 +0700 (ICT)
> From: Olivier Nicole 
> To:
> Subject: X client without X server
> Hi,
> Is there a way to install an X client without automatically install an
> X server?
> On all my systems, I throw xterm and emacs, as the primary tools I use
> for management, but the display is always remote, I never, ever, run X
> on the machine, but still it install X server, fonts and a lot of
> useless junk like xcalc.
> Is there a way to install xterm and only the libraries that are needed
> to run xterm?
> TIA,
> Olivier
> I've been doing this for years.
> What's the problem?
> Just install xterm, or whatever you need.
> All the necessary libs will be pulled in, e.g.:
> $ pkg info -xd xterm
> xterm-293:
> xproto-7.0.24
> xextproto-7.2.1
> renderproto-0.11.1
> printproto-1.0.5
> libxcb-1.9.1
> libXrender-0.9.8
> libXpm-3.5.10
> libXp-1.0.2,1
> libXext-1.3.2,1
> libXdmcp-1.1.1
> libXau-1.0.8
> libX11-1.6.0,1
> libSM-1.2.1,1
> libICE-1.0.8,1
> kbproto-1.0.6
> libXt-1.1.4,1
> libXmu-1.1.1,1
> libXaw-1.0.11,2
> libXft-2.3.1
> fontconfig-2.9.0,1
> expat-2.0.1_2
> freetype2-2.4.12_1
> pkgconf-0.9.2_1
> pcre-8.33
> libpthread-stubs-0.3_3
> Obviously xterm does not depend on xorg-server.

But for some reason, xorg-server gets installed too. And tons of fonts, and ...

It could be emacs, or cvsup, these are the 3 X Window clients I install.

Best regards,

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Re: X client without X server

2013-07-03 Thread Anton Shterenlikht
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2013 10:55:48 +0700 (ICT)
From: Olivier Nicole 
Subject: X client without X server


Is there a way to install an X client without automatically install an
X server?

On all my systems, I throw xterm and emacs, as the primary tools I use
for management, but the display is always remote, I never, ever, run X
on the machine, but still it install X server, fonts and a lot of
useless junk like xcalc.

Is there a way to install xterm and only the libraries that are needed
to run xterm?



I've been doing this for years.
What's the problem?

Just install xterm, or whatever you need.
All the necessary libs will be pulled in, e.g.:

$ pkg info -xd xterm

Obviously xterm does not depend on xorg-server.


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