Re: cron not running job

2004-12-14 Thread Andy Clements
Andy Clements wrote:
Hello All,
I'm having problems getting my freshly update FreeBSD 5.3 system to 
run my cron jobs.  Logged in as root, I enter the job in root's 
crontab with the following command

crontab -e
I enter the job in the following format:
05  10  *   *   *   /root/cronjobs/
The script has the following permissions:
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  255 Dec 13 10:39
I can run the script as root with no errors.  I look in the 
/var/log/cron log and I don't see any attempt by cron to run the job.  
There is no error either.There are entries for the edit of the 

Dec 14 10:03:36 bukowski crontab[632]: (root) BEGIN EDIT (root)
Dec 14 10:03:45 bukowski crontab[632]: (root) REPLACE (root)
Dec 14 10:03:45 bukowski crontab[632]: (root) END EDIT (root)
Dec 14 11:04:00 bukowski /usr/sbin/cron[405]: (root) RELOAD (tabs/root)
But nothing else. So, I'm at a lost.  I have the understanding that 
cron should immediately recognize any changes to the file, but it 
doesn't seem to be working.  I even re-booted in desperation.  Did I 
forget some small tid-bit that needs to change for this to work?  I've 
checked the Handbook, the FAQ, Google and the mailing list, but I 
haven't seen any solutions.

Please CC me with your answer as I am not on the mailing list.
Thanks in advance,
Andy Clements
An update.  It appears that newline or carriage return must be placed at 
the end of the crontab line for the command to run by cron.  thanks to 
anyone who answered anyway!

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cron not running job

2004-12-14 Thread Andy Clements
Hello All,
I'm having problems getting my freshly update FreeBSD 5.3 system to run 
my cron jobs.  Logged in as root, I enter the job in root's crontab with 
the following command

crontab -e
I enter the job in the following format:
05  10  *   *   *   /root/cronjobs/
The script has the following permissions:
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  255 Dec 13 10:39
I can run the script as root with no errors.  I look in the 
/var/log/cron log and I don't see any attempt by cron to run the job.  
There is no error either.There are entries for the edit of the crontab:

Dec 14 10:03:36 bukowski crontab[632]: (root) BEGIN EDIT (root)
Dec 14 10:03:45 bukowski crontab[632]: (root) REPLACE (root)
Dec 14 10:03:45 bukowski crontab[632]: (root) END EDIT (root)
Dec 14 11:04:00 bukowski /usr/sbin/cron[405]: (root) RELOAD (tabs/root)
But nothing else. So, I'm at a lost.  I have the understanding that cron 
should immediately recognize any changes to the file, but it doesn't 
seem to be working.  I even re-booted in desperation.  Did I forget some 
small tid-bit that needs to change for this to work?  I've checked the 
Handbook, the FAQ, Google and the mailing list, but I haven't seen any 

Please CC me with your answer as I am not on the mailing list.
Thanks in advance,
Andy Clements
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Re: sendmail only accepting local connections

2004-06-04 Thread Andy Clements
It is not a foolish question.  While I didn't have sendmail_enable=NO 
in my /etc/rc.conf, I didn't have
sendmail_enable=YES either.  When I added sendmail_enable=YES, it 
finally accepted outside
connections.  Yea! THANKS!  I knew it was some small detail that I 
missed.  Sometimes you just
need that small reminder.

Thanks again!
--Andy Clements
Dan MacMillan wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Andy Clements

I'm having problems getting sendmail to accept anything but local

This may be a foolish question, but you don't have sendmail_enable=NO or
some such in your /etc/rc.conf, do you?

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sendmail only accepting local connections

2004-06-03 Thread Andy Clements
I'm having problems getting sendmail to accept anything but local 
connections.  Example of telnet connections:

bukowski# telnet localhost 25
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.12.10/8.12.10; Thu, 3 
Jun 2004 17:19:42 -0700 (MST)
221 2.0.0 closing connection
Connection closed by foreign host.
bukowski# telnet 25
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

Netstat only shows that localhost is listenning:
bukowski# netstat -nat
Active Internet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address  Foreign Address(state)
tcp4   0  0   *.*LISTEN
I assume that the local address should be *.25
I've added the following line to my .mc file and recreated 
and restart sendmail
DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Name=IPv4, Family=inet')

but that didn't change anything I've search through the handbook and 
google and tried several different suggestions but no luck... so I am at 
a loss.

Please CC me on the reply as I am not on the list.
Thanks in advance.
Andy Clements
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Re: IBM 325 Server install - hangs on scsi settle

2004-01-16 Thread Andy Clements
Mike Galvez wrote:

On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 03:49:30PM -0700, Andy Clements wrote:


I have IBM 325 PCServer with one 200 Pentium Pro CPU and two SCSI HDD 
drives and a SCSI CDROM.  I'm installing FreeBSD 4.9 via floppy and it 
hangs when it says:

Waiting 15 seconds for drives to settle

I notice that it is accessing the cdrom, during the wait, but nothing 
else happens.  I've checked the mailing list and all I see is to turn 
the bios virus detect off.  It seem that quite a few people are having 
this problem...

any ideas? interrupt problem?

please CC with your reply as I am not on the list.

Thanks in advance,
Andy Clements

I have a couple of 325s with on-board SCSI, SCSI CDROM. Make sure that
your SCSI devices are not set to the same ID as the SCSI card or each

The HDDs are on SCSI 0 and 1  and the CDROM is on 6.  At least that is 
what the SCSI BIOS is saying.

Upon plying deeper into the problem I noticed that the ahc0 driver 
(which is the correct driver for my Adaptec AIC-7880) is saying that  
that there is an illegal configuration where there are more than two 
controllers attached to the cable (or something to that effect, 
unfortunately the machine is not in front of me).  I remove the CDROM 
from the SCSI cable and still got the same message.  Is there something 
I can do in the kernel configuration that would solve this?  I also 
notice that IRQ15, where the SCSI is attached, is being used by an ATA 
/ATAPI driver.  Is this correct? 

I don't know whether this helps but I've installed FedoraCore1 on this 
same machine with no problem - I would assume this leans towards the 
fact that there may be no hardware/BIOS problem.

Thanks for your help so far!

--Andy Clements
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Re: IBM 325 Server install - hangs on scsi settle

2004-01-16 Thread Andy Clements
fbsd_user wrote:

Changes to PC Bios before installing FBSD

unfortunately, the BIOS on the machine is from 1997.  It's IBM's 
SureBIOS.  I've tried finding a update on IBM's site but no luck.

Virus Warning=, set this option to disable. It's a firmware check of
the hard drive boot sector looking for MS/Windows boot virus. This
will stop FBSD booting from the install CDROM.
set to disable

plug-n-play=,  set this option to disable. FBSD is not sensitive to
Microsoft plug-n-play standard and may refuse to install, or cause
PCI cards not to be found.
not available on BIOS

Disable or set to auto any Bio's option to assign irq numbers to PCI
expansion slots.

all set to auto

Disable any ISA expansion slots.

not available on BIOS

Operating system type=, set to 'other' or any Unix type of operating
system, don't set to MS/Windows.

not available on BIOS

Check to see if the cdrom drive is the slave to the IDE master Hard
drive you are installing to, if so then move the cdrom drive to the
secondary IDE controller as master. There should not be any cdrom
drive sharing the primary IDE controller with the master Hard Drive.

The HDDs and CDROM are on SCSI, so I don't think they have any IDE 
controller.  Anyone can feel free to correct me on this issue if I am 

boot sequence=, set this option to (CDROM,C) Since you are
installing FBSD from CDROM you must tell the PC what I/O device to
look at to boot from. Keep in mind that some older CD-ROMs drives
and older PC bios do not support booting off CD-ROM. Generally with
PC manufactured after 1999 this is not the problem.

BIOS is old so the old boot option I have is floppy.  The SCSI BIOS had 
a boot option, which I tried.  That failed however, and brought error 
codes from the PC BIOS because it moved the floppy drive to B: and took 
over the a: slot.

When FreeBSD attempts to boot the machine, ahc0 driver (for the Adaptec 
AIC-7880 controller) is loaded but throws the weirdest error:
ahc0: Illegal Configuration. Only two connectors on the adapter can be 
used at one time.
which means nothing to me.  Does anyone know what it is asking for?  I 
even tried removing the CDROM from the SCSI and booting , but the same 
error appears.

Others have loaded 4.9 on 325 PC Servers, however there is something 
about my configuration that is giving the ahc0 driver fits. 

again, please cc with your response as I am not on the list.

Andy Clements
original request:

I have IBM 325 PCServer with one 200 Pentium Pro CPU and two SCSI
drives and a SCSI CDROM.  I'm installing FreeBSD 4.9 via floppy and
hangs when it says:
Waiting 15 seconds for drives to settle

I notice that it is accessing the cdrom, during the wait, but
else happens.  I've checked the mailing list and all I see is to
the bios virus detect off.  It seem that quite a few people are
this problem...
any ideas? interrupt problem?

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IBM 325 Server install - hangs on scsi settle

2004-01-15 Thread Andy Clements

I have IBM 325 PCServer with one 200 Pentium Pro CPU and two SCSI HDD 
drives and a SCSI CDROM.  I'm installing FreeBSD 4.9 via floppy and it 
hangs when it says:

Waiting 15 seconds for drives to settle

I notice that it is accessing the cdrom, during the wait, but nothing 
else happens.  I've checked the mailing list and all I see is to turn 
the bios virus detect off.  It seem that quite a few people are having 
this problem...

any ideas? interrupt problem?

please CC with your reply as I am not on the list.

Thanks in advance,
Andy Clements
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