From Arthur Sentsov - Questions from beginner

2010-05-12 Thread Artur Sentsov

I have some questions.

1. I have freebsd server running apache and mysql. In logs i see around 100
attempts to hack the server. Is that normal? what i have to do that after
three wrong attempts to enter password server will block ip address?!
2. I use SSH to sonnect to server and work on it! Is that secure?
3. How to setup SAMBA on server?! I want my users to be able to upload files
and download files from their folder. Users use windows.

Thank you

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USB modem: how to enable driver?

2008-08-31 Thread Artur :)
 Hello! I am going to install FreeBSD on my desktop, currently running
M$ Windows. I have ZTE wireless USB modem, and there is no specific
driver provided for *NIX. But, this device can be used with generic
USB serial port driver. In Linux, device is not recognized
automatically, but can be enabled with command: "sudo modprobe
usbserial vendor=0x19d2 product=0xfffe". Which command can do same
effect in FreeBSD?

P.S. Sorry if my english is too bad :(
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Re: who wrote this

2007-11-26 Thread eBoundHost: Artur
So, I haven't yet thought of a good, adequately lean, but clarifying 

though if one comes to me I will submit it, but a clarifying phrase could
well be included and the hitler example remain with it because it 

a very strong case-in-point example.

How about something like this:
Examples of entries that should not usually be declared 'offensive':
   * Quotes from controversial historical figures, no matter how despicable 
they were.

   * Jokes about emacs/vi or your favorite technology, 

Or something along these lines.  It gets the point accross better than 
"hitler quotes" and does not upset a segment of our users. 

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Re: who wrote this

2007-11-26 Thread eBoundHost: Artur

On Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 03:23:56PM -0600, eBoundHost: Artur wrote:

All I have to say is WTF is wrong with whomever wrote this page.
>>Examples of entries that should not usually be declared 'offensive':
>>* Hitler quotes.

I think the point is that it does not specifically belong in the offensive
list just because the author was Hitler, or for that matter any other
offensive person. Do you want it to say, it doesn't belong in the
offensive list just because Ronald Reagan said it - or that Limburg guy?
They are offensive persons.

Well, maybe those _do_ all belong in the offensive list.

But, the above is the meaning for the statement on the page.


No Jerry, you misunderstood my point.  I'm not talking about which quotes go 
into which list.  My complaint is about how that web page is structured, and 
that its wording should be reworked. 

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Re: who wrote this

2007-11-26 Thread eBoundHost: Artur

Hm, I'm astonished. I've never seen that page before...

English is not my native language and I may not understand all nuances
though. Does that phrase mean "Hitler quotes are not usually be
declared 'offensive'"? For me that means that there some (and very
little) his quotes that should be treated as 'offensive'.

Hi Boris,

I'm not a native speaker either, but it seems to say that even if hitler 
said it, it may still be appropriate for the random quotes list.

And "astonished" is exactly what I'm feeling too.

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Re: who wrote this

2007-11-26 Thread eBoundHost: Artur

On Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 08:12:36PM -0600, eBoundHost: Artur wrote:

>PS. What should be abolished on the grounds of decency is top posting
>& rehashing topics that have been gone on about ad nauseum, & on the
>wrong mailing list.

My apologies for top posting, will never happen again.  I've never posted
to a list before.

That's OK but what isn't OK is to take somebody elses post &
selectively edit it when quoting from it, like you have done to my

You also failed to address most of my points.

Frank,  No offense, but who has time to go through all points of every post 
and respond.  There was much said here but i want to keep this post on 

>>Learn to
>>moderate yourselves, this is what "freedom" is all based on, being good
>Nonsense. Freedom is about the right to voice disagreement with
>others amongst other things.

Do you even notice the irony in what you said?

Artur, it was meant to be ironic :) I haven't got the right to stop
top posting no more than you have.

My apologies, I'm reading everything as an attack now a days.  :-)

And you haven't got the right to excise Hitler's name from FreeBSD
material. Don't you see the irony in that? When he banned certain
artists on the grounds of "decency" just like you're proposing to do.

Two points

1) first of all, i don't think that freebsd operating system is an 
appropriate forum to express political views.  so whether we are for or 
against censorship or democracy or fascism or communism, it really does not 
matter.  what matters is how good our coding is, and how appropriate the 
wording on our website.  because like it or not, we have to present a decent 
website that does not offend our users and does not make us look bad in 
front of non-users.

2) That's the thing, banning hitlers name is not at all what i'm trying to 
do.  I think we should keep his quotes in the database of quotes, if that's 
what the community thinks is appropriate.  What I'm suggesting is that we 
remove his name from the website: 
( because it seems to 
innapropriately focus the attention away from the program (Fortune) and 
unecessarily makes the FreeBSD community seem like a bunch of insensitive 
jerks because we seemingly condone hitlers sayings.   People who come 
accross this wording will not stop to think about all the deep philosophical 
reasons why the text needs to be there to protect freedoms.  All they will 
see is that we seemingly support Hitler.  Why don't we have other names 
controversial during our times like Mussolini, Stalin, or even Gorge Bush?

Just because he was "evil" doesn't mean he and the rest of his
henchmen didn't have something interesting to say about the human
condition. If you don't believe me, read "Brave New World: Revisited"
by A.Huxley.

This has nothing to do with anything that I'm saying.  Listen, my 
grandmother also has some interesting things to say but you don't put her 
name on the front page of the Fortune program because it's not appropriate. 
Same thing here.  Just not an appropriate forum.

Follow-ups to chat& please.

Done and done.

Best regards,


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Re: [OT] who wrote this

2007-11-25 Thread eBoundHost: Artur

>Lets also remember that history is written by the victors, 
>which means they LIE!

Wow neal, that's very nice of you.  are you saying that hitler didn't do any of 
these things?  I'm not even going to respond to you here, just going to re-post 
your words to show that there are still people like you out there...

And as far as your sage to the moon quote, don't think too much of your own 
sagedom, there is always someone younger and smarter.  You would be better off 
being a little less "sagy" and a bit nicer.

Now to the rest of you who are for some reason turning this into a Censorship 
issue.  It's not.  I'm asking to replace the text on the HTML front page with a 
completely unnecessary reference to hitler.  We're not talking about pruning 
the quotes database for controversial speakers.  having hitlers name there does 
nothing positive for the project and polarizes the viewing audience because it 
offends the vast majority of people, 99% of whom are not going to spend an 
evening writing to a mailing list to have the issue fixed. They won't think 
about the deep philosophical reasons why this should be there in principle.  
They are going to read the page and think to themselves that the freebsd 
community are a bunch of jerks. 

There are far better ways to express the thought than by simply saying "hitler 
quotes".  For instance it can be replaced with "controversial persons" or 
something similar.  He was not the only such person in history, so we should 
not be focusing only on him.

Best Regards,

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Re: who wrote this

2007-11-25 Thread eBoundHost: Artur

PS. What should be abolished on the grounds of decency is top posting
& rehashing topics that have been gone on about ad nauseum, & on the
wrong mailing list.

My apologies for top posting, will never happen again.  I've never posted to 
a list before.

Learn to
moderate yourselves, this is what "freedom" is all based on, being good 


Nonsense. Freedom is about the right to voice disagreement with
others amongst other things.

Do you even notice the irony in what you said?

Best Regards,


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Re: who wrote this

2007-11-25 Thread eBoundHost: Artur

I'm not going to reply to your personal attack but will only say that you
are definitely much smarter, more web savy and better looking than me.

It's not an ``attack'', but merely a request to avoid what may be
considered as a ``fault'' of the FreeBSD Project.

As far as the rest of your comment, yes, I am only interested in
removing the reference to hitler from the front page of that topic
that's all.  And unfortunately I do not know how to post patches to
the freebsd-www list so if you would be so kind as to send me an email
with a pointer, I would sincerely appreciate it.

You don't have to spend a lot of time working with HTML, SGML or the CVS
tree.  A mere proposal for a text that improves what you consider buggy
in the web page, should be fine.  We can do the rest.

- Giorgos

Ok, thank you, I will submit the proposed changes.  I appreciate your reply. 

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Re: who wrote this

2007-11-25 Thread eBoundHost: Artur


This is a very wise thing that you just said, and I agree with you almost 
completely.  The difference is that your very own words are a brilliant way 
to say it, and would be wonderful to replace the "Hitler quotes" that is 
there now.  So, if someone would replace it with your quote, I would be 
completely satisfied:

the speaker of the quote is not to be the
basis for categorizing the quote as offensive.

In fact, I do not think that the quotes should be removed from the database 
itself, my only objection is that by having "hitler quotes" on the front 
page, we are virtually monopolizing the page to this topic.

Best Regards,

- Original Message - 
From: "Erik Osterholm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "eBoundHost: Artur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007 6:58 PM
Subject: Re: who wrote this

On Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 05:53:54PM -0600, eBoundHost: Artur wrote:

I would appreciate if someone would help me find the person who can
help to
modify the text on this page.
I think it can be worded differently and get the point accross
giving any extra attention to this monster.

Best Regards,


Do I understand correctly that you are not concerned so much with the
inclusion of quotes by Adolf Hitler, but you don't like the way the
web page is presented?

If that's the case, my argument for maintaining the current state of
the webpage is that it's going to become a repeated issue.  Without
the notice that Hitler quotes are not automatically considered
offensive, a lot of people will probably see a non-offensive Hitler
quote and argue that it should be moved to the offensive file simply
due to the attribution.

Put another way, the quote "What luck for the rulers that men do not
think." is not considered offensive.  Merely adding the attribution,
then, should not cause it to be moved to the "offensive" file.  That
said, people have argued in the past that it should be, simply because
Hitler is in the text.  Putting the notice on the webpage at is a public expression
that the speaker of the quote is not to be the basis for categorizing
the quote as offensive.


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Re: who wrote this

2007-11-25 Thread eBoundHost: Artur

If you are not bothered by the fact that the fortune cookie database
contains Hitler quotes, but you merely want to ammend the text of the
web site, then you are more than welcome to post patches to the
freebsd-www list.  That's where most of the work on the website is
discussed, and reviewed.

- Giorgos

I'm not going to reply to your personal attack but will only say that you 
are definitely much smarter, more web savy and better looking than me.

As far as the rest of your comment, yes, I am only interested in removing 
the reference to hitler from the front page of that topic that's all.  And 
unfortunately I do not know how to post patches to the freebsd-www list so 
if you would be so kind as to send me an email with a pointer, I would 
sincerely appreciate it.

Best Regards,


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Re: who wrote this

2007-11-25 Thread eBoundHost: Artur
yea that's a great answer.  thanks for your insight.  this is not some 
technical question that can be researched, this in fact tarnishes the image 
of the freebsd community, so it's not such an easy "go rtfm" type of deal.

problem is that i just came accross it myself and obviously nothing has been 
done about it in the past.  so i would like to ask of people, is there no 
better way to get the point accross?  do you have to have this wording?  is 
it set in stone and can't be changed?  I insist strongly that we should 
rework this example, and if anyone insists strongly on not doing it, I would 
like to understand what motive can be possibly behind this other than 
something very deeply evil.

Best Regards,

- Original Message - 
From: "Giorgos Keramidas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "eBoundHost: Artur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: who wrote this

On 2007-11-25 15:23, "eBoundHost: Artur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

All I have to say is WTF is wrong with whomever wrote this page.

Examples of entries that should not usually be declared 'offensive':
* Hitler quotes.

Ok I understand that some moron wrote it, but why has nobody removed
this garbage?

There have been long and vicious discussions about this particular
issue, on several mailing lists.  Please refer to the archives, because
repeating the whole shebang is not really a productive use of everyone's

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Re: who wrote this

2007-11-25 Thread eBoundHost: Artur


I don't know any soft way to say this.  The man, Hitler, was the most evil 
person that our generation has ever witnessed.  The things he did and what 
was done on his behalf are unspeakable and give him a special place in 
whatever hell you believe in.   As a society, we should distance ourselves 
and shun any imagery that puts any kind of human side to this monster. 
Saying that he loved dogs and was an art afficionado is completely 
irrelevant if you know anything about his actions.

There are far more worthy quotes that can be put into FreeBSD and I don't 
think its debateable.

What really gets me is the fact that this is one of the examples put on the 
FreeBSD page.  I'm all for freedom and libertarian ideals, but for petes' 
sake, have some compassion and understand where your liberty crosses over 
into the pain of someone else's family.  Why didn't they put on that page 
along with "quotes about hitler", "jokes about cancer" and "funny rape 

I don't want to outlaw anything, but have some good taste.  Learn to 
moderate yourselves, this is what "freedom" is all based on, being good to 

I would appreciate if someone would help me find the person who can help to 
modify the text on this page.
I think it can be worded differently and get the point accross without 
giving any extra attention to this monster.

Best Regards,

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007 4:11 PM

Subject: RE: who wrote this

I see that as an example of something that might be offensive on the
surface but we might not want to outlaw just as a matter of course.

For instance if someone submitted this for the fortune rotation:

I might consider the man to be a maniac but he did utter some truths,
Should we automatically disqualify them?

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who wrote this

2007-11-25 Thread eBoundHost: Artur

All I have to say is WTF is wrong with whomever wrote this page.

Examples of entries that should not usually be declared 'offensive':
* Hitler quotes.

Ok I understand that some moron wrote it, but why has nobody removed this 

Best Regards,


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Re: need Linux help (watch and LVS)

2007-11-04 Thread eBoundHost: Artur
There is a great port called "topless" that works like watch. 

Best Regards,

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Re: how many IPFW rules?

2007-10-31 Thread eBoundHost: Artur
I'm not going to brag but this is one hell of a server :-) hardware prices were 
not a concern when we built it. 

Thanks for the pointer I'll definitely manpage it now that I know where to 
start looking. 

--Original Message--
From: Dan Nelson
To: eBoundHost: Artur
Sent: Oct 30, 2007 23:36
Subject: Re: how many IPFW rules?

In the last episode (Oct 30), eBoundHost: Artur said:
> Hello FreeBSD people!
> I have a smtp server under attack by what seems like a large botnet.  My 
> inetd is choking under the load and not allowing real mail through.  I've 
> successfully used tshark to find the offenders and put them into ipfw 
> firewall for port 25.
> So here is my question, I'm currently blocking 55,529 ip addresses and the 
> server seems pretty snappy, with no noticible load or lag.  How many more 
> rulesets will I be able to handle before things start getting fuzzy?

If you've created 55K separate rules and you're not seeing any
slowdown, then you must have a fast machine :)  Using an ipfw table
should be even better, though.  That lets you load any number of
ip/netmask pairs into a tree-based lookup table and match all addresses
using one ipfw rule.  The ipfw manpage has examples.

    Dan Nelson

Best Regards,

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how many IPFW rules?

2007-10-30 Thread eBoundHost: Artur

Hello FreeBSD people!

I have a smtp server under attack by what seems like a large botnet.  My 
inetd is choking under the load and not allowing real mail through.  I've 
successfully used tshark to find the offenders and put them into ipfw 
firewall for port 25.

So here is my question, I'm currently blocking 55,529 ip addresses and the 
server seems pretty snappy, with no noticible load or lag.  How many more 
rulesets will I be able to handle before things start getting fuzzy?

Best Regards,


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Question about forcing a mount.

2005-06-09 Thread Artur Soares
I hope this is the right place to send this question.
I have two HDs here, the second is where my FreeBSD is
in the first I used to have Windows, but I tried to
make it dual-boot and it became unbootable
(unmountable_boot_drive is their error). I tried using
their tools to recover from this, but they managed to
write on the MBR of it and now Windows itself (its
installer) doesn't recognize any partitions on that
disk (the first) whatsoever. There used to be a NTFS
partition (the first) with 10GB of data in it, I can
still mount it on FreeBSD and have already recovered
the data from it. Yet when I try to mount the second
partition (FAT32) I get a Input/Output error. Can I
mount it using -f or will that make things worse for
me? I need most to recover the data from it. 

Yahoo! Mail, cada vez melhor: agora com 1GB de espaço grátis!
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ipfw2/dummynet + ipfilter not working together ?

2003-10-06 Thread Artur Pydo

I have 4.9-RC router on a ADSL access and currently using ipfilter for
statefull filtering+nat that is working well. ipfw2 is configured for a
long time with a "pass all" policy.
When i try to configure a pipe with queues for traffic shaping
as described in the following message (see URL) the TCP connection
gets frozen :

I tried to diagnose what happens and discovered that some packets
are said "accepted" by IPfilter but never gets out of tun0 with
pipe/queue activated.
If i delete all IPFilter rules (pass all policy) traffic shaping is
working right. Everything is working fine if i flush all pipes/queues
from ipfw2 configuration but i have no traffic shaping. :/
So, my question is : Is there some incompatabilities between
ipfw2/dummynet and IPFilter or maybe there is a bug somewhere ?

Best regards,

Artur Pydo.

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Re: How to delete/replace default route using ppp?

2003-07-05 Thread Artur Pydo

stan wrote:

Can anyone help me with the ppp.conf syntax to clear/replace an existing
default rout for the duration of a ppp linkup?
That is, the machine starts off with a default route, which I want to
delete and replace with the ppp route for the duration of the conection.
Then I wnat to put the orignal route back.
Look at the following files and explanations in ppp man :


Best regards,

Artur Pydo.

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2003-03-12 Thread Artur Enaliev
Hi All,

Does anybody know how to safely change NGROUPS_MAX under Freebsd 4.7
Release? The problem is that I need to make one user account to be joined to
more then 16 groups.


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