Bryan Cassidy wrote:
> I am using FreeBSD 4.6.2 on my system now. I am new to Unix/Linux
> but liking bsd alot. Anyways. I use fetchmail 5.9.13 and mutt
> and I am using Fluxbox as my window manager. I want to
> know what can I add to my .fluxbox/menu config file to launch
> fetchmail right before it launches mutt or vice versa so I don't
> have to run fetchmail by hand each and everytime viewing my e-mails.
> This is what I have in my .fluxbox/menu configuration file now to
> launch mutt [exec] (Mutt) {Eterm -e mutt} Hope I gave enough
> information.

Would it be possible to write a one-code-liner akin to:

fetchmail && "eterm -e mutt" || "eterm -e mutt"

so that first fetchmail is called, and then, no matter how it dies, 
mutt is called?

I did not try it, so maybe I'm a complete fool here...

The most elegant solution would probably be fetchmail daemon mode, but 
if you're on a non-flatrate dial-up, you might not want regular polling.

By the way, is your line length configured correctly? Maybe it is just 
my mozilla, but your lines seemed awfully long to me.

Yours, Bernd

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